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Scene Dialogue Dialogue Dialogue

Setting Action Character Dialogue

Start Start End Duration
00:00:00:00 Black screen Open on black screen 00:00
00:00:00:03 Animated Title Philm Flicks 00:00
00:00:03:13 Black Screen 00:00
00:00:03:23 Animated Title Metrodome International 00:00
00:00:07:02 Black Screen 00:00
00:00:07:12 EXT Field Day CU Flag 00:00
00:00:13:08 EXT Field Day CU Hood Khushtar (VO) The last of the Crusaders finally gave up, 00:00:13:08 00:00:15:22 02:14
00:00:15:22 EXT Field Day CU Shoulder Khushtar (VO) their faith in victory, driven to their knees 00:00:15:22 00:00:19:06 03:84
00:00:19:06 EXT Field Day LS Man Khushtar (VO) by the great As-‐Salih Ayyub. 00:00:19:06 00:00:21:10 02:04
00:00:22:14 EXT Field Day CU Shoulder Khushtar (VO) Unspeakable horrors had been committed by
00:00:22:14 00:00:25:20 03:06
00:00:25:20 EXT Field Day CU Sword Khushtar (VO) and infidels alike in this age old fight 00:00:25:20 00:00:29:04 03:84
00:00:29:04 EXT Field Day CU Hood Khushtar (VO) to be faithful and righteous. 00:00:29:04 00:00:32:01 02:97
00:00:32:01 EXT Field Day CU Face Khushtar (VO) The Masters of the armies had, to the point of 00:00:32:01 00:00:35:21 03:20
00:00:35:21 EXT Field Day CU Sword Khushtar (VO) Insanity, obsessed over the city for centuries 00:00:35:21 00:00:39:14 03:93
00:00:39:14 EXT Field Day CU Face Khushtar (VO) and blindly launched one campaign after
00:00:39:14 00:00:44:19 05:05
00:00:44:19 EXT Field Day CU Sword Khushtar (VO) but it was not they who paid 00:00:44:19 00:00:47:05 02:86
00:00:47:05 EXT Field Day CU Ground Khushtar (VO) the price for this folly. 00:00:47:05 00:00:49:20 02:15
00:00:49:20 EXT Field Day CU Chet Khushtar (VO) The common man,the soldiers on both sides,
00:00:49:20 00:00:54:08 04:88
had for decades
00:00:54:08 EXT Field Day CU Back of hood Khushtar (VO) wondered what they were doing in this god-‐ 00:00:54:08 00:00:56:10 02:02
00:00:56:10 EXT Field Day CU Body and arm falling Khushtar (VO) Forsaken place. Those few who made it alive to
00:00:56:10 00:01:00:18 44:08
the end
00:01:00:18 EXT Field Day CU Face Khushtar (VO) thought themselves lucky, 00:01:00:18 00:01:03:20 03:02
00:01:03:20 EXT Forest Day (with LS 4 men approaching. Khushtar (VO) but these unfortunate souls had not reached
animated titles over) Fade In ‘Philm Flicks Presents’ Fade the end of their suffering yet. 00:01:13:02 00:01:13:21 00:19
out Fade in ‘The Four Warriors’ Fade

23 00:01:13:02 EXT Forest Day (with CU of Richard
animated titles over) Fade in ‘ Christopher Dane’ Fade out
24 00:01:16:03 EXT Field Day CU of hand
Fade in ‘ Hadrian Howard’ Fade out 00:00
Fade in ‘Fergal Philips” Fade out
25 00:01:22:02 EXT Forest Day (with MS of Hamish
animated titles over) Fade in ‘Glenn Speers’ Fade out 00:00
Fade in ‘Alex Childs’ Fade out
26 00:01:26:11 EXT Forest Day (with CU Branches
animated titles over) Fade in ‘Jessica Blake’ Fade out 00:00
Fade in “And Kristian Narin’ Fade out
27 00:01:32:09 EXT Forest Day (with CU Sword belt
animated titles over) Fade in ‘Sound Mixer Alan Sheldon’ Fade
out Fade in ‘Fight Director Marcello
Marascalchi Fade out
Fade in ‘Make Up Designer Chloe Edwards’
Fade out
28 00:01:39:19 EXT Forest Day (with CU Hamish face
animated titles over) Fade in ‘Production Designer Jon Revell Fade out
Fade in ‘ Costume Designer Marie Miller”
Fade out
29 00:01:44:03 EXT Forest Day (with CU William. Fade in ‘ Editor Paul Griffiths-‐Davies
animated titles over) Fade out
30 00:01:47:05 EXT Forest Day (with CU Sword
animated titles over) Fade in ‘Director Of Photography
David Meadows’ Fade out 00:00
Fade in ‘Executive Producers JD Michael Rawson”
Fade out
31 00:01:55:05 EXT Forest Day (with CU Bootsoots
animated titles over) Fade in ‘Written By Christopher Dane’ Fade out
32 00:02:01:00 EXT Forest Day (with MS Richard
animated titles over) Fade in ‘Produced by Alexandra Baranska’ 00:00
Fade out
33 00:02:06:22 EXT Forest Day CU Rope in hand 00:00
34 00:02:09:17 EXT Forest Day CU Rope and handcuffs 00:00
35 00:02:12:09 EXT Forest Day CU William William Come on, ‘mule’ keep up! 00:02:12:09 00:02:14:05 01:96
36 00:02:14:05 EXT Forest Day CU Khushtar carrying wood 00:00

37 02:02:18:11 EXT Forest Day WIDE of forest 00:00
38 00:02:23:23 EXT Forest Day CU Forest ground boy running 00:00
39 00:02:27:17 EXT Forest Day MS Boy running 00:00
40 02:02:30:04 EXT Forest Day MS Boy from behind running 00:00
41 00:02:32:12 EXT Forest Day LS Boy checking behind him 00:00
42 00:02:35:14 EXT Forest Day CU Forest dark shape 00:00
43 00:02:37:00 EXT Forest Day LS Boy running 00:00
44 00:02:39:00 EXT Forest Day LS Boy and dark shape approaching 00:00
45 00:02:39:21 EXT Forest Day MS Boy running 00:00
46 00:02:43:00 EXT Forest Day MS Boy from behind running 00:00
47 00:02:45:09 EXT Forest Day MS Boys body running 00:00
48 00:02:48:20 EXT Forest Day CU Boys shoes running 00:00
49 00:02:49:11 EXT Forest Day LS Boy tripping 00:00
50 00:02:50:04 EXT Forest Day CU Boys arm hitting the ground 00:00
51 00:02:51:23 EXT Forest Day CU Forest dark shape 00:00
52 00:02:53:08 EXT Forest Day MS Boy head getting up PAN around him 00:00
53 00:02:56:11 EXT Forest Day CU Dark shape 00:00
54 00:02:57:07 EXT Forest Day MS Back of boy PAN around him 00:00
55 00:02:59:19 EXT Forest Day CU Forest dark shape 00:00
56 00:03:00:16 EXT Forest Day CU Back of boys head PAN to boys face as he is
57 00:03:07:19 EXT Forest Day CU Hamish making a fire 00:00
58 00:03:16:09 EXT Forest Day CU Hamish making fire Hamish Merde. 00:03:21:00 00:03:21:02 00:02
59 00:03:30:09 EXT Forest Day MS Hamish taking a blanket 00:00
60 00:03:39:17 EXT Forest Day CU Khushtar 00:00
61 00:03:42:01 EXT Forest Day CU Hamish wearing blanket 00:00
62 00:03:45:01 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar and Hamish 00:00
63 00:03:46:16 EXT Forest Day CU Khushtar 00:00
64 00:03:56:09 EXT Forest Day LS Khushtar 00:00
65 00:04:03:03 EXT Forest Day CU Sunlight through trees 00:00
66 04:04:07:06 EXT Forest Day CU Ferns and arrow head 00:00

67 00:04:18:13 EXT Forest Day MS William with bow and arrow through trees 00:00
68 00:04:24:20 EXT Forest Day MS Deer 00:00
69 04:04:28:15 EXT Forest Day CU Bow and arrow 00:00
70 00:04:30:08 EXT Forest Day CU Williams face 00:00
71 00:04:33:11 EXT Forest Day CU Arrow feathers Fade in Richard in back Richard Whistle
00:04:34:17 00:04:34:20 00:03
72 00:04:35:07 EXT Forest Day LS Deer 00:00
73 00:04:36:14 EXT Forest Day CU William with bow and arrow face 00:00
74 00:04:38:14 EXT Forest Day MS Richard watching man with bow and arrow OS William Come on, Richard 00:04:39:10 00:04:40:06 00:96
75 00:04:40:06 EXT Forest Day CU Mans face William Im hungry. 00:04:40:06 00:04:41:04 00:98
76 00:04:41:04 EXT Forest Day MS Richard watching man with bow and arrow Richard She’s too young. 00:04:41:04 00:04:42:11 01:07
77 00:04:42:13 EXT Forest Day CU William with bow and arrow face William Not for my stomach she isn’t. 00:04:44:01 00:04:45:22 01:21
78 00:04:45:23 EXT Forest Day MS Richard watching man with bow and arrow Richard Nothing is William, nothing is, we’ll find
00:04:50:20 00:04:51:26 01:06
something else.
79 00:04:50:20 EXT Forest Day CU William with bow and arrow face 00:00
80 00:04:53:07 EXT Forest Night CU Animal on spit OS William And you don’t think thats too small? 00:04:54:08 00:04:56:05 01:97
81 00:04:56:05 EXT Forest Night CU William & Richard OS Hamish Stop complaining and eat. 00:04:56:05 00:04:57:19 01:14
82 00:04:57:19 EXT Forest Night CU William William When we get home 00:04:57:19 00:05:00:00 42:81
83 00:05:00:01 EXT Forest Night MS All four men around fire William I’ll get the wife to cook a meal you've never
00:05:00:01 00:05:05:11 05:10
seen in your life…
84 00:05:05:15 EXT Forest Night CU William William meat served with meat, spices, gravy and then
00:05:05:15 00:05:12:07 06:92
more meat.
85 00:05:12:07 EXT Forest Night CU Hamish Hamish Is she a good cook? 00:05:12:07 00:05:14:14 02:07
OS William The best… 00:05:14:14 00:05:16:03 01:89
86 00:05:16:03 EXT Forest Night CU William William She’ll never let you go to bed hungry. 00:05:16:03 00:05:18:09 02:06
87 00:05:18:20 EXT Forest Night CU Hamish Hamish Could you adopt me please? 00:05:19:10 00:05:20:20 01:10
88 00:05:20:21 EXT Forest Night CU Hamish William Ha ha ha ha 00:05:20:21 00:05:22:22 02:01
89 00:05:22:22 EXT Forest Night MS All four men around fire William We’ve already got two girls and three boys
already. We don't need another mouth to feed 00:05:24:00 00:05:32:23 08:23
Hamish. You just have to do like me
90 00:05:32:23 EXT Forest Night CU William William find yourself a women who isn't too ugly and
00:05:32:23 00:05:39:10 06:87
can cook.

91 00:05:39:13 EXT Forest Night CU Hamish Hamish Well. I hope one of the McDonald sisters is
00:05:39:13 00:05:43:23 04:10
waiting for me.
92 00:05:44:20 EXT Forest Night CU William William After five years? 00:05:44:20 00:05:45:22 01:02
93 00:05:46:08 EXT Forest Night CU Hamish OS William All the pretty girls you knew are long married
00:05:48:06 00:05:51:12 03:06
by now.
94 00:05:51:12 EXT Forest Night CU William William You’ll be lucky to get a shot at the village crow. 00:05:51:12 00:05:54:16 03:04
95 00:05:54:16 EXT Forest Night CU William & Richard 00:00
96 00:05:56:01 EXT Forest Night CU Hamish 00:00
97 00:05:58:05 EXT Forest Night CU William OS Richard William. 00:05:58:09 00:05:58:16 00:07
98 00:05:59:08 EXT Forest Night CU William & Richard 00:00
99 00:06:01:12 EXT Forest Night CU William William No…. sorry lad, 00:06:03:21 00:06:04:20 00:99
100 00:06:04:20 EXT Forest Night CU Hamish OS William I didn't mean to… you know. 00:06:04:20 00:06:08:15 03:95
101 00:06:08:15 EXT Forest Night MS All four men around fire William What about you Richard? 00:06:08:15 00:06:10:17 02:02
102 00:06:10:17 EXT Forest Night CU William & Richard William You've never told us who's waiting back home? 00:06:10:17 00:06:14:08 03:91
103 00:06:16:10 EXT Forest Night MS All four men around fire , Richard getting up 00:00
104 00:06:36:10 EXT Forest Night CU William & Richard & Prisoner William Hey. 00:06:36:18 00:06:37:08 00:90
105 00:06:37:22 EXT Forest Night CU Hamish Hamish Even a mule has to eat right? 00:06:38:14 00:06:40:04 01:90
106 00:06:40:18 EXT Forest Night CU William & Richard William Better enjoy it, ‘dog’ 00:06:40:18 00:06:43:05 02:87
107 00:06:43:05 EXT Forest Night CU William and Khushtar 00:00
108 00:06:45:00 EXT Forest Night MS All four men around fire 00:00
109 00:06:48:08 EXT Forest Night WIDE Looking up at moon 00:00
110 00:06:55:15 EXT Forest Night MS Richard asleep PAN to Khushtar 00:00
111 00:07:32:12 EXT Forest Night CU William William We feed you we keep you warm, but don't
00:07:32:12 00:07:42:15 10:03
think that I would hesitate to kill you,
112 00:07:42:15 EXT Forest Night CU Khushtar with knife to neck OS William should you 00:07:42:15 00:07:44:12 01:97
113 00:07:44:12 EXT Forest Night CU William William try to escape. 00:07:44:12 00:07:45:23 01:11
114 00:07:46:03 EXT Forest Night OS William Stop. 00:07:51:19 00:07:52:00 00:81
115 00:07:52:23 EXT Forest Night LS William and Khushtar William Thats far enough. 00:00:00:07 00:07:53:15 753:08
116 00:07:54:18 EXT Forest Night CU Khushtar with knife to neck 00:00
117 00:07:57:15 EXT Forest Night CU William laying down William The dog needs to know who’s the master. 00:08:00:09 00:08:02:19 02:10
118 00:08:12:20 EXT Field LS All four men walking PAN over them

119 00:08:24:10 EXT Field MS William and prisoner William I thought i’d never say this but i really miss
00:08:24:10 00:08:30:02 05:92
120 00:08:30:03 EXT Field MS Richard Richard I hope you miss your home enough to endure
00:08:33:11 00:08:37:01 03:90
this a little bit longer.
121 00:08:37:05 EXT Field MS William and prisoner William You better believe it. 00:08:37:06 00:08:39:06 02:00
122 00:08:39:13 EXT Field MS Hamish Hamish Before you start crying and hugging and kissing
00:08:39:15 00:08:44:02 04:87
and sining those boring songs
123 00:08:44:02 EXT Field LS All four men walking from behind OS Hamish of your homelands, remember that i’ve got
00:08:44:02 00:08:47:21 03:19
further to go than either of you.
124 00:08:48:01 EXT Field LS Richard and Hamish Richard Sure , we’ll all be home soon enough. 00:08:48:01 00:08:51:07 03:06
125 00:08:51:16 EXT Field LS William and Khushtar 00:00
126 00:08:57:06 EXT Field LS William, Richard and Hamish 00:00
127 00:09:02:09 EXT Forest WIDE Forest 00:00
128 00:09:06:05 EXT Forest CU Dead deer OS Hamish Richard. 00:09:08:07 00:09:08:14 00:07
129 00:09:08:20 EXT Forest CU Hamish looking a dead deer Hamish Wolves? 00:09:10:10 00:09:11:01 00:91
William Really big wolves. 00:09:12:12 00:09:13:10 00:98
Richard Well lets stay close together , William 00:09:14:02 00:09:16:08 02:06
130 00:09:16:08 EXT Forest MS William OS Richard you fall in behind him. 00:09:16:08 00:09:17:06 00:98
William The ‘dog’ 00:09:17:06 00:09:17:23 00:17
131 00:09:17:23 EXT Forest MS Richard OS William I say we let the wolves get him instead of us. 00:09:17:23 00:09:20:22 02:99
Richard Just do it. 00:09:21:06 00:09:22:10 01:04
132 00:09:22:10 EXT Forest MS William 00:00
133 00:09:25:12 EXT Forest LS All four men surrounded by mist William Wolves. 00:09:31:13 00:09:32:02 00:89
134 00:09:39:22 EXT Forest MS Solders through the mist OS Richard Identify yourselves! 00:09:41:07 00:09:42:14 01:07
135 00:09:44:01 EXT Forest CU Richard Richard We come in peace , stand down! 00:09:46:20 00:09:49:08 02:88
136 00:09:50:16 EXT Forest CU Hamish Hamish What now. 00:09:50:15 00:09:52:01 01:86
OS William Well, I don't know about you, 00:09:51:21 00:09:53:11 01:90
137 00:09:53:11 EXT Forest CU William William but im not going all the way back out of here
00:09:53:11 00:09:57:12 04:01
to get round them.
138 00:09:57:12 EXT Forest LS All four men surrounded by mist Richard Last chance! 00:09:58:22 00:10:01:03 42:81
139 00:10:01:03 EXT Forest CU Richard and others behind Richard Stand Down! 00:10:01:03 00:10:02:02 00:99
140 00:10:02:02 EXT Forest MS Solders through the mist 00:00

141 00:10:02:23 EXT Forest CU Richard and others behind Richard Now! 00:10:03:00 00:10:03:15 00:15
142 00:10:03:15 EXT Forest CU William and Khushtar 00:00
143 00:10:04:07 EXT Forest CU William 00:00
144 00:10:05:01 EXT Forest MS Hamish with bow and arrow 00:00
145 00:10:06:13 EXT Forest MS Richard through mist 00:00
146 00:10:08:10 EXT Forest MS William through mist 00:00
147 00:10:10:17 EXT Forest MS Hamish body with him pulling a weapon 00:00
148 00:10:12:21 EXT Forest CU Richard through the mist 00:00
149 00:10:15:03 EXT Forest CU William charging 00:00
150 00:10:16:23 EXT Forest MS Richard and William charging 00:00
151 00:10:19:00 EXT Forest CU Hamish attacking 00:00
152 00:10:19:23 EXT Forest CU William attacking 00:00
153 00:10:20:17 EXT Forest CU Richard attacking 00:00
154 00:10:21:14 EXT Forest CU Richards arm and straw body 00:00
155 00:10:22:13 EXT Forest LS Hamish attacking 00:00
156 00:10:24:13 EXT Forest MS William cutting of a straw head 00:00
157 00:10:27:04 EXT Forest LS Hamish Hamish What? 00:10:27:04 00:10:28:03 00:99
Hamish Whats going on here? 00:10:31:08 00:10:31:20 00:12
158 00:10:31:20 EXT Forest CU Richard Richard Ive no idea. 00:10:31:22 00:10:33:19 01:97
159 00:10:34:08 EXT Forest MS William and Khushtar William My guess is that some one does not want us to
00:10:34:08 00:10:37:01 02:93
go up there.
160 00:10:37:02 EXT Forest CU Richard 00:00
161 00:10:39:01 EXT Forest FOG 00:00
162 00:10:47:04 EXT Forest Fog from their POV 00:00
163 00:10:53:19 EXT Forest MS Hamish, Richard and William Hamish I dont like it. 00:11:01:00 00:11:01:13 00:13
William You never do. 00:11:01:22 00:11:03:06 01:84
164 00:11:03:08 EXT Forest CU Khushtar falls OS William Silence , shit-‐ bag . 00:11:05:11 00:11:08:02 02:91
165 00:11:10:14 EXT Forest MS Hamish, Richard and William 00:00
166 00:11:16:22 EXT Forest LS Hamish, William and Richard 00:00
167 00:11:22:05 EXT Field All four men from above 00:00
168 00:11:29:23 EXT Forest MS Wooden gate William Your too polite my friend. 00:11:39:21 00:11:41:00 01:79

