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Atterberg Limit Test February 21, 2020

Atterberg Limit Test

Laboratory Experiment No. 02

Sri Sanduli Devini Weerasekara

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Atterberg Limit Test February 21, 2020


I take the opportunity to offer a sincere graduate to my

instructor Ms. Eeshani Perera Laboratory lecture in Laboratory Experiment of Geology &
Soil Mechanics subject for her kind support in completion of this Lab Practicals and Lab
Report in a very successful manner. And also, I wish to thank you for teaching how to do this
practicals easily.

And also, I wish to thank you Ms. Sushama Malshani for teaching well about how to
do these practicals in an easy way to us before doing the lab practicals.

Finally, I wish to thank my parents & friends for their support & encouragement
throughout the completion of this report.

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Table of Contents

1.0. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 6

2.0. Apparatus & Materials ........................................................................................................ 7

2.1. Liquid Limit Test Apparatus & Materials ................................................................. 7

2.2. Plastic Limit Test Apparatus & Materials ............................................................... 10

3.0. Procedure .......................................................................................................................... 13

3.1. Liquid Limit Test ..................................................................................................... 13

3.2. Plastic Limit Test ..................................................................................................... 17

4.0. Results ............................................................................................................................... 18

4.1. Calculation ............................................................................................................... 19

4.1.1. Liquid Limit ........................................................................................... 19

01. Calculate the water content of each of the liquid limit moisture cans
after oven-dry .......................................................................................... 19

02. Draw the best-fit straight line for the liquid limit and determine the
Liquid Limit (LL) 19

4.1.2. Plastic Limit ............................................................................................ 21

01.Calculate the water content of each of the plastic limit moisture cans
after oven-dry .......................................................................................... 21

02...... Compute the average of the water contents & determine the Plastic
Limit (PL) ............................................................................................... 21

03. Calculate the Plasticity Index............................................................ 22

5.0. Discussion ......................................................................................................................... 22

5.1. Discuss the result ..................................................................................................... 22

5.1.1. Discuss on the LL, PL, & PI ................................................................... 22

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Atterberg Limit Test February 21, 2020

5.1.2. Discuss the Soil Type .............................................................................. 27

5.2. Factors that could be affected for our results ........................................................... 27

5.2.1. Factors affecting our Atterberg test ......................................................... 27

5.2.2. Discuss the Factors .................................................................................. 27

5.3. The Important of the LL, PL, & PI .......................................................................... 28

6.0. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 30

7.0. References ......................................................................................................................... 31

Table of Figures

Figure 1- Apparatus & Materials of Atterberg Test (Anon., n.d.) ............................................. 7

Figure 2-Liquid Limit Device (Anon., n.d.) .............................................................................. 7
Figure 3-Flat grooving tool with gage (Anon., n.d.) .................................................................. 8
Figure 4-Moisture cans (Anon., n.d.) ......................................................................................... 8
Figure 5-Porcelain (evaporating) dish (Anon., n.d.) .................................................................. 8
Figure 6-Balance (Anon., n.d.) .................................................................................................. 9
Figure 7-Spatula (Anon., n.d.) ................................................................................................... 9
Figure 8-Wash bottle filled with distilled water (Anon., n.d.) ................................................... 9
Figure 9-Drying oven (Anon., n.d.) ........................................................................................... 9
Figure 10-Moisture cans (Anon., n.d.) ..................................................................................... 10
Figure 11-Porcelain (evaporating) dish (Anon., n.d.) .............................................................. 10
Figure 12-Balance (Anon., n.d.) .............................................................................................. 11
Figure 13-Wash bottle filled with distilled water (Anon., n.d.) ............................................... 11
Figure 14-Drying oven (Anon., n.d.) ....................................................................................... 11
Figure 15-Spatula (Anon., n.d.) ............................................................................................... 12
Figure 16-Glass Plate (Anon., n.d.) ......................................................................................... 12

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Figure 17-Dry Soil Sample (Anon., n.d.)................................................................................. 12

