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Investment Portfolio of

National Adaptation Plan of Bangladesh

Table of Contents

1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Context.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 About Investment Portfolio ................................................................................................................................................. 2

1.3 Implementation Guidelines ................................................................................................................................................. 3

2. NAP Investment Plan.............................................................................................................................................. 7

2.1 Cost and Benefits of Interventions ................................................................................................................................... 7

2.1.1 Investment Cost ............................................................................................................................................................... 7

2.1.2 Private Sector Investment Potential....................................................................................................................... 9

2.1.3 Potential Benefits ............................................................................................................................................................ 9

2.1.4 Prioritization of Interventions ............................................................................................................................... 10

2.2 Climate Finance Need from International Climate Funds and Development Partners ......................... 27

3. Investment Portfolio ............................................................................................................................................ 29

3.1 Water Resources ................................................................................................................................................................... 29

3.2 Disaster, Social Safety, and Security ............................................................................................................................. 79

3.3 Agriculture ............................................................................................................................................................................. 106

3.4 Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Livestock ....................................................................................................................... 122

3.5 Ecosystem, Wetlands, and Biodiversity .................................................................................................................... 141

3.6 Urban Areas ........................................................................................................................................................................... 180

3.7 Policies and Institutions .................................................................................................................................................. 207

3.8 Capacity Development, Research, and Innovations ............................................................................................ 222

Annex I: Climate Stress Areas............................................................................................................................... 253

1. Introduction

1.1 Context
Bangladesh is considered one of the most climate-vulnerable countries due to ensuing natural calamities
and slow onset adversities. Despite seemingly insurmountable afflictions, Bangladesh has steadily
progressed in making a mark on the global economy and pioneering efforts to address climate fallout
through effective adaptation strategies. A rapidly escalating development trajectory in the last one and a
half decades has seen economic growth of more than 7 percent per annum. Per capita income increased to
$2,824 in 2021-2022 from $300 in 1973. Rice production grew from 12 million tons in 1973 to 37 million
tons in 2021, fisheries has ranked third in open water capture production, and additional livestock
production generated nearly 30 percent of employment. Consequently, food security has been ensured &
livelihood security enhanced.
Such remarkable advances have been possible through prudential management of climate change impacts
and subsequent losses and damages under a strong legacy of adaptation. Bangladesh has been striving
towards achieving climate resilience, mandated by the Constitution in its 15th amendment, Article 18A1
on the protection and improvement of the environment and biodiversity. The Government of Bangladesh
presently spends approximately 6-7 percent of its annual budget on enhancing climate resilience through
adaptation initiatives (MoF, 2021), among which seventy-five percent cost comes from domestic resources;
despite the fact that Bangladesh contributes very little to rising global emissions. The Second Perspective
Plan (2021-2041) envisaged Bangladesh as becoming a developed country by 2041, with a per capita income
of over $12,500 at today's prices. It also projected that the extreme poverty rate would drop to less than 1
percent and the economic growth rate would climb to 9.9 percent by 2041.
Already a pioneer in the global arena, climate change adaptation got its first break in Bangladesh through
formulation of the NAPA in 2005. The updated NAPA in 2009 and the subsequent formulation of the
BCCSAP (also in 2009) further streamlined and reinforced climate adaptation efforts in the succeeding
decade. The National Environment Policy was updated in 2018 with specific directives on climate change
preparedness in its Section 3.19. Towards addressing long-term climate change uncertainties for water
resources management and developing a more prosperous nation, Bangladesh recently formulated a
strategic Delta Plan 2100. The Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan 2030 (MCPP, 2021) has been drafted with

1 The Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh’ (Act No. of 1972), Article 18A: The State shall endeavour to protect and
improve the environment and to preserve and safeguard the natural resources, bio-diversity, wetlands, forests and wild life for the
present and future citizens [accessible at:]

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Bangladesh as chair, for Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) countries. Also, policy initiatives such as the
Climate Fiscal Framework (2014); National Disaster Management Plan (2021-2025); updated Standing
Order on Disaster (2019) etc. highlights the strength of Bangladesh currently possesses in dealing with
climate adversities.
However, the changing climate regime and the unique geographical setting is exerting considerable stress
on Bangladesh's economy and the advancement towards sustainable development. Bangladesh suffered
approximately $11.3 billion in losses in 2021 due to climate-related natural disasters (WMO, 2021a) which
is roughly 2.47 percent of total GDP of FY2021-2022. According to the 2021 global Climate Risk Index,
Bangladesh ranks 7 in the top 10 most affected countries (2000-2019). Constantly aggravating climate-
induced disasters, coastal tropical cyclones, monsoon flooding, flash floods, droughts, sea level rise, salinity
intrusion, urban floods, etc., are causing catastrophic losses to many socio-economic sectors.
Despite the relentless efforts for climate adaptation, future is projected to be far more extreme and
uncertain by the IPCC in its Sixth Assessment Report. The Bangladesh Delta Plan (GED, 2018a) projects that
the combined effects of climate change could range from a loss of 1.1 percent of GDP per year in a moderate
climate change to 2 percent per year in extreme climate conditions. The BDP2100 also indicates the
possible impact on overall rice production, predicting a declining rate of 17 percent by 2050, which would
impede food and nutrition security. Tackling such unprecedented repercussions would bring unimaginable
hardship for the country and serious threats to its development aspirations. Redemption can only be
ensured through swift and effective climate adaptation practises, backed by promised enhanced climate
finance mobilization from developed countries.
National Adaptation Plan (NAP) is therefore developed devising effective medium- and long-term
adaptation strategies and interventions to reducing negative climate impacts and providing a viable path
towards resiliency. This would act as an important avenue to harness climate finance for implementing
proposed interventions and tracking the outcome to achieve the adaptation goals and vision following
‘Theory of Change’. This document further elaborates the climate rationale of each intervention along with
its potential adaptation actions, investment need, potential sources of finance, key implementing entities,
outcome based indicators for M&E etc to support required financial resources arrangement,
mainstreaming adaptation projects or programmes into development planning process and successful
implementation of NAP.

1.2 About Investment Portfolio

This investment portfolio includes the short concept note of each of the proposed 113 interventions of NAP
for eight (8) distinct sectors and thematic issues. The 8 sectors are: 1) Water resources; 2) Disaster, social
safety and security; 3) Agriculture; 4) Fisheries, aquaculture and livestock; 5) Urban areas; 6) Ecosystems,
wetlands and biodiversity; 7) Policies and institutions; and 8) Capacity development, research and
Each concept note includes an unique intervention code representing the thematic sectoral name,
intervention name, implementation ability in one or multiple climate stress areas (Annex I), tentative
implementation duration, aligned NAP goal and strategies, aligned BDP2100 project code, tentative cost,
context describing the climate rationale, possible adaptation actions under interventions, outcome, impact
or direct/indirect benefits, potential indicators to track adaptation outcome, private sector engagement
potentiality, potential beneficiaries and funding sources, lead and supporting implementing entities.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

All these elements of short concept notes are developed based on the input of extensive stakeholder
consultation process during NAP formulation, considering assessed cost & benefits of adaptation,
prioritization and investment plan, analysis of key elements of the Development of Project Proforma (DPP)
formulation process of the Planning Commission of Bangladesh and following the standard project
proposal development guidelines of prominent international climate funds such as Green Climate Fund
(GCF) and multi-lateral or bi-lateral development partners. The investment portfolio has been prepared
considering the planning horizon of 27 years (2023-2050) and implementation duration of each
interventions are fixed following the preliminary conceptualized adaptation pathways elaborated in the
main volume of NAP. Implementing entity and supporting implementing entities are identified based on
the stakeholder mapping during stakeholder consultation process. Each of the elements of the concept
notes are chosen wisely to track the adaptation outcome as per ‘Theory of Change’.

1.3 Implementation Guidelines

Following guidelines should be maintained for successful implementation of this investment portfolio:

Coordinated Efforts by Stakeholders

To implement the NAP investment plan, coordinated efforts by all ministries, their line agencies and
departments, LGIs, private sectors, bi-lateral and multi-lateral development partners, NGOs/INGOs, CSOs,
CBOs and local level stakeholders will be needed to be ensured. Each of the short concept note of 113
interventions portrays the strategic overview and climate rationale of the adaptation interventions for the
period of next 27 years. Further, consultations with stakeholders will be required to develop and prioritize
projects or programs from these interventions and its activities. This investment portfolio should be well
circulated among key stakeholders to sensitize themselves about the NAP interventions and integrate the
ideas of the adaptation actions into the project or program development process.
Implement through Programmatic Approaches

Multiple combination of prioritized activities from an intervention in a climate stress area can be a project
or program. Sometimes, a single intervention may be undertaken as a project or program. However,
implementation of these interventions will need to be integrated and coordinated, avoiding ad hoc
initiatives. This will increase the effectiveness of adaptation in the system, prevent overlapping issues or
overuse of investment and reduce maladaptation. Implementing through programmatic approaches rather
than on a project basis is strongly recommended as it will allow the active and effective involvement of
multiple stakeholders from multiple sectors.
Programmes can be developed based on different areas of climate stress towards integrated and holistic
implementation that considers system dynamics and desired transitions to reach climate resilience goals.
Each programme may consist of a combination of multiple interventions involving multiple sectors. For
instance, a coastal polder management programme should not just focus on activities to raise polders. It
should consider water and disaster management, climate-smart agricultural interventions, climate-
resilient infrastructure, and actions to improve WASH, health and livelihoods. Such programmes will allow
stakeholders to select and implement locally led adaptation actions from the 113 proposed interventions
and their activities, and prioritize these based on an adaptive pathway. Implementation will help the nation
and communities build forward, minimize climate change risks and widen the scope of climate-resilient

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Maintain Synergies with Development Agenda

NAP already identifies the strong synergies and alignment with national development agenda such as
Perspective Plan 2041, Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). NAP
recommends to maintain alignment and synergies with national development vision and international
agendas throughout the project planning to implementation process to avoid overlapping issues and
challenges and secure investment. Synergies with mitigation will also need to be considered.

Necessity of Detailed Feasibility Study, CDIA and Climate Sensitive Budgeting

The investment portfolio outlines the project duration, activities and cost, benefits, key and supporting
implementing entities, potential beneficiaries, private sector investment potential etc, which should be
made more specific through detailed feasibility to integrate into the Development Project Proforma (DPP)
formulation and appraisal process. Integrating climate change adaptation into operational development
planning would be the immediate priority action area through a slight reform of the operational
development planning manual, guidelines and frameworks in consultation with Planning Commission,
Ministry of Finance and other relevant sectoral ministries. Such as, conducting Climate Impact Assessment
(CIA) should be made compulsory as part of feasibility studies for the approval of DPP by the Planning
Commission. Climate change issues will need to accommodate more specifically, covering both slow-onset
and extreme events inside the existing Disaster Impact Assessment (DIA) Framework to make CIA process
smooth. The current DIA framework was developed under clause 24.3 of the manuals for the development
and appraisal of Development Projects Proforma (DPP) through disaster risk-informed planning. The NAP
seeks to rename the framework as the Climate and Disaster Impact Assessment (CDIA) framework to
establish synergies between CCA and DRR in planning process and enabling climate- and disaster risk-
informed development planning. Climate change risk-adjusted economic and financial analysis and costs
(NPV, IRR, and BCR) should be included during development project formulation and appraisal. This
climate-sensitive costing will support climate-sensitive budgeting through the iBAS++ along with
harnessing and mobilizing resources.
Standard Proposal Preparation and Harnessing Climate Finance

After pre-feasibility or detailed feasibility study, stakeholders should be engaged to prepare standard
project proposal in prescribed format of different international climate funds like Green Climate Fund
(GCF) or of different bi-lateral or multi-lateral development partners to harness require climate finance for
the implementation of climate adaptation project or program. Required technical and financial assistance
to conduct pre-feasibility or project proposal preparation should be made available through domestic
budget or accessing different available facilities of climate or environment funds, development partners or
PPPA. Apart from external sources, climate financing from the domestic sources and private sectors should
also be mobilized accelerating current efforts and introducing innovative financing instruments as outlined
in the Section 4.3 of main volume of NAP.
Sector Action Plan Preparation and Integration into ADP

NAP emphasizes updating BCCSAP as the Integrated Sector Action Plan on Climate Change, based on the
NAP and NDCs, and aligning with the BDP2100, the Perspective Plan, the Five-Year Plan, the MCPP (draft)
and the SDGs. The update will act as a bridge to integrate the NAP into the Annual Development Programme
(ADP) and to bring climate change into all relevant sectors; translate national NAP strategies and
interventions to the local level through formulating and fixing coordinated and decentralized
implementation modalities for the LAPA, ccGAP, YLAP, City-CAP, Adaptation Plan for Infrastructure and
WASH, the Persons with Disabilities and CHT-CAP, etc.; address gender-, age- and disability-inclusive

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

climate change risks and vulnerabilities as compulsory prioritization criteria for ADP formulation;
demonstrate a clear awareness of climate-related risks, needs and responses to incorporate adaptation into
relevant policies; and adopt a climate-focused approach to policy and strategy formulation, applying a
climate lens and developing strategies for enabling proactive adaptation programmes or projects for
climate-resilient development.
Operationalize Conducive Policy Regime

NAP has envisioned to develop a climate change policy regime and a structured, well-coordinated and
multi-layered institutional framework for supporting smooth implementation of the NAP. A number of
policy and institutional measures and their functionalities are planned and set including slight reform of
institutional mandate to development of new sectoral plans or revision of old policies or plans or
regulations for developing enabling environment for widening the current scope of adaptation
interventions implementation. This policy regime should be developed gradually and proposed
institutional framework should be operationalized to for smooth and effective NAP implementation.
Operationalize Adaptation M&E Framework

NAP proposes three tier based adaptation M&E framework, which should be developed and
operationalized to track the progress of adaptation implementation at strategy level, planning level and
project or program level. The log framework will be need to be updated in addition to ‘Theory of Change’
comprising baseline, targets, outcome and assumptions etc. to facilitate the development project design,
climate risk screening, appraisal, implementation and M&E. A Central Knowledge Hub i.e., Climate Change
Information and Knowledge Management (CCIKM) Portal, is being developed by MoEFCC as an umbrella
platform to embed, link, and dynamically connect, store and publish all climate change-related datasets
reports, and adaptation-related information from similar initiatives and by stakeholders. The proposed
M&E framework of NAP will be need to be linked dynamically with this portal using ICT services to track
and disseminate the progress of NAP implementation transparently. Using suitable advanced digital
technologies, data sharing, updates, and access protocols will need to be developed to ease data
communication. The financial tracking of projects, programmes and plans through iBAS++ will have to be
integrated with NAP M&E to enable tracking of both the physical and financial progress of adaptation.
Capacity Development and Knowledge Management

Finally, management of data, information and knowledge and development of capacity among stakeholders
should be rolled out in continuous basis to sensitize them about the adaptation interventions for
mainstreaming in their respective sector, development project proposal and mobilization of untapped
resources. Awareness raising and field level demonstration program should be undertaken for local level
stakeholders to increase their adaptive capacity to combat adverse impacts of climate change using NAP
proposed adaptation interventions as an effective instrument.
Overall, the mainstreaming guidelines of NAP, financial strategy, private sector engagement strategy,
conducive policy and institutional framework development, operationalize 3 tiers based adaptation M&E
framework, transformative capacity development and knowledge management, communication and
strategic data management etc. which are described in the Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 of main volume of NAP
would need to be strictly followed to implement ths investment plan successfully.
Implementing the NAP will reduce climate risks and vulnerabilities by increasing the adaptive capacity of
vulnerable communities, reduce damages from climate-induced disasters, enhance the resilience of society
and ecosystems, and complement the national development agenda vision of becoming a high-income
country by 2041 and achieving the SDGs by 2030 through climate-resilient development.

2. NAP Investment Plan

NAP investment plan is derived from the assessment of economics of adaptation i.e. assessment of costs
and benefits of adaptation interventions, assessment of investment potential contribution of private
sectors, performing appraisal through multi-criteria analysis and prioritization of interventions. The
following sections elaborate the details of investment plan.

2.1 Cost and Benefits of Interventions

2.1.1 Investment Cost

The economics of adaptation are assessed, estimating the costs, tangible and intangible benefits of
interventions. Indicative cost estimation considers using current investment allocations and trends in
annual development programme (ADP) and climate budget reports; the cost of local government; the cost
quoted in national development plans such as the BDP2100, the SDG Action Plan, and country investment
or sector action plans; the unit cost derived from different ongoing investments like the Coastal
Embankment Improvement Project (CEIP), the Community-based Coastal Afforestation project, the Char
Development and Settlement Project (CDSP), dredging projects of major rivers etc.; investment costs
mentioned in the annual reports of different Implementing agencies; factors suggested in Public Climate
Finance Tracking in Bangladesh (MoF, 2018); the implementation duration of proposed interventions; and
the rationale and assumptions in establishing a correlation based on the budgets of past similar initiatives.
The required investment cost is found equivalent to $230 billion at the current price. The Government now
spends approximately $1.2 billion per year for climate adaptation (MoF, 2021). Successful implementation
of the NAP will require seven times more or $8.5 billion per year. Future inflation of prices will increase the
investment cost further. Given the immense climate risks, vulnerabilities, consequential losses and
damages that Bangladesh confronts, this adaptation cost is required for making the country climate-
resilient by the 2050s.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

A sectoral distribution defines the portions of investment of BDT 16,042 billion or $184.5 billion required
for water resources (52 percent), urban areas (17 percent), and the disaster, social safety and security
sectors (12 percent), which will ensure protection of other resource-based sectors, food and nutrition
security, livelihoods and infrastructure. A total of BDT 3,519 billion or $40.4 billion will be required for
making the agriculture; fisheries, aquaculture and livestock; and ecosystems, wetlands and biodiversity
sectors climate-resilient. A total of BDT 404 billion or $4.6 billion is needed to create an enabling
environment with required policy reforms, mainstreaming, research and innovation, capacity development
and knowledge management.

Lead ministry wise allocation for adaptation investment need reveals that more than 20 ministries and
their line agencies will need to be engaged to take lead in adaptation implementation process, while several
other ministries, agencies, departments and private sectors will take role of supporting implementing

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

entities. Among lead ministries, MoWR will need highest investment cost (almost 52 percent of total)
followed by MoLGRDC, MoA, MoFL and MoDMR, covering almost 90 percent of total investment. Remaining
9% of investment will be needed by PMO, MoEFCC, MoHFW, MoSW, MoWCA, MoF, MoYS, MoCHTA, MoICTA,
MoHPW and MoD. Last 1% will be required by different research institutes, MoEDU, MoP, MoRTB and
The total investment cost depicts huge adaptation investment need for water sector, as this is one of the
most important cross cutting sectors in Bangladesh. Increase resiliency in this sector would not only benefit
to become sustainable and climate resilient delta, but also it will ensure food and nutrition security;
development of climate smart fisheries, aquaculture and livestock; fostering blue economy; conservation
of ecosystem, forestry and wetlands; management of water related disasters in rural and urban areas. Large
amount of investment need is identified for MoA, MoFL and MoDMR, to reducing climate risks in
agriculture, fisheries, livestock; reducing poverty and securing livelihoods, social safety & inclusive societal
development through climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. A handful amount of
investment allocation is proposed for MoSW, MoWCA, MoCHTA and MoYS for ensuring climate justice and
overall social inclusions with special focus on women and other gender identities, persons with disabilities,
youth and ethnic communities. A significant amount of allocation is demanded for MoHFW, MoEdu and
MoHPW along with MoLGRDC and MoRTB to ensure research and protection of health, housing, education
and communication infrastructures, although development of a separate adaptation plan on infrastructures
is suggested, which would increase the adaptation cost for roads and road infrastructures sector further.
Being in the kernel position, noteworthy investment is also allocated for MoEFCC, MoP, MoF and MoP for
smooth implementation of NAP through development of climate change policy regime, its M&E and proper
governance. Similarly, research, innovations, knowledge management and transformative capacity
development are prioritized for effective adaptation implementation which identifies investment needs for
MoICTA, MoST, MoD, different research institutes and other mentioned ministries.

2.1.2 Private Sector Investment Potential

Private sector investment potential in terms of a percentage of the total cost of the intervention was
estimated by summing the costs of sub-activities (enlisted in Chapter 3: Investment Portfolio) under a
proposed intervention. Potentially attractive sub-activities identified by private sector stakeholders during
consultative processes (described in Section 3.3.8 of main volume of NAP) were considered for the
Private sector investment potential is found around $11.5 billion or 5.1 percent of total investment cost at
an annual rate of $420 million. Intervention wise private sector investment potential is illustrated in the
Table 2.2. The Government will need to ensure the expected investment from the private sector to support
the mobilization of resources from domestic sources. Capacity development for institutions, officials and
the private sector supported by a robust existing policy environment and the NAP are prerequisites for
harnessing and mobilizing these resources and those from international, domestic and external sources.
Green bonds, resilience bonds, blended finance, risk transfers or insurance, etc. are options requiring
further exploration.

2.1.3 Potential Benefits

Tangible and intangible benefits have been assessed identifying direct and indirect impacts of the
interventions. Benefits are assessed in terms of climate risk reduction or ensuring the protection of life,
properties, livelihoods and ecosystems, i.e., reducing the costs of losses and damages to crops, fisheries,
livestock, infrastructure, forestry and biodiversity by climate-induced disaster; and additional benefits and

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

co-benefits attributed to opportunities created by adaptation, such as improved livelihoods and

employment generation, additional food production, better human health, improved ecosystem health and
services, carbon sequestration, increased resilience of communities, etc.
The NAP implementation will protect 1.1 Million hectares of croplands from storm surges/flood
inundation, sea-level rise and salinity. Annually, 300,000 households will be protected from flood-related
sicknesses, rice production will increase by 10.3 million tons a year with immediate benefits for 70 percent
of crop-dependent households, the livelihoods of about 4 million households’ dependent on fisheries will
be protected from water-related disasters, livestock production will increase by 5 percent, and
communication infrastructure operation and maintenance costs after disasters will fall 60 percent.
A total of 30 million people in 43 urban areas will benefit from improved drainage, with a 10 percent
reduction in transport costs, 15 percent reduction in treatment costs for waterborne diseases and a 30
percent increase in income for marginal urban communities due to better drainage and a lower heat island
effect. Protection of critical infrastructure like EEZs, power hubs, houses and other basic infrastructure
from extreme water-related disasters would save 500,000 jobs and $5 billion in exports of goods and
services. Overall ecosystem health and human well-being will improve. Biodiversity will be enriched and
nutrition uptake will increase. Tree coverage will increase by 5 percent through mangrove planting and the
stabilization of 0.5 Million hectares of land, the facilitation of social forestry, multifunctional hill forests and
afforestation. Annual deaths from climate-induced disasters will fall. The vulnerabilities of 15 million
climate migrants will decline; forest-dependent livelihoods will improve; property values will increase;
carbon sequestration will rise and emissions will decline.
Intervention wise potential benefits of adaptation are listed down inside the short concept notes in the
Chapter 3. Both costs and monetary value of these identified potential benefits item should be assessed
through detailed feasibility study assessment before DPP formulation and adaptation implementation.