169 00:11:45:16 EXT Village Square MS Behind wooden gate 00:00
170 00:11:57:01 EXT Village Square MS Richard followed by others enter 00:00
171 00:12:04:20 EXT Village Square LS All four men in village square 00:00
172 00:12:11:11 EXT Village Square LS All four men 00:00
173 00:12:16:04 EXT Village Square LS All four men from behind 00:00
174 00:12:20:01 EXT Village Square CU Richard 00:00
175 00:12:21:14 EXT Village Square CU Richard from behind getting attacked 00:00
176 00:12:22:20 EXT Village Square CU Soliders helmet 00:00
177 00:12:23:11 EXT Village Square CU William charging 00:00
178 00:12:24:20 EXT Village Square CU Solider and William 00:00
179 00:12:27:03 EXT Village Square CU Solider 00:00
180 00:12:27:04 EXT Village Square CU Hamish about to shoot 00:00
181 00:12:28:00 EXT Village Square CU Solider 00:00
182 00:12:29:00 EXT Village Square CU Soldiers arm as solider falls to ground 00:00
183 00:12:30:21 EXT Village Square CU Richard 00:00
184 00:12:32:03 EXT Village Square CU Solider on ground who is a women 00:00
185 00:12:32:23 EXT Village Square MS Women on ground 00:00
186 00:12:36:02 EXT Village Square MS William bending down 00:00
187 00:12:37:20 EXT Village Square CU Hamish Hamish You were felled 00:12:38:07 00:12:39:06 00:99
188 00:12:39:06 EXT Village Square MS William OS Hamish by a women?! 00:12:39:06 00:12:39:21 00:15
189 00:12:41:05 EXT Village Square CU Khushtar OS Richard I think you 00:12:41:12 00:12:42:06 00:94
190 00:12:42:06 EXT Village Square CU Richard Richard owe us an explanation. 00:12:42:06 00:12:43:08 01:02
191 00:12:43:12 EXT Village Square CU Women 00:00
192 00:12:44:08 EXT Village Square LS Richard helping the women up 00:00
193 00:12:47:06 INT Village Hall Night MS William and hamish at a table 00:00
194 00:12:50:13 INT Village Hall Night CU William 00:00
195 00:12:52:18 INT Village Hall Night LS Women serving around the table Hamish Merci. 00:12:54:21 00:12:55:15 00:94
196 00:12:55:21 INT Village Hall Night MS Women serving Khushtar 00:00
197 00:12:58:17 INT Village Hall Night LS Women serving around the table William Thank you. 00:12:59:17 00:13:00:17 41:00
198 00:13:01:05 INT Village Hall Night MS Hamish and William Hamish William. 00:13:01:05 00:13:02:05 01:00
199 00:13:03:10 INT Village Hall Night MS Women serving Khushtar 00:00

200 00:13:05:13 INT Village Hall Night MS Richard 00:00
201 00:13:07:01 INT Village Hall Night MS Khushtar eating 00:00
202 00:13:08:08 INT Village Hall Night MS Hamish being poured a drink 00:00
203 00:13:12:20 INT Village Hall Night CU Hamish being poured a drink OS Richard Hamish. 00:13:17:20 00:13:18:07 00:87
204 00:13:18:04 INT Village Hall Night LS Richard, William and Hamish at the table 00:00
205 00:13:20:04 INT Village Hall Night MS Hamish catching bread 00:00
206 00:12:23:10 INT Village Hall Night MS William and Hamish pray William Our lord we thank you. 00:13:24:17 00:13:26:01 01:84
207 00:13:26:01 INT Village Hall Night MS Richard Richard What happened here? 00:13:26:01 00:13:26:23 00:22
208 00:13:27:04 INT Village Hall Night MS William and Hamish at a table 00:00
209 00:13:29:18 INT Village Hall Night CU Elina Elina It began three weeks ago. First one boy
disappeared as we fetched water from the 00:13:29:18 00:13:35:09 05:91
210 00:13:35:10 INT Village Hall Night CU Richard OS Elina at dusk. We could find no trace of him 00:13:35:10 00:13:39:09 03:99
211 00:13:39:10 INT Village Hall Night CU Hamish and William OS Elina And eventually thought he had been tempted
00:13:39:10 00:13:42:20 03:10
to go for a swim
212 00:13:42:21 INT Village Hall Night MS Khushtar eating OS Elina and been carried away by the hidden currents… 00:13:43:16 00:13:45:05 01:89
213 00:13:46:06 INT Village Hall Night CU Elina Elina We warn them about it, but you know children. 00:13:46:06 00:13:46:23 00:17
214 00:13:51:02 INT Village Hall Night CU Richard 00:00
215 00:13:53:19 INT Village Hall Night LS Richard, William, Elina and Hamish at the table Elina When the next on disappeared we began to
00:13:55:02 00:13:57:00 01:98
216 00:13:57:01 INT Village Hall Night CU Richard OS Elina something else. 00:13:57:00 00:13:59:06 02:06
217 00:13:59:15 INT Village Hall Night CU Elina Elina The men drew lots and five of them went out
00:13:59:15 00:14:07:11 47:96
to search….They never returned.
218 00:14:08:12 INT Village Hall Night MS Women crying 00:00
219 00:14:10:13 INT Village Hall Night CU Hamish and William 00:00
220 00:14:12:13 INT Village Hall Night CU Elina Elina Thats when the first attack on the village
00:14:12:13 00:14:15:16 03:03
221 00:14:17:03 INT Village Hall Night MS Richard and William over Elina shoulder Elina They came like shadows and three of our
00:14:17:03 00:14:21:23 04:20
young ones disappeared that night.
222 00:14:22:06 INT Village Hall Night CU Elina Elina The rest of the men and the oldest of the boys
armed themselves and went off to recapture
00:14:24:19 00:14:34:23 10:04
our children. We found only their weapons and
223 00:14:35:00 INT Village Hall Night CU Richard and William 00:00

224 00:14:37:22 INT Village Hall Night CU Elina Elina Since then we have tried to defend ourselves 00:14:38:20 00:14:41:05 02:85
225 00:14:41:05 INT Village Hall Night LS Richard, William, Elina and Hamish at the Elina as best we can to prevent them from taking
00:14:41:05 00:14:49:00 07:95
table the last of our hope. This is
226 00:14:49:17 INT Village Hall Night CU Elina reaching out to a boy ( Dimitri ) Elina my son Dimitri he is the only child left. 00:14:49:00 00:14:55:12 06:12
227 00:14:55:12 INT Village Hall Night MS Women 00:00
228 00:14:57:06 INT Village Hall Night MS William, Hamish and Richard William And the straw soldiers? 00:14:58:15 00:15:00:10 41:95
229 00:15:00:11 INT Village Hall Night CU Elina and Dimitri Elina A futile attempt to scare them off. 00:15:00:11 00:15:02:09 01:98
230 00:15:02:15 INT Village Hall Night LS Richard, William, Elina, Demitri and Hamish at Richard And who are they?
00:15:03:22 00:15:04:13 00:91
the table
INT Village Hall Night Elina We dont know, but they seem like creatures of
the darkness and the Wise senses something 00:15:05:21 00:15:18:02 12:81
evil is at large in the mountains.
231 00:15:18:21 INT Village Hall Night CU Elina and Dimitri 00:00
232 00:15:22:16 INT Village Hall Night MS Wise Women Wise Women A dark evil has come to our mountains. 00:15:22:16 00:15:26:08 03:92
233 00:15:26:14 INT Village Hall Night MS Wise women and Hamish 00:00
234 00:15:27:21 INT Village Hall Night CU William 00:00
235 00:15:29:17 INT Village Hall Night CU Wise Women Wise Women He scours the earth 00:15:29:17 00:15:32:15 02:98
236 00:15:32:15 INT Village Hall Night CU Wise Women walking behind Hamish Wise Women with his army of shadow phantoms. 00:15:32:15 00:15:39:07 06:92
237 00:15:39:08 INT Village Hall Night CU Richard 00:00
238 00:15:41:04 INT Village Hall Night CU Wise Women Wise Women Only ‘The Four Worriers’ 00:15:42:03 00:15:45:03 03:00
239 00:15:45:04 INT Village Hall Night MS Wise Women walking to Richard Wise Women stand between us and the darkness. 00:15:45:03 00:15:50:12 05:09
Richard ‘The Four Warriors’? 00:15:52:00 00:15:52:23 00:23
240 00:15:53:07 INT Village Hall Night MS Wise Women and Richard Wise Women YOU! 00:15:53:07 00:15:55:19 02:12
241 00:15:57:09 INT Village Hall Night MS Wise Women pointing at William 00:00
242 00:15:59:23 INT Village Hall Night CU Hamish 00:00
243 00:16:01:04 INT Village Hall Night MS Wise Women 00:00
244 00:16:03:16 INT Village Hall Night LS Richard, William, Elina, Demitri and Hamish at
the table
245 00:16:04:13 INT Village Hall Night CU Hamish looking at Khushtar 00:00
246 00:16:06:12 INT Village Hall Night CU William William Oh no ` he doesn't count. 00:16:06:12 00:16:09:04 02:92
INT Village Hall Night Hamish Who is 00:16:10:02 00:16:10:11 00:09
247 00:16:10:11 INT Village Hall Night CU Hamish Hamish this evil you speak off? 00:16:10:11 00:16:11:14 01:03

248 00:16:11:16 INT Village Hall Night CU Wise Women Wise Women He is from the ancient time …and he will
00:16:14:04 00:16:20:17 06:13
blacken the world.
249 00:16:20:18 INT Village Hall Night CU Richard Richard I do not believe in superstition. 00:16:20:18 00:16:22:21 02:03
250 00:16:22:23 INT Village Hall Night CU Elina and Dimitri Elina What do you believe in? 00:16:22:23 00:16:24:04 01:81
251 00:16:24:05 INT Village Hall Night MS Richard as he gets up and Wise Women Richard Nothing. 00:16:26:11 00:16:27:04 00:93
252 00:16:28:12 INT Village Hall Night CU Richard back CU Elina and Dimitri 00:00
253 00:16:29:10 INT Village Hall Night LS Richard, William, Elina and Hamish at the Elina Please help us?
00:16:29:10 00:16:30:07 00:97
Richard The ones that attached you are probably Slavers 00:16:32:12 00:16:34:03 01:91
254 00:16:34:04 INT Village Hall Night CU Hamish OS Richard and unfortunately they got 00:16:34:04 00:16:37:14 03:10
255 00:16:37:15 INT Village Hall Night CU Elina OS Richard what they came for… 00:16:37:15 00:16:38:08 00:93
256 00:16:39:18 INT Village Hall Night CU Richard Richard I doubt they will trouble you again. 00:16:39:18 00:16:40:23 01:05
257 00:16:42:17 INT Village Hall Night CU Elina Elina Will you at least stay and think about it 00:16:42:17 00:16:44:05 01:88
258 00:16:44:07 INT Village Hall Night CU Richard OS Elina till tomorrow? 00:16:44:05 00:16:45:04 00:99
259 00:16:46:22 INT Village Hall Night CU Hamish and William 00:00
260 00:16:48:22 INT Village Hall Night CU Richard Richard I feel for you and you village , but we have
00:16:49:16 00:16:53:07 03:91
261 00:16:53:08 INT Village Hall Night CU Hamish and William OS Richard of our own to protect at home. 00:16:53:07 00:16:55:03 01:96
Hamish Mademoiselle. 00:16:55:18 00:16:56:07 00:89
262 00:16:56:08 INT Village Hall Night CU Elina 00:00
263 00:16:57:18 INT Village Hall Night CU Hamish Hamish I think I speak for us 00:16:57:18 00:16:58:19 01:01
264 00:16:58:20 INT Village Hall Night CU Richard OS Hamish all when i say that we will give it our 00:16:58:19 00:17:00:12 41:93
265 00:17:00:13 INT Village Hall Night LS Richard, William, Elina and Hamish at the Hamish professional consideration, and we will give
00:17:00:12 00:17:05:01 04:89
table you an answer in the morning.
266 00:17:06:12 INT Village Hall Night CU Richard 00:00
267 00:17:09:21 INT Village Hall Night CU Hamish and Elina 00:00
268 00:17:11:12 INT Village Hall Night CU William as Hamish sits down William Whats with you and this French stuff? 00:17:14:13 00:17:17:00 02:87
Hamish If its good enough for the King of England it’s
good enough for me … and it works with the 00:17:18:03 00:17:22:05 04:02
269 00:17:23:10 INT Village Hall Night CU Hamish and William 00:00
270 00:17:24:15 INT Village Hall Night CU Hamish getting up Hamish I think we could all do with a little
00:17:26:14 00:17:30:18 04:04

271 00:17:30:19 INT Village Hall Night LS Richard, William, Elina and Hamish at the dont you?
00:17:30:19 00:17:31:17 00:98
272 00:17:33:08 INT Village Hall Night CU Hamish reaching for a fiddle bow 00:00
273 00:17:47:04 INT Village Hall Night MS Hamish playing fiddle bow around table 00:00
274 00:17:57:21 INT Village Hall Night CU Richard and William clapping 00:00
275 00:18:00:15 INT Village Hall Night CU Elina and Dimitri 00:00
276 00:18:03:15 INT Village Hall Night MS Hamish Richard and Wiiliam Hamish Well, that was my party piece…. whats yours? 00:18:12:10 00:18:18:05 05:95
277 00:18:18:06 INT Village Hall Night CU Elina and Dimitri 00:00
278 00:18:28:20 INT Village Hall Night MS Dimitri walking to the end of a table 00:00
279 00:18:30:16 INT Village Hall Night CU Dimitri placing a bowl next to Richard 00:00
280 00:18:31:21 INT Village Hall Night CU Richard 00:00
281 00:18:33:21 INT Village Hall Night MS Dimitri throwing an apple 00:00
282 00:18:37:05 INT Village Hall Night CU Hamish 00:00
283 00:18:37:06 INT Village Hall Night CU Bowl as apple lands in it 00:00
284 00:18:39:06 INT Village Hall Night CU Richard clapping 00:00
285 00:18:41:04 INT Village Hall Night CU Elina and Dimitri 00:00
286 00:18:43:15 INT Village Hall Night LS Richard, William, Elina and Hamish at the
287 00:18:46:13 INT Village Hall Night MS Richard, William and Hamish Hamish Very 00:18:47:17 00:18:48:16 00:99
288 00:18:48:16 INT Village Hall Night CU Elina and Dimitri OS Hamish Impressive. 00:18:48:16 00:18:48:23 00:07
289 00:18:50:04 INT Village Hall Night MS Elina and Dimitri 00:00
290 00:18:51:09 INT Village Hall Night LS Richard, William, Elina and Hamish at the
291 00:18:52:13 INT Village Hall Night CU Richard Richard What was that? 00:18:53:09 00:18:54:01 00:92
292 00:18:55:01 EXT Village Square Night LS Richard , William and Hamish with torches 00:00
293 00:19:03:21 EXT Village Square Night CU Mother OS Boy Mother! 00:19:03:21 00:19:03:25 00:04
Mother Petre! 00:19:04:16 00:19:04:20 00:04
294 00:19:05:20 EXT Village Square Night CU Richard, William and the mother running Mother My boy!
00:19:05:20 00:19:06:14 00:94
between them
295 00:19:07:01 EXT Village Square Night LS Mother running running 00:00
296 00:19:09:00 EXT Village Square Night MS Mother running being stopped by Richard Mother No! my boy , no no no 00:19:11:15 00:19:11:21 00:06
297 00:19:11:22 EXT Village Square Night MS Hamish OS Mother NO! My boy, my boy 00:19:11:21 00:19:15:03 03:82

298 00:19:15:04 EXT Village Square Night CURichard holding women Richard I’m Sorry …. theres nothing you can do. 00:19:19:22 00:19:23:02 03:80
Women But how do you know? 00:19:24:11 00:19:25:05 00:94
Richard I have seen it too many times. Its just a trick, a
00:19:26:08 00:19:32:06 05:98
trick to get you out in the open.
299 00:19:32:07 EXT Village Square Night MS William William Those ‘dogs’ did it all the time. 00:19:33:00 00:19:35:10 02:10
OS Richard And so did we. 00:19:35:22 00:19:36:19 00:97
William Yeah well, they started it. 00:19:37:12 00:19:39:15 02:03
300 00:19:39:16 EXT Village Square Night MS Richard holding women on floor 00:00
301 00:19:45:06 EXT Village Square Night LS Richard, William and women being helped off 00:00
302 00:19:53:07 EXT Village Square Night MS Richard and Willam turning around Richard To me! 00:19:54:06 00:19:54:18 00:12
303 00:19:54:18 EXT Village Square Night LS Richard , Willam and hamish run 00:00
304 00:19:56:18 EXT Forest Outside Gate MS Outside of Gate Richard William and Hamish Richard Show yourselves!
00:20:04:08 00:20:05:13 01:05
Night come through
William Are they mocking us? 00:20:09:04 00:20:10:07 01:03
305 00:20:10:08 EXT Forest Outside Gate CU Dark Shape Hamish I dont speak their language .
00:20:11:08 00:20:12:15 01:07
306 00:20:14:19 EXT Forest Outside Gate CU Richard , Hamish and William William Right!
00:20:16:16 00:20:17:05 00:89
307 00:20:17:06 EXT Forest Outside Gate MS Richard, Hamish and William
308 00:20:21:14 EXT Forest Outside Gate William swinging his axe
309 00:20:22:21 EXT Forest Outside Gate CU Axe spinning through air
310 00:20:23:06 EXT Forest Outside Gate CU Dark shape hit
311 00:20:15:14 EXT Forest Outside Gate MS William Hamish and Richard William I hope they understand mine!
00:20:26:09 00:20:27:20 01:11
312 00:20:28:19 EXT Forest Outside Gate MS Richard and Hamish Richard If you come back you will have to deal with us
00:20:28:19 00:20:32:19 04:00
Night now!
313 00:20:33:19 EXT Forest Outside Gate MS William Hamish and Richard Richard Close the gate.
00:20:34:19 00:20:35:12 00:93
William My axe? 00:20:36:04 00:20:36:13 00:09
Richard You can pick it up in the morning. 00:20:36:23 00:20:38:03 01:80

William Like hell i can. Hamish ! 00:20:38:09 00:20:42:20 04:11
Hamish why me ? 00:20:42:23 00:20:43:11 00:88
314 00:20:48:00 EXT Forest Outside Gate MS Richard coming back through the gate Richard Ill stand guard tonight , but they wont be back.
00:20:56:12 00:20:59:08 02:96
Elina How can you be 00:20:59:08 00:20:59:19 00:11
315 00:20:59:19 INT Village Gate Night MS Richard and Elina locking gate Elina so sure ? 00:20:59:19 00:21:00:13 40:94
Richard They have seen that you have armed
protection now they will soon be on their way. 00:21:00:21 00:21:05:10 04:89
Your safe.
Elina If only … good night. 00:21:07:04 00:21:09:03 01:99
Richard Good night. 00:21:12:12 00:21:13:03 00:91
316 00:21:15:18 EXT Forest Outside Gate CU William, Hamish running to him PAN down William Give me that .
Night to William collecting axe and turning to face 00:21:16:12 00:21:17:11 00:99
William Wheres the body? 00:21:31:08 00:21:32:10 01:02
317 00:21:34:11 EXT Forest Outside Gate CU Hamish Hamish Theres something behind you!
00:21:36:10 00:21:37:16 01:06
OS William Dont be daft. 00:21:39:00 00:21:40:08 01:08
318 00:21:41:18 EXT Forest Outside Gate MS Hamish and Back of William who turns
Night around
319 00:21:52:09 EXT Forest Outside Gate CU Dark Shape as it attacks
320 00:21:53:00 EXT Forest Outside Gate CU Williams shoulder cut
321 00:21:53:20 EXT Forest Outside Gate CU Torch hitting ground
322 00:21:57:10 INT Village Gate Night MS Richard and Khustar open gate for Hmaish OS William Richard open the gate .
00:21:58:08 00:21:59:16 01:08
and William
323 00:22:09:18 INT Village Gate Night CU William and Richard Richard I told you to pick it in the morning. 00:22:11:05 00:22:13:12 02:07
William No one likes ‘i told toy so’ 00:22:13:16 00:22:16:00 02:84
Richard You're right I'm sorry … but 00:22:16:02 00:22:18:15 02:13
William You told me so! I know. 00:22:18:15 00:22:20:01 01:86
324 00:22:21:20 INT Village Gate Night MS Khushtar, Hamish, William and Richard Hamish What was that creature? 00:22:27:07 00:22:28:05 00:98
325 00:22:28:06 INT Village Gate Night CU Hamish and William William Something ungodly thats for sure. 00:22:29:04 00:22:31:06 02:02

