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LUJ a f^^-+
Wg- I D4!lu,-i.
rgaa -9,
Affice of the DRlil (P)
ECoR/Khurdo Rosd
Dote; 29"05.?424
Employment Notice No- ECoR/?ersl0slErgogementlControct Teacher/?4. Doted-2g.05.2024.



I Applications ore invited from Indian Citizens, for engagement of Teschers in different
subjects os mentioned below on controct basis in Itlixed Higher Secondory School, Khurda
Road. Eligible condidstes havirg fhe following gualification, op and fulfilling other terms
and conditions moy appeor before tha Bosrd for inferviaw along wifh duly filled in
application in the given format with oll relevant certificotes in original ond self ottasted
af each.
at Name of "r*krne oi No of Age troucdTronst G{uqllTleoTlon Kequtrec LOnSOilOAT€(l
No. the Subject Post(Co month
posts mmunit Remunerctio
v) n
1 Post l.Political 01(sr) L8-65 Iwo yeors integrated Post Graduste M.A.
G:'sduafa Yec:'s os .Attn4D Daoianal fallaao
nS i1-yivii-i ai
-qcigncg J--i JV
'i --,.-3e

Teacher 2.Economic 01(sc) on 29.05. NCERT in the concerned subject OR Moster

s 2024 begree from o recognised University with
ot least 50% morks oggregate in the
following subject:
o. PGT (Pol.Science)- Politicol Science
as one of the subject.
b. P6T (Economics) - Economics (s one
af the subject at Groduote level.
B.Ed or aquivalent degree from
recognised u ni lrers ity.
Proficiency in teaching in Hindi ond English
h--i-^Lla. VaavtloAaa a4 ^^hht r+aF
---a- ----'
.ppf i."ri*
1.PCffi 0?(uR) Groduotion ( in the teoching subject) and 02
2 Trained 2.Hindi 01(uR) 18-65 years Diploms in Elementory Education( By
Graduate 3.Odia 01(uR) Years as whotever nome known)
Tescher 4.SSC 01(uR,) on 29.05. OR Graduotion ( in the Teaehinq subject
( ErUlish S.English 01(sc) 2024 with at least 5A% morks or in Post
Iiedium ) 6.Biologry 01(uR) Groduation (in the teoching subject) ond
Bochelor in Educotion (B.Ed), OR Graduation
(in the teaching subject) with at least 45"L
morks and 01year Bachelor in Education
( B.Ed), in occordonce with fhe NCTE Rs.26.?5O/-
3 Troined 1. PCM o2(uR) 18-65 ( Recognition norms and procedure)
6roduate ?. Biology 01(uR) Yesrs os Regulotion issued from time to time in this
Teacher 3. Odia 01(sr) on 29.05. regard. OR Senior Secondary (or its

x?/ c:loY1l{,?3cq


i eiriia 4.ssc oi(uR) 2024 equinaienti with at ieast 507;, morks anci 4
itdium] S.English 0i(uR) yesrs Bcchelor of Elementory Education (
6.Sonskrit 01(uR) B.=I,=d.) OR Senior Secondory ( or its
T.Hindi 01(uR) eg*iv*lent) with ot leost 50% morks ond 4
ye*:.s B.ArtslB.Sc. or B.A.EdlBSc'Ed OR
G:'cdugt:cft ( in iha tasch!n9 subject):t:th ef
least 50% marks and 1 Year B.Ed.( Special
Pqss in the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET),
fo & conducted bv the qPpropriate
Government in accordonce bY the
oppropriote Government in accordonce with
the Guidelines fromed by the NCTE or the
Competence to teoch through the mediuml
media as required

Diploms/Deqree Course in Teacher

A Dipiom#Degree Course in teaei-,er
educsfionol recognised by the trlationql
Council for teocher Educotion(NCTE) only
shall be considered. However, in csse of
Diplomo in Education (Speciol Educotion) and
B"Ed= (Spaeio! Edueation) s eourse-'
recognisad by fhe Rehabilitotion council of
Indio (RCT) only shall be considered.
Trained Graduate Teacher( Sansk'if)
B.Arfs with Sanskrit as one of the eleetive
subjact, Or lts equivolent oriented Dagre.e
in Sonskrit cnd DegreelDiplomo in Teoching
Or S.A.V. Certifirata'
Trained Groduote Taocher( Odio'l
B.Arts with Odia Gs one o{ +ha alective
subject, Or lts equivalent oriented Degrez
i in Ociio. and begreerDipiomo in Teaching 6r
S.A.V. Certifica'fe
4 Primary 01(uR) 18-65 (a) Senior Secondory (or its equi volent) with Rs.21,25O1-

