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Biography of Chief Editors

Gail Krantzberg is a Professor and Director of the Dofasco Centre for Engineering and Public Policy in the
School of Engineering at McMaster University offering Canada’s first Master’s Degree in Engineering and Public
Policy. Gail completed her M.Sc. and Ph.D. at the University of Toronto in environmental science and fresh‐
waters. She worked for the Ontario Ministry of Environment from 1988 to 2001, as Coordinator of Remedial
Action Plan and Great Lakes Programs, and Senior Policy Advisor on Great Lakes. She is a past president of the
International Association of Great Lakes Research. Dr. Krantzberg was the Director of the Great Lakes Regional
Office of the International Joint Commission from 2001 to 2005. She has authored more than 100 scientific and
policy articles on issues pertaining to ecosystem quality and sustainability and is a frequent speaker to media
and the public.

Aysegul Tanik is a Full Professor at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) in Turkey. She obtained her B.Sc. degree in
Chemical Engineering (1981) and M.Sc. Degree (1984) in Environmental Engineering from Bogazici University,
Istanbul. Between years 1981‐1983, she worked as a chemical engineer in the Industrial Development Bank of
Turkey and as a Research Assistant at Bogazici University during 1983‐1984. Her Ph.D. is in Environmental Engi‐
neering (1991) and she got her degree from ITU, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Environmental En‐
gineering where she has been a member of teaching staff since 1992. She has become Associate Professor in
1996 and Full Professor in 2002. She has worked as a Project and Research Engineer in various Contracting
Firms dealing with treatment of water and wastewater within the years 1984‐1992. Her current fields of inter‐
est are; determination and management of diffuse sources of pollutants, water quality management, water
quality modeling, and integrated watershed management. She has 50 papers appearing in international SCI
journals and more than 50 papers in the selected international proceedings besides many national conference

José Simão Antunes do Carmo received the Bachelor in Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra, Portugal in
1980, He completed the M.S. degree in Hydraulics and Water Resources, Technical University of Lisbon (IST),
Portugal in 1990 and Ph.D. degree in Engineering Sciences, Civil Engineering ‐ Hydraulics, University of Coimbra,
Portugal in 1995. He is now an Associate Professor (Aggregated) in Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Uni‐
versity of Coimbra, Portugal – since 2005. His Research area are Hydrodynamics; Numerical Methods; Genera‐
tion and Propagation of Waves; River and Coastal Morphodynamics; Coastal Protection; Coastal Management;
Oil Spills in Coastal Zones; River Flows; Water Quality Modelling, and Wastewater Treatment. He is tan author of
twenty two papers in Scientific ISI journals, one book entitled “Modelling in Fluvial Hydraulics and Environment”,
seven book chapters, about one hundred of communications in International Scientific Conferences, and more
than two tens of leading articles.

Antonius Indarto received the Bachelor of Engineering degree in Chemical Engineering from the Institut
Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia in 2002. He completed the M.S. degree in Urban Environmental Manage‐
ment from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand and Ph.D. degree from the Universita degli studi di

Torino, Italy.
During his M.S. study, he obtained a precious experience on how to manage and develop an urban area from
economic, environmental, and technological point of view. Currently, he conducts wide‐broad research activi‐
ties: 1) the development of plasma for novel chemical reactions and environment, 2) catalytic‐plasma reactions,
and 3) theoretical/computational study of reactions. For this research and development contribution, he re‐
ceived some awards, such as: 1) The 2009 Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS) graduate student award +
Phelps Continuing Education Grant from NPSS; 2) Young Science Award of the International Association of Ca‐
talysis Societies (IACS) during 14th international Congress on Catalyst, Seoul, South Korea (2008); 3) Gold medal
by Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) for the achievements in research and development (2007).
He wrote more than 20 international papers and contributed in 4 books publication.

Alpaslan Ekdal is working at the Istanbul Technical University Environmental Engineering Department. He got
his B.Sc. degree from Yıldız Technical University, Environmental Engineering Department in 1998. Then, he had
completed his M.Sc. studies in 2000 at Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Envi‐
ronmental Engineering Program. In 2000, he started his Ph. D. studies at the same program. He worked as a
visiting scientist at the United States Environmental Protection Agency, National Exposure Research Laboratory,
Ecosystems Research Division, Athens, GA to conduct part of his Ph. D. studies between February 25, 2005 and
February 25, 2006. He completed his Ph D entitled “Water Quality Modeling of Köyceğiz – Dalyan Lagoon” in
2008. Dr. Ekdal published scientific papers in peer reviewed national and international journals and at the con‐
ferences and symposia. His major fields of interest are water quality modeling and integrated watershed man‐
agement, and he has been involved in national and international research and professional projects in these


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