Hamish The teeth. 00:22:31:14 00:22:32:14 01:00
William Like the devil. 00:22:32:12 00:22:33:05 00:93
326 00:22:33:09 INT Village Gate Night CU William and Richard Richard Right thats enough. 00:22:33:09 00:22:34:09 01:00
327 00:22:34:17 INT Village Gate Night CU Hamish and William Hamish But you saw it yourself Richard 00:22:34:17 00:22:36:06 01:89
328 00:22:36:06 INT Village Gate Night CU William and Richard OS Hamish that wasn't a Slaver. 00:22:36:06 00:22:37:17 01:11
Richard Look the darkness can do strange things to
00:22:37:20 00:22:39:14 01:94
your eyes,
329 00:22:39:15 INT Village Gate Night CU Hamish and William OS Richard go get some sleep, I’ll take a watch. 00:22:40:14 00:22:42:20 02:06
330 00:22:43:09 INT Village Gate Night CU William and Richard William And may God watch over you. 00:22:43:09 00:22:44:23 01:14
331 00:22:46:17 INT Village Gate Night MS Khushtar, Hamish, William and Richard William Richard.
00:22:47:13 00:22:48:05 00:92
walking off
Hamish We should take a look at that. 00:22:50:07 00:22:51:07 01:00
William Its nothing. 00:22:51:08 00:22:52:10 01:02
332 00:22:54:17 EXT Forest Night WIDE Looking up at moon 00:00
333 00:22:58:02 EXT Forest Night CU Branch in moonlight 00:00
334 00:23:01:11 INT Crusaders House Night MS Hamish and William 00:00
335 00:23:04:06 INT Crusaders House Night CU helmet dropping to the floor 00:00
336 00:23:06:06 INT Crusaders House Night CU Hamish picking up helmet Hamish Why you so keen on all that Saracen stuff? 00:23:08:02 00:23:09:18 01:16
337 00:23:10:03 INT Crusaders House Night MS Hamish and William William Im not . 00:23:10:15 00:23:10:21 00:06
Hamish So why do you keep it? 00:23:12:07 00:23:13:01 00:94
338 00:23:13:03 INT Crusaders House Night CU William William Thought it would be suitable punishment for 00:23:14:18 00:23:16:07 01:89
339 00:23:16:11 INT Crusaders House Night CU Khushtar asleep OS William ‘pus face’ there to carry his own army’s
00:23:16:11 00:23:16:18 00:07
340 00:23:19:11 INT Crusaders House Night CU William William half way across the world. 00:23:19:11 00:23:20:18 01:07
341 00:23:24:06 INT Crusaders House Night MS Hamish and William 00:00
342 00:23:28:06 INT Crusaders House Night CU Hamish laying down 00:00
343 00:23:32:12 INT Crusaders House Night CU William Laying down examining wound 00:00
344 00:23:59:23 INT Crusaders House Night MS Khushtar watching Wiliam 00:00
345 00:24:11:01 INT Crusaders House Night CU Hamish asleep 00:00
346 00:24:16:01 INT Crusaders House Night CU Khushtar asleep 00:00
347 00:24:20:09 INT Crusaders House Night CU Dahra placing blankets on Hamish bed Hamish Thank you. 00:24:23:11 00:24:23:22 00:11
348 00:24:24:18 INT Crusaders House Night CU Dahra 00:00

349 00:24:27:09 INT Crusaders House Night CU Hamish Hamish Whats your name? 00:24:28:11 00:24:29:02 00:91
350 00:24:29:13 INT Crusaders House Night CU Dahra Dahra Dahra. 00:24:33:04 00:24:33:15 00:11
351 00:24:33:18 INT Crusaders House Night MS Hamish and Dahra Hamish Hahra… thats a nice name .My name is Hmaish. 00:24:34:09 00:24:38:22 04:13
Hamish Did your husband also disappear? 00:24:48:01 00:24:48:18 00:17
352 00:24:48:19 INT Crusaders House Night CU Hamish and Dahra Dahra I have no husband. 00:24:52:08 00:24:53:09 01:01
Hamish Thats nice. 00:24:53:19 00:24:54:06 00:87
353 00:24:55:04 INT Crusaders House Night MS Hamish and Dahra 00:00
354 00:24:57:18 INT Crusaders House Night CU Hamish and Dahra Hamish I mean because then you haven't lost anyone. 00:24:57:18 00:25:01:17 43:99
355 00:25:01:17 INT Crusaders House Night CU Hamish and Dahra 00:00
356 00:25:03:23 INT Crusaders House Night MS Hamish and Dahra Dahra I think its nice too. 00:25:06:02 00:25:06:21 00:19
357 00:25:06:21 INT Crusaders House Night CU Hamish and Dahra 00:00
358 00:25:09:09 INT Crusaders House Night CU Dahra Dahra I have to go, no ones allowed outside at night. 00:25:11:09 00:25:15:04 03:95
Hamish But i will see you in the morning? 00:25:15:08 00:25:16:16 01:08
Dahra Yes only Dimitri has to stay inside all the time. 00:25:17:10 00:25:18:05 00:95
359 00:25:21:03 INT Crusaders House Night CU Hamish Hamish Why? 00:25:22:02 00:25:22:10 00:08
360 00:25:22:13 INT Crusaders House Night CU Dahra Dahra We think they can smell him. 00:25:26:07 00:25:28:19 02:12
361 00:25:28:20 INT Crusaders House Night CU Hamish 00:00
362 00:25:33:23 INT Crusaders House Night MS Hamish and Dahra Dahra Sleep well. 00:25:39:23 00:25:40:11 00:88
363 00:25:50:15 INT Crusaders House Night CU Hamish Hamish Not so sure im going to be able to do that now. 00:25:52:21 00:25:54:15 01:94
364 00:25:59:04 INT Crusaders House Night CU Shadow and Hamish Hamish Dahra? 00:26:01:14 00:26:02:03 00:89
365 00:26:02:04 INT Crusaders House Night LA Hamish and Richard Richard Who? 00:26:03:10 00:26:03:18 00:08
366 00:26:03:19 INT Crusaders House Night CU Hamish Hamish Er, no one. 00:26:04:11 00:26:06:02 01:91
367 00:26:06:03 INT Crusaders House Night CU Richard Richard Night Hamish. 00:26:07:19 00:26:08:12 00:93
368 00:26:09:10 INT Crusaders House Night CU Khushtar 00:00
369 00:26:12:09 INT Crusaders House Night CU Richard 00:00
370 00:26:13:18 INT Crusaders House Night LS Richard and others asleep 00:00
371 00:26:16:06 EXT Forest Night Night WIDE of forest 00:00
372 00:26:21:02 INT Crusaders House Night CU Khushtar asleep 00:00
373 00:26:25:05 INT Crusaders House Night CU Williams hand holding his shoulder 00:00
374 00:26:28:12 INT Crusaders House Night CU William 00:00
375 00:26:33:20 EXTVillage Gate Night CU Gate PAN to CU Richard standing guard 00:00

376 00:27:04:11 EXT Forest Day WIDE Forest 00:00
377 00:27:07:16 EXT Village Square Day MS Village in the daylight 00:00
378 00:27:10:13 EXT Village Square Day CU House 00:00
379 00:27:14:20 INT Crusaders House Day CU Bread 00:00
380 00:27:16:22 INT Crusaders House Day CU Richard , Hamish and William eating 00:00
381 00:27:24:16 INT Crusaders House Day CU Hamish reaching for more food and throwing
to Khushtar
382 00:27:30:02 INT Crusaders House Day CU Hamish reaching for more food to cut OS Richard Not that. 00:27:30:23 00:27:31:13 00:90
383 00:27:31:23 INT Crusaders House Day CU Hamish 00:00
384 00:27:33:16 INT Crusaders House Day CU hamish cutting food OS Hamish Oh, Yeah sorry. 00:27:34:12 00:27:35:19 01:07
385 00:27:38:01 INT Crusaders House Day CU Ricard, Hamish and William 00:00
386 00:27:40:19 INT Crusaders House Day CU Hamish throwing Khushtar more food 00:00
387 00:27:45:13 INT Crusaders House Day CU Ricard, Hamish and William William Well isn't that great… one big happy family. 00:27:45:13 00:27:49:06 03:93
388 00:27:49:11 INT Crusaders House Day CU Richard 00:00
389 00:27:51:19 INT Crusaders House Day CU Hamish Hamish I think we should stay here and protect these
00:27:51:19 00:27:53:19 02:00
poor women.
390 00:27:53:20 INT Crusaders House Day CU William William Ah ha ha you mean protect the poor 00:27:53:20 00:27:56:06 02:86
391 00:27:56:07 INT Crusaders House Day CU Hamish and William William good looking women. 00:27:56:07 00:27:58:21 02:14
Hamish Stop it, i really thing they need us. 00:27:58:21 00:28:00:02 41:81
392 00:28:00:02 INT Crusaders House Day CU Richard Richard Their fear has turned simple slavers into
monsters ,, I don’t want to get dragged into 00:28:01:14 00:28:06:21 05:07
393 00:28:06:23 INT Crusaders House Day CU Ricard, Hamish and William Hamish But you didn't see that thing last night Richard. 00:28:07:08 00:28:09:12 02:04
Richard That was 00:28:09:12 00:28:09:15 00:03
394 00:28:09:15 INT Crusaders House Day CU Richard Richard a masked slaver trying to frighten you. 00:28:09:15 00:28:11:21 02:06
395 00:28:11:22 INT Crusaders House Day CU Ricard, Hamish and William Richard By all accounts they succeeded. 00:28:12:19 00:28:15:04 02:85
Hamish Whatever they were there still out there… we
00:28:16:20 00:28:20:18 03:98
have a duty
396 00:28:20:19 INT Crusaders House Day CU Richard OS Hamish to protect the weak and the poor remember . 00:28:20:19 00:28:23:11 02:92
OS William I'll have to agree with the lad. 00:28:23:19 00:28:24:15 00:96
397 00:28:24:16 INT Crusaders House Day CU Ricard, Hamish and William William They might come back for more. 00:28:24:16 00:28:27:09 02:93
398 00:28:27:10 INT Crusaders House Day CU William William What would happen to these women then? 00:28:27:10 00:28:30:07 02:97

399 00:28:31:11 INT Crusaders House Day CU Richard Richard We will stay for two days 00:28:36:03 00:28:37:14 01:11
400 00:28:37:15 INT Crusaders House Day CU Richard and Hamish Richard just to show these slavers it will cost them
00:28:37:15 00:28:43:22 06:07
dearly if they attack. Slavers are no heros
401 00:28:43:23 INT Crusaders House Day CU Richard Richard they move on when the price out ways the
00:28:45:08 00:28:47:11 02:03
Hamish Great. 00:28:49:00 00:28:49:10 00:10
402 00:28:49:20 INT Crusaders House Day CU Ricard, Hamish and William Richard Two days Hamish then i want us out of here
00:28:49:20 00:28:53:20 04:00
agreed ?
Hamish Yes, sir. 00:28:55:11 00:28:56:07 00:96
Richard And we do not do anything that interfere with
00:28:57:00 00:29:00:00 43:00
these peoples lives.
403 00:29:00:01 INT Crusaders House Day CU Richard Richard The last thing we need 00:29:01:12 00:29:02:06 00:94
404 00:29:02:06 INT Crusaders House Day CU Richard Richard Is to get bogged down in their problems. 00:29:02:06 00:29:04:09 02:03
405 00:29:07:05 INT Village Hall Day LS Richard, William, and Hamish at the table Richard The people who have taken the men and your
00:29:07:19 00:29:14:13 06:94
addressing the room children are probably far from here by now…
406 00:29:14:14 INT Village Hall Day CU Women 00:00
407 00:29:16:22 INT Village Hall Day CU Women OS Richard Im sorry to bring you bad news, 00:29:17:09 00:29:19:10 02:01
408 00:29:19:11 INT Village Hall Day LS Richard, William, and Hamish at the table Richard But theres nothing we can do, and you are
addressing the room unlikely to see your loved ones again. What i
will promise is that we will stay for a few days 00:29:20:10 00:29:37:23 17:13
to make sure you're not attacked again. So
that you can begin to rebuild your lives.
409 00:29:38:00 INT Village Hall Day CU Wise Women Wise Women You must confront the evil, 00:29:38:18 00:29:40:12 01:94
410 00:29:40:13 INT Village Hall Day CU Richard and Hamish OS Wise women You are ‘The Four Warriors’ 00:29:40:13 00:29:41:20 01:07
Richard We are soldiers nothing more . 00:29:42:09 00:29:45:22 03:13
411 00:29:45:22 INT Village Hall Day MS Hamish, Richard and William Richard But i promise you will be safe 00:28:48:11 00:29:49:22 101:11
412 00:29:49:23 INT Village Hall Day CU Wise Women OS Richard from now on, 00:29:49:23 00:29:50:11 00:88
413 00:29:52:14 INT Village Hall Day CU Richard and Hamish Richard Thats all i can do. 00:29:52:23 00:29:54:03 01:80
414 00:29:55:04 INT Village Hall Day CU Ricard, Hamish and William leaving 00:00
415 00:30:03:22 EXT Village Square Day LS William getting into his bag 00:00
416 00:30:06:07 EXT Village Square Day LS Women gathering poles 00:00
417 00:30:08:17 EXT Village Square Day MS Women tying fabric to poles 00:00
418 00:30:10:00 EXT Village Square Day CU Women working 00:00

419 00:30:11:04 EXT Village Square Day LS William helping women 00:00
420 00:30:12:23 EXT Village Square Day CU Pole and fabric resembling a flag 00:00
421 00:30:14:06 EXT Village Square Day CU William 00:00
422 00:30:15:02 EXT Village Square Day CU Flags being erected 00:00
423 00:30:16:05 EXT Village Square Day MS Women admiring the flags 00:00
424 00:30:17:11 EXT Forest Gate Day MS Hamish and William putting flags up 00:00
425 00:30:19:05 EXT Forest Gate Day CU William 00:00
426 00:30:21:09 EXT Forest Gate Day MS Richard at gate with shield 00:00
427 00:30:24:02 EXT Forest Gate Day CU Richard 00:00
428 00:30:27:00 EXT Forest Gate Day MS Richard instructing where to put flags 00:00
429 00:30:28:15 EXT Forest Gate Day LS Women erecting flags 00:00
430 00:30:30:06 EXT Forest Gate Day CU Women 00:00
431 00:30:31:10 EXT Forest Gate Day MS Richard 00:00
432 00:30:32:22 EXT Forest Gate Day MS Women 00:00
433 00:30:34:07 EXT Forest Gate Day LS Richard 00:00
434 00:30:36:03 EXT Forest Gate Day MS Richard 00:00
435 00:30:40:06 EXT Village Gate Day LS Women 00:00
436 00:30:43:12 EXT Village Square Day CU Women herding goat 00:00
437 00:30:47:13 EXT Village Square Day MS Hamish 00:00
438 00:30:49:20 EXT Village Square Day MS hamish and Richard 00:00
439 00:30:52:00 EXT Village Square Day LS hamish and Richard as women resumes work 00:00
440 00:30:53:23 EXT Village Square Day LS William 00:00
441 00:30:56:07 EXT Village Square Day CU William walks past Richard checking around 00:00
442 00:31:00:16 EXT Village Square Day LS Richard and William 00:00
443 00:31:02:17 EXT Village Square Day CU William 00:00
444 00:31:09:03 EXT Village Square Day MS William holding two helmets William Hamish?! 00:31:09:05 00:31:09:22 00:17
445 00:31:10:10 EXT Village Square Day CU Hamish from behind Hamish Yes. 00:31:11:12 00:31:12:03 00:91
446 00:31:12:14 EXT Village Square Day CU William William Which one did you use last time? 00:31:12:14 00:31:14:13 01:99
447 00:31:14:19 EXT Village Square Day CU Hamish Hamish The one with the spike. 00:31:15:11 00:31:16:21 01:10
448 00:31:18:21 EXT Village Square Day CU William 00:00
449 00:31:27:21 EXT Village Square Day LS William climbing ladder to look out 00:00

450 00:31:30:12 EXT Village Square Day LS William at look out point 00:00
451 00:31:32:18 EXT Village Square Day MS William 00:00
452 00:31:36:23 EXT Elina house Day LS Richard and Elina 00:00
453 00:31:39:12 EXT Elina house Day CU Elina 00:00
454 00:31:42:09 EXT Elina house Day CU Elina and Richard Richard Wheres the boy? 00:31:46:01 00:31:47:01 01:00
Elina Inside… You might of convinced the others but
00:31:49:00 00:31:55:14 06:14
those out there are not slavers .
Richard They have taken the men and the older boys? 00:31:58:13 00:32:00:10 41:97
455 00:32:00:11 EXT Elina house Day CU Elina Elina Yes. 00:32:00:21 00:32:01:06 00:85
OS Richard And they have taken the children? 00:32:02:04 00:32:02:23 00:19
Elina Yes. 00:32:04:09 00:32:05:12 01:03
OS Richard But they havent taken the women? 00:32:05:17 00:32:07:08 01:91
Elina No. 00:32:07:08 00:32:07:22 00:14
456 00:32:08:03 EXT Elina house Day CU Elina and Richard Richard Slavers are out for a quick profit. 00:32:10:08 00:32:12:00 01:92
457 00:32:12:01 EXT Elina house Day MS Richard and Elina Richard Children can work on mines and on ships. Men
00:32:12:11 00:32:18:07 05:96
can be sold as anything from solders to slaves,
458 00:32:18:08 EXT Elina house Day CU Elina OS Richard Women are more difficult. 00:32:19:18 00:32:20:22 01:04
459 00:32:22:04 EXT Elina house Day CU Elina and Richard Richard When the slavers see that you've got
00:32:22:06 00:32:26:03 03:97
protection they will move on.
460 00:32:26:08 EXT Elina house Day CU Elina Elina He is not 00:32:28:00 00:32:28:15 00:15
461 00:32:28:15 EXT Elina house Day CU Richard Elina coming out. 00:32:28:15 00:32:29:17 01:02
462 00:32:39:11 EXT Elina house Day MS Richard standing up 00:00
463 00:32:45:02 EXT Village Square Day MS Hamish and Dahra 00:00
464 00:32:47:07 EXT Elina house Day CU Richard Richard Hamish. 00:32:48:12 00:32:48:19 00:07
465 00:32:48:20 EXT Village Square Day MS Hamish and Dahra 00:00
466 00:32:50:19 EXT Elina house Day CU Richard Richard Your watch. 00:32:51:01 00:32:51:14 00:13
467 00:32:51:20 EXT Village Square Day MS Hamish and Dahra 00:00
468 00:32:58:13 EXT Village Square MS William climbing down William Try to look taller this time. 00:33:03:07 00:33:05:03 01:96
469 00:33:05:05 EXT Village Gate Day MS William and Hamish 00:00
470 00:33:07:07 EXT Village Gate Day MS Hamish climbing to watch 00:00
471 00:33:11:06 EXT Village Gate Day MS Hamish placing helmet on 00:00
472 00:33:14:13 EXT Forest Night WIDE Looking up at moon 00:00