School Yeors os ot least 50% marks ond 2-yeor Diploma in

Teacher 01(sc) on 29.05. Elementory Education (by whatever nome
aA1/l t--^..,-\ ,.!D c^tirr c^^^-J^-.' lr.:. l+^
aDc-n ;(ilo'rv;ij y-;< Ji-rrrur .*Lvnvu' 7 a-'
equivalent) with ot leost 45"L morks crnd 2-
yeor Diplomo in Elementory Educotion (by
whatever name knouun), in accordance with
the NCTE (Recognition Norms and
Procedurel. Regulotions 2OA2. OR Senior
Secondory (or ifs equivolent) with ot leqst
50% morks and 4-Year Bachelor of
Elementary Education (B.EI.Ed.) OR Senior
Secondory (or its equivolent) with ot leost
50% marks and Di in Education

V cohH.. P5 ca)
(Speciai Eciucation) OR Groduotion onci iwo
yeor Diploms in Elementory Educction (by
whaferer nome known) OR Graduotion with
at lecst 50% marks and Bachelor of
Educotion (8.Ed.) OR Post-Graduation with a
aila,iaiaagaii EF.ol trter r*
vv ,o ^n^ba nn eYur
vr on,,i,,nloa* nnnAa
turvr r I yl anA
use srrs
three-year integrofed B.Ed.- M.Ed. AND (b)
Pass in the Teocher Eligibility lest (TET),
to be conducted by the oppropriote
Governmen'f in accordsnca with the
Guidelines fromed by the NCTE for the
Trained PET 01(uR) 18-65 6raduote wifh Bochelors in Physicol Rs.?6,25O/-
6raduate Years os Education (BP Ed) or its equivclenf.
Teacher on 29.05.
6 Librarian 01(uR) 18-65 l.Bqchelor degree in Librory
Science or Rs.26,250/-
Yeors as Groduote uuith one year diploma in Library
on?9.45. Scienee from a recognized insfitution.
7424 ?.Working knowledge of Hindicnd English.
7 Art & 01(uR) 18-65 Diploma in Art & uoft/BFA Rs.21,2501-
Crafr 'years as (Painting skiii is musr) from recagniseci
Ieacher on 29.05. University)
I Lob. 01(uR) 18-65 10ih closs posswith a certificote of diploma Rs.18,000/-
Atiendont Years os in Lab technicion or 12th class passed with
?O .vg.
^nr L/
vr OE ariaaaa alnaaq $nn*
rrv.!i sa nonnnni-oA

?424 boord/University.

2. Period of Contrqct: \he engqemenf of leacher on contract basis mcy b made for o period of
200 working day or up to the filling up of tha voconcies, eitlwr through direct recruitment or
through deportmenf promotion/tronsfer/RRB selection whichever is eorlier.


Post Groduote Teocher: -

rrrv liaqi3 Vi i-+^^--+-,.1 D^a* ir,Uuuui-
^1 aiiiE:riUiEU.U-i e-^,1,,-+^ At <- uvul-e
rrr,ue. -^,.-a^ vi D-^;^b-l wrreys
^f ^eYrwrtqr f^ll-^^ n4 Luululivlt
vr e tt++tiaq vi
NCERT in the concerned subject.
I\lasfer Degree from s recognised University with at least 50% marks aggregate in fhe following

Di2T lD^li+i-^l
r vr vrrrl9gi
99.9t1991 t gtrtrggt
v9rgiiv9u-viEvt ^, +l^^ r,,!^i^-+ sr
r!r9JuvJgst -+ e--),,-+-
I ^.^l
b. PGT (Economics)- Economics os one of the subject ot Groduate Level.

B. Ed or equivalent degree f rom recognized university.
Proficiency in teaching in Hindi and English media
Desiroble: Knowledge of computer application.

h/" cril\H., p3 tt.)

a a {ataBs
vlgggqa9 T---L---.
a -uwatg- J.

