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SESSION:- 2021-2024

Submitted by
Saurav Kumar

(5th Semester)

Submitted to
DR. Proff. Jyotsna Rai

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of




Budh Marg opp. Patna Central Revenue Colony, Lodipur Patna, Bihar 800001

This is to declare that I Saurav Kumar student of INDIAN INSTITUTE OF

ADMINISTRATION batch 2021-2024, has given original data and information to the best of
my knowledge in the project report titled Marketing Analysis of Amul Products is a work
carried out by me under the guidance and supervision of the (Prof.) Dr. Jyotsna Rai towards
the partial fulfilment of requirement for the BBA course.

Date: Name: Saurav Kumar

Place: Bihar (Patna) ROLL - 30

Specialization: Marketing

Enrollment Number-

"The pleasure that follows the successful completion of a project would remain
incomplete without a word of gratitude for the people and without whose
cooperation the achievement would remain a distant dream. It is not a mere
formality to place a record of the tireless efforts, case less cooperation,
constant guidance, and encouragement of people closely associated with the
project but a distant necessity for the authenticity and readability of the

I first and foremost express my acknowledgement to Mr. Sitesh Kumar of M/s

Vasudev Enterprises for giving me the opportunity to complete my internship
under their firm. I am also using this opportunity to express my gratitude to
everyone who supported me throughout this Project of Marketing (A Study on
Market Analysis of AMUL Products). I am thankful for their aspiring guidance,
invaluably constructive criticism and friendly advice during this project work.
Additionally, I express my warm regards towards Prof. (Dr.) Prof. Jyotsna Rai,
for her advice, encouragement and scholarly guidance.
Finally, I am indebted to my institute, family, friends and those people who
helped me in completing this project.

The main purpose of this internship is to know the retailers feedback about the Amul to
milk and finally to know whether the the retailer in the market will keep the Amul milk
or not. This project will help to know the market condition of Amul milk(Amul gold
&Amul Taaza) with comparing it with other major brands of milk in the market. This
Project begin with the retailers survey. This is the particular area given by the company,
in which survey has been done.

The main objectives of the projects are to know how retailer selects a product on the
basis of their profit margin, promotions and offer, support from sales team and service
Provided by distributer. Understand the retailer satisfaction toward keeping Amul milk
and problem faced by retailer in selling of Amul milk.

In this survey, analysis is done on the basis of different parameters i.e. Margin, support
from sales team, Promotion & offer, service from distributer and satisfaction toward
Keeping Amul milk. Next step in the project is carrying different sales promotion it's
activities like posted & banners distribution to retailers & marginal offers to the Amul
Retailers & umbrella activity.

After this, order from the retailers of the same area are to be taken so that Amul milk
Should be placed in that area (Market Yard). Samples of milk will be distributed in the
retail outlets which have been used by retailers and then they place order accordingly.

• FMCG:- Industry Overview

1. Indian FMCG sector size poised to reach US$ 47 bn by 2013 and US$ 74 bn by 2018,
growing annually at 10-12%. By 2025, total consumption is likely to quadruple
making India the 5th largest consumer market. Organized retail is expected to grow
by 14-18% by 2015 thereby boosting FMCG growth.

2. Indian rural market currently worth US$ 9 bn is expected to become a US$ 100 bn
opportunity by 2025.

3. Indian FMCG industry worth US$ 29 bn roughly constitutes 2.2% of India’s GDP.
Within the FMCG sector, Food products are the largest consumption category.