473 00:33:19:23 EXT Village Gate Night LS Hamish watching 00:00
474 00:33:31:08 EXT Village Gate Night MS William 00:00
475 00:33:34:17 EXT Village Gate Night MS Hamish watching PAN swathing with William OS William My turn. 00:33:34:17 00:33:35:08 00:91
OS William Anything? 00:33:43:15 00:33:43:22 00:07
Hamish No as quiet as a church good night. 00:33:45:06 00:33:49:00 03:94
476 00:34:00:02 EXT Village Square Night LS Hamish 00:00
477 00:34:14:06 INT Stables Night MS Hanish being pulled Hamish Dahra. Don’t ever do that again, I could of
00:34:16:08 00:34:22:01 05:93
killed you.
Dahra I don't think you could of . 00:34:23:22 00:34:24:23 01:01
478 00:34:29:00 INT Stables Night CU Hamish and Dahra Hamish What in gods name was that? 00:34:38:02 00:34:40:05 02:03
Dahra This is the third since the children have
00:34:41:15 00:34:44:13 02:98
Hamish Should we be worried? 00:34:44:21 00:34:47:01 02:80
Dahra Nothing happened after the first two. 00:34:48:20 00:34:50:16 01:96
Hamish And if something happens now , you have me
00:34:51:20 00:34:55:04 03:84
to protect you.
479 00:34:58:22 INT Stables Night CU Hamish and Dahra Hmaish I didn't think you were allowed out? 00:35:00:12 00:35:03:18 03:06
Dahra Mother wouldn't like it. 00:35:04:22 00:35:06:20 01:98
480 00:35:06:21 INT Stables Night CU Dahra and Hamish Dahra But now that ‘The Four Warriors’ are here
00:35:07:14 00:35:11:20 04:06
everyones more
481 00:35:11:21 INT Stables Night CU Dahra’s hand on Hamish OS Dahra relaxed. 00:35:11:21 00:35:14:09 02:88
482 00:35:14:10 INT Stables Night CU Hamish and Dahra Hamish Do you feel safe? 00:35:14:21 00:35:35:12 20:91
483 00:35:15:17 INT Stables Night CU Dahra and Hamish Dahra Yes. 00:35:18:00 00:35:18:20 00:20
484 00:35:21:16 INT Stables Night CU Hamish and Dahra kissing 00:00
485 00:35:30:01 EXT Village Square Day CU Richard punching as William approaches William You didn’t wake us … what the hell are you
00:35:42:09 00:35:49:10 07:01
Richard I havent had this much food in years i needed
00:35:50:09 00:35:54:08 03:99
to move a bit.
William Yeah me too. 00:35:56:19 00:35:58:15 01:96
486 00:35:59:13 EXT Village Square Day CU Richard 00:00
487 00:36:04:01 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard putting gloves on 00:00
488 00:36:08:06 EXT Village Square Day LS William with Richard following 00:00

489 00:36:12:07 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard with sword OS William OH ho ho ho 00:36:14:21 00:36:16:09 01:88
490 00:36:16:10 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard and William with swords William whats this? 00:36:16:10 00:36:17:13 01:03
Richard Well you said you wanted to rule a bit? 00:36:18:04 00:36:20:07 02:03
William Ok! 00:36:21:20 00:36:21:22 00:02
491 00:36:22:14 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard and Hamish getting ready to practice
sword fight
492 00:36:24:02 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard and William fighting 00:00
493 00:36:26:06 EXT Village Square Day MS William and Richard 00:00
494 00:36:28:07 EXT Village Square Day LS Richard and William 00:00
495 00:36:30:00 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard and William fighting 00:00
496 00:36:30:20 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard and William William Oh not bad. 00:36:34:13 00:36:37:16 03:03
Richard Had enough? 00:36:37:16 00:36:38:12 00:96
William No i dont think so. 00:36:39:17 00:36:41:02 01:85
497 00:36:41:04 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard 00:00
498 00:36:43:11 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard and William 00:00
499 00:36:44:19 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard and William 00:00
500 00:36:45:20 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard and William 00:00
501 00:36:46:20 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard and William 00:00
502 00:36:48:01 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard and William 00:00
503 00:36:49:09 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard and William 00:00
504 00:36:55:01 EXT Village Square Day LS Richard and William 00:00
505 00:36:59:20 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard and William 00:00
506 00:37:05:17 EXT Village Square Day MS William 00:00
507 00:37:07:07 EXT Village Square Day MS William and Richard 00:00
508 00:37:08:02 EXT Village Square Day MS William and Richard 00:00
509 00:37:08:19 EXT Village Square Day CU William William AHHHHHHHHH 00:37:10:17 00:37:11:17 01:00
510 00:37:11:99 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard and William Richard AHHHHH your so out of shape my friend. 00:37:13:20 00:37:16:18 02:98
511 00:37:16:21 EXT Village Square Day MS William and Richard William Speak for yourself old man. 00:37:18:00 00:37:19:17 01:17
512 00:37:20:07 EXT Village Square Day MS William and Richard 00:00
513 00:37:26:00 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard and William shaking hands 00:00

514 00:37:31:14 EXT Village Square Day MS William and Richard William What? 00:37:33:05 00:37:33:14 00:09
Richard God and fighting do not go together. 00:37:34:13 00:37:36:09 01:96
William Thats funny. 00:37:38:04 00:37:39:07 01:03
Richard Funny? 00:37:39:14 00:37:39:22 00:08
515 00:37:40:11 EXT Village Square Day MS William and Richard William Coming from a man who's just spent six years
00:37:41:05 00:37:45:13 04:08
fighting in gods
516 00:37:45:14 EXT Village Square Day MS William and Richard William army. 00:37:45:14 00:37:46:14 01:00
Richard That was not 00:37:48:01 00:37:49:06 01:05
517 00:37:49:07 EXT Village Square Day MS William and Hamish Richard gods army. 00:37:49:07 00:37:50:05 00:98
518 00:37:57:00 INT Stables Day CU Bucket 00:00
519 00:38:00:14 INT Stables Day CU William pouring water over Hamish 00:00
520 00:38:04:02 INT Stables Day CU William William Our company not to your liking young sir? 00:38:04:23 00:38:07:06 02:83
521 00:38:07:13 INT Stables Day CU Hamish Hamish What? 00:38:08:05 00:38:08:12 00:07
522 00:38:09:14 INT Stables Day CU William William We’re in a whole village full of gorgeous
00:38:10:04 00:38:14:05 04:01
women and you choose
523 00:38:14:06 INT Stables Day LS William and Hamish William to sleep with horses. 00:38:14:06 00:38:16:02 01:96
Hamish What? 00:38:28:24 00:38:28:27 00:03
William Come on, work to be done. 00:38:20:16 00:38:22:13 01:97
524 00:38:23:16 INT Stables Day CU William 00:00
525 00:38:25:08 INT Stables Day CU Hamish Hamish Are you ok? 00:38:25:08 00:38:26:04 00:96
526 00:38:26:06 INT Stables Day LS William and Hamish William Im just fine. 00:38:27:00 00:38:27:23 00:23
527 00:38:33:00 EXT Village Gate Day LS Richard leading women out 00:00
528 00:38:43:03 EXT Village Gate Day MS Richard and women 00:00
529 00:38:46:21 EXT Village Gate Day MS Women Richard Be strong we need to show them we have no
00:38:49:18 00:38:53:04 03:86
530 00:38:57:06 EXT Village Gardens Outside LS Women working , William watching Pan along Richard All is well here.
00:39:18:03 00:39:19:15 01:12
Walls Day to Richard
531 00:39:20:00 EXT Village Gate Day MS Old Wise Women at look out 00:00
532 00:39:21:03 EXT Village Gate Day MS Old wise women 00:00
533 00:39:25:20 EXT Village Gardens Outside CU Richard
Walls Day

534 00:39:28:13 EXT Village Gardens Outside MS Hamish and William William Maybe she can be the fourth warrior?
00:39:30:08 00:39:32:05 01:97
Walls Day
William Whats he doing 00:39:38:15 00:39:39:09 00:94
535 00:39:39:10 EXT Village Gardens Outside MS Khushtar working William out here?
00:39:39:10 00:39:40:06 00:96
Walls Day
Hamish Don’t worry , I think he knows there could be
00:39:41:03 00:39:43:04 02:01
trouble out there,
536 00:39:43:05 EXT Village Gardens Outside MS Hamish and William Hamish he’s not running away.
00:39:43:05 00:39:44:12 01:07
Walls Day
William I know, but whats he doing? 00:39:44:18 00:39:46:08 01:90
537 00:39:46:20 EXT Village Gardens Outside CU Khushtar OS Hamish Who knows what his kind likes to eat.
00:39:48:23 00:39:50:22 01:99
Walls Day
538 00:39:51:05 EXT Village Gardens Outside MS Hamish and William
Walls Day
539 00:39:57:04 EXT Village Gate Night LS Richard checking outside gate and closing OS Elina He was a Crusader
00:40:15:09 00:40:16:16 01:07
540 00:40:16:17 EXT Village Gate Night LA Elina Elina like you. 00:40:16:17 00:40:17:23 01:06
541 00:40:18:18 EXT Village Gate Night MS Richard Richard Who was? 00:40:19:12 00:40:19:20 00:08
OS Elina Dimitris father. 00:40:21:18 00:40:22:15 00:97
542 00:40:23:14 EXT Village Gate Night CU Elina Elina He only stayed a month before his group
moved on towards Jerusalem. I hardly knew 00:40:25:08 00:40:34:26 09:18
him, and i do not think
543 00:40:34:17 EXTVillage Gate Night MS Richard OS Elina that i ever will. 00:40:34:17 00:40:35:20 01:03
Richard He might of been forced to take a different
00:40:36:18 00:40:39:17 02:99
route home.
544 00:40:39:18 EXT Village Gate Night CU Elina Elina Id like to think so, but the truth is probably not
00:40:40:10 00:40:46:11 06:01
as merciful.
545 00:40:46:12 EXT Village Gate Night MS Richard Richard It was a bad time, we were the lucky ones. 00:40:47:00 00:40:50:04 03:04
546 00:40:50:17 EXT Village Gate Night CU Elina Elina And look at you now. 00:40:55:20 00:40:56:19 00:99
547 00:40:56:20 EXT Village Gate Night MS Richard Richard I dont mind what we are right now. 00:40:58:00 00:40:59:08 01:08
548 00:40:59:09 EXT Village Gate Night LS Elina and Richard Richard I didn't like what we had become down there, 00:41:02:05 00:41:04:14 02:09
549 00:41:04:15 EXT Village Gate Night CU Richard Richard but chance bought us here, so some good has
00:41:05:15 00:41:10:03 04:88
come out of this whole sorry affair.
550 00:41:10:20 EXT Village Gate Night CU Elina Elina I was wrong. 00:41:16:16 00:41:17:15 00:99

551 00:41:17:18 EXT Village Gate Night CU Richard Richard About what? 00:41:19:04 00:41:19:17 00:13
552 00:41:19:22 EXT Village Gate Night CU Elina Elina Whether they were slavers or monsters they’re
00:41:20:03 00:41:27:13 07:10
gone now. Thanks to you.
553 00:41:27:14 EXT Village Gate Night CU Richard Richard We are leaving tomorrow . 00:41:31:04 00:41:32:15 01:11
554 00:41:35:23 EXT Village Gate Night CU Elina Elina I will be sorry to see you go. 00:41:36:01 00:41:37:21 01:20
555 00:41:37:23 EXT Village Gate Night CU Richard Richard So will I. 00:41:39:02 00:41:39:20 00:18
556 00:41:40:11 EXT Village Gate Night LS Elina and Richard 00:00
557 00:41:42:23 EXT Village Square Day LS William playing with his sword 00:00
558 00:41:49:08 EXT Village Square Day MS Dimitri watching William 00:00
559 00:41:52:10 EXT Village Square Day LS William William Hey! 00:41:57:22 00:41:58:02 00:80
560 00:41:58:07 EXT Village Square Day MS Dimitri 00:00
561 00:42:00:01 EXT Village Square Day LS William William Don’t be afriad. 00:42:00:01 00:42:00:21 00:20
562 00:42:02:10 EXT Village Square Day MS Dimitri coming out 00:00
563 00:42:05:21 EXT Village Square Day LS William and Dimitri as he approaches William You want to try? 00:42:12:07 00:42:12:18 00:11
William Wait there. 00:42:14:22 00:42:15:10 00:88
564 00:42:18:23 EXT Village Square Day MS Dimitri being passed the sword William Probably a little bit big lad, 00:42:23:14 00:42:26:17 03:03
565 00:42:21:18 EXT Village Square Day MS Dimitri having dropped the sword 00:00
566 00:42:26:18 EXT Village Square Day LS William and Dimitri William this one … OK…so first you take a stance… 00:42:28:04 00:42:36:21 08:17
567 00:42:41:19 EXT Village Square Day MS Dimitri and William 00:00
568 00:42:43:04 EXT Village Square Day MS Dimitri and William teaching how to fight 00:00
569 00:42:46:07 EXT Village Square Day LS William and Dimitri William Try again. 00:42:46:16 00:42:47:08 00:92
570 00:42:52:17 EXT Village Square Day MS William and Dimitri 00:00
571 00:42:53:23 EXT Village Square Day MS William and Dimitri William See. 00:42:54:13 00:42:54:16 00:03
572 00:42:56:09 EXT Village Square Day LS William and Dimitri 00:00
573 00:42:59:16 EXT Village Square Day MS William William Wow good boy. 00:43:00:12 00:43:02:02 01:90
574 00:43:02:11 EXT Village Square Day LS William and Dimitri William Now we circle, 00:43:03:05 00:43:04:01 00:96
575 00:43:04:12 EXT Village Square Day MS William William size each other up. 00:43:04:12 00:43:06:06 01:94
576 00:43:06:18 EXT Village Square Day LS William and Dimitri being watched through William Good boy.
00:43:10:21 00:43:11:07 00:86
577 00:43:12:02 EXT Village Square Day MS William and Dimitri William One more time round we go. 00:43:12:02 00:43:13:12 01:10
578 00:43:16:06 EXT Village Square Day LS William and Dimitri being watched through

579 00:24:20:21 EXT Village Square Day CU William William You're a natural son! So im going to give you
00:43:23:16 00:43:28:13 04:97
your own
580 00:43:28:14 EXT Village Square Day LS William and Dimitri William special Weapon. 00:43:28:14 00:43:29:17 01:03
581 00:43:32:05 EXT Village Square Day MS Dimitri practicing 00:00
582 00:43:36:04 EXT Village Square Day LS Dimitri practising as something approaches
583 00:43:42:14 EXT Village Square Day MS William coming out of the crusaders house William Found it. 00:43:42:21 00:43:43:15 00:94
584 00:43:44:07 EXT Village Square Day LS William 00:00
585 00:43:47:07 EXT Village Square Day MS William William Boy!… Boy! 00:43:49:05 00:43:53:13 04:08
586 00:43:53:14 EXT Village Square Day LS Elina running PAN to William then PAN around Elian Dimitri, DIMITRI, Where is he? Wheres my son?
00:43:58:01 00:44:05:17 47:16
OS William I don’t know. 00:44:05:20 00:44:06:12 00:92
William We were just playing. 00:44:06:14 00:44:07:19 01:05
Elina DIMITRI 00:44:07:17 00:44:08:22 01:05
587 00:44:13:19 EXT Village Square Day LS Elina and CU of Dimitri tunic 00:00
588 00:44:16:22 EXT Village Square Day MS Elina PAN to Richard as he runs to Willam Elina No they have taken him you fool! 00:44:16:22 00:44:20:09 03:87
Richard What happened? 00:44:22:16 00:44:23:03 00:87
William I dont know… I just. 00:44:23:23 00:44:25:06 01:83
OS Elina You said we were 00:44:25:03 00:44:26:00 00:97
589 00:44:26:01 EXT Village Square Day MS Elina Elina safe. 00:44:26:01 00:44:26:15 00:14
590 00:44:27:21 EXT Village Square Day MS William and Richard Richard Go back inside. 00:44:28:00 00:44:29:00 01:00
William How could I know that.. 00:44:30:05 00:44:31:14 01:09
OS Richard Just do it. 00:44:31:14 00:44:32:05 00:91
591 00:44:37:22 INT Elina’s House Day LS Elina packing as Richard enters Richard He didn't know. 00:44:47:23 00:44:48:14 00:91
592 00:44:49:05 INT Elina’s House Day MS Elina Elian Sine when has stupidity been an excuse. 00:44:49:05 00:44:51:14 02:09
OS Richard What are you doing ? 00:44:53:15 00:44:53:22 00:07
Elina Im going to find him… I have too. 00:44:54:02 00:44:57:23 03:21
593 00:44:58:00 INT Elina’s House Day MS Richard as he holds Elina Elina I believed you. 00:45:00:20 00:45:02:23 02:03
Richard Listen I will go. These men are under my
command, there my responsibility, their debt is 00:45:03:08 00:45:08:13 05:05
my debt.
Elina You said you had a family of your own, 00:45:08:13 00:45:10:10 01:97

594 00:45:10:11 INT Elina’s House Day CU Richard and Elina Elina you should think of them. 00:45:10:11 00:45:12:00 01:89
Richard My wife died in childbirth, 00:45:13:12 00:45:16:13 03:01
595 00:45:16:14 INT Elina’s House Day CU Richard and Elina Richard our first born with her. 00:45:16:14 00:45:18:16 02:02
Elina Im sorry. 00:45:21:21 00:45:22:18 00:97
596 00:45:22:19 INT Elina’s House Day CU Richard and Elina Richard I promise you we will find him. 00:45:22:19 00:45:27:06 04:87
597 00:45:27:18 INT Elina’s House Day CU Richard and Elina Elina Well then i am coming with you. 00:45:28:11 00:45:29:18 01:07
598 00:45:29:20 INT Elina’s House Day CU Richard 00:00
599 00:45:31:16 INT Elina’s House Day LS Elina and Richard Elina Only ‘The Four Warriors' stand between us
00:45:33:06 00:45:35:22 02:16
and the darkness.
600 00:45:36:00 INT Elina’s House Day MS Richard Richard Do you truly believe that prophecy? 00:45:36:11 00:45:38:14 02:03
601 00:45:38:15 INT Elina’s House Day CU Elina Elina Yes. 00:45:41:05 00:45:41:16 00:11
602 00:45:42:11 INT Elina’s House Day LS Elina and Richard 00:00
603 00:45:46:15 INT Elina’s House Day MS Richard and Elina Richard Then that makes four. 00:45:49:05 00:45:50:06 01:01
604 00:45:54:01 INT Elina’s House Day MS Hamish approaches from outside Hamish Its William. 00:45:55:13 00:45:56:03 00:90
605 00:45:56:04 INT Elina’s House Day LS Richard and Elina 00:00
606 00:46:00:03 INT Crusaders House Day LS William and Khushtar 00:00
607 00:46:02:00 INT Crusaders House Day CU William wound William Get away form me. 00:46:03:23 00:46:05:20 01:97
608 00:46:06:09 INT Crusaders House Day MS William and Khushtar 00:00
609 00:46:11:04 INT Crusaders House Day CU William being fed by Khushtar 00:00
610 00:46:16:01 INT Crusaders House Day CU William being fed by Khushtar 00:00
611 00:46:21:05 INT Crusaders House Day CU William William Why are you kind to me? 00:46:25:00 00:46:26:10 01:10
612 00:46:26:11 INT Crusaders House Day MS William and Khushtar 00:00
613 00:46:29:17 INT Crusaders House Day CU William William Im not one of yours 00:46:30:10 00:46:32:13 02:03
614 00:46:32:16 INT Crusaders House Day MS William and Khushtar William I dont understand. 00:46:35:06 00:46:37:11 02:05
615 00:46:38:10 INT Crusaders House Day CU William 00:00
616 00:46:43:17 INT Crusaders House Day CU William 00:00
617 00:46:48:08 INT Crusaders House Day MS William and Khushtar OS Hamish He came in and suddenly he just collapsed. 00:46:53:14 00:46:55:12 01:98
618 00:46:55:13 INT Crusaders House Day MS hamish and Richard Hamish He wont be able to stand for at least a couple
00:46:55:13 00:46:57:17 02:04
of days,
619 00:46:57:18 INT Crusaders House Day LS Richard , Hamish, Elina and William Hamish If ever again. 00:46:58:05 00:46:59:05 01:00
620 00:46:59:06 INT Crusaders House Day CU William 00:00

621 00:47:00:05 INT Crusaders House Day MS Richard and Hamish 00:00
622 00:47:01:21 INT Crusaders House Day CU Elina Elina We cant be 'The 00:47:03:21 00:47:04:08 00:87
623 00:47:04:09 INT Crusaders House Day MS Richard and Hamish OS Elina Four Warriors’ now can we ? 00:47:04:09 00:47:05:12 01:03
Richard No 00:47:06:21 00:47:07:08 00:87
624 00:47:09:04 INT Crusaders House Day MS Khushtar Khushtar I will take his place. 00:47:09:04 00:47:11:03 01:99
625 00:47:11:10 INT Crusaders House Day MS Richard and Hamish Hamish What ? 00:47:11:10 00:47:11:23 00:13
626 00:47:12:04 INT Crusaders House Day MS Khushtar Khushtar I am a warrior. 00:47:16:12 00:47:17:04 00:92
627 00:47:17:05 INT Crusaders House Day LS Richard , Hamish, Elina and William Hamish But you cant speak English. 00:47:18:05 00:47:19:06 01:01
628 00:47:19:06 INT Crusaders House Day MS Richard and Hamish Hamish I mean you obviously can. 00:47:20:00 00:47:21:01 01:01
OS Khushtar I was an officer 00:47:21:01 00:47:21:14 00:13
629 00:47:21:15 INT Crusaders House Day MS Khushtar Khushtar In the army of our great leader. 00:47:21:15 00:47:23:19 02:04
630 00:47:24:00 INT Crusaders House Day MS Richard and Hamish OS Khushtar We were all taught the language of the infidels
00:47:24:17 00:47:28:06 03:89
to better understand them.
Hamish You're the infidel. 00:47:28:12 00:47:29:02 00:90
631 00:47:29:03 INT Crusaders House Day MS Hamish and Khushtar Richard An officer? 00:47:29:11 00:47:30:11 01:00
632 00:47:32:07 INT Crusaders House Day MS Richard and Hamish Richard But you were taken in a plain solids uniform? 00:47:32:11 00:47:34:18 02:07
633 00:47:34:20 INT Crusaders House Day MS Khushtar Khushtar I had heard many stories of what happened to
captured officers. So i disguised myself…to my
00:47:36:19 00:47:48:21 12:02
eternal shame… I have endured my fate in
silence since then.
634 00:47:49:00 INT Crusaders House Day MS Richard and Hamish 00:00
635 00:47:51:17 INT Crusaders House Day CU Elina 00:00
636 00:47:53:02 INT Crusaders House Day MS Richard and Hamish Hamish Your not seriously considering giving his a
00:47:53:02 00:47:55:09 02:07
637 00:47:55:10 INT Crusaders House Day CU Elina 00:00
638 00:47:56:18 INT Crusaders House Day MS Richard and Hamish Hamish The ‘dog’ is just 00:47:57:00 00:47:57:23 00:23
639 00:47:58:00 INT Crusaders House Day MS Khushtar OS Hamish gunna run away. 00:47:58:00 00:47:58:22 00:22
OS William Hes not 00:47:59:08 00:48:00:09 41:01
640 00:48:00:10 INT Crusaders House Day MS Richard and Hamish OS William a dog. 00:48:00:09 00:48:01:10 01:01
641 00:48:01:17 INT Crusaders House Day CU William William I say you give him a chance. 00:48:03:12 00:48:05:20 02:08
642 00:48:05:21 INT Crusaders House Day LS Richard , Hamish, Elina and William William With those things running around out there ,
00:48:08:19 00:48:15:09 06:90
you're going to need all the help you can get.

