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2024, Vol. 5, No. 6, 2095 – 2106

Research Article

Lived-Experiences and Intelligence Scores of Working Students in Bachelor

of Science in Medical Laboratory Science Program at University of Mindanao

Junelle P. Silguera*

College of Health Sciences Education, University of Mindanao, 8000 Davao City, Philippines

Article history: ABSTRACT

Submission April 2024
Revised June 2024 This study assesses lived experiences and measures working students'
Accepted June 2024 intelligence scores enrolled in Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory
Science Program at the University of Mindanao last 1 st semester, S.Y.
*Corresponding author: 2022-2023. This study employs a mixed-method approach, specifically a
E-mail: concurrent triangulation strategy of quantitative and qualitative analy-
jsilguera@umindanao.edu.ph sis. Further, this study used a survey questionnaire to get quantitative
data and conducted in-depth interviews to get qualitative data. Based on
the quantitative result, participants have high intelligence scores, and it
is oftentimes manifested. On the other hand, qualitative results showed
these dominant themes: exploring beyond limits, providing own needs
and the needs of the family, working while studying is not for everyone,
and taste the bitterness of reality. The qualitative themes suggesting chal-
lenges and realities faced by working students may influence their intel-
ligence scores, with those experiencing greater adversity potentially
demonstrating lower scores due to increased stress and distraction. The
research implication of this study underscores the importance of recog-
nizing the multifaceted challenges faced by working students and their
potential impact on academic performance, specifically intelligence

Keywords: Academic performance, Bachelor of Science in Medical Labor-

atory Science, Intelligence scores, Lived experiences, Working

Introduction from this dilemma, they cannot suffice one of

Some university students consider working the fundamental rights of their children due to
while studying. One of the reasons why they do high study costs, decreasing scholarships, low
so is poverty. Parents of these students are in- family income, and not to mention the high
capable enough to send their children to school prices of essential commodities, such as food,
(Majumdar & Chatterjee, 2020). Despite the shelter, clothes, and other basic needs to sur-
want to see their children succeed and rise vive. With this notion, children still look for
How to cite:
Silguera, J. P. (2024). Lived-Experiences and Intelligence Scores of Working Students in Bachelor of Science in Medical
Laboratory Science Program at University of Mindanao. International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and
Education Research. 5(6), 2095 – 2106. doi: 10.11594/ijmaber.05.06.12
JP Silguera, 2024 / Lived-Experiences and Intelligence Scores of Working Students in Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science Program

