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S E C T I ON 2    Catalase-Positive, Gram-Positive Cocci

Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, and
Similar Organisms
1. Describe the general characteristics of Staphylococcus Coagulase-negative staphylococci (most commonly
spp. and Micrococcus spp., including oxygenation, micro- encountered)
• Staphylococcus epidermidis
scopic Gram staining characteristics, and macroscopic
• S  taphylococcus haemolyticus
appearance on blood agar. • S  taphylococcus lugdunensis
2. Correlate the culture and microscopic characteristics for Staphylococcus saprophyticus subsp. bovis
the clinically relevant gram-positive coccus. Staphylococcus saprophyticus subsp. saprophyticus
3. Describe the chemical principle and purpose of the pri- Staphylococcus schleiferi subsp. coagulans
mary plating media used for the isolation and differentia- Staphylococcus schleiferi subsp. schleiferi
tion of staphylococci, including 5% sheep blood agar, Coagulase variable
mannitol salt, phenylethyl alcohol, and colistin nalidixic • S  . argenteus
acid agars. • S  . delphini
4. Explain the principle of the coagulase test, including the • S  . intermedius
• S  . pseudintermedius
different principles associated with the slide versus the
Coagulase-negative staphylococci
tube test and the clinical significance. • S  taphylococcus auricularis
5. List the various types of diseases and correlate patient Staphylococcus capitis subsp. capitis
populations specifically associated with Micrococcus spp., Staphylococcus capitis subsp. ureolyticus
Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, and • S  taphylococcus caprae
Staphylococcus epidermidis. Staphylococcus cohnii subsp. cohnii
6. Outline the basic biochemical testing procedure to dif- • S  taphylococcus cohnii subsp. ureolyticus
ferentiate Staphylococcus spp. from Micrococcus spp., Staphylococcus gallinarum
including coagulase-negative and coagulase-positive Staphylococcus hominis subsp. hominis
staphylococci. Staphylococcus hominis subsp. novobiosepticus
• S  taphylococcus massiliensis
7. Identify key biochemical reactions to identify the clini-
• S  taphylococcus massiliensis
cally significant Staphylococcus spp., and explain the • S  . pasteurii
chemical principle associated with each test. • S  taphylococcus petrasii subsp. croceilyticus
8. Define methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) as it relates • Staphylococcus petrasii subsp. jettensis
to antibiotic susceptibility. • S  taphylococcus petrasii subsp. petrasii
9. Explain the D zone test principle and its clinical signifi- • Staphylococcus pettenkoferi
cance in the treatment of S. aureus. • Staphylococcus rostra
10. Describe methods used to control the transmission of • Staphylococcus saccharolyticus
multiple drug-resistant organisms such as MRSA within • S  taphylococcus sciuri
the community and health care settings. • S  taphylococcus. simiae
• Staphylococcus simulans
11. Define the following acronyms: MRSA, HA-MRSA, CA-
• Staphylococcus stepanovicii
MRSA, and LA-MRSA and understand their significance to • S  taphylococcus succinus subsp. casei
antibiotic resistance in the population. • S  taphylococcus succinus subsp. succinus
• S  taphylococcus vitulinus
• S  taphylococcus warneri
• S  taphylococcus xylosus
Dermacoccus nishinomiyaensis
CONSIDERED Kocuria spp.
Kytococcus spp.
Staphylococcus aureus subsp. anaerobius
Micrococcus spp.
Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus
Rothia mucilaginosa
252 PA RT I I I Bacteriology

13.1   Epidemiology

Organism Habitat (Reservoir) Mode of Transmission

Staphylococcus aureus Normal microbiota: Endogenous strain: sterile site by traumatic introduction
Anterior nares (e.g., surgical wound or microabrasions)
Nasopharynx Direct contact: person-to-person, fomites
Perineal area Indirect contact: aerosolized
Colonizer of mucosa
Staphylococcus epidermidis Normal microbiota: Endogenous strain: sterile site, by implantation of medical
Skin devices (e.g., shunts, prosthetic devices)
Mucous membranes Direct contact: person-to-person
Staphylococcus haemolyticus Normal microbiota: Same as previously indicated for S. epidermidis
Staphylococcus lugdunensis Skin
Mucous membranes (low numbers)
Staphylococcus Normal microbiota: Endogenous strain: sterile urinary tract, notably in young,
saprophyticus Skin sexually active females
Genitourinary tract
Micrococcus spp. Normal microbiota: Endogenous strain: uncertain
Kocuria spp. Skin Rarely implicated in infections
Kytococcus spp. Mucosa Immunocompromised hosts: brain abscess, meningitis,
Rothia spp. Oropharynx pneumonia, endocarditis
Dermacoccus spp.
Auritidibacter spp.
Macrococcus spp.
Planococcus spp.
Aerococcus spp.
Alloiococcus spp.

General Characteristics coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS or non–S. aureus)

species listed may be encountered in clinical specimens. The
The gram-positive cocci are a very heterogenous group with CoNS are subdivided into two groups based on their novo-
a high frequency of being isolated from patient specimens. biocin susceptibility pattern. The CoNS group that dem-
Historically, the genus Staphylococcus was included with the onstrates novobiocin susceptibility includes Staphylococcus
genus Micrococcus in the family Micrococcaceae. However, epidermidis, Staphylococcus capitis, Staphylococcus haemo-
molecular phylogenetic and chemical analysis indicates the lyticus, Staphylococcus hominis subsp. hominis, Staphylococ-
two genera are not closely related and belong to different cus lugdunensis, S. saccharolyticus, Staphylococcus warneri,
phyla, the Firmicutes and Actinobacteria, respectively. The and other species. The novobiocin-resistant group consists
Staphylococcus spp. are now combined with the Bacillaceae, of Staphylococcus cohnii, Staphylococcus kloosii, Staphylococ-
Planococcaceae, and Listeriaceae into the order Bacillales. cus saprophyticus, and Staphylococcus xylosus. Three genera
Forty-nine species, including 25 subspecies, are recognized of skin-colonizing organisms, the Micrococcus spp., Kocuria
in the genus Staphylococcus. Several of the Micrococcus spe- spp., and Kytococcus spp., are easily confused with staphylo-
cies have been reclassified into the genera Kocuria, Neste- cocci. Occasionally, these genera will be associated with skin
renkonia, Kytococcus, and Dermacoccus. These genera have lesions and are more commonly isolated from immunocom-
been reorganized into two families, the Micrococcaceae and promised patients.
the Dermacoccaceae. The only other organism, Alloiococ-
cus otitidis, that biochemically reacts similar to the families Epidemiology
included in this chapter belongs to the family Carnobacte-
riaceae. The species described in this chapter are all catalase- As outlined in Table 13.1, the staphylococci associated with
positive, gram-positive cocci. The organisms are aerobic or infections in humans are colonizers (normal microbiota)
facultative anaerobic with the exception of Staphylococcus of various skin and mucosal surfaces. There are three types
aureus subsp. anaerobius and Staphylococcus saccharolyticus, of nasal carrier states associated with colonization of S.
which are obligate anaerobes, and may be catalase negative. aureus: persistent carriers who harbor a single strain for
However, only those belonging to the genus Staphylococcus an extended period, intermittent carriers who will har-
are of primary clinical significance. Staphylococcus are non- bor different strains over time, and noncarriers, individu-
motile and non–spore forming organisms. Several of the als who do not harbor any organisms. Because the carrier
CHAPTER 13 Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, and Similar Organisms 253