2.1.4 Prioritization of Interventions

Priority interventions are identified with three fold steps. Firstly, stakeholders identified more than
thousands of random adaptation actions for diverse distinct and cross cutting sectors during nationwide
stocktaking process, which was preliminary screened through stakeholder consultation workshops and list
of around 650 adaptation actions was made. Identifying unique, distinctive and country driven adaptation
actions was the key formula for this screening process. Secondly, a virtual national level prioritization
workshop was conducted with provision of web based survey tool to receive feedback and preferences of
key stakeholders and prominent experts on the preliminary screened adaptation actions. After compiling
valuable feedback of multi-disciplinary stakeholders, the list was again reduced to around 250 introducing
some new interventions and merging overlapped actions to make it more broad and in wider perspectives
considering the strategic policy nature of the NAP. Finally, a multi-criteria analysis was performed to
identify low, medium and high priority adaptation interventions, where high priority interventions means,
implementation of those interventions should be initiated immediately within next 3 to 5 years, moderate
priority means those may be initiated between 5 to 10 years and low priority means those interventions
may be initiated even beyond 10 years after. After the multi-criteria analysis, only moderate and high
priority adaptation interventions are proposed under the investment plan of the first NAP, which sums a
total of 113. Among them, ninety high-priority and twenty-three moderate-priority interventions are found
for 27 years (2023-2050) until the Thirteenth Five-Year Planning cycle.
This multi-criteria analysis based prioritization of identified interventions entailed conducting analysis
based on the LEG guidelines under the UNFCCC, which followed eight criteria:

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

I. Time of action based on the emergence of adaptation projects by the 2030s, 2041 or beyond
following the development vision
II. Climate change risk reduction potential or the effectiveness of adaptation
III. Costs of adaptation
IV. Benefits of adaptation
V. Robustness or flexibility of adaptation
VI. Gender and social inclusiveness potential
VII. Environmental friendliness
VIII. Co-benefits socially and environmentally
Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) involved scoring, weighting, normalization & weighted arithmetic
aggregation for the eight selected criteria against each intervention. Scores were given based on the table
2.1 and weights were given based on expert judgment considering assessed costs and benefits, adaptive
pathways, etc. The normalized total score between 0 to 1is then split into three priority classes, i.e. high: 1
to 0.7, moderate: 0.4 to 0.7 and low: less than 0.4. The prioritized list of adaptation interventions is cross
validated with series of consultations engaging key sectoral stakeholders.
Table 2.1: Prioritization criteria and scores for MCA

Scoring criteria
SL. Criteria Definition of criteria
Score ‘1’ Score ‘2’ Score ‘3’

Initiating actions where further Action may be

Can be
delay could increase started
Timing or considered a
vulnerability or lead to increased between Take action
1 urgency for long-term
costs at a later stage in alignment 2031-2041 to by 2030
action action
with the Government’s achieve
beyond 2041
development vision Vision 2041

The extent to which the measure

2 Effectiveness Low Medium High
can reduce risk effectively

Cost of interventions, including

3 Cost High Medium Low
human and other resources

Sum of tangible and intangible

4 Benefits Low Medium High
benefits of the intervention

Measures that allow a spectrum

Flexibility or for adjustment or changes in a
5 Low Medium High
robustness flexible way to achieve ‘no’ or
‘low regret’

The extent to which the measure

Gender and is conducive to accommodating
6 social local adaptation needs through Low Medium High
inclusion participatory processes
responsive to gender

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Scoring criteria
SL. Criteria Definition of criteria
Score ‘1’ Score ‘2’ Score ‘3’
dimensions, persons with
disabilities, youth, children,
elderly people, ethnic
communities or other socially
disadvantaged groups, leaving no
one behind

The level of potentially negative

7 impacts on the environment by High Medium Low
the measures

Interventions that would have

positive impacts on other sectors
or systems, including on
vulnerable populations or the
8 Co-benefits Low Medium High
and/or have synergies with other
multilateral environmental

Following Table 2.2 illustrates the summary of the investment plan for the National Adaptation Plan. The
short concept notes of each intervention under 8 sectors is described in the next chapter.

Table 2.2: Investment plan for the NAP

Private Implementation Aligned NAP Aligned

Interventions for NAP Implementation sector Stress Strategy BDP2100
Code Priority (billions
sectors Duration2 investment Areas3/Domain CCAP Project
of BDT)
Total adaptation investment cost for water resources (21
Integrated management of S1.1, S1.3, S4.1, CZ 1.8/1.21,
coastal polders, sea dikes and S4.2, S4.3, S2.1, CZ1.44, CZ1.40,
WRM1 cyclone shelters against High Medium to long 2,212 3% SWM | SEE | CHI S2.2, S2.3, S2.4 CZ1.47
tropical cyclone, sea-level rise
and storm surges
Management of freshwater S1.1, S1.3, S4.1,
resources and monitoring of S4.2, S2.1, S2.2,
WRM2 salinity for reducing High Medium to long 59 5% SWM | SEE | CHI S2.3, S2.4
vulnerabilities in existing and
potential salinity-prone areas
Protection and management of S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, CZ1.47, MR 1.6
potentially vulnerable areas S4.1, S4.3, S2.1,
WRM3 due to tropical cyclone, sea- Moderate Medium to long 271 5% SWM | SEE | CHI S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
level rise, extreme storm surges
and flooding
Strengthen early warning and High S1.1, S1.2, S1.3,
dissemination services for S2.1, S2.2, S2.3,
WRM4 climate change-induced slow- Short to medium 91 7% Nationwide S2.4
onset and sudden extreme
water hazards using ICT and AI
Community-based rainwater High S1.1, S1.3, S4.1, CZ 1.8/1.21, CZ
harvesting through indigenous S4.2, S2.1, S2.2, 1.26, CZ1.30
techniques and conservation of SWM | SEE |CHT | S2.3, S2.4
WRM5 wetlands, reservoirs and Short to medium 30 7% CBL| NNW| CHI |
natural springs for drinking URB
water supplies in hard-to-reach
and water-stressed areas

2short: less than 3 years; short to medium: 3 to 5 years; medium to long: 5 to 10 years; long: beyond 10 years;
3SWM: south-western coastal area and Sundarbans, SEE: south-east and eastern coastal area, CHT: Chattogram Hill Tracts, FPE: river, floodplain and
erosion-prone area, HFF: haor and flash floods area, DBA: drought-prone barind area, CBL: chalan beel and low-lying area of the north-western
region, NNW: northern and north-western region, CHI: char and islands area, BoB: Bay of Bengal and URB: urban areas

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Private Implementation Aligned NAP Aligned

Interventions for NAP Implementation sector Stress Strategy BDP2100
Code Priority (billions
sectors Duration2 investment Areas3/Domain CCAP Project
of BDT)
Dredging of all major and High S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, CZ4.1
medium rivers for S4.2, S2.1, S2.2,
accommodating and smooth S2.3, S2.4
WRM6 Medium to long 1,501 7% FPE | HFF
drainage of excess floods
during climate-induced
extreme events
Construction and rehabilitation S1.2, S1.3, ,
of flood and drainage S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
WRM7 Moderate Medium to long 754 5% FPE | HFF S2.1, S2.2, S2.3,
management measures with
eco-engineering solutions
Drainage management of S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, CZ 1.11, CZ 1.4,
economic/industrial zones and S4.1, S2.1, S2.2, MR 3.1
SWM | SEE | FPE | S2.3, S2.4
WRM8 critical infrastructure and High Medium to long 326 3% HFF |URB
reinforced climate resilience
through risk assessment
Internal drainage management S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, CZ 1.11
and climate-resilient S4.1, S2.1, S2.2,
WRM9 Moderate Medium to long 461 3% CHI S2.3, S2.4
development of the char and
islands areas
Protection against flash floods, S1.2, S1.3, S4.2,
WRM10 wave action, erosion and High Medium to long 1,909 5% FPE | HFF | CHI S4.3, S2.1, S2.2,
sedimentation S2.3, S2.4
Erosion risk management S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, CC18.5
through erosion prediction, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3,
WRM11 Moderate Short to medium 7 7% FPE | HFF S2.4
improved early warning and its
Sustainable shoreline erosion S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, CZ 1.3, CC9.17
SWM | SEE |CHT | S4.2, S2.1, S2.2,
WRM12 management based on eco- or High Medium to long 755 2% HFF | NNW
bioengineering measures S2.3, S2.4
Reclamation and development S1.3, , S4.1, HR2.1/2.2,
of lands for the expansion of S4.2, S4.3, S2.1, HR2.4
WRM13 afforestation, agriculture, Moderate Medium to long 490 7% SEE |CHI S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
shrimp cultivation and
River management through High S1.2, S1.3, S4.2, MR 1.1, MR
WRM14 bank stabilization and other Medium to long 587 5% FPE | HFF S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, 1.46,DP 1.3
ancillary works S2.4

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Private Implementation Aligned NAP Aligned

Interventions for NAP Implementation sector Stress Strategy BDP2100
Code Priority (billions
sectors Duration2 investment Areas3/Domain CCAP Project
of BDT)
Ecosystem-based sediment High S1.2, S1.3, S4.1,
WRM15 management along coasts and Medium to long 83 SWM | SEE | CHI S4.2, S2.1, S2.2,
in estuaries S2.3, S2.4
Drought management High S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, CZ 1.3, CZ 1.6
measures for enhanced S4.2, S2.1, S2.2,
WRM16 groundwater recharge and Medium to long 99 |SWM
increased soil moisture in
water-stressed areas
Development of a national High S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, MR 1.2
WRM17 Short to medium 6 7% Nationwide S4.2, S2.1, S2.2,
drought monitoring system S2.3, S2.4
Planned, participatory and High SWM | SEE |CHT | S1.1, S1.2, S1.3,
FPE | HFF | DBA S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
WRM18 coordinated land and water Medium to long 170 CBL| NNW| CHI S2.1, S2.2, S2.3,
resources management |URB S2.4
Transboundary river basin High S1.1, S1.2, S1.3,
S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
WRM19 management and basin-level Medium to long 9 Nationwide
S2.1, S2.2, S2.3,
cooperation S2.4
Development of a basinwide High S1.1, S1.2, S1.3,
and participatory watershed SWM | CHT | FPE | S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
WRM20 management framework to Medium to long 21 HFF | DBA S2.1, S2.2, S2.3,
restore, harvest and optimize
the use of water resources
Remodelling of water- High S1.1, S1.2, S1.3,
regulating and cross-drainage S4.1, S4.2, S2.1,
WRM21 Medium to long 542 5% Nationwide S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
structures considering climate
change scenarios
Total adaptation investment cost for disaster, social safety and
security (12 interventions)
Construction and rehabilitation High S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, CC1.4
of gender-, age- and disability- S2.1, S2.2
sensitive multipurpose,
CDM1 climate-resilient and accessible Medium to long 592 3% FPE|HFF
cyclone and flood shelters with
safe drinking water, sanitation
and livestock shelter facilities
Landslide early warning High S1.3, S4.2, S4.3
CDM2 Medium to long 19 7% CHT|HFF|NNW
systems and risk management

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Private Implementation Aligned NAP Aligned

Interventions for NAP Implementation sector Stress Strategy BDP2100
Code Priority (billions
sectors Duration2 investment Areas3/Domain CCAP Project
of BDT)
measures based on eco- or
bioengineering measures
Implementation of S1.3, S2.4, S2.1,
thunderstorm and lightning S2.2
CDM3 Moderate Short to medium 14 7% Nationwide
risk management measures in
highly susceptible areas
Protection and enhanced High S1.1, S1.2, S1.3,
resilience of climate migrants S2.1, S2.2
CDM4 Medium to long 124 5% Nationwide
with a particular focus on
gender and disability
Gender-, age- and disability- High S1.1, S1.2, S1.3
responsive, youth-led disaster
CDM5 Medium to long 20 7% FPE | HFF | CBL|
preparedness and emergency NNW| CHI | URB
rescue and evacuation services
Increase the resilience of High S1.1, S1.2, S1.3,
vulnerable poor communities S2.1, S2.2, S2.3
by introducing gender-, age-
and disability-responsive
CDM6 Medium to long 535 7% Nationwide
diversified livelihoods,
effective insurance
mechanisms and climate
resilience funds
Behavioral change and High S1.1, S1.2, S1.3,
development of awareness S2.1, S2.2, S2.3
among vulnerable communities
CDM7 Short to medium 3 5% Nationwide
for emergency responses and
livelihood protection from
climate-induced disasters
Increase the coverage of social High S1.1, S1.2, S1.3,
security/social safety net S2.1, S2.2
CDM8 programmes for building Medium to long 625 Nationwide
community-based resilience
and adaptive capacity
Halt child abuse, early marriage High S1.1, S1.2, S1.3
and domestic violence
CDM9 Short to medium 7 7% Nationwide
triggered by climate-induced

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Private Implementation Aligned NAP Aligned

Interventions for NAP Implementation sector Stress Strategy BDP2100
Code Priority (billions
sectors Duration2 investment Areas3/Domain CCAP Project
of BDT)
Accelerated livelihood High S1.1, S1.2, S1.3,
improvements for women, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3
people with disabilities and
CDM10 Medium to long 230 7% Nationwide
young entrepreneurs through
vocational training on
adaptation practices and ICT
Introduction of risk transfer High S1.1, S1.2, S1.3,
and insurance mechanisms for S2.1, S2.2, S2.3
protection of critical and
CDM11 Short to medium 23 10% Nationwide
disaster protection
infrastructure, vulnerable
MSMEs and farmers
Building climate-resilient S1.1, S1.2, S1.3,
houses, education& S2.1, S2.2, S2.3
CDM12 High Medium to long 160 7% Nationwide
communication infrastructure
in areas with high climate risk
Total adaptation investment cost for agriculture (12 interventions) 1,666
High S2.1, S2.2, S2.4,
Extension of climate-smart SWM | SEE | CHT | S1.2, S1.3, S4.1,
CSA1 technologies for increasing Medium to long 313 10% FPE | HFF|DBA |CBL S4.2
irrigation water use efficiency | NNW | CHI | URB

Augmentation of surface water High SWM | SEE | CHT | S2.1, S2.2, S2.4, DP1.1, DP1.2,
CSA2 for irrigation and multipurpose Medium to long 846 3% FPE | HFF | DBA| S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, DP1.4
use CBL | NNW | CHI S4.1, S4.2

Extension of stress-tolerant, High SWM | SEE | CHT | S2.1, S2.4, S1.3, MR12.1,CC12.37
FPE | HFF | DBA| S4.1, S4.2
CSA3 pest- and disease-resistant rice Medium to long 20 7% CBL | NNW | CHI |
and non-rice crops URB
Introduction and scaling up of S2.1, S2.4, S1.3,
CSA4 innovative and indigenous Moderate Medium to long 15 7% Nationwide S4.1, S4.2
Crop S2.1, S2.4, S1.3,
diversification/intensification SWM | SEE | CHT | S4.1, S4.2
CSA5 for natural resources Moderate Medium to long 15 5% FPE | HFF | DBA|
optimization and reduction of CBL | NNW | CHI
climate stress

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Private Implementation Aligned NAP Aligned

Interventions for NAP Implementation sector Stress Strategy BDP2100
Code Priority (billions
sectors Duration2 investment Areas3/Domain CCAP Project
of BDT)
Farm High SWM | SEE | CHT | S2.1, S2.3, S2.4,
CSA6 modernization/mechanization Medium to long 106 15% FPE | HFF | DBA| S1.3
to reduce climate vulnerability DBL | NNW | CHI
Increased fertilizer use High SWM | SEE | CHT | S2.1, S1.3, S4.1,
CSA7 efficiency for enhancing Medium to long 103 10% FPE | HFF | DBA| S4.2
production CBL | NNW | CHI
Extension of good agriculture High S2.1, S2.4, S1.3,
practices (gap), modern SWM | SEE | CHT | S4.1, S4.2, S4.3
CSA8 agriculture technology (math) Medium to long 25 5% FPE | HFF | DBA|
and sloping agricultural land CBL | NNW | CHI
technology (SALT)
Strengthening and High S2.1, S2.2, S2.3,
development of impact-based S1.3
CSA9 Medium to long 15 7% Nationwide
early warning systems and data
management for agriculture
Improvement of storage or High S2.3, S1.3
post-harvest facilities,
transport, communications and
CSA10 Medium to long 145 10% Nationwide
e-commerce-based market
facilities for agricultural
Development of agro-food High S2.3, S1.3
CSA11 processing industries based on Medium to long 52 10% Nationwide
climate-sensitive crop zoning
Development of e-commerce S2.1, S2.3, S1.3,
and engagement of women, S4.2
CSA12 people with disabilities and Moderate Medium to long 11 10% Nationwide
youth for e-commerce-based
Total adaptation investment cost for fisheries, aquaculture and
livestock (13 interventions)
Extension of climate-resilient High SWM | SEE | CHT | S2.2, S2.4, S1.3
technology for combating FPE | HFF | DBA|
CFL1 Medium to long 162 7%
climate-related stresses in CBL | NNW | CHI |
aquaculture URB

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Private Implementation Aligned NAP Aligned

Interventions for NAP Implementation sector Stress Strategy BDP2100
Code Priority (billions
sectors Duration2 investment Areas3/Domain CCAP Project
of BDT)
Development of climate-ready High SWM | SEE | HFF | S2.2, S2.4, S1.3,
DBA S4.1, S4.2
CFL2 open water fisheries Medium to long 88 5% CBL | NNW | CHI |
management BoB | URB
Development and management S2.2, S2.4, S1.3,
CFL3 of coastal and marine fisheries Moderate Medium to long 45 5% SWM | SEE | BoB S4.1, S4.2
to foster the blue economy
Validation and extension of S2.2, S2.4, S1.3,
indigenous knowledge-based SWM | SEE | CHT | S4.1, S4.2
CFL4 adaptation techniques to Moderate Medium to long 14 2% HFF | DBA
combat climatic effects on CBL | NNW
Monitoring, evaluation and SWM | SEE | CHT| S2.2, S2.4, S1.3,
enforcement for ensuring the DBA S4.1, S4.2
CFL5 High Medium to long 246
conservation of fish CBL | NNW | CHI |
biodiversity and habitat BoB | URB
Development of shrimp culture S2.2, S2.4, S1.3,
CFL6 Moderate Short to medium 7 5% SWM | SEE | BoB S4.1, S4.2
planning and zoning
Improvement of post-harvest S2.2, S2.3, S1.3
facilities and e-commerce-
CFL7 High Medium to long 288 10% Nationwide
based market facilities for
fisheries and aquaculture
Development of fish industries S2.2, S2.3, S1.3
CFL8 based on climate-sensitive crop Moderate Short to medium 46 10% Nationwide
Extension of climate-stress- S2.2, S2.4, S1.3,
CFL9 tolerant livestock and poultry High Medium to long 41 7% Nationwide S4.2
breeds, farm, feed and fodder
National livestock and poultry S2.2, S2.4, S1.3
CFL10 database and information Moderate Medium to long 11 5% Nationwide
Extension of indigenous and S2.2, S2.4, S1.3,
CFL11 advanced livestock and poultry Moderate Medium to long 120 5% Nationwide S4.1, S4.2
farming practices
Climate-resilient infrastructure High S2.2, S2.3, S1.3
development for the safety of
CFL12 Medium to long 207 5% Nationwide
livestock and poultry during a

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Private Implementation Aligned NAP Aligned

Interventions for NAP Implementation sector Stress Strategy BDP2100
Code Priority (billions
sectors Duration2 investment Areas3/Domain CCAP Project
of BDT)
Development of livestock High S2.2, S2.3, S1.3
CFL13 product processing industries Medium to long 135 10% Nationwide
and transportation systems
Total adaptation investment cost for ecosystems, wetlands and
biodiversity (21 interventions)
Extension and expansion of the High S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
coastal greenbelt for protecting S1.1, S1.3
EWB1 coastal habitats, including the Medium to long 32 5% SWM | SEE | CHI
Sundarbans, mangroves, salt
marshes, etc.
Community-based High S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
afforestation and reforestation S1.1, S1.3
for biodiversity conservation,
EWB2 Medium to long 32 5% Nationwide
enhancement of ecosystem
resilience and increased carbon
Expand ecosystem-based High S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
adaptation for the restoration S1.2, S1.3
EWB3 of mangroves, hill areas and Medium to long 53 5% Nationwide
wetlands to tackle the adverse
impacts of climate change
Strengthen ecosystem and High S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
EWB4 biodiversity monitoring and Medium to long 57 2% Nationwide S1.3
law enforcement systems
Maintenance of the High S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
environmental flows of aquatic S1.2, S1.3
EWB5 Medium to long 16 Nationwide
ecosystems, rivers and
Restore the eco-hydraulics for High S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
wetlands, rivers and canal S1.1, S1.2, S1.3
EWB6 systems, including through the Medium to long 42 2% Nationwide
establishment of connectivity
and protecting wetlands
Development of High S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
multifunctional hill and forest SEE | CHT | HFF | S1.3
EWB7 Medium to long 19 7%
management and conservation NNW

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Private Implementation Aligned NAP Aligned

Interventions for NAP Implementation sector Stress Strategy BDP2100
Code Priority (billions
sectors Duration2 investment Areas3/Domain CCAP Project
of BDT)
Management of marine S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
protected areas and S1.3
EWB8 development of monitoring Moderate Medium to long 16 3% BoB
systems for the rights of fishing
Adopt other effective area- S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
based conservation measures SWM | CHT | HFF | S1.1, S1.3
EWB9 Moderate Medium to long 13 3%
to fulfil the biodiversity CHI | URB
framework target
Combat desertification through High S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
EWB10 planting regenerative Medium to long 5 3% CHT | HFF | DBA S1.2, S1.3
indigenous species
Conservation of High S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
agroecosystems through SWM | SEE | CHT | S1.3, S2.1
EWB11 expanded agroforestry, good Medium to long 13 5% FPE | HFF
agricultural practices and CBL | NNW | CHI
regenerative agriculture
Development of a participatory High S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
wetlands management SWM | SEE | CHT | S1.1, S1.2, S1.3,
EWB12 Medium to long 8 3% S2.2, S3.1
framework for the sustainable HFF | CBL | URB
management of wetlands
Conservation of village High S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, HR14.3
common forests (VCFs) S1.2, S1.3
through community-based
spring, watershed and
EWB13 Medium to long 38 5% CHT
agricultural landscape
management and soil
conservation in the Chattogram
Hill Tracts areas
Halda River ecosystem High S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
EWB14 Short to medium 52 5% SEE | CHT S1.1, S1.3, S2.2
restoration and conservation
Watershed management of High S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
EWB15 Kaptai Lake for ecosystem Short to medium 24 S1.1, S1.2, S1.3,
resilience and water retention CHT | SEE S2.2
Monitoring of sea surface S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
EWB16 temperature and other physical Moderate Medium to long 8 3% BoB , S1.1, S1.3, S2.2
and biological parameters and

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Private Implementation Aligned NAP Aligned

Interventions for NAP Implementation sector Stress Strategy BDP2100
Code Priority (billions
sectors Duration2 investment Areas3/Domain CCAP Project
of BDT)
marine species composition in
the Bay of Bengal
Develop and update ocean S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
ecosystem management , S1.1, S1.3, S2.2
policies, guidelines and
EWB17 High Medium to long 9 BoB
institutional capacities for
management of the blue
Development of species or gene S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
inventories and recovery plans S1.3
EWB18 Moderate Medium to long 37 2% Nationwide
for endangered species due to
climate change
Restoration of the coral reef High S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
ecosystem and associated fish , S1.3
EWB19 Medium to long 21 5% CHI | BoB
benthic communities in the St.
Martin Islands
Revitalization of natural High S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
springs and sustainable , S1.1, S1.2, S1.3
management of waterbodies
EWB20 for reducing water scarcity, and Medium to long 13 5% CHT |DBA
the restoration and
conservation of ecosystems
and biodiversity
Development of a national High S4.1, S4.2, S4.3,
management systems for , S1.3, S2.2
wetlands, biodiversity, oceans
EWB21 Short to medium 7 3% Nationwide
and coastal information for
supporting monitoring and
Total adaptation investment cost for urban areas (12 interventions) 3,307
Improvement of natural and High URB S3.1, S3.2, S1.2, UA 1.3, UA10.3,
artificial stormwater drainage S1.3, S4.1, S4.2 UA11.1,UA
CRC1 networks for reducing Medium to long 1,914 5% 3.1,UA
vulnerabilities to urban floods
and drainage congestion

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Private Implementation Aligned NAP Aligned

