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CHAPTER > 01 Reproduction in Organisms NEET Key NoTeES + The period from birth to the natural death of an organism represents its lifespan. Whatever be the lifespan, death of every individual organism is a certainty, ie. no individual is immortal, except single-celled organisms + Reproduction is a vital biological process by which living organisms produce new individuals oftheir own species. Itenables continuity of species, Reproduction is of two types asexual and sexual, Asexual Reproduction + Itiavolves the participation of single parent to produce an offspring. As a result, the offspring produced are morphologically and genetically similar to one another and also to their parents and can be referred to as clones. + The unit of reproductions commonly formed from thesomaticcell of the parent, Meiosis doesnot ocurin asexual reproduction. + Asexwal reproduction i common among single celled organisms and in plants and animals with relatively simpler body “organisation. + Cel division itself sa mode of eproduction in proists, eg, Amel and monerans In bcteris, the parent cell dives into two to give rise to new individual, + Itmay ake place by following methods Asexual Reproduction L Fission Bedding Sporetormaton Fragmentation _—_- Regeneration 1 Binary Parent boy is ExtemalAnougowth— Gael ae esinict _ Fomaterlt he woe riotwodaugriernsiwsias, | fudlforadontre” Senate eae 9 Anoote Semtemaccrecs , gemnaotposion foragers and srl fag oly Matiple Pe boc Scenes toma Say rile echtagrart repartee Gviges to mary pew organism 9. Hytla So ting ‘evlops nioa new body pat @9, 0092 ‘ugh edict orem ana aia. (09, Plasmodium, Internal Smal. gommues 89. Spivgya eral bud) form new Indus, eg, Spongila (spon + During unfavourable conditions, the products of multiple fission become individually surrounded by resistant coats, Le. eyst {encystation) and gets released, once favourable condition arises sporulation occurs. Its seen in Amnoebn + In Monera, Prtista, Fungi and Algae, spores formed can be of following main types + Pseudopodiospore (with fine pseucdopodia) — Amoehe + Zoospores (motile and flagellated) = Chlamydomonas and Ulohris + Conidia (non-motile)~ Penicilium + Sporangiospores (non-motile)~ Rhizopus ‘+ While in animals and other simple organisms, the term asexual is used unambiguously, in plants, the term vegetative reproduction isfroquently used + Inplants, units of vegetative propagation such as runner, rhizome, sucker, tuber offset, bulb, etc, have capability to give rise to new offspring. These structures are known as vegetative propagules ‘Types of Vegetative Propagation in Plants and their Description ‘Types of Vegetative Propagation in Plants 1. Natural Vegetative Prop oat (Root ber) Description Bud on the ot ro ino ey shoot bone the ground apd aGventious rot atthe bases, Underground Mest tre poses bade leh grow imo ew plans Fe yp ate + Suckers mint, Chinsendemm + Bulls. onion, gai + Tubes, eg otto + Conms «7. Coloca, Glad CCreping Few types inclde + Runners e Ora, wnterhyacint + onbet. eg Pate ‘Arial noid stems develop new pans when ‘em semen all onthe proud ee, puna. Advts buds develop om aves, detach tnd form aew plans = Bop 2 Artifical Vegetative Prop cat A. sl pie of any plan organ i sed for Propagation, leaves Brophn) s Memarind, Stems ugar ote Stem Lewes Layering Root ratify induced on stem branches bore these tach fom the pent pan © [sing bch Grating Two plan pars, rt syst (stock) and shot system scion from vo iff plans sre Joined oem a nw plan ose, apple ‘Micropropagation Involves culturing of cell tissues o organs to form alle which ner ieee orm 2 lage numba of panes. «= Water hyacinth (scourage of the water bodies or Terror of Bengal) propagates very quickly by vegetative mode and drains out dissolved O, from water bodies. Sexual Reproduction + In sexual reproduction, there is formation of male and female gametes either by same individual or by ferent individuals of opposite sex. These gametes fuse to frm a new cell called sygote, eg occursinall flowering plants, humans, ete ‘The period of growth from birth up tothe reproductive maturity in an organism i called as juvenile phase. In plants this period of growth starting from seed ermination upto inition of Flowering i called egetative phase. “The later phase, when the organisms start reproducing sexually, s called reproductive phase. The end of reproductive phase is marked by the onset of another ‘hase called senescent phase which isthe last phase in life Cycle ater which the organism dies. A few plants exhibit unusual flowering phenomenon: Some of them suchas bamboo species flower any once in {heir lifetime, generally after 50-100 years, produce large numberof fruits and die. Another plant, Strobilathes unthiana(Neelakurin), lowers once in 12 yeas. Ivnon-primate mammals ike cows, sheep, ras, doers, dogs tigers, ete, the cyclical changes during reproduction are called oestrous eyele whereas in primates (monkeys, {apes and humans) itis called as menstrual eycle + Many mammals exhibit such cycles only during favourable seasons in their reproductive phase and are called seasonal breeders, While those ae reprodctively tctive throughout their reproductive phase are called ‘continous breeders Events in Sexual Reproduction The events of sexual reproduction may be grouped into three distinct stages namely, the pr-ferlisation, fertilisation and the pos-etlisation event. 