state is common among the human population, infections beta toxin, believed to work in conjunction with the alpha
are frequently acquired when colonizing strains gain access toxin, is a heat-labile sphingomyelinase, which catalyzes the
to a normally sterile site because of trauma or abrasion to hydrolysis of membrane phospholipids resulting in cell lysis.
the skin or mucosal surface. The traumatic event may be so S. aureus, S. epidermidis, and S. haemolyticus are capable of
minor that it goes unnoticed, which might impede a timely producing delta toxin, which is cytolytic to erythrocytes
and accurate diagnosis. The prevalence of S. aureus carriers and demonstrates nonspecific membrane toxicity to other
is high among health care providers (e.g., nurses, respiratory mammalian cells. Gamma toxin is produced by all strains of
therapists), along with immunocompromised or immu- S. aureus and may actually function in association with the
nosuppressed individuals. The healthcare environment, Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL). Elaboration of these
including all surfaces of health care settings and medical factors is chiefly responsible for the various skin, wound,
devices, are implicated in the transfer of pathogens. Vaginal and deep tissue infections commonly caused by S. aureus.
carriage intermittently occurs in premenopausal women. Many of these infections can rapidly become life threaten-
Staphylococci can be efficiently transmitted from person ing if not treated and managed appropriately.
to person. Upon transmission, the organisms may become Thirty to fifty percent of all S. aureus strains are capable
established as part of the recipient’s normal microbiota and of producing one of eight distinct serologic types of a heat-
later introduced to sterile sites by trauma or invasive medi- stable enterotoxin. The enterotoxins are resistant to hydro-
cal procedures, such as surgery. Person-to-person spread of lysis by the gastric and intestinal enzymes. The toxins, often
staphylococci, particularly including antimicrobial-resistant found in milk products, are associated with pseudomem-
strains, occurs in hospitals and presents a substantial infec- branous enterocolitis and toxic shock syndrome, and they
tion-control concern. In addition, S. aureus infections cause may exacerbate the normal immune response, resulting in
outbreaks in prisons, dormitories, athletic environments, further tissue damage and systemic pathology.
and educational settings throughout the community. The Localized skin or soft tissue infections (SSTIs) may
staphylococci can spread rapidly as a commensal organism involve hair follicles (i.e., folliculitis) and spread into the
in both humans and pets, and thus should be a consider- tissue causing boils (i.e., furuncles). More serious, deeper
ation in the epidemiology of disease. infections result when the furuncles coalesce to form car-
buncles. Impetigo, the S. aureus skin infection involving
Pathogenesis and Spectrum of Disease the epidermis, is characterized by the production of vesicles
that rupture and crust over. Regardless of the initial site
Without question, S. aureus is the most virulent species of of infection, the invasive nature of this organism always
staphylococci encountered. A wide spectrum of factors, not presents a threat for deeper tissue invasion, bacteremia,
all of which are completely understood, contribute to this and spread to one or more internal organs, including the
organism’s ability to establish infections and cause several respiratory tract. Furthermore, these serious infections have
diseases. S. aureus and S. epidermidis produce a polysaccha- emerged more frequently among the general population
ride capsule that inhibits phagocytosis. The capsule, which and are associated with strains that produce the PVL toxin.
is produced in various amounts by individual clinical iso- PVL is toxic to white blood cells, preventing clearance of the
lates, may appear as a slime layer or biofilm and allows the organism by the immune system. These serious soft tissue
organisms to adhere to inorganic surfaces and impairs or “community-associated” infections are frequently medi-
inhibits the penetration of antibiotics. ated by methicillin-resistant S. aureus (community-acquired
The chemical composition of the gram-positive cell affects MRSA or CA-MRSA).
the mediation of pathogenesis. The peptidoglycan resembles S. aureus also produces toxin-mediated diseases, such
the endotoxin effect of gram negatives by activating comple- as scalded skin syndrome and toxic shock syndrome. In
ment, interleukin 1 (IL-1), and acting as a chemotactic fac- these cases, the organisms may remain relatively localized,
tor for the recruitment of polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs). but production of potent toxins causes systemic or wide-
This cascade of events causes swelling and may lead to the spread effects. With scalded skin syndrome (Ritter disease),
exacerbation of tissue damage. S. aureus produces a surface which usually afflicts neonates, the exfoliative toxin is a
protein, known as protein A, that is bound to the cytoplas- serine protease that splits the intracellular bridges of the
mic membrane of the organism, and has a high affinity for epidermidis, resulting in extensive sloughing of epider-
the Fc receptor on IgG molecules as well as complement. mis to produce a burnlike effect on the patient. The toxic
This mechanism allows S. aureus to bind directly to immu- shock syndrome toxin (TSST-1), also referred to as pyro-
noglobulins, thereby decreasing the immune-mediated genic exotoxin C, has several systemic effects, including
clearance of organisms from the site of infection. Several fever, desquamation, and hypotension potentially leading to
toxins and enzymes mediate tissue invasion and survival at shock and death.
the infection site (Table 13.2). Staphylococcal species pro- Other coagulase-positive or variable staphylococci are
duce a variety of cytotoxins (alpha, beta, delta, and gamma normal microbiota of a variety of animal species, includ-
toxins). Most strains of S. aureus produce alpha toxin, ing dogs. These species include Staphylococcus intermedius,
which disrupts smooth muscle in blood vessels and is toxic Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, and Staphylococcus delphini.
to erythrocytes, leukocytes, hepatocytes, and platelets. The These organisms may be associated with skin infections in
254 PA RT I I I Bacteriology

13.2   Pathogenesis and Spectrum of Diseases

Organism Virulence Factors Spectrum of Diseases and Infections

Staphylococcus aureus Polysaccharide capsule: inhibits phago- Carriers: Persistent in older children and adults, nasophar-
cytosis (slime layer or biofilm) ynx
Peptidoglycan: activates complement, Toxin mediated:
IL-1, chemotactic to PMNs Scalded skin syndrome: Ritter disease involves ≥90% of
Teichoic acids: species specific, mediate the body, pemphigus neonatorum is the localized form
binding to fibronectin evident by a few blisters; both are exfoliative dermatitis
Protein A: affinity for Fc receptor of IgG caused by toxins A and B
and complement. Toxic shock syndrome
Exotoxins: cytotoxins (alpha, beta, delta, Food poisoning; preformed enterotoxins, resulting in gas-
and gamma) trointestinal symptoms within 2–6 h of consumption of
Leukocidins, PVL contaminated food
Exfoliative toxins Localized skin infections: folliculitis
Enterotoxins: A-E, G-I heat stable Furuncles and carbuncles
Toxic shock syndrome toxin I (TSST-1); Impetigo
pyrogenic exotoxin C Tissue and systemic:
Enzymes: coagulase, clumping factor Wounds
Catalase Bacteremia; any localized infection can become invasive
Hyaluronidase and lead to bacteremia
Fibrinolysin: staphylokinase Endocarditis
Lipases Osteomyelitis
Nucleases Cerebritis
Penicillinase Pyelonephritis
Staphylococcus epider- Exopolysaccharide “slime” or biofilm; Normal flora; nosocomial infections: bacteremia associated
midis antiphagocytic with indwelling vascular catheters; endocarditis involving
Exotoxins: delta toxin prosthetic cardiac valves (rarely involves native valves);
infection at intravascular catheter sites, commonly lead-
ing to bacteremia; and other infections associated with
CSF shunts, prosthetic joints, vascular grafts, postsurgi-
cal ocular infections, and bacteremia in neonates under
intensive care
Staphylococcus haemo- Uncertain; probably similar to those S. haemolyticus
lyticus and Staphylo- described for S. epidermidis Endocarditis
coccus lugdunensis Bacteremia
Urinary tract
Wound, bone, and joint infections
S. lugdunensis
Wound infections
Septic arthritis
Vascular catheter infections
Urinary tract infections
Staphylococcus sapro- Uncertain Urinary tract infections in sexually active, young women;
phyticus infections in sites outside urinary tract are not common
Staphylococcus schle- Uncertain Endocarditis
iferi Septicemia
Joint infections
Micrococcus spp. Unknown; probably of extremely low Usually considered contaminants of clinical specimens;
Kocuria spp. virulence rarely implicated as cause of infections in humans
Kytococcus spp. Implicated in otitis externa
Rothia spp. Implicated in otitis media
Dermacoccus spp.
Auritidibacter spp.
Macrococcus spp.
Planococcus spp.
Aerococcus spp.
Alloiococcus spp.

