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NAME : ………………………………..

CLASS : ………………………………..

NAME : ………………………………………………….

CLASS : ………………………………………………….



"There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still.”
—Franklin D. Roosevelt

(Ada banyak cara untuk maju, tetapi hanya satu cara untuk berdiri diam)

Pengertian Greetings

Greetings adalah sapaan atau ungkapan salam. Greetings yang mungkin paling sering
kalian dengar adalah “Hello”, “Hi”, “Good morning”, “Good afternoon”, dan “Good

Jenis Greetings

Tapi apakah kalian tahu bahwa Greetings dapat dibagi menjadi dua yaitu formal dan
informal. Formal greetings digunakan untuk situasi atau acara formal seperti rapat dan
presentasi. Selain itu formal greetings juga dipakai saat kalian bicara dengan orang yang lebih
tua seperti guru maupun orang asing yang tidak terlalu akrab dengan mu.

Contoh dari formal greetings adalah:

Formal Greetings

Ungkapan Tanggapan

Good morning/afternoon/evening. Good morning/afternoon/evening.

How do you do? How do you do.

Hello. Hello.
Berbeda dengan formal greetings, informal greetings adalah ungkapan salam untuk
berinteraksi saat suasana santai, dengan teman sebaya atau orang yang sudah kalian kenal
akrab. Contoh informal greetings adalah:

Informal Greetings

Ungkapan Tanggapan

Hi! Hi!

What’s up? Good.

How is life? Not bad.

How is it going? It is going well.

Contoh Dialog Greetings
Di bawah merupakan dua contoh dialog greetings beserta tanggapannya. Bisakah
kalian membedakan dialog mana yang merupakan formal greetings dan informal

Dialog Greetings 1
Roy : “Good morning, Sir. My name is Roy..”
Mr. Adi : “Good morning, Roy. How can I help you?.”
Roy : “I am a new student and I do not know where my class is.”
Mr. Adi : “Alright. What class are you in?”
Roy : “7.G class, Sir.”

Dialog Greetings 2
Jennie : “Hi, Ben!”
Ben : “Hi, Jennie. What is up? It has been ages since we met last time.”
Jennie : “I am good. What about you?”
Ben : “Well, nothing special. I have just finished my school and found someone special.”
Jennie : “Oh my God! Congratulations. I am so happy for you.”
Berhasilkah kalian membedakan kedua dialog di atas?


I . The following expressions are kind of c. Biasa-biasa

greetings, d. Sehat
a. Hello, Vany 4. Complete the dialogue below!
b. Goodbye Ardi Wendy : Hello Adam, how are you
c. Good morning everyone
d. Good afternoon Mom Adam
Wendy : I‘m all right.
2. What would you say if you want to a. I am fine, thanks
ask someone‘s condition? b. I am good, and you?
a. Good afternoon c. Great, thanks
b. Hi, glad to see you d. Am I sick?
c. Good night
d. Hi, how‘s life? 5. You meet your old friend, what
would you say?
3. What does “terrific” means in a. Hello, how are you?
Indonesia? b. Good morning friend
a. Dahsyat c. Hey, it‘s good to see you again
b. Sangat baik d. Hi, what‘s up?

Pengertian Leave Taking

Leave taking adalah ungkapan pamitan/perpisahan. Ungkapan ini berfungsi sebagai penutup

Jenis Leave Taking

Leave taking terdiri dari dua jenis yaitu formal dan informal. Contoh leave taking formal
beserta tanggapannya adalah:

Formal Leave Taking

Ungkapan Tanggapan

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.

Good bye. Good bye.

Nice to see you. Nice to see

Sedangkan, contoh dari informal leave taking yaitu:

Informal Leave Taking

Ungkapan Tanggapan

Bye! Bye!

Bye-bye! bye -bye!

See you! See you!

Good night. Good night.

Kalian tahu tidak kenapa “Good night” termasuk leave taking bukan greetings? “Good night”
dalam Bahasa Inggris dapat berarti selamat tidur dan juga selamat tinggal. Saat kalian ingin
mengatakan selamat malam untuk sapaan, kalian dapat mengucapkan “Good evening”. Tapi,
untuk mengucapkan selamat malam saat tidur, kalian harus menggunakan kata “Good night”.
Jadi, dalam kata lain, “Good night” memiliki peran yang sama seperti “Good bye”

Contoh Dialog Leave Taking

Berikut merupakan contoh-contoh dialog leave taking. Seperti biasa, coba sebutkan dialog
leave taking nomer berapa yang merupakan formal dan dialog nomer berapa yang merupakan
Dialog 1
X : “I think I am going to go. My mom has called me several times.”
Y : “But, it is only 7 p.m. now. Can you stay for a couple more hours?”
X : “I cannot. I’ll see you on Monday. Bye!
Y : “Okay, bye.”

