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Switched Reluctance Motors

Switched reluctance (SR) motors have been recognized to have considerable potential for EV
and HEV applications.
SR motors have the definite advantages of simple construction, low manufacturing cost, and
outstanding torque-speed characteristics for EV and HEV applications
Although they possess simplicity in construction, this does not imply any simplicity of their
design and control.
Because of the heavy saturation of pole tips and the fringe effect of pole and slots, their
design and control are difficult and subtle.
Traditionally, SR motors operate with shaft sensors to detect the relative position of the rotor
to the stator.

These sensors are usually vulnerable to mechanical shock and

sensitive to temperature and dust.

Therefore, the presence of the position sensor reduces the

reliability of SR motors and constrains some applications.

sensor-less technologies have been developed which ensure smooth

operation from zero speed to maximum speed.
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Applications of LIM
The main application of the LIM is in transportation and in clectric traction system. The primary is
mounted on the vehicle and the secondary is laid on the track.
It is used in the cranes

. Pumping of liquid metals

Actuators for the movement of doors

Used in High voltage circuit breakers and also in accelerators.

Mechanical handling equipment, such as propulsion of a train of tubs along a certain route.

Metallic conveyor belts.

Used in some roller coasters.

Used in trolley cars for internal transport in workshops, as booster accelerators to move heavy
trains from rest or up the inclines or on curves.
Applications of LSM
Transportation system.
Used in propel wheeled and maglev vehicles.
Used in factory automation, packaging and material handling.

Used in passenger elevators for tall buildings, military elevators for

weapons and aircraft.
LSM find applications in Military and Navy for ship board elevators,
automated material handling and aircraft and vehicle launch.
LSM can replace hydraulic actuators with less wearing and
reliability. higher
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Equivalent circuit of LIM
A resistance connected across the supply represents an idealized induction motor at standstill

The simple resistance cannot represent the machine when it moves. The resistance should represent the
power input to the secondary given by R2/s, which depends on the slip.

This resistance may be divided into two, one representing secondary copper loss{R2) and the other the output of the
motor ie, [R2(| -ss]

To this circuit a secondary leakage reactance X2 is added. Let us assume th¡t the magnetic circuit has a finite
reluctance and has some mmf and
current required to se up flux, represented
by Xm.

Power loss in the iron part of the motor

is represented by Ri. al

Finally the primary leakage reactance Xl and resistance RI

are included to get the equivalent circuit of practical LIM.

R2' and X2' are the secondary resistance

and leakage reactance refereed to the primary.
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Working of LIM
How does it work?
(1) A3-phase voltlage s appled to the stalor
copper windings, creaing a traveling Thanein mAseie held
magnetic field in the aluminurn rolor bar
(2) The changing magnetic lold induces
eddy curents in the aluminum rotor bar.
(3) Becausa they are in a magnatic field, the
Currents in the rotor bar oxperlence a force, kust bur ody cts ae indaxod by he changgu fel.
propelling the rotor bar fonward.
Aux Meld waveleegth (aluminum)
Copper windings Lnear speed
3phase ac
voltage source
(magnetie steel)

Working Principle
When the primary of a LIM gets excited by a balanced three-phase power supply, a flux starts traveling along
the entire length of the primary.

This linearly traveling magnetic field is cquivalent to the rotating magnetic field in the stator of a three
phase induction motor or asynchronous motor.

Electric current gets induced in the conductors of the secondary due to the relative motion between the
traveling flux and the conductors.

Then the induced current interacts with the traveling flux wave to produce lincar force or thrust.

If the primary is fixed and the secondary is free to move, the force will pull the secondary in the direction of
the force and will result in the required rectilinear motion.

" When we give supply to the system the developed field will result in a linear traveling field, the velocity of
which is given by the equation, Vs= 2 t fs m'sec where fs is the supply frequency in Hz, Vs is the velocity of the
lincar traveling field in meter per second, and t is the linear pole pitch i.c. pole to pole linear distance in meter.

" For the same reasons in the case of an induction motor, the secondary or runner cannot catch the speed of the
magnetic field. Hence there will be a slip. For a slip of s, the speed of the linear induction motor will be
V= (|-s) Vs




This force is generally provides motion for the sysiem
2. Thrust is proportional to square of applicd voltage & this can be
reduced by reducing the slip of motor by increasing rotor resistance.

Where P is mechanical power transmitted to the rotor

Vc is the speed of rotor.
Normal Force
In DLIM the reaction plate is centrally located This force shows the asynmetry of the system.
between the two primary stators.
In DLIM normal toroe between one stator nod n sLIM here is large net normal force tbetween
primary and secondary because of tundarmental
reaction plate is equat and opposite to the normal asymmetricat topology
force generated by second stator and reaction plate.

> In DLIM the net normal force is equal to zero. º At synchronous speed force is attractlve force and its
magnitude is reduced as the speed is reduces.
> A net normal force will only occur if the reaction plate
(secondary) is placed asymetrically between the two At Certaln speed the force will become repulsive
stators especially at high frequency operation

This force tends to centre the reaction plate.

repulsion normal force (Fnr

Cogging Force
During the no load condition, when currents are Curent
zero, the only force that exists is the force of density primary
attaction between the core of primary and magnets
of the mover. This force is termed as cogging force attraction normal
Current force(Fna)
Lateral Force

> These forces are acted perpendicular to the rotor

position, Y direction.
> These forces makes system unstable

> Due to the asymmetric positioning of the stator in a


Any displacement from the central position will result

in an unstable system.

> At high frequency operation the lateral force can be

quite chaotic.

For more visit

. Switched reluctance motor (SRM) is similar to a variable reluctance stepper
motor in closed loop operation.
" SRM drive is better alternative to conventional DC series motor and variable
speed induction motor drives.
The performance of SRM drives depends on control system used.
" At preset many industries are using SRM with its full potential.

For more visit

" The stator of the SRM is built by stacking suitably
punched silicon laminations to
the appropriate length.
" It has salient poles and carries concentric windings.
" The rotor contains no winding or permanent
" It is bullt up of steel laminations.
of SRM is promisingly low.
" It is due to this mechanical simplicity that the cost
By selecting the number of phases,
the number of stator poles and the
number of rotor teeth, many
configurations of SRM can be

B k g r f SRM dve

For more visit www.ktü

Consider an SRM with 8 stator poles and 6 rotor teeth.
It has 4 phases, A-A', B-B', C-C, D-D.
" These phases can be excited by DC supply through switches S1, S2, S3 and S4.
Let A-A' be energised for a significant time so that the rotor rests in the
equilibrium position.
" Phase A-A' is de-energised by turning switch S1 OFF and excite B-B' by turning
switch S2 ON.
"The rotor moves by 15° in CCW direction and attains stable position.
operdv the switches in sequence S1, S2, S3, S4, S1..., we can make the rotor
to rotate in the CCW with a step angle of 150.

For more visit www.ktunotes.ii 34-36/54

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DC Bupply
Pe 23 Four-phase, eight-pole SRM

Fg 24 Phase A escised
g 2.5 Phase Bexcited Ng 26 Phase Cecited
Conditions for the succesful operation of SRM are:
" No.of rotor teeth and stator poles must be even and not equal.
" Stator phase is energised when the inductance of that phase is low or increasing
for rotor position is required. The rotor position sensing is essential for
hieenerations at correct instants.
" The flux density is changing in magnitude and direction in the magnetic circuit
when rotor moves. this results in iron loss. To reduce iron loss, Ilaminated rotor
and stator structures should be used.

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