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By Dr Santosh Sapkota
MBBS ( University of Health Sciences )
Cells or organs which are specialized to receive stimulation are called receptors.

*Special receptors:

• Photoreceptor: sensitive to ........,e.g Eye

• Phonoreceptor: sensitive to sound ,e.g Ear

• Olfactoreceptor: sensitive for ........,e.g Nose.

• Gustatoreceptor: sensitive to ........,e.g Tongue.

• Thigmoreceptor or tactile or tectoreceptor: sensitive to touch.


Oragan of Photoreceptor(Light receiving) or Teloreceptor(Receiving impulse from distance.

Eyes are located in sockets of skull called ..........?

Q.Study of Eye is called..

a)Hematology b)Otorhinolaryngology
c)Opthalmology d)Rheumatology
Infection of the Tarsal or Meibomian gland is called Chalazion.

• Stye: It is a bacterial infection of an oil gland in the eyelid.(Aano in


• Eyelid also contain hair follicles at border, which have two type of
1) Sweat gland called gland of moll

2) Sebaceous gland called gland of Zeis (@Sibaji)


Conjunctiva is a thin protective mucus

Lacrimal apparatus ...

• Sectretes lacrimal fluid or tear.

• lacrimal fluid is a watery solution containaing

salts,mucus and lysozyme(a protective
bactericidal enzyme).
Extraocular muscles of eye
• There are 4 refracting surface in each eye
- cornea, aqueous humor,lens and
vitreous humor.

• Maximum refracting occurs at ............?

• Except muscles of iris and ciliary body all

vascular layer of eyeball is mesodermal in
The wall of eyeball consists of 3 layers, outere tunica fibrosa, middle tunica vasculosa, and inner tunica nervosa
A) Cornea
• The cornea is a transparent coat.
* Histologically the cornea is composed of ..... layers?
a)3 b)4 c)5 d)6

• Outermost layer being lined by n... K......... stratified squamous epithelium.

• Cornea is ............. (Devoid of blood supply) and it derives its
nutrition from the Aqueous humor.

• Cornea from the eye of a dead person can be stored and transplanted
because cornea is an ........... structure.

• Inflammation of cornea is called ........?(Do u know itis=inflammation)

• The sclera the white of the eye made of mostly of collagen fibres and
fibroblast, sclera covers the entire eyeBall except the cornea.
2) Tunica vasculosa (Uvea)
• It’s numerous blood vessels provide nutrition to posterior surface of
the retina.
B)Ciliary body
• In the anterior portion of vascular tunic, the choroid becomes the
ciliary body which consists ciliary muscle and suspensory ligament.
*Aqueous humor is produced by..? *Lens is hold
by ..............?
a)Lens b)Choroid
c)Ciliary body d)Retina
Q)The coloured portion of eye that gives color to the eye is..?
a)Cornea b)Retina c)Sclera d)Iris

• Dilation of pupil (..............?), due to the sympathetic action.

• Constriction of Pupil(...............) ,due to the parasympathetic action.

• It is a crystalline elastic and transparent structure, (lacks blood vessels). It is ectodermal
in origin.

• Lens is held in position by ciliary body and suspensory ligament.

Q) In human being lens is ..?

a)Biconcave b)Biconvex c)Cylindrical d)Spherical.

Interior of the eyeball

• Anterior cavity is filled with ..............., a transparent fluid that
nourishes the lens and cornea.
• From the anterior chamber aqueous humor drains into the scleral
venous sinus( canal of schlemm)and then into the blood.
• canal of schlemm = present at corneoscleral junction.

• Blockage of canal of schlemm causes increased collection of

Aqueous humor which increases intraocular pressure this is
called ............?
a)Cataract b)Glaucoma
c)Otitis media d)Presbyopia.
3)Tunica nervosa (Retina)
• The third and inner layer of the eyeball
Q) Retina is derived from the embryonic..?
a) ectoderm b)Mesoderm c)Endoderm d)All 3 germ layers.

• Histologically, the retina is composed of ......... layers.

• Retina composed of Pigmented layer

• The neural (sensory) layer of the retina has three distinct layers of retinal neurons.
1) Photoreceptor layer (layer of rods and cones.)
2) Bipolar layer (with horizontal cells and amacrine cells.)
3) Ganglion cells layer.
Rods and cones
- Photoreceptors are specialised cells by which light rays are ultimately converted to nerve impulse. (Electrical

• Each retina has about 120 million
million • Each retina has about 6 millions
• Rods allow us to see in dim
light.@d=d • Brighter light stimulate cones, which
produce colour vision.
• Rod produce rhodopsin which is visual
purple. Rhodopsin is formed with the • Produce Idopsin which is visual
help of vit A violet.
• Rods are absent in fovea centralis. • The fovea centralis conatins only
• Rods are more in periphery than in cones..@c=c
centre. • Cones are more at central..@c=c
*The macula lutea(macula=small flat spot ,lutea=Yellowish) is in the exact centre of
the posterior portion of the retina.