Graduotion (in the teaching subject) and 02 years Diploma in Elementory Educotion (By whotever
nome Known)

vr quiJsrrvrr ti^ +l^ +^--l^i-^
atas igULiia,i:,
a,'!^ i^-+\ ,.,i+l^
JUTJUUtI svttrt sr
l^--+ E^.ol
-+ rcuJt Jvto vtqDz
lilqi rr !n
nJ wi
Dr+* r--^),,^+in6l
lll I vJr vr svuqrrvrr\rrr ir 1l+r ler^hir-c
subjecf) snd Bochelor in Educafion (B.Ed)

Groduation (in the teoching subject) with 45% morks and 01 year Bachelor in Educstion (B.Ed), in
occordonce with the NCTE (Recoonition norms and procedure Requlotions issuad from time fo time
in this regord.

Senior Secondory (or its equivalent) with st least 50% morks ond 4 yeors Bachelor of Elementcry
Education (B.El.Ed)

Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with 50% marks and 4 years B.ArtslB.Sc or BA.EdlBSc.Ed.

(7i iiuuqtiuii li- +U^ +^--Lin^ a,,hi--+\ !.!i+14 -+ l^^a+
fiii aiie i.'i.aLiiaai!, JUVJ9Li j vfirii qr reuJr tAo/ s-nl.a
vvru rilsr -h,{ tr .,^'-
nJ ullv D e l lc^4-i4!
faq. LLq \efqgist

Pass in the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET), to be conducted by the appropriate &vernment in
accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose.

Complenceto feach through the medium/mediaas required

Diplomo I
Degree Cource in Teachingl Education
A Diplomo begrea, course in teocher educotionol recognised by the Notional Council for Teocher
Education (NCTE) only sholl be considered. Howewr, in cose of Diplomo in Educotion (Special
Educotion) and B.Ed (Special Education) s course recognised by the Rehabilitation Gouncil of Indis
(RCT) only sholl be considered.

D A-+a
,.,i+L uuiiJni
ts r9rrri
c^-^1,-i+ri w^^ vtt-
^-^ vt^I +L- ^l^^+i.,^ o..L
ltt9 grgsrlY9

Its equivolent orientol begre.e in Sonskrit ond DegreelDiploma in Teoching
S.A.V. Certificate
Trqircd qrqdqqte Teecher (-Qdiq)
B.Arts with Odia os one of the elective subject
Its equivalent oriental Degr*, in Odia and DegreelDiplomo in Teoching
5.A.V. Certificate

Y/ con+d , ?S \g)

t l\-+a
UUiB tfaar*
Yeaag= A Tira *3
-taE vt o'^lb i*-i*la+,i+rrr ...r=r v.:w
-a. - a

bote 19 .06.2A24 (Wednesday)

Venue &ixed Higher. Secondary $chool. Jatni (tlear Railway
Tinte O9:3O All (Pemntina timc)

