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Advanced Diploma in Business Management (ADBM21.2P/CO)

13th November, 2021, 11:00 am - 01:00 pm

Answer all the questions.

Question 01:

Select one of the following & draft a memorandum using appropriate format & language.
(20 marks)

I. You work as the Administration & HR Manager of your organization. With the Covid
19 situation in the country the management has decided to provide transport facilities
to all the staff members who are using public transport services for a period of three
months from 01 Nov. 2021. A fixed amount of not more than LKR 3000/- will be
charged from the salaries for this, & for those who do not want to take the facility will
be encouraged to use their personal vehicles. Write the memorandum to inform this
to the staff. Include all the necessary details.

II. You work as the Facilities Maintenance Manager of your organization. With the on-
going health crisis, you expect to maintain proper cleaning & sanitization throughout
the week & a team of special cleaning staff will be dedicated for this purpose. All staff
are expected to provide their maximum cooperation for this. Draft a memorandum to
inform this to the staff. Include all the necessary details.

III. With the crunch in business due to the on-going situation all staff are expected to
use all the resources including stationery, electricity & photocopying only for essential
purposes. As the Director Finance in charge of cost controlling you have been asked to
convey the message to all the staff by a memorandum. Draft the memorandum that
you would send. Include rationale & other necessary details.

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Question 02:
Select one of the following & draft an email using appropriate language. Include all the
necessary details.
(20 marks)

I. You work as the HR Manager of a leading finance company in Sri Lanka. For the post
of Trainee Sales Manager the second round of screening is to be held shortly for the
candidates short listed through the first interview. The process will include written &
oral assessment which will last for two hours. Draft the email you would send to
inform this to all the shortlisted candidates. Include all the necessary details.

II. You work as the Business Development Manager of leading beach hotel in southern
Sri Lanka. With the travel restrictions are being lifted the hotel is promoting special
weekend packages to local families with discounted rates. You have decided to
promote this specially through emails with a detailed brochure attached. Draft the
email that you would send. Include all the necessary details.

III. You work as the AGM Customer Relations of a leading private bank in Sri Lanka. Even
with the travel restrictions being lifted & the country slowly coming back to normalcy,
the bank has decided to promote ‘digital banking facilities’ for the frequent customers.
The options now include extended facilities such as applying for loans & several other
features. You have decided to promote this through mail to clients. Draft the mail that
you would send. Include all the necessary details.

Question 03:
You work as the General Manager of a leading hotel & following is a mail that you have
received. Draft the reply that you would send. Include all the necessary details.
(20 marks)

Dear Sir,

I visited your hotel for a weekend visit with my family during the last weekend (16th & 17th
Oct. 2021). We selected your hotel as a special package was promoted exclusively for the

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families. I wish to bring to your attention some of the services which were not really up to
the proper quality & standard as we expected from a star class hotel like yours.
The food that we had in the buffets were not really tasty as most of the guests expected
& I had doubts about their hygiene also. There were delays in refilling some of the items
in the spread as they were being emptied. The serving staff (stewards) did not take action
to serve water to the tables, so we had to ask for them several times.
I would like to specially mention about the cleanliness of the washrooms. With the large
number of people in the hotel, a lot of people were frequently using the washrooms & the
washrooms were very unclean. I think the number of staff attending to clean them was
not sufficient. The service we received with the rooms was no different. Bed linen was not
changed regularly, & the cleaning was not carried out as expected. Although we requested
this from ‘room service’ several times, no action was taken to attend to our request.
The service that we received at the hotel was not up to the standard we expected. As a
leading star class hotel, I hope you will take action to improve the services & employ the
necessary number of staff to ensure quality service for the visitors. I request your
immediate attention to the concerns that I have expressed with regard to the services of
the hotel.

Jayantha Seneviratne

Question 04:
Select one of the following & draft a letter using appropriate format & language
(20 marks)
I. You work as the Business Development Manager of a leading bank in Sri Lanka which
is introducing a housing loan scheme specially designed for the professionals. Some of
the special features include; ‘minimum paper work & the ability of the borrower to
deicide the repayments period within the options given’. Draft the letter that you
would send. Include all the necessary details.

II. Your company is shifting to a new address. As the HR and Administration Manager it
is your responsibility to inform the stake holders of the company about this and

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requesting them to send all the correspondence to the new address. This is to be
informed officially by a letter. Draft the letter that you would send to inform one of
the relevant parties. Include all the necessary details with the date from which the new
address will be effective & clearly mention the new address.

III. You have been promoted to a new position in your organization with a transfer to a
region as the ‘Regional Manager’. The company protocols require you to accept the
position with a letter addressed to the ‘General Manager’ accepting the new position.
Draft the letter that you would submit. Include all the necessary details.

Question 05:
Select two of the following & write short notes to cover all the necessary aspects.
(10 marks)

I. Importance of meetings in ‘solving organizational problems.’

II. Online vs. physical meetings.
III. Time management in meetings.

That is the end of your evaluation.

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