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Ethyl hexyl triazone, also known as octyl triazone or ethylhexyl triazone, is an organic compound

with the chemical formula C21H28N3O3. It is an oil-soluble, water-insoluble, and colorless to pale
yellow liquid. Ethyl hexyl triazone is primarily used as a chemical UV filter in sunscreens and other
personal care products.

Here are some key points about ethyl hexyl triazone:

1. UV Absorption: Ethyl hexyl triazone is a broad-spectrum UVB filter, meaning it absorbs UV

radiation in the range of 280-320 nanometers (nm). It helps to protect the skin from harmful UVB
rays, which are a major cause of sunburn and contribute to skin aging and the development of
skin cancer.

2. Photostability: Ethyl hexyl triazone is known for its high photostability. It has the ability to
maintain its UV absorption properties even when exposed to sunlight, making it suitable for long-
lasting sun protection.

3. Complementary Filter: Ethyl hexyl triazone is often used in combination with other UV filters,
such as UVA filters, to provide broad-spectrum protection against both UVB and UVA rays. This
combination ensures more comprehensive sun protection for the skin.

4. Compatibility: Ethyl hexyl triazone is compatible with various cosmetic formulations, including
sunscreens, moisturizers, lotions, creams, and other personal care products. It can be easily
incorporated into oil-based or oil-in-water emulsions.

5. Safety: Ethyl hexyl triazone has been extensively evaluated for its safety profile. It is considered
to be a low-risk ingredient with minimal potential for skin irritation or sensitization. However,
individuals with specific sensitivities or allergies should always check the ingredient list and
consult a healthcare professional if needed.

6. Regulatory Approval: Ethyl hexyl triazone is approved for use in sunscreens and cosmetic
products by regulatory agencies worldwide, including the United States Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and the European Union's Cosmetics Regulation. It is widely used in many
countries as a UV filter in sun protection products.

Ethyl hexyl triazone, also known as octyl triazone, is synthesized using several raw materials and
reagents. The specific raw materials used in its production can vary depending on the
manufacturing process and the supplier. Here are some commonly used raw materials:

1. Ethyl Hexanol: Ethyl hexyl triazone is typically synthesized using ethyl hexanol as one of the
starting materials. Ethyl hexanol is an alcohol compound with eight carbon atoms, and it serves
as the source of the ethyl hexyl group in the final product.

2. Isophthalic Acid: Isophthalic acid is another raw material commonly used in the synthesis of
ethyl hexyl triazone. It is an organic compound with aromatic properties and is utilized as a
precursor for the triazine ring formation.

3. Hydrazine: Hydrazine is a key reagent used in the synthesis of ethyl hexyl triazone. It reacts
with isophthalic acid to form the triazine structure, which is an essential component of ethyl
hexyl triazone.

4. Triethylamine: Triethylamine is often employed as a base in the reaction mixture during the
synthesis process. It helps facilitate the formation of ethyl hexyl triazone by neutralizing any acid
by-products and promoting the desired chemical transformations.

5. Other Reagents and Solvents: Various other reagents and solvents may be involved in the
synthesis of ethyl hexyl triazone, including organic solvents like toluene, methanol, and others
suitable for the specific reaction conditions.

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