Interventions for NAP Implementation sector Stress Strategy BDP2100
Code Priority (billions
sectors Duration2 investment Areas3/Domain CCAP Project
of BDT)
Expansion and conservation of High URB S3.1, S3.2, S1.2, UA 9.1, UA 1.1
green and blue infrastructure S1.3, S4.1, S4.2,
CRC2 for improvement of urban Medium to long 189 10% S4.3
environments and drainage
Stormwater management in High URB S3.1, S3.2, S1.2,
cities through attenuating peak S1.3, S4.1, S4.2,
CRC3 flow and allowing infiltration in Medium to long 37 10% S4.3
line with the concept of low-
impact development
Development of city climate High URB S3.1, S3.2, S3.3,
action plans for major urban S1.2, S1.3, S4.2
and peri-urban areas
CRC4 Short to medium 4
emphasizing the resilience of
urban-poor communities and
climate migrants
Expand innovative climate- High URB S3.2, S3.3, S1.2,
resilient, gender-, age- and S1.3
CRC5 disability-sensitive WASH Medium to long 65 10%
technologies and facilities for
urban communities
Increase access to water High URB S3.2, S3.3, S1.2,
supply, sanitation and hygiene S1.3
services in cities for reducing
CRC6 Medium to long 593 10%
exposure to flooding and
waterborne diseases during or
after extreme weather events
Adopt integrated water High URB S3.1, S3.2, S1.2, UA 9.3, UA 1.2
CRC7 management for urban and Medium to long 13 5% S1.3, S4.1, S4.2,
peri-urban areas S4.3
Carry out initiatives to improve URB S3.1, S3.2, S3.3,
the well-being of children and S1.2, S1.3, S4.1,
CRC8 Moderate Medium to long 138 5% S4.2, S4.3
youth and reduce the effects of
climate stress
Improvement of surveillance, URB S3.2, S3.3, S1.2,
CRC9 early warning systems and Moderate Medium to long 52 10% S1.3, S4.1, S4.2,
monitoring of psychosocial S4.3

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Private Implementation Aligned NAP Aligned

Interventions for NAP Implementation sector Stress Strategy BDP2100
Code Priority (billions
sectors Duration2 investment Areas3/Domain CCAP Project
of BDT)
impacts and mental health risks
from extreme weather events
Extension of resilient and eco- URB S3.1, S3.2, S3.3,
friendly materials and S1.2, S1.3, S4.1,
engagement of the private S4.2, S4.3
CRC10 sectors through incentives and High Medium to long 58 15%
tax rebates for climate-resilient
infrastructure development in
urban areas
Establishment of climate- URB S3.2, S3.3, S1.2,
CRC11 resilient health-care facilities in Moderate Medium to long 214 15% S1.3, S4.2
urban areas
Development of heatwave and URB S3.2, S3.3, S1.2,
CRC12 disease outbreak advisory High Short to medium 30 10% S1.3
services for city dwellers
Total adaptation investment cost for policies and institutions (7
Preparation of a roadmap for High Nationwide S5.1, S5.2, S5.3,
PIN1 Short to medium 2.2 S5.4, S5.5
implementing the NAP
Development of a regulatory High Nationwide S5.1, S5.2, S5.3,
PIN2 and institutional framework for Short to medium 9 2% S5.4
advancing the NAP
Update and reform policies and High Nationwide S5.1, S5.2, S5.3,
PIN3 Short to medium 6.85 S5.4, S5.5
plans for mainstreaming CCA
Operationalize the NAP High Nationwide S5.1, S5.3
monitoring, evaluation and
PIN4 Short to medium 6.5 2%
learning framework based on a
theory of change.
Reform local government Nationwide S5.1, S5.4
institutes towards the inclusion
of community-based
PIN5 organizations, women, people Moderate Short to medium 34.3 2%
with disabilities and youth in
the implementation of locally
led adaptation
Innovative, appropriate and High Nationwide S5.1, S5.3, S5.5
PIN6 Short to medium 72.4 7%
enhanced financial instruments

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Private Implementation Aligned NAP Aligned

Interventions for NAP Implementation sector Stress Strategy BDP2100
Code Priority (billions
sectors Duration2 investment Areas3/Domain CCAP Project
of BDT)
for supporting climate change
Private sector finance in High Nationwide S5.3, S5.5
PIN7 leading the implementation of Short to medium 8.5 10%
climate change adaptation
Total adaptation investment cost for capacity development, research
and innovation (15 interventions)
Transformative capacity High Nationwide S6.1, S6.2, S6.3,
development and knowledge S6.4, S6.5
management for integrating
CDR1 Medium to long 12.5 3%
climate change adaptation into
planning processes and climate
Awareness-raising, training on High Nationwide S6.1, S6.2, S6.3,
skills for enhanced adaptive S6.4, S6.5
CDR2 capacities and improved Short to medium 7.2 5%
diversified livelihoods at the
community level
Coordinated research, field- High Nationwide S6.1, S6.2, S6.3, CC1.3
level demonstrations, S6.4, S6.5
CDR3 knowledge management and Medium to long 44.5 5%
communication of adaptation
at the local level
Capacity development for the High Nationwide S6.1, S6.2, S6.3,
implementation of nature- S6.4, S6.5
CDR4 Short to medium 4.5 3%
based solutions and locally led
Generation of national, regional High Nationwide S6.1, S6.2, S6.3,
and local-level evidence and S6.4, S6.5
scenario-based climate
CDR5 information through climate Short to medium 5
downscaling and publication of
a national climate outlook, risk
and vulnerability atlas
Research on the impact of High Nationwide S6.1, S6.2, S6.4,
CDR6 climate change on land and Medium to long 3.5 S6.5
water resources

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Private Implementation Aligned NAP Aligned

Interventions for NAP Implementation sector Stress Strategy BDP2100
Code Priority (billions
sectors Duration2 investment Areas3/Domain CCAP Project
of BDT)
Action research and field High Nationwide S6.1, S6.2, S6.3,
CDR7 demonstrations on climate- Medium to long 60 5% S6.4, S6.5
smart agriculture
Research and innovation High Nationwide S6.1, S6.2, S6.3,
CDR8 related to climate-resilient Short to medium 15 5% S6.4, S6.5
fisheries and aquaculture
Research and innovation High Nationwide S6.1, S6.2, S6.3,
CDR9 related to climate-smart Medium to long 54 5% S6.4, S6.5
livestock and poultry
Action research for locally led High Nationwide S6.1, S6.2, S6.3,
CDR10 and indigenous climate change Short to medium 4.5 S6.4, S6.5
Action research for developing High Nationwide S6.1, S6.2, S6.3,
and exploring the potential use S6.4, S6.5
CDR11 Medium to long 8 3%
of ecosystem-based adaptation
and nature- based solutions
Research on climate change High Nationwide S6.1, S6.2, S6.3,
CDR12 impacts on land, water and Medium to long 15 S6.4, S6.5
ocean ecosystems
Research and popularize High Nationwide S6.1, S6.2, S6.3,
CDR13 climate-stress-tolerant plant Medium to long 21 7% S6.4, S6.5
Research on and piloting of High Nationwide S6.1, S6.2, S6.4,
climate-resilient infrastructure, S6.5
CDR14 Short to medium 6 7%
improved health measures and
WASH technologies
Action research for low-impact High Nationwide S6.1, S6.2, S6.4,
development techniques, green S6.5
CDR15 infrastructure and integrated Short to medium 4 5%
drainage management for
smart city development
Grand total in billions of BDT for a 27-year implementation period
(2023-2050) for 113 interventions

2.2 Climate Finance Need from International Climate Funds and Development Partners
The proposed huge adaptation investment burden will require accelerated efforts to harness climate funds
from domestic and external sources. Various innovative financing windows will need to be explored to
meet demand from domestic sources at double the present rate, along with the Annual Development
Programme (ADP) and Bangladesh Climate Change Trust Fund (BCCTF), Delta Fund. The remaining
investment gap will need to be fulfilled from external sources, development partners and international
climate or environment funds at a rate of $6.0 billion per year, even if full private sector potential is realized.
Bangladesh would need approximately BDT 5,250 billion or $60.3 billion by 2030 to meet the immediate
development thrust for achieving the SDGs and stimulating climate-resilient development against a
projected 2°C temperature rise and its associated risks. The NAP proposes mobilizing and effectively
utilizing more than 70 percent of the total investment cost of climate change adaptation by 2040 to become
a developed country by 2041.
The fiduciary standards of international climate funds like the GCF should be revisited and relaxed to ease
the climate finance gap in highly climate vulnerable countries like Bangladesh as per Article 9 of Paris
Agreement (2015). A Simplified Approval Process (SAP) and an increased quota for international funds in
the budget of the Private Sector Facility (PSF) need to be introduced and popularized as part of supporting
the readiness of the country for CCA.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

3. Investment Portfolio

The 113 portfolios contain a detailed explanation of the various climate change adaptation interventions.
These have been selected under eight key sectors, i.e., the water resources sector, disaster, social safety,
and security sector, agriculture sector, fisheries, aquaculture and livestock sector, urban areas sector,
ecosystem, wetlands, and biodiversity sector, policies and institutions sector, capacity development,
research, and innovations sector. These are as follows:

3.1 Water Resources

Integrated management of coastal polders, sea dikes and cyclone shelters
against tropical cyclone, sea-level rise and storm surges
Impenetrability in
SWM | SEE | CHI Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 2212
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100
CZ 1.8/1.21, CZ1.44, CZ1.40, CZ1.47
Project Code
The coastal region of Bangladesh is vulnerable to tropical cyclonic storms and tidal surges, flood and waterlogging,
sea-level rise, salinity intrusion, drought, riverbank, and coastal erosion, groundwater declination, environmental
degradation, water quality issues, and ecosystem habitat loss due to its geographic location, flat and low-lying
topography, seasonal variability, high population density, high level of poverty and extreme climatic conditions. The
encircled earthen polders and cyclone shelters function as the most prioritized disaster risk mitigation measures in
this area during the disaster period, which protect life, livelihoods, and tons of staple crops.

However, due to the potential impacts of climate change, the Coastal Zone is more exposed to coastal inundation and
salinity due to 0.3 m - 1 m sea-level rise by 2100 coupled with a severe cyclonic surge. These changes will likely lead
to significant damage to infrastructures and croplands and trigger drinking water shortages in the coastal urban
area, water scarcity for irrigation for dry season agriculture, and substantial changes in the coastal aquatic
ecosystems. Due to sea level rise and cyclonic storm surges, coastal flooding can cause a loss of 7.4 percent and 10.1
percent of rice production for 0.62 m and 0.92 m SLR under extreme climate change scenarios (DoE, 2020). It
reminds integrated management urgency in the coastal area. Thus, rehabilitation, repair, or new construction of
polders and ensuring infrastructure protection, multi-purpose cyclone shelters, WASH infrastructures, crop lands,
and communities justifies prioritization.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Integrated management of coastal polders, sea dikes and cyclone shelters

against tropical cyclone, sea-level rise and storm surges
In the early ’60s, all coastal polders were designed for tidal floods only. Incidence of frequent cyclones and induced
storm surges have been increasing substantially recently, causing enormous property damage and loss of livelihood.
21 tropical cyclones (wind speed >117 km/hr) and severe cyclones (wind speed between 87 to 117 km/hr) struck
the Bangladesh coast between 1960 and 2010 and caused severe losses and damages in each event. In the last three
decades since 1990, Bangladesh is experiencing category 4 cyclones with a wind speed of 209 – 251 km/hr, which
has never occurred before. Some devastating storm surges include Sidr in 2007, AILA in 2009, and Amphan in 2020.
Climate change will exacerbate the situation more in the future with high-intensity cyclone frequency and rising sea
levels. Therefore, coastal polders rehabilitation necessitates considering tidal floods, sea level rise, and storm surge
height under extreme climate change scenarios.

Previously, 10 polders were rehabilitated under Coastal Embankment Improvement Project, Phase 1; under Phase
ii, 22 more polders were improved. Besides, rehabilitation works of 13 polders are ongoing under the sponsorship
of GoB. Still, around 2156.3 km embankment (52 polders) are identified as highly vulnerable through storm surge
modeling of CEGIS due to the combined effect of 15-20 cm sea-level rise and storm surges which need to be
rehabilitated within 2050 to protect the areas. A total 1485.6 km embankment (26 polders) has been prioritized as
moderately vulnerable due to the combined effect of 50 cm sea level rise and storm surges that needed to rehabilitate
within 2100. Coastal modeling by CEGIS reveals some new unprotected areas in Gopalganj, Jhalokati, Pirojpur,
Barisal, and Lakshmipur for the SLR and SIDR equivalent storm surge induced inundation due to 50 cm sea-level
rise by 2080s.

In this regard, this project would repair, construct and rehabilitate coastal polders, sea dyke, embankments, and
cyclone shelters to reduce vulnerabilities of almost 25 million people, protect agriculture and livelihoods, ensure
drinking water and manage salinity intrusion for WASH and freshwater ecosystem.
Possible Actions
• Repair, construct and rehabilitate coastal polders, sea dikes or embankments considering sea-level rise and
extreme storm surge height under varying climate change scenarios
• Inside and outside polder management for proper drainage systems and sediment management through
innovative and indigenous water resources management techniques such as tidal river management (TRM)
• Repair, construct and rehabilitate cross drainage and water regulation structures considering extreme
climate change scenarios and advanced technologies or construction materials
• Regular and timely operation and maintenance (O&M) of coastal polders
• Operationalize M&E system for polder/embankment management
• Enhance functional participatory water management and effective co-management of water regulation
• Integrated land-use management with supporting regulations in polder area to guide adaptive land-use
• Encroachment-free khals in connection to polders for maintaining connectivity and uninterrupted drainage
• Allocate and mobilize adequate funds for emergency responses and recovery of damaged polders
Outcome Impact/Benefit Potential Indicators
• Increased adaptive capacity • Protection of 1.1 Mha croplands • Affected areas or exposure to sea-
and protection against sea- from storm surge/flood level rise, cyclones, salinity, and
level rise and storm surges inundation, sea level rise, and storm surge
• Protection against saline salinity • Length of polders or embankment
inundation • Providing safety to more than constructed, rehabilitated, or
• Increased protection 3000 km of roads and climate resilient
against life, livelihood, and communication structures, more • Number of climate-proofed water
the ecosystem than 2000 water management management and cross-drainage
structures, more than 10000 structures

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Integrated management of coastal polders, sea dikes and cyclone shelters

against tropical cyclone, sea-level rise and storm surges
• Reduced damages to water cross drainage structures, more • Recurrent O&M cost of roads &
and sanitation than 3000 social services communication structures, water
infrastructure facilities, approximately 0.2 management, and cross drainage
• Minimized crop and million houses, and thousands of structures, social services
livestock loss cyclone shelters; facilities, and cyclone shelters
• Improved socio-economic • Reducing recurrent O&M cost of • Losses of crops, fish, and livestock
status existing polders due to cyclones, storm surges,
• Capacity development for • Providing safety against power and salinity
locally-led adaptation plants and economic zones along • Climate-induced disasters
• Sustainable development the coastal belt vulnerable populations
• Reduction of approximately 0.1 disaggregated by sex, age, and
million livestock and 2 million disability
poultry production loss for an • Annual losses and damages of
extreme cyclonic event critical infrastructures, power
• Reduce salinity vulnerability of plants, or economic zone
approximately 2.5 million • Number of jobs or employment or
populations by inside and outside business opportunities
polder management only • Income from agriculture, fisheries
• Create opportunities for 30,000 & aquaculture, and livestock
additional jobs through • Number of sicknesses by climate-
employment and business induced disaster and treatment
opportunities cost
• Saving treatment cost and work • Number of injuries, fatalities, or
hours’ value of on an average 0.1 deaths by climate-induced
million populations per year, disasters
reducing sickness due to • Status of ecosystem health and
cyclones, storm surges, and species diversity
salinity-induced diseases • Number of climate migrants
• Reduced death and injuries • Number of social conflicts or
• Reduced degradation of domestic violence
freshwater ecosystem • Loss of work hours by climate-
• Reduced social conflicts and induced disasters
domestic violence • Number of functional Water User
• Reduced climate migrations Associations or Disaster
Management Committee
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
3% Local communities, society, and BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
freshwater ecosystem of coastal areas Biodiversity Fund, Nature+
and Sundarbans dependent Accelerator Fund, GEF, Multilateral
livelihoods and bilateral partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants and
fellowships, Climate BRIDGE Fund, etc
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB
Supporting Implementing Entity DPHE, BLRI, LGD, DYD, DSS, DWA, SRDI, BMD, SPARRSO, WARPO,
DBHWD, MoL, PPPA, Private Sector, NGOs

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Management of freshwater resources and monitoring of salinity for
reducing vulnerabilities in existing and potential salinity-prone areas
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: SWM | SEE | CHI Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 59
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Bangladesh has an extensive coastline where the adverse impact of saltwater intrusion is significant. With the
consequence of climate change, it gradually extends towards inland water and soil. In the coastal area, the sources
of drinking water are destructed by geographical disadvantages are regularly facing natural disasters (e.g., River
erosion, water logging, floods, cyclones, salinity, tidal surges, etc.) In addition, the effects of climate change have
caused hazards in this region to occur more frequently than before with greater intensity. The main drinking water
sources were tube well, pond sand filters (PSF), and rainwater harvesting. These water sources were generally
affected for the following reasons:
• Inundation of water sources by contaminated flood water
• Saline water intrusion
• Disruption of access to safe water resources
• Disrupting the infrastructures of the water supply system

Different research articles reveal that Bagerhat, Barguna, Barisal, Bhola, Khulna, Jhalakati, Pirojpur, and Satkhira
districts are the most affected due to salinity intrusion. With the increase of surface water salinity, the soil salinity
is also increasing, affecting the overall agriculture sector and changing the cropping pattern.

The intrusion of salinity into coastal regions of Bangladesh threatens the primary production system, coastal
biodiversity, and human health. Historical data on salinity show that between 1962 and 2011, the Rupsa River in
Khulna increased in salinity from 0.7 ppt to 16.8 ppt (50 years). About 1.056 Mha of the 2.86 Mha of coastal and
offshore areas are affected to varying degrees by soil salinity. Bangladesh's land area impacted by salinity increased
by roughly 26.7% from 1973 to 2009, or 0.223 million hectares, with about 35,440 hectares of the land becoming
saline only between 2000 and 2009 (SRDI, 2010). According to the CEGIS study, future sea level rise will drive the
salinity further inward in the short- and medium-term (CEGIS, 2021). In the mid-term, the areas affected by 1 ppt
salinity will grow by 7.5%, whereas the regions affected by 5 ppt salinity will grow by 9%. On the western shore, the
salinity situation will be worse. Future projections of 50 cm and 95 cm sea level rise found around 20,600 sq. km.
area going under 1 ppt salinity line where about 13,213 sq. km. area goes under 5 ppt saline line and approx. 7,300
sq. km. goes under 15 ppt saline line of the entire coastal region. For 50cm sea level rise Bagerhat, Barguna, Jessore,
and Khulna may face 5ppt Salinity. On the other hand, Pirajpur, Jhalokhali, Narail, Patuakhali, and Bhola may face
1ppt Salinity. For 95cm SLR, salinity may significantly ingress further, and Barguna, Jessore, and Khulna may face
5ppt Salinity.

Changes in river salinity affect the productivity of fisheries. It will adversely affect the wild habitats of freshwater
fish and other species. The salinity increase may induce a shift in the Sundarbans mangrove forest from Sundari (the
single most dominant and important species, with the highest market value) to Gewa and Guran.

The most common freshwater resources in coastal regions are hand-operated shallow and deep tube wells. The
piped water supply system is rare in these areas. As a result, they are dependent on groundwater mainly for drinking
purposes. But recently, groundwater use is becoming more difficult due to increased salinity intrusion in
groundwater. In coastal areas, the salinity distribution in groundwater and replenishment of water in deep and
shallow aquifers are regulated by complex hydrological phenomena. This causes scarcity of saline-free water in
some parts of coastal areas where conventional deep and shallow hand pump tube wells become unusable due to

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Management of freshwater resources and monitoring of salinity for

reducing vulnerabilities in existing and potential salinity-prone areas
very high salinity in groundwater. People living in those regions often use unprotected river/canal water as their
main source of drinking water.

Managing saline free/freshwater resources is a prime need to ensure the safe water supply in coastal regions.
Several low-cost alternative technologies such as very shallow shrouded tube-well (VSST), shallow shrouded tube-
well (SST), Slow sand filters (SSFs), Rainwater harvesting, etc., are already in practice and can be adopted for
managing the freshwater resources on other coastal areas. This will also reduce the stress on the ground water, thus
resulting in better water resource management. DPHE has already taken the initiative to install mobile saline water
treatment plants in the coastal districts, very shallow shrouded tube well (VSST), and shallow shrouded tube-well
(SST) with submersible pumps to ensure fresh water supply. DPHE projected the requirement of different climate-
resilient water treatment interventions in sixty-eight (68) unions of thirty-four (34) coastal districts.

Considering the facts mentioned above and figures and counting future vulnerabilities of disasters due to climate
change, it is imperative to devise suitable and innovative offshores and appropriate technologies. It includes Reverse
Osmosis (RO)/ Membrane treatment, Saline Water Treatment Plants, Freshwater Treatment plants, etc., along with
non-structural solutions or policy interventions. These alternatives will enhance the disaster and post-disaster
emergency saline water/freshwater management mechanism for selected study regions.

Possible Actions
• Monitoring and mapping of soil and water salinity through in situ low-cost testing instruments at the field
level and GIS mapping at the planning level
• Large-scale reservoir development and dredging of rivers for freshwater flow augmentation in coastal rivers
• Excavation or re-excavation of dighi, pond, reservoir or construction relevant infrastructure for freshwater
• Construct heightened dikes or freshwater retention ponds to halt salinity ingress due to storm surges
• Community-based, youth-led and gender-inclusive freshwater pond management and rainwater harvesting
• Demarcation of potential saline-prone areas, develop and implement freshwater management plan for
smooth transition of freshwater ecosystem to saline water
• Adjusted and adaptive land cover change
• Expand use of deeper groundwater reserves through solar-powered water networks, advanced water storage
through small-scale retention structures, and gender-sensitive drinking water points
• Introduce community-based, low-cost desalination techniques and freshwater management for mass-level
drinking water supplies
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• The increased adaptive • Reducing salinity • Affected areas or exposure to sea-
capacity of human, natural, vulnerabilities of 5.2 million level rise and salinity
and economic systems to population and 1.2 million • Number of climate-proofed water
reduce risk and households management and cross-drainage
vulnerabilities and ensure • Protection of 1.1 Mha structures
protection against climate croplands from sea level rise • Recurrent O&M cost of roads &
change-induced disasters in and salinity communication structures, water
coastal areas • Reducing sickness due to management, and cross drainage
• Enhanced climate resilience salinity-induced diseases of structures, social services facilities,
in agriculture, fisheries, and an average of 0.05 million and cyclone shelters
livestock people per year and saving • Losses of crops, fish, and livestock
• Critical and fragile treatment cost and work due to cyclones, storm surges, and
ecosystems restored and hours’ value salinity

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Management of freshwater resources and monitoring of salinity for

reducing vulnerabilities in existing and potential salinity-prone areas
• Increase freshwater fish • Climate-induced disasters
production and create vulnerable populations
opportunities for disaggregated by sex, age, and
mariculture with disability
approximately 10,000 • Annual losses and damages of
additional job and critical infrastructures, power
employment opportunities plants, or economic zone
• Increase low-cost saline-free • Number of jobs or employment or
freshwater supply and business opportunities
WASH services to 0.5 million • Income from agriculture, fisheries &
households aquaculture, and livestock
• Reducing corrosion of roads, • Number of sicknesses by climate-
bridges, cross drainages, induced disaster and treatment cost
water management, and • Number of in situ salinity, pH, and
housing infrastructures from DO testing instruments supplied to
salt deposition community or farmers
• Reduced death and sickness • Number of injuries, fatalities, or
due to hypertension, high deaths by climate-induced disasters
BP, and pre-eclampsia in • Status of ecosystem health and
pregnant women species diversity
• Reduced degradation of • Number of climate migrants
freshwater ecosystem and • Number of premature birth or
extinction of biodiversity deaths of child
• Reduced social conflicts and • Number of pre-eclampsia,
domestic violence hypertension, and blood pressure
• Reduced climate migrations patient
• Number of social conflicts or
domestic violence
• Loss of work hours by climate-
induced disasters
• Number of excavated ponds, dighis
or reservoirs
• Number of functional Water User
Associations or Disaster
Management Committee
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Communities and societies of ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
saline-prone areas and Biodiversity Fund, Nature+ Accelerator
freshwater-dependent Fund, GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
livelihoods partners, private sector, collaborative
research grants and fellowships, Climate
BRIDGE Fund, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB
Supporting Implementing Entity DPHE, BLRI, LGD, DYD, DSS, DWA, SRDI, BMD, SPARRSO, WARPO,
DBHWD, MoL, PPPA, Private Sector, NGOs

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Protection and management of potentially vulnerable areas due to
tropical cyclone, sea-level rise, extreme storm surges and flooding
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: SWM | SEE | CHI Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 271
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.3, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code CZ1.47, MR 1.6

The country's coastal region falls major victim to adverse effects of climate change due to its geographic location,
flat topography, high population density, poverty, and reliance of many livelihoods upon climate-sensitive sectors,
particularly agriculture, fisheries, and water resources. These anomalies are already evident recently, with
devastating cyclones such as SIDR in 2007 and AILA in 2009 exerting huge economic and social losses. As much as
twice the land and more than 20 lakh people are at risk of frequent flooding from storm surges plus tides. Barisal,
Chittagong, and Khulna are the divisions holding most of the risk. In contrast, Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar (both in
the Chittagong division) are the leading districts in potential exposure to sea level rise and storm surges.