• Dairy industry: A profile (As per Jan 20, 2011)

India is the world leader in milk production with total volume of 115 million tons.
Driven by steady population growth and rising income, milk consumption continues to
rise in India. Dairy market is currently growing at an annual growth rate of around 7 per
cent in volume terms. The market size of Indian dairy industry stands at around US$ 45
billion. Since India’s population is predominantly vegetarian, milk serves as an
important part of daily diet. Indians use milk in various preparations such as in brewing
tea and coffee, in making yogurt or curd and in preparing many Indian dishes. For most
households, milk is also a popular beverage due to its nutritional value. In India, rural
households consume almost 50 percent of total milk production. Of the share of milk
sold in the domestic market, almost 50 percent is consumed in fluid form, 35 percent is
consumed as traditional products (cheese, yoghurt and milk based sweets), and 15
percent is consumed for the production of butter, ghee, milk powder and other
processed dairy products (including baby foods, ice cream, whey powder, casein, and
milk albumin). Most dairy products are consumed in the fresh form and only a small
quantity is processed for value addition. In recent years, however, the market for
branded processed food products has expanded. Although only around 2 per cent food
is processed in India, still the highest processing happens in the dairy sector, where 35
per cent of the total produce is processed, of which only 13 per cent is processed by the
organized sector.

• Key facts

65per cent of the milk is sold in loose‖ form. Only 5 per cent of the milk is sold
through retail chains 70 per cent is delivered to the homes by milk agents Carton milk
or packaged milk has been growing at 24 per cent annually Most branded FMCG
companies are keen on launching flavored dairy products whose market size is pegged
at US$ 166 million


• Year Grams per day

• 2000-01 220

• 2005-06 241

• 2008-09 250

*Estimated, Source: Department of Animal Husbandry and dairying


Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation GCMMF: An Overview

Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) is India's largest food

products marketing organization. It is a state level apex body of milk cooperatives in
Gujarat which aims to provide remunerative returns to the farmers and also serve the
interest of consumers by providing quality products which are good value for money.

CRISIL, India's leading Ratings, Research, Risk and Policy Advisory company, has assigned its
highest ratings of "AAA/Stable/P1+" to the various bank facilities of

MEMBER’S- 13 District Cooperative Milk Producer Union

1. No. of Producer Members: 2.9 Million

2. Total Milk Handing Capacity: 13.07 Million Liters per day

3. Milk Collection (Total 2009-10): 3.32 Billion Liters

4. Milk collection (Daily average 2009-10): 9.10 Million Liters

5. Milk Drying Capacity: 647 Mts per day

6. Cattle feed Manufacturing Capacity: 3740 Mts per da

7. No. of Village Societies: 15,322

8 35


• Brief History of Amul

AMUL (Anand Milk Union Limited), formed in 1946, is a dairy cooperative movement in India. It
is a brand name managed by an apex cooperative organization, Gujarat Co-operative Milk
Marketing Federation Lt. (GCMMF), which today is jointly owned by some 2.6 million milk
producers in Gujarat, India.

AMUL is based in Anand, Gujarat and has been a sterling example of a co-operative organization's
success in the long term. It is one of the best examples of co-operative achievement in the
developing world.
"Anyone who has seen ... the dairy cooperatives in the state of Gujarat, especially the highly
successful one known as AMUL, will naturally wonder what combination of influences and
incentives is needed to multiply such a model a thousand times over in developing regions
everywhere. The Amul Pattern has established itself as a uniquely appropriate model for rural
development. Amul has spurred the White Revolution of India, which has made India the largest
producer of milk and milk products in the world. It is also the world's biggest vegetarian cheese

Amul is the largest food brand in India and world's Largest Pouched Milk Brand with an annual
turnover of US $1050 million (2006-07). Currently Amul has 2.6 million producer members with
milk collection average of 10.16 million liters per day. Besides India, Amul has entered overseas
markets such as Mauritius, UAE, USA, Bangladesh, Australia, China, Singapore, Hong Kong and a
few South African countries. Its bid to enter Japanese market in 1994 had not succeeded, but now it
has fresh plans of flooding the Japanese markets. Other potential markets being considered include
Sri Lanka.
Dr Verghese Kurien, former chairman of the GCMMF, is recognized as the man behind the success
of Amul. On 10 Aug 2006 Parthi Bhatol, chairman of the Banas kantha Union, was elected
chairman of GCMMF.


