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Fairy Magic
d4 Druidic spell
1 Animal Friendship
Requirements: Minimum CHA 9
2 Faerie Fire
Prime requisite: CHA 3 Predict Weather
Hit Dice: d4 4 Speak with Animals
Maximum level: 8
Armor: None Combat
Weapons: Any appropriate to size Fairies can use any weapon appropriate
Languages: Alignment, Common, to their stature (as determined by the
Elvish, Pixie referee). They cannot use longbows or
two-handed swords and are unable to
use shields or wear any kind of armour.
4–6” tall humanoids with insectoid
wings. Distant relatives of elves. They
live in the realms of Fairy, and seldom Defensive Bonus
enter the mortal world. Those that do so
are usually after adventure, romance, Due to their small size, fairies gain a +2
obsessions or mischief. They weigh less bonus to Armour Class when attacked by
than a pound and have a movement medium to large opponents (equal to or
speed of 90’ (30’). greater than human-sized).

Alignment: Fairies may not be lawful. Flight

Arcane Magic Fairies have small wings which allow

them a number of turns of flight equal to
See Magic in Old School Essentials for their level divided by 2, rounded down
full details on arcane magic. (minimum of 1), at a speed of 180’ (60’).
They must rest for 1 turn after flying.
Spell casting: Fairies memorize the
formulae for arcane spells. The power Hiding
and number of spells available to a fairy
are determined by the character’s Fairies have an uncanny ability to
experience level. Fairies cast spells from disappear from sight:
the illusionist spell list (see Old School
Essentials). Fairies can also cast one ➤ In woodland cover, a fairy can hide
random druidic spell from the Fairy with a 90% chance of success.
Magic table per day from 1st level. ➤ In dungeons, a fairy can hide in
shadows or behind other forms of cover.
Using magic items: As spell casters, The chance of success is 2-in-6. Hiding
fairies are able to use magic scrolls of requires the fairy to be motionless.
spells on their spell list. They can also
use items that may only be used by
arcane spell casters (e.g. magic wands).
Fairy Level Progression
Saving Throws Spells
Level XP HD THAC0 D W P B S 1 2 3
1 0 1d4 19 [0] 8 9 10 13 12 – – –
2 2,850 2d4 19 [0] 8 9 10 13 12 1 – –
3 5,700 3d4 19 [0] 8 9 10 13 12 2 – –
4 11,400 4d4 19 [0] 6 7 8 10 10 2 1 –
5 22,800 5d4 17 [+2] 6 7 8 10 10 2 2 –
6 45,600 6d4 17 [+2] 6 7 8 10 10 2 2 1
7 91,200 7d4 17 [+2] 4 5 6 7 8 2 2 2
8 171,000 8d4 17 [+2] 4 5 6 7 8 3 2 2

D: Death / poison; W: Wands;

P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;
S: Spells / rods / staves.

Infravision Fairy Skills Chance of Success

Level TR MS PP
Fairies have infravision to 60’ (see
Darkness on Old School Essentials). 1 10 20 20
2 15 25 25
3 20 30 30
Fairy Skills
4 25 35 35
Fairies can use the following skills, with 5 30 40 40
the chance of success shown thereafter: 6 40 45 45
7 50 55 55
➤ Find or remove treasure traps (TR):
8 60 65 65
A roll is required to find a treasure trap
and then another to remove it. This may
be attempted only once per trap. Vulnerable to Pure Iron
➤ Move silently (MS): A fairy may
attempt to sneak past enemies Fairies suffer 1 extra point of damage
unnoticed. when hit with iron weapons (e.g. an iron
➤ Pick pockets (PP): If the victim is short sword would inflict 1d6+1 damage
above 5th level, the fairy ’s roll is on a fairy, rather than the standard 1d6).
penalised by 5% for every level above
5th. There is always at least a 1% chance After Reaching 8th Level
of failure. A roll of more than twice the
percentage required for success means A fairy may be granted a fief in the
that the attempted theft is noticed. The realms of Fairy, attracting 3d6 fairies of
referee should determine the reaction of 1st level. These might expect protection,
the victim (see Old School Essentials). education, and opportunities for
adventure and mischief in exchange for
somewhat reliable serfdom.
Fairy Magic
d4 Druidic spell
Requirements: Minimum CHA 9 1 Animal Friendship
Ability modifiers: –1 STR, +1 DEX 2 Faerie Fire
Languages: Alignment, Common, 3 Predict Weather
Elvish, Pixie 4 Speak with Animals

4–6” tall humanoids with insectoid Flight

wings. Distant relatives of elves. They
live in the realms of Fairy, and seldom Fairies have small wings which allow
enter the mortal world. Those that do so them a number of turns of flight equal to
are usually after adventure, romance, their level divided by 2, rounded down
obsessions or mischief. They weigh less (minimum of 1), at a speed of 180’ (60’).
than a pound and have a movement They must rest for 1 turn after flying.
speed of 90’ (30’).
Available Classes
Fairies have infravision to 60’ (see
➤ Assassin: 7th Darkness on Old School Essentials).
➤ Bard: 8th
➤ Illusionist: 7th Magic Resistance
➤ Magic-User: 7th
➤ Ranger: 6th Fairies are naturally resistant to magic,
➤ Thief: 8th gaining a bonus to saving throws versus
spells and magic wands, rods, and
Combat staves. This bonus depends on a fairy’s
CON score, as follows:
Fairies can use any weapon appropriate
to their stature (as determined by the ➤ 6 or lower: No bonus
referee). They cannot use longbows or ➤ 7–10: +2
two-handed swords and are unable to ➤ 11–14: +3
use shields or wear any kind of armour. ➤ 15–17: +4
➤ 18: +5

Defensive Bonus
Vulnerable to Pure Iron
Due to their small size, fairies gain a +2
bonus to Armour Class when attacked by Fairies suffer 1 extra point of damage
medium to large opponents (equal to or when hit with iron weapons (e.g. an iron
greater than human-sized). short sword would inflict 1d6+1 damage
on a fairy, rather than the standard 1d6).

Fairy Magic
Fairies can cast one random druidic spell
from the Fairy Magic table per day.

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