Permutation and Combination: 1. Factorial Notation

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Kaysons Education

Permutation and Combination

Chapter Chapter


Day 1

1. Factorial Notation
The continued product of first n natural numbers is called the n factorial and is denoted by n! or n .

Note:- n! is defined for positive integers only. n =

1.2 Meaning of Factorial

n! = ------

1.3 Properties of Factorial (1) (2) (3)

(4) Factorial of negative integers is not defined. 1.4 Fundamental Principles (A) Multiplication Principle
Let us suppose a task T is divided into two sub tasks T 1 & T2 both of which must be completed to perform task T1 & T2 respectively then total no. of ways the task T can be completed is found by multiplication rule.

1|P a g e

Kaysons Education

Permutation and Combination

Illustration There are five routes from A to B to C, 3 routes from C to D few the no. of ways on can to from A to D.

We can illustrate by following diagram

Total number of ways of going from A to D = Illustration How many 3 digit numbers can be formed from the digit 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, if 1. Repetition is not allowed 2. Repetition is allowed

1. This problem can easily be solved by placing the digits at their place as follow We can represent the same as H 6 T 5 O 4

So total numbers formed are Hence 120 numbers can be formed.

2. In the second part repetition is allowed at all the places H 6 Hence total numbers Illustration How many ways 6 letters can be posted in 5 letter boxes? T 6 O 6


2|P a g e

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Permutation and Combination

(B) Addition Principle

Let us suppose a task T is divided into two subtasks and only one of them must the competed i.e. either must be completed to complete task T, then total number of ways task T can be completed is found by Addition principle Illustration How many different signals can be formed using 1 flag, 2 flags, 3 flags, or 5 flags?


1 2 3 4 5

5 20 60 120 120

Total no. of ways = 5 + 20 + 60 + 120 + 120 = 325 ways.

1.5 Permutation
Each of the different arrangement which can be made by talking some one or all of a number of things is called permutation.

(A) Permutation under different conditions: (i) When all objects are distinct
(i) The number of all permutations of n different objects taken r at a time, when a particular object is to be always included in each arrangement is (ii) Numbers of permutations of n different things, taken all at a time, when m particular things always come together is (iii) Numbers of permutations of n different things, taken all at a time, when m particular things never comes together is

(ii) Permutations of object not all distinct

The number of permutations of n things taken all at a time, p are alike of one kind, q are alike of second kind and r are alike of a third kind and the rest are all different is

(B) Permutations when object can repeat

The number of permutations of n different things, taken r at time, when each may be repeated any number of times in each arrangement, is

3|P a g e

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Permutation and Combination

Illustrations Illustration
Show that


Note that these are n factors

In how many ways can the adjacent diagram be coloured if (i) each of the smaller triangle is to be coloured with one of the three colours: red, blue or green and (ii) no two adjacent triangles have the same colour?

The central triangle can be coloured in three distinct ways as three are distinct colours to choose from. Once the central triangle has been coloured, each of the remaining three triangles can be coloured in two distinct ways since three are two colours left at our disposal. Hence, by the fundamental principle of associations, all given conditions in

How many n-digit numbers are three in which no two consecutive digits are identical.

The extreme left place can be filled in 9 ways as any one of a non-zero digits can be placed three. Corresponding to each way of doing so, the second place (from left) can be filled in 9 ways as the digit already placed in extreme left place is not to be used. So, the two extreme left places can be filled in ways. Corresponding to each way of filling the first two places, the third place can be filled again in 9 ways as anyone of the 9 digits other than one placed on immediate left can be placed three. Hence the three places (from left) can be filled in Continuing this way, we find that all the n-places can be filled in ways so that no two consecutive digits are identical.

All possible k-digit numbers are formed by using distinct digits (non-zero) Find the sum of all such numbers if (i) no digit is repeated (ii) any digit can be repeated any number of times.

4|P a g e

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Permutation and Combination

(i) Let a digit

be fixed in the units place, then the remaining k-1 places can be filled in

Tens place Units place

di k 1! ways Hence sum of all digits that occur in units place of all the numbers Likewise, sum of digits that that occur in any other place is also Also, we know that a digit in tens place has value 10 times and a digit in number place has value 100 times and so on.

k numbers (ii) When repetition is allowed, then each digit times in the units place.

