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NM ID: 031D944EB725E7DAFD446409B25ADD33
Naan Mudhalvan
Organic Farming and Food Production Techniques

NAME : R Jamunadevi
REG NO : C21UG104BOT013
YEAR & DEGREE : III Year & B Sc.Botany
TRAINER NAME : Priyanka Kumar
UNIVERSITY NAME : Periyaar University
COLLEGE NAME : Government Arts College for Women’s Salem -8
PHONE NO : 9965620159
Organic framing is an efficient and promising agricultural approach for environmental
sustainability as it provides yield stability, improves soil health.

Sustainability in organic farming refers to the practice of cultivating and managing

agricultural ecosystems in a manner that promotes long-term ecological balance,
minimizes environmental impact, and efficiently utilizes resources.
Environmental benefits of organic agriculture
• Sustainability over the long term
• Soil
• Water
• Climate change
• Biodiversity
Sustainability over the long term
Many changes observed in the environment are long term, occurring slowly over
time. Organic agriculture considers the medium- and long-term effect of
agricultural interventions on the agro-ecosystem. It aims to produce food while
establishing an ecological balance to prevent soil fertility or pest problems.
Organic agriculture takes a proactive approach as opposed to treating problems
after they emerge.
If you use toxic pesticides and chemicals in the soil, it may become incapable of
thriving on its own. Organic farming aims to add natural additives to the soil.
Intercropping, crop rotations, cover crops, symbiotic associations, organic
fertilizers are all important soil building practices in organic farming. These
foster soil fauna and flora, which improves soil formation and structure and
makes systems more stable. As a result, nutrient and energy cycling improves,
and the soil's nutrient and water retentive capacity improves. Thus soil
biodiversity is increased, and nutrient losses are reduced, helping to maintain
and foster soil productivity. It also plays an important role in soil erosion
Pollution of groundwater by chemical fertilizers and pesticides is a major issue in
many agricultural areas . Organic Farming uses organic fertilizer such as compost,
animal manure , green manure etc.. and thus improves soil structure and water
Climate change
Organic framing saves non renewable energy by avoiding the use of chemical
pesticides and fertilizers, which require a lot of fossil fuel to build. Organic
farming also brings more carbon to the soil, which then lessens the global
warming and greenhouse effect.
Organic farming, with its nature-friendly practices, preserves the terrestrial and
aquatic ecosystems . Preservation of land and water , practice, long crop
rotation, and maintaining grass strips provides continuous food resources to the
connected flora and fauna and thus promote biodiversity . Using organic
fertilizers and cutting chemical based products significantly improves the
biodiversity of the land and water.
Practices for Enhancing Agro- Ecosystem Health

Crop Rotation: Alternating crops in a field helps break pest cycles and improve

Cover Cropping: Planting cover crops during off- seasons prevents soil erosion,
improves soil structure, and adds organic matter.

Organic Farming: Organic practices prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and reduced
Chemical inputs.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM): IPM combines various pest control
strategies, emphasizing the use of natural predators and minimizing pesticides

Agroforestry: Integrating trees and shrubs into agricultural systems enhances

biodiversity and provides additional income through timber and non-timber
forest products.

Conservation Tillage: Reducing or eliminating tillage minimizes soil disturbance

and improves water retention.
Organic farmers promote and manage
biodiversity, increased populations of
natural enemies (helps control pests and
diseases without chemicals), improved
natural resources such as soil, water, air, and
support pollinators . Organic
farming improves the environmental
Correlation Between Organic Farming and development.
Environmental Sustainability

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