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Quote My Love

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Major Character Death
Category: M/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationship: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Voldemort (Harry Potter), Rubeus Hagrid
Additional Tags: Sad and Happy, Sad with a Happy Ending, Sortof, Character Death,
quotes, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Harry Potter Dies,
Quotes to make you cry, Short One Shot, Enemies to Lovers, soft angst
Language: English
Series: Part 3 of MusicalSurge One-Shots
Stats: Published: 2023-07-27 Words: 1,664 Chapters: 1/1
Quote My Love
by MusicalSurge


"I will not have you

without the darkness
that hides within you.
I will not let you have me
without the madness
that makes me.
If our demons
cannot dance,
neither can we."
-Nikita Gill

A Sad and Soft Drarry Story


I've been on Tiktok too much recently and I love all the quote slideshows they post and I tend
to save a lot of them. So I wanted to write a story around some of my favorites.
It's sad and sweet and I hope you like this one shot.

No beta.
“My greatest moment of intimacy, was not the evening we took all of our clothes off. But it
was when you saw me at my most difficult state. Like how you witnessed the most unloveable
parts of me. As I slowly unraveled each imperfection in front of you like a scar. And despite
all of this, you loved me harder anyway.”

-Conee Berdera

They had fallen in love fast and hard yet it was the easiest thing they had ever done.

Draco had fallen for the green-eyed boy years ago in a small robe shop, still full of dreams of
the future.

Harry doesn’t know when his dislike of blonde Slytherin changed into a fond soft warmth,
but his obsession was hard to mask as hatred.

It seemed as they got older there were more and more obstacles in the way of them calling off
their rivalry. Family, friends, war. How could they set their barbed words aside when to do so
would cause pain and anger and confusion when they needed to be a united front to survive.

But their attraction and fascination with each other was like a magnetizing force pulling them
together repeatedly until one day what should have ended in violence and bloodshed between
them, instead ended in soft kisses and whispered confessions and apologies.

Two broken boys falling apart at each other's feet and praying the other would put them back
together again for the world was too heavy for both of their shoulders.

“In this space right here that we have made for each other, you can say anything and I will
not abandon you. Unwrap the worst things you have done. Watch me hold them up to the
light and not even flinch”


They met in secret, hiding away in abandoned classrooms and dusty alcoves, just to bask in
each other's presence for a moment more. Whispering confessions to the other about their
dreams, hopes, sins, and heartbreaks.

Draco revealed his tattooed arm and his deepest fears of becoming like his father. Confessed
to Harry how much he worried for his mother’s safety and how scared he was of dying in this
war. Draco spoke with trembling hands and fumbling words about his love for Harry, how he
hated their fights but he could not stand to be away from him even if that meant fighting. His
greatest fear of not being able to love Harry or Harry not loving him, for that would be his

“The fire can’t touch me, for I have burned one too many times

& the sea can’t harm me, for I’ve been drowning all my life.

Oh but you could rip my heart open, darling,

for I have never known love before.”

- R. / asthreria

Harry spoke of how much he hated their fights too. How even before he had fallen in love
with Draco he hated to throw insults and didn’t enjoy hurting others because he had been hurt
like that before. Harry spoke of his role in the war and his fear of getting everyone else killed.
He even confessed quietly his treatment at the hands of the Dursleys and how that impacted
their first meeting all those years ago in the robe shop. How even now the power his relatives
held over him. The flinches at casual touches, the fear of doing well in his classes, the
forgotten childish wonder so many others had. Harry never got to be a child and that made
Draco weep all the more for this war that would tear both of the childhoods apart.

“I’ve been dead for a while

I died in that house

No one ever noticed

Because I am physically moving through life

But the rest of me is still in that house

The death of my childhood”

With their souls laid bare to each other, it was little wonder how tightly they would wind
around the other, a suffocating codependency to keep from falling apart. It got to the point
they had to tell others about their truce and their love because they could not stand to be apart
as the war grew. There were lots of arguments. Harsh words of disbelief that they could truly
be in love with each other, that the other wasn’t just waiting to hurt them more. They stood
strong though, took all the harsh words and soften them with their love for their family,
friends, and each other.

“I’m not mad at myself for giving m love to the wrong people;

they probably needed it the most.”