1. Pre-fertilisation Events + These are the events of sexual reprocuction which take place before the fusion of gametes, These include ‘gametogenesis and gamete transfer Gametogenesis + The process of formation of gametes is known as gametogenesis. + The reproductive units in sexual reproduction are specialised cells called gametes. + Depending upon the morphological similarity, gametes can be clasified into homogametes or isogametes (in Cladophora) and heterogametes (in human). The gametes are generally of two kinds, ie. male antherozoid or sperm) and female (egg or ovum). + Sexuality in organisms On the basis of location of reproductive structure, sexuality in organisms can be classified as follows ‘= Homothallic and monoecious Both male and female reproductive structures are present on same individual (bisexual condition), eg. in several fungi like Mucor and plans like maize, caeurbits and coconuts, ‘+ Heterothallic and dioecious Male and female reproductive structures are present on separate individuals (unisexual condition), e.g. papaya and date ‘palm. In flowering plants the unisexual male flower is Staminate, while female is pistillate * Bisexual animals have both male andl female reproductive organs in single individual, e.g. earthworm, sponge, lech, apeworm, et. These are also called as hermaphrodites. * Unisexwal animals have male and female reproductive ‘organs in different individuals, eg. cockroach, human, dog, etc: + Cell division during gamete formation Gametes are always haploid, but they divide either by mitotic or meiotic division, The organisms belonging to Monera, Fungi, Algae and Bryophyta have haploid plant body. These organisms produce gametes by mitotic division + Inpteridophytes, gymnosperms, angiosperms and most of the animals including humans, the parental body is diploid. In these organisms, specialised cells calles _melocytes or gamete mother cells undergo meiosis that results in the formation of haploid gametes Gamete Transfer + Ttoccuts in various ways in diferent organisms. ‘+ In most organisms, male gamete is motileand female ‘gamete is non-motile. + Both gametes are motile in few fungi and alga. Inalgae, bryophytes and pteridophytes, gamete transfer takes place through water by proclucing many male gametes to ensure fertilisation because during gamete transfer, large number of male gametes are lost. In bryophytes and pteridophytes, male gametes are known, a antherozoid. In self-fertilising or bisexual plants eg, peas, gamete transfer is easy asthe anthers and stigma are closely located. in cross-ertilisng plants, gamete transfer occurs by pollination. I's the process of transfer of pollen ‘rains from anther to stigma, eg. dioecious plants. 2. Fertilisation + Ttis the complete and permanent fusion of two gametes from different parents of from the same parent to form a diploid zygote, This process is also called as syngamy. + When the female gamete undergoes development to form new onganisms without fertilisation, the process is called as parthenogenesis, eg, rotifers, honeybees, some lizards and birds (turkey). + Depending upon, where does the syngamy occur, fertilisation may be of two types + External fertilisation It isthe fusion of gametes that take place outside the body of an organism in external rmedlium such as water, ein bony fishes, frogs te: ‘lange number of gametes are released in the surrounding medium by such animals. + Internal fertilisation Is the fusion of gametes that take place inside the body, eg. in fungi, higher animals such as birds, mammals and majority of plants. The number of ova produced is less, but a large ‘number of male gametes are formed, as many of them fail to reach the ova. 3. Post-fertilisation Events [ter the fusion of male an female gametes, following, processes occur Zygote + This the beginning of new life Iis always diploid and ‘ensures the contin of race from generation #0 generation, + Organism such as fungi, develops a tick wall around it that is resstant to external damaging Factors, + Zygote divides by meiosis to form haploid spores that fr0W into haploid individuals incase of organisms which lead haplontic ite cyle, Valeo, Spiros, et. + Inorganisms with diplontic life eycl, zygote undergoes mitotic division and develops into an embryo, all flowering plants. Embryogenesis Its the process of development of embryo from zygote. + The events which occur in animals during embryogenesis + Mitosis (el division or cleavage) occurs leading to the growth of embry + Cells of embryo undergo differentiation and attain specific shape, size and fanction + ll differentiation leads tothe production of diferent tissues, organs and organ systems. + Depending onthe development of embryo the animals canbe () Oviparous animals, eg. reptiles and birds. Here, ‘embryo develops outside the body of female (eggs). In these animals, the fertilised eggs are covered by ‘hard calearcous shel iparous animals, eg. majority of mammals « including humans, He the body of female. (ii) Ovoviviparous animals, e.g, sharks and rattle snakes. Here, the female retains the eggs inside its body after fertilisation and allows the development ofthe embryo inside the body 5 ‘without providing extra nourishment to the developing embryo as the placenta is absent. fembryodevelops inside The post fertilisation events that occur in flowering plants are Sepals, petals and stamens wither and shed off Pistl remains attached tothe plant. Zygote develops into embryo and the ovules develop into seed. Ovary develops into the fruit. Pericarp is produced as the wall of ovary. Seeds disperse by different agents and germinate into new plants after geting suitable conditions Mastering NCERT MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (TOPIC 1 ~ Lifespan and Asexual Reproduction 1 Lifespan of tortoise is {@) 100-150 years (0) 250 years (6) 20 years (4) 1 year 2 Single-celled animals ate said to be immortal because (@) they grow indefinitely in size (b) they can tolerate any degree of change in temperature (6) they can reproduce throughout ther lifespan (4) they continue to ive as their daughter eells 3 Arrange the organisms shown below in the inereasing ‘order of their lifespans. Parot crocodte cow (a) Parrot < Crow < Crocodile (6) Crow < Crocodile < Parrot (6) Crocodile < Parrot C5A5B5E ©) CSD5ASB5E (©) CHESBSD5A (@) D9C4B9ESA 6 Asexual reproduction is a method of reproduction in Which patticipation of takes place, (@) one individual {(b) two individuals (same species) {) mult-individuals {(@) two individuals (itferent species) 7 Clones are (a) morphologically similar individuals (©) genetically similar individuals {) Both (a) and (b) (@) None ofthe above 8 nis the fastest method to obtain clones. {a) Induced mutation {(b) Parasexual hybridisation (©) Vegetative reproduction (2) Parthenogenesis 9 Asexual reproduction is common in (a) single-celled organisms (plants with relatively simple organisation {) animals with relatively simple organisation (@) Allofthe above 10 Cell division is the mode of reproduction in (a) monerans (b) provists {€) Both (a) and (b) {(€) None ofthe above 11 Reproduction in Amoeba is carried out through {) gemmule formation (b) binary fission (6) budding (@) plasmotomy 12 In Amoeba, under unfavourable conditions, ...A... takes place but under favourable conditions ..B. Identify 4 and B. A B (a) Sporulation Eneystation (b) Encystation Sponalation {) Binary fission Eneystation (a) Multiple fission Eneystation 1B Zoospores are (a) motile gametes of Chlamydomonas {(b) non-matile gametes of sponges {) motile gametes of Hydra (a) non-motile gametes of Penicillium Ve Asexual reproductive structures found in Penicillium (a) conidia {) gemmules () buds (@) zoospore 15 Gemmule formation is a common mode of reproduction in (a) Hséra (b) sponge {) Penicillium (@) Amoeba 1G Hydra reproduces by (a) Budding (©) Fragmentation (©) Gemmule formation (€) Both (a) and (6) 17 Study the following diagram and the information zziven below. [bout aud c A. Zoospore of Chlamydomonas B. Conidiaof Penicilium. . Buds in Hydra D. Gemmulesinsponge. All the above are {@) bodies involved in sexual reproduction {(b) bodies involved in asexual reproduction {) bodies of young ones (@) Allthe above are corect 1 Refer the given figures which show three different types of fission, “HWE ‘S-8-€ -—-B-B ‘A, Longitudinal fission B. Transverse fission C. Multiple fission Select the option which correctly matehes them with the organism in which they occur. A B c (@) Euglena Plasmodium — Amoeba () Plasmodium Paramecium — Euglena (6) Euglena Paramecium Escherichia (@) Euglena — Paramecium — Amoeba » 20 a 22 Which one of the following pairs is not correctly match? (CBSE-AIPMT 2015 pred samp (@)_ Offer Water hyacinth () Rhizome Banana (Binary fission Sargassum (8) Conia Peniclm fists are produced by (a) parthenocarpy {6) meiotic divisions Referto the given figures and identify Vand Yin these. EET 2018 () mitoti divisions (4) parthenogenesis (a) X-Buds, Y-Nodes (0) X-Nodes, Y-Adventitious buds {¢) X-Nodes, Y-Adventitious roots (d) X-Eyes, Y-Nodes Which one of the following is eorrectly matched? (@) Onion Bulb (CBSE-AIPMT 2012 (b) Ginger ~Sucker (6) Chlandomonas —Conidia (€) Yeast~ Zoospores ‘Choose the option with correct identification of 4, B, C, Dand E given below. Aaveniious pote e A 8 © > e (@) Tuber Rhizome Eyes __Leafboud Offset () Offset Eyes __Leafbud_Stolon Sucker (©) Offwe —Leafbuds Eyes Stolon Sucker (@) Tuber Rhizome Bulbil Leaf buds Onset 24 Which of the following is not a vegetative propagule? (@) Offset (6) Antherozoid {) Rhizome (@) Bulbil 25 Ifa leaf cell of Agave have X chromosome, then what ‘will be the number of chromosomes in a cel ofits bulbil? @2X XX XB 26 Identify the plant which contains the features given below. 1. Theplantwasintroduced in india because ofits beautiful flowers and shape of leaves. TL, Ireanpropagate vegetatively ata phenomenal rateand spreadall over water body ina short period. IIL Itis very dificultto getrid ofthese plans. ® ® @ o 27 The site of origin of the new plantlets in potato, Dabtia, ginger and banana is (a) floral buds present on stem () intemodes of modified stem {) nodes of modified stem (2) adventitious buds present on root 28 Which one of the following options shows two plants in which new plantlets arise from the same organ? (a) Guava and ginger {(b) Potato and sweet potato (6) Dahlia and mint {@) Potato and sugarcane 29. Some organisms are capable of asexual or sexual reproduction. Under favourable conditions, reproduction proceeds asexually. When conditions ‘become more stressful reproduction switches to a sexual mode, Why? (a) Sexual reproduction is simple and more rapid allowing larger numbers of offspring to be produced (©) Sexual reproduction equires two separate individuals, ‘who can mutually provide nutrient support during stress () Sexual reproduction produces individuals with new combinations of recombined chromosomes increasing diversity (@) Asexual reproduction requires more energy 30 A scion is grafted to a stock. The quality of fruits ‘produced will be determined by the genotype of ‘AIMS 2078 (a) stock {(€) Both (a) and (b) (6) scion (4) Neither (a) nor (6) (TOPIC 2~ sexual Reproduction 31 Which one of the following generates new genetic ‘combinations leading to variation? NEET 2016, 13 (a) Vegetative reproduction {(b) Parthenogenesis {) Sexual reproduetion {(@) Nucellar polyembryony 32 Sexual reproduction involves formation of male and female gametes by (a) same individual () lifferent individual oF opposite sex {©) Both a) and (b) (@) Allofthe above 33 The growth phase of an organism before attaining, sexual maturity is refetred to as (a) juvenile phase () pre-reproductive phase (©) Both (a) and (by (@) None of these 34 Select the correct sequence from the following. 1. Juvenile phase Senescent phase» Reproductive phase I, Juvenile phase—+ Reproductive phase—> Senescent phase II, Reproductive phase-> Juvenile phase» Senescent phase IV, Pre-teproductive phase—> Reproductive phase—> Senescent phase (a) Vand tt () Land iv () Mand iv (@) Wand IV 35. Which one of the following flowers only once in its lifetime? NEET 2018 (a) Mango. () Jackttuit ©) Bamboo species (@) Papaya 36 Sirobilanthes kunthiana is also called (a) Neclakurinj () Peta kuranji (6) Hara kuranji (@) Kala kuranji 137 Cestrus cycle is cyclic change inthe activities of ‘ovaries and accessory duct in non-primates during (a) reproductive (seasonal) petiod () maturation period {) ageing period {@) juvenile period 38 Organisms reproducing throughout the year are called breeders, e.g. ... and those who show recurring sexual activity are called ...... breeders, e. (a) continuous, sparrow, seasonal, hen {(b) seasonal, lizard, continuous, hen {) continuous, man, seasonal, tiger {(@) seasonal, hen, continuous, tiger 39 Select the correct sequence of events, NET (Odisha) 2019 (@) Gametogenesis—> Gamete transfer > Syngamy > Zygore > Cell division (Cleavage)—> Cell diferentiation > Organogencsis (©) Gametogenesis—> Gamete transfer Syngamy —> Zygote — Cell divison (Cleavage) — Organogenesis-> Cell dierentiation (©) Gametogenesis—> Syngamy —> Gametetansfer—> Zygote > Cell division (Cleavage) —> Cell difereniation —+ Orga (@) Gametogenesis—> Gamete ransfer—> Syngamy > Zygote > Cell dffereation — Cell division (Cleavage) > Organogenesis 40 Identify the events (4, B, D and £) of sexual reproduction given below Prtrasaon one (GI) ptosis Feritation 20 ‘Choose the correct option, (a) A-Gamote transfer, B-Gametogeneis, D-Zygote