CSF, Cerebrospinal fluid; IL, interleukin; PMN, polymorphonuclear cell; PVL, Panton-Valentine leukocidin.
CHAPTER 13 Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, and Similar Organisms 255

dogs, as well as invasive infections in immunocompromised organisms are rarely associated with infections in healthy
humans because of a bite or scratch wound. individuals, they are probably of low virulence and will not
The CoNS, among which S. epidermidis is the most com- be discussed in detail in this chapter.
monly encountered, are substantially less virulent than S. Alloiococcus otitis has been associated with infections of
aureus and are opportunistic pathogens. Their prevalence as the middle ear; however, its role in the pathogenesis of otitis
health care–associated pathogens is as much, if not more, media remains a matter of debate. Some case reports have
related to medical procedures and practices as to the organ- described other entities, such as endocarditis and endo-
ism’s capacity to establish an infection. Infections with S. phthalmitis, some of which followed chronic otitis media.
epidermidis and, less commonly, S. haemolyticus and S. lug-
dunensis, usually involve implantation of medical devices
(Table 13.2). This kind of medical intervention improves Laboratory Diagnosis
the ability of these normally noninvasive organisms to cause Specimen Collection and Transport
infection. Two organism characteristics that enhance the
likelihood of infection include production of a slime layer No special considerations are required for specimen col-
or biofilm, facilitating attachment to implanted medical lection and transport of the organisms discussed in this
devices, and the ability to acquire resistance to most of the chapter. Refer to Table 5.1 for general information on speci-
antimicrobial agents used in health care environments. S. men collection and transport.
lugdunensis infections resemble S. aureus infections.
Although most coagulase-negative staphylococci are Specimen Processing
primarily associated with health care–associated infections
(HAIs), urinary tract infections caused by S. saprophyticus No special considerations are required for processing of the
are clear exceptions. This organism is most frequently asso- organisms discussed in this chapter. Refer to Table 5.1 for
ciated with community-acquired urinary tract infections in general information on specimen processing.
young, sexually active females but is not commonly associ-
Direct Detection Methods
ated with HAIs or any infections at non–urinary tract sites.
It is the second most common (after Escherichia coli) cause Microscopy
of urinary tract infections in young females. Most of the genera included within this chapter produce
Because coagulase-negative staphylococci are ubiquitous spherical, gram-positive cells. However, some of the species
colonizers, they frequently act as contaminants in clinical within the Micrococcaceae and Dermacoccaceae exhibit rod-
specimens. This fact, coupled with the emergence of these shaped cells and are motile. During cell division, the organ-
organisms as health care–associated pathogens, complicates isms divide along both longitudinal and horizontal planes,
laboratory interpretation of their clinical significance. When forming pairs, tetrads, and, ultimately, irregular clusters (Fig.
these organisms are isolated from clinical specimens, every 13.1A). Gram stains should be performed on young cultures,
effort should be made to substantiate their clinical relevance because very old cells lose their ability to retain crystal violet
in a particular patient. and may appear gram variable or gram-negative. Micrococci
The Micrococcaceae and Dermacoccaceae are generally typically appear as gram-positive cocci in tetrads, rather than
normal microbiota of the skin and considered as harmless large clusters (Fig. 13.1B). The additional related genera (i.e.,
saprophytes; however, they can also act as opportunistic Kytococcus, Nesterenkonia, Dermacoccus, Arthrobacter, and
pathogens. Some of the genera including Micrococcus, Kocu- Kocuria) resemble the staphylococci microscopically.
ria, and Kytococcus spp. have been associated with infections
such as endocarditis, pneumonia, sepsis, FBRIs, and skin Nucleic Acid Detection
infections in immunocompromised patients. Foreign body- Several nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT) have been
related infections (FBRIs), particularly catheter-related developed and approved by the US Food and Drug Admin-
infections, significantly contribute to the increasing problem istration (FDA) for the detection of staphylococci, most of
of nosocomial infections. However, recovery of the recently which use single-locus polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
described environmental species of the Micrococcaceae and amplification methods. Some of these tests are designed to
Dermacoccaceae should be assessed for clinical significance, detect MRSA and target S. aureus (specifically MRSA) from
as reported for Kocuria rhizophila, Kocuria marina, and Der- swab specimens or blood cultures. The assays detect the mecA
macoccus barathri. Auritidibacter ignavus has been cultivated gene (which encodes methicillin resistance) in conjunction
from the ear swab of a patient with otitis externa; however, with a species-specific target gene. Several of the most com-
its role as a causative agent has not been clarified. monly used MRSA test systems include the BD GeneOhm
R. mucilaginosa has been implicated in cases of bactere- MRSA ACP and StaphSR assays (BD, Franklin Lakes, NJ),
mia, endocarditis, endophthalmitis, intravascular catheter- the Xpert MRSA/SA tests for nasopharyngeal swabs and blood
related and central nervous system infections, pneumonia, cultures (Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA), and the Roche LightCy-
peritonitis, septicemia, and cervical necrotizing fasciitis. cler MRSA Advanced Test (Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis,
What, if any, virulence factors are produced by the remain- IN). The rapid tests, such as the Cepheid Xpert MRSA/SA
ing genera within this group is not known. Because these platform, offer turn-around times of approximately 1 hour
256 PA RT I I I Bacteriology

• Fig. 13.1(A) Indirect Gram stain of Staphylococcus aureus demonstrating characteristic clusters of gram-
positive cocci. (B) Indirect Gram stain of Micrococcus luteus demonstrating characteristic tetrads or small
clusters of gram-positive cocci.

• Fig. 13.2 (A) Yellow colonies of Staphylococcus aureus fermenting mannitol as evident by the yellow
color of the agar. (Agar appears darkened due to laboratory bench under petri dish.) (B) White colonies
of Staphylococcus epidermidis, no-mannitol fermenting, as evident by the original pink color of the agar.
(Courtesy Malissa Tille, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.)

and facilitate systematic screening of hospital/clinic attend- fluorescent dye to S. aureus in a blood smear prepared from
ees. Such screening programs have proven to be cost-effective a positive blood culture bottle.
in many settings by reducing costs and unnecessary infection For first generation molecular tests, it has been histori-
control measures to prevent HAIs. cally recommended to perform a follow-up, culture-based
Other molecular assays available include the Accuprobe, confirmatory test. However, most modern FDA-approved
a commercially available DNA probe assay used for the con- MRSA/SA tests perform as stand-alone diagnostic tests and
firmation of an identification of S. aureus (Hologic, Inc., are characterized by very high sensitivity and specificity
San Diego, CA). S. aureus may also be identified by amplifi- compared with culture.
cation of the nuc gene, which encodes a thermostable nucle-
ase. The amplified DNA product is an approximately 270
bp fragment. The limit of detection for successful isolation Media of Choice
and amplification is less than 10 colony-forming units or The organisms will grow on 5% sheep blood and chocolate
0.69 pg of DNA and is highly specific. Additional ampli- agars. They also grow well in broth-blood culture systems
fication assays have been developed that detect species-spe- and common nutrient broths, such as thioglycollate, dex-
cific genes or chromosomal sequences including 16S and trose, and brain-heart infusion broth.
23S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) genes and spacer Selective media can be used to isolate staphylococci from
regions, elongation factor (tuf), DNA gyrase (gyrA), super- clinical material. Phenylethyl alcohol (PEA) or Columbia
oxide dismutase (sodA), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehy- colistin-nalidixic acid (CNA) agars may be used to elimi-
drogenase gene (gap), and a heat shock protein (HSP60/ nate contamination by gram-negative organisms in heavily
GroE). MRSA has been identified using the staphylococcal contaminated specimens such as feces. In addition, manni-
insertion sequence IS431. tol salt agar (MSA) may be used for this purpose. This agar
A qualitative nucleic acid hybridization assay that targets contains a high concentration of salt (10%), the sugar man-
rRNA sequences in S. aureus and CoNS has been devel- nitol, and phenol red as the pH indicator. S. aureus ferments
oped by bioMérieux. The hybridization assay is based on mannitol and produces acid lowering the pH, which creates
the binding of a peptide nucleic acid (PNA) labeled with a a yellow halo on this media (Fig. 13.2). Although MSA is
CHAPTER 13 Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, and Similar Organisms 257

not typically used in clinical identification, it may be useful Colonial Appearance

to purify staphylococci from contaminating organisms for Table 13.3 describes the colonial appearance and other dis-
further characterization. tinguishing characteristics (e.g., hemolysis) of each genus
CHROMagar (originally invented by Alain Rambach) and various staphylococcal species on 5% sheep blood agar.
is a selective and differential media for the identification Growth on chocolate agar is similar. Micrococcus spp. are
of MRSA. The medium is now available from a variety generally easily distinguishable from staphylococci species
of manufacturers. These media are becoming more widely by the production of brightly colored yellow, orange, or
used for the direct detection of nasal colonization. The
medium is selective because it contains cefoxitin, and
MRSA is resistant to this antibiotic. The addition of chro-
mogenic substrates hydrolyzed by the organisms produce
a mauve-colored colony, allowing for the identification
of the organisms. Other organisms will hydrolyze various
chromogenic substances within the media, resulting in a
variety of colored colonies from white to blue to green
(Fig. 13.3).

