MCQimmune With Answer.ابوبكر

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1 Prokaryotic cells do NOW contain: O Cell membrane O Chromosome O Cytoplasm O Ribosomes © Mitochondria 2 The site of respiratory enzymes in to the bacterial celllis: O Plasmids O Ribosomes © Mesosomes O Inclusion bodies O Nucleus Camscameeis2 osu 3 One of the following is TRUE regar: obligate anaerobic bacteria: O Grow best in low oxygen tension. O Grow slowly in the presence of oxygen O Oxygen is the final electron acceptor in their energy production pathways. © Lack super oxide dismutase and catalase enzymes. O Require higher concentration of CO2 for growth. Which of the following present in Gram negative bacteria but NO} in Gram positive? O Peptidoglycan @ Lipiaa O Capsule O Cytoplasmic membrane O 70 S ribosomes Camscameeis2 osu 5 Which of the following best describes a plasmid? O A gene within the chromosome. O The genetic material of a bacteriophage. O A single, linear strand of DNA necessary for bacterial life. © Small circular piece of DNA outside the chromosome. CE Non replicating DNA segment. 6 Conjugation does involve: © Bacteriophages O High frequency recombination (HFr) O Frequency recombination (Fr) O Plasmids O Sex pili v [fl Camscameeis2 osu 7 Uptake of soluble DNA released from a donor cell by a recipient cell is defined ES O Conjugation O Recombination O Competence O Transduction © Transformation 8 One of the following describes the selective toxicity of antibiotics: O One of the complications of antibiotics therapy, O Partial resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics. O The ability of antibiotics to inhibit growth of narrow range of bacteria, © The ability of antibiotics to be toxic to microorganism but not toxic to the host O None of the above statements is correct. Camscameeis2 osu 9 One complication mostly associated with streptomycin is: O Anaphylactic shock © Deafness O Nephrotoxicity O Permanent staining of teeth O Neurotoxicity 10 Qne of the following antimicrobials acts by inhibiting ONA gyrase: O Penicillin O Tetracycline © Quinolone (Ciprofloxacin) O Rifampin O Amphotericin B an Camscameeis2 osu 11 A case of meningococcal meningitis appeared in a class of alry school. The best way to prevent meningitis in the classmates of the case is to: O Vaccinate them against N.meningitidis © Give them Rifampin O Culture from their throat & give antibiotic if meningococci isolated O Hospitalization for observation O Do nothing for them vy 12 |The key feature of adaptive immunity dose not includes: O Specificity O Self & non self discrimination © Rapid onset O Memory O T & B lymphocytes. \Camscarer is tos 13 Phagocyte cell O Neutrophil O CTLs (cytotoxic T lymphocytes) O Macrophage O ass © sec Y @ 14 Which of the following is the most important co stimulatory signal provided to T cell from an -persisting cell? © B7 molecules interacting with CD 28 O B7 molecules interacting with LFA-1 © 1CAMi interacting with LFA-1 © LFA interacting with CD 28 O MHC class II interacting with T cell receptor v fl Camscameeis2 osu 15 Response to I dependent antigens is characterized by: © Isotype switching. O No memory cell development. O Antigen is not processed by macrophage. O Activation of B cells only. O None of the above statements is correct. 16 Which of the following definitions best describe self-MHE restriction? O The expression of MHC class II molecules is restricted to antigen presenting cells. O The expression of MHC class | molecules is restricted to self-altered cells. © T.lymphocytes recognizes peptides only when they are presented by self-MHC molecules. O MHC molecules present only self-peptides. O T lymphocytes that recognize self MHC molecules are positively selected. v Camscameeis2 osu 17 Classes of immunoglobulin are determined by: O Light chain © Heavy chain O Fe receptor O Hypervariable regions O Hinge region vy 18 Secondary immune response activates: O Naive B ceil O Immature B cell © Memory B ceil O AandB © Aanac Y fel Camscameeis2 osu 19 Monoclonal antibodies react with: O A hapten O One antigen © One epitope O A number of antigen epitope less than five. O A number of antigen epitope not more than five. 20 The alternative pathway of complement activation: O Causes tissue damage in the absence of Cl INH (Cl inhibitor) O Antibody-dependent. O Occurs only if the classical pathway is ineffective in pathogen clearance. © Requires C3 O Requires C4 Camscameeis2 osu 21 IFN gamm O Activates NK cells to kill virus infected and malignant cells. O Activates phagocytes to kill pathogen that exist in the phagolysosome. O Activate complement so initiates MAC formation. © Only Ais correct © Both ass v 22 Artificial passive acquired immunity Nee iKSSUhtiKeLaars O Having the measles. O Ingesting colostrums © Receiving a gamma globulin injection O Receiving an attenuated vaccine O Receiving an inactivated vaccine 23 Viruses and bacteria in the body fluids are attacked