643 00:48:22:21 INT Crusaders House Day MS Richard and Khushtar given a sword 00:00
644 00:48:29:09 INT Crusaders House Day MS hamish, Richard and Khushtar Richard Unchain him. 00:48:29:17 00:48:30:08 00:91
Hamish So every time we called you ‘dog’ you
00:48:38:09 00:48:23:20 -‐14:89
645 00:48:43:22 INT Crusaders House Day MS Khushtar and Hamish unchaining him Hamish Mule…scum…puss face…shit bag? 00:48:44:08 00:48:51:21 07:13
OS Elina Hamish! 00:48:52:02 00:48:52:20 00:18
Hamish Yes? 00:48:52:20 00:48:53:08 00:88
646 00:48:53:10 INT Crusaders House Day CU Elina 00:00
647 00:48:55:01 INT Crusaders House Day MS Hamish and Khushtar Hamish Oh Yes sorry. 00:48:56:02 00:48:56:02 00:00
648 00:49:05:09 INT Crusaders House Day CU Shield being given to Krushtar 00:00
649 00:49:07:07 INT Crusaders House Day MS Khushtar 00:00
650 00:49:20:01 INT Crusaders House Day CU William 00:00
651 00:49:23:01 EXT Village Square Day CU Khustars shackles 00:00
652 00:49:24:22 EXT Village Square Day LS Khustar and Richard taking a stance 00:00
653 00:49:27:10 EXT Village Square Day LS Khustar and Richard in a dual 00:00
654 00:49:28:19 EXT Village Square Day LS Khustar and Richard in a dual 00:00
655 00:49:29:11 EXT Village Square Day CU Khushtar and Richard dual 00:00
656 00:49:30:06 EXT Village Square Day MS Khushtar and Richard dual 00:00
657 00:49:32:07 EXT Village Square Day MS Khushtar and Richard dual 00:00
658 00:49:34:07 EXT Village Square Day MS Khushtar and Richard dual 00:00
659 00:49:37:19 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard taking a swing 00:00
660 00:49:38:20 EXT Village Square Day LS Khushtar and Richard in a dual 00:00
661 00:49:40:05 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard 00:00
662 00:49:41:07 EXT Village Square Day LS Khushtar and Richard in a dual 00:00
663 00:49:42:04 EXT Village Square Day LS Khushtar kicking Richard in a dual 00:00
664 00:49:42:21 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard 00:00
665 00:49:43:11 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard 00:00
666 00:49:44:00 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard 00:00
667 00:49:47:07 EXT Village Square Day LS Khushtar and Richard in a dual 00:00
668 00:49:50:17 EXT Village Square Day CU Richard 00:00

669 00:49:51:05 EXT Village Square Day LS Khustar and Richard in a dual as seen form
670 00:49:51:18 EXT Village Square Day MS Khushtar and Richard dual 00:00
671 00:49:52:13 EXT Village Gate Day MS Khushtar and Richard dual 00:00
672 00:49:53:22 EXT Village Square Day LS Khushtar throwing Richard’s shield in a dual 00:00
673 00:49:54:13 EXT Village Square Day MS Khushtar and Richard dual 00:00
674 00:49:55:11 EXT Village Square Day LS Khustar and Richard in a dual as seen form
675 00:49:56:11 EXT Village Square Day MS Khushtar and Richard dual 00:00
676 00:49:57:11 EXT Village Square Day LS Khushtar and Richard in a dual 00:00
677 00:49:58:11 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard and Khushtar 00:00
678 00:50:00:02 EXT Village Square Day LS Khushtar and Richard in a dual 00:00
679 00:50:01:11 EXT Village Square Day LS Khushtar and Richard in a dual 00:00
680 00:50:03:20 EXT Village Square Day MS Khushtar and Richard dual 00:00
681 00:50:04:13 EXT Village Square Day MS Khushtar and Richard dual 00:00
682 00:50:08:06 EXT Village Square Day LS Khustar and Richard in a dual as seen form
683 00:50:09:01 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard falling to the floor 00:00
684 00:50:09:23 EXT Village Square Day LS Khushtar and Richard is on the floor 00:00
685 00:50:10:14 EXT Village Square Day CU Richard surrenders 00:00
686 00:50:11:21 EXT Village Square Day CU Khushtar 00:00
687 00:50:13:00 EXT Village Square Day CU Richard 00:00
688 00:50:14:10 EXT Village Square Day CU Khushtar 00:00
689 00:50:15:10 EXT Village Square Day MS Khushtar over Richard 00:00
690 00:50:17:01 EXT Village Square Day Ms Khushtar helping up richard Richard What’s you name? 00:50:21:16 00:50:21:23 00:07
Khushtar Khushtar…although it hardly seems
00:50:23:04 00:50:27:19 04:15
appropriate right now.
Khushtar My name means surrounded by happiness. 00:50:29:09 00:50:32:13 03:04
691 00:50:32:17 EXT Village Square Day LS Richard and Khushtar Richard Go suit up. 00:50:35:22 00:50:36:23 01:01
692 00:50:41:10 INT Village Hall Day CU Weapons, suiting up 00:00
693 00:50:46:16 INT Village Hall Day CU People assembling 00:00
694 00:50:49:14 INT Village Hall Day CU Khushtar 00:00

695 00:50:51:23 INT Village Hall Day MS Hamish and Elina hugging someone 00:00
696 00:50:54:07 INT Village Hall Day CU Wise old women 00:00
697 00:50:56:04 INT Village Hall Day MS Richard and Khushtar Richard Elina’s son was taken earlier today. 00:50:56:16 00:50:58:16 02:00
698 00:50:58:17 INT Village Hall Day CU Richard Richard It was my fault, which is why I've pledged to
make it right. The slavers that took him
00:50:59:11 00:51:13:12 54:01
have no reason to come back. So I do not
believe any of you are in danger here
699 00:51:13:13 INT Village Hall Day LS Richard, Elina, Khushtar and Hamish at the Richard I will however suggest that you gather in this
table addressing the room hall, bring in provisions barricade the windows
and doors and wait for our return. There is no 00:51:13:13 00:51:28:21 15:08
need to be concerned this is just a precaution .
Are there any questions?
OS Women 1 Do you believe you can find 00:51:29:12 00:51:30:12 01:00
700 00:51:30:13 INT Village Hall Day CU Women 1 Women 1 The children? 00:51:30:13 00:51:31:05 00:92
701 00:51:31:12 INT Village Hall Day CU Richard Richard Yes. 00:51:32:05 00:51:32:16 00:11
OS Women 2 But two days ago 00:51:33:21 00:51:34:13 00:92
702 00:51:34:14 INT Village Hall Day CU Women 2 Women 2 you said you did not believe in anything ? 00:51:34:14 00:51:35:23 01:09
703 00:51:36:14 INT Village Hall Day MS Richard, Hamish< Khushtar and Elina Richard I believe in us. 00:51:38:23 00:51:40:00 01:77
704 00:51:40:11 INT Village Hall Day CU Women 00:00
705 00:51:42:15 INT Village Hall Day CU Khushtar giving Dahra medicine 00:00
706 00:51:51:02 INT Village Hall Day CU Dahra 00:00
707 00:51:53:17 INT Village Hall Day MS Hamish and Dahra 00:00
708 00:51:55:18 INT Village Hall Day MS Hamish and Dahra Dahra I pray you will return. 00:51:58:20 00:52:00:03 41:83
Hamish I fear we will need more than all the prayers in
00:52:01:14 00:52:03:07 01:93
the world.
709 00:52:03:08 INT Village Hall Day CU Hamish and Dahra 00:00
710 00:52:06:00 INT Village Hall Day CU Hamish and Dahra kiss 00:00
711 00:52:10:16 INT Village Hall Day MS Elina walking past them 00:00
712 00:52:15:23 INT Village Hall Day MS Elina and Hamish 00:00
713 00:52:18:14 INT Village Hall Day CU Hamish and Dahra Hamish If we are not back in two days time, 00:52:21:07 00:52:23:05 01:98
714 00:52:23:06 INT Village Hall Day CU Hamish and Dahra Hamish promise me you will seal safety far away form
00:52:23:06 00:52:26:01 02:95
Dahra I promise, but you will return. 00:52:26:21 00:52:30:09 03:88

715 00:52:30:09 INT Village Hall Day CU Hamish and Dahra Hamish Yes… yes I will. 00:52:32:10 00:52:35:07 02:97
716 00:52:37:11 INT Village Hall Day CU Dahra 00:00
717 00:52:42:18 INT Village Hall Day MS Dahra addressing the room Dahra You heard what we have to do, 00:52:43:03 00:52:47:01 03:98
718 00:52:47:02 INT Village Hall Day LS Dahra addressing the room Dahra so lets get to work. 00:52:47:02 00:52:49:18 02:16
719 00:52:54:12 EXT Village Gate Day MS ‘The Four Warriors’ exist the gate 00:00
720 00:52:57:10 EXT Village Gate Day MS Women closing the gate 00:00
721 00:52:59:16 EXT Forest Gate Day MS Four Warriors Richard Do not open the gate 00:53:01:03 00:53:02:02 00:99
722 00:53:02:03 EXT Forest Gate Day MS Richard looking back through gates Richard to anyone but us. 00:53:02:03 00:53:02:23 00:20
723 00:53:04:18 EXT Forest Gate Day CU Gate closed women looking out 00:00
724 00:53:12:21 EXT Forest Day MS ‘The Four Warriors’ walking into the fog 00:00
725 00:53:21:00 INT Village Hall Day CU William being carried into hall 00:00
726 00:53:23:10 INT Village Hall Day MS Women placing William down 00:00
727 00:53:26:20 INT Village Hall Day MS Women busy 00:00
728 00:53:31:18 INT Village Hall Day MS Dahra with medicine 00:00
729 00:53:40:20 INT Village Hall Day CU William and Dahra giving medicine 00:00
730 00:53:56:23 EXT Forest Day WIDE Forest 00:00
731 00:54:00:10 EXT Forest Day CU Forest ground, rise to Four Warriors walking 00:00
732 00:54:10:10 EXT Forest Day LS The four Warriors walking PAN around them Richard Lets set up camp here. 00:54:17:06 00:54:18:02 00:96
733 00:54:23:00 EXT Forest Day CU Wood for fire PAN to Hamish Richard Not to high, Hamish. 00:54:27:02 00:54:28:07 01:05
734 00:54:28:09 EXT Forest Day MS Hamish Hamish But those things, didn't seem to like fire much. 00:54:30:08 00:54:31:18 01:10
735 00:54:31:18 EXT Forest Day MS Hamish and Richard Richard There not things, there slavers and we dont
00:54:31:18 00:54:37:07 05:89
want to attract there attention.
Hamish There the weirdest slavers I've ever seen! 00:54:41:06 00:54:42:21 01:15
Richard Whats that? 00:54:43:23 00:54:44:12 00:89
736 00:54:44:21 EXT Forest Day MS Hamish Hamish Nothing. 00:54:46:02 00:54:46:15 00:13
Hamish Eh, wheres the mule… sorry the saracen? 00:54:50:14 00:54:53:22 03:08
737 00:54:53:22 EXT Forest Day LS Richard, Hamish and Elina Hamish I told you that he would run. 00:54:58:13 00:54:58:28 00:15
738 00:55:01:05 EXT Forest Day MS Hamish running through leaves followed by
Richard and Elina
739 00:55:06:14 EXT Forest Day LS Hamish running 00:00
740 00:55:08:11 EXT Forest Day LS Khushtar Kneeling 00:00

741 00:55:10:20 EXT Forest Day MS Hamish followed by Richard then Elina Hamish What are you doing ? 00:55:14:19 00:55:15:13 00:94
742 00:55:15:15 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar 00:00
743 00:55:17:22 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar showing his trap 00:00
744 00:55:18:18 EXT Forest Day CU Log as trap 00:00
745 00:55:19:05 EXT Forest Day CU Khushtar 00:00
746 00:55:21:00 EXT Field Day MS Richard, Hamish and Elina 00:00
747 00:55:29:05 EXT Field Day MS Khushtar 00:00
748 00:55:31:03 EXT Forest Night MS Richard and Khushtar around fire 00:00
749 00:55:34:08 EXT Forest Night LS Khushtar, Richard, Hamish and Elina Richard A full stomach four days in a row thats a new
00:55:37:17 00:55:40:14 02:97
Richard And one of us has 00:55:45:12 00:55:46:02 00:90
750 00:55:46:02 EXT Forest Night MS Hamish OS Richard got a full heart too. 00:55:46:02 00:55:47:11 01:09
Hamish What? 00:55:49:00 00:55:50:08 01:08
751 00:55:50:09 EXT Forest Night MS Khushtar and Richard 00:00
752 00:55:51:11 EXT Forest Night MS Hamish and Elina Hamish No I was just thinking of… 00:55:51:11 00:55:55:00 03:89
753 00:55:55:05 EXT Forest Night MS Khushtar and Richard Richard Of her beautiful 00:55:55:05 00:55:57:09 02:04
754 00:55:57:09 EXT Forest Night MS Hamish OS Richard soft skin. 00:55:57:09 00:55:58:09 01:00
Hamish Yes …. No. 00:55:58:04 00:56:00:19 42:15
755 00:55:59:13 EXT Forest Night MS Hamish and Elina 00:00
756 00:56:01:08 EXT Forest Night MS Khushtar and Richard 00:00
757 00:56:03:04 EXT Forest Night MS Hamish and Elina 00:00
758 00:56:04:19 EXT Forest Night LS Khushtar, Richard, Hamish and Elina startled 00:00
759 00:56:08:19 EXT Forest Night CU Deer 00:00
760 00:56:12:02 EXT Forest Night MS Hamish and Elina Elina Oh God, 00:56:12:12 00:56:13:05 00:93
761 00:56:13:17 EXT Forest Night MS Khushtar and Richard 00:00
762 00:56:16:09 EXT Forest Night LS Khushtar, Richard, Hamish and Elina 00:00
763 00:56:19:09 EXT Forest Night MS Hamish and Elina sitting Hamish He’s lucky that Williams not around and the
00:56:21:11 00:56:24:05 02:94
rest of us have already eaten.
764 00:56:24:07 EXT Forest Night MS Khushtar and Richard 00:00
765 00:56:27:06 EXT Forest Night LS Khushtar, Richard, Hamish and Elina startled 00:00
766 00:56:30:13 EXT Forest Night MS Khushtar Khushtar I will take the first watch. 00:56:31:14 00:56:33:06 01:92

767 00:56:35:00 EXT Forest Night LS Khushtar walking off, Richard, Hamish and
768 00:56:38:09 EXT Forest Night CU Fire 00:00
769 00:56:41:19 EXT Forest Night CU Hamish asleep 00:00
770 00:56:45:13 EXT Forest Night LS Khushtar standing watch 00:00
771 00:56:48:19 EXT Forest Night MS Richard OS Elina It wasn't your fault, 00:56:51:13 00:56:53:15 02:02
772 00:56:53:16 EXT Forest Night MS Richard and Elina Elina you did your best… I am sorry to drag you into
00:56:54:18 00:57:01:09 46:91
all this.
Richard You didn't William did. 00:57:03:17 00:57:06:09 02:92
773 00:57:09:06 EXT Forest Night MS Richard and Elina Elian You dont really believe that we will find them
00:57:09:21 00:57:12:14 02:93
all alive do you?
Richard No, most of them will have been moved on 00:57:18:20 00:57:23:05 04:85
774 00:57:25:22 EXT Forest Night MS Richard and Elina Richard but i do have hopes for Dimitri. 00:57:26:15 00:57:28:02 01:87
775 00:57:28:05 EXT Forest Night MS Richard and Elina Elina He means the world to me. 00:57:30:23 00:57:32:04 01:81
776 00:57:32:18 EXT Forest Night MS Richard and Elina Richard And we will find him. 00:57:33:02 00:57:34:02 01:00
777 00:57:35:16 EXT Forest Night MS Richard and Elina Elina You give me your word? 00:57:36:01 00:57:37:04 01:03
778 00:57:37:13 EXT Forest Night MS Richard and Elina Richard Yes. 00:57:38:05 00:57:38:10 00:05
779 00:57:39:16 EXT Forest Night MS Richard and Elina Richard And i will keep it. 00:57:40:04 00:57:41:03 00:99
780 00:57:41:16 EXT Forest Night MS Richard going to bed and Elina Richard Goodnight. 00:57:43:23 00:57:44:17 00:94
781 00:57:49:10 EXT Forest Night MS Elina 00:00
782 00:57:57:17 EXT Forest Night MS Richard and Elina laying behind him Elian Goodnight Richard. 00:57:48:16 00:57:59:21 11:05
783 00:58:05:14 EXT Forest Day MS Richard walking forest path followed by Elina
Khushtar and Hmaish
784 00:58:15:09 EXT Forest Day Cu Richard, Elina, Khushtar and Hamish walking .
hamish turns as somethings behind him
785 00:58:28:01 EXT Forest Day MS Hamish turning around again Hamish Richard. 00:58:29:07 00:58:30:07 01:00
786 00:58:30:08 EXT Forest Day LS Richard, Elina, Khushtar and Hamish being
followed by dark shadow
787 00:58:36:04 EXT Forest Day MS Dark Shadow 00:00
788 00:58:38:03 EXT Forest Day MS Richard , Elina, Khushtar and Hamish Richard Lets go. 00:58:38:07 00:58:38:22 00:15
789 00:58:39:05 EXT Forest Day LS Hamish running and several dark shadows 00:00
790 00:58:40:18 EXT Forest Day LS Hamish, Richard, Elina and Khuhstar running
from shadows