formation, E-Embryogenesis (©) A-Gametogencis, B-Gamete transfer, D-Zygote formation, EEmiryogenesis (6) A-Gametogeneis, B-Zygote formation, D-Gamete transfer, E-Embryogenesis (@) A-Gametogeneis, B-Gamete transfer, D-Embryogenesis, E-Zygote formation Identify the type of gametes shown in figure 4, B and respectively. a Macrogamete fers) eo & (a) A-Heteropametes, B-sogametes, C-Homogametes (©) A-Homogametes, B-Isogametes, C-Heterogametes (¢) Acsogametes, B-Heterogametes, C-Heterogametes (@) A-Heterogametes, B-Heteropametes, C-Isogametes, 42. Name the type of gametes found in algae. (a) Homogametes () Heterogametes (6) Anisogametes (@) Allof these 43 What is male gamete called in heterogametic condition? (a) Antherozoid () Sperm o) Exe (4) Both (a) and (b) 44 ‘The condition, in which, both male and female reproductive organs are found on the same plant, is called () unisexual {€) monoecious () bisexual (@) Both (b) and (@) 45 Figure P represents the reproductive organs of Plant, Chara and figure Q represents the reproductive ‘organs of an animal, earthworm, Select the option which correctly identifies male reproductive organs of the two organisms. ay eat 2 o (a) AandD (b) Band (@) Aand — (@) BandD 46 ‘The condition in which male and female parts are present on different organisms, is called (a) heterthalic () dioocious {) unisexual (@) Allof these 47 In flowering plants, the nisexual male flower is. called ...4... while the female is called ...B. Flowering plants may be monoecious, ©. dioecious, eg. ...D. ‘Complete the paragraph by filling up the blanks, (a) A-stuminate, B-pistllate, C-date palm, D-coconut (b) A-pistllate, B-staminate, C-date palm, D-papaya {€) A-pisilate, B-staminate, C~Cucurbira, D-coconnt (@) A-staminate, B-pisilate, C-Cueurbita, D-papaya 4B Name the type of gametes formed in staminate and pistillate flower, respectively. (a) Stamen, pollen (b) Antherozoid, egg {) Stamen, ovum (42) Ovum, antherozoid 49 Which of the following is hermaphrodite? (a) Ant) Aphids (@) Earthworm (d) Cockroach 50 Which among the following is unisexual species? {@) Tapeworm () Leech {) Cockroach (@) Allof these C..0r '51 Ifthe parent body is haploid then the gametes are (a) haploid (©) diploia (6) triploid (4) None ofthese '52 In diploid organism the gamete producing cells are called (@) gamete mother cell (b) meiocytes (6) Both (a) and(b) (a) None of these ‘53. Which ofthe following is an incorrect combination of | ‘organism with its correct chromosome number in meiocyte and in gamete? Name of Chromosomes Chromosomes ‘organisms number in meloeyte_ number in gamete (@)_Buterly 380 0 ©) Potato 16 os fe) Maize 20 0 (@ Ample Py "7 ‘54 Identify the sequence of events shown in the diagram below. (a) Fission of gametes > New individual > Zygote (b) Fusion of gametes + Zygote > New individual (cell 2x) () Fission of gametes + Zygote—> New individual (cell 2) (@) Stages in the gametogenesis 55 Self-fertilsation occurs in the (a) bisexual ower (b) unisexual flower {) Both (a) and(b) ——_(@) dioecious flower ‘56 In which of the following organisms self-fertilisation (@) Peas (b) Mustard (6) Stveet potato (4) Allof these 87 Which of the following options is/are correct about pollination? {a) Occurs in alos all flowering plants (©) Facilitates pollen transfer to stigma {) Both (a) and (b) {(@) None ofthe above ‘58 Essential and most critical event in sexual reproduction is (@) ferilisation {() division in male and female gametes {€) Both a) and (b) (€) None ofthe above ‘59 Fusion of male and female gametes is called () syngamy () ferilisation (6) Both (a) and(b) (a) heterogamy 60 In some plants, the female gamete develops into embryo without fertilisation, This phenomenon is known as (a) parthenocarpy (sy {c)partbenogencsis _(@)autogamy 61 Syngamy may occur i... (@) extemal medium (b) intemal medium () Both (a) and (b)—_(@) None ofthese 62 ‘Organisms exhibiting external fertilisation release a large number of gametes". Why? (a) These organisms shows great synchrony between the (b) In order to enhance the chances of syngamy {€) Toproduce lage number of offsprings as they are vulnerable to predators (4) Allof the above {G5 Internal fertilisation is the one in which syngamy {@) occur ouside the body (6) occur inside the body (6) is followed by meiosis (4) None ofthe above 64 Diploid zygote is universal in {@) All sexually reproducing organisms (b) All asexually reproducing organisms (6) Al sexually and asexually reproducing organisms (4) Only plants and animals {65 Life begins in all sexually reproducing organism from a (@) single-celled zygote (b) double-elled zygote (6) thick-walled zygote (@) All ofthese NET 2019 66 Embryogenesis involves {@) formation of embryo from zygote {() cal division via meiosis and diferentiation {) Both (a) and (b) (@) None ofthe above 67 Choose the incorrect pair. (a) Cell division in embryo ~ Increase the number of eels. (b) Cell differentiation ~ Form specialised tissues and () Eggs covered by hand calcareous shell ~ Oviparous animals viparous animals (€) Zygote develops outside the body — 68 Chances of survival of young ones are more in the ease of individuals. (a) oviparous (©) viviparous {) ovoviviparous (4) None ofthese 69 OffSprings of oviparous animals have less chances of survival as compared to those of viviparous animals because {@) proper embryonic eae and protection is absent {(b) embryo does not develop completely {) progenies are of smaller size (@) genetic variations do not oceur FO What does *P” signifies in the diagram given below’? _ . = 262 (a) Pistit e) Thin pe () Thick pericarp arp (@) Pollen ube NEET SPECIAL TYPES QUESTIONS 1. Assertion and Reason ™ Direction (Q. No. 71-80) In each of the following ‘questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by corresponding statement of Reason (R). Of the statements, mark the correct answer as (a) Ifboth A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A (b) Ifboth A and R are true, but Ris not the correct explanation of A. (0) ITA is tue, but R is false (@) IFA is false, but Ris true Ti Assertion (A) A plant can be retained and multiplied indefinitely without any change or variation through asexual reproduction, Reason (R) Asexual reproduction does not involve meiosis and syngamy. 