Figure 18-How the soil sample sieve through the No. 40 sieve .............................................. 13
Figure 19-How the weight of the balance was zero ................................................................. 13
Figure 20-How to measure the weight of the 200g soil sample .............................................. 14
Figure 21-How the soil sample is thoroughly mixed with a small amount of distilled water . 14
Figure 22-How moisture cans are numbered ........................................................................... 14
Figure 23- Before the weight of empty moisture cans measure, how the chemical balance to
zero........................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 24-How the portion of the previously mixed soil was placed into the cup of the liquid
limit apparatus .......................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 25-How the clean straight groove down the center of the cup is cut using the grooving
tool ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 26-How moisture cans are numbered ........................................................................... 17
Figure 27-The graph of Liquid Limit test ................................................................................ 20
Figure 28-Stages of Soil Consistency ...................................................................................... 23
Figure 29- The soil pat of grooving & after the vibration in Liquid Limit test ....................... 24
Figure 30-The soil thread of Plastic Limit test after reaches the diameter into 3.2mm ........... 25
Figure 31-Plasticity Chart (Anon., n.d.) .................................................................................. 26

Table of Tables

Table 1-Data acquired from the Liquid Limit & Plastic Limit tests ........................................ 18
Table 2-Classified the soil based on the Plastic Index (Lecture Note) .................................... 27
Table 3-Classified the soil based on the Liquid Limit (Lecture Note) .................................... 29

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1.0. Introduction

The fine-grained soil may be present in several states. That

state depends on the amount of water in the soil system (Jamal, 2017). Depending on the
water content of the soil, it can be represented in 4 states: solid, semi-solid, plastic & liquid.
In every state, the consistency & behavior of a soil is different & so are its engineering
properties. Therefore, the boundary between each state can be defined based on the change in
soil behavior. The Atterberg Limits can be used to identify the difference between silt and
clay. And it can identify the difference between different types of silt and clay. These
limitations were created by Albert Atterberg, a Swedish chemist. They were later refined by
Arthur Casagrande’s (Buddhika, 2013).

When water is added to the dry soil, each particle is covered

with an adsorbed water membrane. If done the addition of water continues, the thickness of
the water membrane of a particle will increase. Increasing the thickness of the water
membrane allows the particles to easily pass through each other. Soil behavior is related to
the amount of water in the system (Jamal, 2017). The points that vary from one state to
another of the soil are arbitrarily defined by simple tests known as the liquid limit test and the
plastic limit test. These tests are known as “Atterberg Limits”. Atterberg Limits are also
called as “Consistency Limits”. And also, the Atterberg Limits has included Shrinkage
Limit but this report doesn't provide details of it. A basic measure of the nature of the fine-
grained soil is identified as Atterberg Limits (Buddhika, 2013). The tests can be used to
classify and identify the soil and provide an overview of the engineering properties (Anon.,
2001). The Plastic Limit, Liquid Limit, Plasticity Index of soils are widely used only or
otherwise in conjunction with other soil properties to associate with engineering behavior, for
example, compressibility, permeability, compactness, shrinkage, swelling, and graph strength
(Lab Report).

Therefore, the main purpose of the Atterberg Limit test is to

determine the Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit & Plasticity Index of the fine grained soil.

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2.0. Apparatus & Materials

Figure 1- Apparatus & Materials of Atterberg Test (Anon., n.d.)

2.1. Liquid Limit Test Apparatus & Materials

Apparatus & Materials Description

01. Liquid Limit Device (Casagrande’s


 Used to do the Liquid limit test

 It is manually operated &
consisting of a brass cup and
carriage, constructed according to
the plan

Figure 2-Liquid Limit Device (Anon., n.d.)

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02. Flat grooving tool with gage

 Use the grooving tool cut a clean

straight groove down the center
of the cup

Figure 3-Flat grooving tool with gage (Anon.,


03. Moisture cans

 Used to place the soil pat after the


Figure 4-Moisture cans (Anon., n.d.)

04. Porcelain (evaporating) dish

 Used to place the soil sample to

pass through a no.40 sieve & mix
the soil with amount of distilled
Figure 5-Porcelain (evaporating) dish (Anon.,

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05. Balance  The chemical weighing machine

is used to measure the weight of
soil sample, the weight of
moisture cans, the weight of wet
soil containing & weight of dry
soil containing.
Figure 6-Balance (Anon., n.d.)

06. Spatula  When place a portion of the

mixed soil into the cup of the
liquid limit apparatus, it is used
for mixing, forming and
smoothing soil specimen.
Figure 7-Spatula (Anon., n.d.)

