Holiday Homework Class 8 (2)

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• Summer is a time to relax, be productive and to get ahead. As important it is to relax and enjoy, it is
also important to continue to learn.

• You can spend time as you wish but make sure that along with enjoyment and relaxation summer a
time to learn new things ,exploring the opportunities available.

• To enhance your learning we have planned activities to keep your skills shop and concepts clear use
your energy and give a went to your creativity, it will surely enhance your learning process.

• Yourself safe during summer holidays and do not forget to follow COVID protocol as issued by the

• Spare and spend quality time with your family friends and elders. You may also contact our teachers
between 11 to12 noon from 1June to 5June. Kindly Avoid calling at odd hours.

• Use A4 sheets to complete your work wherever required.

• Relax enjoy and have lots of fun and come back refreshed.


Q1. 'Diary the epic of everyday life. ‘

Vacation is also a memory of interesting events and happenings .Add a diary entry in not more than 60 -70
words on alternate days in a thin small diary during vacations. Take care of the format of writing diary.

Q2. Arunachal Pradesh is an ocean of adventure activities . Make a beautiful 3 folded / 4 folded broucher
offering excellent opportunities for rafting, motorbiking mountain climbing and camping.

Q 3 . There is a need to improve existing conditions and provide new and better facilities to attract tourists
from within the country and abroad to historical places in the state. Write a letter to the editor of a national
daily suggesting measures of improvement in about 100 to 120 words.

Q 4.Read the autobiography of Dr A P J Abdul Kalam ' Wings of fire ' , in your summer vacations and write its
review in not more than 150 words.

Q5. Make a thin English creative notebook and paste the best English article/news that you've read every day.

You can also paste puzzles or other editorial articles and also write a review in around 60-70 words.
(a) Write 10-10 Synonyms, Antonyms,Proverbs,Idioms,Quotations related to each unit of your reader
book,Similes and Metaphors .

(b) Write and learn atleast 5 Tongue- twisters.

HINDI: ( Time Period : 5 days )

उत्तर प्रदे श : एक झलक ( उत्तर प्रदे श का मानचित्र लगाएं)

उत्तर प्रदे श का इतिहास ( 60 से 80 शब्द)

राजधानी , मुख्यमंत्री, उपमुख्यमंत्री, राज्यपाल, जनसंख्या,ललंगानुपाि, साक्षरिा दर , मंडल , जजले, जलवायु , ऐतिहालसक
स्थल , पययटन स्थल ( सचित्र), जनजातियां, धालमयक नगर, नददयााँ, सरकारी योजनाएं ( ककनहीं दो योजनाओं के ववषय में बिाएं)

प्रश्न- ऐसे ककनहीं दो लोगों के ववषय में सचित्र जानकारी प्राप्ि कीजजए जो शारीररक रूप से ववकलांग हो ककं िु उनहोंने अपनी दृढ़
इच्छाशजति िथा मन के साहस से हमारे समाज में अपनी एक नई पहिान बनाई हो । जैसे -ववज्ञान के क्षेत्र में स्टीफन हॉककं ग
सादहत्य के क्षेत्र में सरू दास. (शब्द सीमा 60 से 80 शब्द )

प्रश्न -नददयााँ प्रदवू षि हो रहीं हैं ,उनका जल स्िर भी तनरं िर कम होिा जा रहा है । आप अपने स्िर पर इसके सुधार में तया
योगदान दे सकिे हैं।( शब्द सीमा 80 से 100 शब्द)

नोट: उपययत
ु ि कायय A4 सीट में करना है। यदद आप कोई चित्र स्वयं बनािे हैं िो आपको उसके ललए अलग से
अंक ददए जाएंगे।

SOCIAL STUDIES: ( Time Period : 5 days )

1.Read the play ' Neel Darpan' written by Dinbandhu Mitra and write a critical review of the play. Also write
about the problems of Indigo planters faced during the British time period on A4 sheet and file them.
( Word limit 180 to 200 words)

Link for the Play 'Neel Darpan' :

2.With the help of given link watch the Historical movie Bhagat Singh and write the summary of the story in
your own words and about the contribution of Bhagat Singh in our independence on A4 sheet.

(Word limit:180 to 200 words)

Movie Link:

3. Draw an outline map of India Mark all states along with capitals.

4. Collect daily AQI ( Air Quality Index ) from the newspaper. Write the details like :
Temp. Max tem. Min temp. AQI

and the effects of the changing temperature you feel in 2 - 3 sentences daily .Also paste the source of your
information on A4 sheets and file them .

Roll No. Days

1 to 10. 1 June to 10 June

11 to 20. 11 June to 20 June

21 to 30. 21 June to 30 June


Make a design where you went in summer vacation. If you have been at home then make the layout of the
house if you have been out somewhere , then you make the layout of that place .Also make doors and windows

Now you can find the area of each door ,each window of each room

At least find the area of two rooms one window and one door

1) Draw a layout of house. 2) Measure dimensions. 3) Find the area of each room ;doors and windows.

4) Make design beautifully. 5) Measure dimensions in meters and feets.


Topic: A) Make herbarium project file . Order of presentation to be as follows:

Front page design an attractive front page that should include

● Title of project ● Name of student ● Name of school ● Year/ Session ● Roll number of student.

1) Index: Format of index ,Serial No, Particulars ,Page no, Remarks/Teacher signature

2) Introduction : The main step to prepare herbarium sheet are:

1)Collection and pressing of specimens. 2)Fresh materials are pressed in plant press in herbarium press. ...

3)Drying of specimens. ... 4)Mounting of specimens on herbarium sheets. ...

5)Labeling of specimens. ... 6)Storage and filling of herbarium sheets. ... 7)Protection of herbarium sheets.

Topic (B)

Plastic (boon or curse) Main steps to prepare project file.

1)Plastics: Boon or Curse 2)What is Plastic? 3)Plastic as Boon 4)Plastic as curse

5)Effects of Plastic on Environment. 6)Ways to Minimise Overuse of Plastics 7)Recycling of Plastic


Make a illusion art using felt pans on A3 size sheet, you can make it more attractive using your creative mind.


Arunachal Pradesh is the largest of the seven sisters state of Northeast India by area. Make a file on the
following points for Arunachal Pradesh ( Word limit: 80 to 100 words for each topic)

1.History of state 2.Population, size 3.Climate 4.Language,Religion and food

5.Geographical Area 6.Flora and Fauna 7.Economic activities 8.Monuments

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