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* What is development ?

Development is a vast term which includes

economic development ,
good governance ,
reducing poverty ,
illiteracy ,
etc .

Meaning of development is different for

different people .


For landless labours For rich

farmers For Big Businessman

It means ,
more days

It means , assured high


It means , high
and better his
of work family income through profit from
wage .
higher support police business .

for their crops .

* Conclusion :

Different people can have different development goals .

People have
can also
conflicting goals .

* Income and other

goals :


Materialistic Goals Non Materialistic

→ Income →
Respect → Education

Money →
* National Development :

* It is the ability of the nation to improve the

lives of its citizens .

It can be in the field of agriculture ,

industries ,

education ,
health ,
etc .

Singapore is a rich
country and North Korea
is poor . . . . . !
* But how can we compare two countries . . . . . ?

* Countries classified the basis Income

are on
of :

* What is a
Country 's Income ?

It is the total earning of the people who
are earning .

Classification of Countries on the Basis of
Income :

Role of World Bank :

Gives the classification of countries on the basis

of :

* Average Income of Per capita Income :

It will be calculated based on

earned per person in the specific area

of a certain year .

Total income of the Country

Total Population
On the basis of Income

" Developed 2.
Underdeveloped 3.
country country country

India comes under
developing countries .

* World Bank States that :

Countries with per capita income of US$92,056
per annum and Above in 2097 ,
are called rich
countries .

Countries with per capita income of US $955 per
annum or less in 2097 ,
are called low-income
countries .

India belongs to the category of low middle
income as its income in 2097 was US $9820
per .

* World Bank Development Report :

* Pros :

4 It gives clear understanding of income of the

countries .

It set specific parameters of comparison such as

national income and per capita income .

* Cons :

4 It considers only single aspect and not other

important aspects such as literacy ,
health , life expectancy ,

etc .

" Income distribution between the people is not visible .

* Other aspects which are important for

development of a
country :

* Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) :

a Indicates the number of children that die
before the age of one year as a

proportion of 9000 live children born in that

particular year .
* When we think of a nation ,
we think
of two basic components :

Average Income

Other equally important attributes

* Human Development Index ( HDI) :

It used to
4 is measure how development has

improved human life .

* Parameters of HDI :

Life Expectancy


Maternal Mortality Rate

Adult Literacy Rate

of Below Poverty Line Population

Per Capita GDP ,
etc .

* Life Expectancy .

4 It is the age which a person is expected

to live .

Indian Males 67.34


Indian Females 69.64


* Maternal Mortality Rate :

4 It is the total number of dying mothers

out of 9000 mothers while giving birth to
babies in a
year .
* Adult Literacy .
Ratio :

4 Literacy rate measures the proportion of the

literate population in the 7 years and above age
group .

Poverty Line :

4 The estimated minimum level of income needed

to secure the necessities of Life .

According to calories consumed per day ,
it is
2400 in rural areas and 2900 in urban .

State Per Capita Income for 2095-96 ( in Rs )

Haryana 9,62 ,

Kerala 9,40 ,

Bihar 39,454

Net Attendance Ratio

Infant Mortality Literacy Rate %
Rate pen 9,000 ( per 900 persons ) secondary
live births (2096) 2097 Stage (age 94 and 95
years) 2093 -


33 82 61

10 94 83

38 62 43

* Conclusion :

1 .

→ Per Capita Income is highest in Haryana and

lowest in Bihar which indicates employment status
and scope of earning is better in
Haryana .
2 .

IMR is lowest in Kerala and highest in Bihar .

This indicates poor healthcare

facilities in Bihar .

High Per Capita Income does not guarantee

for better healthcare facilities .

3 .

Literacy rare is highest in Kerala and lowest
in Bihar .

→ Net attendance ratio is highest in Kerala and
lowest in Bihar .

4 All these aspects indicate that Per Capita Income

is not the best criteria to decide development but ,

other basic facilities and quality of life also matter

much and must be
properly counted for development .

J We see that people in Haryana have more money

(Income) but still they lack some basic facilities . . . .

f Money can 't buy all the goods and services

that you may need to live well .

F This is due to lack of Public Facilities .

* Government provides us the Public Facilities :

Find Nourishment level in adults :

BMI weight status

Weight ( kg) Below 98.5 Underweight
height ( )
98.5 to 24.9 Normal
Above 25 Overweight
* Public Distribution System RDS :

B. It is improving health and nutrition status of

people .

B. States with well functioning PDS are likely to

have good nutrition status .

* Sustainable Development :

Development in consideration with future and nature .

Such development meets the needs of present
without ability future generation to
compromising of
meet their needs .

Ways to achieve Sustainable Development :

Scientific and proper use of natural resources .

4 No increase in pollution on environmental degradation .

4 Protection of flora and fauna from human

exploitation .

A Moral use even of inexhaustible resources .

Maintaining fertility of cultivable land .

* Sources of Energy :

Renewable Resources Non -

Renewable Resources

9) They can replenish themselves They cannot replenish themselves

by quick recycling within a by recycling and replacement .

reasonable time .

2) They are not likely to be They may be exhausted ,

e. go ,

exhausted ,
go ,
soil , forest ,
wild life ,
minerals ,
fossil fuels like coal
underground water . and
petroleum .

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