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PLAN DE CLASE (Grammar, Introducción o Club)

P3-R-23 FECHA: 21/11/2023 VERSIÓN 1

Nombre completo del responsable: Juan Manuel Cano Gutierrez Fecha:

Cargo del responsable: Docente Jefe / Supervisor inmediato Miguel Fandiño
Departamento / Área: Académico Sede: Ibagué

Tipo de Clase Grammar x Inducción Club

Objetivo principal To learn how to use properly past of be and past simple.
Objetivo(s) especifico(s) Make students understand the way we use questions in past simple in different contexts, likewise, understanding
how to make questions using the pas of be. Besides we must explain how to use verb patterns (verb +infinitive)
Materiales y Recursos Canva texts, book texts and activities.
Anticipación de problemas y Students can be confused by using auxiliaries and to confuse the past simple and the past of be questions. Likewise
posibles soluciones sometimes they intend of using the infinitive form of the verb pattern use its gerund form.

Desglose del Plan

Libro Etapa Unidad Clase

Materiales / Patrón de Tiempo

Etapa Procedimiento Comentarios
Recursos interacción estimado
Introducción As warmup students are going to answer a Text S-T 5min Hello guys, Let’s read the
Para establecer el question in order to start identifying how to make question and answer:
contexto de la clase y questions using past simple
captar la atención de los Were you a good
estudiantes ej: Were you a good student? student?
Did you have a lot of friends? Did you have a lot of
Who was your favorite teacher?
Who was your favorite
PLAN DE CLASE (Grammar, Introducción o Club)
P3-R-23 FECHA: 21/11/2023 VERSIÓN 1

Presentación First part: Students are going to read a text in Text S 5 min 1. Guys let’s read
Proveer un contexto para order to check context of people using questions the text in order
establecer el lenguaje in past simple and the past of be to check context
meta a través de un texto Second part: Students are going to watch a of people using
o situación video in order to check context of people using questions in past
verb + infinitive simple
2. Guys let’s watch
a video in order
to check context
of people using
questions past of
Clarificación First part: We try to make students to identify Text and pictures T-S 10min 1. Now let’s check
Explicación del the correct use of questions in past simple and how to use
significado, forma y past of be with its correct pronunciation and in properly past
pronunciación del different contexts. If the students don’t get it simple, as well
lenguaje meta right, we help them out. we’re going to
Second part: We’re going to make students watch a video to
identify the correct use verb + infinitive get to know how
to pronounce and
know regular and
irregular verbs
2. Now let’s check
know how to use
the past of be in
any context.
Práctica controlada First part: An exercise from the book is used to Pictures from the S 10 min 1. Now guys you
Ejercicios de práctica review how to use questions in the past simple book must complete
controlada and past of be. using the right
form of the
Second part: An exercise from the book is used regular or
to review verb + infinitive, they must use to with irregular verb in
the right verb depending on the context in order past
to so it properly,
2. Now let’s fill the
PLAN DE CLASE (Grammar, Introducción o Club)
P3-R-23 FECHA: 21/11/2023 VERSIÓN 1

blanks using
correctly the past
of be in different

Práctica Libre First part: Students must Students must create Text S 15 min 1. Guys I want you
Ejercicios de desarrollo an answer some questions following this to look the time in
para práctica del idioma structure. ___ (can be any
Ej: Create 4 questions about school, 2 using country) and
was/were and 2 using did based on that
Ej: Look at the time in
Second part: Students must answer some Japan and tell me what
questions using verb + infinitive do you think they are
doing right now?

 Ej: What are you going to do next He is Kian from Japan,

weekend? tell me what is his daily
 Do you plan to travel anywhere exciting routine? (be creative)
this year?
 Is there something specific you want to 2. Guys I want you
achieve in your career? to read and let’s
 Do you hope to learn a new skill or
language in the near future?
 Is there a hobby you'd like to start this
Now tell me the
things you can
 Are you going to try any new sports or and can’t do in
activities this year? different
moments ej: at
home, work,
PLAN DE CLASE (Grammar, Introducción o Club)
P3-R-23 FECHA: 21/11/2023 VERSIÓN 1

Now tell me the

things your family
members can
and can’t do in
moments ej: at
home, work,
Corrección de Errores Students can be confused by using auxiliaries T 5 min
Feedback en vocabulario and to confuse the past simple and the past of
y desempeño be questions. Likewise, sometimes they intend
of using the infinitive form of the verb pattern
use its gerund form. That’s why we must
practice creating some questions with different
scenarios and we must give them examples to
help them out, as well to many exercises and
examples of why, how and when to use verb
patterns (verb + infinitive)

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PLAN DE CLASE (Grammar, Introducción o Club)
P3-R-23 FECHA: 21/11/2023 VERSIÓN 1

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