Climate change will exacerbate the projected future sea level rise for coastal areas and the historical sea level rise. Around
18% of the coastal region may inundate because of sea-level rise projections from the SSP5-8.5 scenario, according
to potential coastal inundation estimates made by CEGIS (2021) for sea-level rise variables incorporating existing
coastal polder setups.

The inundated area will be substantially higher if polder breaches or gets damaged (not considered in the
simulation). Additionally, this will affect the coastal population, livelihood, salinity intrusion, and damage to crops
and fisheries production. According to DoE research, an increase in sea level of 50 cm, 65 cm, and 95 cm causes
flooding in 8 percent, 10 percent, and 15 percent of coastal communities, respectively. The coastal districts in this
8%, 10%, and 15% are not polder-protected. Due to sea level rise, unprotected coastal areas, including Barishal,
Jhalkathi, Pirojpur, Shariatppur, and Gopalganj, may get submerged. The polder-protected coastal areas appear to
be safe from the adverse effects of sea level rise. These districts might experience greater adversity if unprotected
from storm surges and rising sea levels.

Between 1960 and 2010, 21 tropical cyclones with winds greater than 117 km/hr and severe cyclones with winds
between 87 and 117 km/hr hit the Bangladesh coast (MoEFCC, 2018b). Of those, 67% occurred after the monsoon,
and 33% occurred before. Since 1990, Bangladesh has experienced category-four cyclones with wind speeds ranging
from 209 to 251 km/h. This would worsen the destruction in Bangladesh's low-lying coastal districts when
combined with sea level rise. Particularly in the past two decades, Bangladesh has had multiple severe cyclone
storms that have been catastrophic. In 26 districts in 2020, cyclone "Amphan" impacted almost a million people.
More than 26 people died as a result of the cyclone's impact, which also included damage to 55,667 homes, 149,000
ha of agricultural land, 1,80,500 hatcheries, 150 km of embankments, 200 bridges and culverts, and 100 km of
highways, resulting in a BDT 11 billion loss overall (IFRC, 2021). Future sea level rises, and cyclonic storm surges
might inundate significant portions of Bangladesh's coastline.

Coastal modeling by CEGIS reveals some new unprotected areas in Gopalganj, Jhalokati, Pirojpur, Barisal, and
Lakshmipur for the SLR and SIDR equivalent storm surge induced inundation due to 50 cm sea-level rise by 2080s.

Several initiatives have already been undertaken, from constructing polders to rehabilitating those. There are 139
Polders spread out over 1.2 million acres of the coastal zone (about 25 percent of the coastal zone). Approximately
5,665 km of embankments line the Polders in their entirety. About 5,707 km total of drainage canals is present. The
first major project, the Coastal Embankment Project (CEP), was implemented during the 1960s and early 1970s for

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Protection and management of potentially vulnerable areas due to

tropical cyclone, sea-level rise, extreme storm surges and flooding
construction. Afterward, those were rehabilitated under the Coastal Area Rehabilitation and Cyclone Protection
Project (CPP-I) in 1985, the Cyclone Protection Project (CPP-II), Coastal Embankment Rehabilitation Project (CERP-
1), and the Second Coastal Rehabilitation Project (CERP-II), implemented in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s
respectively. After cyclones Sidr (2007) and Aila (2009) struck the coastal zone, they caused severe damage to the
infrastructure, life, and property. The Government of Bangladesh (GOB) obtained an IDA/credit for Emergency
Cyclone Recovery and Restoration Project (ECRRP), 2007, and proceeds from this credit to meet the expenses for
the Coastal Embankment Improvement Project (CEIP). Under CEIP-I, 17 polders rehabilitation plan targeted
completion of 10 by October 2022. Following CEIP-1, the next phase of CEIP aims to improve the remaining 122
polders, and the next immediate batch includes 13 new polders.

All these initiatives mentioned above did not include any plan for unprotected coastal areas. So, considering the
future climate change effects (i.e., an increase in sea level rise and increasing storm surges), unprotected coastal
districts should receive priority protection initiatives.
Possible Actions
• Strategic climate risk assessment and climate risk-informed development planning for areas potentially
vulnerable to sea-level rise, extreme storm surges and flooding
• Construction of climate-induced disaster risk reduction infrastructures (polders, dikes or embankments,
cross-drainage, water regulation, etc.)
• Demarcate and keep enough ‘room for river’ during infrastructure development for accommodating excess
• Maintain adequate freshwater flow in rivers and wetlands for slowing salinity intrusion
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• The increased adaptive • Protection of croplands from • Affected areas or exposure to sea-
capacity of human, natural, storm surge/flood inundation, level rise and salinity
and economic systems to sea level rise, and salinity in • Number of climate-proofed water
reduce risk and Gopalganj, Jhalokati, Pirojpur, management and cross-drainage
vulnerabilities and ensure Barisal, and Lakshmipur structures
protection against climate • Providing safety to more than • Recurrent O&M cost of roads &
change-induced disasters in 100 km of roads and communication structures, water
coastal areas communication structures, management, and cross drainage
• Increased agricultural more than 50 water structures, social services facilities,
productivity, resilience, and management structures, more and cyclone shelters
reduced emission from the than 250 cross drainage • Losses of crops, fish, and livestock
adoption of Climate-Smart structures, more than 150 due to cyclones, storm surges, and
Agriculture (CSA) practices social services facilities, and salinity
• Expansion of forest coverage, approximately 0.01 million • Climate-induced disasters and
mangroves, and biodiversity houses; vulnerable populations
• Reducing recurrent O&M cost disaggregated by sex, age, and
of existing critical disability
infrastructures • Annual losses and damages of
• Reduce salinity vulnerability critical infrastructures, power
of roughly 0.5 million plants, or economic zone
populations • Number of jobs or employment or
• Create opportunities for business opportunities
1,000 additional jobs through • Income from agriculture, fisheries
employment and business & aquaculture, and livestock

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Protection and management of potentially vulnerable areas due to

tropical cyclone, sea-level rise, extreme storm surges and flooding
• Saving treatment costs and • Number of sicknesses by climate-
work hours’ value reducing induced disaster and treatment
sickness due to cyclones, cost
storm surges, and salinity- • Number of injuries, fatalities, or
induced diseases deaths by climate-induced
• Reduced death and injuries disasters
• Reduced degradation of • Status of ecosystem health and
freshwater ecosystem species diversity
• Reduced social conflicts and • Number of climate migrants
domestic violence • Number of premature birth or
deaths of child
• Number of pre-eclampsia,
hypertension, and blood pressure
• Number of social conflicts or
domestic violence
• Availability and withdrawal of
freshwater resources
• Loss of work hours by climate-
induced disasters
• Number of functional Water User
Associations or Disaster
Management Committee
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Vulnerable communities and ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
society of coastal areas Biodiversity Fund, Nature+ Accelerator
Fund, GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
partners, private sector, collaborative
research grants and fellowships,
Climate BRIDGE Fund, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB
Supporting Implementing Entity DPHE, BLRI, LGD, DYD, DSS, DWA, SRDI, BMD, SPARRSO, WARPO,
DBHWD, MoL, PPPA, Private Sector

Strengthen early warning and dissemination services for climate change-
WRM4 induced slow-onset and sudden extreme water hazards using ICT and
artificial intelligence
Impenetrability in Stress
Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2 91
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100 Project

Bangladesh is well-known for its vulnerability to climate change and its strategies to combat the adverse effects of
climate change. Climate information and early warning services is a climate change adaptation strategy that employs
integrated communication technologies to assist communities in preparing for dangerous climate-related events.
People are more vulnerable to the effects of climate change when they are unaware of the impending disasters
caused by climate change and do not have enough time to prepare themselves. Climate information and early
warning services are becoming increasingly popular to assist vulnerable communities in managing climate
variability and extreme hazards.

Destructive flooding has a long history in the nation and has had a highly negative effect on both lives and property.
Six significant floods in the 19th century were documented: in 1842, 1858, 1871, 1875, 1885, and 1892. There were
18 significant floods in the 20th century. Those of 1951, 1987, 1988, and 1998 had disastrous effects. 2004 and 2010
floods are more recent examples. The 1988 flood, which likewise had a devastating impact, took place in August and
September. Roughly 82,000 square kilometers (32,000 sq mi) of land submerged by the seas calculate 60% of the
region, and the predicted return period was between 50 and 100 years. The flood was made worse by rain combined
with the unusually high flows of the nation's three major rivers simultaneously occurred in three days only.
Bangladesh's capital, Dhaka, was seriously impacted. 15 to 20 days passed during the deluge. Unexpected early
severe rain in 2017 destroyed pre-harvested crops in April and caused floods in numerous areas of Bangladesh. The
April flood damaged housing, property, and infrastructure until August. Comprehensive flood inundation maps for
Bangladesh created using Sentinel-1 for March, April, June, and August 2017 reveal the presence of perennial
waterbodies spanning an area of 5.03 percent of Bangladesh in March.

To aware the disaster-prone area’s population, Bangladesh has established a Flood Forecasting and Warning Center
(FFWC). The center aims to enhance national agencies' and communities' disaster management capacity using real-
time data, mathematical model-based forecasts, and warning information following the best scientific principles.
Besides, Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) provides weather forecasts against rainfall, cloud cover,
maximum and minimum temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed for the entire country. BMD also provides
a hazard calendar for Ukhiya and Teknaf of Cox’s Bazar produced through a consultative process involving disaster
management committees and community representatives. Additionally, a dynamic web portal “Bangladesh Agro-
Meteorological Information (BAMIS), has been developed to disseminate agro-meteorological services and other
related information to different users, especially the farmers in Bangladesh.

Using the latest technologies, the FFWC, Access to Information (a2i), and Google has developed a flood alert service
and deployed a flood forecasting initiative that can send numerous public alerts to people in impacted regions across
Bangladesh. These alerts provide timely, updated, and critical information that can help users make informed
decisions on the safety of their families and friends. Similarly, BMD has developed a specialized unit, "Storm Warning
Center (SWC),” responsible for forecasting and issuing warnings for tropical cyclones in Bangladesh.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Strengthen early warning and dissemination services for climate change-

WRM4 induced slow-onset and sudden extreme water hazards using ICT and
artificial intelligence
Besides, ICT and AI can effectively update the existing climate information and early warning system. These
technologies will help develop the early warning system and help build awareness before disaster events. However,
an effort is needed to improve climate information and early warning services related to climate-induced hazards
such as lightning, and river erosion, awareness for fisheries has yet to be introduced for better sustainability.
Possible Actions
• Development of storm surge models and impact-based operational early warning and community-based
dissemination systems for cyclonic storm surge to facilitate emergency responses
• Develop and strengthen impact-based early warning, ICT and community-based dissemination systems for
floods and flash floods
• Expand hydrometeorological observation networks and strengthen forecast and climate information services
through data acquisition and monitoring of local climate variables, sea surface temperature, sea-level rise,
sediment, land subsidence and salinity intrusion
• Invest in developing, updating, and strengthening climate products and services (data, forecast, analyses, etc.)
for emerging climate extremes like heat waves, cold spells, hailstorms, salinity ingress, etc.
• Develop space technology, artificial intelligence, crowdsourcing and big data-based climate change and
impact monitoring tools
• Develop and support a climate change vulnerability and early warning dissemination network with the
involvement of relevant stakeholders
• Installation of the mobile network-connected digital dashboard, voice SMS, mobile applications
• Increase community volunteering or community-based risk flagging for emergency response.
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Enhanced adaptive capacity • Increased access to climate • Presence of early warning systems
and protection of life, advisory and warning and climate information services
livelihoods, and ecosystem information for disaster by slow onset and sudden extreme
against slow onset and preparedness by climate- event
other extreme events of vulnerable population • Accessibility to early warning
climate change • Reducing losses and damages of systems and climate information
• Increased agricultural climate-induced slow onset and services by people
productivity, resilience, and sudden events for better • Knowledge level of people related
reduced emission from the preparedness to climate hazards and adaptation
adoption of Climate-Smart • Ease in collecting, generating, • Annual losses and damages of
Agriculture (CSA) practices processing, and disseminating climate-induced slow onset and
• Developed innovative data and information related to sudden event
technologies and climate change and disasters • Number of jobs or employment or
adaptation practices to • Raised awareness among business opportunities
support risk-informed marginal and vulnerable • Number of sicknesses by climate-
planning and damage communities induced disaster and treatment
mitigation • Institutional and individual- cost
level capacity building for • Number of injuries, fatalities, or
adaptation deaths by climate-induced
• Savings of lives and protection disasters
of properties against disasters • Number of functional Water User
• Reducing diseases and health Associations or Disaster
hazards Management Committee
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Strengthen early warning and dissemination services for climate change-

WRM4 induced slow-onset and sudden extreme water hazards using ICT and
artificial intelligence
7% Climate change-induced hazards ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
affected communities and society all Biodiversity Fund, Nature+ Accelerator
over Bangladesh, victims of slow Fund, GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
onset and sudden extreme water partners, private sector, collaborative
hazards research grants and fellowships,
Climate BRIDGE Fund, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB, BMD
DoE, DAE, NARS Institutes, BFD, DoF, BFRI, DDM, DLS, BLRI,
Supporting Implementing Entity

Community-based rainwater harvesting through indigenous techniques and
WRM5 conservation of wetlands, reservoirs and natural springs for drinking water
supplies in hard-to-reach and water-stressed areas
Impenetrability in SWM | SEE |CHT | DBA
Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Stress Areas: CBL| NNW| CHI | URB
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 30
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100
CZ 1.8/1.21, CZ 1.26, CZ1.30
Project Code

According to the WHO, 97% of Bangladeshis have access to clean water, but only 40% have basic sanitation. The
country is in jeopardy because 60% of people are forced to drink contaminated water. The availability of this water
varies dramatically throughout the year. The warmer months provide enormous volumes of water in the form of
numerous monsoons, while the cooler months bring drought. Because the infrastructure cannot cope with the floods
during the monsoon season, the water is not conserved for the dry months. Over 80% of the available water is used
for agriculture. In Bangladesh, over 1.8 million people do not have improved water sources, and 36 million do not
have improved sanitation. Millions of people in Bangladesh are coping with the COVID-19 pandemic while also
lacking access to safe drinking water. Access to safe water is more important than ever for Bangladeshi families'

Wetlands, reservoirs, and natural springs give several socioeconomic advantages. They provide food and habitat for
fish and other endangered species, water quality, flood storage, erosion control, commercially critical natural
products for human consumption, and recreational, educational, and exploration opportunities. Wetlands also help
to improve water quality and serve as a wildlife refuge. The size of Bangladesh's wetlands is alarmingly shrinking.
Most of the country's wetlands and natural springs have been severely impacted by unplanned industrial and urban
growth, illegal occupancy, and pollution. Since 1985, more than 10,000 hectares of wetlands, canals, and lowlands
in Dhaka have been lost, according to an Institute of Water Modelling assessment. If the current trend of reservoir
filling continues, Dhaka's water and land might fall below 10% of the total area by 2031. Therefore, there lies an
urgent need to restore and conserve these wetlands in Bangladesh.

According to the Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (WASA), rainfall is free of arsenic poisoning. The
physical, chemical, and bacteriological features of harvested rainwater make it a safe and acceptable source of
drinkable water. Rainwater can be used for flushing toilets, watering gardens, and washing floors in urban settings,

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Community-based rainwater harvesting through indigenous techniques and

WRM5 conservation of wetlands, reservoirs and natural springs for drinking water
supplies in hard-to-reach and water-stressed areas
and these uses are known as non-potable. In rural regions, it becomes the primary supply of potable water for
drinking, bathing, and cooking. According to a study conducted by the Institute of Water Modelling in Dhaka,
Bangladesh's groundwater level is declining at a rate of three meters per year. Groundwater is estimated to supply
more than 80% of the city's water. As the population and industry have grown, river water has become
contaminated by industrial waste.

On the other hand, Dhaka alone may capture 150 billion liters of rainwater during the monsoon season.
Furthermore, the country receives plenty of rain each year. Bangladesh receives roughly 2200 mm of yearly rainfall,
with 75% occurring between May and September. Rainwater harvesting is thus a viable source of water for
Bangladesh, especially in arsenic-affected rural areas. Rainwater harvesting involves installing low-cost devices to
collect and store rainwater for usage all year, which is a cost-effective and practical solution to the water crisis. It
also aligned with the BDP2100 goal that focuses on enhancing water security and efficiency of water usage.

The harvesting of rainwater and the conservation of wetlands, reservoirs, and natural springs are crucial for
safeguarding drinking water for the people living in the remote areas of Bangladesh, including mitigating the overall
water scarcity issues that the country currently faces. In terms of tackling water scarcity problems, community-
based and indigenous adaptation techniques are also important to follow as the local stakeholders have a deeper
understanding of their problems and, hence, have better solutions.

Possible Actions
• Identify and evaluate the effectiveness of community-based indigenous techniques for rainwater
• Restoration and conservation of wetlands and reservoirs for rainwater harvesting
• Identify and sensitize communities about the benefits of rainwater harvesting under climate stress
• Implement community-based rainwater harvesting techniques inclusive of gender
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• The increased adaptive • Freshwater supply and better • Affected areas or exposure to sea
capacity of humans, natural WASH services to more than level rise and salinity
systems, and economic systems 30 million population • Number of households practice or
• Reduction of risks and • Rainwater harvesting by at installed rainwater harvesting
vulnerabilities of water scarcity least 10000 communities system
and water security • Reducing salinity • Access to safe drinking water
• Protection against climate- vulnerabilities of 5.2 million supply and sanitation services
induced hazards like droughts people and 1.2 million • Climate-induced disasters and
in remote and water-stress households vulnerable populations
areas • Reducing sickness due to disaggregated by sex, age, and
• Improved life and livelihoods of salinity-induced and water- disability
the indigenous communities borne diseases of an average • Availability and withdrawal of
• Conservation of the wetland of 0.05 million populations freshwater resources by sector
ecosystem and biodiversity per year and saving • Losses of crops, fish, and livestock
treatment cost and work due to cyclones, storm surges,
hours’ value and salinity
• Saving of income due to • Number of jobs or employment or
reduced water-borne and business opportunities
salinity-induced diseases • Number of sicknesses by climate-
• Reduced death and sickness induced disaster and treatment
due to hypertension, high BP, cost

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Community-based rainwater harvesting through indigenous techniques and

WRM5 conservation of wetlands, reservoirs and natural springs for drinking water
supplies in hard-to-reach and water-stressed areas
and pre-eclampsia in • Number of injuries, fatalities, or
pregnant women deaths by climate-induced
• Freshwater supply for disasters
agriculture, fisheries, and • Status of ecosystem health and
agriculture to boost species diversity
production • Area of wetlands
• Restoration and conservation • Number of climate migrants
of at least 200 wetlands or • Loss of work hours by climate-
reservoirs induced disasters
• Improvement of ecosystem • Number of functional Water User
health and enhanced Associations or Disaster
biodiversity Management Committee
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
7% Communities and society of water ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
stress areas and freshwater- Biodiversity Fund, Nature+
dependent livelihoods Accelerator Fund, GEF, Multilateral
and bilateral partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants and
fellowships, Climate BRIDGE Fund,
CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB, BMDA, LGD, CHTDB
Supporting Implementing Entity

Dredging of all major and medium rivers for accommodating the smooth
drainage of excess floods during climate-induced extreme events
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: FPE | HFF Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 1501
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code CZ4.1

In Bangladesh, river flooding is a frequent occurrence that happens roughly every other year. The low-lying
floodplain regions of the country remain inundated by river flooding during the monsoon season. The most
significant floods that hit the country were in 1987, 1988, 1998, 2004, 2007, and 2017 and 39%, 61%, 69%, and
42% were submerged, respectively. 1988 floods caused damage to BWDB embankments totaling 1990 km (17.5%),
irrigation canals/drainage channels totaling 283 km (5.3%), 1465 structures (10%), and protection works totaling
265 km (24.8%). 1100 individuals lost their lives in the 1998 flood, which destroyed 4500 kilometers of the
embankment and 575,000 hectares of crops. The 2004 floods caused partial or complete damage to 178 km (16.6%)
of protective works and 3158 km (27.7%) of embankments. In 2007, a flood killed 405 people. The flood of 2020
was a worrying occurrence for the country, affecting almost 5 million people and claiming the lives of 41 people.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Dredging of all major and medium rivers for accommodating the smooth
drainage of excess floods during climate-induced extreme events
Flood-related total losses were figured at US$1.2, US$2.8, US$6.6, US$1, and US$0.9 billion in 1988, 1998, 2004,
2007, and 2017, respectively. Although the country's number of flood-related fatalities is declining, economic losses
have increased over time. The government has been creating and executing numerous strategies to lower the risk
of flooding. According to the SSP5-8.5 scenario, the mean annual flow of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna river
basins will increase by 17–28%, 2–5%, and 1-4%, respectively, in the 2050s due to climate change (CEGIS, 2021).
Pre-monsoon in all the basins will experience a significant rise in seasonal flow dispersion in the 2050s. While the
Brahmaputra and Meghna may see lesser percentage increases, the Ganges basin may see a significant (18–30%)
rise in flow. In SSP 5-8.5, the winter flow in the Meghna and Brahmaputra basins will drop. The likelihood of floods
will rise as a result.

As a result of extreme flood events, water logging and drainage congestion have become more common in recent
years in many locations in Bangladesh. Structural solutions such as embankments and cross dams have been used
to combat this unfavorable scenario. The structural solutions have successfully protected the floodplain from floods
while limiting silt dispersion over the river floodplains. As a result, most sedimentation occurred within the channels
rather than distributed throughout the floodplains, with river or channel beds increasing in contrast to surrounding
floodplains. This scenario impeded natural drainage, resulting in severe drainage congestion across a vast area.

As a result, the structural solutions were designed to protect the flooded area from drainage congestion while
ignoring the system's long-term impact. To counter the hazards, natural systems such as creeks and channels can
contribute as active inlets and outflows of floodplains. Dredging of major rivers is required, and the dredged
sediments should be spread across the floodplains to elevate elevation. Massive dredging has the potential to bring
back navigability to many rivers and open up new routes, adding more waterways to the country's river system. The
government of Bangladesh has dredged 178 rivers to assure navigability along 10,000 kilometers of river routes. It
has embarked on a dredging master plan to improve the navigability of the country's interior waterways. The
Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority would excavate 178 rivers to make roughly 10,000 km of river
channels passable under it (BIWTA). Therefore, dredging of the major and medium rivers of the country is crucial
to make more room for draining the excess flood water during extreme events.

