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Unit 1 - a Grade -2
Luxor world school
4.a.Read these words
1.How does the king feel when the poor man
game piles life came smile fine take
asks for rice? Find the word in the story.
huge rice whole wide make gate
cross surprised sad b.Add the words under the correct heading.

Long ay Long oa Long igh Long oo

2.What do you think the king is thinking?

Write a sentence to describe this.


3.What would you ask for as a

reward?Complete the given sentence.

I would ask for


5.Red these words aloud. Write the words as two lists.

Luxor world school Unit 1 - b Grade -2 Words with a long ay sound, as in “play”

Page no 14 LB Words with a long “igh” sound, as in “high”

2.Read these words: time cage outside make smiled shame chase

trickster jaguar rainforest slithering cave drive like place realised yikes vine

3.Choose the best title for the story: ay igh

How to Swing on a vine

How Rabbit got to the moon

How jaguar became Clever

4.Copy and complete each sentence. Use these words

prowled slithering trickster

a. Conejo the rabbit was a _________________.

b. The snake was ______________ along the floor.

c.The jaguar ________________ through the forest

6.What three tricks does Conejo play on


7.Underline the verbs. Circle the ending in

each verb. What does this ending tell you?

a The lady looked at Conejo in the cage.

b. Jaguar hunted for dinner.

c. Conejo kicked the door of the cage.

d. Conejo waited for Jaguar.

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