The mighty Ganges at its origin is but a tiny stream in the Gangotri ranges of the Himalayas. Similar
is the story of Amul which inspired Operation Flood and heralded the 'White Revolution' in India. It
began with two village cooperatives and 250 liters of milk per day, nothing but a trickle compared to
the flood it has become today. Today Amul collects processes and distributes over a million liters of
milk and milk products per day, during the peak, on behalf of more than a thousand village
cooperatives owned by half a million farmer members.


AMUL means "priceless" in Sanskrit. The brand name "Amul," from the Sanskrit "Amoolya" was
suggested by a quality control expert in Anand. Variants, all meaning "priceless", are founding
several Indian languages. Amul products have been in use in millions of homes since 1946.Amul
Butter, Amul Milk Powder, Amul Ghee, Amul spray, Amul Cheese, Amul Chocolates, Amul
Shrikant, Amul Ice cream, Nuarimol, Amul Milk and Amulya have made Amul a leading food brand
in India. (Turnover: Rs. 52.55 billion in 2007-08). Today Amul is a symbol of many things. Of high-
quality products sold at reasonable prices.

. 50 years after it was first launched, Amul's sale figures have jumped from 1000 tons a year in 1966 to
over 25,000 tons a year in 1997. No other brand comes even close to it. All because a thumb- sized
girl climbed on to the hoardings and put a magical spell on the masse

AMUL stands for

A- Anand

M- Milk

U- Union

L- Limited

Amul (Anand milk union ltd.) is based on four hands, which are coordinated with each
other. The actual meaning of this symbol is co-ordination of four hands of different
people by whom this union is at the top position in Asia.

1. First hand is of farmers, without whom the organization would not have existed.
2. Second hand is of processors, who process the row material (milk)into finished goods.
3. Third hand is of marketer, without whom the product would have not reached the
customers Fourth hand is of customers, without whom the products would have not carried


o Company Name: Amul India (Gujarat Co-operative milk marketing federation ltd) o
Business Type: Manufacturer

o Product/Services: Infant Milk Food, Skimmed Milk Powder, Butter, Cheese

o Address: Amul Dairy Road
o Number of Employees: 501 - 1000 People o URL-
o Year Established: 1973

North America

South America

Western Europe

Main Market: Eastern Europe

Eastern Asia

Southeast Asia

Mid East




After achieving the new milestone of Rs.6,700 crores, now Amul has set new mission.
Federation chairman Parthi Bhatol has mentioned about ―Mission 2020‖. It
envisages that the dairy co- operative of Gujarat will have a total turnover of Rs.27000
crores by the year 2020. They also plan to double the processing capacity of dairy
plant to 20.7 million kg per day

• Research Methodology: Research methodology is a structured and scientific
approach used to collect, analyze, and interpret quantitative or qualitative data to
answer research questions or test hypotheses. A research methodology is like a plan
for carrying out research and helps keep researchers on track by limiting the scope of
the research. Types of Data:
1. Quantitative data: numerical values and measurements that are analysed through
statistical methods.
2. Qualitative data: words that are analysed through interpretations and
3. Ordinal data: data that is in order on a scale, such as ratings or rankings.
4. Nominal data: data that is used to label variables without a numerical value, such
as names or categories.
5. Discrete data: data that can only take certain values, such as counts or binary
6. Continuous data: data that can take any value within a range, such as heights or

In research methodology, data can be classified into two main types: primary data
and secondary data. These two types of data play distinct roles in the research

1. Primary Data:
• Definition: Primary data refers to original data that is collected directly from the
source for the first time by the researcher.
• Collection Methods:
• Surveys: Conducting questionnaires, interviews, or focus group discussions to
gather information directly from respondents.
• Experiments: Performing controlled experiments to collect data for specific
research objectives.
• Observations: Directly observing and recording information about the
phenomenon under study.
• Field Trials: Conducting trials or tests in real-world settings to collect data on
the subject of study.