72 Assertion (A) Offspring formed by asexual reproduction are called clones. Reason (R) Clones are morphologically similar. TB Assertion (A) Reproduction by zoospores occur in some higher fungi Reason (R) Zoospores are motile and flagellated spores. ‘Te Assertion (A) Zygote is the link between two ‘generations, Reason (R) Zygote isthe product of two gametes and the producer of the next generation, 75 Assertion (A) Vegetative reproduction isa kind of ‘asexual reproduction in plants, Reason (R) Vegetative propagules give rise to oflspring 76 Assertion (A) In perennial plant species, i is difficult to define vegetative, reproductive and senescent phases. Reason (R) Perennial plants have very short lifespan, 7 Assertion (A) Gametes formed in sexual reproduction ‘are haploid in nature, Reason (R) Meiocytes undergo meiosis to form gametes, 78 Assertion (A) Papaya isa dioecious plant Reason (R) Dioecious plants are those that have their reproductive structures on same plant. 79 Assertion (A) In extemal fertilisation, syngamy ‘occurs inside the female. Reason (R) The offspring produced by external fetilisation are vulnerable to predators. 80 Assertion (A) In lowering plants, zygote is formed inside the ovule. Reason (R) The ovule develop into seed after fertilisation. II, Statement Based Questions {81 Which one of the following statement regarding post-frilisaton development in lowering plants is incomet? NecT 2019 (@ Zygote develops ino embryo {b) Centra cell develops into endosperm {6 Ovues develop nto embryo sae {4 Ovary develops ino fat £82 Choose the incorrect statement about gemmules. (@) They resis desiation “IPMER 2079 (6) They are internal buds () They ar semua structure which fiaton, produce by binary (@) They can give rise to new organisms 83 Which of the following statements is correct? (a) Alte individuals of a species have exactly the same lifespan (b) Smaller organisms always have shorter lifespan and (6) Lifespan of an onganism isthe time period from its birt to its natural death {(@) No organism may have a lifespan of several hundred years 84 Which one of the following statements is incorrect? NEET 2016 (a) Offxpring produced by the asexual reproduction are called lone () Microscopic motile asexual reproductive structures are called zoospores (©) In potato, nana and ginger, the plantlets arise from the intemodes present in the modified stem (@) Water hyacinth, growing in the standing water, drains ‘oxygen from water that leads to the death af fishes ‘85 Mark the incorrect statement. () Perennial species shows clear cut vegetative, reproductive and senescent phases (b) End of vegetative phase mark the beginning of reproductive phase (©) Bamboo species Mower only once in thei lifetime (@) The reproductive phase is of variable duration in diferent organisms 86 Choose the incorrect statement for events in sexual reproduction, () Al sexually reproducing organisms exhibits events and processess having fundamental similarity (b) Structures associated with sexual reproduction vary among different groups of organisms (6) Pre-ferilisation, fertilisation and post-erilisation isthe exact sequence of events occurring in sexual reproduction (@) None ofthe above 87 Which one of the following statements is incorrect? (a) Gamete reeive only one set of chromosomes (b) Meiosis is a reductional division oceuring in both haploid and diploid organisms (6) Male gametes are always produced in less quantity than female gametes (In seed plants, pollen grains are the carters of male gametes 88 Go through the following statements, 1. Celldivisionisamode of reproduction in algae and fungi 1, Amoeba and Paramecium divideby fragmentation, IL. Inyeas, cell division isunequal and smallbuds are produced, IV. Zoospores are macroscopic non-motile structures. ‘Choose the incorrect statements (@) Land i () Mandi (6) I, Mand IV (4) Only I 89. Read the following statements about asexual reproduction and select the correct ones. 1. Itinvolvesasingle parent IL Itisslower than sexual reproduction, IL Ieproduces progeny that are genetically identical with theparent, butnot with one another. 90 92 IV. The progeny of asexual reproduction can be termedas clones. (a) Vand It (6) Mand a (e) Land 1V (@) L.lland iv Read the following statements and select the correct 1. Conidia are the asexual propagulesrestricted to kingdom-Fungi. TL, Apieoe of potato tuberhaving at least one eye (or node) is capable of giving rise toa new plant. IL, Ginger propagates vegetatively with the help ofits underground roots IV, Fleshy buds which take partin vegetative propagation present in Diascorea, Agave, ete (6) Land 1V (@) Mand Find out the incorrect statement. 1. Lifespans of organisms are necessarily correlated with theisizes. IL Thesizes of crows and parrots are not very different, but sil thei lifespans vary extremely. IL, A peepal tee has much shorter lifespan as compared to amango ree. IV. Reproduction isessental for continuity of species on theeart, (@) Land il () 1. Mand {6) Only 1V (@) Mand 1 ‘Consider the following statements, |. Many plants propagate vegetatively even though they bear seeds 1, Sweet potatoes multiply vegetatively by root tubers. Select the correct option. (a) Lis true, but Is false (b) Both I and I are false {) Lis false, but Iis tue (@) Both | and I are true Read the following statements. 1. Organisms exhibiting external fertilisation show great synchrony between the sexesandreleasea large number of gametes. IL A major disadvantage of external fertilisation isthat the offspring are extremely vulnerable to predators. IL. Ingymnosperms, male gametesreach egg with the helpofwaterasamedium, IV. Zygoteis a vital link thatensures continuity of species between organisms of one generation and the next. \V. Every sexually reproducing organisms begin thei life asasingle-celled zygote, Which ofthe above statements are correct? (a) 1. and () LI, ttand V (©) LM IandV (@) LU tana tv 94 Read the following statements. 1. Bichhornia contributes extra oxygen tothe water bodies which reduces the mortality of fishes. IL, Zingiber propagates vegetatively by ap roots, IL Fleshy buds which take partin vegetative propagation arecalledbulbils, e.g. Agave. IV. A potato tuber havingatleastone eye, ie. axillarybud can form a new plant V. Bryophyllum posssesssteaf buds Which ofthe above statements is/are correct? (a) 1 Mand tr (©) MV and V (©) Mand V (@) LIL MLV and V Read the following statements. 