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World war 2

1- What were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles

and the German reactions to it?
1- Terms of the treaty of Versailles
● had to accept the blame for starting the war.
● Reparations which were 6.600 million dollars.
● Germany’s overseas empires were taken away such as
Cameroon which became mandates controlled by the league of
nations meaning that Britain and France had control over
● Army size was reduced to only 100,000 mens and they could
only have a tiny navy.
● Lost its territories and colonies

2- Germans reaction to it
● The blame should be shared for starting the war.
● Felt the terms of the treaty were unfair.
● Felt insulted for not being invited to join the league of nations.
● Angry for not being represented at the peace talks.
● Felt they were forced to accept the harsh treaty.
● Felt they have not lost the war so should not be declared as a
defeated country .
● Germany people hived off into new countries ruled by non
germans such as Czechoslovakia
2- Why was the League of Nations made, what are its
aims, reason for failure and why did the US not join
1- Why was the league of nations made
● To solve international problems without any war

2- What are its aims

● To establish peace between the countries
● To encourage nations to disarm
● To encourage counties to cooperate especially in business and
● To improve the working and living conditions of people in all
parts of the world.
3- Reason for failure
● Reaching decisions slowly
● Lack of armed forces
● Unfair treaty
● Absent powers particularly USA

4- Why did USA not join the league

● Usa needed the approval of his Congress
● The idea of league was not famous in the Usa
● No one wanted that after casualties of the first world war
● Trade suspended due to the sanctions

3-What are the causes of WWII and why did support

for Nazism grow after the first world war?
1- Causes of WWII
● Failure of the league of nations
● Harsh terms of the treaty of versailles
● Failure of the policy of appeasement
● Invasion of poland
● Hitler’s actions
2- How did support of Nazism grow after the first world war
● Post world war problems
● Failure of the weimar republic
● Nazi campaigning
● Hitler’s promises
● Great depression of 1929

4- What is a totalitarian State and how does Nazis

gain control over Germany?
1- Totalitarian state
● A state where there are no rival parties and no political debate.
● Citizens must serve the state and do what their leaders want

2- Nazi’s gaining control over Germany

● The Gestapo
● Police and courts
● The SS
● Concentration camps
5- How did Britain prepare for war? Write about
Britain's Conscription and Home Front
1- How did britain prepare for war
● Made bomb shelters known as the Anderson shelter in
parks,field and in private gardens.
● Barrage balloons floated at top of industrial areas preventing
Germans from bombing army bases or important factories.
● Everybody was issued with a gas mask.
● British government started rationing food

2- Conscription
● Conscription means “Compulsory military training”
● Ages 20 and 21 had to register for 6 months training.
● In october 1939 men aged between 18 and 41 who weren’t
working in reserved occupations could be called to join the
army as stated by the government.
● In 1941 single women aged between 20 and 30 were also
conscripted to take up work in reserved occupations like
factories and farming.
● Men too young/old or not fit joined the territorial army.

3- Home front
● Effect of war on people’s everyday lives
● Evacuation was to move school children,teachers, mothers
with a child of below 5 years old and disabled people out of the
city to the countryside where there was low risk of bombing
● Everyone was given a ration book for food and had to register
with a grocery store. When someone buys groceries the grocer
sticks a sticker on his/her ration book to show the week's
ration has been purchased by that person.
● Everyone was given a book of 66 coupons to use to buy new
clothes for a year
● As more mens were called to serve in the army women were
called to take over the jobs done by men like farming.
● Home guard was formed in 1940 which consisted of volunteers
who were too old/young to serve in the forces. They asked the
members of the public to provide them ammunition and those
who did not provide them had to makeshift weapons from
pieces of pipe or knives.

6- Write about the Operation Barbarossa and the

mistake of Germans leading to their defeat
1- Operation Barbarossa
● Hitler wanted to take over USSR due to its size as there will be
more space for the Germans to live
● Natural resources of the USSR such as oil would be ideal for
the expansion of the German race.
2- Mistake of Germans
● Lacked supplies and equipment to face the harsh Winter.
● Hitler became the commander which didn't allow the
commanders to act
● The Germans carried out brutal attacks against the civilian
population which made the Russian resistance stronger.
● Supply lines of the army became hopelessly overstretched.

7- What led to USA Entering the war and Why did

USA attack Japan
1- USA entering the war
● The attack on US naval base Pearl Harbor by Japan in
response to USA declared war on Japan
● Destroyed 188 US aircrafts
● More than 2,400 americans killed
● 1,200 injured

2- Why did US attack Japan

● Japan would not surrender and due to that thousands of
American lives could have been lost in an invasion of Japan.
● The bomb costed 2000 million dollars so not using it after such
vast financial investement would be a waste for Americans.
● Americans wanted to teach the Japanese a lesson for being
harsh to the prisoners of the war.
● The USA wanted to show how much stronger they are than the

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