by: © Antibodies from B cells oO Cytotoxic T cells m~ Camscameeis2 osu The antibiotic penicillin is a small molecule that not induce antibody formation. However, penicillin binds to serum proteins & forms a complex that in some people induces antibody formation resulting in an allergic feaction. Penicillin is theretore; O An antigen O A hapten O An immunogen © Both an antigen & a hapten O Both an antigen &immunogen O v increases expressions of Class 11 MH€ Oa Ous O [FNalpha © IFN gamma Camscameeis2 osu 26 The target site of action of tetracycline SSinal ele O Sulfonamides O Penicillin © Amino glycosides O Quinolones v 27 Bacteriocins are: O Bacteria like structure © Antibacterial agents O Genetic elements of bacteria O Bacteria lacking cell wall 28 Lysogenic conversion is caused O Plasmids. O Transposons. © Bacteriophage. © Bacterial DNA. Ann \Camscarer is tos 29 Bacteria is highly susceptible to antibiotics at: O Lag phase. © Exponential phase. O Stationary phase. O Decline phase. v B 30 One of the following is NOT true concerning fimbriae (pili): O They mediate bacterial adherence. O They may be involved in bacterial conjugation. © Their antigen is called H antigen. O They are important virulence factors. YB 31 The peptidoglycan of Grain negative bacteria constitutes up to: CE 70% of cell wall. CO 50% of cell wail. © 5-10% of cell wall. om --- Camscameeis2 oa 32 | The naturally occurring cell Wall-deficient bacteria is: oO Spheroplast. oO Protoplast. O Rickettsia. © Mycoplasma. vf 33 A sex pilus is essential for: oO DNA transformation. © Plasmid transfer by conjugation. O Generalized transduction. O Cell movement. 34 | Which one of the following groups of antimicrobial agents acts on microorganism by inhibiting of protein biosynthesis? O Quinolones. © Aminoglycosides. oO Penicillins. \Camscarer is oa 35 A drug with anti-fungal activity is: O Acyclovir. O Isoniazid. © Amphotericin B. O penicitin. 36 Which of the following is haptens: O ‘Small molecules that can bind to antibodies. © Can induce immune response by themselves. . O Hapten-protein conjugate molecule can induce drug allergy. O Penicillin and Aspirin are examples. O None of the above. Y [Bl 37 The class of immunoglobulin made in response to ABO blood group antigen on erythrocyte is: O 19. O 16. @) Iam. \Camscarer is tos and non-self by: oO Complement receptors. oO Cytokine secretion. © Toll-like receptors. oO All of the above. oO None of the above. vo activated in innate immunity? oO The classical pathway. CO The alternative pathway. O The lectin pathway. O @and(o). © ()andic). v secreted by activated helper Tj cells? © Type 1 interferons. Camscameesis2 osu 41 Immune response to intracellula pathogens includes: O Macrophages. O Cytotoxic T lymphocytes. O NK cells. © All of the above. O None of the above. 42 Interferon is O Virus-specific © Species-specific. O Produced by non-infected cells. O All of the above. v [fA 43 All of the following are examples of phenotypic variation EXCEPT : O Bacterial sporulation. O Enhancement of endopigment production by milk agar medium. © Spontaneous mutation caused by error of replication. “ Chanae in colonial morpholoay (S-R) when bacteria arow on \Camscareeis2 os 44 Adjuvants are all of the following C= O Substances can enhance the immune response to an immunogen. © Substances alter the chemical composition of an immunogen. O Cause non specific stimulation of the immune response. O Act as a depot to prolong the period of exposure to antigen. O Can be added to vaccines. v 45 |Class Il MHG proteins are primarily produced by: O B cells. O Macrophages O Dendritic cells. © All of the above. O None of the above. Y (fa Camscameeis2 osu 46 €D40 ligand, the counter-receptor for CD40, is produced primarily by: O Neutrophils. O Macrophages. © T cells. O None of the above. O Allofthe above. v 47 'T cells respond to: O Intact antigens. © Processed antigens. O Whole microorganism. O None of the above. O All of the above. v Camscameeis2 osu 4s With regard to interleukins, all is correct ese O IL-2 is produced mainly by CD4+ cells. O IL-3 stimulates the growth of haemopoietic stem cells. © IL-4 increases the production of 1L-I. O IL-6 stimulates acute phase protein synthesis. O IL-1 acts on the hypothalamus to cause fever. 49 One of the advantages of live attenuated vaccines is: O Do not need cool storage. © Provide local and systemic immunity. O Do not revert to virulence. O Can be given safely to immunodeficient patients. O Being cheap. \Camscamer is eps 49 One of the advantages of live attenuated vaccines is: O Do not need cool storage. | i © Provide local and systemic immunity. O Do not revert to virulence. O Can be given safely to immunodeficient patients. O Being cheap. 50 Hereditary angioneuroticoedema is Caused by the genetic absence of: O Factor1. O Factor H. O cs. © Clinhibitor. O None of the above. < m5 y 2 \Camscamer2\is2 os

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