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The Rock Show

(3rd Person Past)

Bianca woke up with a smile on her face. She was very excited
for a very special reason, tonight was the AC/DC concert. AC/
DC was her favorite band of all time and she had been waiting
�kEl gerundio sigue
las conjunciones patiently for months for this day.
de tiempo de whi-
She went to the kitchen to eat some breakfast. While
le, before, after,
until y when. preparing her tamale and coffee, she saw that there was a
breaking news story 1 on the television.

�kLa voz pasiva “This just in2, AC/DC have disappeared. It seems likely that they
aquí porque no sabe- have been kidnapped. Tonight’s concert will likely be canceled.”
mos quién va a can-
celar el concierto ni Bianca couldn’t believe her bad luck. She had waited for years
ha secuestrado a la for the chance to see her favorite band play, and now some
banda, y porque AC/ assholes had taken away this incredible experience from her.
DC es más importan-
te que el secuestra- Disbelief 3 turned into determination. Bianca was going to find
dor y la persona que
those responsible for the kidnapping and free AC/DC. Tonight’s
cancela el concierto.
concert was going to happen, or she was going to die trying.
Without hesitation, she went to her laptop and opened up the
Peru AC/DC Fans Facebook group. She saw that a superfan called
Elizabeth had written a cryptic message in the group that said
something along the lines of4 “AC/DC will be mine”.
�kTo hop in es un
phrasal verb co- Bianca suspected that this crazy superfan would know where
mún que usamos the band would be. Luckily for Bianca, she knew exactly where
para decir entrar she lived.
algún vehículo. To
hop out sería el She hopped in her car and sped5 towards Elizabeth’s
opuesto. To hop on/ apartment. Before leaving though, she had left a message on the
To hop off se usan
AC/DC Lima Fan Page group saying that she was going to rescue
para caballos, bar-
cos, motos y buses. AC/DC no matter what6.
1 Noticia de última hora/último minuto
2 Justo ahora
3 incredulidad
4 en la línea de
5 aceleró
6 no importa lo que pase

© 2020 1
Elizabeth was a part of this Facebook group of course, and she
�kRecuerda que
what aquí no es saw what Bianca had written. She knew that Bianca was coming
qué pero lo que. to rescue AC/DC from her. She wasn’t going to let this happen.
She locked her door and took AC/DC to the roof of her apartment
When Bianca arrived, she tried knocking on the door,
but nobody opened it. Desperate times called for desperate
measures. She kicked in the door.
When she looked inside, nobody was there. She didn’t know
what to do next.
Then she heard a noise coming from outside the window.
It was AC/DC crying for help. Bianca ran to the stairwell2 and
up to the roof. When she made it3 to the roof, she saw AC/DC
�kAs though y as being held hostage by Elizabeth. It looked as though Elizabeth had
if son homófonos.
a gun under her coat.
“Don’t do anything stupid Bianca,” she yelled, “or else I will
�kNo se permite el have to do something we’ll all regret. AC/DC will be just for me
doble negativo en el from now on.”
inglés bueno (aun-
que lo usamos de vez Bianca didn’t have a gun, but she wasn’t going to let Elizabeth
en cuando en inglés
think she didn’t. She had brought a cucumber with her. She
informal), por eso
usamos anything always liked to carry a healthy snack with her in case she got
aquí para evitarlo. hungry. She put it under her coat and pretended she had a gun.
“If you hurt them at all Elizabeth, I will make sure you pay.”
�kUn Mexican stan- For seven hours they had a Mexican standoff. Bianca didn’t
doff es cuando dos know that Elizabeth didn’t have a gun. Actually, all4 she had was a
o tres enemigos/re-
vales se confrontan
banana under her coat. She also enjoyed carrying a healthy snack
y ninguno de los dos with her in case she got hungry. And after 7 hours of staring at
tiene una estrategia Bianca, she was getting hungry.
para lograr la vic-
toria. Viene de las She couldn’t help herself any longer5, she needed to eat. She
películas del viejo pulled out her banana and began eating it.
oeste y el vaquero
gringo confrontaba Bianca saw her chance. She pulled out her cucumber and
al enemigo mexicano, 1 rehénes
ambos con pistolas. 2 hueco de escalera de edificios altos
3 llegó (manera común decirlo en el pasado)
4 lo único
5 Ella no pudo controlarse más

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threw it at Elizabeth’s face. It turned out1 that Elizabeth was
allergic to cucumbers. Her face immediately began swelling up2.
Bianca grabbed AC/DC and took them away from a groaning
�kOtro uso de get es “Thank you, young lady. Our concert starts in only 1 hour. Can
para decir llevar. es
informal pero rela- you get us there?”, Angus Young asked her as3 they ran down the
tivamente común. stairs.
Bianca stopped and turned towards the band. “Can a fish
swim?”4 she asked.
The band looked at each other, a bit confused by such a simple
�kUn gringo pue-
do decir hell yeah “Yes...” Angus replied.
(más fuerte) o heck
yeah (menos fuerte) “Then hell yeah, I can get you to the concert in time.”
para enfatizar sí.
Elizabeth fit the entire band into her car and sped off to the
Meanwhile, Elizabeth made her way to the hospital. During her
entire stay there, she had to listen to thousands of AC/DC fans
singing AC/DC songs. She hated it so much. She could even hear
Bianca singing “Highway to Hell”.
Elizabeth should have known, AC/DC was for everybody, not
just one person.