• Relevance: Data collected is specific to the research objectives.
• Control: Researchers have control over the data collection process. • Freshness:
Primary data is new and has not been previously analyzed.

• Cost: Collecting primary data can be time-consuming and expensive.
• Bias: Researchers' biases may influence the data collection process.
• Logistics: It may be challenging to gather primary data from certain populations
or in certain contexts.

2. Secondary Data:
• Definition: Secondary data refers to existing data that has been collected by
someone else for a different purpose but is utilized by the researcher for their
own analysis.
• Sources:
• Published Sources: Books, journals, articles, and reports.
• Government Publications: Census data, economic reports, and other
government publications.
• Educational Institutions: Data from academic research, theses, and
• Commercial Sources: Market research reports, industry analyses, and business

• Time and Cost Efficiency: Secondary data is readily available, saving time and
• Large Datasets: Access to extensive datasets that may not be feasible to collect
in primary research. • Historical Analysis: Allows for the study of trends and
changes over time.

• Relevance: The available data may not precisely meet the researcher's needs.
• Accuracy: Quality and accuracy of the data may be questionable.
• Lack of Control: Researchers have no control over the data collection process,
leading to potential issues of reliability.

1. Research Design
This study employs a quasi-experimental design to assess the impact of a

wellness program on employee productivity. The design includes both pre- and
post-intervention measurements and involves a comparison group.

2. Population and Sample
Population: The target population consists of all employees working in the XYZ

Sample Selection:

Intervention Group: A random sample of 100 employees participating in the

wellness program.

Comparison Group: Another random sample of 100 employees who do not

participate in the wellness program.

Descriptive Research:

Purpose: To describe the characteristics or behavior of a phenomenon.

Examples: Surveys, case studies, content analyses Exploratory


Purpose: To explore a new or unfamiliar topic, generating insights for further


Examples: Interviews, focus groups, literature reviews.

Explanatory Research:

Purpose: To identify the cause-and-effect relationships between variables.

Examples: Experiments, quasi-experiments, causal-comparative studies.

Theoretical Background


1.1 Consumer Buying Behavior Concept:

The aim of the marketing is to meet and satisfy the target consumer's need & wants.
The field of the consumer behavior studies how individuals, groups and
organization select buy, use and dispose of the goods, services, ideas or experiences
to satisfy their needs and desires. Understanding consumer behavior and knowing
customer is not simple customer may say one thing and do another thing. They may
not be in touch with their deeper motivations. Consumer behavior is very complex
and dynamic too constantly changing and therefore managements need to adjust
with the change otherwise market may be lost.

1.2 Consumer Behavior:

Consumer behavior explain how the individual’s consumer, groups of the

consumer and organization select, buy, use and dispose of goods, and services to
satisfy their needs and wants.

1.3 Models of the Buying Behavior:

• Different models at buying behavior will help the organization to understand the
buying behavior of consumers. There are No. of items. But that basic aim behind
those consumption activities is to satisfy that needs & wants at the consumers. An
understanding of needs and processes that influence the consumer behavior. If
such need can help the marketer in his risk. There is No. of the different models
for understanding these. We will undertake these main four models.
• Economical model:

Consumer have certain amount of purchasing power, and a sets of needs and taste,
he will allocate his expenditure over different products at given prices rationally
so as to maximize utility.

Learning model:

This model refers to the consumer's formation and satisfaction of needs and tastes.
They postulate that living organisms have both innate needed (primary drives like
hunger, thrust, and sex) and learned needs (like fear, guilt).

Psychoanalytical model:

According to psychologist the consumers who are concerned with personality,

human needs and motives aerates at conscious as well as sub-conscious level

Sociological model:

Humans learn their behavior from their culture, subculture, social class reference
groups& group leaders.


Factor influencing the consumer behavior are internal needs, motives, perception
and attitude as well as external- family, social group, cultural, economic, business
influences, etc.

