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Make the questions.


They went to Longleat Safari Park.


Because they didn´t want to be the lion´s lunch.


George started taking pictures of the lion.


The lions are beautiful but scary animals.


Claire suggested seeing the gorillas.


The car didn´t start.


Suddenly, smoke (=humo) began to come out of the engine.


Because the car was on fire.


Because the lions were around the car.


They beeped the horn and asked for help.


Another sheep came and chase away the lions.


They felt shocked but happy to be alive.


It was sunny.


He went there with Claire.


Complete the text with these verbs in the past.


She was a famous actress.


She was from Sweeden.


She was born in 1915.


She was famous for the film Casablanca.


She moved to Hollywood in 1939.


Roberto Ressellini.


In 1950.


She divorced Rosellini in 1956.


She received three awards.


She died in London in 1982


She died in London in 1982

Read the text and complete with the verbs in the past.


It was half past ten at night and Janice ……………………….(be) alone in the house, waiting for her husband to come
home. It was raining heavily and the wind was blowing (=soplando). She was watching TV when the doorbell
…………………………(ring) . “James has lost his keys again” she thought as she ………………………..(open) the door. Instead of
her husband, Janice ……………………………(see) a young woman there. She was wearing a long white dress under her coat
and she was holding a bouquet of pretty flowers.

“Excuse me” the young woman …………………(say) sweetly “Would it be all right if I used your phone to call a taxi?”

“Oh, yes of course” Janice replied. “I´ll call one for you now”. She ………………………….(go) to the telephone, asked the
local taxi service to collect the young woman and …………………………….(return) to the front door . The young woman
…………………………….(not be) there , but her flowers were lying (yaciendo) on the doormat(=felpudo). Janice couldn’t
see her anywhere, so she …………………………..(pick up) the flowers, went inside and called the taxi service again to
cancel the call.

She ………………………(sit) down at the stairs, puzzled(=confundida) by(=por) the young woman´s mysterious
disappearance (=desaparición) . There was something familiar about the woman, but Janice couldn’t think what it was.
When James …………………………(get) home half an hour later, she was still sitting on the stairs (=escaleras) with the
flowers on her lap (=falda). “What´s the matter? (=qué pasa?) he asked “You look(=t eves) as if (=como si) you have
seen a ghost (=fantasma)”

“Perhaps (=tal vez) I have” she said jokingly(=en broma) she showed James the flowers , and told him about the
strange woman. James ……………………………….(laugh), then he went upstairs(=arriba) to change his clothes. As he was
going past the guest room(=el cuarto de invitados), he ………………………….(hear) the sound of a clock. “it sounds like the
clock my grandparents had when I was a child” James thought “but that stopped working (=dejó de funcionar) 20
years ago”. He went into the room and …………………………..(turn on) the light .His grandparents weren´t alive (=vivos),
but many of their things were still (=aún) there. James looked around and saw his granparents´ clock. It was ticking
loudly and it showed the correct time.

Then James …………………………….(notice) an old photograph next to the clock. It was a picture of a young couple on
their wedding day, with “15th April, 1910” written (=escrito) on the photograph. James …………………………..(take) the
picture and went downstairs (=abajo).

“I know who the young woman was” he said softly, showing Janice the photograph. Janice ………………………..(look) at it
an gasped in amazement. The bride was wearing the same white dress as the young woman, and the flowers she was
holding in the photograph were just like the ones Janice ………………………………(have). “My grandmother died before I
……………………(meet) you, didn´t she?” James said. “Well, that´s her in the photograph and today is April, 15 th it is her
wedding anniversary!”.
Make questions


It was 10.30


It was stormy (=tormentoso)


She was watching TV.


Janice saw a young woman in front of her.


She was wearing a long white dress under her coat and she was holding a bouquet of pretty flowers.


She wanted to call a taxi.


Janice offered to call a taxi for her.


The young woman wasn´t there.


She left the flowers on the doormat.


She left the flowers on the doormat.


She felt puzzled by the mysterious young woman.


She sat on the stairs.


She was sitting on the stairs when her husband arrived.


Janice showed James the flowers , and told him about the strange woman.


He went upstairs to change his clothes.

He heard the sound of a clock.


No, it didn´t. It stopped working 20 years ago.


No, they weren´t. They died a long time ago.


He noticed a picture.


It was his grandsparents´ picture. (Whose: de quién)


It had “April, 15th 1910” written on the photograph.


She was James´s grandmother.


She appeared that day because it was her wedding anniversary.

Make questions


He was the first man to travel into outer space.


At 6.07 pm.


Vostok 1


He flew around the Earth (=Tierra)

No, he didn´t. He finished his trip(=viaje) in the wrong place.


A farmer and his daughter (=hija) saw him land (=lo vieron aterrizar)


They were frightened (=atemorizados)


No, he didn´t.


He travelled around the world telling his story.


He worked for the Russian Air Force.


He helped to test new planes.


He died in an accident.


He was 34 years old.


Yes, he did. He had a fatal accident.

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