07. Wash bottle filled with distilled water

 Used to add distilled water to mix

the soil sample

Figure 8-Wash bottle filled with distilled water

(Anon., n.d.)

08. Drying oven  The amount of wet soil leave the

moisture can to place for at least
16 hours.
 The temperature should be

Figure 9-Drying oven (Anon., n.d.)

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09. Dry Soil Sample  A dried specimen of aggregates

are used to continue the sieve test.
 For this test gains 500g soil

Figure 09-Dry Soil Sample (Anon., n.d.)

2.2. Plastic Limit Test Apparatus & Materials

Apparatus & Materials Uses

01. Moisture cans

 Used to place the soil thread

after rolled

Figure 10-Moisture cans (Anon., n.d.)

02. Porcelain (evaporating) dish

 Used to mix the soil with the

amount of distilled water

Figure 11-Porcelain (evaporating) dish (Anon.,


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03. Balance  The chemical weighing

machine is used to measure
the weight of soil sample, the
weight of moisture cans, the
weight of wet soil containing
& weight of dry soil

Figure 12-Balance (Anon., n.d.) containing.

04. Wash bottle filled with distilled water

 Used to add distilled water to

mix the soil sample

Figure 13-Wash bottle filled with distilled water

(Anon., n.d.)

05. Drying oven

 Used to place the moisture

can with crumbled thread for
drying at least 16 hours

Figure 14-Drying oven (Anon., n.d.)

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06. Spatula

 Used to break the thread into

several pieces

Figure 15-Spatula (Anon., n.d.)

07. Glass Plate

 Used to roll the soil pan

Figure 16-Glass Plate (Anon., n.d.)

08. Dry Soil Sample  A dried specimen of

aggregates are used to
continue the sieve test.
 For this test gains 500g soil

Figure 17-Dry Soil Sample (Anon., n.d.)

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3.0. Procedure

3.1. Liquid Limit Test

1. Roughly 200g of the soil was taken and it was placed into the porcelain dish. That the soil
was previously passed through a No. 40 sieve, air-dried and then was pulverized. The
soil was thoroughly mixed with a small amount of distilled water until it appeared as a
smooth uniform paste. (The dish was covered with cellophane to prevent moisture from

Figure 18-How the soil sample sieve through the No. 40 sieve

Figure 19-How the weight of the balance was zero

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Figure 20-How to measure the Figure 21-How the soil sample is

weight of the 200g soil sample thoroughly mixed with a small
amount of distilled water

2. Five of the empty moisture cans were weighted, and was recorded the respective weights
and can number on the datasheet.

Figure 23- Before the weight of Figure 22-How moisture cans are

empty moisture cans measure, how numbered

the chemical balance to zero

3. The liquid limit apparatus was adjusted by checking the height of the drop of the cup. The
point on the cup that was come in contact with the base should rise to a height of 10 mm.
The block on the end of the grooving tool is10 mm high and it was used as a gage.

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Practiced using the cup and the correct rate to rotate the crank was determined so that the
cup was dropped approximately two times per second.

4. A portion of the previously mixed soil was placed into the cup of the liquid limit
apparatus at the point where the cup rests on the base. The soil was squeezed down to
eliminate air pockets and it was spread into the cup to a depth of about 10 mm at its
deepest point. The soil pat was formed an approximately horizontal surface.

Figure 24-How the portion of the previously

mixed soil was placed into the cup of the liquid
limit apparatus

5. Use the grooving tool was cut carefully a clean straight groove down the center of the
cup. The tool remained perpendicular to the surface of the cup as the groove was being
made. Extreme care was taken to prevent soil was slippage relative to the cup surface.

Figure 25-How the clean straight groove down the center of the cup is cut using the
grooving tool

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6. The base of the apparatus below the cup and the underside of the cup were cleaned from
the soil & it was made sure by us. The crank of the apparatus was turned at a rate of
approximately two drops per second and the number of drops, N was counted. It was
taken to make the two halves of the soil pat was came into contact at the bottom of the
groove along a distance of 13 mm (1/2 in.). If the number of drops was exceeded 50, then
go directly to step eight and did not record the number of drops, otherwise, it was
recorded the number of drops on the datasheet.