Possible Actions

• Planned capital and maintenance dredging of major and medium rivers for accommodating and smooth
drainage of excess floods during climate-induced extreme events
• Proper management and reuse of dredging materials
• Regular monitoring of siltation and the connectivity of rivers with natural canals, wetlands or haors for
planning dredging
• Allocate and mobilize timely and adequate funds for capital and maintenance dredging
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• The adaptive capacity of the • Accommodate additional floods, • Length of rivers under capital
stakeholders and their smoothen drainage and reduce and maintenance dredging
environment is improved vulnerabilities of about 7.5 • Affected areas or exposure to
• The risks and vulnerabilities million populations floods, erosion, and drainage
regarding monsoon floods, • Protection against flood/surges problems
urban floods, etc., are reduced to households, croplands, • Number of climate-proofed
• The lives and properties of livestock poultry, road and water management and cross-
the people of flood-prone communication infrastructures, drainage structures
areas are protected cross drainage and water • Recurrent O&M cost of roads &
management infrastructures, communication structures,
social services facilities across water management, and cross
the country, etc drainage structures, social

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Dredging of all major and medium rivers for accommodating the smooth
drainage of excess floods during climate-induced extreme events
• Reduced sedimentation services facilities, and flood
problems, reclaimed and shelters
developed lands • Losses of crops, fish, and
• Ensure fresh water supply to 0.5 livestock due to floods, erosion,
million saline-vulnerable and drainage problems
households • Climate-induced disasters and
• Reducing work hours’ loss and vulnerable populations
treatment cost of approx. 0.1 disaggregated by sex, age, and
million population per flooding disability
event • Annual losses and damages of
• Increased opportunities for new critical infrastructures, power
jobs/business based on dredging plants, or economic zone
materials and their reuse, • Number of jobs or employment
approximately 1000 per year. or business opportunities
• Reducing recurrent O&M cost of • Income from agriculture,
existing flood management fisheries & aquaculture, and
infrastructures livestock
• Providing safety against power • Number of sicknesses by
plants and economic zones climate-induced disaster and
• Reduced death and injuries treatment cost
• Reduced social conflicts and • Number of injuries, fatalities, or
domestic violence deaths by climate-induced
• Navigation and waterway disasters
communication facilities • Status of ecosystem health and
improved species diversity
• Number of climate migrants
• Number of social conflicts or
domestic violence
• Loss of work hours by climate-
induced disasters
• Length of navigation routes
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
7% Communities and society in flood- ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
prone and waterlogged areas Biodiversity Fund, Nature+
Accelerator Fund, GEF, Multilateral
and bilateral partners, private
sector, collaborative research
grants and fellowships, Climate
BRIDGE Fund, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB
Supporting Implementing Entity
NRCC, DoF, BADC, MoL, PPPA, Private Sector

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Construction and rehabilitation of flood and drainage management
measures with eco-engineering solutions
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: FPE | HFF Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 754
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code

Historically Bangladesh is flood-prone; the annual flood is a regular phenomenon; however, sometimes, the country
experiences devastating floods due to its geographical location. These floods are beneficial in many ways;
nevertheless, in some circumstances, the negative consequences outweigh the advantages. Some floods have
wreaked havoc on infrastructure as well as human life. The harvest loss is estimated to diminish by 2 million tons
due to the 1998 flood damage to the Aman crop (Saleh et al. 1998: 254). As a result, the Bangladesh Flood Action
Plan (FAP) has constructed many flood control systems in the form of embankments and related water control
measures, generally known as "Flood Control, Drainage, and Irrigation" (FCD/I) projects (Ansary et al. 1997). Over
the years, the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) has built over 400 FCD/FCDI projects covering around
3.7 million hectares, or roughly 60% of the country's total flood-prone territory and 40% of its net cultivable area
(Chowdhury etal.1996).

These FCDI initiatives performed admirably in the short term, but they inevitably devolved into a development
disaster, wreaking havoc on the surrounding environment and society. These have resulted in habitat destruction
and impediments to fish movement and migration from rivers and water bodies to flood plains and back. This has
accelerated the demise of open-water fisheries. These projects also increase the depth of flooding, increase flood
velocities, and induce erosion of char and other active flood plains that are not protected. These FCD/I-projects also
produce siltation or the progressive deposition of soil that's no longer swept away by floods and becomes a serious
hazard on river banks. Furthermore, due to poor embankment design/maintenance (a typical problem in
Bangladesh), drainage congestion and water logging occur, which can be destructive by increasing soil salinity,
rotting crops, and changing the socioeconomic structure of the area.

Traditionally, BWDB practices more on the structural solutions to floods and other disasters. However, it strongly
suggested focusing more on environment-friendly or eco-friendly solutions to ensure the long-term sustenance of
their projects. BWDB, as yet, does not have a climate-resilient guideline that is perceived as essential in the present
country context. For example, the Haor region's poor farmers lose their crops due to early flash floods. Untimely
floods destroy their crops before they can be mature enough to be harvested. In this case, structural solutions like
raising the height of the submerged embankments may not be sustainable in the long run. This is because it would
eventually disrupt the connectivity of the Haors and cause biodiversity loss. A better and more eco-friendly solution
may be cultivating flood-resistant crops or crops that can be harvested in a short period so that the early floods
cannot destroy them. Eco-engineering solutions also need to be considered when constructing any hydraulic
structure. For example, a fish pass or fish ladder needs to be incorporated into regulators so that the fish can pass
without any harm. In the case of the coastal region, the polders are mostly earthen and are damage-prone to soil
erosion. This problem requires an eco-friendly mitigation solution, such as planting mangrove trees will help keep
erosion under control. Eco-engineering solutions like the plantation of trees and grass may be increased in urban
areas to raise the soil's infiltration capacity. The heat island effects of the urban cities may also be mitigated using
eco-friendly solutions, such as low-impact development, permeable pavements, etc.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Construction and rehabilitation of flood and drainage management

measures with eco-engineering solutions
Possible Actions
• Investigate and pilot eco-engineering solutions (slope protection with vetiver grass or stress-tolerant plants
or native species, fish pass, elevated roads or causeway avoiding crossing waterbodies, restoration of the
connectivity of rivers and khals, earthen embankments, etc.) as flood and drainage management measures
• Implement eco-engineering solutions for flood and drainage management measures
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Enhanced adaptive capacity • Accommodate excess floods, • Length of rivers under capital and
and protection of life, smoothen drainage and maintenance dredging
livelihoods, and ecosystem reduce flood vulnerabilities • Affected areas or exposure to
• Protection against floods, of about 13 million floods, erosion, and drainage
drainage congestion, and populations problems
waterlogging • Navigation and waterway • Length/number of constructed or
• Increased use of nature-based communication facilities rehabilitated flood embankment
solutions (NbS) and ecosystem- improved or drainage management
based adaptation (EbA) • Protection against measures
• Restoration of ecosystem and flood/surges to households, • Number of climate-proofed water
conservation of biodiversity croplands, livestock poultry, management and cross-drainage
road and communication structures
infrastructures, cross
• Recurrent O&M cost of roads &
drainage and water
communication structures, water
management infrastructures,
management, and cross drainage
social services facilities
structures, social services
across the country, etc
facilities, and flood shelters
• Reduced sedimentation
• Losses of crops, fish, and livestock
problems, reclaimed and
due to floods, erosion, and
developed lands
drainage problems
• Reduce drainage congestion-
• Climate-induced disasters and
related problems
vulnerable populations
• Reducing work hours’ loss disaggregated by sex, age, and
and treatment cost of approx. disability
0.3 million population per
• Annual losses and damages of
flooding event
critical infrastructures, power
• Increased opportunities for plants, or economic zone
new jobs/business based on
• Number of jobs or employment or
dredging materials and their
business opportunities
reuse, approximately 1000
• Income from agriculture, fisheries
per year.
& aquaculture, and livestock
• Reducing recurrent O&M cost
• Number of sicknesses by climate-
of existing flood and drainage
induced disaster and treatment
management infrastructures
• Ecosystem conservation and
• Number of injuries, fatalities, or
inclusive green growth
deaths by climate-induced
• Status of ecosystem health and
species diversity

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Construction and rehabilitation of flood and drainage management

measures with eco-engineering solutions
• Providing safety against • Number of climate migrants
power plants and economic • Number of social conflicts or
zones domestic violence
• Reduced death and injuries • Loss of work hours by climate-
• Reduced social conflicts and induced disasters
domestic violence • Length of navigation routes
• Annual erosion and accretion rate
by rivers
• Number of functional Water User
Associations or Disaster
Management Committee
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Vulnerable communities and ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
society of congested drainage Biodiversity Fund, Nature+
areas Accelerator Fund, GEF, Multilateral
and bilateral partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants and
fellowships, Climate BRIDGE Fund,
CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB
Supporting Implementing Entity
PPPA, Private Sector

Drainage management of economic/industrial zones and critical
infrastructure, and reinforced climate resilience through risk assessment
Impenetrability in Stress SWM | SEE | FPE | HFF |URB Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 Tentative Cost 326
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100 Project CZ 1.11, CZ 1.4, MR 3.1
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA) is working to build Economic Zones (EZs) in high-potential areas of
the country to promote rapid economic development by diversifying sectors and increasing employment, output,
and export. BEZA has received authority to build 97 economic zones across the country, with 68 Government and
29 private EZs. These designated EZs are undergoing feasibility assessments, land acquisition, and the identification
of area-specific social and environmental activities. Although, in reality, most of these EZs established without a
proper climate risk assessment. The embankments demarcated the economic zones upstream from the
downstream. This obstructs the adequate drainage of the excess water from these zones into the river. Hence, erratic
rainfall due to climate change eventually leads to urban flooding and drainage congestion within the economic

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Drainage management of economic/industrial zones and critical

infrastructure, and reinforced climate resilience through risk assessment
Critical infrastructure is a collection of systems, networks, and assets vital to a country's security, economy, public
health, and safety. Their ongoing operation is necessary— hospitals, power plants, etc. If a hospital stops functioning
properly due to drainage congestion issues, it affects all the doctors and all the patients admitted into the hospital,
including their families. If an electric power plant stops functioning due to drainage congestion or waterlogging,
then everything that the plant was powering would shut down. This would also lead to a loss of investments in
building the plant. This would result in massive unemployment, poverty, anti-social activities, and other socio-
economic damages and could bring a whole city to a standstill. Suppose the nuclear power plant established in
Ruppur collapses due to drainage issues. In that case, a catastrophic radioactive disaster may take thousands of lives
and severely damage the future generation.

Hence, the climate risk assessment approach is crucial to raise the climate resilience of the economic zones of
Bangladesh, emphasizing the critical infrastructures. The climate risk assessment needs to focus on the country's
drainage congestion issues, especially the urban cities. Drainage congestion is a big reason behind the disruption of
the economic zones and critical infrastructures.

Possible Actions
• Comprehensive climate risk assessment of planned or implemented economic/industrial zones and critical
• Preparation and implementation of inside and outside drainage management plans and creation of
appropriate drainage mitigation measures considering extreme climate change scenarios, surrounding
hydrological system and settlements
• Maintain adequate opening and operational modalities for water regulation and cross-drainage structures
based on climate change scenario modelling
• Re-excavation, restoration and conservation of natural canals, wetlands or hydrological systems for proper
• Awareness-raising for climate risk-informed development
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Protection against climate- • Providing safety against • Affected areas or exposure to floods,
induced hazards in coastal existing power plants, more erosion, and drainage problems
areas and flood-prone than 50 economic zones, and 4 • Number of climate-proofed water
areas seaports along the coastal belt management and cross-drainage
• The enhanced adaptive and flood plains and securing structures in and around the
capacity of the economy huge investment of the economic or industrial zones and
government critical infrastructures
• Increased climate resilience
of the critical • Ensuring protection of critical • Recurrent O&M cost of roads &
infrastructures infrastructures like KPIs, communication structures, water
hospitals, growth centers, management and cross drainage
• Reduction of risks and
power stations, essential social structures, social services facilities
vulnerabilities regarding
services & emergency facilities,
drainage congestion and • Losses of goods and services worth
waterlogging exporting by climate-induced
• Reducing recurrent O&M cost disasters
of internal drainage and road
• Climate-induced disasters
infrastructures management
vulnerable populations
for economic zones or
disaggregated by sex, age, and
industrial zones

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Drainage management of economic/industrial zones and critical

infrastructure, and reinforced climate resilience through risk assessment
• Reducing damages of goods • Annual losses and damages of
and services to protect export critical infrastructures, power
earnings of about 5 billion USD plants, or economic zone
• Save 0.5 million jobs per • Number of jobs or employment or
extreme event from climate business opportunities
and water-related disasters • Number of the sickness of workers
through climate-proofing caused by climate-induced disasters
• Save treatment costs and work and treatment cost
hours of employees due to • Number of injuries, fatalities, or
decreased diseases and deaths of workers by climate-
sickness induced disasters
• Reduced death and injuries • Loss of work hours by climate-
• Reduce income loss and induced disasters
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
3% Communities and livelihoods ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
dependent on economic and Biodiversity Fund, Nature+ Accelerator
industrial zones Fund, GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
partners, private sector, collaborative
research grants and fellowships, Climate
BRIDGE Fund, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BEZA
Supporting Implementing Entity LGED, RHD, BWDB, WARPO, PPPA, Private Sector

Internal drainage management and climate-resilient development of
the char and islands areas
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: CHI Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 461
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code CZ 1.11

Islands or char regions are crucial components in a tide-dominated delta-like Bangladesh. Chars can be islands in
rivers or the coastal region of Bangladesh, such as the Saint Martin Islands, Bhasan Char, Bhola, etc. Several million
people live on these islands in Bangladesh, which are vulnerable to natural and/or anthropogenic calamities such
as erosion, flooding, drainage congestion, cyclones, and storm surge. Furthermore, climate change exacerbates the
problem. Because of their proximity to flood-prone rivers or cyclone-prone coastal regions, households in char
regions are exposed to climate change. Char land regions are particularly vulnerable to flood, drought, and erosion,
regardless of their proximity to the mainland and distance from growth centers. The constant fluctuations in
currents periodically wash the chars away due to their uncertain placement. Because of the fragile nature of the
physical environment where the chars are, it found difficult and disastrous for human settlement. Furthermore,
scarcity and obstacles in access to food, health, education, housing, and empowerment make it nearly hard for poor

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Internal drainage management and climate-resilient development of

the char and islands areas
char dwellers to break free from the poverty cycle (Sarker et al., 2020; Alam et al., 2019, 2017, Lahiri-Dutt and
Samanta, 2007).

In addition, in Bangladesh, agriculture is the primary source of income for rural dwellers. Most of its residents work in
agriculture, either directly or indirectly (World Bank, 2013). Natural hazards-induced agricultural risks demand
priority -address to reduce poverty and vulnerability in the char inhabitants and attain their food self-sufficiency.

Because adaptation is site-specific, it's critical to understand and document char farmers' attitudes, vulnerabilities,
and local solutions for adapting agricultural methods to climate change resilience. This is also in line with the
BDP2100 goal that ensures safety from floods and climate change-related disasters.

A drainage system is a network of watercourses or drains designed to remove excess water from various sources.
Natural drainage's essential function is to prevent excess soil water and salt accumulation in the crop root zone,
particularly on the island (Hossain and Islam, 2006). In fact, there is almost no drainage system in Bangladesh's char
and islands. Because of their location and other circumstances, they rely heavily on natural drainage systems. As a
result, various problems emerge in the island areas due to waste congestion through natural drainage systems.

Furthermore, many residents of the Saint Martin Islands and others have developed the habit of throwing domestic
or residential rubbish on roadsides, agricultural waste on nearby wetlands, and fishing waste on the island's beach
region (Muhibbullah et al., 2017). The unplanned and irregular drainage system in islands and chars has had several
consequences. Due to the unplanned drainage infrastructure, residents' main effect and the problem is drainage
congestion. Water logging is also an issue caused by an arbitrary drainage system, while saline intrusion is a problem
caused by the lack of a drainage system in the case of the islands or char areas of the coastal zone. Due to drainage
congestion, the winter season experiences the highest pollution (Muhibbullah et al., 2017). The uncontrolled
drainage system in Bangladesh's Saint Martin's island, according to Afrin et al. (2013), has a variety of environmental

Consequently, the overall management of internal drains of the char or island areas is essential, along with
enhancing the climate resilience of the char areas and the vulnerable community living in these areas.

Possible Actions
• Assessment of climate risk for the char and islands areas for risk-informed development planning
• Preparation and implementation of inside and outside drainage management plan and the creation of
appropriate drainage mitigation measures considering extreme climate change scenarios, surrounding
hydrological system and settlements
• Maintain adequate opening and operational modalities for water regulation and cross-drainage structures
based on climate change scenario modelling of sea-level rise, extreme storm surges, etc.
• Re-excavation and conservation of natural canals, wetlands or hydrological systems for proper drainage
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Increased adaptive capacity • Protection of inhabitants of • Length of trained or rehabilitated,
and improvement of life, Chars and Islands from or re-excavated drainage
livelihoods, and ecosystem of drainage congestion and channels
Char and Island areas reduce climate vulnerabilities • Affected Char and Island areas or
• Protection against drainage of 8.5 million population exposure to sea level rise, storm
congestion issues in Char and • Protect croplands, fisheries, surge, floods, erosion, and
Island areas and livestock of the Chars drainage problems
• Increased climate resilience in and Islands • Length or number of constructed
Char and Island areas • Reduce recurrent O&M cost or rehabilitated flood
of communication

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Internal drainage management and climate-resilient development of

the char and islands areas
infrastructures, water embankment or drainage
management and cross management measures
drainage structures, social • Number of climate-proofed water
services facilities management and cross-drainage
• Reduce vector-borne structures
diseases outbreak and health • Recurrent O&M cost of roads &
hazards, consequently communication structures, water
reducing treatment costs and management, and cross drainage
work-hour loss structures, social services
• Increase property land value facilities, and flood/cyclone
• Reduced death and injuries shelters
• Reduced social conflicts and • Losses of crops, fish, and livestock
domestic violence due to floods, erosion, and
drainage problems
• Improved standard of living
and poverty reduction • Climate-induced disasters
vulnerable populations
• Climate migration will
disaggregated by sex, age, and
reduce, and planned
relocation of climate
migrants will be possible • Annual losses and damages of
critical infrastructures, power
plants, or economic zone
• Number of jobs or employment or
business opportunities
• Income from agriculture, fisheries
& aquaculture, and livestock
• Number of sicknesses by climate-
induced disaster and treatment
• Number of injuries, fatalities, or
deaths by climate-induced
• Number of social conflicts or
domestic violence
• Loss of work hours by climate-
induced disasters
• Per unit land and property value
• Number of functional Water User
Associations or Disaster
Management Committee
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
3% Communities, society, and ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
freshwater ecosystem of char and Biodiversity Fund, Nature+
island areas Accelerator Fund, GEF, Multilateral
and bilateral partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants and

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Internal drainage management and climate-resilient development of

the char and islands areas
fellowships, Climate BRIDGE Fund,
CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB
Supporting Implementing Entity
PPPA, Private Sector, NGOs

Protection against flash floods, wave action, erosion and
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: FPE | HFF | CHI Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 1909
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.2, S1.3, S4.2, S4.3, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code

Flash floods essentially come from rapid upstream flooding or high or excessive rainfall. The two months from
September to October that experience extensive flash floods are April to July (WMO 2003). Flash flooding is more
common in Bangladesh's northeastern regions than in other parts of the country. The only significant crop in the
northeast region of Bangladesh is Boro. Between January and May (pre-monsoon), about 80% of the land is covered
with dry-season rice, producing 18% of Bangladesh's total rice production (BHWDB, 2012). Near harvest time, flash
floods abruptly inundate the crops, destroy critical infrastructure, and frequently result in the loss of life and
property. The country's food security was at risk due to the flash flood event of 2017, which was the most destructive
early flash flood. It damaged pre-mature dry season crops in that area worth US$1.49 billion and disrupted highways
and embankments. In nine districts in Bangladesh's northeast, 7.2 million people suffered severely from the flash
flood of 2022. The flood damaged 1133 square kilometers of crops, 44,254 water ponds, and 49,885 sanitary
facilities. It also resulted in a loss of US$27.84 million in livestock, the closure of almost 3,600 schools, and displaced
0.48 million people (UN RC Bangladesh, 2022). Future effects of climate change will increase rainfall in the
northeastern regions during the pre-monsoon season, increasing the likelihood of flash floods.

Around 10,000 hectares of land are eroded yearly by rivers in Bangladesh (NWMP, 2001). CEGIS projections show
14,545 ha of accretion and 93,965 ha of erosion along the Jamuna River between 1973 and 2021. The Ganges River
experienced 30,300 hectares of erosion during this time, compared to 29,100 ha of accretion. On the other hand, the
Padma river experienced 33,585 ha of erosion and 5,485 ha of accretion. The predicted dynamics of these rivers
become even more dynamic due to changes in river flow and sediment transport caused by the complex effects of
climate change. Climate change may cause erosion to worsen in the short future as more silt from upstream
catchments is carried downstream by major rivers' increased peak flows and high-intensity rains.

The above circumstances justify the conclusion that Bangladesh needs proper protection against flash floods,
erosion, wave action, and sedimentation.

Possible Actions
• Ensure regular and timely O&M of water management and drainage (regulators, culverts, etc.) structures,
embankments and submersible embankments
• Develop design guidelines and monitoring tools for construction and regular O&M of embankments

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Protection against flash floods, wave action, erosion and

• Participatory conservation of wetlands ecosystems through promoting submersible embankments and
elevated roads with adequate opening for cross drainage
• Development of the karach/hijol belt along the periphery of haor settlements to reduce wave action, erosion
and consequent land degradation
• Construction of guide walls for protection from wave action or flash floods in haor areas
• Provisioning of causeways in haor areas for facilitating agricultural and fisheries production
• Adopt experimental bioengineering and eco-engineering techniques for slope stabilization of embankments
or banks of canals, reducing erosion risk
• Construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of erosion protection structures along erosion-prone rivers
• Indigenous or native vegetation or tree plantation along hill slopes to reduce soil erosion during excessive
rain and flash floods
• Maintaining connectivity of rivers or khals with perennial beels, seasonal wetlands in haor areas and charas
or jhiris in the CHT area
• Development of awareness at the planning and local levels of the principles of ‘living with floods’ in deeply
flooded haor areas ensuring the conservation of rich ecosystems
• Ensure hassle-free land rights to entitled holders after the reemergence of eroded land
• Development of haor, wetland, char-specific WASH technologies focusing on serving the needs of people living
on Aati (in haor) and char
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Ensured protection against • Giving protection to 4.2 • Length of rehabilitated
floods, erosion, accretion, etc., million people from flash submersible embankment,
adverse impacts of climate floods and 0.1 million people erosion protection measures
change from erosion in haor areas and • Number of swamp trees
• The increased adaptive CHTs plantation inside the haor areas
capacity of the people living in • Save losses and damages of and CHTs
flood-prone and erosion-prone 0.23 Mha croplands, 1.4 • Affected areas or exposure to
areas million ton crop, 300-ton flash floods
• Improvement of the ecosystem fishes, 1.3 million livestock,
• Length/ number of constructed
and conservation of and 3.2 million poultry from
or rehabilitated flood
biodiversity an extreme flooding event
embankment or drainage
• Improvement of agricultural • Give protection to 0.08 million management measures
activities and the livelihoods of houses and 0.5 million
• Number of climate-proofed
the stakeholders households from flash floods,
water management and cross-
erosion, and wave action
• Community and youth-led drainage structures
conservation of nature for • Plantation of 6 lakhs Swamp
• Length of guide wall constructed
improved well being (hijol/karach) trees in haor or
or rehabilitated
native regenerative trees in
• Number of climate-resilient
CHTs, which will maintain
houses or farmer's sheds
ecological balance and
enhance carbon sequestration • Recurrent O&M cost of roads &
communication structures,
• Participation of local
water management, and cross
communities in climate-
drainage structures, social
induced disaster management
services facilities, and
flood/cyclone shelters
• Reduce recurrent O&M cost of
thousands of kilometers of

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Protection against flash floods, wave action, erosion and

submersible embankments • Losses of crops, fish, and
and roads, more than 5000 livestock due to flash floods,
cross drainage structures, erosion, and drainage problems
more than 500 water • Climate-induced disasters
management structures, and vulnerable populations
nearly 2000 social services disaggregated by sex, age, and
facilities, including growth disability
• Annual losses and damages of
• Biodiversity benefit and critical infrastructures, power
ecosystem restoration plants, or economic zone
• Expansion of agriculture and • Number of jobs or employment
aquaculture-based or business opportunities
job/business opportunities
• Income from agriculture,
and employment
fisheries & aquaculture, and
• Ensuring improved WASH livestock
• Number of sicknesses by
• Reduce loss of work climate-induced disaster and
hours/treatment costs due to treatment cost
climate hazards
• Number of injuries, fatalities, or
• Reduced death and injuries deaths by climate-induced
• Reduced social conflicts and disasters
domestic violence • Number of social conflicts or
• Reduce injuries, fatalities, and domestic violence
health hazards • Loss of work hours by climate-
• Poverty reduction induced disasters
• Awareness raising of 20 • Per unit land and property value
million people for nature- • Number of climate migrants
based solutions and
• Participation of communities in
water and flash floods
• Internal climate migrations management
will reduce
• Status of wetlands & ecosystem
health and species diversity
• Access to safe drinking water
supply and sanitation services
• Number of functional Water
User Associations or Disaster
Management Committee
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Vulnerable communities of areas ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
prone to flash floods and riverbank Biodiversity Fund, Nature+
erosion, livelihoods dependent on Accelerator Fund, GEF, Multilateral
agriculture along the riverbanks, and bilateral partners, private sector,
and flash-flood-prone regions collaborative research grants and
fellowships, Climate BRIDGE Fund,
CIF, etc.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Protection against flash floods, wave action, erosion and

Lead Implementing Entity BWDB
Supporting Implementing Entity
SPARRSO, DDM, BIWTA, BN, BA, MoL, PPPA, Private Sector, NGOs

Erosion risk management through erosion prediction, improved early
warning and its dissemination
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: FPE | HFF Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 7
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code CC18.5

Every year, rivers in Bangladesh erode 10,000 hectares of land (NWMP, 2001). According to CEGIS estimates,
erosion along the Jamuna River totaled 93,965 hectares between 1973 and 2021, whereas accretion was 14,545.
During this time, erosion along the Ganges River was 30,300 ha, whereas accretion was 29,100 ha. Along the Padma
river, however, erosion was 33,585 hectares, and accretion was 5,485 hectares. Generally speaking, land eroding
rates are 1500 ha/year in the Padma, 1900 ha/year in the Ganges, and 2600 ha/year in the Jamuna. 2020 saw an
erosion of 725 ha in the Jamuna, 460 ha in the Ganges, and 780 ha in the Padma. In Bangladesh, complete erosion
occurs at a rate of 6,000 acres per year, and 50,000 people are displaced yearly.