* The fovea centralis is a small depression in the centre of macula lutea which contains
only ...........(vvimpt)

*As a result, the fovea centralis is the area of higher visual acquity or
resolution(sharpness of vision)

• The optic disc is also called the blind spot because it contains no rods no cones .We
cannot see image that strikes the blind spot.
* Light rays emitted by any object from
a small inverted image at retina and
sensory cells of the retina are sensitized
and optic nerve carries the impulse to
the visual area in the of ........... lobe of
Parts of Eye and Retina:
• The ability to change the focal
length of lens by changing the
curvature of lens is called
accommodation power.

• Only mammal and ......... ,have

accommodation power in their
Disorders of Eye:

1) Myopia or nearsightedness: Myopic individuals can see near objects but cannot
see far objects clearly. The light rays are focused ..............of retina.

• Myopia is usually due to too long Eyeball .

• Correction..........?
3)Hypermetropia or Farsightedness or Hyperopia: Hyperopic individuals can
see distant objects but cannot see near objects clearly.

• The light rays coming from near objects are focused ........... the retina.

• Correction= ...........??
4) Astigmatism: In astigmatism, either the cornea of the lens has an irregular
curvature as a result parts of the image are out of focus and the vision is blurred or

• Correction: ............... lens

5)Presbyopia(presby=old,opia=vision disorder): It is the loss of accommodation by

the lens as a person grows older.With aging ,the lens loses its elasticity because of
progressive denaturation of lens proteins.

• Correction: ............ lens.

6)Glaucoma (jalbindu): Increased intraocular pressure due to increased
aqueous humour secretion by the ciliary bodies or due to the blockage of its
drainage ,mainly in the canal of schlemm.

7)Cataract (Motibindu): Opaque areas in the lens occurs mainly in older

9)Xerophthalmia (dry eye):Ocular manifestation of..............deficiency.

• First clinical symptom of Vitamin A deficiency is ..............?

• Most common cause of preventable blindness in children= Vitamin A


Q)Most common cause of blindness in the world is..

A)Glaucoma b)Cataract
C)Vit A Deficiency d)Myopia and Hypermetropia.
• The ear is the organ of hearing and balance( statoacoustic organ).
• It has three parts
1) External ear: which collects sound waves and channels them inward.
2) Middle ear: which conveys sound vibration to the oval window.
3) Internal ear: which houses the receptors for hearing and equilibrium.
External ear
• The external ear consists of two parts
1)auricle (.......?)
2)External auditory canal (external acoustic meatus).
• It consists of yellow elastic cartilage covered with skin.

2)External auditory Canal (external acoustic meatus):

• Modified sweat glands called C............... gland modified sweat gland secrets ear wax or

• This ear wax and hair cells helps to prevent dust and foreign particles entering the ear .

• Pinna is the characteristic features of :

a)Amphibians b)Reptiles
c)Birds d)Mammals
Middle Ear(tympanic Cavity)
• The middle ear is a small air filled, mucous membrane lined cavity in the petrous part
of ............. bone.
• It is separated from external ear by ......... membrane and internal ear by thin bony
partition that contain two small membrane covered openings ,the oval window
(..............) and the round window (..............)
• Tympanic membrane also called ............?
• It separates external acoustic meatus from .............??

• Tympanic membrane develops from :a)Ectoderm b)Mesoderm

c)Endodrem d)All three germ layer.

***structure that develops from all 3 germ layers is ...............?

Ear ossicles
• It consists of three bones : M....., I...... and S...... @MIS

• They form an osseous chain across the middle ear from tympaic membrane to
the oval window of internal ear.

@MIS HAS Sari.

Malleus = Hammer shaped
Incus =Anvil shaped
Stapes=Stirrup shaped
• Among 3 ear ossicles .......... is the largest one and is attached to the tympanic

• Incus is the middle one in between malleus and steps.