Condidoies are qdvised to repont to the venue by @.3O Hns for registration. No registraticn
ef applicotion will be ollowed beyond the closing time of 10:3O Flrs.
5. Terms ond Conditions:
TL^ D--+ +iha i^l^z ii;iUi-(i
eele*+:| ln +-+4a*i+< i++l.rrliq- r.ta*lt
il. iii- -iii'i iaai'r- +---L^-,.,^,,1A
igGciiei= 'vtoijic ^--|a^w
?Ai'iAi'iii -ll jUU=
Gii iU uLsu€iiitl3 iiiliuuiriy -,talt,n*int
&ruiuuiieii .ew.
for which no payment over ond obove the ane for taking periods will be made.
b. He or She shouid be between the ay of 18 qnd 65 yeors (as on the dote mentioned in the
notif ication)
c. The candidate should fulfil the requisite educotional quclificotion prescribed for the Post and
other eliaibilitv conditions.
d. Engagemenf of teacher on controct bosis may be mode for a period of Z"CIO working days or
upto the filling up of vaccncies, either through direct recruitment or through dapartmenfol
promotion/transfer/RRB selecfion whichever is eqrlier.
a. Ihe maximum teaching periods allotted to controct teacher should not exceed five numbers in
o day.
f . Part time teacher would not be entitled to any other focilities like leave,medical, posses, PfOs
& Transportction etc.
g. Part time teqcher will hove no claim or right for oppointment on regulor basis and will not form
part of the cadre of Roilway Teacher.
h. The Contract sholl be lioble to be terminoted by giving two weeks notice by either side without
-aai^4-^ Gil7 .'aLi3v.i. TL^i- -^-+-:+* r-.ri!! nlen lno
}j-;;i iiiSU -_ *+rni--*+=,.1 ii +h+ir
i_-..iiiiiuigu i1 iir-;ii v=nlqaa-n^n i+
lJ lrytn,./-
GSSiEiiii.iE i'i-ii 9U.ii.uLi iE' iviiltgllug
unsotisfactory during the period af their working in Roilwoy School.
i. The Contract shall be terminated immediately, if the teacher is mentolly/physically
j. The part time Controct Teocher who enters into controct with the Roilways will not have any
cloim or rioht for his/her continuity in service or outomatic extension of the term of contrsct
for regularisation/absorption in the post.
k. The Psrt Time Teacher shall undergo a medicol examination (liledicol Standard-CEE TWO, C-2)
before the contract is entered into, for his/her fitness to perform the work assigned to
i. At the tima of entering into contrsct, the teochers shall produce certificotes for proof of
his/her good charocter ond antecedents from two Gazetted afficers of the Central/Stote
m. At the time of intarview &entering into controct, the port time Teocher shsll produce original
certif icstes for proof of his/her dote of birth ond educotioncl ond technical quolificotion. The
candidates belonging ta SC/ST/OBC community should bring along with his/her original
^^*a..-i+, /cf lcTlflD/'\ ^--+iSi--+^ ia^.,-)
Larr,r,eqieiJJU(rqtl L.. +L^ ^^hh.+^.+
iit- vvlrrl&'eril arrlhrr!!,
su,rrvrttl :s
titV,^-^a^-il-3rl 1:rt-
;Uiiiiiiljaiiir\evrrtivevj -Jvrrsvv
Govt of India.
n. The part time teocher shali be governed in respect of mqtters not referred to in these terms
ond conditions by any arder/omendments to the terms of contract issued by the Railwoy
Administration from time fo tima.
o. The remuneration is consolidsted ond Roilwov will nof qive anv odditionol nerks/facilities.
p. Tn cose of absence of duties, proportionote recovery will be mode from the remuneration.
g. Weekty rest will be odmissible as per provisions of r"ules. The part time teacher will have to
obide by the rules of the Organisotion/Institution.

i.. Thc ccnfi'actuc! tcacha;: cppoilr*,cd fc;- a pc;':cd cf lcst thcn c ncnfh ltill bc pcld cn p;'3 rctc
bosis only. The pro roto poyment to fhe teochers moy be reguloted as under.
Consolidsted poy X Number of doys worked
30 Doys.
s. Teschers appointed on contractual basis will not be entitled for vocofion pay and during
SummerlAutumnlWinter Breok. PoYment shall be calculoted on fhe Pro rate bqsis.
t. The selected condidate will hove to execute an ag?eement with Railwoy Administrotion
regord i n9 co ntractuol engoEement ond i'e le vont co nd tr o n.

u. No fAl DA are admission for the interview.

v. If any candidcte is employed he will have to submit NOC from his/her employer, if helshe is
already employed.
w. In the event of ony wrong information /f ake acadernic certificate/testimanials/missfatement/
discrepancy in the particulars being detzctedat any stage, the candidoture/contract may be
cancelled / terminated without any notice and necessary action os per extont rule will be token.
Further, no corresPondence in this regard will be entertsined
x. The willing csndidates may directly report for the "WALK-IN-INTERVIEW" to fhe venue of
interview os per dste ond time specifred with copies of oll certrfrcates/testtmontols/mork
sheets in original qnd o set of self ottested copies of all documents & also 2 (Iwo) recent pess
port size photogroph along with a f illed applicotion form as per the opplicotion format attcched
with th is notif ication.
y. The above notif ication is also ovoilable in the East Coost Railway website i.e,

