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Dear Students

Summer vacation is around the corner, bringing with itself a much-needed respite
from hectic school days. We hope that you will thoroughly enjoy the vacations and
make the mostof this summer. While it is indeed important that you relax and
refresh yourselves, it is also important that you exercise your minds.

Keeping this in mind, we have designed various exciting activities to keep the
students engaged and active during the summer vacation. These fun projects/
assignments would enhance learning skills, help understand concepts better, and
make for a great crash course aimed at improving academic output.

These activities will not only help you to revise what was taught, but will also enrich
your knowledge. These projects will be assessed as Subject Enrichment Activity,
Portfolio or Art Integrated activity.

We encourage parents to motivate and support the students to ensure the given
work is completed in time, to the best of their ability. Your support and
encouragement both have a huge impact on your child’s learning ability.

The Holiday Home Work is to be done neatly with relevance to the questions asked
and to be submitted to the subject teachers within a week of reopening of the

Wishing you a fun filled, safe summer vacation.


Q.1 Make “Creative Notebook” based on Main Course Book Unit- 3 & 4 with the following
details: Write- 10 similes, 10 metaphors, 10 proverbs & 10 quotations, 10 facts, 5 news report
with review.
Q. 2- Do writing questions from MCB Unit 3 & 4.
Q.3 Read any book (story, travelogue, biography, autobiography, science fiction, diary etc).
Write a book review in about 100 words. (Title, author, place, publication, theme & message of
the text)
Q.4 Make portfolio according to given instructions.
Heading 1: Introduction: Name of student
Class & Section:
Roll No:
Heading 2: Index
Heading 3: Self Analysis
My strength.....
My weakness........
I am good at......
My hobbies......
My limitations.....
I want to learn......
I want to be......
What I do in my leisure time......
Heading 4: Family Tree with picture
Heading 5: Best work of Art - Craft
Heading 6: My achievements
Certificates (photocopy of certificates)

Heading 7: Question 1. How has English literature helped me so far in the formulation of my
thought process?
Question 2. How will English help in building my career?
Question 3. Why I wish to pursue English language as a career?
Question 4. Why is a proper accent necessary while speaking English?


 Write an article on the costumes of Arunachal Pradesh or Meghalaya in about 200 words.
 Make PPT and add pictures of costumes with the following details:
o Name of costumes
o Significance
o Origin
o Purpose of wearing
o Meaning & patterns

1-निम्ननिखित निषय ों पर द -द सूखिय ों निखिए_ प्रदू षण, अिुश सि, िीरत , सत्सोंगनत, पररश्रम ।
2_अिुच्छेद िे िि_ मीनिय क स म निक उत्तरद नयत्व, स क्षरत अनिि यय , िह ों च ह िह ों र ह, म तृ भूनम
प्रेम (120_150 शब्द सीम )
3_पत्र िे िि_ क ई द औपच ररक ि द अिौपच ररक पत्र निखिए।
4_निज्ञ पि िे िि_
* 'उदय पेंनसि' निक्री हे तु एक आकषयक निज्ञ पि तै य र कीनिए।
* 'य ग भग ए र ग' निषय पर आकषयक निज्ञ पि तै य र कीनिए।
* 'सपि पुस्तक भों ि र' िई िई पुस्तक ों की निक्री हे तु एक आकषयक निज्ञ पि तै य र कीनिए।
5_कृनतक पूरक पुस्तक के म त क अोंचि, स ि स ि ह थ ि डी, मैं क् ों निित हों प ठ ों क पढ़कर सभी
प ठ ों क स र निखिए ।

1. िृत्य शैनिय ों (10th A & B)
2. िेशभू ष (10th C& D)
(अरुण चि प्रदे श)
उद्दे श्य-छ त्र ों में अरुण चि प्रदे श की िृत्य शैनिय ों ि िेशभू ष के निषय में ि गरूकत उत्पन्न करि ।
आिश्यक स मग्री -पीपीटी
प्रनक्रय -
* अरुण चि प्रदे श की निनभन्न िृत्य शैनिय ों के निषय में ि िक री एकनत्रत करि । *अरुण चि प्रदे श की
निनभन्न िेशभू ष के निषय में ि िक री एकनत्रत करि ।
* एकनत्रत स मग्री की सह यत से पीपीटी तै य र करि ।


Survey and Research on The Global Impact of Respiratory Diseases.