1. Was it Marc Anthony's concert that night?

2. Whose concert was that night?

3. Bianca had pancakes for breakfast, right?

4. What did Bianca have for breakfast?

5. Had your mom or AC/DC been kidnapped?

1 resultó
2 hincharse (puedes decirlo sin 'up' pero nos gusta agregarlo para enfatizar 'swell')
3 mientras
4 esto es sarcasmo gringo

© 2020 3
6. Who had been kidnapped?

7. Did Bianca check for updates on the AC/DC kidnapping on


8. Where did Bianca check for updates on the AC/DC kidnapping?

9. I had kidnapped AC/DC?

10. Who had kidnapped AC/DC?

11. Was Elizabeth holding AC/DC hostage at a warehouse?

12. Where was Elizabeth holding AC/DC hostage?

13. When Bianca made it to the apartment, was the band there?

14. Where was the band when Bianca made it to the apartment?

15. Did Bianca pretend a banana or a cucumber was a gun?

16. What did Bianca pretend was a gun?

17. Did Elizabeth hide her "gun" in her pants?

18. Where did Elizabeth hide her gun?

19. Bianca and Elizabeth had a Mexican standoff for 1 hour?

20. How long did Elizabeth and Bianca have a Mexican standoff?

21. Was Elizabeth allergic to cucumbers?

22. What kind of allergic reaction did Elizabeth have to the


23. Where did Bianca take the band after saving them?

24. Did Elizabeth hear something from the hospital?

25. What song did Elizabeth hear Bianca singing from the hospital?

Práctica Coral
Escucha el audio 1 vez para acostumbrarte a la pronununciación. Nota las
peculiaridades de la pronunciación. Después, repite conmigo la pronunciación

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50-100 veces.
Este ejercicio te dará un acento más nativo si lo haces juiciosamente.
Enfoca en un aspecto de la pronunciación a la vez.
El inglés tiene 3 niveles de énfasis: primer nivel, segundo nivel y tercero nivel.
Cuando escuchas el audio la primera vez, nota estas 3 niveles (representado con
números en la transcripción al español).

She'd been waiting patiently for months for this day.

shiid1 bin1 uei2din1 pei2shën'1lii1 för1 mönths3 för1 dzis1 dei2

ł i=short i (sit, ship, kick)

ł ë= schwa (another, the)

ł ör=r vowel (sir, sure, learn)

ł ö=short u (but, what, luck)

ł dz=th with vibration (this, that, these, those)

Cosas Para Notar

1. Cuando hablamos normal, vamos a usar contracciones con el

sujeto y el verbo auxiliar to have. Ves eso aquí con she'd.

2. Pronuncia la d al final de she'd suave para que no tengas

problemas transicionando de ella a la b en been.

3. Been siempre se reduce a bin cuando hablamos.

4. Nos gusta reducir la ng a n cuando hablamos. Así es más


5. Los adverbios que terminan con -ntly se pronuncian con la

parada glotal. Nos comemos la t y acortamos la n.

6. For se reduce a för cuando hablamos. Es más rápido que

decirla como four.

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Active Practice 1 — Transform
Turn the following text into the 1st person simple (I run).

I can’t believe her bad luck. She had waited for years for the
chance to see her favorite band play, and now some assholes had
taken away this incredible experience from her.

Active Practice 2 — Translate

Translate the following sentences from Spanish to English.

1. Salí de mi carro después de regresar del trabajo.

2. Me subí a mi motocicleta después de desayunar.
3. Parecía como si tuvieras una arma debajo de tu chaqueta.
4. ¿Quién había sido secuestrado?
5. Llegué a casa.
6. Su cara se hinchó por la cirugía.
7. No conozco a nadie aquí.

© 2020 6
1) I can’t believe my bad luck. I have waited for years for the
chance to see my favorite band play, and now some assholes have
taken away this incredible experience from me.

2) 1. I got out/hopped out of my car after getting back from work.

2. I got on/hopped on my motorbike after eating breakfast.
3. It looked/seemed as though/as if you had a gun under your
4. Who has been kidnapped?
5. I got back home./I arrived home./I made it home.
6. Her face swole up because of the surgery.
7. I don't know anybody here.

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