• ......... is the the smallest bone in the body attached to the oval window of
internal ear.
Q. Smallest muscles in the body is?
a)gluteus maximus b)gluteus minimus
c)stapedius d)biceps

Q.Middle ear is connected to the

nasopharynx by ...............?
Eustachian tube(Pharyngotympanic tube)

• It connects middle ear with ........... and equalizes pressures on both side of the
tympanic membrane.

• During swallowing and yawning, it opens ,allowing air to enter or leave the
middle ear until the pressure in the Middle ear equals the atmospheric
• This auditory tube is also the route for the pathogen to travel from nose and
throat directly to the middle ear.

Q.The portion of head where most portions of ear lie is called..

a)Frontal b)Parietal
c)Occipital d)Temporal
Internal Ear(=Labyrnth)
Internal Ear cont.....
Q.Internal ear is associated with :
a)Hearing only b)Balancing only
c)Both a and b d)none of the above.

• Internal ear consists of a series of Bony cavities (the Bony Labyrinth) and
membranous ducts and sacs (the membranous Labyrinth) within these cavities.
• The Bony Labyrinth consists of cochlea (bony cochlea), vestibule and three
semicircular canals.

• The Bony cavities are lined with periosteum and contains a clear fluid
i.e ............ .

• Suspended within the perilymph of Bony Labyrinth is the membranous

Labyrinth ,which consist of semicircular ducts, the cochlear duct and two
sacs (the utricle and the saccule) ,these membranous spaces are filled
with ...............?

• Structures in the internal ear convey information to the brain about balance
and hearing.
Q:The actual organ of hearing is
a) semicircular canal b)helicotrema
c) organ of corti d) utricle and saccule.

Q:The nerve responsible for hearing and balancing is

a)Optic nerve b)occulomotor nerve
c)vestibulocholear nerve d)trigeminal nerve

• Cochlea resembles snail’s shell and makes around 2 to 3 quarter turns

around the cental bony core.Cochlea is divided into three channels..

1. Scala vestibuli: It is the channel above ...............,which end at

the ............
(=fenestra ovalis)
2. Scala media(Cochlear duct):It is the continuation of membranous
labyrinth into the cochlea, it is filled with ............
3. Scala tympani: It is the channel below the .........., which ends at the .............
(=fenestra rotandus)

• Both scala vestibuli and scala tympani are the part of ............ labyrinth of the
cochlea and therefore,the chambers are filled with ..........

• Scala vestibuli and scala tympani are completely seperated by cochlear

duct(=...........) except at the apex of the cochlea
Q) Scala vestubuli and scala tympani are connected via narrow slit called?
a)vestibular membrane b)organ of corti
c)helicotrema d)basilar membrane.

The vestibular membrane or Reissner’s membrane seperates scala media from

............. .

The ............ membrane seperates scala media from scala tympani.

Resting on the basilar membrane is the spiral organ or .............(organ of

hearing) vvvvvvimp
Organ of Corti

• It is the receptor organ that generates the nerve impulse in response to the
vibration of the basilar membrane .
Organs of balance and
equilibrium(=Vestibular appratus)
• The receptor organs for equilibrium are called vestibular apparatus , these are the
vetibule(.......... and ............) and three semicircular canals.

• It consist of the otolithic organs (saccule and utricle).

• It is concerned with ............ equilibrium,which refers to the maintenance of position of the

body related to the force of gravity.

• The sensory receptors found in this part are called maculae.(Macula of utrical and saccule)

• Calcium carbonate crystals called otolith or statolith or otoconia.

Semicircular canals
• Number of semicircular canals .........

• Semicircular canals function in dynamic equilibrium.

• Three semicircular canal that is anterior, posterior and lateral are at right angle to
each other.
• Olfactoreceptors are situated in the upper partv of nasal chamber in the olfactory
epithellium .

• This membranme is also called Schneiderian membrane.

• Mucous gland also called bowman’s gland produce mucous to lubricate
the olfactory epithelium .

• Loss of sense of smell is called anosmia.

• Dogs have an acute olfactory sense .Dogs can track people coz they can
distinguish between the odour of different people.
Q)Meibomian glands are present in..
a)Ears b)Skin
c)Eyes d)Lungs.
Q)An old person cannot see the near objects ,the defect is..
a)Myopia b)Hypermetropia
c)Presbyopia d)Astigmatism.
Q)Tectorial membrane is present in..
a)Ear of mammal b)Eye of mammal
c)Ear of frog d)Eye of frog.
Q)Bowman’s gland is present in.. Q)Which of the following is devoid of blood

a)Eye b)Ear supply..

c)Nose d)Skin a)Sclera b)Choroid
c)Retina d)Cornea

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