7. A sample was taken using the spatula, from edge to edge of the soil pat. The sample was
included the soil on both sides of where the groove came into contact. The soil was
placed into moisture can & it was covered. Immediately the moisture can contain the soil
was weighted, its mass was recorded, the lid was removed, and the moisture can was
placed into the oven. The moisture can was left in the oven for at least 16 hours. The soil
remaining in the cup was placed into the porcelain dish. The cup on the apparatus and the
grooving tool was cleaned and dry.

8. The entire soil specimen was remixed in the porcelain dish. A small amount of distilled
water was added to increase the water content. So that the number of drops required
closing the groove decrease.

9. The steps six, seven, and eight were repeated for at least two additional trials producing
successively lower numbers of drops to close the groove. One of the trials shall be for a
closure requiring 25 to 35 drops, one for closure between 20 and 30 drops, and one trial
for a closure requiring15 to 25 drops. The water content was determined from each trial
by using the same method that was used in the first laboratory. The same balance was
used for all weighing.

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3.2. Plastic Limit Test

1. The remaining empty moisture cans were weighted, and it was recorded the respective
weights and can was numbered on the datasheet.

Figure 26-How moisture cans are


2. The remaining of the original soil sample was taken and distilled water was added until
the soil is at a consistency where it can be rolled without sticking to the hands.

3. The soil was made into an elliptical mass. The mass was rolled between the palm or the
fingers and the glass plate. Sufficient pressure was used to roll the mass into a thread of
uniform diameter by using about 90 strokes per minute. (A stroke was one complete
motion of the hand forward and back to the starting position.)The thread was deformed so
that its diameter reaches 3.2 mm (1/8in.), taking no more than two minutes.

4. When the diameter of the thread was reached the correct diameter, the thread was broken
into several pieces. The pieces were kneaded and reform into ellipsoidal masses and they
were re-rolled. This alternate rolling, gathering together, kneading and re-rolling were
continued until the thread crumbles under the pressure was required for rolling and can no
longer be rolled into a 3.2 mm diameter thread.

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5. The portions of the crumbled thread were gathered together and the soil was placed into
moisture can, and then it was covered. (If the can do not contain at least6 grams of soil,
add soil to the can from the next trial.) Immediately the moisture can contain the soil was
weighted, its mass was recorded, and the can was placed into the oven. The moisture can
was left in the oven for at least 16 hours.

6. The steps three, four, and five were repeated at least two more times. The water content
was determined from each trial by using the same method that was used in the first
laboratory. The same balance was used for all weighing.

4.0. Results

Table 1-Data acquired from the Liquid Limit & Plastic Limit tests

Type of

No of Blows 29 23 20 - -

Container No 01 02 03 01 02

Wt. of Wet
Soil + Con 42.74 34.04 35.92 11.70 9.09
Wt. of dry
Soil + Con 38.64 31.35 32.90 11.28 8.80

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Wt. of Con
18.85 19.12 18.88 7.03 8.34
Wt. of Water
4.1 2.69 3.02 0.42 0.29
Wt. of dry
19.79 12.23 14.02 4.25 0.46
Soil (g)
20.72 21.99 21.54 9.88 63.04
Content (%)

 Wt. of Water (g) = [Wt. of Wet Soil + Con (g)] – [Wt. of dry Soil + Con (g)]
 Wt. of dry Soil (g) = [Wt. of dry Soil + Con (g)] – Wt. of Con (g)
𝐖𝐭.𝐨𝐟 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 (𝐠)
 Moisture Content (%) = 𝐖𝐭.𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐒𝐨𝐢𝐥 (𝐠)

4.1. Calculation

4.1.1. Liquid Limit

01. Calculate the water content of each of the liquid limit moisture cans after oven-dry

4.1 g
 Moisture Content of LL1 = 19.79 g = 20.72%
2.69 g
 Moisture Content of LL2 = 12.23 g = 21.99%
3.02 g
 Moisture Content of LL3 = 14.02 g = 21.54%

02. Draw the best-fit straight line for the liquid limit and determine the Liquid Limit

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2.1. Draw the best-fit straight line for the Liquid Limit

Figure 27-The graph of Liquid Limit test

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2.2. Determine the Liquid Limit (LL)