1. The vegetative phases of same duration in different organisms, I, Clear-cut vegetative, reproductive and senescent phases ean be observed in monocarpic plants. I, Bambusa differs from Strobilanthes kunthiana (Neclakurinji) in the length of juvenile phase and being ‘monocarpic. IV. Theendofjuvenile/vegetative phase in angiospermsis seen when they come to flower. 'V. Sexual mode of reproduction ispresent in most animals, Which of the above statement is/are incorrect? (@) IV andV (6) Mand 1 (e) MLV and V (@) Vand 1 Read the following statements, |. Interaction between hormones and certain environmental factors regulate the reproductive processes and the xssociated behavioural expression of organisms, TI. Inanimals, butnotin plants, hormonesare responsible forthe transitions between juvenile, reproduetiveand senescent phases. IIL, After attainment of maturity all sexually reproducing organisms exhibit events nd processes that have remarkable fundamental similarity, though the structure associated with sexual reproduction are indeed very different. IV. The post-ertlisation events include gametogenesis and gamete transfer. 'V. Inmajority ofthe sexually reproducing organisms, the gametes produced are morphologically distinettypes, i.e heterogametes, Which ofthe above statements are correct? (a) L.llandV () [tang Vv () II, 1V and V (@ UL UandV Ill. Matching Type Questions 97 Match the following columns. oun (ssxtopdaton Comat types) vim! A Bin fion 1 Ale B._Zompe 2 amo Coin 1 D. Baling 4. Penn Genie 5 Shag Codes RBC De @ra S 33 O21 2 33 O12 3 43 @14 3 23 98 Match the fllowing columns Clam Clu em came) | Mansi 1. iadiphorn Dios 2 Faw Cbg 3 coma a a oes RBC oD A Be @$3 1 2 m1 3 2 4 O34 12 @3 424 99 Match te following columns Cota Cam A fxn ston 1. Hanes 1. nea isto 2. Aga fishes © Ovpay 3. gop pds andi >. Vy 4 Rellsand bins Cotes RBC DAB cD @it? Sms 043 @23 4 142 13 100 Match the folowing columns, Coma oan A. Osinweyk 1. Samia B. Congnion 2. Roe Stetings 3. Moko, ps humus D. Mona gle 4. Cows shes ls Codes ABC D @i3 2 4 m4 1 2 3 41 3 2 @2 1 4 3 1O1 Match the following columns. Column 1 Colwme tt (Orzanisms) (Number of chromosomes) A. Human 1 Frit dy 2 © Onion 3 D._ House fy 4 oe Codes ABC D @i2 4 3 m1 4 30 2 21 4 3 @3 4 2 1 102 Match the following columns. Column 1 Colum 1 (Orgies) (Repradce by) AL Ginger 1 Tuber B Yeut 2. offer Potato 3. Rhizome DL Waterhyacin) 4. Budding Codes ABC DAB CD @41 2 3 m3 1 4 2 @3 4 1 2 M4 2 1 3 103 Match the following columns. Column 1 Column (Floral pars) (Conver to) A. Ovary 1. Perisarp BL Ovule 2. Peispem Ovary wall 3. Fait D._Nacelas| 4 Sood Codes ABC D @3 4 1 2 m3 2 1 4 12 3 4 @13 2 4 NCERT Exemplar MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 104 A few statements with regard to sexual reproduction are given below. 1. Sexual reproduction does notalwaysrequite two individuals. 1, Sexual reproduction generally involves gametic fusion. IL, Meiosis never occurs during sexual reproduction, IV. External fertilisation isarule during sexual reproduction ‘Choose the correct statements from the options given below. (a) Land 1V (6) Landi (@) Handi (@) Wand IV 105 The term “clone” cannot be applied to offspring, formed by sexual reproduction because (a) offspring do not possess exact copies of parental DNA (6) DNA oF only one parent is copied and passed on tothe offspring {) offspring are formed at diferent mes {(@) DNA of parent and offspring ae completly different 106 The male gametes of rice plant have 12 chromosomes in their nucleus. The chromosome number in the female gamete, zygote and the cells ofthe seedling will be, respectively (@) 12,24, 12 () 24, 12,12 (©) 12,24,24 (@) 24, 12,24 107 Amoeba and yeast reproduce asexually by fission and budding, respectively because they are {a) microscopic organisms (b) heterotrophic organisms {) unicellular organisms) uninucleate organisms 108 Appearance of vegetative propagules from the nodes of plants such as sugarcane and ginger is mainly because (a) nodes are sorter than intemodes {(b) nodes have meristemati cells {) nodes are located nea the soi {(@) nodes have non-photosynthetic cells 109 Choose the correct statement from amongst the following. (a) Dioecious organisms are seen only in animals (b) Dioecious organisms are seen only in plants (6) Dioecious organisms are seen in both plants an animals {@) Dioccious organisms are seen only in vertebrates TO There are various types of reproduction. The type of reproduction adopted by an organism depends on (a) the habitat and momphology ofthe organism {(b) momphology ofthe organism {€) morphology and physiology ofthe organism {@) the organism's habitat, physiology and genetic makeup TH Which of the following isa post-ferilisation event in flowering plants? (a) Transer of pollen grains (b) Embryo development (6) Formation of flower (4) Formation of pollen grains M2 A few statements describing certain features of reproduction are given below. 1. Gameti fusion takes place. IL. Transfer of genetie material takes place II, Reduetion division takes place. IV. Progeny have some resemblance with parents Select the options that are true for both asexual and sexual reproduction from the options given below, (a) Land It) Mand ML (@) Mand TV (@) Tand 1 TI Asexual method of reproduction by binary fission is ‘common fo which of the following? 1. Someeukaryores I Alleukaryotes TL, Some prokaryotes IV, All prokaryotes (a) Land (b) Hand Mt (©) Land IML) land 16 A multicellular, filamentous alga exhibits a type of | sexual life eyele in which the meiotic division occurs after the formation of zygote. The adult filament of this alga has. (a) haploid ve (b) diploid vegetative cells and diploid gametangia {) diploid vegetative cells and haploid gametangia (@) haploid vegetative cells and haploid gametangia tative cells and diploid gametangia TIS Given below are afew statements related to external fertilisation, Choose the correct statements, 1. Themaleand female gametesare formed and released simultaneously. 1, Onlya few gametes are released into the medium, IL, Waters the medium inamajority of organisms exhibiting extemal fertilisation. IV. Offipring formed as aresultof extemal fertilisation hhave better chance of survival than those formed inside an organism. (@) Mand 1V (6) Land (@) Wand IV (@) Land1v TG The statements given below describe certain features that are observed in the pistil of flowers. 