791 00:58:42:14 EXT Forest Day LS Hamish, Richard, Elina and Khuhstar from
792 00:58:45:18 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar and Richard getting out their swords Hamish Were surrounded! 00:58:50:13 00:58:51:04 00:91
793 00:58:48:09 EXT Forest Day MS Hamish getting his bow PAN to Elina 00:00
794 00:58:54:02 EXT Forest Day MS Hamish attacking 00:00
795 00:58:56:10 EXT Forest Day MS Elina attacking 00:00
796 00:58:58:04 EXT Forest Day MS Hamish attacking 00:00
797 00:58:59:05 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar attacking 00:00
798 00:59:00:23 EXT Forest Day MS Richard attacking 00:00
799 00:59:02:07 EXT Forest Day MS Elina attacking 00:00
800 00:59:04:18 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar attacking 00:00
801 00:59:06:15 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar attacking 00:00
802 00:59:07:20 EXT Forest Day MS Richard attacking 00:00
803 00:59:10:00 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar attacking 00:00
804 00:59:12:20 EXT Forest Day MS Richard attacking 00:00
805 00:59:15:07 EXT Forest Day MS Elina attacking 00:00
806 00:59:17:20 EXT Forest Day MS Richard attacking 00:00
807 00:59:19:11 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar attacking 00:00
808 00:59:20:20 EXT Forest Day MS Elina attacking 00:00
809 00:59:23:14 EXT Forest Day MS Richard attacking 00:00
810 00:59:25:12 EXT Forest Day MS Elina attacking 00:00
811 00:59:27:10 EXT Forest Day MS Hamish attacking 00:00
812 00:59:28:12 EXT Forest Day MS Richard attacking 00:00
813 00:00:59:15 EXT Forest Day MS Richard attacking 00:00
814 00:59:32:15 EXT Forest Day MS Hamish attacking 00:00
815 00:59:35:02 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar attacking 00:00
816 00:59:37:17 EXT Forest Day MS Richard attacking 00:00
817 00:59:39:20 EXT Forest Day MS Hamish attacking 00:00
818 00:59:42:12 EXT Forest Day MS Hamish attacking 00:00
819 00:59:44:04 EXT Forest Day MS Richard attacking 00:00
820 00:59:47:14 EXT Forest Day MS Richard attacking 00:00

821 00:59:48:16 EXT Forest Day MS Creature running revealing a man (Baliphar) 00:00
822 00:59:51:00 EXT Forest Day MS Richard attacking 00:00
823 00:59:53:14 EXT Forest Day MS Richard attacking 00:00
824 00:59:56:06 EXT Forest Day MS Richard attacking 00:00
825 00:59:57:10 EXT Forest Day LS Man walking (Baliphar) 00:00
826 00:59:59:00 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar attacking 00:00
827 01:00:01:15 EXT Forest Day MS Richard attacking 00:00
828 01:00:02:20 EXT Forest Day LS Man (Baliphar) 00:00
829 01:00:04:20 EXT Forest Day MS Elina and Hamish attacking 00:00
830 01:00:11:00 EXT Forest Day POV Man watching fight 00:00
831 01:00:14:07 EXT Forest Day MS Richard, Elina, Hamish and Khushtar meeting
back to back completely surrounded
832 01:00:21:18 EXT Forest Day CU Man (Baliphar) 00:00
833 01:00:22:13 EXT Forest Day MS Richard, Elina, Hamish and Khushtar meeting
back to back completely surrounded
834 01:00:23:11 EXT Forest Day MS Creatures 00:00
835 01:00:24:14 EXT Forest Day MS Baliphar throwing something Baliphar Be 01:00:22:03 01:00:22:13 00:10
836 01:00:25:06 EXT Forest Day MS Richard, Elina, Hamish and Khushtar as OS Baliphar gone you creatures.
01:00:22:13 01:00:23:22 01:09
explosion around them
837 01:00:26:03 EXT Forest Day MS Baliphar and explosion and creatures running 00:00
838 01:00:29:03 EXT Forest Day MS Richard, Elina, Hamish and Khushtar meeting
back to back
839 01:00:31:06 EXT Forest Day MS Baliphar Baliphar Follow me. 01:00:32:22 01:00:33:22 01:00
840 01:00:35:10 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar, Richard, Elian and Hamish following 00:00
841 01:00:43:15 EXT Field Day WIDE Field everyone following Baliphar 00:00
842 01:00:51:15 EXT Field Day LS Baliphar, Khushtar, Elina, Hamish and Richard Hamish You… you are a wizard? 01:00:53:08 01:00:55:15 02:07
Baliphar Ha! There are no wizards or magic, 01:00:57:20 01:01:00:16 42:96
843 01:01:01:05 EXT Field Day LS Baliphar, Khushtar, Elina, Hamish and Richard Baliphar only ingenuity my friend. I helped out as early
as i could i had to prepare for my grand 01:01:01:05 01:01:08:15 07:10
844 01:01:08:21 EXT Field Day MS Baliphar Baliphar Those things will stay at a distance now but not
01:01:10:01 01:01:14:22 04:21
OS Hamish Thank you. 01:01:15:20 01:01:16:10 00:90

845 01:01:18:19 EXT Field Day LS Baliphar, Khushtar, Elina, Hamish and Richard Baliphar It isn't a palace but its warm and I've got food,
01:01:10:12 01:01:26:20 16:08
approaching hut who's hungry?
846 01:01:28:22 INT Baliphars House Day LS Baliphar, Khushtar, Elina, Hamish and Richard Baliphar You say that all your children have been
01:01:29:13 01:01:34:22 05:09
sat round fire taken… and the men?
Elina Yes. 01:01:35:13 01:01:35:21 00:08
Baliphar And now you have set out to find them? 01:01:37:20 01:01:39:14 01:94
847 01:01:40:21 INT Baliphars House Day CU Baliphar Baliphar That seems reckless, no disrespect to you 01:01:42:10 01:01:45:08 02:98
848 01:01:45:09 INT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar, Elina ans Hamish Baliphar or these gentlemen. 01:01:45:08 01:01:46:01 00:93
849 01:01:47:18 INT Baliphars House Day MS Richard OS Elina Our wise women told of the prophecy 01:01:47:18 01:01:50:18 03:00
850 01:01:50:19 INT Baliphars House Day LS Baliphar, Khushtar, Elina, Hamish and Richard Elina of ‘The Four Warriors’, These three men
01:01:50:19 01:01:54:06 03:87
sat round fire came to us as a sign,
851 01:01:54:09 INT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar, Elina ans Hamish Elina and together we believe we can fulfil 01:01:54:09 01:01:57:06 02:97
852 01:01:57:07 INT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar OS Elina that prophecy. 01:01:57:07 01:01:58:07 01:00
Baliphar AHHH you cant. 01:01:58:20 01:01:59:11 00:91
853 01:01:59:14 INT Baliphars House Day MS Hamish and Elina Hamish What ? 01:02:00:16 01:02:01:10 00:94
854 01:02:01:12 INT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar Baliphar She got it wrong. 01:02:01:14 01:02:02:13 00:99
855 01:02:02:22 INT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar, Elina ans Hamish Baliphar Sorry my dear. 01:02:02:22 01:02:03:16 00:94
Elina She said only ‘The Four Warriors’ stand
01:02:05:05 01:02:08:11 03:06
between us and the darkness ?
Baliphar That part is true. 01:02:08:21 01:02:10:06 01:85
Hamish But? 01:02:10:22 01:02:11:09 00:87
Baliphar ‘The Four Warriors’ are not of flesh and blood. 01:02:12:13 01:02:14:13 02:00
856 01:02:14:14 INT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar Baliphar They are precious stones from beyond the
01:02:15:02 01:02:18:03 03:01
memory of man.
857 01:02:18:04 INT Baliphars House Day LS Baliphar, Khushtar, Elina, Hamish and Richard Baliphar Set in a powerful black crown,
01:02:18:19 01:02:20:15 01:96
sat round fire
858 01:02:20:16 INT Baliphars House Day MS Richard OS Baliphar forged by dark magic in the ancient times. 01:02:21:14 01:02:24:06 02:92
859 01:02:24:07 INT Baliphars House Day MS Khushtar OS Baliphar Where light and darkness were at war for
01:02:24:07 01:02:27:13 03:06
dominion over the world.
860 01:02:27:19 INT Baliphars House Day MS Hamish and Elina Hamish You said there was no such thing as magic? 01:02:28:05 01:02:29:22 01:17
861 01:02:30:05 INT Baliphars House Day LS Baliphar, Khushtar, Elina, Hamish and Richard Baliphar That doesn't mean that there never was magic,
01:02:03:12 01:02:32:11 28:99
sat round fire does it?
862 01:02:32:13 INT Baliphars House Day MS Hamish and Elina OS Khushtar What was the 01:02:33:19 01:02:35:12 01:93

863 01:02:35:13 INT Baliphars House Day MS Khushtar Khushtar purpose of this crown you speak of? 01:02:35:13 01:02:37:02 01:89
864 01:02:37:14 INT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar Baliphar The four stones possess the power of the four
01:02:37:17 01:02:41:02 03:85
elements of the world.
865 01:02:41:10 INT Baliphars House Day LS Baliphar, Khushtar, Elina, Hamish and Richard Baliphar Earth, Wind, Fire and water
01:02:42:07 01:02:44:12 02:05
sat round fire
866 01:02:45:01 INT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar Baliphar Together in the crown they enabled the demons 01:02:45:13 01:02:80:02 34:89
867 01:02:48:12 INT Baliphars House Day MS Hamish and Elina OS Baliphar of the dark to walk on the earth. 01:02:48:12 01:02:50:06 01:94
Hamish So ‘The Four Warriors’ are Evil? 01:02:50:15 01:02:51:22 01:07
868 01:02:52:05 INT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar Baliphar They were used in the service of evil. 01:02:52:19 01:02:54:09 01:90
869 01:02:54:13 INT Baliphars House Day MS Richard Richard This is nonsense. 01:02:54:15 01:02:55:22 01:07
870 01:02:55:23 INT Baliphars House Day MS Hanish, Elina, Khustar and Richard OS Baliphar When the forces of light won the ultimate
battle they casted the demons back into hell 01:02:56:21 01:03:03:07 46:86
and sealed the entrance.
871 01:03:03:14 INT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar , Hamish and Elina Baliphar They broke up the crown and cast The Fpur
01:03:03:14 01:03:07:03 03:89
Warriors deep
872 01:03:07:04 INT Baliphars House Day MS Elina Baliphar into the mines so their power would never be
01:03:07:04 01:03:12:04 05:00
miss used again.
Elina The mines of Etalonia. 01:03:12:04 01:03:13:11 01:07
873 01:03:13:12 INT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar 00:00
874 01:03:14:22 INT Baliphars House Day MS Hamish Hamish And what has this got to do with creatures 01:03:15:11 01:03:16:19 01:08
875 01:03:16:20 INT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar OS Hamish and the children? 01:03:16:20 01:03:17:16 00:96
Baliphar I fear that a powerful demon has managed to
01:03:17:17 01:03:23:21 06:04
penetrate the seal with the help of a new
876 01:03:23:21 INT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar , Hamish and Elina Baliphar crown. He cannot walk in the light yet. 01:03:23:21 01:03:27:03 03:82
877 01:03:27:03 INT Baliphars House Day MS Khushtar OS Baliphar So with your children as bait, 01:03:27:03 01:03:28:17 01:14
878 01:03:28:18 INT Baliphars House Day MS Elina OS Baliphar he lured the men into the darkness 01:03:28:18 01:03:31:12 02:94
879 01:03:31:17 INT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar Baliphar and has created an army of servile monsters . 01:03:31:17 01:03:33:20 02:03
880 01:03:33:20 INT Baliphars House Day MS Hamish and Elina Hamish Those creatures where the men form the
01:03:34:22 01:03:36:14 01:92
village ?
881 01:03:37:02 INT Baliphars House Day MS Khushtar 00:00
882 01:03:38:15 INT Baliphars House Day MS Hamish and Elina Elina What about the children have you seen 01:03:38:15 01:03:40:09 01:94
883 01:03:40:10 INT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar OS Elina them? 01:03:40:10 01:03:40:22 00:12
Baliphar Yes i have my dear. 01:03:41:03 01:03:42:08 01:05

884 01:03:42:09 INT Baliphars House Day MS Richard OS Baliphar They are forced to crawl into the deepest 01:03:43:13 01:03:45:18 02:05
885 01:03:45:19 INT Baliphars House Day MS Hamish and Elina OS Baliphar most narrow cracks of mines in search of ‘The
01:03:45:19 01:03:49:03 03:84
Four Warriors’
Elina So they're still alive? 01:03:49:13 01:03:50:09 00:96
886 01:03:50:11 INT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar Baliphar Some yes but i fear not 01:03:51:03 01:03:53:08 02:05
887 01:03:53:13 INT Baliphars House Day MS Hamish and Elina OS Baliphar For long …The demon has already found 01:03:53:13 01:03:55:12 01:99
888 01:03:55:13 INT Baliphars House Day MS Richard OS Baliphar three of the stones at a high cost, and he 01:03:55:13 01:03:59:06 03:93
889 01:03:59:07 INT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar , Hamish and Elina Baliphar Is ruthlessly determined to find the last. 01:03:59:08 01:04:01:09 42:01
Hamish Eh what happens when he finds it? 01:04:02:17 01:04:05:05 02:88
890 01:04:05:09 INT Baliphars House Day MS Richard Richard This is just a story. 01:04:05:09 01:04:06:18 01:09
891 01:04:06:20 INT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar OS Richard There are no demons no warriors, 01:04:07:16 01:04:10:00 02:84
892 01:04:10:01 INT Baliphars House Day MS Hanish, Elina, Khustar and Richard Richard Just masked slavers looking for gold in empty
01:04:10:20 01:04:13:04 02:84
mines .
Hamish But you saw those creatures? 01:04:14:16 01:04:15:23 01:07
OS Baliphar You must have the most 01:04:17:04 01:04:18:01 00:97
893 01:04:18:02 INT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar Baliphar powerful of faith on your side to defeat the
01:04:18:02 01:04:19:19 01:17
OS Richard Then 01:04:20:23 01:04:21:01 00:78
894 01:04:21:01 INT Baliphars House Day MS Richard Richard we are doomed. 01:04:21:01 01:04:22:10 01:09
895 01:04:23:13 INT Baliphars House Day MS Richard getting up and walking off 00:00
896 01:04:27:09 EXT Baliphars House Night CU Richard holding something 00:00
897 01:04:32:04 EXT Baliphars House Night MS Richard and Elina approaches OS Elina What is wrong ? 01:04:32:23 01:04:33:07 00:84
Richard If we start to believe in super natural beings
and not an enemy of blood, it will weaken our 01:04:33:07 01:04:41:08 08:01
resolve and give them the advantage.
Richard Im sorry … Ive just lost too many men for that
01:04:44:14 01:04:49:20 05:06
Richard Our leaders demonised the saracens, 01:04:52:04 01:04:54:07 02:03
898 01:04:54:08 EXT Baliphars House Night MS Richard Richard thought it would make it easier for us to kill
them. But the men started to fear them,
thought them to have unearthly powers. And 01:04:54:08 01:05:11:12 57:04
fear will kill you long before the battle has
899 01:05:11:13 EXT Baliphars House Night CU Richard holding his necklace Elina Is that from your homeland? 01:05:16:21 01:05:18:05 01:84

900 01:05:18:06 EXT Baliphars House Night MS Richard Richard Its from the beach where i grew up. 01:05:21:18 01:05:24:00 02:82
OS Elina It must mean a lot. 01:05:26:02 01:05:26:17 00:15
Richard I have a small stone cottage by the sea that
01:05:29:04 01:05:34:11 05:07
divides England and France.
901 01:05:35:00 EXT Baliphars House Night CU Richard and Elina Richard My family have been fishermen there for
generations, and ive always been close to the 01:05:35:23 01:05:41:22 05:99
Elina But did you tired of it and went to the desert? 01:05:45:16 01:05:47:10 01:94
902 01:05:47:16 EXT Baliphars House Night MS Richard Richard No, I was a fisherman until my wife … 01:05:50:08 01:05:52:18 02:10
903 01:05:54:20 EXT Baliphars House Night CU Richard and Elina Elina You must miss her. 01:05:57:04 01:05:58:22 01:18
904 01:05:59:03 EXT Baliphars House Night MS Richard Richard They said it was Gods will, that she was in a
better place… I guess they were right. The 01:06:04:14 01:06:18:18 14:04
world i was left with was no good.
Richard The more I prayed the more angry I became
with God. I would wake up in the middle of the
01:06:22:22 01:06:39:12 16:90
night bathed in sweat cursing his name ,
punching the air as if i was fighting him.
905 01:06:40:15 EXT Baliphars House Night CU Richard and Elina Elina So why then did you join the crusade? 01:06:44:21 01:06:46:15 01:94
906 01:06:46:20 EXT Baliphars House Night MS Richard Richard I thought it would be the easiest way to meet
01:06:48:12 01:06:51:05 02:93
him face to face.
907 01:06:52:11 EXT Baliphars House Night CU Richard and Elina Elina You wanted to die?… I do not believe in any god 01:06:53:06 01:07:04:01 50:95
908 01:07:04:12 EXT Baliphars House Night CU Richard and Elina Elina But i do believe in good, and you…you are a
01:07:05:17 01:07:11:19 06:02
good man,
909 01:07:12:02 EXT Baliphars House Night CU Richard and Elina Elian and that is the most powerful thing in the
01:07:13:05 01:07:15:04 01:99
Richard The horrors I've witnessed show me theres
01:07:16:02 01:07:21:04 05:02
nothing left to believe in.
910 01:07:21:13 EXT Baliphars House Night CU Richard and Elina Elina If this 01:07:26:14 01:07:26:21 00:07
911 01:07:26:21 EXT Baliphars House Night MS Richard and Elina Elina stone can bring you back to England in an
instant… Is it not possible that the ones
01:07:26:21 01:07:36:07 09:86
Baliphar speaks of could also hold some
incredible power?
912 01:07:36:16 EXT Baliphars House Night CU Richard and Elina 00:00
913 01:07:41:13 INT Baliphars House Night LS Baliphar, Khushtar and Hamish 00:00
914 01:07:45:21 INT Baliphars House Night MS Richard and Elina Richard Someone has enslaved innocent children. 01:07:47:06 01:07:49:18 02:12

915 01:07:49:19 INT Baliphars House Night LS Baliphar, Khushtar and Hamish OS Richard And tomorrow i’m going to make them pay for
01:07:49:19 01:07:52:19 03:00
916 01:07:53:18 INT Baliphars House Night MS Richard and Elina Richard I don't believe in magic and demons like you
do, but i will not ask you to fight your 01:07:54:13 01:08:04:00 49:87
beliefs, so i am going to continue this
mission alone.
917 01:08:04:17 INT Baliphars House Night LS Baliphar, Khushtar and Hamish Khushtar You will find that impossible. 01:08:04:20 01:08:07:01 02:81
918 01:08:07:11 INT Baliphars House Night MS Richard and Elina Richard Why? 01:08:08:07 01:08:08:18 00:11
919 01:08:08:20 INT Baliphars House Night CU Khushtar Khushtar Because I am going with you. 01:08:10:12 01:08:12:04 01:92
920 01:08:12:09 INT Baliphars House Night MS Richard and Elina Elina And so am I. 01:08:13:02 01:08:14:05 01:03
921 01:08:14:23 INT Baliphars House Night MS Hamish Hamish I guess this is where i say me too? 01:08:16:22 01:08:20:04 03:82
922 01:08:20:10 INT Baliphars House Night LS Baliphar, Khushtar and Hamish 00:00
923 01:08:23:09 EXT Baliphars House Day LS Richard, Elina, Khushtar, hamish and Baliphar 00:00
924 01:08:25:06 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Richard, Elina, Khushtar, hamish and Baliphar Richard Thank you Baliphar but if you give us anymore
01:08:26:02 01:08:29:22 03:20
food i fear we wont be able to fight.
925 01:08:30:02 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar and Richard Baliphar Warriors march on their stomachs your know
01:08:30:02 01:08:32:21 02:19
926 01:08:33:07 EXT Baliphars House Day LS Richard, Elina, Khushtar, hamish and Baliphar 00:00
927 01:08:37:20 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar and Elina hugging Elina Thanks you. 01:08:37:19 01:08:38:05 00:86
928 01:08:39:09 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar and Elina Baliphar Richard may not believe it exists but when you
01:08:39:09 01:08:42:20 03:11
929 01:08:42:21 EXT Baliphars House Day CU Potion handing to Elina OS Baliphar the black crown 01:08:42:21 01:08:44:15 01:94
930 01:08:44:16 EXT Baliphars House Day CU Potion handing to Elina OS Baliphar use this. 01:08:44:16 01:08:45:05 00:89
931 01:08:45:18 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Elina, Baliphar and Hamish Hamish Is that a magic potion? 01:08:45:18 01:08:46:21 01:03
932 01:08:46:23 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Elina, Baliphar and Hamish Baliphar I thought i told you that magic doesn't exist? 01:08:46:23 01:08:48:13 01:90
933 01:08:48:13 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Elina and Hamish Hamish Yes but what about the black crown? 01:08:49:01 01:08:50:05 01:04
934 01:08:50:06 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Elina, Baliphar and Hamish 00:00
935 01:08:51:13 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Elina, Baliphar and Hamish Hamish Oh, yes doesn't mean it never has, 01:08:52:13 01:08:54:17 02:04
936 01:08:56:13 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Elina, Baliphar and Hamish Baliphar Now go fight some demons. 01:08:56:14 01:08:59:00 02:86
Hamish Yes Sir. 01:08:59:00 01:08:59:04 00:04
937 01:08:59:04 EXT Baliphars House Day LS Elina , Baliphar and Hamish 00:00
938 01:09:02:23 EXT Forest Day WIDE Forest 00:00
939 01:09:09:08 EXT Forest Day The Four Warriors walking the forest path from

