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Engineering Innovative Product

1. Pengenalan definisi Invention and Innovation
2. Evolusi produk
3. Diagram alir perancangan produk
4. Struktur tim dalam kelompok usaha
5. Penentuan harga
6. Studi kasus dan Tugas 3
Invention and Innovation
Invention is the "creation of a product or introduction of a
process for the first time." Thomas Edison was an inventor.
Innovation happens when someone "improves on or makes
a significant contribution" to something that has already
been invented. Steve Jobs was an innovator.
Sumber :

Market Research

Project Based
Pengembangan produk dan komersialisasi


Karakteristik tim
Struktur tim
Part Price (IDR) Quantity Total (IDR)
GPS Rp125,000.00 1 Rp280,000.00

Penentuan harga SIM 800L

AT Mega
PCB Rp25,000.00 1 Rp25,000.00
MQ 2 Rp25,000.00 1 Rp25,000.00
MQ 135 Rp50,000.00 1 Rp50,000.00
Raw Material Noise sensor Rp20,000.00 1 Rp20,000.00
DHT 11 Rp25,000.00 1 Rp25,000.00
Solar panel Rp30,000.00 1 Rp30,000.00
Charger Rp15,000.00 1 Rp15,000.00
Box Rp25,000.00 1 Rp25,000.00
Label Rp15,000.00 1 Rp15,000.00
Bolt , Nut Rp10,000.00 1 Rp10,000.00
Spacer Rp10,000.00 1 Rp10,000.00
Total Rp650,000.00

Production Cost Tim Rp100,000.00 1 Rp100,000.00

Marketing Fee Tim Rp50,000.00 1 Rp50,000.00
Overhead Tim Rp100,000.00 1 Rp100,000.00
Profit Margin Profit / unit Rp100,000.00 1 Rp100,000.00
Grand total Rp1,000,000.00
Price List Rp1,000,000.00
Analisis Bisnis
Studi kasus dan tugas
Studi kasus : Produk sesuai usulan kelompok masing masing

Tugas 3 :
1. Tugas bersifat kelompok
2. Melalukan proses perancangan produk dan analisis bisnis
produk tersebut
3. Membuat perancangan di Trello untuk progressnya
4. Menggunakan model bisnis kanvas untuk analisis bisninya
5. Dikumpulkan maksimal 4 Juni 2022, jam 20.00 WIB
6. Format *.pdf , diwakili nama/NIM ketua kelompok
Daftar Pustaka
1. Roger woods, Engineering Innovative Product
2. Budi Raharjo, Startting Up
3. Be Kraf, Panduan pendirian usaha pengembang aplikasi digital

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