1, Pistil may have many carpels IL, Each earpel may have more than one ovule. IIL. Each carpet has only one ovule IV. Pistl have only one carpl. ‘Choose the statements that are true from the options given below. () Land It (©) Land Il (¢) and IV (@) Mand tv 7 Which ofthe following situations correctly deseribe the similarity between an angiosperm egg and a human egg? 1. Eggsofboth are formed once ina lifetime. 1, Both theangiospermegg.and humaneggare stationary, I, Both the angiosperm egg and human egg are motile transported. IV. Syngamy in both results inthe formation of zygote. ‘Choose the correct answer from the options given below. (a) land 1V (b) Only 1V () Mand Vv (@) and v TB Which of the following statements, support the view that elaborate sexual reproductive process appeared ‘much later in the organie evolution? 1. Lower groups of organisms have simplerbody design 1, Asexual reproduction is commonin lower groups. IL, Asexual reproduction scommon inhigher groups of organisms, IV. Thehigh incidence of sexual reproduction in angiosperms and vertebrates, Choose the correct answer from the options given below. () 1, Mand () 1. Manaiv fe) Mand IV (@) Hand IV 19. Offspring formed by sexual reproduction exhibit ‘more variation than those formed by asexual reproduction because {) sexual reproduction isa lengthy process (©) gametes of parents have qualitatively diferent genetic composition (6) genetic material comes from parents of owo diferent species (2) greater amount of DNA is involved in sexual reproduction 120 There is no natural death in single-celled organisms like Amoeba and bacteria because (a) they cannot reproduce sexually (©) they reproduce by binary fission {) parental body is distributed among the offspring (@) they are microscopic 121 Identify the incorrect statement. (@) Inasexual reproduction, the offspring produced are ‘morphologically and genetically identical to the parent (©) Zoospores ar sexual reproductive structures {) Inasexual reproduction, a single parent produces offspring with or without the formation of gametes (@) Conidia are asexual structures in Penicillin 122 The number of chromosomes in the shoot tip cells of| ‘@ maize plant is 20. The number of chromosomes in the microspore mother cells of the same plant will be (@nswers > Mastering NCERT with McQs 1@ 2a 30 4M 5 no 20 Ba Hw BO 216) 2a) 28d) 24) 30 20 80 4m Be 10 2 BW 4m 3a 51a) 520) 58H) 54H) Sw) 61 2d) 68.) Hw) Uw) > NET Special Types Questions 71 (a) 726) 78) Hw) 3 2) BBB) 91 fa) 2) 9B (EH) LH) 101 (a) 102 @) 108: Ga) > NCERT Exemplar Questions 104 (b) 105 (a) 106 (~) 107 @ 108 14d) 150) 16 @) 7) 8) (@) 20 10 © 40 (@ 1s 6a 7@ 80 9 we bi) 176) BM) 19) —- BDH 26 (6) Bd) 29.) 30.) 36) = Fa) 8) 4) 6 7) 80) 90 sO 56) 57) HBOS) — 66) = 67) 68 Dw) — 0.) 7) = 7a) B79.) 8a) 6) 87) BH 89D) — HE) 96 (a) 97H) BK) 99.) — 100) 109) 0) RI & 119) 120 @) 12) 122 w) Answers & Explanations 2 (d) No individual is immortal except some single-celled organisms (e.g, Amoeba), Ie is due to the fet that they divide and continue to ive as their daughter eels. (6) The organisms with the inreasing order oftheir lifespans are crow (15 years) < erocosile (60 years) parrot (140 years), 7 (c) Offspring produced by asexual (vegetative) reproduction are called as clones. They are ‘morphologically and genetically similar individuals. 10 (c) Cell division isthe common made of reproduction in “Monera and Protista as these contain single-celled organisms. In this proces, the cel divides by mitosis ino two parts and each part continues to live on as 8 daughter cel, 15 (a) Zoospores are motile gametes. These are commonly found inthe fungi and plant kingdom, eg. Chlamydomonas. 14 () Conia are the asexual reproductive strctues found in Pencil. They are non-motile gametes which ‘develops singly or in chain on the parent body. 15 (b) Gemmule formation isa common mode of asexual reproduction in sponges. In ths, the buds are formed. within the parent body and later get released into the environment to form & new organist, 19 (c) Option (¢) contain the incorrectly matched pai. It can be corrected as Binary fission is observed in Amoeba and Sargassum reproduces through fragmentation. Rest of the pairs are correctly matched. 20 (b) Offsets are produced by mitotic divisions. These are ‘one internode Tong runners that occur in some aquatic plans. Breaking of offets helps in vegetative propagation. These give rise to new plants, Eichhornia, 22 (a) Option (a) contains the coreety matched pir. Rest ofthe matches are incorrect and can be corrected as ‘+ Ginger propagates by rhizome formation, + Chlamydomonas reproduces by zoospores. «+ Yeast epreduces by budding 26 (b) Antherozoid isnot a vegetative propagule. In majority ofthe sexually reproducing organisms, the ‘motile male gamete is ealled as antherazoid or sperm ‘whereas the other options represent vegetative propagules which have the capability of giving rise to new offspring. 25 (0) In Agave, bulbils are modified floral buds that develop on the lowering axis, so chromosome number ina cel of bulbil will bs equa to that ofthe leaf cll of Agave, ie. n=X. 26 (b) The figure in option (b) represents water hyacinth ‘This plant was introduced in India because of is ‘beautiful flowers and the shape ofits leaves. This plant ‘ean propagate ata very fast rate, spreading allover the ‘water hody ina short amount of time, However, this plant becomes invasive and is very difficult wo get rd of 28 («) In both potato and sugarcane, new planets arse from the nodes present in their modified stems. 