1. Economics Factors

An economics factor of buying behavior is undisplay it assumes that Consumers are

economics. When are they following the principle of maximization of utility based
on the low of diminishing Managerial utility? As economic when, consumer
evaluations rationally the alternative in terms of cost and value received. They try to
maximize their utility or satisfactory while spending them scarce resources of time,
energy and money.
2. Psychological Factors

Psychology has contributed much to the markets to understand the buyer's

psychology explains how consumers learn about a product and how they can recall
from the memory. The development of buying habits, this includes the following

1. Motive:

A buying motive is the reason why a person buys a particular product. It is the
driving force behind buying behavior and may be based on psychological or

psychological want marketers are in rested in patronage motives such as store
loyalty and brand loyalty.
2. Perception:

Perception causes the behavior in a certain way perception influences this

behavior. It gives direction to the taken by the behavior. It the meaning we have
on the bases on our past dependence.

3. Learning:

Learning refers to changes in behavior brought about by practice or experience.

Almost every timing one does or timing is learned product features such as price
quality services, brand, packing, etc. Act as hints influencing consumer's response.
4. Attitude:

Attitude is a state of mind of fillings it includes a per disposition to behave in source

way. Attitude core very important in explaining buyer's behavior. A change in
attitude leads to changes purchasing attitude and modify buyer behavior knowledge
of consumer attitude can product redesigning packages and developing and
evaluating promotional programs.
5. Personality:

In general perception attitude belief lead collectively to a consistent response by the

individual to his environment. This consistent pattern or behavior is termed as
personality its primary teachers are self-concept role and level of consciousness.

3. Social Factors

This includes the following factors:

1. Family:

Most consumers belong to a family group. The family can exert considerable
influence in shaping the pattern of consumption and indicating the decision making
role personal value attitude and buying habits have been shaped by family
influences. 2. Reference Group:

The small group to which the buyer belongs influence buyer behavior. A human
being is considered as a social animal spending much of his or her life in group
situation, group norms direct attention of its member to a new style of a product.
3. Social Class:

As a predictor of consumption patterns marketing management is familiar with

social classes consumers, buying behavior is determined by the social class to
which they espiers rather than by their income belong. Proudly speaking we have
distant social classes' upper, middle and lower classes usually stress rationality,
exhibit sense of choice making whereas consumers of lower classes have
essentially no rational purchases and show limited sense of choice making. The
three social classes will have differences in the stress they patronize. The
magazines they read and abutting and furniture they select social class may act as
one criterion for market segmentation.
4. Cultural factors:

Culture, subculture & social class are primary important in buying behavior.

1. Culture: -

culture is the most fundamental determinant of a person's wants and behavior. The
growing child acquires a set of values, perceptions, preferences and behaviors
through his or her family and other key instructions.

2. Sub-culture:-

Each subculture consists of smaller subculture that provides more specific

identification and socialization for their members. Subculture includes nationality,
religion racing groups and geographic regions.


Let's see the customer buying process by which it satisfies its need and wants. There
is no. of stages are involved into the customer buying process. The steps involved
into the customer buying process can be explained as below.







(1) Problem Reorganization:

The buying process starts with that problem reorganization or need. The need can
rise by internal or external stimuli. The interval stimuli involve general need of the
persons like hunger; thrust etc. and the person will be motivated to satisfy that need.
And the need that will be aroused by external stimuli.

The marketer should try identifying the circumstances that raise the need of the
customer. The marketer should collect the information from the different sources
and it can develop marketing strategies that increase the customer interests.

(2) Information Search:

There is no. of sources for collecting information. Once the person will be are
used. He will try to collect more and more information different sources for
collecting the information are.

Personal source - (family, friends, neighbors)

Commercial source - (advertising, sales person, displays) Public source- (mass
media, consumer rating, organization) Experimental source - (hoardings,
examining using the product)
(3) Evaluation of Alternative:

At this stage the consumer will evaluate the different alternatives available to him.
This is very difficult stage in the buying process.