Dialog 2
Billy : “Excuse me. I think we have met before.”
Ella : “oh, right. Are you Billy the owner of the bakery?”
Billy : “Yes, I am. Are you waiting for the train?
Ella : “Yes, I am. Are you?”
Billy : “Yeah, me too. Oh there, that is my train. I have to go. Nice to meet you, Ella.”
Ella : “Nice to meet you too, Billy.”

Teacher: I see. Are
Read carefully and choose the correct you alone?
answer between A, B, C, D, and E. Lusi : No, I’m with my Mom. There
she comes. I’m sorry, I have to go now.
(3). , sir.
The text below is for questions number 1 – Teacher: Good bye, Rina.
4 (4).................
Rina : See you.
Rina : (1)......, sir.
Teacher: Good morning, Rina. (2)......... 1. a. Good afternoon
? b. Good night
Rina : I’m very well, thank you. c. Good morning
Teacher: What are you doing here in d. Good bye
the hospital? e. Nice to meet you.
Lusi : I am
going to visit my 2. a. How are you
neighbor. She has b. I am fine thank you
just delivered a baby. c. Good morning
d. Nice to meet you
e. Good bye
5. Which one in the following is the
expression of leave-taking?
3. a. Good bye. a. We have had a wonderful time.
b. How are you b. How do you do?
c. Good Morning c. How are you today?
d. Nice to meet you d. I am sorry, I have to leave now.
e. See you tomorrow e. I’m fine thanks.

4. a. Good bye
b. Good morning
c. Nice to meet you
d. See you later at school
e. Where are you going


Pengertian Thanking

Thanking adalah tindakan berterima kasih. Kalian pasti sudah familiar dengan ungkapan
yang satu ini, bukan? Yup, “Thank you” dan “Thanks” merupakan ucapan terimakasih
dalam Bahasa Inggris. Tapi, adakah di antara kalian yang pernah menulis atau
mengucapkan ekspresi Thanking seperti di bawah ini?

“Thanks you.”
“Thank, Bella.”
Oopsy! Ketiga contoh diatas merupakan pelafalan yang salah, jangan diulangi lagi ya. Jadi
yang benar seperti apa sih? Yang benar seperti ini:
“Thank you.”
“Thanks, Bella.”
Seperti Greetings dan Leave Taking, Thanking juga dibagi menjadi formal dan informal.
Contoh dari formal thanking dapat kalian lihat di tabel bawah.

Formal Thanking

Ungkapan Tanggapan

Thank you. You are welcome.

Thank you for…..

Thank you very much.

Sedangkan untuk contoh Informal thanking yang dapat kalian gunakan saat berbicara dengan
teman sebaya adalah:

Informal Thanking

Ungkapan Tanggapan

You are welcome.

Don’t mention it.
It is okay.
No problem.

Thanks, …….(nama orang).

Contoh Dialog Thanking

Berikut merupakan contoh penggunaan ekspresi Thanking di percakapan. Dialog 1
merupakan situasi formal antara siswa dan guru, dan dialog 2 merupakan situasi informal
antara teman sekelas.

Dialog 1
Adel : “Miss, you left your phone in the class. Here is it.”
Miss Selsi : “Oh, I think I lost it. Thank you for giving it back to me, Adel.”
Adel : “You are welcome, Miss.”

Dialog 2
Rachel : “Sarah, can I borrow your pencil? I forgot to put mine in my bag last night.”
Sarah : “Sure. You can take it.”
Rachel : “Really? Thanks, Rachel.”
Sarah : “No problem. I have many pencils.”
EXERCISE 3. Rusty : I’m sorry for losing your
1. Ghania : Thanks for coming. pencil, Aksha.
Aisyah : . . . Aksha: . . . Just, don’t do it again.
A. Coming soon. Ruaty : I promise I will not.
B. My pleasure. A. You are right.
C. Let’s do it. B. It’s alright.
D. Thanks. C. I’m sad.
D. Never
2. Father : Can you get me the
newspaper? 4. Naura : Hello, Ani. Are you coming
Ghania : . . . to the English Club this afternoon?
Father : Thanks. Ani : Yes, I’m coming to the club
A. It’s not here. this afternoon.
B. No thanks. Naura : OK, then. See you there.
C. Here it is. Bye.
D. I’m busy. Ani :...
A. OK.
B. Bye.
C. Hello
D. Good morning.

5. Babam : Can I borrow your sharpener?

Putri : Sure. Here it is.
Babam : Thank you
Putri : ………….
A. Don’t mention it.
B. Yes, I do.
C. I’m Sorry.
D. OK.

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