Units place


( Once the units place is filled each of the remaining k 1 places can be filled in k ways) Sum of digits that occur in units place of all numbers Hence the sum of all possible numbers (when repetition is allowed)

Five boys and five girls from a line with boys and girls alternating. Find the number of ways of making the line. In how many different ways could they from a circle such that the boys and girls alternate. 5|P a g e

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Permutation and Combination

First Part, we arrange 5 boys, which can be done in 5! Ways. Corresponding to each way of doing so, five girls (i) B G B G B G B G B G (ii) G B G B G B G B G B

Can be seated in 5 places in 5! Ways. It may be noted that are two exclusive ways of seating :

(i) Boys occupying add places and girls occupying even places. (ii) Boys occupying even places and the girls occupying odd places. In either case the number of ways is So, the total number of ways

= 28800. Second Part, When the boys and girls are to be seated in a circle : Five boys can be seated in a circle in 5 1! = 4! Ways. Corresponding to each such arrangement five girls can be seated in the five available gaps in

The required number of ways




B 6|P a g e

Kaysons Education

Permutation and Combination

m. men and n women are to be seated in a row so that women sit together. of ways of seating them is then show that number

Since no two women can be seated together, first we arrange them. Since there are m + 1 gaps (including extreme positions) where n women can sit, so that mo two women are together, therefore, they can be made to occupy n seats Hence, the total number of ways in which m men and n women can be seated in a row so that no two women are together

How many even numbers are three with three digits such that if 5 is one the digits, then the digit is 7?

We note that 7 cannot occur in the units place as we have to from even numbers. This in turn implies that can occur only in the hundreds place in to. The numbers, we want to from, can be divided in to two categories: (i) those which have 5 in the hundreds place. (ii) those which do not have 5 in the hundreds place. When 5 occurs in the hundreds place, then 7 must occur in the tens place and units place can be filled in five ways as any one of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 can be placed three. So there are 5 numbers of this kind. When 5 does not occur in the hundreds place then hundreds place can be filled eight ways as any one of the digits except 0 and 5 can be placed there. The tens place can be filled in nine ways as 5 cannot occur in the tens place. The units place can be filled in five ways as any one of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, can be placed there. Hence, by principle of association, the number of numbers of the second type Thus, there are 5 + 360 = 365 numbers of the said type.

If all the permutations of the word AGAIN are arranged in a dictionary order, what is the fiftieth word?

First, we arrange the words which begin with A. There are 4 other letters, all distinct to follow A to from different words. They can be arranged in 4! = 24 ways. Hence, there are 24 words which begin with A. The words beginning with A will be followed by those, which begin with G. When G fixed in the first place, there are four letters (of which two are As) to be arranged and this can be done in ways. So 24 7|P a g e

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Permutation and Combination

words begin with A, 12 with G and hence 37 th words begins with I and three are

words which begin

with I since there are 4 letters (of which two As) to follow I. When the words beginning with I have been written, there will be 48 words in the list. The 49 th words begin with N and is NAAGI and the 50th words is NAAIG.

Self Efforts
1. A five digit number divisible by 3 is to be formed using the 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, without repetition. Find the total number of ways in which this can be done? 2. (a) 90 (c) 170 then x is equal to (b) 100 (d) None of these.

3. upto 50 factors is equal to (a) (100)! (c) (50)! 4. (a) 6 (c) 10 (b) (d) None of these. then n is (b) 15 (d) 12.

5. 20 students compete for a race. The number of ways in which they can the first three places is (given that no two students finish in the same place) (a) 8000 (c) 1140 (b) 6840 (d) None of these.

6. In a 12 story building 3 persons enter a lift cabin. It is know that they will leave the lift at different storeys. In how many ways can they do so if the lift does not stop at the second storey? (a) 720 (c) 120 (b) 240 (d) 36.

7. The number of ways in which n distinct objects can be put three different boxes such that remains empty is (a) (c) (b) (d) None of these.

8. The number of all the odd (positive) divisors of 36000 is 8|P a g e

Kaysons Education

Permutation and Combination

(a) 60 (c) 72

(b) 12 (d) None of these.

9. In an examination there are 3 multiple choice questions and each question has 4 choices. Number of sequences in which a student can fail to get all answers correct is (a) 11 (c) 80 (b) 15 (d) 63.

10. There are 10 true-false questions. The number of ways in which they can be answered is (a) 10! (c) (b) 10 (d)

ANSWERS 1. 216 7. (d) 2. (b) 8. (d) 3. (b) 9. (b)

4. (c)

5. (b)

6. (a)

10. (c)

9|P a g e

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