940 01:09:20:02 EXT Forest Day MS Richard and Khushtar leading Elina and Richard Why are you doing this?
01:09:31:08 01:09:32:04 00:96
Khushtar The children have been taken. 01:09:34:23 01:09:35:23 01:00
Richard And? 01:09:37:07 01:09:37:20 00:13
Khushtar And to wash away my shame. 01:09:39:22 01:09:43:15 03:93
941 01:09:45:07 EXT Forest Day MS Richard and Khushtar Richard You know were being followed? 01:09:46:07 01:09:47:15 01:08
942 01:09:48:07 EXT Forest Day MS Richard and Khushtar leading Elina and Khushtar Yes.
01:09:46:07 01:09:49:05 02:98
943 01:09:53:03 EXT Forest Day MS Elina and Hamish walking Hamish How do we know where to go? 01:08:58:10 01:09:59:11 101:01
Elina If we keep travelling North we should get to
01:10:00:08 1100303 02:95
Etalonia within a days march.
944 01:10:04:03 EXT Forest Day MS Elina and Hamish Hamish Those mountains must be riddled with caves
01:10:04:09 01:10:08:16 04:07
and mines, how do we find the right one?
Elina We will find a way. 01:10:09:13 01:10:10:23 01:10
945 01:10:13:15 EXT Forest Day WIDE Forest 00:00
946 01:10:21:23 EXT Forest Day PAN of lake to LS Hamish, Elina, Khushtar and
947 01:10:30:16 EXT Forest Day MS Richard and Khushtar 00:00
948 01:10:33:10 EXT Forest Day LS Richard , Hamish, Elina and Khushtar 00:00
949 01:10:37:02 EXT Forest Day LS Richard and Hamish walking past Khusthtar 00:00
950 01:10:45:17 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar realising hes alone 00:00
951 01:11:00:05 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar getting up and running 00:00
952 01:11:06:00 EXT Forest Day LS Richard, Hamish and Elina 00:00
953 01:11:12:11 EXT Forest Day LS Khushtar running through trees 00:00
954 01:11:15:15 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar Khushtar WAIT 01:11:15:15 01:11:16:12 00:97
955 01:11:16:14 EXT Forest Day LS Richard, Hamish and Elina 00:00
956 01:11:18:16 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar 00:00
957 01:11:19:14 EXT Forest Day LS Khushtar running through trees 00:00
958 01:11:21:06 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar tripping up Khushtar AAAAghhhhh 01:11:21:08 01:11:21:13 00:05
959 01:11:22:03 EXT Forest Day CU ground and sword landing 00:00
960 01:11:23:16 EXT Forest Day LS Khushtar on the ground Khushtar HELP 01:11:25:17 01:11:26:04 00:87
961 01:11:27:03 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar 00:00

962 01:11:30:09 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar 00:00
963 01:11:32:05 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar and a creature behind him Khushtar HELP 01:11:32:05 01:11:32:23 00:18
964 01:11:33:03 EXT Forest Day LS Creature running 00:00
965 01:11:33:20 EXT Forest Day CU Khushtar reaching for sword on ground Khushtar HELP 01:11:37:01 01:11:37:15 00:14
966 01:11:37:15 EXT Forest Day LS Khushtar on the ground 00:00
967 01:11:38:19 EXT Forest Day LS Creature running 00:00
968 01:11:40:01 EXT Forest Day CU Khushtar 00:00
969 01:11:41:07 EXT Forest Day MS Creature 00:00
970 01:11:42:02 EXT Forest Day CU Khushtar 00:00
971 01:11:43:22 EXT Forest Day MS Creature 00:00
972 01:11:44:15 EXT Forest Day CU Khushtar 00:00
973 01:11:45:11 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar 00:00
974 01:11:46:10 EXT Forest Day MS Hamish with bow and arrow 00:00
975 01:11:47:03 EXT Forest Day MS Creature PAN to arrow in leg 00:00
976 01:11:48:04 EXT Forest Day CU Creature 00:00
977 01:11:48:19 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar as creature fleds 00:00
978 01:11:50:03 EXT Forest Day CU Khushtar 00:00
979 01:11:53:02 EXT Forest Day CU Khushtar 00:00
980 01:11:55:03 EXT Forest Day CU Richards hand 00:00
981 01:11:56:02 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar 00:00
982 01:11:57:21 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar and Richard Khushtar A good shot. 01:11:59:06 01:12:00:00 40:94
OS Hamish An excellent shot . 01:12:00:15 01:12:01:10 00:95
983 01:12:01:10 EXT Forest Day CU Hamish OS Richard Lets hope the plan works. 01:12:02:00 01:12:03:05 01:05
Hamish What ? 01:12:04:01 01:12:04:12 00:11
984 01:12:05:03 EXT Forest Day MS Richard Hamish and Khushtar PAN Richard What does a lone animal in a wolf pack do
01:12:05:03 01:12:08:00 02:97
around them when its injured?
Khushtar Seek shelter in the lair. 01:12:09:03 01:12:11:02 01:99
Hamish So all of this was part of a plan? 01:12:14:19 01:12:17:01 02:82
985 01:12:17:04 EXT Forest Day CU Khushtar and Hamish 00:00
986 01:12:19:15 EXT Forest Day MS Hamish Hamish You are braver than 01:12:21:11 01:12:22:17 01:06
987 01:12:22:17 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar and Hamish Hamish your reputation saracen. 01:12:11:17 01:12:24:00 12:83

988 01:12:26:22 EXT Forest Day LS Khushtar and Hamish 00:00
989 01:12:30:21 EXT Forest Day MS Elina 00:00
990 01:12:33:23 EXT Forest Day CU Black blood on leaf OS Elina Here! 01:12:33:23 01:12:34:20 00:97
991 01:12:35:23 EXT Forest Day MS Elina and Richard Richard And the hunt begins. 01:12:38:04 01:12:39:01 00:97
992 01:12:40:03 EXT Forest Day CU Black blood on leaf 00:00
993 01:12:43:08 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar and Hamish 00:00
994 01:12:48:08 EXT Forest Day LS Elina, Richard, hamish and Khushtar 00:00
995 01:12:58:19 EXT Forest Day WIDE Forest 00:00
996 01:13:02:10 EXT Forest Day MS Elina, Richard, Hamish and Khushtar 00:00
997 01:13:12:18 EXT Forest Day CU Black blood on leaf 00:00
998 01:13:16:17 EXT Forest Day MS Elina, Richard, Hamish and Khushtar 00:00
999 01:13:22:11 EXT Mine WIDE Mine 00:00
1000 01:13:26:08 EXT Mine Entrance MS Elina, Richard, Hamish and Khushtar
preparing for battle
1001 01:13:36:21 EXT Mine Entrance LS Elina, Richard, Hamish and Khushtar 00:00
1002 01:13:41:11 EXT Mine Entrance MS Elina, Richard, Hamish and Khushtar 00:00
1003 01:13:43:21 EXT Mine Entrance LS Elina, Richard, Hamish and Khushtar 00:00
1004 01:13:48:00 EXT Mine Entrance MS Elina, Richard, Hamish and Khushtar 00:00
1005 01:13:51:06 EXT Mine Entrance LS Elina, Richard, Hamish and Khushtar aout to
1006 01:14:01:05 INT Mine Tunnel LS Elina, Richard, Hamish and Khushtar aout to
1007 01:14:12:16 INT Mine Tunnel MS Elina, Richard, Hamish and Khushtar 00:00
1008 01:14:17:14 INT Mine Tunnel MS Elina getting torch 00:00
1009 01:14:19:10 INT Mine Tunnel MS Elina, Richard, Hamish and Khushtar 00:00
1010 01:14:21:11 INT Mine Tunnel MS Khushtar 00:00
1011 01:14:23:02 INT Mine Tunnel MS hamish and Richard 00:00
1012 01:14:24:16 INT Mine Tunnel MS Elina, Richard, Hamish and Khushtar Richard This way. 01:14:26:07 01:14:26:18 00:11
1013 01:14:30:19 INT Mine Main Shaft CU Child working 00:00
1014 01:14:33:06 INT Mine Main Shaft MS Child working 00:00
1015 01:14:35:16 INT Mine Main Shaft CU Child's hands working 00:00
1016 01:14:38:06 INT Mine Main Shaft MS Child working finding something 00:00

1017 01:14:40:18 INT Mine Main Shaft MS Creature child brings what he has found Creature Come here. 01:14:41:13 01:14:42:04 00:91
1018 01:14:47:03 INT Mine Main Shaft MS Richard watching 00:00
1019 01:14:49:22 INT Mine Main Shaft MS Creature and boy 00:00
1020 01:14:52:20 INT Mine Main Shaft MS Elina and Richard 00:00
1021 01:14:56:15 INT Mine Main Shaft MS Creature and boy 00:00
1022 01:14:58:02 INT Mine Main Shaft MS Creature and boy, Richard hits creature Richard Run! 01:15:00:13 01:15:00:16 00:03
1023 01:15:01:21 INT Mine Main Shaft LS Children working Richard Children hurry… Get to the entrance … run…
01:15:01:25 01:15:07:06 05:81
1024 01:15:07:07 INT Mine Main Shaft CU Children climbing out Richard Get to the entrance… hurry. 01:15:07:07 01:15:11:10 04:03
Elina Oh thank God your safe. 01:15:13:21 01:15:15:19 01:98
1025 01:15:15:20 INT Mine Main Shaft MS Richard and Elina hugging a child Elian Have you seen Dimitri?… Now go run. 01:15:16:19 01:15:20:17 03:98
Richard No Elina… 01:15:23:00 01:15:23:13 00:13
1026 01:15:25:01 INT Mine Main Shaft MS Hamish and Khushtar OS Richard To Me! 01:15:25:01 01:15:25:19 00:18
1027 01:15:27:06 INT Mine Main Shaft MS Khushtar and Hamish running 00:00
1028 01:15:28:11 INT Mine Main Shaft MS Richard, Khishtar and Hamish in pursuit of
1029 01:15:32:09 INT Mine Tunnel Further In MS Children working, Elina moving them on Elina Dimitri 01:15:33:01 01:15:33:12 00:11
Elina Dimitri…Dimitri… I thought id lost you. 01:15:39:21 01:15:43:03 03:82
1030 01:15:43:03 INT Mine Tunnel Further In MS Elina hug Dimitri 00:00
1031 01:15:45:19 INT Mine Tunnel Further In MS Elina hug Dimitri as Richard approaches Richard Elina … Its time to go. 01:15:46:10 01:15:49:01 02:91
Hamish What about the demon? Baliphar said… 01:15:49:13 01:15:51:05 01:92
Richard There are no 01:15:51:05 01:15:51:13 00:08
1032 01:15:51:13 INT Mine Tunnel Further In MS Richard, Hamish, Khushtar and Elina Richard demons just these aberration of nature… Lets
01:15:51:13 01:15:55:03 03:90
get out of here.
1033 01:15:55:04 INT Mine Tunnel Further In MS Hamish, Khushtar Elina and Dimitri Elina Dimitri 01:15:55:04 01:15:55:17 00:13
1034 01:15:56:14 INT Mine Tunnel Further In CU Dimitri feet as a pouch falls 00:00
1035 01:15:58:00 INT Mine Tunnel Further In MS Hamish, Khushtar Elina and Dimitri 00:00
1036 01:16:02:08 INT Mine Tunnel Further In CU Of a pouch and creature rummages 00:00
1037 01:16:05:04 INT Mine Tunnel Further In CU Creature 00:00
1038 01:16:15:20 INT Mine Tunnel MS Richard, Hamish, Khushtar Elina and Dimitri Hamish Thats the fourth one. 01:16:21:13 01:16:22:07 00:94
Richard Forth? 01:16:22:12 01:16:22:21 00:09

1039 01:16:22:22 INT Mine Tunnel MS Hamish and Dimitri Hamish Dahra said that there had been three earth
01:16:23:11 01:16:25:00 01:89
quakes since the
1040 01:16:25:01 INT Mine Tunnel MS Richard OS Hamish children were taken. 01:16:25:01 01:16:26:06 01:05
OS Khushtar The big man said 01:16:26:15 01:16:27:03 00:88
1041 01:16:27:04 INT Mine Tunnel MS Khushtar Khushtar the earth would tremble if the last stone was
01:16:27:04 01:16:29:01 01:97
1042 01:16:29:01 INT Mine Tunnel MS Hamish, Elian and Dimitri Hamish They must have found the last stone. 01:16:29:19 01:16:30:13 00:94
1043 01:16:30:13 INT Mine Tunnel MS Richard Richard I refuse to believe in such. 01:16:31:02 01:16:32:13 01:11
OS Khushtar My Friend, 01:16:32:10 01:16:33:02 00:92
1044 01:16:33:02 INT Mine Tunnel MS Khushtar Khushtar we have both seen to much evil to wish
01:16:33:18 01:16:37:03 03:85
anymore unleashed upon this world.
1045 01:16:37:04 INT Mine Tunnel MS Richard OS Khushtar Whether you believe or not, if there is the
01:16:38:04 01:16:42:06 04:02
slightest chance Baliphar is right
1046 01:16:42:07 INT Mine Tunnel MS Khushtar Khushtar we must act now. 01:16:42:15 01:16:43:22 01:07
1047 01:16:44:07 INT Mine Tunnel MS Richard Richard You go to the surface 01:16:47:06 01:16:47:18 00:12
1048 01:16:47:19 INT Mine Tunnel LS Hamish, Dimitri, Elian and Khushtar OS Richard and back to the village … We will be there
01:16:47:19 01:16:51:02 03:83
before you know it.
Elina Very well 01:16:52:21 01:16:53:08 00:87
1049 01:16:55:16 INT Mine Tunnel LS Richard, Hamish, Khushtar and Elina 00:00
1050 01:17:04:05 INT Mine Tunnel MS Creature 00:00
1051 01:17:08:10 INT Mine Alter Room LS Dragoolath 00:00
1052 01:17:13:13 INT Mine Alter Room MS Dragoolath Dragoolath Bring it to me. 01:17:14:07 01:17:15:22 01:15
1053 01:17:17:19 INT Mine Alter Room CU Dragoolath 00:00
1054 01:17:22:08 INT Mine Alter Room MS Creature 00:00
1055 01:17:28:21 INT Mine Alter Room CU Creature passing stone to Dragoolath 00:00
1056 01:17:29:13 INT Mine Alter Room LS Creature, Dragoolath and Richard 00:00
1057 01:17:30:15 INT Mine Alter Room CU Stone falling to the floor 00:00
1058 01:17:31:16 INT Mine Alter Room MS Hamish and Khushtar 00:00
1059 01:17:32:03 INT Mine Alter Room CU Hamish picking up stone 00:00
1060 01:17:36:09 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard Richard You may be a demon 01:17:39:01 01:17:39:12 00:11
1061 01:17:39:12 INT Mine Alter Room MS Dragoolath OS Richard but your still no match for a man. 01:17:39:12 01:17:41:19 02:07
Dragoolath Man 01:17:42:21 01:17:43:20 00:99

1062 01:17:43:20 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard and Dragoolath Dragoolath of God? 01:17:43:20 01:17:45:10 01:90
1063 01:17:45:16 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard Richard NO. A man of justice. 01:17:45:16 01:17:48:02 02:86
1064 01:17:48:04 INT Mine Alter Room LS Richard and Dragoolath fight 00:00
1065 01:17:49:04 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard 00:00
1066 01:17:49:23 INT Mine Alter Room MS Dragoolath 00:00
1067 01:17:51:04 INT Mine Alter Room LS Richard and Dragoolath 00:00
1068 01:17:52:02 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard and Dragoolath 00:00
1069 01:17:53:01 INT Mine Tunnel LS Hamish and Khushtar 00:00
1070 01:18:02:00 INT Mine Tunnel LS Hamish and Khushtar 00:00
1071 01:18:05:05 INT Mine Tunnel MS Khushtar and Hamish passing stone Hamish Khusthar 01:18:05:05 01:18:06:14 01:09
1072 01:18:09:06 INT Mine Tunnel MS Hamish 00:00
1073 01:18:10:01 INT Mine Tunnel MS Hamish and Creatures Fight 00:00
1074 01:18:12:21 INT Mine Tunnel MS Hamish and Creatures 00:00
1075 01:18:14:01 INT Mine Tunnel MS Hamish and Creatures 00:00
1076 01:18:15:18 INT Mine Tunnel MS Hamish and Creatures 00:00
1077 01:18:17:05 INT Mine Tunnel MS Hamish and Creatures 00:00
1078 01:18:18:19 INT Mine Tunnel LS hamish surrounded by creatures 00:00
1079 01:18:19:21 INT Mine Tunnel MS Hamish 00:00
1080 01:18:21:07 INT Mine Tunnel MS Hamish and Creatures 00:00
1081 01:18:23:09 INT Mine Tunnel MS Hamish and Creatures 00:00
1082 01:18:26:07 INT Mine Tunnel MS Hamish and Creatures 00:00
1083 01:18:27:23 INT Mine Tunnel MS Hamish and Creatures 00:00
1084 01:18:33:03 INT Mine Tunnel MS Hamish and Creatures defeated 00:00
1085 01:18:36:19 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard and Dragoolath 00:00
1086 01:18:37:06 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard and Dragoolath 00:00
1087 01:18:39:23 INT Mine Alter Room LS Richard and Dragoolath 00:00
1088 01:18:40:15 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard and Dragoolath 00:00
1089 01:18:41:20 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard and Dragoolath 00:00
1090 01:18:43:14 INT Mine Alter Room MS Dragoolath 00:00
1091 01:18:44:18 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard and Dragoolath 00:00
1092 01:18:46:03 INT Mine Alter Room MS Dragoolath 00:00

1093 01:18:46:19 INT Mine Alter Room LS Dragoolath 00:00
1094 01:18:48:15 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard and Dragoolath 00:00
1095 01:18:49:02 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard and Dragoolath 00:00
1096 01:18:50:13 INT Mine Alter Room MS Dragoolath and Elina 00:00
1097 01:18:54:00 INT Mine Alter Room MS Dragoolath and Elina 00:00
1098 01:18:54:19 INT Mine Alter Room LS Elina and Dragoolath 00:00
1099 01:18:56:09 INT Mine Alter Room MS Dragoolath 00:00
1100 01:18:57:17 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina and Richard 00:00
1101 01:19:00:22 INT Mine Alter Room MS Dragoolath 00:00
1102 01:19:02:01 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard and Dragoolath 00:00
1103 01:19:02:15 INT Mine Alter Room MS Dragoolath 00:00
1104 01:19:03:13 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard and Dragoolath 00:00
1105 01:19:05:00 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina and Dragoolath 00:00
1106 01:19:06:00 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina and Dragoolath 00:00
1107 01:19:08:02 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina and Dragoolath 00:00
1108 01:19:08:16 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina and Dragoolath 00:00
1109 01:19:09:15 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina and Dragoolath 00:00
1110 01:19:10:03 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina and Dragoolath 00:00
1111 01:19:12:23 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina 00:00
1112 01:19:14:11 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina 00:00
1113 01:19:18:16 INT Mine Alter Room MS Dragoolath 00:00
1114 01:19:17:14 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina and Dragoolath 00:00
1115 01:19:19:00 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina and Dragoolath 00:00
1116 01:19:19:07 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina and Dragoolath 00:00
1117 01:19:19:17 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina and Dragoolath 00:00
1118 01:19:20:00 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina punched across the room 00:00
1119 01:19:20:07 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina landing on the floor 00:00
1120 01:19:22:18 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard 00:00
1121 01:19:26:09 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina 00:00
1122 01:19:27:15 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard 00:00
1123 01:19:29:21 INT Mine Alter Room MS Dragoolath 00:00