z. The selecfion is merit based ond candidotes shall be emponelled bosed on aggregate.
Note: if number of candidates are more, then the interview moy extend to next doy os per
necessity. 5o, the candidates coming for lhe interview should fu, prepared to stoy back by
making fheir own orrongemenfs.
Meflt( catee? mort(s ond personoi tntervtew)
Encl: Applicotion Form (Annexure-A)
The willing candidates who fulf ils the prescribed quolificotions moyfill up the applicolion Form
enclosed herewith duly signed by the condidote and posting lotest coloured phctographs. The
notif ication details ond the opplication form can be downloaded from the website addrass given
www.easteoastrai l.i nd ianrai lwoys.go v.i n
(Pcth: About us > Division >Khurda Road >Recruitment)
Note:- Alter filling up the form ,pleose uplood this opplicotion & Certificgte online in the
6msil. .!-l G
Ass ,M;*=*;",27,Y)fu,-,
For Sr. Divisional Personnel Officer.
Copy forwarded for informqtion ond necessqry oction to:
2. OSIHRMS/Pers.Deptt. for uplooding the obove notification.
3" Principol/MHSS/KUR is requested to put the notification in the school notice boord for
,Yruq -,,L1:^i*."
FgvirLi r F.
4. DCECoRSU, Divl Secyl5C,&ST, Divl Secy, OBC associotion/KUR for information
5. CPRO/ECoR/BBS is requested to published this notification in all prominent newspcper
(Odia, Telugu, Hindi & Engtish)
$. No*ice Eoard of 5r. DPO's afficelKhurda Rood

r^- f\i
D-;t,..-,, lD\lvt fi)
1t d24
^^---^^6 \t .ra Nv.\

Annav'!!ro r'A,

To Self attested
The Senior Divisional Personnel Officer
E^^+ Dailrrr^..
Laot vvqor
^^--+ I \qrltvqy, Photograph paste
Khurda Road.

Sub: Application for the post of Part Time Contractual Teachers in Mixed Higher
Secondary School, JatnilECoR.

Ref: DRM(P)IKUR's Notification No.ECoR/Pers/OsiEngagemenU Contract \eacher f 24

dtd.29"05 2024.
I am offering my candidature for engagement as Part Time Contractual Teacher

The details are as under -

*1. Name of Candidate

02. Father's/Husband Name

r.i Gender

':': Post applied for

':t Date of Birth

06. Address for communication

-)l' Telephone/l\4obile No. (if any)

''r E-mail lD

.:, Nationality

' Religion

: Comrnunity (SC/ST/OBC/UR)

C/o'1\-a\, ?j \1-)

1?. Aadhar Card No

. PAN No
15. Permanent ldentification Marks: (i)


1S. Details of Educational Qualification (Attested copies of certificates enclosed)

Sr Year of Yo of
Qualification Board/Universi$ Main Subjects
No Passing Marks
1 10n'

2. 1zth
3. Graduation
4. Post-Graduation
s Professional Qual.
7 Any other Qual.

Professional/Additiona Qualification

1 Education
*. B.Ed

Experience details

SI,NO Name of lnstitute BoardlRegistration Designation Date from Date

With address and Details And grade to
Contact Number


Experience{in years) : nclose Certificate)

ldeclare that the details given above (Sl No.1 to 16) are true and correct in all respect to the
best of my knowledge and belief. ln the event of any discrepancy found at any stage in future,
my candidaturel service may be cancelled/terminated summarily without any notice and I am
liable for legal actions"


Date: Signature of applicant

Con,l,rl , y5 f+ 1
/Dlaaoa hrinc
ijiiii\j nna cat calf atlaclar{ anniac nf ralarranl r{nnt tn:antq a! thA
uvvur,rutr rv lirne
rrrtrv +f
l-i---- ^f iicii -aa-savu wiriuo vi ,si-r-ir.
vii- --i=vi

Documents to be attached with application:

'{i . F\ala
uu.u nf uriir}l,r
vr El tr r nrnaf
yr vui
2. Community Certificate
3. Educational Qualification Certificate
4. Experience Certificate, if any
5. ldentity Proof(either any of one-Adhar Card, PAN card, Passport, Voter lD Card, Driving
Llcence +r ldentlty C-arC lssued b,v Gor.'ernment of !ndla,etc.)
6. Proof of his/her good Character and antecedent from two Gazetted Officers of the
CentrallState Govt.
7. Nocfrom employerit, employed.

Note:- A.fte1filling up thi=s form ,please upload thls application & Certificate online in the

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