Incubation Conditions and Duration

Visible growth on 5% sheep blood and chocolate agars
incubated at 35°C in carbon dioxide (CO2) or ambient
air usually occurs within 24 hours of inoculation. MSA
and other selective media may require incubation for at
least 48 to 72 hours before growth is detected. CHRO- • Fig. 13.3 CHROMagar for the identification of methicillin-resistant
Magar requires storage and incubation in the dark for Staphylococcus aureus isolates through the selective and differential
best results. formation of mauve-colored colonies. (Courtesy Stacie Lansink, Sioux
Falls, South Dakota.)

13.3   Colonial Appearance and Characteristics on 5% Sheep Blood Agar

Organism Appearance
Micrococcus spp. and related Small to medium (1–2 μm); opaque, convex; nonhemolytic; wide variety of pigments (white, tan,
organismsa yellow, orange, pink)
Staphylococcus aureus Medium to large (0.5–1.5 μm); smooth, entire, slightly raised, low convex, opaque; most colo-
nies pigmented creamy yellow; most colonies beta-hemolytic (Fig. 13.6)
Staphylococcus epidermidis Small to medium; opaque, gray-white colonies; most colonies nonhemolytic; slime-producing
strains are extremely sticky and adhere to the agar surface
Staphylococcus haemolyticus Medium; smooth, butyrous, and opaque; beta-hemolytic (Fig. 13.7)
Staphylococcus hominis Medium to large; smooth, butyrous, and opaque; may be unpigmented or cream-yellow-orange;
Staphylococcus lugdunensis Medium to large; smooth, glossy, entire edge with slightly domed center; unpigmented or cream
to yellow-orange, may be beta-hemolytic
Staphylococcus warneri Resembles S. lugdunensis
Staphylococcus saprophyticus Large; entire, very glossy, smooth, opaque, butyrous, convex; usually white but colonies can be
yellow or orange; nonhemolytic
Staphylococcus schleiferi Medium to large; smooth, glossy, slightly convex with entire edges; unpigmented; may be
Staphylococcus intermedius Large; slightly convex, entire, smooth, glossy, translucent; usually nonpigmented; delayed to
Staphylococcus hyicus Large; slightly convex, entire, smooth, glossy, opaque; usually nonpigmented; nonhemolytic
Staphylococcus capitis Small to medium; smooth, slightly convex, glistening, entire, opaque; S. capitis subsp. ureolyti-
cus usually pigmented (yellow or yellow-orange); S. capitis subsp. capitis is nonpigmented;
delayed to nonhemolytic

258 PA RT I I I Bacteriology

13.3 Colonial Appearance and Characteristics on 5% Sheep Blood Agar—cont’d

Organism Appearance
Staphylococcus cohnii Medium to large; convex, entire, circular, smooth, glistening, opaque; S. cohnii subsp. urealyti-
cum usually pigmented (yellow or yellow-orange); S. cohnii subsp. cohnii is nonpigmented;
delayed to nonhemolytic
Staphylococcus simulans Large; raised, circular, nonpigmented, entire, smooth, slightly glistening; delayed to nonhemo-
Staphylococcus auricularis Small to medium; smooth, butyrous, convex, opaque, entire, slightly glistening; nonpigmented;
Staphylococcus xylosus Large; raised to slightly convex, circular, smooth to rough, opaque, dull to glistening; some
colonies pigmented yellow or yellow-orange; nonhemolytic
Staphylococcus sciuri Medium to large; raised, smooth, glistening, circular, opaque; most strains pigmented yellow in
center of colonies; may be hemolytic
Staphylococcus caprae Small to medium; circular, entire, convex, opaque, glistening; nonpigmented; delayed to
aIncludesKytococcus, Nesterenkonia, Dermacoccus, Kocuria, Rothia spp., Auritidibacter spp., Macrococcus spp., Planococcus spp., Aerococcus spp., Alloio-
coccus spp., and Arthrobacter spp.

are generally suitable for the identification of S. aureus, S.

epidermidis, and S. saprophyticus. The identification of the
other species varies from system to system. In addition,
automated systems may not correctly identify nutrition-
ally variant forms such as small colony variants and other
unusual isolates, and therefore follow-up testing may be
required for confirmatory identification of the isolates.
Gram stains are used in the clinical laboratory as the
initial characterization method for all gram-positive cocci.
Microscopic along with macroscopic colonial morphology
(Table 13.3) provides a presumptive identification. The
Staphylococcus spp. and Micrococcus spp. are distinguishable
from the related family Streptococcaceae (Chapter 14) by
the catalase test. However, some strains of catalase negative
staphylococci have been identified. Table 13.4 shows how
the catalase-positive, gram-positive cocci can be differenti-
ated. Because they may show a pseudocatalase reaction—
• Fig. 13.4
Micrococcus lylae on TSA (tryptic soy agar) 5% sheep blood that is, they may appear to be catalase-positive—Aerococcus
agar demonstrating a light pink pigmentation.) and Enterococcus are included in Table13.4; Rothia (for-
merly Stomatococcus) is included for the same reason. Once
an organism has been characterized as a gram-positive,
light pink pigmentation (Fig. 13.4). S. aureus yields colo- catalase-positive, coccoid bacterium, complete identifica-
nies surrounded by a yellow halo on MSA. In addition, tion may involve a series of tests, including (1) atmospheric
small colony variants of S. aureus appear as small, pinpoint, requirements, (2) resistance to 0.04 U of bacitracin and
nonhemolytic, and nonpigmented colonies on blood agar. furazolidone, and (3) possession of cytochrome C as deter-
Small colony variants (SCVs) may result from limited mined by the microdase (modified oxidase) test. However,
nutrients or other selective pressures and may revert to the in the busy setting of many clinical and medical laborato-
normal S. aureus phenotype after subculture. However, ries, microbiologists proceed immediately to a coagulase test
other staphylococci (particularly S. saprophyticus) may also based on recognition of a staphylococcal-like colony and a
ferment mannitol and resemble S. aureus on this medium. positive catalase test.
Microdase disks, a modified oxidase test, are available
commercially (Remel, Inc., Lenexa, KS). This test is used
Approach to Identification
for differentiating Micrococcus spp. from Staphylococcus spp.
The commercial systems for identification of Staphylococcus A visible amount of growth from an 18- to 24-hour-old
spp. and Micrococcus spp. are discussed in Chapter 12 and culture is smeared on the disk; Micrococcus spp. turn blue
CHAPTER 13 Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, and Similar Organisms 259

13.4   Differentiation Among Gram-Positive, Catalase-Positive Cocci

Resistance to:
(Modified Furazolidone Lysostaphin
Organism Catalase Oxidase) Aerotolerance Bacitracin (0.04 U)a (100 μg)a (≥200 g/L)

Staphylococcus +d −c FA R S S
Micrococcus + + Ad S R Re
Macrococcus + + A/FAh R S S
Planococcus + ND A ND R S
Rothia ± − FA R or S R or S R
Aerococcus −f − FAg S S R
Kocuria + + A/FAd R S S
Alloiococcus ± − A ND ND ND
Enterococcus −f − FA R S R
Streptococcus − − FA R or S S R
aFor bacitracin, susceptible ≥10 mm; for furazolidone, susceptible ≥15 mm.
bS. aureus subsp. anaerobius and S. saccharolyticus are catalase-negative and only grow anaerobically.
cS. sciuri, Macrococcus caseolyticus, S. lentus, and S. vitulinus are microdase-positive.
dKocuria (Micrococcus) kristinae is facultatively anaerobic.
eSome strains of Micrococcus, Arthrobacter (Micrococcus) agilis, and Kocuria are susceptible to lysostaphin.
fSome strains may show a pseudocatalase reaction.
gGrows best at reduced oxygen tension and may not grow anaerobically.
hOrganism is microaerophilic.