An early warning system (EWS) is a crucial life-saving instrument for river erosion-affected communities. The
Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), the prime executing agency of the Ministry of Water Resources
(MoWR), is responsible for protecting public and private property along the banks of major rivers and saving human
lives in the event of a disaster. The DDM, the major executing agency of the Ministry of Disaster Management and
Relief (MoDMR), is in charge of providing early warnings in the event of natural catastrophes. In the country, there
is currently no proper river erosion risk map in use in EWS. An integrated institutional structure is required in
erosion-prone locations to construct a risk-informed early warning system. The risk-based early warning system
has the potential to save lives and reduce property and structural damage. In this regard, an adequate early warning
and dissemination system is essential.

Possible Actions
• Improvement of the existing erosion prediction model using artificial intelligence for predicting riverbank
erosion risks under long-term future climate change scenarios
• Development of an erosion risk management tool using the state-of-the-art Erosion Prediction Model for
• Increase community volunteering or community-based risk flagging for warning dissemination and
• Increase access of communities to disseminated early warning information through the use of ICT
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Protection against risks and • Increased access to early • Length of rehabilitated
vulnerabilities of erosion warning of erosion and disaster embankment, erosion
preparedness among 1.3 protection measures

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Erosion risk management through erosion prediction, improved early

warning and its dissemination
• The enhanced adaptive capacity million erosion-vulnerable • Annual erosion and accretion
of humans, natural systems, people rate
and economic systems • The complement to smooth • Many people received early
• Improvement of the lives and emergency evacuation of the warning services for erosion
livelihoods of the people living vulnerable population, gender, • Affected areas or exposure to
near river banks and coastal aged people, persons with erosion
areas disabilities, and other marginal
• Length/number of constructed
or rehabilitated flood
• Reduce recurrent losses and embankments
damages of agriculture, lands,
• Number of climate-proofed
houses, education, medical
water management and cross-
infrastructures or industries
drainage structures
and economic zones for better
preparedness and building • Length of guide wall made or
back better rehabilitated

• Ease in collecting, generating, • Recurrent O&M cost of roads &

processing, and disseminating communication structures,
data and information related to water management, and cross
climate change and erosion drainage structures, social
services facilities, and
• Raised awareness among
flood/cyclone shelters
marginal and vulnerable
communities regarding • Losses of crops, fish, and
community-based erosion risk livestock due to flash floods,
management erosion, and drainage problems

• Institutional and individual- • Climate-induced disasters

level capacity building for vulnerable populations
adaptation disaggregated by sex, age, and
• Savings of lives and protection
of properties against disasters • Annual losses and damages of
critical infrastructures, power
plants, or economic zone
• Number of jobs or employment
or business opportunities
• Number of injuries, fatalities, or
deaths by climate-induced
• Number of social conflicts or
domestic violence
• Loss of work hours by climate-
induced disasters
• Per unit land and property
• Number of climate migrants
• Knowledge level of people
related to erosion and

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Erosion risk management through erosion prediction, improved early

warning and its dissemination
• Number of functional Water
User Associations or Disaster
Management Committee
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
7% Communities and society living in ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
erosion-prone areas Biodiversity Fund, Nature+
Accelerator Fund, GEF, Multilateral
and bilateral partners, private
sector, collaborative research
grants and fellowships, Climate
BRIDGE Fund, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB
Supporting Implementing Entity
DDM, BFD, PPPA, Private Sector

Sustainable shoreline erosion management based on eco or bio-
engineering measures
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 755
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code CZ 1.3, CC9.17
Because of high land erosion and accretion rates, the geomorphological structure along the Bangladesh coast is
highly dynamic and rapidly changing (Ahmed et al., 2018; Brammer, 2014). The Bengal delta is the world's second-
largest delta, covering a considerable portion of the coastline area (Goodbred et al., 2003; Hori and Saito, 2007). The
Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) river system's hydrologic discharges further fueled the process (Allison and
Kepple, 2001; Fergusson, 1863; Goodbred and Kuehl, 2000a, 2000b; Sarker et al., 2015; Williams, 1919). This river
system carries one trillion cubic meters of water and a billion tons of sediment downstream yearly (Ahmed et al.,
2018). These processes have been considered key driving forces in altering Bangladesh's coastal areas (Sarker et
al., 2015). Near the seaside, more than 44.8 million people (or 28% of Bangladesh's total population) dwell (Ahmed,
2011). Although sediment transport via the GBM river system has resulted in a net gain of land (7.9 km2 on an
annual average) in the area (mainly in the central portion), there is a net loss of land in the area (primarily in the
central part). However, the morphological equilibrium between erosion and accretion rate is altering in many places
on the shore. Between 1985 and 2015, a total of 1,576 km2 of coastline was lost, and the erosion rate increased from
6.3 km2 yr-1 (1985–1995) to 11.4 km2 yr-1 (2005–2015) for the eastern coastal region (Ahmed et al., 2018). Islands
like Kutubdia Island, in particular, appear to be particularly active (Rahman et al., 2017). Although the islands have
gained a substantial amount of land, they have also lost a significant amount. These morphological changes are the
result of the estuarine and offshore islands' dynamic nature, caused by high river water discharges during monsoon
months, astronomical tides, storm surges, and climate change-induced sea-level rise (SLR) (Ali, 1999; Barua, 1997;

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Sustainable shoreline erosion management based on eco or bio-

engineering measures
Brammer, 2004; Brammer, 2014; Hossain, 2012; Masatomo, 2009; Mikhailov and Dotsenko, 2007; Parvin et al.,
2008; Shamsuddoha and Chowdhury, 2007).

To defend the beaches and offshore islands, roughly 4750 km of coastal embankments, including 1479 km of sea-
facing embankments, have been built along the 139 polders since 1960. (BWDB, 2017). Most of these embankments
are earthen dikes that erode over time, especially during monsoon seasons, which is a reoccurring issue (Hossain et
al., 2008; Saari and Rahman, 2003). Storm surges, accompanying waves, monsoon waves, severe rains, and river
currents all rise during these times (Saari and Rahman, 2003). The Coastal Embankment Rehabilitation Project
(CERP) has focused on improving planning and design procedures to mitigate losses from hard-engineered
structures (World Bank, 2005). Unfortunately, many hard protection systems have failed due to poor design and
maintenance (Hossain and Sakai, 2008; Hoque and Siddique, 1995; Hossain et al., 2008). Erosive wave energies are
reflected rather than absorbed or muted is a major concern when using hard engineering approaches for coastal
protection. As a result, neighboring shorelines are exposed to even higher wave energies, resulting in a faster rate
of vertical erosion down the barrier and the loss of intertidal habitats. Coastal erosion caused by climate change,
combined with anthropogenic impacts (i.e., poorly designed hard structures for coastal defense) and the removal of
vegetation (salt marshes and mangroves) for economic development (coastal aquaculture, sea salt pens, etc.), is
posing ever-greater threats to ecological integrity. Intertidal habitat loss also raises the wave pressure on key dikes
and lengthens the flooding duration. These measures are simultaneously harming coastal biodiversity and fisheries
productivity, resulting in significant socio-economic consequences (Nandy et al., 2013; Rahman and Rahman, 2015;
Samsuddoha and Chowdhury, 2007). As a result, the coastline's changing character impacts residents' livelihoods
while also putting lives and property at risk (Shamsuddoha and Chowdhury, 2007). Hundreds of thousands of
people have been compelled to relocate from these islands to the mainland due to these growing vulnerabilities
(Islam et al., 2014b), escalating social tensions throughout the region.

Bangladesh has been using soft eco-engineering techniques since 1966. One is planting mangroves as a coastal
defense against cyclones and related storm surges (Saenger and Siddiqi, 1993). To date, 196,000 hectares of land
have been planted (DoF, 2017). It has already proven to be a cost-effective method of dispersing wave energy and
lowering the hydraulic stress on shorelines during storm surges (GoB, 2008). Oyster reefs may also deter coastal
erosion by slowing waves before reaching shore. Oysters shape their surroundings by forming reef formations,
gathering on hard, submerged surfaces, and fusing. Their significance in filtering and keeping nutrients in the water,
providing spawning and shelter for fish, and boosting biodiversity, is well documented. Oyster reefs provide a
habitat for other animals, improve water quality, and encourage the establishment of seagrass. Salt marshes, like
mangroves, are widespread in muddy coastal locations. Waves are attenuated, and intertidal flats are stabilized by
salt marsh vegetation. Their eco-engineering impacts are determined mainly by the marsh's breadth, the
vegetation's height, and the vegetation's density (Shepard et al., 2011). Mangrove trees are planted in salt marsh
locations to help the marshes expand. The goal is to capture additional silt and increase the habitats' eco-engineering
impacts. However, storm surges and severe cyclones have destroyed these two vegetation types in numerous
regions (e.g., Ayla, Nargis, Roanu). Additionally, the coastal region's yearly monsoonal climate impacts these
ecosystems as lower energy flats become more dynamic and hydrodynamic circumstance changes. As a result, more
sustainable eco-engineering solutions to these problems require innovation and exploration.

Possible Actions

• Innovations, investigation and piloting of bio-engineering shoreline protection measures

• Predication of shoreline erosion using the erosion prediction model under climate change scenarios
• Design and implement eco or bio-engineering shoreline protection measures such as oyster reef, vetiver grass
or mangrove plants like Golpata etc.
• Regular O&M of the protection measures for ensuring durability and sustainability

Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Sustainable shoreline erosion management based on eco or bio-

engineering measures
• Reduction of the risks and • Protect against erosion risks • Length of rehabilitated
vulnerabilities regarding for vulnerable people embankment, erosion protection
shoreline erosion residing along the shoreline measures
• Protection of the lives and • Reduce recurrent losses and • Annual erosion and accretion rate
livelihoods of the people living damages of agriculture, • Many people received early
in the coastal region lands, houses, education, warning services for erosion
• Conservation of the medical infrastructures or
• Affected areas or exposure to
biodiversity and improvement industries and economic
of the coastal ecosystem zones for better
• Plantation of trees or vegetation
preparedness and building
• Increased use of nature-based coverage for erosion protection
back better
solutions (NbS) and ecosystem-
• Length/ number of constructed or
based adaptations (EbA) • Reduce recurrent O&M cost
rehabilitated flood embankments
of infrastructures along the
shoreline • Number of climate-proofed water
management and cross-drainage
• Improved ecosystem health
and biodiversity benefit
• Length of guide wall constructed
• Reduced land losses due to
erosion and degradation
• Recurrent O&M cost of roads &
• Reduced sickness due to
communication structures, water
injuries or fatalities
management, and cross drainage
• Reduced erosion affected
structures, social services facilities,
work hours involved in
and flood/cyclone shelters
different occupations and
• Losses of crops, fish, and livestock
due to floods, erosion, and
• Secured investment along
drainage problems
the shoreline
• Climate-induced disasters
• Climate migrations will
vulnerable populations
disaggregated by sex, age, and
• Annual losses and damages of
critical infrastructures, power
plants, or economic zone
• Number of jobs or employment or
business opportunities
• Number of injuries, fatalities, or
deaths by climate-induced
• Number of social conflicts or
domestic violence
• Loss of work hours by climate-
induced disasters
• Per unit land and property value
• Number of climate migrants
• Knowledge level of people related
to erosion and adaptation

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Sustainable shoreline erosion management based on eco or bio-

engineering measures
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
2% Communities, society, and ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
freshwater ecosystem of coastal Biodiversity Fund, Nature+ Accelerator
areas, livelihoods dependent on Fund, GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
coastal shores partners, private sector, collaborative
research grants and fellowships,
Climate BRIDGE Fund, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB
Supporting Implementing Entity
BFD, BN, BA, BCG, MoL, PPPA, Private Sector

Reclamation and development of lands for the expansion of afforestation,
agriculture, shrimp cultivation, and settlements
Impenetrability in Stress
SEE |CHI Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 490
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code HR2.1/2.2, HR2.4
Bangladesh is one of the world's most vulnerable countries as the average sea level increases. In addition, up to now,
roughly 20,000 acres of land have been lost due to river erosion or other natural disasters. There is also a need to
devise an efficient plan to keep the country's rapidly declining arable land under control and therefore sustain the
country's food grain production momentum. Rapid industrialization, unplanned urbanization, and expansion in
rural communities cause diminishing over 69,000 hectares of agricultural land yearly, which poses growing threats
to national food security. Research revealed a consistent and steadily decreasing trend in land available for
agriculture. Around 13,412 hectares of agricultural land were lost between 1976 and 2000.

In contrast, between 2000 and 2010, a span of ten years, nearly 30,000 hectares of land were lost in general. As the
population of metropolitan areas grows worldwide, it spreads to rural and suburban areas. Every year, rapid
urbanization with new roads and highways encroaches on enormous swaths of rural land. Farmers are under
pressure to give up their croplands and fields to build human settlements in rural areas. Loss of agricultural land
due to urbanization leads to environmental issues such as poor air quality, traffic issues, loss of essential habitat and
green space, and water quality degradation. Food production is impacted by urbanization in two ways: as cities
grow, agricultural land is de-characterized from cultivation, and the number of family farms decreases as more
farmers relocate to cities. In many parts of the world, the development of cities alone destroys vast swaths of
farmland. The future is bleak, as resources are outpacing the population. For the sake of fuel, trees are cut down.
Recent climatic disturbances, salinity intrusion, diminishing farmlands, and crop losses have added to the country's

Soil degradation, or the loss of a soil's natural fertility, is another reason for the loss of agricultural land. When this
happens, the land's productivity falls, even if no additional fertilizers or chemicals are used. Water erosion, soil
fertility depletion, salinization, waterlogging, pan formation, active flood plain, and other major types of land
degradation occur in Bangladesh. Water erosion and fertility depletion are the primary causes. Water erosion occurs

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Reclamation and development of lands for the expansion of afforestation,

agriculture, shrimp cultivation, and settlements
most frequently in mountainous areas, where sheet, rill, and gully erosion occur. Around 75% of hilly terrain has a
very high susceptibility to erosion, 20% has high exposure to erosion, and 5% has a moderate susceptibility to
erosion (BARC, 1999). In steep areas, faulty 'Jhum' farming produces gully erosion and soil losses ranging from 10
to 120 t/ha/year (Farid et al., 1992). Soil fertility declines due to decreased soil organic matter and nutrient loss.
Due to intense agriculture, the average organic matter content of top soils (high land and medium-high land
situations) has decreased from around 2% to 1% during the last 20 years, implying 20-46 % (Miah et al., 1993).
Agriculture is threatened by nutrient removal. The country has a negative soil nutrient balance, with net removals
of main nutrients (N, P, K, and S) ranging between 180 and 250 kg/ha/yr (Karim et al., 1994).

In this instance, submerged land reclamation may be a viable alternative. Bangladesh has previously taken on
several projects and wants to take on more. Two such projects are the Meghna River Dam 1 and Meghna River Dam
2. The first substantial area of land was reclaimed by damming the Meghna River, which flows between Noakhali
and Ramgati, and subsequently spread to the Bay of Bengal. More than 1,000 square kilometers of land have been

Bangladesh has an exclusive agreement with the Netherlands to investigate the technology's application's potential,
goals, and other elements. Bangladesh targets to reclaim 10,000 square kilometers of land by the next 20 years
(Reuters, 2015). This land reclamation would increase lands for agricultural activities, afforestation, human
settlements, etc. If the correct amount of land is reclaimed with the appropriate technology, Bangladesh might be
one of the most promising countries in the world.

Possible Actions
• Identify suitable areas for reclamation and development of lands through erosion and accretion analysis
• Land acquisition and stress tolerant species plantation
• Community based afforestation and social forestry engaging communities
• Conservation of forestry, wetlands and internal drainage channels
• Strategic environmental and climate risk assessments for agriculture, shrimp cultivation and climate proofed
settlements and communication facilities development
• Internal drainage management and climate proofing of water management and disaster protection
• Expansion of settlements and increased opportunities of livelihood generation activities
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Increased agricultural • New land developed, and property • Area or volume of developed or
productivity and resilience value increased reclaimed lands
• Enhanced climate resilience • Expansion of afforestation, • The area under afforestation,
in aquaculture, fisheries, and agriculture, shrimp, cultivation, agriculture, shrimp cultivation,
livestock and settlements and settlements
• Expansion of forest • Livelihoods and new employment • Income from alternative
coverage, mangroves, and generation occupations or livelihoods
biodiversity • Business opportunities creation options
• Critical and fragile • Improved ecosystem and carbon • Annual erosion and accretion
ecosystems restored and sequestration rate
conserved • Amount of carbon
• Income increase and poverty
• Enhanced adaptive capacity reduction sequestration
and protection of life, • Number of jobs or employment
• Improved habitat for human
livelihoods, and ecosystem or business opportunities

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Reclamation and development of lands for the expansion of afforestation,

agriculture, shrimp cultivation, and settlements
• Community and youth-led • Allow planned relocation to • Per unit land and property
conservation of nature counter internal climate migration value
• Income increase, poverty • Number of climate migrants
reduction, and improved socio- • Available lands for settlements
economic condition of the country
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
7% Communities, society, and livelihoods ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
dependent on agriculture and shrimp Biodiversity Fund, Nature+
cultivation Accelerator Fund, GEF, Multilateral
and bilateral partners, private
sector, collaborative research
grants and fellowships, Climate
BRIDGE Fund, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB
Supporting Implementing Entity BFD, DoE, MoL, DAE, DoF, BIWTA, WARPO, RRI, Private Sector

WRM14 River management through bank stabilization and other ancillary works
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: FPE | HFF Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 587
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.2, S1.3, S4.2, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code MR 1.1, MR 1.46,DP 1.3
The erosion of river banks is a big issue in Bangladesh. The main reasons for river bank erosion (Das et al., 2014)
are Low flow during the dry season (which generates siltation on the river bed); high flow during the wet season
(which causes bank erosion); alluvial soil (which is prone to erosion); and concentrated flow of water towards the
bank. The river bank is mainly made up of soft alluvial deposits (silty sand) that easily erode. Wind-induced wave
movement erodes the people of the small island who live in haor island settlements, which is a severe problem. The
erosion of settlements in the haor areas is possibly one of the worst natural disasters that the people of this country
have ever suffered. During the rainy season (July to September), heavy winds produce big waves in the haor, causing
significant damage to homesteads. River bank erosion destroys villages, charlands (small islands), dwellings,
property, cultivable land, and other structures during seasons other than monsoon.

To safeguard embankments during their design life, these are expensive and, in many cases, unsuccessful (Islam et
al., 2010). Mattress along the bank line, with boulders or concrete, permeable spurs, guide bunds, palisade fences,
gravel drains, masonry walls, geo-bags, and other methods of river bank slope protection are now used. Tree
planting is a cost-effective and environment-friendly technique of embankment protection. However, during
cyclones, trees are uprooted or fall, cutting off the transportation system of the afflicted communities and
exacerbating the misery.

Due to the challenges of implementing traditional technologies for alluvial river course stabilization and restoration,
alternative low-cost approaches must be devised that are adaptable to local socioeconomic conditions while still
being environmentally friendly. In this regard, Rahman et al. (2003) offered a preliminary notion about using
bandals to develop a stable river flow. It would also be a cost-effective stabilizing macro-scale sand bar along
Bangladesh's major rivers. Bandals are a type of local structure that obstructs flow at the water's surface while

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

WRM14 River management through bank stabilization and other ancillary works
allowing it to pass near the riverbed. These naturally accessible materials, such as bamboo and wood, improve
navigational channels during the low-flow season. They are considered a less expensive alternative to traditional
structures. Because of its unique characteristics, many countries successfully adopt naturally growing vetiver grass
(Vetiveria zizanioides L. Nash) to safeguard embankment slopes and river banks (Truong et al., 2002; Grimshaw,
2006; Man et al., 2011). In 2000, Thomas et al. (2002) reported on vetiver grass experiments on a 28-kilometer
embankment project erected on the Kangsha River in Netrokona District as part of the Dampara Water Management
Project (DWMP). The vetiver grass provides excellent erosion protection while simultaneously providing a
sustained source of fodder and thatch, according to DWMP demonstration sites. This makes river management using
bank stabilization and other ancillary works very important.