ways to enroll themselves, making their cur- including cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Parkin-
rent life status not a reason for them to be aca- son's disease, diabetes, cardiovascular dis-
demically delayed or not send themselves to eases, inflammatory disorders, chronic fatigue
school (Chiang, Arendt, & Sapp, 2020). syndrome, and asthma(Carney, McNEISH, &
Companies opened opportunities for peo- McCOLL, 2005).
ple who wanted to work while studying. These Moreover, studying while working simulta-
jobs declared time options conducive for these neously makes these students inattentive to
students to balance study while working. There class discussions or work protocols. This may
are jobs offered both day-time and night-time lead to low grades and inefficiency in the work-
schedules. place. In addition, obtaining low grades and be-
Between both, a night-time schedule of ing reprimanded for not working well will lead
duty is preferable, for it cannot overlap the day- to mental health imbalance. The main reason
time schedule made by academic institutions, why a student considers working is that pursu-
thus assuring focus on work and studies(Tay- ing a career with flying colors as financial
lor, Snyder, & Lin, 2020). means will be fine. However, due to the unfor-
Although time schedules are convenient, tunate consequences, either or both of these
and the opportunity to send themselves to priorities will be compromised (Pedrelli, Nyer,
school through the salary to pay for their edu- Yeung, Zulauf, & Wilens, 2015).
cation, the emergence of disadvantages is still Both government and private sectors
possible. Working while studying makes some pushed mandates to address this problem. In
students need help managing their time. In our status quo, scholarship grants were availa-
school, it is a usual practice that professors ble. This will help these students set aside work
should teach both theories and practical and focus on studying alone. However, not all
demonstrations necessary to prepare these aiming for this opportunity were blessed to be
students for the real world of their chosen pro- granted. Most of these scholarships do tedious
fession. Further, for these professors to assess screening processes or even require stellar
their academic performance quantitatively, documents that make other individuals need
both lecture and practical skills assessment help accomplishing these all (Apgar & Cadmus,
tools are vital to be utilized and must be under- 2021). Also, though academic institutions pur-
stood by the students. Therefore, time is one of sue programs that can uplift the students' men-
the demands of academic institutions to allow tal health issues through counseling, not all
these students to immerse themselves fully and working students are fully catered to since, in
to be more equipped holistically. On the other, the end, it is their right to decide whether to be
their job also requires time from them. For counseled. Thus, their sentiments will not be
these jobs to sustain, they hire people to accom- acknowledged (Lemieux, Moles, Brown, &
modate the workforce needed to run their busi- Borskey, 2020). Lastly, only a few studies cor-
ness. Further, they also aimed for elite people relate working students' corresponding intelli-
to serve their company for better sustenance gence scores. This should be considered to for-
and remarkable output. With this notion, work- mulate the proper intervention for them (Orak
ing students indeed experienced difficulty in et al., 2016).
balancing their time and being consistent in ac- Despite these premises, some students
quiring academic achievements (Tetteh & At- found it as an opportunity for them to hone
tiogbe, 2019). their personal development. Schools may ren-
Meanwhile, health status is of great concern der different activities to prepare these people
to these students. Due to time constraints, most for what the outside world could offer, yet, it is
of them experience sleep deprivation. Sleep is way too far if students could try the fundamen-
necessary for a well-being of an individual. tal nature of a workplace, such as how to deal
Aside from refreshing and recharging their with subordinates, how to work under pres-
body, sleeping is also a great contributor to de- sure, how to learn new skills and be more ho-
creasing oxidative stress. Oxidative stress plays listically able, and financially literate. These are
a role in developing various conditions, some advantages working students can get
IJMABER 2096 Volume 5 | Number 6 | June | 2024
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from this experience (Creed, French, & Hood, siders knowledge as one of the realms of devel-
2015). opment. Such an element measures the
Human Development Index (Ul Haq, 1995) weighted average of literacy among adults and
considered poverty as one of the factors hin- school enrollment rate.
dering development. According to such index, Moreover, one of the critical elements of
poverty is measured as a capability failure in Successful Intelligence Theory (Sternberg,
diverse aspects. Further, one of the significant 1999) states that success is grasped through a
development issues is poverty, along with ine- balance between analytical, creative, and prac-
quality, environmental decay, population tical abilities. Analytical intelligence is the ca-
growth, and rural stagnation. According to the pacity measured by traditional tests of abilities.
theory of Neoclassical Counterrevolution (Coc- It is where one can solve problems and give
cia, 2019), lack of incentives, inefficiency, and verdicts to ensure quality ideas. Life's success,
corruption are significant roots of societal un- however, does not require this ability alone.
derdevelopment. Furthermore, as reflected in Success intelligence theory considers all three
the poverty cycle/trap (Ang, 2018), a country bits of intelligence crucial for success in life.
with low income expects a low level of educa- Creative intelligence, on the other hand, is a
tion and healthcare. If education and tool for formulating novel solutions to specific
healthcare are no longer a priority, expect a low problems. This alone is never enough to have a
level of human capital, which is the primary successful life. The person who lives in a dream
source of the workforce; and if such is depleted, world without knowing how to rationalize may
expect low productivity in industrial jobs, stay as is. Practical intelligence is necessary to
which, in turn, is less attractive among foreign utilize ideas and analysis in everyday life effi-
investors. ciently. Sometimes, success will only be con-
On the other hand, according to Develop- quered once that individual produces new
ment Theory (Corbridge, 2002), there is evi- novel ideas, works out these ideas in an actual
dence of development in a particular country setup, and persuades other people of their ne-
once there is an existence of improved educa- cessity. Creativity must also be disseminated
tion, along with constant food dissemination, through practical resourcefulness and abstract
availability of shelter, maximization of the thinking skills.
health care system, and assurance for security Through this study, the researcher will be
and safety. Establishing economic, political, and able to measure their level of intelligence, con-
social systems improve the education as well as sidering their analysis, creativity, and prac-
living, income, and jobs by making conducive tices. Using mixed-methods research, precisely
conditions for development, thus promoting the triangulation approach, we can assess if
human respect and dignity. In addition, educa- there is a connection between their experi-
tion is part of the indices under human devel- ences and their level of intelligence.
opment, along with the Gross National Income The primary objective of this study is to as-
Index, Life Expectancy Index, and Human Pov- sess the lived experiences of the participants
erty Index, which highlights information such and if there is a difference between the level of
as mean years of schooling, expected years of intelligence scores in regard to sociodemo-
schooling, and knowledge. Also, social indica- graphic profiles. Further, this study explored
tors are one of the indicators for development. the relationship between lived experiences and
Under this, education and literacy have been intelligence scores of the respondents. Specifi-
taken into account. Moreover, Amartya Sen, a cally, this study aims to answer the following
prominent philosopher on the definition of de- questions:
velopment, argued that economic development 1. What is the sociodemographic profile of
is not the end itself. Nevertheless, it should be the participants in terms of:
about freedom and a well-enhanced life. This 1.1. Sex;
principle is garnered from Human Develop- 1.2. Age;
ment Index. Human Development Index con- 1.3. Course;
1.4. Number of family members;
IJMABER 2097 Volume 5 | Number 6 | June | 2024
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1.5. Employment status of Father; discussion section, where the data is merged,
1.6. Employment status of Mother; compared, and integrated with the result of the
1.7. Family income (monthly); two databases side by side in a discussion. The
1.8. Working hours (per day); participants for this study were working stu-
1.9. School hours (per day); dents who were also enrolled at a university in
2.0. Enrolled units; Davao City last 1st semester, academic year
2.1. Average grade; and 2022-2023. The outcome is of great help for the
2.2. Nature of work. academic institution to establish an interven-
2. What is the level of analytic intelligence of tion program for these students to be well-con-
the participants? sidered.
3. What is the level of creative intelligence of Phase one of this design starts with a quan-
the participants? titative approach. This study utilized a ques-
4. What is the level of practical intelligence of tionnaire to identify the sociodemographic pro-
the participants? file of the participants as well as 15 items to
5. Is there a significant difference between measure analytic intelligence, creative intelli-
the level of intelligence scores in regard to gence, and practical intelligence using a Likert
the sociodemographic profiles of the par- scale with five parameters. The sociodemo-
ticipants? graphic profiles identified were: Sex, Age,
6. Identify the research participants' percep- Course, Number of family members, Employ-
tions of studying while working at the fol- ment status of Father, Employment status of
lowing levels: Mother, Family income (monthly), Working
1.1. Experiences; hours (per day), School hours (per day), En-
1.2. Challenges; rolled units, Average grade, and Nature of
1.3. Coping Mechanisms; and work. On the other hand, the 15-item state-
1.4. Insights and Realizations. ments to measure participant's intelligence
7. Based on the study's findings, what inter- score was adopted by Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D.,
vention program should be implemented? which he aligned with the Theory of Successful
Intelligence by Robert Sternberg to measure
Methods the three aspects of intelligence, which are: an-
This study employs a mixed-method ap- alytic intelligence, creative intelligence, and
proach, specifically a concurrent triangulation practical intelligence. In addition, the re-
strategy of quantitative and qualitative analy- searcher tallied the response under the socio-
sis. According to Creswell (2009), this method demographic profile of the participants to re-
employs different quantitative and qualitative flect both absolute and relative values. On the
methods to compensate for the weaknesses of other hand, the researcher used the corre-
one method with the strengths of the other. The sponding mean range to assess, describe, and
researcher collects both quantitative and qual- interpret the data analysis under the measure-
itative data simultaneously, and the mixing of ment of intelligence scores.
this approach happens in the interpretation or

