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NAME : Surya N R


REG NO: 12638


First of all, I am overwhelmed with the blessings the Lord Almighty has been

showering on me so far. It gives me immense pleasure to thank everybody who has

been instrumental in the successful completion of my investigatory project.

I am forever grateful to our beloved Correspondent Mrs. Pushpalata

poornan, who proved to be constant source of inspiration and encouragement.

Words will not suffice the gratitude I owe to our Principal Mrs. Pushpaveni

Ayyappan, for her peerless guidance coupled with learned ability and endless


I convey my deepest regards and heart felt gratitude to my teachers

Mr D. Isaac Dhinakaran, Mr V. Lakshmanan, Ms Aswathy Vijayan Mrs.

Smitha das, Ms P. Rajapavithra for their profound help good wishes and

encouragement, without which the completion for this study would have been


I am extremely thankful to our lab assistant Mr. R. Emil devakaram for her

help and support to bring out this project.

I express my gratitude towards my parents and

for their constant support, encouragement and blessing towards my


Name: Surya N R

Class: XII F

Pushpalata Vidya Mandir




Certified that the project work entitled

is a bonafide work done by the candidate of class

XII section has been submitted for All India Higher Secondary Practical examination

held in the subject BIOLOGY at Pushpalata Vidya Mandir, Senior Secondary School,

Tirunelveli during the academic year 2024 - 2025.

Signature of the Teacher Signature of the Principal,


Internal Examiner:

External Examiner: Seal


 Drug abuse, also called substance abuse or chemical abuse, is a disorder that is
characterized by a destructive pattern of using a substance that leads to
significant problems or distress. Teens are increasingly engaging in
prescription drug abuse, particularly narcotics (which are prescribed to relieve
severe pain), and stimulant medications, which treat conditions like attention
deficit disorder and narcolepsy.

 Any substance, other than food, used in the prevention, diagnosis, all aviation
or treatment of a disease is called a drug. Drug is also known as a medicine.
Generally, the term drugs applied to any stimulating or depressing substance
that can be habituating or addictive. A drug, broadly speaking, can be
categorized in many ways; hard or soft, uppers or downers, addictive or non-
addictive, most harmful or least harmful, legal or illegal.
Classification of Drugs

 There are a large number of drugs on which people become dependent. These are

classifies into four major groups: sedatives and tranquillizers, opiate narcotics,

stimulations and hallucinogens.

Some Harmful Drugs

1. Heroin:

Commonly used as smack Heroin is chemically diacetylmorphine which is a white,

odorless, bitter crystalline compound. This is obtained by acetylation of morphine

which is extracted from latex of poppy plant Papaver somniferum. Generally taken by

snorting and injection, heroin is a depressant and slows down body function.

2. Cannabinoids:

Natural cannabinoids are obtained from the inflorescences of the plant Cannabis

sativa. The flower tops, leaves and the resin of the plant are used in various

combinations to produce marijuana, hashish, charas and ganja. Generally taken by

inhalation and oral ingestion, these are known for their effects on cardiovascular

system of the body.

3. Cocaine:

It is obtained from coca plant Erythroxylum coca, native to South America. It

interferes with the transport of the neuro-transmitter dopamine. Cocaine, commonly

called coke or crack is usually snorted. It has the potent stimulating action on central

nervous system, producing sense of euphoria and increased energy. Excessive dosage

of cocaine causes hallucinations.


MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine), commonly known as Ecstasy or

Molly, is a synthetic drug that acts as both a stimulant and a hallucinogen. It increases

the release of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, leading to effects like

euphoria, increased energy, emotional closeness, and enhanced sensory perception.

However, it also carries risks such as anxiety, dehydration, hyperthermia, and

potential long-term cognitive deficits. Despite its recreational use, MDMA is being

researched for its therapeutic potential in treating PTSD and anxiety disorders. It is

classified as a Schedule I substance, indicating a high potential for abuse and no

accepted medical use outside of clinical research.

How drug addiction Begin?

There are many factors that lead people to drug addiction.

 Curiosity: Frequent references to drugs by public media create curiosity for having

a personal experience of the drugs.

 Friend’s pressure: Frequent appreciation of drug experience by friends allures

others to start the use of drugs.

 Frustration and Depression: Some people start taking drugs to get relief from

frustration and depression.

 Desire for More Work: Students sometimes take drugs to keep awake the whole

night to prepare for examination. It is not desirable as it may cause mental


 Looking for a Different World: A wrong notion that the drugs open up a new world

tempts some young pupils to start taking-drugs.

 Relief from Pain: A prolonged use of pain-relieving drugs with physician’s advice at

times leads to addiction.

 Family History: Children may take to drugs by seeing their elders in the family.

 Excitement and Adventure: The young take to drugs to satisfy their instinct for

excitement and adventure.

Smoking, Drinking and Use of Drugs

Smoking and drinking and use of drugs frequently or regularly are social diseases.

