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JUNE, 2023

This booklet consists of two papers. Answer paper 2 which

comes first, in your answer booklet and Paper 1 on your
objective test answer paper sheet.


Answer three (3) questions only from this part. All questions
carry equal marks.
1. (a) Define the following
Food contamination
Food poisoning
Food hygiene
(b) State three signs and symptoms of food poisoning
(c) Mention two causes of food poisoning
(d) Define personal hygiene with two ways of maintaining
personal hygiene

2. (a) What are food commodities?

(b) List five examples of food commodities
(c) State reasons for eating food
(d) i. Define fish
ii. State three qualities of a good fish

3. (a) Define the following

(b) State points to consider when buying vegetables
(c) Define beverages
(d) i. Mention two types of beverages
ii. State two characteristics of alcoholic beverages
4. (a) Describe how pancake is prepared
(b) Mention five types of cereals and grains
(c) What are building materials?
(d) State the classification of building materials with two
example each

5. (a) Mention two uses of sand

(b) State three qualities of a good sand
(c) Mention two for mixing sand in mortar
(d) i. Define a stone
ii. What are the sources of stone?
iii. Mention two qualities of a good stone
1. Wearing helmet protect your _____________ (a)
stomach (b) head (c) eyes (d) legs
2. Proper lighting system can cause accident. (a) True (b)
False (c) None
3. An unexpected or unintentional incident that results in
damage or injury is known as (a) work fall (b) accident
(c) safety (d) incident
4. ____________ is anything harmful to the body (a) bush
fire (b) damaging (c) poisoning (d) spoilage
5. _____ occurs when a [person throat is blooded with
hard object (a) choking (b) swallowing (c) breathing
(d) eating
6. Burns are injuries caused by the heat or acid (a) True
(b) False
7. _______ is an injury caused by hot liquids or steam to
the skin. (a) burns (b) scald (c) fire (d) spoilage
8. _______ is a way of ensuring that one is protected from
injury (a) boiling (b) burns (c) scald (d) safety
9. A first aid box should contain (a) bow and cup (b) pen
and pan (c) cotton wool and gloves (d) chalk and
10. _________ is a mixture of solid particles and ages in
the air (a) water pollution (b) air [pollution (c) scald
(d) afforestation
11. _____ is the act of cutting down a tree (a)
conversion (b) felling (c) felling (d) logging
12. Seasoning Is the process of removing moisture from
freshly sawn wood (a) true (b) false
13. _______ is any material used for construction purpose.
(a) sand (b) clay (c) building materials (d) stones
14. The following are hard wood except. (a) beach (b)
mahogany (c) cedar (d) porcupine
15. Logs are obtained by felling the tree cutting off the
croton and (a) cutting the trunk (b) cutting the root
(c) cutting the stem (d) cutting the crown
16. Identify the natural building materials. (a) stone, sand,
clay (b) sand, lime stone (c) sand, cement (d) cement,
17. Which of the following building materials is obtained
from pit (a) stones (b) sand (c) plastic (d) oil
18. _______ is anything liquid or solid which when eaten is
used by the body to maintain life. (a) meat (b) fish (c)
food (d) food commodities
19. Food can be seen in how many form? (a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 4
(d) 2
20. ______ are major ingredient used for cooking varieties
of food. (a) food (b) food commodities (c) seasoning
(d) fish
21. What is the name given to a flesh animals (a) meat
(b) fish (c) Okro (d) cabbage
22. What are the types of meat? (a) red and white meat
(b) pink and red meat (c) red and violet meat (d)
green and white meat
23. Poultry is a name given to birds that kept on farms in
order to produce eggs and meat. (a) true (b) false
24. Which of the food lives in water? (a) meat (b) fish (c)
yam (d) plantain
25. Identity the solid food in the following (a) Fanta (b)
milk (c) kenkey (d) soap
26. Food commodities are classified into _______ (a) five
(b) two (c) one (d) six
27. ________ are substance which cause mixture to rise
(a) flour (b) oil (c) raising agent (d) pancake
28. Yeast is use to prepare pancake ______ (a) true (b)
29. Cereals are edible grass seeds or grains ______ (a)
bread (b) vegetables (c) cereals
30. _______ are liquids that are drunk either hot or cold
(a) beverages (b) vegetables (c) grains (d) cereals
31. Tea, coffee and cocoa drink are examples of iron
alcoholics beverages (a) true (b) false
32. Beverages are classified into (a) four (b) three (c)
five (d) two
33. Vegetables are used for garnishing (a) true (b) false
34. __________ is a nutritive value of vegetables (a)
protein (b) silicon (c) oxygen (d) water
35. Vegetables are classified into two________ (a) true
(b) false
36. If milk is intake, what nutritive value will you gain? (a)
fat (b) water (c) salt (d) oil
37. _____________ is a creamy liquid for med female
mammals. (a) cereals (b) beverages (c) milk (d)
38. Can egg be stored in a refrigerator? (a) No (b) Yes
39. Poultry can be stored in a freezer. (a) true (b) false
40. Frying is one method of cooking poultry. (a) false (b)

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