A, Strict aerobe; FA, facultative anaerobe or microaerophile; ND, no data available; R, resistant; S, sensitive; +, ≥90% of species or strains positive; ±, ≥90% of
species or strains weakly positive; −, ≥90% of species or strains negative.
Data compiled from Schumann P, Spröer C, Burghardt J, et al. Reclassification of the species Kocuriaerythromyxa (Brooks & Murray, 1981) as Kocuriarosea
(Flügge, 1886). Int J Syst Bacteriol. 1999;49:393; Stackerbrandt E, Koch C, Gvozdiak O, et al. Taxonomic dissection of the genus Micrococcus: gen nov,
Nesterenkonia gen nov, Kytococcus gen nov, Dermacoccus gen nov, and Micrococcus (Cohn, 1872) gen emend. Int J Syst Bacteriol. 1995;45:682; Caroll KC,
Pfaller MA. Manual of Clinical Microbiology. 12th ed. Washington, DC: ASM Press; 2019.

within two minutes (Fig. 12.26). A variety of tests includ-

ing the formation of acid from carbohydrates followed by
tests for glycosidases, hydrolases, and peptidases are used for
species identification and are included in a variety of iden-
tification panels.
Disk tests are used for the determination of bacitracin
and furazolidone resistance (Fig. 13.5). A 0.04-U bacitra-
cin-impregnated disk and a 100-μg furazolidone-impreg-
nated disk are both available from Becton Dickinson. The
disks are placed on the surface of a 5% sheep blood agar
streaked in three directions with a cotton-tipped swab
that has been dipped in a bacterial suspension prepared to
match the turbidity of the 0.5 McFarland standard (i.e.,
the same as that used in preparing inoculum for disk dif-
fusion susceptibility tests as described in Chapter 11). The • Fig. 13.5 Staphylococcus epidermidis screening plate showing resis-
tance to bacitracin (Taxo A disk) and susceptibility to furazolidone (FX disk).
tests are interpreted based on the inhibition or sensitivity
of the bacteria by measuring the zone of inhibition present
around the disk. Comments Regarding Specific Organisms
Additional rapid identification systems are available Micrococcus spp. and related genera are (1) not lysed with
for presumptive screening for the detection of clumping lysostaphin, (2) resistant to the antibiotic furazolidone, (3)
factor A, a cell wall–associated adhesin for fibrinogen and susceptible to 0.04 U of bacitracin, and (4) microdase-pos-
protein A. itive; they usually will only grow aerobically. In contrast,
260 PA RT I I I Bacteriology

staphylococci are (1) lysed with lysostaphin, (2) resistant additional confirmatory tests for cases in which coagulase-
to 0.04 U of bacitracin, (3) susceptible to furazolidone, (4) positive staphylococci are isolated from dog bite infections.
microdase-negative, and (5) facultatively anaerobic. Otherwise, catalase-positive, gram-positive cocci in clusters
Once an isolate is identified as, or strongly suspected to form a beta-hemolytic, white to yellow, creamy, opaque
be, a species of staphylococci, a test for coagulase produc- colony on blood agar (Fig. 13.6) that is latex coagulase-
tion is performed to separate S. aureus from the other species positive and tube coagulase-positive within 4 hours may be
collectively referred to as coagulase-negative staphylococci. presumptively identified as S. aureus.
The enzyme coagulase produced by S. aureus binds Many laboratories now speciate all staphylococci isolates
plasma fibrinogen and activates a cascade of reactions caus- due to the high degree of biochemical variability associ-
ing plasma to clot. An organism can produce two types of ated with clinical isolates. Definitive species identification
coagulase, referred to as bound and free (Procedure 12.12 should always include isolates from normally sterile sites
includes information on coagulase tests). Bound coagu- (blood, joint fluid, or cerebrospinal fluid [CSF]); isolates
lase, or clumping factor, is detected using a rapid slide test from prosthetic devices, catheters, and shunts; and isolates
(i.e., the slide coagulase test), in which a positive test is from urinary tract infections that may be S. saprophyticus.
indicated when the organisms agglutinate when mixed with The coagulase-negative staphylococci may be identified
plasma (Fig. 12.13A). Most, but not all, strains of S. aureus based on the criteria shown in Tables 13.6 to 13.8. Isolates
produce clumping factor and thus are readily detected by not identified to species are often reported as “coagulase-
this test. Approximately 10% to 15% of strains may give negative staphylococci” in some laboratories.
a negative latex coagulase test as a result of the masking by It is particularly important to differentiate S. lugdunen-
capsular polysaccharides. In addition, false positives may sis from other coagulase-negative staphylococci from sterile
occur because of auto agglutination from colonies grown on sites because there are different interpretive criteria for sus-
media with high salt concentrations. ceptibility to oxacillin for this organism. S. lugdunensis is
Isolates suspected of being S. aureus, but failing to positive for both the 2-hour pyrrolidonyl aminopeptidase
produce bound coagulase, must be tested for production (PYR) and ornithine decarboxylase tests.
of extracellular (i.e., free) coagulase, because S. lugdu-
nensis and S. schleiferi may give a positive latex coagulase Serodiagnosis
test. This extracellular coagulase test, referred to as the
tube coagulase test, is performed by inoculation of a Serologic testing for antibodies associated with infections
tube containing plasma and incubating at 35°C. Pro- from staphylococcal organisms is not clinically relevant
duction of the enzyme results in a clot formation within because of low specificity and the presence of cross-reactive
1 to 4 hours of inoculation (Fig. 12.12B). Some strains antibodies. Antibodies to teichoic acid, a major cell wall com-
produce fibrinolysin, dissolve the clot after 4 hours ponent of gram-positive bacteria, are usually produced in
of incubation at 35°C, and may appear to be negative long-standing or deep-seated staphylococcal infections, such
if allowed to incubate longer than 4 hours. Because as osteomyelitis. This procedure is usually performed in refer-
citrate-utilizing organisms may yield false-positive ence laboratories. However, the clinical use of this assay is, at
results, plasma containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic best, uncertain. The identification of protective antibodies in
acid (EDTA) rather than citrate should be used. Differ- toxin-mediated syndromes such as toxic shock syndrome and
entiation of coagulase-positive staphylococci is included staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome may be absent or pres-
in Table 13.5. ent at very low levels. However, seroconversion after the onset
Various commercial systems are available that substitute of symptoms and during convalescence may be observed.
for the conventional coagulase tests previously described. Various kits are available for the detection of staphylococcal
Latex agglutination procedures that detect clumping factor toxins in foods or patient specimens that may be helpful in
and protein A and passive hemagglutination tests capable clinical diagnosis. Additional assays for the detection of other
of detecting clumping factor are no longer used extensively staphylococcal proteins are being examined for their clinical
because they often fail to detect MRSA strains, which are use in identifying staphylococcal infections.
being isolated from an increasing number of community-
acquired infections. In addition, the recent third-generation Matrix-Assisted Desorption Ionization Time of
assays that include monoclonal antibodies to the capsular Flight
polysaccharide serotypes 5 and 8 or other molecules have
a higher sensitivity but are less specific. False-positive reac- In recent years, alternative methods for identifying S. aureus
tions occur in the presence of some CoNS species, such as S. and MRSA have been employed in the clinical laboratory,
haemolyticus, S. hominis, and S. saprophyticus. including matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-
Table 13.5 lists the results for various tests used to dif- of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). MALDI-
ferentiate the coagulase-positive staphylococci; S. interme- TOF MS (Chapter 7) follows culture-based assays in the
dius is an important agent isolated from dog bite wound diagnostic workflow. For example, this method can be used
infections often misidentified as S. aureus if only coagu- to discern between methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA)
lase testing is performed. Microbiologists should perform and MRSA and can provide information regarding strain
13.5   Differentiation Among the Most Clinically Significant Clumping Factor or Tube Coagulase-Positive Staphylococci

Alka- Orni- Poly-

Heat line thine Novo- myxin Beta-
Clump- Tube Stable Phos- Decar- Acetoin biocin B galac-
ing Coagu- Nucle- pha- boxyl- Produc- Resis- Resis- tosi- D-Tre- D-Man- Malt- D-Man-
Organism Factor lase ase tase ase tion tance tance dase PYRa halose nitol ose Sucrose nose Hemolysis
Staphylococcus + + + + − + − + − − + + + + + +
aureus subsp.

Staphylococcus - + + + ND − − ND − ND − − − + − −
aureus subsp.

Staphylococcus − V + + − − − + − − + − − + + −

Staphylococcus V + + + − − − − + + + V V + + V

Staphylococcus − + − + ND − − ND ND ND − + + + + +

Staphylococcus + − − − + + − V − + + − + + + +

Staphylococcus − + ND V ND + − + + + + V + + + +

Staphylococ- − + + + ND + − ND ND ND − V – V + +
cus schle-
iferi subsp.
Staphylococ- + – + + – + − – + + V – – – + +
cus schle-
iferi subsp.
Staphylococcus + – – V – – + – – – + + V + + +
sciuri subsp.
aPerformed from disk (Becton Dickinson and Company, Sparks, MD) or tablet (KEY Scientific Products, Round Rock, Tex).
bPrimarily isolated from animals.
cRarely a cause of infections in humans.
dThe hemolysis for S. intermedius is delayed.