1124 01:19:31:03 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard 00:00
1125 01:19:32:02 INT Mine Tunnel MS Khushtar and creatures 00:00
1126 01:19:33:04 INT Mine Tunnel MS Khushtar and creatures 00:00
1127 01:19:35:21 INT Mine Tunnel MS Khushtar and creatures 00:00
1128 01:19:37:11 INT Mine Tunnel MS Khushtar and Hamish Hamish Come on 01:19:38:11 01:19:39:03 00:92
1129 01:19:40:00 INT Mine Tunnel MS Khushtar and Hamish and creatures 00:00
1130 01:19:43:06 INT Mine Tunnel MS Khushtar and Hamish and creatures
1131 01:19:45:14 INT Mine Tunnel MS Khushtar and Hamish back to back Hamish Three for you and three for me? 01:19:46:13 01:19:47:18 01:05
Khushtar A fair deal, infidel. 01:19:47:18 01:19:49:21 02:03
1132 01:19:50:08 INT Mine Tunnel MS Khushtar and Hamish back to back and fight 00:00
1133 01:19:53:15 INT Mine Tunnel MS Hamish fighting creatures 00:00
1134 01:19:56:16 INT Mine Tunnel MS Khushtar fighting creatures 00:00
1135 01:19:57:23 INT Mine Tunnel MS Hamish fighting creatures 00:00
1136 01:20:00:16 INT Mine Tunnel MS Khushtar fighting creatures 00:00
1137 01:20:02:07 INT Mine Tunnel MS Hamish fighting creatures 00:00
1138 01:20:04:15 INT Mine Tunnel MS Khushtar fighting creatures 00:00
1139 01:20:08:13 INT Mine Tunnel MS Khushtar fighting creatures 00:00
1140 01:20:11:20 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard and Dragoolath 00:00
1141 01:20:18:07 INT Mine Alter Room LS Elina on floor as Dimitri runs to her side 00:00
1142 01:20:22:05 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina and Dimitri Dimitri Ma Ma… Ma Ma 01:20:22:23 01:20:25:10 02:87
1143 01:20:28:06 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard and Dragoolath 00:00
1144 01:20:31:23 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina and Dimitri 00:00
1145 01:20:37:23 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard and Dragoolath 00:00
1146 01:20:41:06 INT Mine Alter Room LS Elina and Dimitri Elina You remember 01:20:42:19 01:20:43:18 00:99
1147 01:20:43:19 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina and Dimitri Elina when we were at the fair in Ashinthar and how
you won your wooden horse?…So this is this 01:20:43:19 01:20:53:05 09:86
ball and thats the target.
1148 01:20:53:10 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina and Dimitri 00:00
1149 01:20:55:10 INT Mine Alter Room MS Dimitri Elina Don't you ever fear. 01:20:57:01 01:20:57:22 00:21
1150 01:21:01:03 INT Mine Alter Room LS Elina and Dimitri abou to throw something 00:00
1151 01:21:01:20 INT Mine Alter Room MS Dragoolath 00:00

1152 01:21:02:20 INT Mine Alter Room LS Elina and Dimitri 00:00
1153 01:21:03:23 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard and Dragoolath on fire 00:00
1154 01:21:05:08 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina and Dimitri 00:00
1155 01:21:06:13 INT Mine Alter Room CU Dragoolath on fire 00:00
1156 01:21:08:04 INT Mine Alter Room MS Richard 00:00
1157 01:21:10:14 INT Mine Alter Room CU Dragoolath on fire as Richards sword takes of
his head
1158 01:21:11:02 INT Mine Alter Room MS Dragoolath head 00:00
1159 01:21:12:15 INT Mine Alter Room MS Elina and Dimitri as an explosion happens 00:00
1160 01:21:16:08 EXT Mine Entrance MS Mine entrance explosion 00:00
1161 01:21:17:06 EXT Mine Entrance LS Mine entrance explosion 00:00
1162 01:21:18:17 Black Screen 00:00
1163 01:21:21:06 EXT Mine Entrance Day MS Dimitri, Richard and Elina exiting the mine 00:00
1164 01:21:28:03 EXT Mine Entrance Day LS Dimitri, Richard and Elina exiting the mine
followed by Hmaish
1165 01:21:45:06 EXT Mine Entrance Day MS Hamish, Elina and Richard 00:00
1166 01:21:50:00 EXT Mine Entrance Day LS Khushtar exiting 00:00
1167 01:21:55:08 EXT Mine Entrance Day MS Hamish, Elina and Richard smiling 00:00
1168 01:21:59:22 EXT Mine Entrance Day MS Hamish, Elina, Richard, Khushtar and Dimitri 00:00
1169 01:22:08:08 EXT Mine Entrance Day CU Khushtar going onto his knees OS Hamish Those creatures just disappeared into 01:22:15:07 01:22:16:22 01:15
1170 01:22:16:22 EXT Mine Entrance Day MS Hamish, Elina, Dimitri and Richard Hamish thin air, what did you do? 01:22:16:22 01:22:18:19 01:97
1171 01:22:23:02 EXT Mine Entrance Day CU Khushtar praying 00:00
1172 01:22:24:17 EXT Mine Entrance Day MS Khushtar 00:00
1173 01:22:27:17 EXT Mine Entrance Day MS Richard, Hamish, Khushtar and Elina Richard Never seen you do that before? 01:22:30:14 01:22:31:23 01:09
Khushtar At last i can face my god and not be ashamed. 01:22:32:15 01:22:35:19 03:04
1174 01:22:35:20 EXT Mine Entrance Day MS Hamish, Elina, Richard, Khushtar and Dimitri Richard And your name has regained its meaning. 01:22:36:19 01:22:38:12 01:93
1175 01:22:38:12 EXT Mine Entrance Day CU Khushtar 00:00
1176 01:22:40:00 EXT Mine Entrance Day MS Hamish, Elina, Richard, Khushtar and Dimitri Richard Now, lets get these two back to their home,
01:22:40:04 01:22:42:21 02:17
shall we?
1177 01:22:43:03 EXT Mine Entrance Day MS Khushtar and Richard Khushtar Indeed… But 01:22:43:03 01:22:45:08 02:05
1178 01:22:45:10 EXT Mine Entrance Day MS Dimitri as Khushtar holds out a stone OS Khushtar what about this? 01:22:45:10 01:22:46:02 00:92
OS Hamish Maybe be should cast 01:22:46:23 01:22:47:11 00:88

1179 01:22:47:12 EXT Mine Entrance Day MS Hamish Hamish It back in the mine? 01:22:47:12 01:22:48:14 01:02
1180 01:22:48:18 EXT Mine Entrance Day MS Dimitri holds out the other stones 00:00
1181 01:22:50:20 EXT Mine Entrance Day MS Hamish, Elina, Richard, Khushtar and Dimitri Richard I think we need to make a detour. 01:22:51:12 01:22:53:17 02:05
1182 01:22:59:16 EXT Mine Entrance Day MS Richard and Elina Richard What will you do now? 01:23:03:18 01:23:05:03 01:85
Elina That story you told me, about your little house
01:23:07:15 01:23:11:08 03:93
by the sea.
Richard Yes 01:23:12:00 01:23:12:11 00:11
1183 01:23:12:20 EXT Mine Entrance Day CU Elina Elina Was it true? 01:23:14:17 01:23:15:11 00:94
1184 01:23:15:15 EXT Mine Entrance Day CU Richard and Elina Richard Why do you ask? 01:23:17:09 01:23:18:00 00:91
1185 01:23:18:02 EXT Mine Entrance Day CU Richard and Elina Elina I have always wanted to live by the sea. 01:23:21:00 01:23:22:23 01:23
1186 01:23:24:15 EXT Mine Entrance Day CU Richard and Elina 00:00
1187 01:23:27:06 EXT Mine Entrance Day CU Richard and Elina 00:00
1188 01:23:30:05 EXT Mine Entrance Day CU Richard and Elina embracing 00:00
1189 01:23:34:18 EXT Mine Entrance Day MS Richard, Elina and Dimitri joins the embrace 00:00
1190 01:23:37:08 EXT Mine Entrance Day CU Dimitri 00:00
1191 01:23:39:21 EXT Baliphars House Day LS Baliphar, Khushtar, Elina, Hamish and Richard Baliphar You just make sure that ‘The Four Warriors’
stay as far apart as possible. So that the 01:23:39:21 01:23:47:05 07:84
darkness cant find them again.
1192 01:23:48:11 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar Baliphar Water, fitting for a man 01:23:49:02 01:23:51:02 02:00
1193 01:23:51:03 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Khushtar OS Baliphar from the desert. 01:23:51:03 01:23:51:22 00:19
Khushtar I will bring this to the East… and guard it with
01:23:53:15 01:23:56:23 03:08
my life.
1194 01:23:57:00 EXT Baliphars House Day CU Stone around Khushtars neck 00:00
1195 01:23:57:22 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar Baliphar And for the beauty of the wind. 01:24:00:05 01:24:01:13 01:08
1196 01:24:01:14 EXT Baliphars House Day LS Baliphar, Khushtar, Elina, Hamish and Richard 00:00
1197 01:24:05:20 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Elina putting on stone necklace 00:00
1198 01:24:10:13 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar and Richard Baliphar For a man as unshakable as a rock. 01:24:10:13 01:24:11:23 01:10
1199 01:24:11:23 EXT Baliphars House Day CU Richard taking the stone 00:00
1200 01:24:13:21 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Richard Richard I know a much better rock than me. 01:24:14:09 01:24:16:01 01:92
1201 01:24:17:04 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Richard and Elina Elina We will 01:24:18:15 01:24:19:02 00:87
1202 01:24:19:02 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Richard and Elina Elina travel west and keep the stone safe. 01:24:19:02 01:24:21:07 02:05
1203 01:24:21:14 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar Baliphar For he who burns with the fire of youth. 01:24:23:02 01:24:25:15 02:13

1204 01:24:26:03 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Hamish 00:00
1205 01:24:29:17 EXT Baliphars House Day CU Hamish placing stone around his neck 00:00
1206 01:24:32:13 EXT Baliphars House Day LS Baliphar, Khushtar, Elina, Hamish and Richard Baliphar And so The Four Warriors’ become flesh and
01:24:34:22 01:24:38:11 03:89
1207 01:24:38:13 EXT Baliphars House Day MS Baliphar Baliphar Your wise woman wasn't wrong after all, Id like
01:24:38:20 01:24:43:09 04:89
to meet her one day.
1208 01:24:45:20 EXT Forest Gate Day MS Flags at gate 00:00
1209 01:24:49:04 EXT Forest Gate Day MS Gate open 00:00
1210 01:24:54:07 EXT Forest Gate Day MS Hamish and Richard entering Hamish Richard 01:24:57:22 01:24:58:14 00:92
1211 01:25:07:09 EXT Village Square Day LS Richard, Hamish, Khushtar, Elina and children 00:00
1212 01:26:10:11 EXT Village Square Day MS Ricard and Khushtar 00:00
1213 01:25:19:15 EXT Village Square Day LS Richard, Hamish, Khushtar, Elina and children 00:00
1214 01:25:35:00 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard approaching village hall 00:00
1215 01:25:38:04 EXT Village Square Day MS Richards weapon 00:00
1216 01:25:40:17 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard from inside hall 00:00
1217 01:25:42:23 EXT Village Square Day CU Village hall door open 00:00
1218 01:25:44:04 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard from inside hall 00:00
1219 01:25:44:19 EXT Village Square Day MS William emerging with axe 00:00
1220 01:25:47:11 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard OS William Richard 01:25:47:11 01:25:47:17 00:06
1221 01:25:48:18 EXT Village Square Day MS William and Richard 00:00
1222 01:25:50:13 EXT Village Square Day MS William and Richard 00:00
1223 01:25:55:03 EXT Village Square Day MS William and Richard as everyone comes out William I thought id lost you, 01:25:53:11 01:25:54:14 01:03
1224 01:25:56:10 EXT Village Square Day MS William and Richard William I thought id lost you all. 01:25:56:10 01:25:57:09 00:99
1225 01:25:57:09 EXT Village Square Day MS Hamish OS William Hamish 01:25:59:10 01:25:59:20 00:10
1226 01:26:00:01 EXT Village Square Day MS William embracing Hamish Hamish Good to see you my friend. 01:26:01:16 01:26:02:21 01:05
1227 01:26:03:10 EXT Village Square Day MS Children being embraced 00:00
1228 01:26:06:01 EXT Village Square Day MS Children being embraced 00:00
1229 01:26:08:01 EXT Village Square Day LS Khushtar, hamish, William and Richard 00:00
1230 01:26:09:17 EXT Village Square Day MS Khushtar and William 00:00
1231 01:26:12:01 EXT Village Square Day MS Hamish 00:00
1232 01:26:13:20 EXT Village Square Day CU Khushtar and William William I owe you my life 01:26:16:05 01:26:17:08 01:03

1233 01:26:17:09 EXT Village Square Day CU Khushtar and William William Saracen. 01:26:17:09 01:26:18:05 00:96
1234 01:26:19:17 EXT Village Square Day CU Khushtar and William 00:00
1235 01:26:21:22 EXT Village Square Day CU Khushtar and William 00:00
1236 01:26:23:18 EXT Village Square Day MS Khushtar and William offering to shake hands 00:00
1237 01:26:27:02 EXT Village Square Day CU Khushtar and William 00:00
1238 01:26:29:18 EXT Village Square Day MS Khushtar and William 00:00
1239 01:26:30:20 EXT Village Square Day LS Dahra 00:00
1240 01:26:32:03 EXT Village Square Day MS Dahra Dahra Hamish 01:26:33:12 01:26:34:04 00:92
1241 01:26:34:07 EXT Village Square Day LS Khushta, William and Richard and Hamish Hamish Dahra
01:26:34:20 01:26:53:12 18:92
runs to Dahra
1242 01:26:39:12 EXT Village Square Day MS Hamish and Dahra Hamish I told you to go to safety why didn't you go? 01:26:41:00 01:26:43:12 02:12
Dahra William needed me… and just because 01:26:43:14 01:26:45:23 02:09
1243 01:26:46:00 EXT Village Square Day CU Hamish and Dahra Dahra Im going to be your wife, doesn't mean il do
01:26:46:00 01:26:49:00 03:00
what ever you say.
Hamish No of course not 01:26:49:18 01:26:50:07 00:89
1244 01:26:50:08 EXT Village Square Day CU Hamish and Dahra Hamish wait what? 01:26:50:08 01:26:51:10 01:02
1245 01:26:51:10 EXT Village Square Day CU Hamish and Dahra 00:00
1246 01:26:52:11 EXT Village Square Day CU Hamish and Dahra Hamish My wife!? 01:26:52:11 01:26:53:09 00:98
1247 01:26:53:14 EXT Village Square Day CU Hamish and Dahra 00:00
1248 01:26:54:05 EXT Village Square Day CU Hamish and Dahra 00:00
1249 01:26:55:13 EXT Village Square Day CU Hamish and Dahra kissing 00:00
1250 01:26:57:08 EXT Village Square Day CU Hamish, Dahra and Richard Richard So, I gather your not going to have to travel 01:26:59:11 01:27:01:22 42:11
1251 01:27:01:23 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard Richard further than me after all? 01:27:01:23 01:27:03:15 01:92
1252 01:27:03:16 EXT Village Square Day MS Hamish and Dahra Hamish No, looks like i’m staying. 01:27:04:22 01:27:07:01 02:79
1253 01:27:07:03 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard and Hamish embrace 00:00
1254 01:27:13:06 EXT Village Square Day CU Hamish and Richard Hamish It has been a privilege sir. 01:27:15:02 01:27:16:11 01:09
1255 01:27:16:12 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard 00:00
1256 01:27:18:01 EXT Village Square Day MS Hamish, Dahra and Richard 00:00
1257 01:27:19:17 EXT Village Square Day LS Hamish, Dahra, Richard and then Willaim William And so its just you and me? 01:27:26:07 01:27:27:16 01:09
Richard Not quite my friend … Not quite. 01:27:29:20 01:27:33:00 03:80
1258 01:27:45:05 EXT Village Square Day MS William , Richard Elina and Dimitri loading a Richard William
01:27:48:16 01:27:49:00 00:84

1259 01:27:50:23 EXT Village Square Day MS Richard giving William his stone Richard You must take this to the North and protect it. 01:27:52:09 01:27:54:10 02:01
William What is it? 01:27:54:23 01:27:55:17 00:94
Richard Its a long story my friend. 01:27:57:00 01:27:58:09 01:09
1260 01:28:05:17 EXT Village Gate Day MS Khushtar approached by Richard Khushtar I will begin my travels home. 01:28:12:00 01:28:13:20 01:20
1261 01:28:16:22 EXT Village Gate Day CU Richard and Khushtar hands 00:00
1262 01:28:17:22 EXT Village Square Day MS Khushtar and Richard 00:00
1263 01:28:19:07 EXT Village Gate Day MS Khushtar and Richard Richard I can only beg for forgiveness for 01:28:19:07 01:28:21:13 02:06
1264 01:28:21:14 EXT Village Gate Day MS Khushtar and Richard Richard what we did to you. 01:28:21:14 01:28:22:10 00:96
Khushtar You do not need anyones forgiveness knight. 01:28:24:00 01:28:26:05 02:05
1265 01:28:26:06 EXT Village Gate Day MS Khushtar and Richard Richard And 01:28:30:00 01:28:30:01 00:01
1266 01:28:30:01 EXT Village Gate Day MS Khushtar and Richard Richard him? 01:28:30:01 01:28:30:11 00:10
1267 01:28:31:23 EXT Village Square Day MS William, Elina and Dimitri OS Khushtar He is a good man… only the war robbed him of
01:28:33:04 01:28:38:02 04:98
the ability to show his true heart.
1268 01:28:38:08 EXT Village Gate Day MS Khushtar and Richard Richard You put us all to shame. 01:28:40:12 01:28:41:10 00:98
1269 01:28:41:10 EXT Village Gate Day MS Khushtar and Richard Khushtar May your god light your path. 01:28:43:23 01:28:45:06 01:83
1270 01:28:45:11 EXT Village Gate Day MS Khushtar and Richard Richard Thank you but i do not posses your ability to
01:28:45:13 01:28:50:04 04:91
have faith.
Khushtar And yet you have found something knew to
01:28:51:01 01:28:53:11 02:10
believe in.
1271 01:28:55:14 EXT Village Square Day MS Elina and Dimitri Khushtar The greatest leap of faith 01:28:55:14 01:28:56:12 00:98
1272 01:28:58:15 EXT Village Square Day MS Khushtar and Richard Khushtar May whatever kindness you believe in be with
01:29:00:20 01:29:03:16 02:96
you my friend.
1273 01:29:03:17 EXT Village Gate Day MS Stone around Khushtar neck Khushtar And may we never meet again. 01:29:07:10 01:29:08:17 01:07
1274 01:29:11:04 EXT Forest Gate Day MS Khushtar and Richard 00:00
1275 01:29:24:18 EXT Forest Day MS Khushtar leaving and Richard crossing path in
other direction
1276 01:29:33:21 EXT Forest Day MS Elina, Dimitri and Richard leaving Richard Are you ready ? 01:29:39:12 01:29:40:00 00:88
1277 01:29:47:21 EXT Mountain MS Khushtar 00:00
1278 01:29:53:13 EXT Mountain LS Khushtar Fade Into ‘ Production Directed By
Phil Hawkins’ Fade Into ‘Production By Alexandra
Baranska’ Fade Into ‘Written By Christopher

1279 01:30:05:20 Black Screen 00:00


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