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JP Silguera, 2024 / Lived-Experiences and Intelligence Scores of Working Students in Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science Program

This study utilized frequency, percent (%), Informed consent

mean, standard deviation, and independent Before participating, the participants were
sample t-test. requested to read and understand the
Frequency and Percent (%). These statistical Introduction and the Consent Form. Once the
tools are necessary to count absolutely and rel- participants indicated their willingness to
atively the different sociodemographic profiles participate in the study, they were requested to
of the participants. sign the Consent Form in hard copy.
Mean and Standard Deviation. These statis- To elicit the participation of individuals, the
tical tools are necessary to get the raw data's interviewer needed to go through the process
average value and evaluate the data's disper- of orienting them on the nature of the study and
sion from the mean. This is applicable to meas- its objectives using the Introduction and the
ure the intelligence scores of the participants. Consent Form. Consent Forms were signed after
Independent Sample t-test. This type of in- the participants fully understood the study and
ferential statistical tool is necessary to assess if their contributions and agreed to participate.
there is a significant difference between two in- Moreover, participants were reminded that
dependent variables. In this study, the re- they could withdraw their participation at any
searcher wanted to assess if there is a signifi- given time, as stated in the Consent Form.
cant difference between the intelligence scores
of the participants in regard to their sociodem- Confidentiality and Anonymity of Partici-
ographic profile. pants
Phase two of this design is the collection of Participant documents were coded to
qualitative approaches supported by quantita- ensure anonymity. The first few pages that
tive data. The in-depth interview (IDI) data contained personally identifiable information
were categorized into themes and tallied based (PII) (like full name and signature) were
on content similarity for easy data analysis and detached from the main questionnaire or
interpretation. interview guide. The researcher kept the two
Phase three of this research design was the files—the preliminary page with the
integration of quantitative and qualitative da- participant details and the accomplished
tabases. This approach is usually found in an in- interview guides and field notes. All these
terpretation or discussion section, involving documents were safely kept in the file cabinet.
merging the data or integrating or comparing The researcher audio recorded and took
the results of two databases in a discussion. photographs during the IDI only after the
The mixed-methods discussion presents quan- participant agreed and signed the Consent
titative statistical findings followed by qualita- Form.
tive quotes that confirm or refute the quantita-
tive findings.