ND, No data available; PYR, pyrrolidonyl aminopeptidase; V, variable; +, >90% of strains positive; −, >90% of strains negative.
Data compiled from Behme RJ, Shuttleworth R, McNabb A, et al. Identification of staphylococci with a self-educating system using fatty acid analysis and biochemical tests (published erratum appears in J Clin Microbiol. 1997;35:1043), J
Clin Microbiol. 1996;34:2267; Hébert GA. Hemolysin and other characteristics that help differentiate and biotype Staphylococcus lugdunensis and Staphylococcus schleiferi. J Clin Microbiol. 1990;28:2425; Kloos WE, Wolfshohl JF. Iden-
tification of Staphylococcus species with API STAPH-IDENT System. J Clin Microbiol. 1982;16:509; Roberson JR, Fox LK, Hancock DD, et al. Evaluation of methods for differentiation of coagulase-positive staphylococci. J Clin Microbiol.
1992;30:3217; Caroll KC, Pfaller MA. Manual of Clinical Microbiology. 12th ed. Washington, DC: ASM Press; 2019.
262 PA RT I I I Bacteriology

• Fig. 13.6
(A) Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus demonstrating characteristic golden-yellow pigment
on TSA 5% sheep blood agar. (B) Reverse demonstrating beta-hemolysis.

•Fig. 13.7 (A) Staphylococcus haemolyticus demonstrating characteristic slightly mucoid colonies with
white pigmentation on TSA 5% sheep blood agar; (B) reverse demonstrating weak beta-hemolysis.

virulence. Several studies have indicated that sampling In addition, polymyxin B resistance is common in clinical
directly from positive blood cultures for identification using isolates of S. aureus, S. epidermidis, S. hyicus, S. chromogenes,
MALDI-TOF MS has never misidentified a CoNS for a S. and some strains of S. lugdunensis. Resistance is indicated by
aureus or vice versa. In addition, it appears that CoNS are an inhibition zone diameter of <10 mm.
more often correctly speciated using this method. Identifi- Antimicrobial therapy is vital to the management of
cation of a pathogen directly from positive blood cultures patients suffering from staphylococcal infections (Table
may be possible within 20 minutes. 13.8). Although a broad spectrum of agents may be used
for therapy (Table 11.6 includes a detailed listing), most
staphylococci are capable of acquiring and using one or
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing and more of the resistance mechanisms presented in Chapter
Therapy 10. The unpredictable nature of any clinical isolate’s anti-
microbial susceptibility requires testing as a guide to ther-
Identification of species using susceptibility testing is still apy. As discussed in Chapter 11, several standard methods
useful in the differentiation of S. saprophyticus (novobiocin and commercial systems have been developed for testing
resistant) from other CoNS species (novobiocin sensitive). staphylococci.
13.6   Differentiation Among Coagulase-Negative, Pyrrolidonyl Aminopeptidase–Negative, Novobiocin-Resistant Staphylococci

Beta- Alkaline Acid From

Organism Urease Galactosidase Phosphatase D-Trehalose D-Mannitol Maltose Sucrose D-Mannose
Staphylococcus cohnii subsp. cohnii − − − + (d) (d) − (d)
Staphylococcus cohnii subsp. + − + + + (+) − +
Staphylococcus gallinarum + + (+) + + + + +
Staphylococcus hominis subsp. + − − − − + (+) −
Staphylococcus lentus - + V + + (d) + (+)

Staphylococcus saprophyticus + (d) − + (d) + + −
subsp. saprophyticus
Staphylococcus sciuri − + + + + (d) + (d)
Staphylococcus stepanovicii + ND _ + + (+) + +

Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, and Similar Organisms

Staphylococcus + ND + + + + + +
Succinus subsp. casei
Staphylococcus succinus subsp. + ND + + + + + (d)
Staphylococcus vitulinus - (d) - (d) - _ + _

(d), 11%–89% delayed positive; PYR, pyrrolidonyl aminopeptidase; v, variable; +, >90% of strains positive; −, >90% of strains negative; (+), delayed positive.
Data compiled from Caroll KC, Pfaller MA. Manual of Clinical Microbiology. 12th ed. Washington, DC: ASM Press; 2019.

264 PA RT I I I
TABLE   Differentiation Among Coagulase-Negative, Pyrrolidonyl Aminopeptidase–Negative, Novobiocin-Susceptible, Alkaline Phosphatase-Negative
13.7 Staphylococci
Organism Urease Beta-Glucosidase Acid from D-Trehalose D-Mannitol Maltose Sucrose D-Mannose
Staphylococcus auricularis − − (+) − (+) (d) −
Staphylococcus capitis subsp. − − − + − (+) +
Staphylococcus capitis subsp. + − − + + + +
Staphylococcus epidermidis + (d) (d) − + + (+)
Staphylococcus hominis subsp. + − (d) − + (+) −
S. massiliensis - - - - - - -
S. pasteuri + + + (d) (d) + _
Staphylococcus warneri + + + (d) (+) + −

(d), 11%–89% delayed positive; PYR, pyrrolidonyl aminopeptidase; v, variable results; +, >90% of strains positive; (+), >90% of strains delayed positive
−, >90% of strains negative; ±, 90% or more strains are weakly positive; ( ), reaction may be delayed.
Data compiled from Caroll KC, Pfaller MA. Manual of Clinical Microbiology. 12th ed. Washington, DC: ASM Press; 2019.
13.8   Differentiation of Coagulase-Negative, Pyrrolidonyl Aminopeptidase–Positive, Novobiocin-Susceptible Staphylococci

Organism Urease Beta-Galactosidase Phosphatase Trehalose Mannitol Maltose Sucrose Mannose
Staphylococcus auricularis − (d) − (+) − (+) (d) −
Staphylococcus capitis + − − − + + + +
subsp. ureolyticus
Staphylococcus caprae + − (+) (+) (d) (d) − +
Staphylococcus carnosus − − + (d) + − − +
subsp. carnosus
Staphylococcus epidermidis ++ (d) + − − + + (+)
Staphylococcus equorum + ND (+) + + (d) + +
subsp. equorum
Staphylococcus equorum + ND (d) − ND − − +
subsp. linens
Staphylococcus haemo- − (d) − + (d) + + −

Staphylococcus petrasii + + (d) + − + + −
subsp. croceilyticus
Staphylococcus petrasii − (d) (d) + + + + −
subsp. jettensis
Staphylococcus petrasii + − (d) + (d) + + +

Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, and Similar Organisms

subsp. petrasii
Staphylococcus petrasii − (d) (d) (d) − + − −
subsp. pragensis
Staphylococcus pettenkoferi + ND + − − − + −
Staphylococcus rostri − ND + + − − + −
Staphylococcus schleiferi − − + (d) − − − +
subsp. schleiferi
Staphylococcus simulans + − (d) (d) + + + (d)

(d), 11%–89% delayed positive; PYR, pyrrolidonyl aminopeptidase; v, variable; ND, not determined; +, >90% of strains positive; −, >90% of strains negative; (+), positive reactions may be delayed.
Data compiled from Caroll KC, Pfaller MA. Manual of Clinical Microbiology. 12th ed. Washington, DC: ASM Press; 2019.