Possible Actions
• Assess erosion risk-prone areas through analysis of historical river morphology and bank line shifting
• Design riverbank stabilization and training on related structural and non-structural measures considering the
hydro morphological characteristics of rivers and climate change
• Implement river stabilization and training works to provide erosion protection and management of rivers
• Introduce eco-engineering measures for riverbank stabilization and ancillary works
• Ensure regular and timely O&M of protection measures
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Protection of the lives, • Protect against erosion risks • Length of the rehabilitated
properties, and livelihoods of for 1.3 million erosion- embankment, erosion protection,
people living near the river vulnerable people through the and river bank stabilization
banks stabilization of 3000 km of measures
• Reduction of the risks and rivers along with eco- • Annual erosion and accretion rate
vulnerabilities regarding engineering solutions • Many people received early
riverbank erosion • Reduce recurrent losses and warning services for erosion
• Restoration and conservation damages of agriculture, lands, • Affected areas or exposure to
of the river ecosystem houses, education, medical erosion
• Enhanced climate resilience infrastructures or industries • Plantation of trees or vegetation
in aquaculture and fisheries and economic zones for better coverage for erosion protection
preparedness and building
• Length/number of constructed or
back better
rehabilitated flood embankments
• Reduce recurrent O&M cost of
• Number of climate-proofed water
infrastructures along the river
management and cross-drainage
bank line
• Improved ecosystem health
• Length of guide wall constructed
and biodiversity benefit
• Reduced land losses (current
• Recurrent O&M cost of roads &
rate approximately 4000 ha
communication structures, water
per year along major three
management, and cross drainage
rivers) due to erosion and
structures, social services facilities,
and flood/cyclone shelters
• Reduced sickness due to
• Losses of crops, fish, and livestock
injuries (500 persons per year
due to floods, erosion, and
due to erosion) or fatalities
drainage problems
and savings of treatment cost
• Climate-induced disasters
• Reduced deaths by erosion
vulnerable populations
from 40 persons per year to 0.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

WRM14 River management through bank stabilization and other ancillary works
• Reduced erosion affected disaggregated by sex, age, and
work hours involved in disability
different occupations and • Annual losses and damages of
livelihoods critical infrastructures, power
• Secured investment along the plants, or economic zone
river banks • Number of jobs or employment or
• Annually 50000 people are business opportunities
displaced due to erosion, • Number of injuries, fatalities, or
which will reduce deaths by climate-induced
• Number of social conflicts or
domestic violence
• Loss of work hours by climate-
induced disasters
• Per unit land and property value
• Number of climate migrants
• Knowledge level of people related
to erosion and adaptation
• Number of functional Water User
Associations or Disaster
Management Committee
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Vulnerable communities, society, ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
river ecosystem, and river- Biodiversity Fund, Nature+ Accelerator
dependent livelihoods Fund, GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
partners, private sector, collaborative
research grants and fellowships,
Climate BRIDGE Fund, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB
Supporting Implementing Entity
DoF, MoL, BADC, PPPA, Private Sector

WRM15 Ecosystem-based sediment management along coasts and in estuaries
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: SWM | SEE | CHI Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 83
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

WRM15 Ecosystem-based sediment management along coasts and in estuaries

Erosion and sedimentation characterize Bangladesh's southwest tidal rivers and estuaries, which eventually drain
into the Bay of Bengal. Most of the rivers in this region are silted up due to natural and man-made interventions (for
example, climatic influences, the Farakka barrage, and polders). As a result, the lands have been plagued by drainage
difficulties and waterlogging for quite some time. These sediments have various physio-chemical effects on the
aquatic and terrestrial environments, altering and alternating the living and non-living creatures in those
environments, resulting in ecological imbalance and ecosystem destruction. The building of coastal polders, which
de-link the floodplains from the periphery rivers, has exacerbated the sedimentation problem in this region. Polders
prevent silt from entering the protected area, increasing sedimentation in unprotected areas and possibly within
rivers. Water logging in polders resulted from unmanaged sediments; however other factors, such as poor drainage
channels within polders, also play a role (Tahsin et al., 2019). Due to sedimentation, most of the estuaries and rivers
in the country's western half have lost their ability to transport water, resulting in widespread flooding (WARPO
and BUET, 2019).

Proper sediment management in existing physical settings is one of the possible solutions to this problem, which
will solve the water-logging problem while also speeding up land reclamation. The Khulna-Jessore drainage
rehabilitation project, or KJDRP, was implemented between 1994 and 2002 to address these long-standing issues.
Later, Tidal River Management (TRM), a popular idea, was developed based on indigenous water management
methods. TRM would allow natural sediment flow with tidal water into a beel known as a tidal basin and sediment
deposition in the beel. The outgoing water would erode the riverbed during low tide, increasing the conveyance
capacity. Dredging is another notable sediment management strategy in the area. The TRM raises questions about
its sustainability by dredging's long-term morphological time scale and being exceptionally expensive. Another well-
known sediment management technique for land reclamation in the off-shore zone is the cross-dam. However,
research on the systemic effects of cross-dam is currently insufficient.

Hence, a better option for sediment management is to use an ecosystem-based approach. The ecosystem-based
approach is the technique that makes use of local natural resources and knowledge to mitigate the effects of climate-
induced hazards such as debris flow, shallow landslides, and soil erosion. This would benefit the environment and
solve the sedimentation problem of the coast and estuaries.

Possible Actions
• Measure sediment loads and assess sediment budget
• Identification of approaches for ecosystem-based sediment management such as tidal river management
• Piloting and evaluation of lessons learned from ecosystem-based sediment management approaches
• Implementation of ecosystem-based sediment management on coasts and in estuaries
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Increased use of nature-based • New land developed, and • Area or volume of developed or
solutions (NbS) and ecosystem- property value increased reclaimed lands
based adaptation (EbA) for • Expansion of afforestation, • The area under afforestation,
reducing climate change risk agriculture, shrimp, cultivation, agriculture, shrimp cultivation,
• Critical and fragile ecosystems and settlements and settlements
restored and ensured the • Livelihoods and new • Income from alternative
conservation of biodiversity employment generation occupations or livelihoods
• Reduction of the risks and • Business opportunities creation options
vulnerabilities regarding • Annual erosion and accretion
• Improved ecosystem and
sedimentation problems in the rate
carbon sequestration
estuary and the coastal areas
• Income increase and poverty • Amount of carbon
• Enhanced adaptive capacity sequestration
and protection of life and

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

WRM15 Ecosystem-based sediment management along coasts and in estuaries

livelihoods of people living in • Improved habitat for human • Number of jobs or employment
the coastal areas settlements or business opportunities
• Enhanced climate resilience in • Allow planned relocation to • Per unit land and property
aquaculture and fisheries counter internal climate value
migration • Number of climate migrants
• Income increase, poverty • Available lands for settlements
reduction, and improved socio-
• Status of ecosystem health and
economic condition of the
• Number of beels or wetlands
under Tidal River Management
(TRM) practices
• Land subsidence rate
• Salinity intrusion rate
• Number of functional Water
User Associations or Disaster
Management Committee
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
Communities, society, and ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
freshwater ecosystems of coastal Biodiversity Fund, Nature+
areas and estuaries Accelerator Fund, GEF, Multilateral
and bilateral partners, private
sector, collaborative research
grants and fellowships, Climate
BRIDGE Fund, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB
Supporting Implementing Entity

Drought management measures for enhanced groundwater recharge and
increased soil moisture in water-stressed areas
Impenetrability in Stress
DBA|NNW|CBL|CHT|SWM Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 99
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100 Project
CZ 1.3, CZ 1.6
The western boundary of Bangladesh's dry regions is where meteorological droughts are most likely to occur during
the pre- and post-monsoon seasons. On average, around 1,250-1,750 mm of rainfall occurs yearly in the dry zone,
mainly between May and June and September and October (Ahmed and Suphachalasai, 2014). The drought situation
in the region worsens dramatically between April and May as a result of the interaction of soils with low moisture

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Drought management measures for enhanced groundwater recharge and

increased soil moisture in water-stressed areas
holding capacity (200 mm available humidity), an increase in dry days (precipitation 0.5 PET), and the occurrence of
extremely hot summer temperatures of more than 40°C. Between 1960 and 1991, Bangladesh experienced 19
droughts. Droughts often occur in the country approximately every 2.5 years. Significant droughts hit Bangladesh in
1951, 1957, 1961, 1972, 1976, 1979, 1989, and 1997. A typical drought episode causes damage to 2.32 million ha
(Kharif seasons) and 1.2 million ha (Rabi seasons) of agricultural areas (CEGIS, 2013).
Drought-related adversity cannot mitigate by modifying climatic events. On the other hand, better management can
reduce the loss and make climate extremes manageable. Appropriate drought adaptation methods can significantly
reduce crop loss. The authorities and farmers in the Barind region have taken several measures to adapt to the
drought. The establishment of the Barind Multipurpose Development Authority (BMDA) to support irrigation and
other drought risk reduction activities is one of the most comprehensive initiatives. Moreover, several non-
governmental organizations (NGOs) are striving to improve the socio-economic conditions of drought-stricken

The artificial irrigation infrastructure is the most crucial initiative undertaken to alleviate the effects of the drought.
This measure is entirely based on groundwater withdrawal. The amount of groundwater available is limited. The
BMDA's excessive removal of groundwater may jeopardize future generations' needs. According to several studies,
the groundwater level in the Barind Tract is decreasing yearly. In northeastern Bangladesh, Shamsudduha et al.
(2009) found a falling trend in groundwater (0.1-0.5 m/yr). Due to increased artificial irrigation,(Rahman and
Mahbub,2012) detected groundwater depletion (0.42 m/yr) in the Barind Tract. These facts and evidence suggest
that if BMDA continues to withdraw groundwater at its current rate or even increases it, there will be water scarcity.
As a result, this adaptation strategy is unsustainable. It is high time to find new ways to use more surface water while
utilizing less groundwater. Therefore, effective drought management measures are essential for adequately
recharging groundwater and retaining soil moisture in acute water scarcity.

Possible Actions
• Development of a national drought management master plan
• Groundwater resources mapping, and ensure efficient and conjunctive use of water based on groundwater
availability assessment
• Restrict groundwater abstraction in depleted areas by introducing water pricing policies
• Formulate strategies, and explore and implement managed aquifer recharge and rainwater harvesting
• Implementation of Bangladesh Water Rule 2018 for conserving water bodies and ensuring wise use of water
• Coordinated and community-based rainwater harvesting through indigenous techniques and conservation of
springs in CHT
• Introduce and implement shadow water pricing to increase water use efficiency and ensure conjunctive use of
• Digging of reservoirs, dighis or mini-ponds for surface water harvesting
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Reduction of risks and • Reduce drought vulnerability • Affected areas or exposure to erosion
vulnerabilities about of 3.8 million populations • Climate-induced disasters vulnerable
droughts, water scarcity, • Increase freshwater supply for populations disaggregated by sex, age,
groundwater depletion, etc. drinking water purposes and and disability
• The increased adaptive freshwater ecosystem • Freshwater availability and withdrawal
capacity of people and the • Increased water use efficiency • Groundwater availability and withdrawal
ecosystem to droughts
• Protection of crops, fisheries, • Number of the location of MAR piloted
• Increased soil moisture and and livestock, lands, and and implemented
agricultural productivity houses, social services
• Access to safe drinking water supply and
facilities from drought
sanitation services

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Drought management measures for enhanced groundwater recharge and

increased soil moisture in water-stressed areas
• Enhanced climate resilience • Protection of communities • Number of drought risk management
in agriculture and livestock from heat stress measures
• Reduce pest and diseases • Many communities or farmers use
outbreak for plants, fisheries, rainwater harvesting system
and human • Number of excavated ponds or dighis
• Improved WASH facilities • Water use efficiency by sector
• Reduced sickness (current • Many people received early warning
rate approx. 50,000 persons services for drought
per year) due to drought
• Number of climate-proofed irrigation and
• Reduce work hour loss and drought management infrastructures
treatment costs due to water
• Losses of crops, fish, and livestock due to
and heat stress
• Restored hydrological cycle
• Number of jobs or employment or
and biodiversity benefit
business opportunities
• Income loss reduced by
• Number of injuries, fatalities, or deaths
farmers and fisheries
by climate-induced disasters
• Aquatic ecosystem health
• Number of social conflicts or domestic
• Poverty reduction and
• Loss of work hours by climate-induced
improved socioeconomic
• Income of farmers and fishermen in
• Reduce climate migrations
drought-prone areas
• Forest coverage in drought-prone areas
• Number of climate migrants
• Status of ecosystem health and species
• Number of functional Water User
Associations or Disaster Management
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
Communities, society, etc., of ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
drought-prone and water-stress Biodiversity Fund, Nature+ Accelerator Fund,
areas GEF, Multilateral and bilateral partners,
private sector, collaborative research grants
and fellowships, Climate BRIDGE Fund, CIF,
Lead Implementing Entity BADC, BMDA, CHTDB
Supporting Implementing Entity BWDB, LGED, WARPO, SRDI, DPHE, DBHWD, DDM

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

WRM17 Development of a national drought monitoring system
Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
in Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 6
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP
S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100
MR 1.2
Project Code
Meteorological droughts are most likely to happen along Bangladesh's western border during the pre and post-
monsoon seasons. In the dry zone, annual rainfall ranges from 1,250 to 1,750 mm, with the majority falling between
May and June and September and October (Ahmed and Suphachalasai, 2014). The interaction of soils with low
moisture holding capacity (200 mm available moisture), an increase in dry days (precipitation 0.5 PET), and the
occurrence of extremely hot summer temperatures of more than 40°C causes the drought situation in the region to
deteriorate dramatically between April and May. 19 droughts struck Bangladesh between 1960 and 1991. Every 2.5
years, on average, the country experiences a drought. Bangladesh had significant droughts in 1951, 1957, 1961,
1972, 1976, 1979, 1989, and 1997. 2.32 million ha (during the Kharif seasons) and 1.2 million ha (during the rabi
seasons) of agricultural regions damaged by a drought episode (CEGIS, 2013). According to future climate change
forecasts, daily temperatures will rise, with more pre-monsoon days being hotter and fewer days being rainy.
According to BDP2100 estimates, Aus production will decrease by 27% under mild climate change, while wheat
production will decrease by 61%. The yield of Boro could drop by 55–62% under a severe climate change scenario
(with moisture stress of 60%). Farmers may choicelessly reduce the area under cultivation for Boro because of
moisture stress.

Drought monitoring and warning information for The Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH) region, as well as national
drought watches for Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan, is produced by the Regional Drought Monitoring
and Outlook System (RDMOS) for South Asia. It combines NASA seasonal forecasts with the Land Information
System (LIS), which uses satellite-derived datasets such as the Climate Hazards group IR Precipitation with Stations
(CHIRPS). Through consultation and user needs, the system provides a set of drought indices that can be used at
various stages of agricultural operations. The system generates seasonal outlooks on precipitation, soil moisture,
evapotranspiration, and temperature indicators to assess potential drought dangers. The technology will improve
national agencies' ability to develop and disseminate drought-related data.

Bangladesh now uses the traditional approach of monitoring and assessing drought based solely on rainfall data.
However, remote sensing technology offers a promising way to better understand drought's spatial extent and
intensity to explain the anomaly in vegetation induced by drought. Bangladesh needs a national drought monitoring
system that is highly technologically sound to assist local decision-makers with drought monitoring, analysis, and
forecasting. This national drought monitoring system is also projected to strengthen line government agencies'
technological and operational capacities to plan for and respond to droughts. This monitoring system is also
necessary for recording, evaluating, and exchanging water supply, climate, and hydrology data. It would be more
effective if they included monitoring and forecasting components to provide information before and during the
drought's beginning and promote actions to mitigate potential impacts.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

WRM17 Development of a national drought monitoring system

Possible Actions

• Assess meteorological, hydrological and agricultural drought for establishing co-relation based on seasonal
• Establish memorandums of understanding and data-sharing protocols with relevant agencies and knowledge
institutes for drought-related data collection, drought assessment and monitoring framework development
• Develop and launch a national drought monitoring system and operationalize climate information services for
planning and farm-level early warning dissemination
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Reduction of risks and • Access to drought-related • Presence of early warning systems
vulnerabilities of droughts agro-met information by and climate information services for
• Protection of the life and farmers, fishers, and drought
livelihoods of the communities • Accessibility to early warning
stakeholders against droughts • Capacity development of the systems and climate information
• Enhancement of the community, society, and services by farmers, fishers, and
ecosystem and conservation nation for reducing drought communities
of biodiversity risk management measures • Knowledge level of people related to
• Enhanced climate resilience • Enable better disaster drought and adaptation
in agriculture and livestock preparedness • Annual losses and damages of
• Reduce losses and damages drought
to agriculture and • Number of jobs or employment or
aquaculture business opportunities
• Improve water security and • Number of sicknesses by climate-
socio-economic status induced disaster and treatment cost
• Facilitate to develop drought • Number of injuries, fatalities, or
risk management action plan deaths by climate-induced disasters
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
7% Communities, society, etc., of ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
drought-prone areas Biodiversity Fund, Nature+ Accelerator
Fund, GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
partners, private sector, collaborative
research grants and fellowships, Climate
BRIDGE Fund, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BADC
Supporting Implementing Entity

WRM18 Planned, participatory and coordinated land and water resources management
Impenetrability in SWM | SEE |CHT | FPE | HFF | DBA
Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas: CBL| NNW| CHI |URB
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 170
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

WRM18 Planned, participatory and coordinated land and water resources management
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
According to Bangladesh's Forest Department, agriculture covers most of the country, while forests, water bodies,
and urban settlements cover the rest. Between 1973 and 2011, there was a significant loss of agricultural land due
to changes in land use. In the last 38 years, 1.47 million acres of agricultural land have been transformed into non-
agricultural uses, primarily human settlements. According to the SAARC Agriculture Centre (2011), around 63
percent of Bangladesh's land is vulnerable to degradation. As a result, land degradation has become a critical
problem for Bangladesh. Two sources primarily cause land degradation: (i) natural or climate change-induced
factors such as floods, erosion, and landslides, and (ii) anthropogenic factors, or human actions aimed at managing
land to exploit its productive capacity. In some circumstances, land degradation can also occur due to man's and
nature's combined activity.

Bangladesh desperately needs rational land use through comprehensive land-use planning. A modern land use
planner's purpose is to classify land according to its highest possible use, allowing a piece of land to produce the
most output potential. Sustainable land management is also required for the proper use of land resources, such as
soils, water, animals, and plants, in the production of goods to fulfill changing human requirements while also
ensuring these resources' long-term productive potential and environmental functions.

The temporal and spatial distribution of rainfall in our country is severely skewed, with about 75% of rain falling in
most sections during three monsoon months. Water resources are becoming increasingly scarce as the growing
population and rising prosperity require more water for agriculture, industry, home usage, and hydropower
(Hossain et al., 2013). The major components of water management include; water allocation, river basin planning,
stakeholder participation, pollution control, monitoring, economic and financial management, information
management, etc. Water scarcity, water pollution, and lack of monitoring and evaluation are some of the problems
that the water management system of Bangladesh is currently facing. In addition to these problems, modern-day
water resources management is enclosed with critical issues arising from the vagaries of the hydrologic cycle and
other extraneous factors. This includes increasing vulnerability to severe climate change-induced disasters,
overpopulation, rising industrialization, unplanned urbanization, increasing water demand, unrestricted
groundwater abstraction, lowering the water table, etc.

A proper water management system could follow Bangladesh's “community-based” format because the
stakeholders have more in-depth knowledge about their problems and the best possible solutions. So, their inclusion
in the management process is necessary. Communities can forge cooperative action that prevents the over-
exploitation of resources associated with the 'tragedy of the commons' (cf. Hardin, 1968). In this regard, a
participatory and coordinated water resource management system is essential for Bangladesh.
Possible Actions
• Implement integrated water resources management for climate change adaptation through optimized use of
scarce freshwater resources
• Community-based climate change risk, vulnerability and adaptation need mapping for supporting locally led
• Climate-sensitive land zoning
• Development of gender-inclusive and youth-led functional participatory water and disaster management
• Effective co-management of watersheds and water regulation
• Maintain coordination between participatory water management committees (e.g., water management
groups) and disaster management committees

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

WRM18 Planned, participatory and coordinated land and water resources management
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• The increased adaptive • Reduce overall climate risk and • Climate-induced disaster
capacity of humans, natural vulnerabilities for the water vulnerable populations by sex,
systems, and economic systems sector with participatory and age, and disability
• Protection of life, property, and community-based approaches • Knowledge level of people
livelihood of people against • Capacity development of related to climate hazards and
hazards affecting the water and communities for co- adaptation
land resources management of water • Annual losses and damages due
• Enhanced climate resilience in resources to climate-induced water-
agriculture, aquaculture, • Protection of croplands, related disasters
fisheries, and livestock fisheries, and livestock based • Number of sicknesses by
• Critical and fragile ecosystems on local knowledge and climate-induced disaster and
restored and biodiversity practices treatment cost
conserved • Capacity development of • Status of IWRM implementation
• Community, gender-inclusive, gender, persons with
• Losses of crops, fish, and
and youth-led conservation of disabilities, and youth and their
livestock due to climate-
water and land resources for better representation in
induced disasters
improved well being decision making
• Number of jobs or employment
• Create income and employment
or business opportunities
• Number of injuries, fatalities, or
• Improved ecosystem health and
deaths by climate-induced
biodiversity benefit
• Reduction of social conflicts
• Number of social conflicts or
• Achievement of SDG6, domestic violence
particularly IWRM
• Loss of work hours by climate-
induced disasters
• Forest coverage
• Number of climate migrants
• Status of ecosystem health and
species diversity
• Participation of gender, youth,
and persons with disabilities in
water management initiatives
• Number of functional Water
User Associations or Disaster
Management Committee
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
Vulnerable communities, society, ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
etc., and livelihoods dependent on Biodiversity Fund, Nature+
land and water resources Accelerator Fund, GEF, Multilateral
and bilateral partners, private
sector, collaborative research
grants and fellowships, Climate
BRIDGE Fund, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

WRM18 Planned, participatory and coordinated land and water resources management
Supporting Implementing Entity

WRM19 Transboundary river basin management and basin-level cooperation
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 9
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Due to growing water demand and climate change-related precipitation variability, the water shortage has
complicated transboundary freshwater resource management (Biswas et al. 2004). Water scarcity has sparked
conflict among countries, local government agencies, and sectoral consumer groups within countries (Uitto and
Duda 2002). Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India (16 states in the north, east, and northeast, in part or entirely), and
Nepal are all part of the Ganges (G), the Brahmaputra (B), and the Meghna (M) rivers and their distributaries or
collectively known as the GBM basin. (Chaturvedi 2011). Bangladesh and India share all three river systems; China
shares the Brahmaputra and the Ganges, Nepal only the Ganges, and Bhutan only the Brahmaputra (Faisal 2002).
Bangladesh is a downstream country that receives many of these common rivers at a mature state. When the velocity
drops, sedimentation rates increase, and the river changes its course, braiding into multiple channels
(Bandyopadhyay and Perveen 2008). During the peak time, these rivers discharge 1.5 million cubic meters of water
per second (m3 s-1), whereas the runoff is only about 61,000 m3 s-1 during the lean period (Hasan and Mulamoottil
1994). The Brahmaputra and Ganges rivers account for 80% of the flow measured within Bangladesh, whereas the
Meghna provides only 2% of the total measured discharge in Bangladesh between March–April (World Bank 2000).
As an upper riparian country, India has built dams and barrages that have restricted natural flows in the GBM basins,
which could be one of the major causes of poor inflow in lower riparian Bangladesh during the dry season (Faisal
2002). Water diversion of transboundary rivers upstream of Bangladesh has numerous environmental
consequences. According to reports, 117 rivers in Bangladesh have dried up due to obstacles and water removal
from their upper reaches in neighboring nations (Rashid 2012b). Although the Farakka Barrage allows the upper
riparian to consume water abundantly, it is usually cited as failing to meet the needs of the lower riparian
(Haftendorn 2000). The Farakka Barrage has facilitated shipping at India's Kolkata port at the expense of diminished
water flow in Bangladesh's river systems (Mirza and Sarker 2004). Even during the dry season, various studies have
identified significant differences in available water supplies downstream between the pre-and-post-Farakka eras
(Crow et al. 1995; Tanzeema and Faisal 2001; Mirza and Hossian 2004). Between pre-Farakka and post-Farakka,
the maximum and minimum discharge ratio at the Hardinge Bridge was calculated to be around 70% and 27%,
respectively (FPCO 1993).

A dispute resolution body, the Joint Rivers Commission, exists to address and resolve transboundary water-sharing
concerns between Bangladesh and India (JRC). Despite this, the countries are still at odds over how to distribute
and share water from the Ganges and Teesta and several other common rivers. It is also unclear how the countries
intend to restore the flow of dwindling rivers (Faisal 2002). Even if the methods of basin-wide agreements vary,
riparian countries must share hydro-meteorological, physical, environmental, and socio-economic data to manage
river basins and water resources in an integrated manner (Biswas et al. 2004). Information sharing can usually
provide riparian countries with confidence-building measures. Unfortunately, Bangladesh and India both are averse
to sharing river flow data and exploit the lack of mutually recognized statistics to advance their national objectives
(Abbas 1982; Beach et al. 2000). As a result of a lack of access to relevant data and a lack of understanding of the

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

WRM19 Transboundary river basin management and basin-level cooperation

ecological processes affecting Himalayan rivers, the GBM basin’s ecological complexity has increased
(Bandyopadhyay 1992, 2004; Bandyopadhyay et al. 1997).

Therefore, an effective transboundary river basin management system and basin-level cooperation are essential for
Bangladesh and its neighboring countries.