Young people take to these habits for fun, show off or curiosity, as an adventure or

feeling of freedom, or as a gesture of defiance against the elders who themselves

indulge in these activities but check the youngsters. Temporary escape from the

life problems and mental relaxation felt on taking the drugs in the beginning

increase people’s interest in them. Soon they become habitual and find in difficult

to leave. The daily dose to get the desired effect increases with time.

Short-Term Effects

• Loss of appetite

• Increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature

• Contracted blood vessels

Long-Term Effects

• Permanent damage to blood vessels of ear and brain, high blood pressure,

leading to heart attacks, strokes and death

• Liver, kidney and lung damage

• Respiratory failure

• Infectious diseases and abscesses if injected

• Malnutrition, weight loss

• Auditory and tactile hallucinations

Harm caused by Drugs:


It is a native of South Africa, where the Red Indian first started smoking. Now the

tobacco plant has spread the world over. It has large, quote to Lancelot leaves and

terminal clusters of tubular, white or pink flowers.

Modes of Use:

Tobacco is used for smoking, chewing and snuffing. Its main stimulating component is

poisonous volatile alkaid nicotine, which causes addiction. Nicotine synthesis occurs

in the roots of the plant but it is stored in the leaves. The leaves contain 2 to 8%

nicotine. Inhaling tobacco smoke from cigars, cigarettes, biddies, pipes and hubble-

bubble is called smoking. Cigar is a roll of tobacco leaf. Cigarette is cut tobacco

wrapped in paper. Bidi is tobacco wrapped. In a piece of leaf. Smoking may give some

temporary relief to the strained nerves but in the long run it proves a dangerous

health hazard. The quantity of nicotine contained in one cigar may prove fatal if

injected intravenously into a person. When smoked only 10% of the smoke is inhaled.

Hence, no immediate ill effect is observed. Smokers may develop a physiological

craving for nicotine and then they cannot give up smoking.

Effect of Nicotine:

(i) Stimulates conduction of nerve impulses.

(ii) Relaxes the muscles.

(iii) Releases adrenaline, increasing heart beat rate and pressure.

(iv) Increased blood pressure due to smoking chances the risk of heart diseases.

(v) Retards fetal growth in expecting mothers and

(vi) Causes tobacco addiction. High concentration of nicotine paralyses nerve cells.

Harmful components of Tobacco Smoke:

Besides the poisonous nicotine, the tobacco smoke contains carbon-monoxide,

polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and tar.

Other Effects:

(i) Smoking affects economy:

A smoker not only waste money, but also runs risk of burns and fires.

(ii) Smoking mars personality:

Teeth may become stained. Lips may get discolored and breath becomes foul. A

person with a cigarette hanging from the mouth look odd.


An alcoholic beverage is a drink containing ethanol, commonly known as alcohol,

although in chemistry the definition of alcohol includes many other compounds.

Ethanol is a centrally-acting drug with a depressant effect. Beer is an alcoholic

beverage and thus has the same harmful effects as other kinds of alcohol, depending

on the quantity consumed.

Reasons for Drinking:

• Psychological factors are curiosity, poor stress

control, escape from reality, poor impulse control, low self – esteem, positive

attitudes towards alcohol, to get rid of problems, to overcome loneliness, relief from

tension and to gain courage.

• Social factors are peer pressure, modeling, easy availability of alcohol in the market,

party culture, family environment (Parent/s drinking alcohol), lack of family support,

to keep up social norms and to show their masculinity.

Impact of Drinking Alcohol:

Once alcohol enters the bloodstream it circulates throughout the body. Alcohol is

metabolized in the liver and is changed to carbon dioxide, water and some calories of
energy which gets converted into fat. A small amount of alcohol goes out of the body

through breath, urine and sweat. Regular, excessive use of alcohol causes acute and

chronic problems related to health, occupation, family and social relationships.

Health Problems:

Alcohol can damage every system of our body.

Liver : Hepatitis, jaundice and vomiting of blood due to cirrhosis of liver, liver cancer,

acute liver failure.

Pancreas : Pancreatic damage due to inflammation of pancreas and acute

pancreatitis leading to sudden death.

Central nervous system: (brain and spinal cord): Permanent damage of brain

resulting in memory disturbances, other nervous problems, fits and mental illnesses.

Cardio vascular system: High blood pressure, increased tendency to heart attacks,

enlargement of the heart.

Hangovers: Excessive drinking can lead to hangovers, thus causing problems like

headache, nausea, vomit and body aches.

Cancer: alcohol when consumed in excessive quantities puts you at a higher risk of

developing cancer


Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, flammable, colorless liquid having a penetrating odor and
burning taste. It is one of the products of the distillation of fermented grains, fruit

juices and starches with the help of yeast enzymes. It is the principal constituent and

the in toxicating principle of wines.

Modes of Use:

Alcohol is taken in low concentration, as the beer, toddy and wine and in relatively

high concentration as arrack, brandy, whisky, rum, gin, vodka etc.


1. Comprehensive Laboratory Manual In Biology-XII 2. Biology Text For Class XII –



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