 Liquid Limit (LL) = 21%

4.1.2. Plastic Limit

01. Calculate the water content of each of the plastic limit moisture cans after oven-dry

0.42 g
 Moisture Content of PL1 = = 9.88%
4.25 g
0.29 g
 Moisture Content of PL2 = = 63.04%
0.46 g

02. Compute the average of the water contents & determine the Plastic Limit (PL)

2.1. Compute the average of the water contents

𝐌𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 (𝐏𝐋𝟏 + 𝐏𝐋𝟐 )

 Average of the water contents = 𝟐

= 2

= 36.46 %

2.2. Determine the Plastic Limit (PL)

 Plastic Limit (PL) = 36.46 %

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03. Calculate the Plasticity Index (PI)

 Plasticity Index (PI) = Liquid Limit (LL) – Plastic Limit (PL)

= 21 % – 36.46 %
= – 15.46%

5.0. Discussion

5.1. Discuss the result

5.1.1. Discuss on the LL, PL, & PI

Plasticity is defined as the properties of soil it deforms rapidly,

without rupture, elastic rebound, and without volume modification (Anon., n.d.).

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 Stages of Soil Consistency

Solid Semi Solid Plastic Liquid

State State State State


Figure 28-Stages of Soil Consistency

The volume of the soil reaches its lowest volume as it dries out
at the shrinkage limit. Before the shrinkage limit, soil volume may not change with the
moisture content although the volume of the soil increases with the moisture content after the
shrinkage limit (Lecture Note).

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01. Liquid Limit (LL)

The Liquid Limit (LL) is defined as the water content at which

the soil transition from the plastic state to the liquid state (Lecture Note). It is the minimum
moisture content at which through the soil flows upon the application of a very small shear
force (Anon., n.d.). And also, the liquid limit of a soil is expressed as a percentage of the
weight of the oven-dried soil, at the boundary between the plastic and liquid states of
consistency (State Of New York, 2015). Liquid limit (LL) is arbitrarily defined as water
content, which is a percentage piece of the soil in a standard cup and cut by a groove of
standard dimensions. For a distance of 13 mm (1 / 2in.), the soil flows together at the foot of
the hole. When 25 vibrations from the cup drop 10 mm in a standard liquid limit device
operating at a rate of two drops per second (Lab Report).

Figure 29- The soil pat of grooving & after the vibration in Liquid Limit test

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02. Plastic Limit (PL)

The Plastic Limit (PL) is defined as the water content at which

a soil transition from the semi-solid state to the plastic state (Lecture Note). And the plastic
limit of a soil is expressed as a percentage of the weight of the oven-dry soil, at the boundary
between the semi-solid and plastic states of consistency (State Of New York, 2015). Plastic
Limit (PL) is the water content that, as a percentage, cannot be deformed by rolling the
threads into a 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) diameter without deformation of the soil (Lab Report).

Figure 30-The soil thread of Plastic Limit test after reaches the diameter into 3.2mm

03. Plasticity Index (PI, Ip)

The difference between the liquid limit and the plastic limit of
the soil is defined as the Plasticity Index (PI) (Lecture Note). The plasticity index can be
considered as a measure of soil coexistence (State Of New York, 2015). It is an important
parameter that can be used to classify soil type. The engineering concept of soil plasticity has
evolved to explain why some soil failure more than others (Jajurie, 2016).

Plasticity Index = Liquid Limit – Plastic Limit

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 Plasticity Chart

Casagrande’s studied the relationship of the Plasticity Index to

the liquid limit of a wide variety of natural soils. On the basis of test results, he proposed the
"Plasticity Chart". One important feature in this chart is empirical A-Line which is given by
the following equation.

Ip = 0.73 x (LL – 20)

The A-Line separates the inorganic clays from inorganic silt.

The information provides a plasticity chart is a basis for the classification of fine-grain soil
according to the unified soil classification system (Lecture Note).

Figure 31-Plasticity Chart (Anon., n.d.)

Based on PI, soil can be divided into a class of follows.

Class Soil Type PI Degree of Plasticity

1 Sand or Silt PI < 1 Non Plastic

 Trace of Clay
2 1 < PI < 7 Slightly Plastic
 Little Clay

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3 Clay Loam 7 <PI < 17 Moderately Plastic

4 Silt Clay 17 < PI < 35 Highly Plastic

5 Clay PI > 35 Extremely Plastic

Table 2-Classified the soil based on the Plastic Index (Lecture Note)

5.1.2. Discuss the Soil Type

5.2. Factors that could be affected for our results

5.2.1. Factors affecting our Atterberg test

The following are factors affecting our Permeability test.