266 PA RT I I I Bacteriology

Although penicillinase-resistant penicillins, such as Interpretive guidelines for S. aureus with penicillin MICs
methicillin, nafcillin, and oxacillin, are the mainstay of anti- of ≤12 μg/mL or zones of ≥29 mm using screen tests should
staphylococcal therapy, resistance is common. The primary be retested using disk diffusion. The same interpretive guide-
mechanism for this resistance is production of an altered lines as indicated here for S. aureus are recommended for use
penicillin-binding protein (i.e., PBP 2a), which renders with S. lugdunensis. However, it is important to use nitro-
all currently available beta-lactams essentially ineffective. cefin-based testing in place of penicillin for reliable results.
Strains that carry the mecA gene, which encodes for PBP Isolates that are beta-lactamase-positive should demonstrate
2a, are referred to as MRSA. The mecA gene is carried on a a disk diffusion zone with a clear, sharp zone at the edge of
mobile DNA element (SSSmec) that mediates wide dissemi- the disk or “cliff.” If the isolates demonstrate a fuzzy zone
nation of the antibiotic resistance. The prevalence of HA- or “beach” edge, the isolate should be considered beta-lacta-
MRSA has increased to >50% in some areas within the mase-negative. In addition, any isolates that demonstrate a
United States. In addition, an increasing prevalence of com- high level of mupirocin resistance should be retested using
munity-acquired (CA-MRSA) and livestock-associated disk diffusion (200-μg mupirocin disk) or by broth microdi-
(LA-MRSA) MRSA has been associated with clinical infec- lution using a single mupirocin 256 μg/mL well.
tions. In addition, beta-lactamase–producing strains should The increasing incidence of methicillin-resistant Staphy-
be considered resistant to all penicillins. Some strains have lococcus spp. isolated from infections has resulted in an
been identified that overproduce beta-lactamase and may increase in the use of macrolide antibiotics for treatment.
appear resistant to oxacillin on routine disk diffusion sensi- Lincomycin antibiotics such as clindamycin are hydropho-
tivity testing but do not possess the mecA gene. HA-MRSA bic and capable of diffusing into the tissues, providing a
are often resistant to aminoglycosides, fosfomycin, fusidic means for killing deep infections with Staphylococcus spp.
acid, glycopeptides, ketolides, lincosamides, macrolides, However, macrolide resistance may be expressed as a con-
quinolones, rifampin, tetracyclines, and trimethoprim-sul- stitutive (constant) mechanism or an inducible (expressed
famethoxazole. Additional reports have identified isolates of under specific conditions) mechanism that is activated by
S. aureus and CoNS resistant to linezolid, daptomycin, and the presence of erythromycin. This is typically identified in
tigecycline. CA-MRSA isolates are typically more suscep- erythromycin-resistant strains of S. aureus. Although eryth-
tible to non–beta-lactam antibiotics. romycin and clindamycin are different classes of antibiotics,
MRSA isolates can also contain two subpopulations their resistance mechanisms are similar. Resistance is medi-
within a single culture, one that is oxacillin sensitive and ated by either an efflux pump, msrA, resulting in macrolide
one that is resistant. The resistant population grows much resistance or the activity of a methylase enzyme that alters
more slowly and is undetectable by routine susceptibility the ribosomal binding site, erm, which confers resistance to
methods. MRSA screen agar may be used to clarify and macrolides-lincosamide-streptogramin B and is referred to
interpret the oxacillin sensitivity pattern for such isolates. as MLSB resistant. The MLSB resistance phenotype is the
The MRSA screen agar uses oxacillin and promotes the macrolide resistance that may be expressed as a constitu-
growth of the resistant population by the addition of 2% tive or inducible mechanism. To determine the organism’s
to 4% NaCl. This medium is incubated at 35°C for a full susceptibility to clindamycin, a modified Kirby Bauer test,
24 hours to determine the oxacillin-resistance pattern. Any known as the D zone, has been used in microbiology labo-
growth on the MRSA screen agar indicates oxacillin resis- ratories. Two antibiotic disks are used: a clindamycin (2 μg)
tance. Successful detection of mixed populations may be disk is placed 15 mm from an erythromycin disk (15 μg) on
enhanced by incubation at a lower temperature, 30°C to a Mueller Hinton agar plate streaked with confluent growth
35°C for up to 48 hours. Alternatively, cefoxitin (30 μg) of the isolate. If the organism is able to express inducible
disk diffusion can be used to detect methicillin resistance clindamycin resistance in the presence of erythromycin, the
in S. aureus and S. lugdunensis. An inhibition zone of ≤19 cells will demonstrate a resistance in the zone of inhibition
mm is reported as resistant and ≥20 mm is reported as sen- nearest the erythromycin disk demonstrating a character-
sitive. Other CoNS should be reported as resistant with a istic D zone pattern. If this occurs, an alternate therapy is
zone diameter of ≤24 mm. If microdilution testing is used required for successful treatment of the infection.
to detect mecA resistance using either oxacillin or cefoxitin, Vancomycin is the most commonly used cell wall–active
S. aureus and S. lugdunensis should be reported as follows: agent that retains activity and is an alternative drug of choice
resistant to cefoxitin (minimal inhibitory concentrations for the treatment of infections with resistant strains. High-
[MIC] ≥8μg/L) and oxacillin (MIC ≥4 μg/L) with CoNS level resistance to vancomycin (MIC >8 μg/mL) has been
resistant to oxacillin at an MIC ≥0.5 μg/L. Susceptibility described in several clinical S. aureus isolates, and strains with
testing with cefoxitin is the recommended method for the MIC in the intermediate range have been encountered. These
detection of penicillinase-resistant strains. reduced vancomycin-intermediate susceptible S. aureus
In addition to the increased penicillin resistance in S. (VISAs, MIC 4 to 8 μg/mL) are believed to have structural
aureus, many CoNS within the health care settings are now alterations within the organism’s cell wall. VISAs are also
becoming resistant because of the production of beta-lacta- often resistant to teicoplanin. Vancomycin-resistant S.
mase. Many isolates are resistant to methicillin and other aureus (VRSA) are currently defined by the identification of
antibiotics. an MIC ≥16 μg/mL and are readily detected using standard
CHAPTER 13 Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, and Similar Organisms 267

microdilution techniques. Intermediate vancomycin-resis- Behme RJ, Shuttleworth R, McNabb A, Colby WD: Identification of
tant CoNS are currently defined as having an MIC 8 to 16 staphylococci with a self-educating system using fatty acid anal-
μg/mL. However, as resistance patterns increase, the detec- ysis and biochemical tests (published erratum appears in J Clin
tion of VISA has proved to be unreliable and probably under- Microbiol 35:1043, 1997), J Clin Microbiol 34:2267, 1996.
Bosley GS, Whitney AM, Pruckler JM, et al.: Characterization of ear
reported. Two relatively new agents available for use against
fluid isolates of Alloiococcus otitidis from patients with recurrent
such resistant strains are linezolid and daptomycin. Because otitis media, J Clin Microbiol 33:2876–2880, 1995.
of the substantial clinical and public health impact of vanco- Brakstad OG, Aasbakk K, Maeland JA: Detection of Staphylococcus
mycin resistance emerging among staphylococci, laboratories aureus by polymerase chain reaction amplification of the nuc gene.
should have a heightened awareness of this resistance pattern. In methods for dilution antimicrobial susceptibility testing for bac-
Staphylococcus spp. that demonstrate no intrinsic antibi- teria that grow aerobically; approved standard-eight ed. CLSI docu-
otic resistance include S. aureus, S. lugdunensis, S. epidermidis, ment M07-A8, Wayne, PA, 2009, Clinical and Laboratory Science
and S. haemolyticus. Intrinsic resistance has been reported in Institute.
S. saprophyticus (novobiocin, fosfomycin, and fusidic acid), Cakar M, Demirbas S, Yildizoglu U, et al.: First report of endocarditis
S. capitis (fosfomycin), S. cohnii (novobiocin), and S. xylosus by Alloiococcus otitidis spp. in a patient with a history of chronic
(novobiocin). In addition, gram-positive bacteria are intrin- otitis, J Infect Public Health 6:494–495, 2013.
Caroll KC, Pfaller MA: Manual of clinical microbiology, ed 12,
sically resistant to polymyxin B/colistin, nalidixic acid, and
Washington, DC, 2019, ASM Press.
aztreonam. Any clinical isolates that are identified as oxacillin- Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute: Methods for dilution anti-
resistant S. aureus or coagulase-negative staphylococci should microbial susceptibility tests for bacteria that grow aerobically; M07-
be considered resistant to all other beta-lactam antibiotics. A10, Wayne, PA, 2015, CLSI.
Because Micrococcus spp. are rarely encountered in clini- Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute: Performance standards
cally significant infections, therapeutic guidelines and stan- for antimicrobial disk susceptibility testing; M02-A12, Wayne, PA,
dardized testing methods do not exist (Table13.8). However, 2015, CLSI.
in vitro results indicate that these organisms generally appear Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute: Performance standards for
to be susceptible to most beta-lactam antimicrobials. antimicrobial susceptibility testing; M100-S25, Wayne, PA, 2015, CLSI.
Dhagat PV, Gibbs KA, Rohde RE: Prevalence of Staphylococcus,
including Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), in
Prevention a Physical Therapy Educational Facility, J Allied Health 44(4):215–
218, 2015.
There are no approved antistaphylococcal vaccines. Health Felkner M, Rohde RE, Valle-Rivera AM, et al.: Methicillin-resistant
care workers identified as intranasal carriers of an epidemic Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage rate in Texas county jail
strain of S. aureus are treated with topical mupirocin and, in inmates, J Correct Health Care 13:289–295, 2007.
some cases, with rifampin. Some physicians advocate the use Gibbs KA, Rohde RE, Sanders B, et al.: Staphylococcus and MRSA
of antibacterial substances such as gentian violet, acriflavine, prevalence in physical therapist education programs: are students
chlorhexidine, or bacitracin to the umbilical cord stump to at risk? J Phys Ther Educ 32(1):65–69, 2018.
prevent staphylococcal disease in hospital nurseries. During Hébert GA: Hemolysins and other characteristics that help differenti-
epidemics, current recommendations require that all full- ate and biotype Staphylococcus lugdunensis and Staphylococcus schle-
term infants be bathed with 3% hexachlorophene as soon iferi, J Clin Microbiol 28:2425–2431, 1990.
after birth as possible and daily thereafter until discharge. Hébert GA, Crowder CG, Hancock GA, Jarvis WR, Thornsberry
C: Characteristics of coagulase-negative staphylococci that help
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A teenage male with a history of colitis, most likely Crohn
disease, has had difficulty controlling his disease despite
medical management including long-term parenteral nutrition
and pain medication. He attends high school and is socially
adjusted, even though his illness has caused him to be
small in stature. He lives with his mother, who works for a
veterinarian. He was admitted to the hospital for abdominal
discomfort and erythema at the exit site and along the
tunnel of his central line. Blood cultures were collected,
and both the blood cultures and his catheter tip cultures
grew catalase-positive, gram-positive cocci (Fig. 13.8). The
coagulase tube test was positive, but the slide and latex
test for coagulase were negative (see Procedure 12.12,
Coagulase Test).