Result and Discussion

Table 1. The sociodemographic profile of the participants

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JP Silguera, 2024 / Lived-Experiences and Intelligence Scores of Working Students in Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science Program

Table 1 shows the sociodemographic pro- of the father, employment status of the mother,
files of the participants. These are the presen- family monthly income, working hours per day,
tation of their corresponding sex, age, course, school hours per day, number of enrolled units,
number of family members, employment status average grade, and nature of work.

Table 2. The level of Intelligence scores of the participants

Table 2 shows the level of intelligence 3.88 with a standard deviation of 0.80201
scores of the participants. There are three as- which is described as high. At the same time,
pects of intelligence presented. The analytical practical intelligence got a mean of 3.82 with a
intelligence got a mean of 3.85 with a standard standard deviation of 0.98356 which is de-
deviation value of 0.93935 which is described scribed as high.
as high. Also, creative intelligence got a mean of

Table 3. The significance of the difference between sociodemographic profiles to intelligence scores

Table 3 shows the significance of the differ- average grade, and nature of work have no sig-
ence between sociodemographic profiles to in- nificant difference on their level of intelligence
telligence scores. It is presented that sociodem- scores with a p-value of >0.05, thus accepting
ographic profiles such as sex, age, course, num- the null hypothesis while rejecting the alterna-
ber of family members, employment status of tive hypothesis. This result showed no differ-
the father, employment status of the mother, ence in the level of intelligence scores of the
family monthly income, working hours per day, participants regardless of their sociodemo-
school hours per day, number of enrolled units, graphic profile.

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Table 4. Perceptions of the participants on working while studying