01. Water Content

02. Tap Water used
03. Room Temperature

5.2.2. Discuss the Factors

01. Water Content

 The first trial shall be for a closure requiring 25 to 35 drops although we got
no. of drops is 22 for our first trial. Because we added too much water in the sample. Thus, in
that trial, we got the result before fulfilling the above requirement. Therefore, it is the wrong

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After we added some of the soil & don't add the water, then we got the result
from fulfilling the above requirement. Thus, water content affected our results.

02. Tap Water used

 This test should be used distilled water although we used this test the tap
water. This is due to the presence of wastewater in the tap water. Therefore, tap water used
affects our results.

03. Room Temperature

 This test should do under room temperature although we did this test under the
condition of air conditioning. The temperature of air condition is 16 0C.The Therefore, the
factor of room temperature affects our results.

5.3. The Important of the LL, PL, & PI

Based on properties relative to foundation support or as they

might perform under pavements and in earthworks, soils are often classified for engineering
use. Today, geotechnical classification systems have been designed to facilitate the
comparison of field observation engineering properties estimate. Significant changes in
strength, consistency, and behavior are defined by each stage and the Atterberg limit tests
accurately represent these limits using the moisture content of the specific locations where
physical changes occur. These values can contribute to estimates of shear strength and
permeability, habitat forecasting, and to the identification of expandable soils (Anon., n.d.).

The liquid limit of the soil is an important property of fine-

grained soil or cohesive soil, and its value is used to classify fine-grained soils. It also

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provides information on the state of consistency of soil in the ground. The liquid limit of the
soil can be used to predict the consolidation properties of the soil and to determine the
allowable bearing capacity and settlement of the foundation. Also, the liquid limit value of
the soil is used to calculate the performance of the clay and the hardness index of the soil
(Anon., n.d.). Clay can be classified according to the liquid limit as follows.

LL Plasticity Description

LL < 35 Low Lean/Silty

35 < LL < 50 Intermediate Intermediate

50 < LL < 70 High Fat

70 < LL < 90 Very High Very Fat

LL > 90 Extra High Extra Fat

Table 3-Classified the soil based on the Liquid Limit (Lecture Note)

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6.0. Conclusion

The Atterberg Limit test is a method that is used in civil

engineering to determine the Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit & Plasticity Index as the main
The apparatus of the set of Liquid limit device (Casagrande’s
Apparatus), porcelain (evaporating) dish, flat grooving tool with gage, moisture cans,
balance, glass plate, spatula, wash bottle filled with distilled water, drying oven set & also,
the 200g soil sample was used for doing this test. The difference between Liquid Limit &
Plastic Limit is measured as the Plasticity Index.

While the sieve size & Cumulative Percentage Passing (%)

have according to the particle size distribution curve result, we got as the result of non-
plasticity soil sample according to table 2 in the testing. According to our results, we were
done our Atterberg Limit test in very successfully. But some of the factors such as water
content, tap water used, & room temperature (16 0C were affected our Atterberg test results.

However, our Atterberg practical test was a success and we got

the idea such as how to do the Atterberg test, how to do the practicals in the practical lab with
safety, and the importance of Atterberg test are some of them. Finally, I would like to thank
our instructor Ms. Eeshani & lecturer Ms. Sushama to give your knowledge clearly to us for
our practical test. And also, I think these practical tests benefit a lot on my subject and for my
future as it prepares me to overcome many upcoming problems. Overall, it was a great
experience for me.

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7.0. References

 Anon., 2001. Determination of Atterberg Limits. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 05 2001].

 Anon., n.d. Apparatus & Materials of Atterberg Test. [Online]

Available at:

 Anon., n.d. Atterberg Limits. [Online]

Available at:

 Anon., n.d. Atterberg Limits: A Quick Reference Guide. [Online]

Available at:

 Anon., n.d. Atterberg Limits: Determination of Plastic, Liquid, & Shrinkage Limits.
Available at:

 Anon., n.d. Plasticity Chart. [Online]

Available at:

 Buddhika, M., 2013. Atterberg limits test. [Online]

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