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TOEIC 詞性考題

選擇題(每題都 4 分)
1. Any confidential company documents in your ________ must be securely locked in your desk.
(A) possession (B) possessing (C) possessions (D) possesses
2. Our clothes are offered in a ____of styles, and they come in all sizes.
(A) vary (B) various (C) variety (D) varied
3. QQ Trading achieved ____ growth during a time when the economic situation was unfavorable.
(A) rapidness (B) rapid (C) rapidity (D) rapidly
4. Services need to be more _____organized than they are at present.
(A) effect (B) effective (C) effectively (D) effectiveness
5. The need for skilled workers will _____ dramatically over the next decade.
(A) increase (B) increasing (C) increasingly (D) increased
6. The publisher’s chief editor advised the author to arrange the chapters in ____ of increasing
(A) ordered (B) orderly (C) order (D) ordering
7. The government was able to address the country’s _____ economic difficulties and consequently
was re-elected last year.
(A) various (B) vary (C) variance (D) variety
8. The new cellphone model was______because it outperformed its competitors in terms of
(A) succeed (B) successful (C) successfully (D) success
9. Due to its main rival closing half its stores, Woodman Furniture, Inc.’s sales rose _____last year
to the delight of shareholders.
(A) sharply (B) sharp (C) sharpness (D) sharpen
10. The department head____ evaluated every aspect of each interviewee’s performance.
(A) thoroughness (B) thoroughly (C) thorough (D) more thorough
11. Advancements in computer technology have meant greater ____ in the speed of transferring data
over the internet.
(A) consisting (B) consistently (C) consistent (D) consistency
12. The new edition of Kilman’s Business Dictionary contains an updated index so that users may
____ look up terms.
(A) easily (B) ease (C) easiest (D) easy
13. Due to the high number of immigrants over the past 5 years, the _____of gas in the city has
risen dramatically.
(A) consumer (B) consumed (C) consume (D)consumption
14. The manager should ___ the procedure to reduce errors.
(A) simple (B) simplify (C) simplicity (D) simplification
15. We could print newspaper ads to ___our new restaurant.
(A) publicity (B) public (C) publication (D) publicize

16. The _____ will be announced on Friday.

(A) decision (B) decide (C) decisive (D) decisively
17. Our research facility is better_____ to manage this project.
(A) qualify (B) qualification (C) quality (D) qualified
18. He was _____ pleased by the results of the team effort.
(A) specially (B) especially (C) specialty (D) special
19. The sprinklers for the lawn's irrigation system are ____ controlled.
(A) mechanically (B) mechanic (C) mechanism (D)mechanical
20. Because the equipment is very delicate, it must be handled with _____.
(A) careful (B) carefully (C) caring (D) care
選出畫線單字錯誤的(每題都 4 分)

Answer Sheet
1-5 C B B C A
6-10 C A B A B
11-15 D A D B D
16-20 A D B A D


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