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In the ongoing debate over the impacts of junk food, the proposition, “The government should

impose a higher tax on junk food” is rather contentious. Today, the number of diseases stemming
from high consumption of junk food, such as obesity, diabetes and many more have been constantly
soaring high. Nonetheless, the notion of imposing higher taxes on junk food embodies many
concealed consequences which may potentially prove harmful. Therefore, I, having thoroughly
examined the implications of imposing a higher tax on junk food, truly dissent from this proposition.

First and foremost, imposition of higher taxes on junk food falls short of addressing the core issue of
excessive consumption of junk food. Instead of heavily taxing unhealthy food items, the government
should consider subsidizing healthier food items to promote a healthy life style. Additionally, in
order to spread awareness among the populace, the government should conduct numerous health
campaigns. Higher taxes on junk food would merely reduce the outright sales of it, but not efficiently
reduce its consumption.

Furthermore, heavy taxation of junk food would have a detrimental impact on the country’s
economy. A large part of our economy is contributed by the fast-food industry and high taxes on
junk food would cause a reduction in its sale, ultimately affecting our economy.

Moreover, higher taxes on junk food would result in an increase in its price which would be
unpleasing for the low-income individuals who rely on it as a cheap source of energy to survive.
Thus, high taxes on junk food would be exorbitant for some and devoid them of their mean of
survival. Hence, the notion of imposing heavy taxes on junk food would actually exacerbate
problems rather than solving them.

In a nutshell, although the idea of the government imposing high taxes on junk food does sound
pleasing to battle its high consumption, it is actually not at all practical and lacks efficacy. Junk food
has become a big conundrum today and in order to counter it, the government should discover a
pragmatic solution. Therefore, I, once again, would like to affirm my vehement opposition to the
notion of heavily taxing junk food and hereby rest my argument with all the above stated
standpoints that corroborate my views.

Completing this assignment has been an enriching and rewarding experience. Writing the vivid
description of the scenario allowed me to delve into creative storytelling, helping me to enhance my
ability to paint detailed and engaging pictures with words. It was enjoyable to imagine and describe
the unfolding events, and it provided a valuable opportunity to practice narrative techniques and
descriptive writing.

On the other hand, exploring the issue of junk food taxation required me to critically analyze a
complex societal issue. It was enlightening to examine the various perspectives and potential
consequences of imposing higher taxes on junk food. This part of the assignment broadened my
understanding of public health policies and their economic and social implications.

Overall, this assignment has not only improved my writing skills but also deepened my appreciation
for the intricacies involved in both creative writing and argumentative discourse. I am grateful for
the opportunity to engage with such thought-provoking topics and look forward to applying the skills
I have gained in future writing endeavors. Thank you for this valuable learning experience.

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