(4) Purchase Decision:

How the buyer will take decision whether he should buy the products and services
or not. This is also important step of the buying process.

(5) Post Purchase Behavior:

After purchasing the goods or services the persons will experience some degree of
satisfaction. If the person will be satisfied then he will use the same product next
time and if. He will not satisfy then he will not go for the same.


A product passes through distinct stages during its life in market, each posing
different challenges, opportunities and problems. Profits rise and fall at different
stages of the product life cycle. There are four different stages of product life cycle,





Different products of AMUL are in different stages in the product life cycle. Products
like milk, butter, chocolate and cheese are in the maturity stage, while ice-creams ,
chocolates and Shri Khand are still in the growth stage. On the other hand, products
like milk powders, infant food, frozen food items and mix are in introduction stage.

The company adopts aggressive selling techniques for those products which are in the
introductory stage, while very less promotional programmers are carried out for those
products which are in the growth or maturity stage.



Largest milk producer in the world A huge base of around 11 million farmers
Traditional emphasis on consumption

Amul has a strong growth as its turnover for previous year increased by almost 18%
and growth revenue by 67% making it the world thirteenth largest dairy organization
With Amul’s products being popular and being in the market for a while now, it has
developed its brand name and their customers are very loyal to the company.

. Although Amul’s distribution network is wide and dispersed, it has managed to

maintain its quality throughout the world. The credit also goes to the fact that
Amul has a very strong supply chain. Their diverse and wide ranges of products
are also one of its strengths.

The global mascot (Amul girl) used in their advertising is their icon throughout the

a. Corporate Image.

b. Diversified product line.

c. Dedicated work force.

d. Totally integrated operation.

e. Good for sightedness and long-term vision.

f. Low capital cost

a. Supply is not regular.

b. Distribution of Amul pouch milk is not proper in some of areas

c. Co-ordination of company or retailer is not proper

d. Weak management support and less effective customer care‖ said some

e. With too many international brands in competition with Amul, it now finds
difficult to control its cost of operations. And thus is facing huge
competition especially in international markets.

f. Amul introduced its chocolate a while back but it has not been able to gain
the acceptance that it was aiming for.
g. The shelf life for most dairy products is limited which makes the company
vulnerable to losses

h. Despite the distribution being strong, it is still not dispersed to rural areas.
Amul invests very low in terms of advertising.

a) With the liberalization new avenues of exploiting open market economy are being
open up.

b) Being the oldest co-operative society use their brand name as already being leader in
dairy products, the other competitors are very far behind AMUL.

c) New product from Amul i.e. Amul preferred outlet(APO) can be very successful in the
market as we receive better response from Distributors as well retailers and consumers

d) Must take the advantage of priority given to the Dairy industries by the Govt. in terms
of loan.


a) With the globalization and liberalization various global brands are started to peak in.

b) Competition from other Co-operative and local industries are present in the market.

c) The milk curdling problem allows the competitors to penetrate the market which is
previously covered by the Amul. The milk from Softe plant is responsible for that as
a retailer cannot bear huge loss. Some serious problem found is of the late delivery
of milk in area like R.K Puram. Sometime distributor’s attitude and rude behavior is
responsible for decrease in sales


Vast varieties of products are offered by AMUL which are as follows:


b. Amul Butter

c. Amul Lite Low-Fat Bread spread

d. Amul Cooking Butter


a) Amul Pasteurized Processed Cheddar Cheese

b) Amul Processed Cheese Spread

c) Amul Pizza (Mozzarella) Cheese

d) Amul Shredded Pizza Cheese

e) Amul Emmental Cheese

f) Amul Gouda Cheese

g) Amul Malai Paneer (cottage cheese)

h) Frozen and Tinned Utterly Delicious Pizza


a) Amul Shri Khand (Mango, Saffron, Almond Pistachio, Cardamom)