But even love couldn’t stop the war from reaching into their lives and tearing everything

Draco was still a death eater with a mark on his arm connecting him to his master that could
and would torture him through that mark if he suspected betrayal.

Harry was still everyone’s hope for salvation, the chosen one, leading the light side in the
absence of Albus Dumbledore.

Sacrifices had to be made but they still loved even when torn apart.

“But the Moon and the Sun loved each other so much, they were by each other’s side
everyday. This confused people greatly, for no one could tell whether it was day or night.

To correct this, the Gods separated them, cursing them to chase each other in the sky forever,
always apart.”


When they were captured Harry knew Draco should admit to who he was to save himself and
his family, but he didn’t.

Draco knew he needed to get Harry out of Malfoy Manor before Voldemort arrived, even if it
meant his own death. He mourned silently that he could be signing the death warrant for his
parents as well, but Harry needed to live. More than Draco’s love for Harry was his faith that
Harry would end this pointless war. That the next time two little boys met up in a robe shop
to go to Hogwarts, they could fall in love and there would be no obstacles to keep them apart.

“Some days I’m Van Gogh’s Starry Night,

other days I’m his suicide letter.”

-Via -souu-h

Harry cried and screamed as they left Malfoy Manor, not knowing if he would see Draco

But the war continued so must he.

Harry cried again as he saw the platinum blonde hair of Draco when they made it back to
Hogwarts. There was no time for soft words and reassurances, but the love in Draco’s eyes
filled Harry’s veins. And Draco found time for one more stolen kiss behind a tapestry as the
war waged around them. Harsh breaths and soft words of love before having to go back out
and try to survive.

And then Harry watched Snape’s memories after seeing the man murdered.

Harry had to die. Harry had to leave his family, friends, and Draco behind to walk to his

“And God,

please let the deer

on the highway

get some kind of heaven.

Something with tall soft grass

and sweet reunion.

Let the moths in porch lights

go some place
with a thousand suns,

that taste like sugar

and get swallowed whole.

May the mice

in oil and glue

have forever dry, warm fur

and full bellies.

If I am killed

for simply living,

let death be kinder

than man.”


Draco felt his body go numb and then his mind. Tears were rushing down his face before he
could even think to hold them back and a scream clawed its way out of his throat.

There lay Harry dead in Hagrid’s arms.

His love, his light, his sun.

He felt power burn within him and without thinking about the consequences or probabilities
of his survival he attack Voldemort.

It was a vicious surprise attack that the Dark Lord had no idea was coming and was
unprepared to be fending off spell fire coming from his own side.

Less than an hour after Harry Potter died, the Dark Lord Voldemort was killed by Draco

In less fanfare Harry’s friends also killed Nagini.

It was done, Voldemort was gone.

But at the price of Harry Potter’s life and Draco’s love.

After the final battle some unimportant ministry lackey tried to be inspirational to the
downtrodden fighters.

“Survivors have scars

Victims have graves.”


Such a bullshit line made Draco stand up, drawing everyone’s attention to the grieving man.

“Survivors have scars but Harry Potter was no victim! He was a survivor who set his life
aside so we could all live! Live with our scars and grief. For ‘what is grief if not love
persevering.’ And Harry did nothing but love. We owe him that.”

Draco’s voice was cracked with grief and love for Harry. He wanted to join him in the
afterlife, but he knew he had to stay.

“Eternity with you will never be enough.

No matter how hard it gets,

I will never have enough of you.”


Draco never did find another love like Harry.

He accepted an arranged marriage from his mother because he would take quiet
companionship even in the absence of his true love.

He had a son who he taught things he had learned from an abused green-eyed little boy that
had grown up in a broom cupboard and dreamed of sunlight, flying, and falling in love and
being loved one day.

“‘Why are you so nice

even to people
who are rude to you?’

‘Because I, too, have been rude

to nice people,

& I know that rudeness

comes from a place of roaring pain.

& Only kindness soothes it.’”

-By The Word

When Draco finally passed in his sleep in his old age, he woke up on a bright white train

And in front of him still looking 17 was his love holding out his hand to him, a peaceful
smile on his face.

“I think we deserve

a soft epilogue, my love.

We are good people

and we’ve suffered enough.”

-Seventy Years of Sleep #4

The End
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