Explore beyond limits. This theme per- “I was able to improve my time management
tains to the synthesized sets of reasons shared skills because it is challenging to balance things
by the participants when probed by the re- like the two things which are very impactful in
searcher as to how the participants found my life. I am well compensated with my job. In
working while studying an opportunity for my present company, it helps me to clear my
them to hone themselves positively. Based on mind because they allow me to pick what they
the significant codes from this data analysis, will do on the day off. They would understand
the participants opened up about positive de- their employees because they know some were
velopment. These emerged from the testimo- also studying. Also, the positive experience will
nies of the following: be helping out the family because it motivates
me to help them."
Participant 1:
“So, of course, the salary compensation for Participant 3:
my work. My friends also agree that I am well “It tends to help me to explore beyond my
compensated. The work I am doing right now is limits. I cannot just be as is or stagnant; I can be
my field, it is my field, and it is where I can excel more than being in the present. I am also grate-
the most because this is I am the best at writing. ful for those experiences because they broaden
Through this job, I allowed myself to express my- my perspective on life. After all, at the age of 17,
self not just by words but also by ideas and imag- I am working and working and working and be-
ination, and I allowed people to understand ing fully independent. So, from that certain age,
what I wanted to share with them. I see that as a I am mature enough to think of solutions to
positive thing when I am working.” certain problems, especially financially. So I
Participant 2: learned how to look for positive ways, tend to
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look for a job, and be more open and able to so- Participant 4.
cialize with other people.” “It got me thinking twice that if I proceed
with this program, will I be able to get this type
Participant 4: of compensation I have right now? My 2-week
Aside from money or salary, one thing that basic salary would be a month's salary for this
positively impacts who I am right now is how I program right now, and it gets me thinking, so
associate myself with people; I was able to ex- what is the point of studying already? I am al-
plore everything. I was able to improve my ready earning like I reached that point in my
speaking skills. One positive way is to associate life.”
with people, improve my speaking skills, and pro-
vide for myself.” Working while studying is only for some.
This theme results from participants' testimo-
Providing for own needs and the needs nies regarding their perceptions of working
of the family. This theme also belongs to the while studying. These are the following testi-
participant's experiences in sustaining their monies:
personal needs and the needs of their family.
These are the following testimonies: Participant 1.
When I was still a full-time student, I focused
Participant 1. on my academics. I can do well in school and per-
“Of course, I have work in order to support form great. However, the moment I started to
myself as well as provide for, a little bit of com- work, my focus and balance with my attention
pensation from my family as well, because there between work and school was divided. As a re-
are times, ah, you know, things get rough but, sult, this led to me acquiring lower grades than
yes, that is it, ahh, it can be challenging some- usual, and I was barely passing my studies.”
times, but I can also get a motivational factor.”
Participant 2.
Participant 2. “Physical and mental, because working while
“Studying while working is quite difficult be- studying is hard, and the stress accumulates
cause you need to manage both times, need, so from both areas is sometimes hard to manage.
you need much time for both factors since this So, there are times that I do not have time for my-
time, as we all know, we have come from COVID self to clear my mind and clear my thoughts.
19 pandemic, our parents lose their businesses or There are pending tasks to do with studies there
lose jobs, and in this time, especially for me, who are pending tasks with work as well. Stress, sleep
has three siblings, it is quite difficult for my mom deprivation, and sometimes it is tough to man-
to support us four siblings at once, as the eldest age both times."
sibling in the family, it is not a burden, but it is a
factor for me to motivate myself to go to work Participant 3.
and you know, help my parents because she is "Sleep deprivation, stress, and even fatigue
our mother and at the same time father in the undeniably affect my studies. These factors dras-
house.” tically influenced my focus, wherein I would un-
intentionally be very absent-minded during lec-
Participant 3. tures or even doze off in class. I cannot absorb or
“I am feeding not just five persons but ten digest information because my brain needs a
persons. I am feeding ten people. Moreover, at break."
the same time, not just feeding them with grocer-
ies and food; I am also providing the bills, elec- Participant 4.
tricity, and allowances for my two other siblings “Working full-time exhausts me beyond
because I am the one who sent them to school. words. I feel so demotivated to make
Moreover, I provided for the maintenance of my requirements and to study. I only finished my
grandmother and grandfather; that is one of the tasks to get it done and for compliance.”
negative experiences that I have encountered."
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Taste the bitterness of reality. Likewise, "I think it would be the pressure to perform
the theme emerged from the testimonies of the well in both fields because a part of me wants to
participants, which brought core ideas regard- live up to other people's expectations. I need to
ing immersing oneself in reality. These core manage stress well; otherwise, I will get crazy. I
ideas are from the testimonies, which are need to avoid wasting my time (it feels like I do
shown below: not have the privilege to have fun or let myself
enjoy "young adult" things) and to be flexible
Participant 1. with any changes in my schedule."
“Working while studying can be a reason for
the development of an illness. Sometimes I need Participant 3.
to remember to eat or even, in general, take care "I could not get enough sleep, rest, and time
of my body and health. This, in return, has a det- for myself, and it will become a factor in develop-
rimental effect on my overall well-being and ing some illnesses like fever and body fatigue."
could lead to illnesses. Of course, working while
studying is not all glamour and sparkles. Work- Participant 4.
ing while studying could also induce stress and “Emotional burden is always the killer. Phys-
other detrimental factors such as fatigue, over- ical exhaustion will disappear once enough rest
work, and other conditions that are bad for your is given, but emotional distress will take time to
health and overall well-being.” be healed.”
Participant 2.

Table 5. Data Integration of the Salient Quantitative and Qualitative Findings

Table 5 reveals the integration of data ex- intelligence level. Corresponding themes were
tracted from the quantitative and qualitative formulated to cluster the testimonies, and fi-
findings, allowing us to measure the partici- nally, the nature of data integration enhanced
pants' analytical, creative, and practical intelli- the credibility between these two sets of data—
gence. By implementing an in-depth interview, the quantitative and qualitative were con-
the researcher elicited testimonies that al- nected.
lowed them to determine factors affecting their
IJMABER 2103 Volume 5 | Number 6 | June | 2024
JP Silguera, 2024 / Lived-Experiences and Intelligence Scores of Working Students in Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science Program