29 (c) Sexual reproduction produces individuals with new ‘combinations of recombined chromosomes. This produces variations among offspring. When conditions ‘become more siessfl, an organism switches to sexual mode of reproduction so a8 to produce offspring with ‘variations, These enable the offspring to adapt to the stressful conditions and successfully survive and reproduce 50 (}) In grafting technique, pats of two plants ae joined {o fonm a composite plant. One part represents the strong root system called stock and the other part, having better flower or fruit yield on shoot sealed the scion. Hence, the fruit produced in such pants would hhave the genotype of the scion [31 (c) Sexual reproduction brings about variation through _Eenetc recombinations due to the participation of two parents In this, the random union of gametes ‘contributes in forming new combinations of characters, 32 (c) Sexual reproduction involves formation of the male and female gametes, either by the same individual or by different individuals of the opposite sex. 33 (c) The growth phase ofan organism before attaining sexual maturity is referred to as juvenile phase and pre-reproductve phase. In plants itis known as Vegetative phase 34 (d) Before reproducing sexually, organisms reach a stage of growth and maturity in ther fife which is known as juvenile pase or pre-reproduetive phase. ‘The end ofthis phase, marks the beginning ofthe reproductive phase and ths phase finally leads to old ‘age or senescent pase [35 (c) Bamboo plants are perennial, monocarpic plans ‘They flower only once in their lifetime, usualy afer 50-100 years producing a large numberof fuits and then these plants di, [37 (a) Generally, oestrus eyee takes place in the seasonal breeders, e. non-primates. tis the eyelie change in the activity of ovaries and accessory duct during the reproductive (seasonal) period. 43 (cd) Male gametes are called antherozoids incase of lower organisms like fungi and algae, ad in higher ‘organisms like mammals, reptiles, ee, these are called sperms. 44 (d) Hermaphrodite bisexual monoecioushomothalic are terms used when both the male and female eproductive organs are present in same organism, ermaphrodite is used for animals. Bisexual and ‘monoscious are used for both animal and plant. Hromothallic i used for fungi 45 (b) In figure P, B-represens the organ) of Chara In Figure Q, sae with testis of earthworm, therdium (male sex represents the testis 46 (cd) Heterothallc/dioeciousunisexual are terms used when the sexes, ie, male and female reproductive pats are present on diferent organisms. Heterothali is used {or fungi. Unisexual and dioecious used fr both animals and plants, ‘51 (a) Irrespective ofthe fact, whether the organism is haploid o diploid, it has hoploid gametes. In haploid parents, mitosis produces haploid gametes. In diploid parents, meiosis produces haploid gametes. {52 (c) Gamote mather cells aro called gamete producing cells In these, meiotic eel division takes place forthe production of haploid gametes. These are also called meocytes (diploid). ‘53 (b) Option (b) represents the incorrect combination It can be corrected as 16 and 8 are the chromosome numbers in meiveyte and gametes, respectively in Aim cepa (onion). Potato has 48 and 24 chromosomes in meiaeyte and in gametes, respectively. Restall options are correct combinations. ‘54 (b) In the given diagram, three figures are shown. Fist figure indicates the fusion of male and female gametes. ‘Second figure indicates the formed zygote because there are two nuclei visible in completely fused condition Third fgure indicates a complete new cell ater fasion is completed. Now, it canbe called as a new individual ‘59 (c) Syngamy or Ferilisation refers tothe phenomenon ‘ofthe haploid fusion of male and female gametes that, Teads to the formation of diploid cel 60 (c) Parthenogenessis the process by which the female ‘gamete develops into embryo without fertilisation. I is fof to types, i. haploid and diploid. Inthe forme tembryo develops from haploid egg and inthe Inter Aiploidexg develops into embryo. {63 (6) In internal frilistion, fusion of gametes (syngamy) takes place inside the female reproductive {tact This process provides direct protection from the environment to the developing progeny. 64 (a) The presence of diploid zygote i universal in all sexually reproducing organisms irespectve ofthe fact that, the parents are haploid or diploid. In haploid parent condition, the diploid zygote undergoes meiosis and becomes haploid body again, while in diploid organisms, the diploid zygote changes to diploid individual after undergoing mitosis, 65 (a) During fertilisation two haploid cells, a female and a male gamete combine to form a single diploid cell 21) called zygote, from where every sexually reproducing ‘organism begin its ie {67 (4) Option () contains the incorrect match. It ean be corrected as In viviparous animals, zygote develops inside the body ‘of female Rest ofthe pairs are core 68 (6) In viviparous animals, the zygote develops into a ‘young one inside the body of female organism. Thus, the ‘chances of survival of young ones are greater in these ‘animals Because these young ones are provided with proper embryo eae and protection, 71 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion. Tnasexual mode of reproduction, there is no variation and the genetic constituent of offspring remus the Because in this process, offipring is produced without the involvement of gametic fusion (syngamy) and involves only mitti cell division. 172 (b) Both Assertion and Reason are tru, but Reason is. hot the correct explanation of Assertion, Asexual reproduction involves the participation of a single parent produce an offspring. Asa result, the ‘offspring produced are morphologically and genetically Similar to one another and als to their parents and can be referred to as clone. 73 (d) Assertion is false, but Reason is true. Assertion can be corrected as Reproduetion by 2oospores occurs in some lower fungi, eg. Albugo. 74 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion. Zygote isthe product of fusion of two gametes. Is & ‘tal ink that ensures the continuity of species between the onganisms of one generation andthe next. 175 ()) Both Assertion and Reason are tre, but Reason is. not the correct explanation of Assertion, ‘Vegetative reproduction isa kind of asexual reproduction in plants in which offspring ae formed by vegetative propagules lke tuber, sucker, unne,et., rather than by fusion of gametes 76 (c) Assertion is true, but Reason is false and itean be corrected as Perennial plants have along lifespan. Hence, it becomes. very difficult to define and study their vegetative, reproductive and senescent phases. 177 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are trae and Reason is. the correct explanation of Assertion. Meioeytes (gamete mother cell are specialised cells in

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