Based on this research and survey you have to organize a seminar in the school (when it will
reopen in campus) on the occasion of World Lung Day (WLD), September 25.

This is to raise awareness among the people about to protect their lungs by being physically
active, stop smoking, reducing air pollution and getting vaccinated.
Task-1: ‘Respiratory diseases impose an immense worldwide health burden”.

Find out the five most common respiratory diseases which are the causes of severe illness and
death worldwide. Paste pictures and fill the necessary information in a table.

Format is given below:

S.No Respiratory disease Scope of the Prevention Treatment Control and
(Name) disease Elimination


Source of Information for the Assignment: It can be a Newspaper clipping, an article from a
magazine or an Internet.

You have to write the reference of source of information you will use for your assignment. Task-
2: Draw and design a catchy caption for World Lung Day- 2024
Click a picture of it and paste it at the bottom of your Assignment.

ACTIVITY 1: Make a Pictionary of 50 new words related to chemistry from the chapters of
NCERT and also paste pictures related to the topic.

ACTIVITY 2: Find out at least 10 different chemical reactions happening in your daily life. Write
down their balanced chemical equations and categorize them according to the type of reaction
using power point presentation.

1. Define current.
2. Define One Ohm.
3. On what factors does the resistivity of a material depend?
4. Plot a graph between the Potential Difference (V) and Current (I) through a conductor and
5. What happens to the resistance of the circuit if the current through it is doubled?
6. List two distinguishing features between the resistance and resistivity of a conductor. A wire
is stretched so that its length becomes 6/5 times of its original length. If its original resistance is
25Ohm find its new resistance. Give justification for this change in resistance.
7. Two identical resistors each of resistance 2 Ohm are connected in turn (1) in series, and (2) in
parallel to a battery of 12 V. Calculate the ratio of power consumed in these two cases.

8. Three resistors of 1 Ω, 2 Ω and 3 Ω are connected in parallel in a circuit. If 1 Ω resistor draws a

current of 1 A, find the current through the other two resistors.
9. Find out the following in the electric circuit given in the figure below

(a) Effective resistance of two 8 Ω resistors in the combination

(b) Current flowing through 4 Ω resistor

(c) Potential difference across 4 Ω resistance

10.A student carries out an experiment and plots the V-I graph of three samples of chrome wire
with resistances R1, R2 and R3 respectively (Figure given below). Which resistance has highest
and which one has the lowest value?

Prepare a Power point presentation supported with pictures and data under the following
Report on Air pollution status in Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya which
includes the following information:
a) Levels of pollution in both states.
b) Causes of Pollution
c) Preventive control measures
1).Location and Importance: Describe the historical place you've chosen, its location within
Arunachal Pradesh, and its historical significance.
2.) Architectural Features: Detail the architectural aspects of the site, such as the design,
construction materials, and any unique features that reflect the historical period it belongs to
3) Tourism and Visitor Information-: Provide information for tourists interested in visiting the
site, including how to get there, entry fees (if any), and other attractions nearby.
4) Impact on Local Economy: Discuss the economic impact of tourism and preservation efforts
on the local community, including any benefits or challenges they may face.
5). Conclusion: Summarize the key points of your project and reiterate the importance of
preserving and celebrating the historical sites of Arunachal Pradesh.
Note: Do the worksheets sent on GCR in a separate notebook

* Individual Work
1. Make a captivating Travel Brochure on Arunachal Pradesh in hard copy.
Including -
A catchy headline
Purposeful visuals
Concise text
Branding elements
Contact information
2. Prepare an album on the following features of Arunachal Pradesh.
Traditional dress
* Group Work
1. Group of four students will make model on the following topics(any one).
* 3D map of Arunachal Pradesh/Uttar Pradesh
* Different land forms of Arunachal Pradesh/Uttar Pradesh
* Traditional culture of Arunachal Pradesh/Uttar Pradesh
* Crafts and Jewellery of Arunachal Pradesh/Uttar Pradesh.

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