Level of Intelligence Scores. Table 5 shows such intelligence. This is incongruent with the
the quantitative results from the three aspects participants' claim that working while studying
of intelligence. Analytical Intelligence has a will make them explore beyond their limits. Ex-
mean score of 3.85 with an S.D. value of ploring more about themselves made them
0.93935 which describes as high. This indicates more independent, financially literate, adapta-
that participants' analytical intelligence is of- ble, seeking self-growth, sociable, and can learn
tentimes manifested. how to manage their time. The convergence of
Also, creative intelligence has a mean score such results was highly supported by the The-
of 3.88 with an S.D. value of 0.80201 which de- ory of Successful Intelligence (Sternberg,
scribes as high. This indicates that participants' 1999). According to the theory, an individual is
creative intelligence is oftentimes manifested. intelligently successful if such an individual is
On the other hand, practical intelligence has a willing to experience circumstances where self-
mean score of 3.82 with an S.D. value of development is a key player. On that note, such
0.98356 which describes as high. This indicates an individual can solve problems inde-
that participants’ practical intelligence is often- pendently, consider novel solutions for assur-
times manifested. ing corrections, and efficiently utilize them
Overall assessment of participants' intelli-
gence score is high, which means they manifest

Figure 2. Three Aspects of Successful Intelligence

However, results showed that this intelli- accordance with the idea presented by the Hu-
gence that the participants pursue has not al- man Development Index (Ul Haq, 1995), which
ways manifested. This is because participants considers poverty as one of the factors hinder-
identified factors where they could not fully ex- ing development. This is also supported by the
ercise their right to education due to the re- theory of Neoclassical Counterrevolution (Coc-
sponsibilities that initially should not be ren- cia, 2019); lack of incentives, inefficiency, and
dered by them. This is all because of the pov- corruption are significant roots of societal un-
erty that the family experience, where parents derdevelopment. Furthermore, the poverty cy-
do not have the capacity to send their children cle trap (Ang, 2018) is an excellent model to re-
to school. In return, these children considered flect the importance of education in a well-de-
working while studying to sustain their needs veloped nation.
as they reach their goals in life. This is in

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JP Silguera, 2024 / Lived-Experiences and Intelligence Scores of Working Students in Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science Program

Figure 3. The Poverty Cycle

Moreover, qualitative results showed that mental, and physical challenges. At the same
providing for themselves and for their families time, stress destroys them, and they do not
is one of the factors why intelligence is just of- have time to recharge and refresh. From time
tentimes manifested. In the study (Tetteh & At- to time, they felt demotivated and truly shaken
tiogbe, 2019), working students have to also by their situation. This is also explained further
render financial support to their families apart by (Creed, French, & Hood, 2015). According to
from supporting themselves in their studies. their study, personal development is vital to
This notion is valued more when the partici- making people surpass the challenges they en-
pants claim that it is indeed a burden on their counter for a better and healthy life.
part when the demand for support is vital, thus
leading them to exert more effort because of Acknowledgement
the pressure to help for paying the bills, feed I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the
people, and sometimes be scolded if support is University of Mindanao for providing neces-
not enough. sary support essential for carrying out this re-
Furthermore, participants claimed that search. Special thanks to Dr. Mervin Gascon,
working while studying is not for everyone. Ph.D. for serving as my mentor throughout the
Based on their perceptions, grinding time to process of conducting this study in the field of
study because of insufficient sleep is one of the Quantitative and Qualitative Methods of Re-
challenges they experience since they have to search at University of Southeastern Philip-
attend school and work. With this matter, pines. Your guidance, expertise, and unwaver-
missed school activities are possible, and being ing support have been invaluable, and I am im-
bombarded with pending tasks is evident. This mensely grateful for the opportunity to learn
led them to not have good grades, thus difficult under your mentorship.
to accept. This is well-supported by the study of To my family, thank you for your endless
(Pedrelli, Nyer, Yeung, Zulauf, & Wilens, 2015), love, understanding, and encouragement. Your
where having low grades could affect students' unwavering support has been the pillar of my
mental health. Despite giving their best, it is strength, and I am deeply grateful for your sac-
still not enough due to the heavy priorities that rifices and belief in my abilities.
they have in their lives. Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the divine
Meanwhile, the qualitative results showed guidance and blessings from God, without
that participants declared that they "taste the which this research would not have been pos-
bitterness of reality." This is further clarified by sible.
them when they became ill due to emotional,
IJMABER 2105 Volume 5 | Number 6 | June | 2024
JP Silguera, 2024 / Lived-Experiences and Intelligence Scores of Working Students in Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science Program

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IJMABER 2106 Volume 5 | Number 6 | June | 2024

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