1. What further biochemical testing should be performed?
2. What additional test should always be performed from
staphylococci that are pyrrolidonyl aminopeptidase (PYR)-
positive from blood cultures? • Fig. 13.8 Gram stain clinical specimen demonstrating the presence
3. Susceptibility testing for the penicillinase-resistant of gram-positive cocci in clusters and infiltrated with white blood cells.
penicillins is problematic for coagulase-negative
staphylococci because they can be heteroresistant and 4. B
 ecause of the difficulties in expression of the mecA
express resistance poorly in vitro. This characteristic gene product in staphylococci, studies have been done
makes testing in the laboratory difficult, leading to to determine which antimicrobial agent best induces the
reports of false susceptibility. What is the only reported microorganism to produce PBP2a. After extensive studies
mechanism of resistance to these agents? with many challenge strains, which antimicrobial agent
was found to best predict the susceptibility or resistance
to the penicillinase-resistant penicillins?


An 81-year-old female was admitted to the hospital for a total 2. What additional laboratory tests would assist in the
knee arthroplasty. After the surgical procedure she had no diagnosis of the patient’s condition?
postoperative complications and a successful recovery. Two years 3. Review the laboratory tests in the following table:
later, while living independently at home, she began to experience
chronic, daily pain in the knee and joint. To control the pain, she Patient
would take acetaminophen every several hours as directed. She Laboratory Test Results Normal Range
finally presented to her orthopedic surgeon after a 2-month history WBC (white blood 16 5–10 × 109/L
of the pain. She could not recall any injury or change in activity that cells)
may have initiated the pain. Physical examination of the knee and
RBC (red blood 4.3 4–5 × 1012/L
joint demonstrated moderate swelling and mild erythema of the
artificial joint. She experienced increased pain with weight bearing cells)
and passive range of motion. A new x-ray revealed no acute Hgb (hemoglobin) 13.5 12–16
fractures or deformities but did reveal a small effusion, indicating Hct (hematocrit) 0.40 0.36–0.46 L/L
the need for an arthrocentesis. Joint fluid revealed no crystals, MCV (mean cell 94 80–100 fL
110,000 white blood cells, and 25,000 red blood cells.
Questions MCH (mean cell 31 26–34 pg
1. Describe the proper interpretation for the Gram stain hemoglobin)
depicted in Fig. 13.9. MCHC (mean 33 30%–37%
Platelets 156 150–400 ×
Neutrophils 85 25%–60%
Lymphocytes 12 20%–50%
ESR (erythrocyte 72 0–15 mm/h
sedimentation rate)
CRP (C-reactive 15.5 <1 mg/dL

Identify the abnormal results. What is the possible diagnosis

based on the patient’s history and laboratory results?
• Fig. 13.9 Single microscopic field of vision of the Gram stain of the 4. What follow-up treatment would be indicated in this case?
patient’s synovial fluid.
268.e2 PA RT I I I Bacteriology

Chapter Review
1. A clinical isolates test demonstrated the following results: cat- 7. Matching: Match each term with the correct description.
alase-positive, gram-positive cocci, nonhemolytic on blood
agar plate, coagulase-negative, novobiocin resistant, PYR
negative, urease-positive, alkaline phosphatase-negative, and _____ antiphagocytic a. staphylokinase
positive beta-galactosidase. The organism is most likely: _____ S. saprophyticus b. toxic shock
a. S. cohnii subsp. urealyticus _____ Panton syndrome
b. S. saprophyticus subsp. saprophyticus Valentine c. endocarditis
c. S. xylosus leukocidin d. alpha toxin
d. S. epidermidis _____ S. epidermidis e. polysaccharide
2. Which of the following organisms is coagulase _____ capsule
positive? sphingomyelinase f. urinary tract
a. S. saprophyticus _____ pyrogenic infection
b. S. haemolyticus exotoxin C g. scalded skin
c. S. hominis _____ S. simulans syndrome
d. S. pseudintermedius _____ beta hemolysin h. PYR positive
3. The D-zone susceptibility test is used to test inducible _____ exfoliative i. lyses white blood
resistance on S. aureus strains demonstrating an initial _____ fibrinolysin cells
antibiotic susceptibility profile of: _____ S. haemolyticus j. associated with
a. Erythromycin sensitive, clindamycin sensitive _____ S. sciuri medical devices
b. Erythromycin resistant, clindamycin sensitive k. beta toxin
c. Erythromycin resistant, clindamycin resistant l. novobiocin resistant
d. Erythromycin sensitive, clindamycin resistant 8. Short Answer: Examine the following isolated antibiotic
4. All of the following media used for the cultivation of sensitivity profiles for S. aureus. Identify the methicillin-
gram-positive cocci are selective except: resistant organism based on the pattern of resistance and
a. 5% sheep blood agar sensitivities.
b. Phenylethyl alcohol agar
c. Mannitol salt agar 1. Isolate 1
d. Colistin nalidixic acid agar
5. A blood culture isolate grew as a large, white, non- Antibiotic Automated Final
hemolytic colony on 5% sheep blood agar and was Result Result
coagulase negative (slide method). The microbiologist
Beta-lactamase POS
Cefoxitin screen NEG − NEG
a. Report as coagulase-negative staphylococci, probable
Clindamycin ≤0.25 S
Erythromycin ≤0.25 S
b. Follow up with an oxidase and bacitracin test before
Inducible clindamycin NEG − NEG
Oxacillin 0.5 S
c. Complete a tube coagulase test
d. Repeat the slide coagulase test with new controls   
6. True or False 2. Isolate 2
_____ Micrococcaceae commonly appear as tetrads,   
chains, and singlets on Gram stains.
_____ All S. aureus clinical isolates are coagulase-positive Antibiotic Automated Final
in both slide and tube methods. Result Result
_____ S. lugdunensis is an important isolate found in
Beta-lactamase POS
wounds as a result of a dog bite.
Cefoxitin screen POS + POS
_____ Bacitracin and oxidase tests are sufficient to dif-
Clindamycin ≤0.25 S
ferentiate Micrococcus spp. from other coagulase-neg-
Erythromycin ≥8 R
ative gram-positive cocci.
Inducible clindamycin NEG − NEG
_____ Staphylococcus are predominately facultative an-
Oxacillin ≥4 R
CHAPTER 13 Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, and Similar Organisms 268.e3

3. Isolate 3

Antibiotic Automated Final

Result Result
Beta-lactamase POS
Cefoxitin screen NEG − NEG
Clindamycin ≤0.25 S
Erythromycin ≤0.25 S
Inducible clindamycin NEG − NEG
Oxacillin 0.5 S

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