b) Amul amra Khand

c) Amul Mithai Gulab jamuns

d) Amul Mithai Gulab jamun Mix

e) Amul Mithai Kulfi Mix


a) Amul Taza 3% fat Milk

b) Amul Gold 4.5% fat Milk

c) Amul Slim-n-Trim 0% Fat milk

d) Amul Chocolate Milk

e) Amul Fresh Cream

f) Amul Snowcap Softy Mix

g) Amul Taza Double Toned Milk


a) Amul Pure Ghee

b) Sagar Pure Ghee

c) Amul Cow Ghee


a) Amul Infant Milk Formula 1 (0-6 months)

b) Amul Infant Milk Formula 2 ( 6 months


c) Amul spray Infant Milk Food


a) Amul Full Cream Milk


b) Amulya Dairy Whitener

c) Sagar Skimmed Milk


d) Sagar Tea and Coffee



a) Amul Mithai mate Sweetened Condensed Milk


a. Amul Taza Toned Milk 3% fat

b. Amul Gold Full Cream Milk 6%


c. Amul Shakti Standardized Milk 3% fat

d. Amul Smart Double Toned Milk 1.5%


a. Amul Masti Dahi (fresh curd)

b. Amul Butter Milk

c. Amul Lassi

a) Royal Treat Range (Raj Bhog, Cappuccino, Choco chips, Butterscotch, Tutti Frutti)

b) Nut-o-Mania Range (Kaju Dakshi, Kesar Pista, Roasted Almond, Kesar Carnival, Badshahi
Bada kulfi, Sista Pista Kulfi)

c) Utsav Range (Anjir, Roasted Almond)

d) Simply Delicious Range (Vanilla, Strawberry, Pineapple, Rose, Chocolate)

e) Nature's Treat (Alphonso Mango, Fresh Litchi, Anjir, Fresh Strawberry, Black Currant)

f) Sundae Range (Mango, Black Currant, Chocolate, Strawberry)

g) Millennium Ice-cream (Cheese with Almonds, Dates with Honey)

h) Milk Bars (Choco bar, Mango Dolly, Raspberry Dolly, Shahi Badam Kulfi, Shahi Pista Kulfi,
Mawa, Mala Kulfi, Green Pista Kulfi)

i) Cool Candies (Orange, Mango)

j) Cassata

k) Tricone Cones (Butterscotch, Chocolate)


a) Amul Milk Chocolate

b) Amul Fruit & Nut Chocolate

c) Amul Eclairs


a) Nuarimol Malted Milk Food


c) Amul Shakti Flavored Milk

4.1 Percentage analysis:

Q-1. Are you aware about AMUL Company's product?

Table; 1

Graph; 1


About 100% of respondent are aware about AMUL. Company's Product. It means in Surat city
every respondent is aware about AMUL Company's Product.
Q-2. Which type of product are you aware about?

Table; 2



As above chart showed that most of the respondents are aware about AMUL Ice-cream and
AMUL milk & Ghee
Q-3. From where you come to know about the AMUL's products? Table: 3

Graph: 3

Comments: -

As above chart, it is clear that more respondents come to know about AMUL product through
Newspaper & T.V Advertise.

Q-4. Do you prefer AMUL product?

Table: 4


Comments: -

As above chart say that in Surat city around 92% respondent buy AMUL. Product and 8%
respondent are not buying AMUL Product

Q-5. From where you purchase AMUL product?

Table; 5
Graph: 5

Comments: -

From above chart it is clear that most of the customer are purchase an AMUL product through
LOCAL Shop and then AMUL Retailer outlets.

Q-6. (If Retail outlets) On which basis you are purchase AMUL products from Retail Outlets?

Table: 6
Graph: 6


As above chart showed that each feature of AMUL contain more than 50% significance
So it becomes necessary to consider each feature throaty at the time of production.
Q-7. (If Local Shop) On which basis you are purchase AMUL products from Local Shop?

Table: 7


Comments: -
From the analysis of the above chart it is clear that the respondents purchasing from
the local shop are considering the features of fresh products and availability more
than cleanness, proper information & proper support.
Q-8. If no, than why you are not preferring AMUL products?

Table; 8



As it is suggested by the above chart that in the area of taste & availability AMUL is the best.
But in the area of Price & Quality still some improvements are needed.

At the time of purchasing AMUL Product which features are important for you?


Graph 9 ;

Comments: -

From the above chart it is clear that the respondents of AMUL are Quality conscious and by
evaluating the views of AMUL respondents it comes to know that AMUL costumers are not
that much interested in schemes provided by AMUL. It is clear that more than 50% of the
respondents are interested in various varieties provided by the AMUL products and the
respondents are mostly interested in the taste provided by AMUL products and the AMUL

respondents are giving priority to the availability of AMUL products by more than 2/3 part. So
it becomes necessary for AMUL to supply the AMUL products in all its target market.
Do you want any extra feature to be added in the AMUL products? Table;


Graph 10:

Comments: -

From the above chart 30% respondent say to add feature in AMUL Product and other 70%
respondent say that not to add any feature in AMUL Product
Would you like to recommend others for purchasing AMUL Company's Product?

Table; 11

Graph 11

Comments: -

As above chart it is clear that most of the respondent recommend others for purchasing AMUL
Company's product.


1. Out of total respondent, 100% of respondent are aware AMUL Company's Product.

2. Out of total respondents, that 51.35% respondents buy AMUL product through

3. From the analysis it is clear that the respondents purchasing from the local shop are
considering the features of fresh products and availability more than cleanness,
proper information & proper support.

4. As it is suggested by that at the side of taste & availability AMUL is the best. But in
the area of Price & Quality still some improvements are needed.

1. It is clear that the respondents of AMUL are Quality conscious. So if it is possible AMUL
should concentrate on quality of its production.

2. By evaluating the survey it is clear that the respondents are mostly interested in the taste
provided by AMUL products. AMUL should concentrate on its product's taste more than any
other features.
3. It is specifies that the AMUL respondents are giving priority to the availability of AMUL
products by more than 2/3 part. So it becomes necessary for AMUL to supply the AMUL
products in all its target market.

4. According to my Study, Quality product should be produced and now a day's price is an
important factor for common man. So company should concentrate in these both

mentioned factors.

1. Market Competition: Amul operates in a competitive market, and the emergence of new
competitors or changes in existing ones could affect its market share and profitability.

2. Fluctuating Milk Prices: Amul's business heavily relies on milk, and fluctuations in milk
prices can impact production costs and profit margins, making it challenging to maintain stable
pricing for their products.

3. Supply Chain Issues: Issues in the supply chain, such as disruptions in the procurement or
distribution process, can affect the timely availability of raw materials or finished products.

4. Dependency on Dairy Sector: As Amul is primarily focused on dairy products, any

adverse developments in the dairy industry, like disease outbreaks affecting cattle or regulatory
changes, may pose risks to the company.

5. Global Economic Conditions: Economic downturns or unfavorable economic conditions

in key markets could lead to reduced consumer spending on non-essential items, impacting
Amul's sales.

6. Changing Consumer Preferences: Shifts in consumer preferences towards alternative

products or dietary trends may require Amul to adapt its product offerings to stay competitive.
7. Regulatory Challenges: Regulatory changes, especially in the food and dairy industry,
can introduce compliance challenges and may require adjustments to production processes.

Consumers were interested for quality or customer-oriented product rather than having the
brand image. Ice-cream, Shri Khand, milk, Kool, lassi etc. Are consumed mostly because its
quality good and dairy product. Amul was the market leader and local ice-cream vendors
acquire the second position in terms market share. So try to increase the advertisement and lack
of availability in the rural area is the main weakness for the company. The brand awareness for
Amul new products were very less in Theobroma compared to Himmat Nagar taluka. It is
weakness for the company. In today time quality, price, availability is the major factors
considered for the customer while buying a particular brand.

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