Possible Actions
• Strengthen bilateral and multilateral water diplomacies with transboundary countries for enhanced
cooperation in basin wide management
• Knowledge and information exchange from similar transboundary basin countries
• Development of negotiation skills among young water professionals
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• The increased adaptive • Ensure freshwater availability for the • Freshwater availability
capacity of humans, natural country, production of different and upstream withdrawal
systems, and economic systems dependent resources, and • Status of water and food
of all the countries sharing the freshwater-dependent ecosystem security
transboundary rivers • Ensure water and food security • Implementation status of
• Protection of life, property, and • Improved water governance, delta BDP2100
livelihood of people against development, and smooth • Number of cooperation-
climate change-induced implementation of BDP2100 related negotiation
hazards affecting the
• International cooperation and meetings in a year with
transboundary rivers
relationship strengthened with upper upper riparian countries
• The critical and fragile riparian countries • Number of treaties signed
ecosystem of the
• Reduce losses and damages from and in operation
transboundary rivers is
drought, floods, erosion, sediment, • Annual losses and
restored, and their biodiversity
and salinity damages by climate-
is conserved
• National-level capacity development induced drought, floods,
• Community, gender-inclusive,
for transboundary cooperation and erosion, sediment, and
and youth-led conservation of
water diplomacy salinity
the transboundary river
• Reduce poverty and improve the • Implementation status of
resources for improved well
socioeconomic condition SDG6
• Reduce transnational
conflicts/challenges in geopolitics
• Achieve SDGs
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
Communities, society, and freshwater ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation
ecosystem of transboundary rivers and Fund, Biodiversity Fund,
trans-boundary river dependent Nature+ Accelerator Fund,
livelihoods GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants
and fellowships, Climate
BRIDGE Fund, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity JRC
Supporting Implementing Entity BWDB, NRCC, DBHWD, BIWTA, MoFA, PMO

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Development of a basinwide and participatory watershed management
framework to restore, harvest and optimize the use of water resources
Impenetrability in Stress
DBA Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 21
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Bangladesh has been chasing multifaceted problems in dealing with its water management system. The most
alarming issue is the problem with water allocation. The apportioning of water to major users and uses, maintaining
minimum levels for social and environmental benefit while addressing equity and development needs of society,
etc., has become difficult due to the increasing population and water demands. Water pollution due to unplanned
urbanization and industrialization is another alarming issue. Managing pollution using socially acceptable principles
and appropriate incentives to mitigate environmental and social impacts is required in this regard. Lack of proper
management of information is another challenge. Providing essential data necessary to make informed and
transparent decisions towards sustainable management of water resources is essential, especially among
neighboring countries sharing the GBM basin. The changing climate is increasing the vulnerability to severe climate
change-induced hazards. This is putting extra stress on the water management system of Bangladesh. The available
abstraction of groundwater is another alarming issue since it results in the depletion of the water table and may
lead to water security-related problems (Hossain et al., 2013).

An ecosystem-based approach to governing watersheds is necessary (Albert 2000: 27; Brunnee and Stephen
1997:41) because it treats the watershed or the basin as a socio-ecological system (Berkes et al. 2000; Smith 2008;
Wagner 2013) and incorporates measures to protect the property rights and human rights of basin residents.
Governance should be democratic and multilateral, including all countries of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna
(GBM) basin (Bandyopadhyaya and Ghosh 2009: 50; Brunee and Toope 1997; Crow and Singh 2000; Faisal 2002:
322) and should focus on reducing vulnerability to ecosystem service failures. Following Folke et al. (2005), it has
been observed that sustainable ecological governance is based on coordination among individuals, organizations,
agencies, and institutions at multiple scales. So, the inclusion of the community is required in the proper governance
or management of watersheds.

There is currently no comprehensive formal agreement on water sharing and joint management of the Ganges
Brahmaputra-Meghna basin. Therefore, there is an urgent need to negotiate a multilateral agreement based on strict
international water law and establish a multilateral institution to monitor the terms of the agreement. A multilateral
institution with legitimate decision-making might help restore some balance to asymmetrical power relationships
in the region (Bandyopadhyay and Ghosh 2009).

Thousands of communities and people in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) Basin face survival challenges,
including in Bangladesh. Countries that share the GBM basin must find solutions to these challenges to conserve the
environment and resources on which riparian communities depend for their livelihoods. Managing ecological
resources using an ecosystem approach instead of the current top-down approach could be a key solution. Basin
countries can use international water law to guide developing water management institutions. For example, the
Berlin Rules include guidelines for protecting ecological integrity by establishing basin-wide or joint management
arrangements. Institutional reform is needed to ensure community inclusion at the local, national, and basin-wide
levels. The road to creating an institutional reform of this scale will be long and complicated, but these are essential,
and therefore momentum in this direction is necessary.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Development of a basinwide and participatory watershed management

framework to restore, harvest and optimize the use of water resources
Hence, a proper watershed management framework that is basin-wide and participatory is required. Such a
framework would help in effectively restoring, harvesting, and optimizing the water resources of Bangladesh and
its neighboring countries that depend on the GBM basin.

Possible Actions

• Development of an institutional framework for effective basinwide management within and among
transboundary countries
• Knowledge-sharing on basinwide management with other similar countries
• Update the participatory water management framework for supporting participatory basinwide management
• Develop and implement guidelines to restore, harvest and optimize use of water resources

Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators

• The increased adaptive • Ensure freshwater availability • Presence of basin-wide and
capacity of humans, natural for the country, production of participatory watershed
systems, and economic systems different dependent resources, management framework
of the watershed and freshwater-dependent inside and beyond the country
• Protection of life, property, and ecosystem • Freshwater availability and
livelihood of people against • Ensure water and food security upstream withdrawal
climate change-induced • Improved water governance, • Status of water and food
hazards affecting the basin delta development, and smooth security
• The critical and fragile implementation of BDP2100 • Implementation status of
ecosystem of the watersheds is • International cooperation and BDP2100
restored, and their biodiversity relationship strengthened with • Number of cooperation-
is conserved upper riparian countries related negotiation meetings
• Community, gender-inclusive, • Reduce losses and damages from in a year with upper riparian
and youth-led conservation of drought, floods, erosion, countries
the water resources sediment, and salinity • Number of treaties signed and
• Enhanced climate resilience in • National-level capacity in operation
aquaculture, fisheries, crops, development for transboundary • Annual losses and damages by
and livestock sectors of the cooperation and water climate-induced drought,
basin diplomacy floods, erosion, sediment, and
• Reduce poverty and improve the salinity
socioeconomic condition • Implementation status of
• Reduce transnational SDG6
conflicts/challenges in • Number of functional Water
geopolitics User Associations or Disaster
• Achieve SDGs Management Committee
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
Vulnerable communities, society and ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
freshwater ecosystems, and trans- Biodiversity Fund, Nature+
boundary river dependent Accelerator Fund, GEF,
livelihoods Multilateral and bilateral partners,
private sector, collaborative
research grants and fellowships,
Climate BRIDGE Fund, CIF, etc.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Development of a basinwide and participatory watershed management

framework to restore, harvest and optimize the use of water resources
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB
Supporting Implementing Entity

Remodeling of water-regulating and cross-drainage structures considering
climate change scenarios
Impenetrability in
Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 542
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
In 1998, Bangladesh was hit by an enormous flood, which wreaked havoc on the country's infrastructure, causing
damage to around 400 small and medium-sized culverts and bridges. So, such infrastructure rehabilitation requires
matching to adapt to climate change-induced hazards. In 1994, Bangladesh's Local Government and Engineering
Department (LGED) built the 67-meter-long Turag-Bhakurta Bridge with a width of 3.70 meters near Dhaka, the
capital city. Even before the 1998 flood, the bridge had been flooded in 1995. The first piers of the bridge from the
Dhaka-Aricha National Highway side dropped by around 1.61 m during the 1995 flood. The affected piers were
restored with extra 30 m long piers after the water receded; however, everything except the rehabilitated piers were
washed away by the 1998 flood (Bala et al. 2005).

To maximize the benefit of embankment construction and simultaneously reduce the impact of natural disasters, it
is critical to maintaining these embankments sustainably and cost-effectively. The earthen embankments in
Bangladesh are overburdened with a variety of issues. These are ineffective at serving the function with a given
design and cause a slew of additional problems (Hossain et al. 2008). Hydraulic structures, such as embankments
and others, need to undergo operation and be maintained regularly to ensure their sustainability.

The severe floods of 1988 and 1989 in Bangladesh reinforced the importance of flood management, prompting the
development of a national Flood Action Plan (FAP), which featured the FAP-20 component in the Tangail District as
one of its flagships. The FAP-20 project entailed building a horseshoe-shaped embankment that encircled a 130-
square-kilometer area - constructed into a network of canals and embankments. The project failed to meet social
and environmental concerns, and its long-term effects continued to cause societal strife decades after its completion.
Planners do not appear to have sufficiently reviewed or integrated the lessons learned from FAP-20 and prior
similar projects in the design of succeeding water regulations (Rammelt et al. 2018).

The key tool used to engage communities in FAP-20 was the creation of Water Management Committees (WMCs).
They would be in charge of operations and maintenance. According to a 2004 German review (KfW, 2004: 2), "The
users were successfully executing adjusted water management through the regulating structures, but they were
doing very little in the maintenance of the compartment infrastructure," A student research program in 2007 found
that only a few of the 63 structures were still operated by an officially employed operator in conjunction with the
communities, based on field trips and interviews with local people. Government officials or influential water users
usually operated the structures. After the formal end of FAP-20, WMC members didn’t re-elect. Most WMCs had
disintegrated because there was no water to manage, the facilities were in disrepair, or the maintenance fund had

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Remodeling of water-regulating and cross-drainage structures considering

climate change scenarios
been depleted (de Bruijne, 2007). Sluice gates were operated in places by project workers rather than water user
representatives, according to a Donor Mission conducted in 1997. (Warner, 2010). 26 of the 63 structures were
cross-checked again in 2011. Another three had become semi-purposeful;ey were theoretically in good working
order but were only used during wet monsoons when enough floodwater was entering the affected area. Two had
gone out of service several years earlier (de Bruijne et al., 2014).

Under the above scenario, it is evident that the proper remodeling of -regulating structures and cross-drainage
structures is essential to ensure structural sustainability against the adverse effects of climate change-induced
hazards in Bangladesh. Most importantly, the regular maintenance of these structures is a critical issue. The
country's current and future projected climate change scenarios should be considered while remodeling these

Possible Actions

• Climate data downscaling, assessment of anomalies and future climate scenarios development
• Conduct hydrodynamic and hydrological modelling and assess the adequacy of existing water regulation and
cross-drainage structures under climate change scenarios
• Redesign and implement remodelled water regulation and cross-drainage structures to be adequate under
future scenarios
• Introduce eco-friendly and composite materials for remodelling water management structures
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• The adaptive capacity of the • Give protection to settlements, • Number or remodeled or
stakeholders and their roads and communication rehabilitated or climate proofed
environment has improved infrastructures, croplands, water management and cross
• Protection has been ensured lands, houses, and other drainage structures
against poor water regulation infrastructures related to social • Annual losses and damages due
and drainage congestion issues services facilities to water-related disasters by
• Agricultural productivity and • Reduce recurrent O&M cost of sectors
resilience have increased water management and cross- • Recurrent O&M cost of water
drainage infrastructures management and cross-
• Climate resilience in the
fisheries sector has also • Increase durability of water drainage structures
improved management and cross- • Income and socioeconomic
drainage structures for condition of people
sustainable development
• Number of water management
• Smooth drainage and less structures made of composite
congestion materials
• Improved living standard
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Communities, society, and ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
livelihoods dependent on hydraulic Biodiversity Fund, Nature+
structures Accelerator Fund, GEF, Multilateral
and bilateral partners, private
sector, collaborative research
grants and fellowships, Climate
BRIDGE Fund, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Remodeling of water-regulating and cross-drainage structures considering

climate change scenarios
Supporting Implementing Entity
PPPA, Private Sector

3.2 Disaster, Social Safety, and Security

Construction and rehabilitation of gender-, age- and disability-sensitive
CDM1 multipurpose, climate-resilient and accessible cyclone and flood shelters
with safe drinking water, sanitation and livestock shelter facilities
Impenetrability in Stress
SWM|SEE|CHI|FPE|HFF Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2 592
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S2.1, S2.2
Aligned BDP2100 Project
Bangladesh is one of the world's most vulnerable to flooding disasters. Floods destroy the country's physical and
social infrastructure, as well as its transportation network, assets, crop output, and human life. Floods affect people's
social lives and the economy (Kabir M K et al. 2019). On the other hand, the country is exposed to tropical cyclones
and associated storm surges because of its geomorphological placement and demographic and socioeconomic
characteristics. On average, a severe cyclone with an associated storm surge hits Bangladesh every 3 years (GoB
2009). Both tropical cyclones and floods leave people to vacate their homes when they come into devastating nature,
and vulnerable poor people must move to cyclones and flood shelters to save their lives. Bangladesh has experienced
several devastative cyclone and flood events that cause damage to lives, livestock, properties, infrastructure, etc.
The cyclone that hit Bangladesh on the night of April 29-30, 1991, was exceptionally severe, wreaking havoc and
killing 138882 people (Bern et al. 1993). There was significant damage to life support systems as well as private
property. The total estimated loss for all sectors was $2.07 billion. According to CARE, in 2021, cyclone Amphan
affected 10 million people from 19 coastal districts in Bangladesh, of which nine were severely impacted. The
government evacuated 2.4 million people in 12,078cyclone shelters, and 26 people died. According to the Ministry
of Disaster Management and Relief's (MoDMR) special flood report dated 15 July 2020, the flood in 2020 affected
1,810,827 people in 18 districts, with 6 individuals dead. In total, 1086 flood shelters have been opened in 18
districts, with 55,930 people seeking protection.

There are around 2,500 cyclone shelters and multipurpose cyclone shelters along the coastal belt of Bangladesh.
Emphasis should be placed on establishing additional cyclone shelters due to population growth and increasing
climate-induced disasters and calamities.

Since Bangladesh gained independence in 1971, the government and international assistance organizations have
attempted to mitigate cyclone disasters, especially by developing early warning systems and constructing cyclone
shelters. Although the death toll has decreased significantly with the increased construction of cyclone shelters,
some factors still hinder people from shifting to shelters during the disaster, including gender issues, inadequate
sanitation, and hygiene facilities, poor maintenance facility, etc. "Women and girls are at heightened risk of sexual
violence, sexual exploitation and abuse, trafficking, and domestic violence in disasters," according to the World
Disaster Report (IFRC, 2007). Women subjected to abuse before a disaster are more likely to face more violence.
There are also possible cases of separation from family, friends, and other potential support and protective systems.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Construction and rehabilitation of gender-, age- and disability-sensitive

CDM1 multipurpose, climate-resilient and accessible cyclone and flood shelters
with safe drinking water, sanitation and livestock shelter facilities
Women are more likely to be victims of domestic and sexual assault after a natural catastrophe and may avoid
shelters out of fear. In addition, Paul (2009) considered evacuation behaviors during cyclones and discovered that
appropriate maintenance was not being performed after the construction of cyclone shelters in the coastal areas in

On the other hand, the plinth level of the flood shelters is most often decided solely based on local information
without any technical analysis. As a result, the shelters are inundated after a moderate flood in the northern region.
Flood is causing an immense problem for women and adolescent girls; inundated toilets and tube wells hampers
personal cleanliness and basic hygiene practices. This situation worsens more in the absence of privacy while taking
shelter in collective centers.

Against this above backdrop, there is growing demand to rehabilitate the existing flood and cyclone shelters giving
importance to gender-friendliness, multipurpose, providing adequate safety and sanitation facilities to women and
children, ensuring emergency responses, etc. In addition, the accessibility of people to cyclone and flood shelters
also needs to be enhanced by improving access to road conditions, transport facilities, etc.
Possible Actions
• Rehabilitation of existing cyclone shelters to make the gender- and disability-friendly and to serve multiple
• Construction of gender- and disability-friendly, multipurpose and climate-resilient cyclone and flood shelters
meeting the desired level of shelter density in disaster-prone vulnerable areas
• Provision of safe drinking water, lactation and maternity facilities, gender- and disability-sensitive sanitation,
disability accessibility, livestock shelters, solar energy, etc.
• Connecting emergency response services through boat ambulances, boat schools, potable drinking water,
medication and sanitation facilities, etc.
• Repair, rehabilitate or construct access roads to cyclone shelters that are gender- and disability-responsive
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Community, gender- • Reduce overall risks and • Number of constructed/
inclusive, and youth-led vulnerabilities of cyclone and rehabilitated cyclone or flood
construction and flood vulnerable populations of shelters
rehabilitation of disaster about for an extreme event • Recurrent O&M cost of cyclone or
shelters • Increase better access of flood shelter repair
• Enhanced climate resilience community, gender, aged • Alternative use of cyclone or flood
in both humans and people, children, and persons shelters
livestock with disabilities to shelters
• Presence of gender-sensitive WASH,
• Scientific knowledge and during an intense cyclone or
medication, and maternity facilities
guidelines for climate- flood event through emergency
in a cyclone or flood shelter
resilient health, WASH, and response
• Connectivity status of cyclone or
urban development • Reduce injuries, deaths, or
flood shelters with road
outbreaks of diseases
• Condition and distance of cyclone or
• Improved gender and
flood shelter access road
disability-sensitive WASH
• Access to safe water supply and
services during and post-
sanitation services
disaster period in the shelters
• Climate-induced disasters
• Protection of crops, livestock,
vulnerable populations
properties, and lives during a

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Construction and rehabilitation of gender-, age- and disability-sensitive

CDM1 multipurpose, climate-resilient and accessible cyclone and flood shelters
with safe drinking water, sanitation and livestock shelter facilities
• Reduce the recurrent cost of disaggregated by sex, age, and
cyclone or flood shelter repair disability
• Using the shelters for • Annual losses and damages by
education, local government sectors due to the cyclone, storm
services, and other suitable surges, and floods
purposes for generating • Number of sicknesses by climate-
additional revenue induced disaster and treatment cost
• Fewer health hazards or • Number of injuries, fatalities, or
diseases and save treatment deaths by climate-induced disasters
costs for accessing better • Number of climate migrants
WASH facilities
• Number of pregnant mother’s death
• Disaster risk reduction and during the disaster period
building back better
• Child nutrition status in the post-
• Gender-responsive adaptation disaster period
and DRR achieved
• Number of functional Water User
• Child nutrition ensured Associations or Disaster
• Reduced death of the pregnant Management Committee
mother during disasters
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
3% Local community, stakeholders, ADP, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund, GEF,
woman's group, youth group, Multilateral and bilateral partners,
livestock farmers private sector, collaborative research
grants and fellowships, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DDM, LGED
Supporting Implementing Entity
DBHWD, PPPA, MoD, Private Sector, NGOs

Landslide early warning systems and risk management measures based
on eco- or bioengineering measures
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: CHT|HFF|NNW Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 4 19
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.3, S4.2, S4.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Landslide early warning systems and risk management measures based

on eco- or bioengineering measures
In the hilly areas of Bangladesh, there have been more than 30 landslide incidents since 1990. Around 200 people
died, with significant economic and property loss. Landslides are brought on by topography, water saturation that
weakens slopes, erosion that steepens slopes, soil characteristics (sandy soil), heavy rain, and high-velocity surface
runoff. The geological time scale indicates that Bangladesh's hilly region was formed during the Tertiary period
and primarily comprised unconsolidated sedimentary rocks like sandstone, siltstone, shale, and conglomerate.
(Rashid 1991). Tertiary and quaternary sediments that have been folded, faulted, and uplifted lie under the
regions. Rivers and streams have also greatly eroded these deposits (Brammer 1996). It is anticipated that future
climate change will result in a 5- to 10-percent increase in monsoon and post-monsoon rainfall in Bangladesh's
hilly regions. This could increase the risk of landslides in sensitive locations.

Over the last three decades, landslides have claimed over 350 lives (Islam et al. 2017a, 2017b). The landslide has
recently become a major concern in Bangladesh's south-eastern region, notably in Chattogram and the Chattogram
Hill Tracts. Chattogram has been affected by roughly 12 landslides in the last five decades. (BWDB, 2005). Due to
the destruction caused by this tragedy, about 17 people perished in 1999, 13 in 2000, 91 in 2007, 54 in 2010, and
17 in 2011. (BWDB, 2005). A series of landslides occurred in June 2017 in 145 locations in CHT, resulting in 168
deaths and the destruction of 40 thousand of homes. Landslides in the Chattogram division began on June 13, 2018,
resulting in 160 deaths and 187 injuries. 6,000 buildings have been demolished, and other critical infrastructures
have been harmed. According to reports (ACAPS, 2017), over 80,000 people are affected throughout five districts–
Bandarban, Chattogram, Cox's Bazar, Khagrachari, and Rangamati. Rangamati, an indigenous hilly district, has
endured the most significant number of adverse outcomes in its history (WHO 2017). These landslides in the
Rangamati district killed 126 people and seriously damaged 6,000 homes, highways, and telecommunications
infrastructures. Economic losses totaled approximately USD 223 million (UNRC 2017; Ferdous et al. 2017; Haque et
al. 2018). Appropriate measures, such as an enhanced early warning system, risk mitigation measures, etc., need to
be in place to reduce these causalities. The country’s current landslide warning can make predictions only a couple
of hours before the disaster hits, giving residents little time to respond. But recently Bangladesh government, with
a partnership with FAO, has developed a new early warning system that can predict landslides five days earlier. The
system will use satellite imagery, rainfall levels, and meteorological data to predict landslide events and warn
residents via email or phone alerts.

The havoc and causalities can be reduced by improving the early warning system and risk management measures
for landslides. Further preparing a landslide susceptibility map and comprehensive risk assessment, putting in place
bio-engineering methods and assessing their effectiveness, enhancement of early warning system, ICT, and
dissemination system can minimize the risk of landslides and provide safety to the community of the hilly region.

Possible Actions
• Landslide susceptibility mapping and risk assessment through comprehensive inventory development,
monitoring and updating on a regular basis
• Landslide risk management in CHT and other hilly areas following government-approved scientific guidelines
and with a proper geotechnical investigation
• Knowledge exchange on landslide risk management using bioengineering measures with similar disaster-
prone countries
• Introduce bioengineering measures for landslides, evaluate their effectiveness and implement them
• Early warning system, ICT and community-based dissemination system developed for landslides
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Enhanced adaptive capacity • Reduce risk and vulnerabilities • Landslides vulnerable
and protection of life, of landslides for 0.2 million population disaggregated by sex,
people age, and disability

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Landslide early warning systems and risk management measures based

on eco- or bioengineering measures
livelihoods, and ecosystem • Reduce injuries, fatalities, or • Number of constructed or
against landslide deaths by landslides (current rehabilitated shelters for
• The increased adaptive average rate of injuries around emergency evacuation and
capacity of human, natural, 50 persons per year and deaths landslides risk management
and economic systems to around 15 persons per year) • Recurrent O&M cost of road and
reduce risk and • Reduce disruptions in communication infrastructures,
vulnerabilities and ensure communication, market supply, settlements, water management,
protection against climate and traffic and cross-drainage structures
change-induced landslides in • Reduce loss of business and • AADT before and after
the hilly areas tourism, save revenue landslides
• Expansion of forest coverage, • Reduce soil erosion risk and • Income from tourism,
mangroves, and conservation land degradation (current land businesses, and other
of biodiversity losses rate on average 1000 livelihoods
• Increased use of nature-based acres per year) for increasing • Forest coverage or vegetation
solutions (NbS) and vegetative coverage coverage in hills
ecosystem-based adaptation • Restore ecosystem health • Number of trees plantation
(EbA) through regenerative plantation,
• Status of ecosystem health and
bio-engineering landslides risk
species diversity
reduction measures, and
• Carbon sequestration
enhance biodiversity
• Annual losses and damages by
• Increase forest coverage and
sectors due to landslides
carbon sequestration
• Presence and access of EWS for
• Giving protection, reducing
damages, and reducing the
recurrent cost of roads, • Number of injuries, fatalities, or
drainage, and communication deaths by landslides
infrastructures • Number of sicknesses by
• Increase access to landslides landslides and treatment cost
risk-related early warning • Number of days students get
information for emergency struck to go to education
evacuation institutes
• Disaster risk reduction and • Number of functional Disaster
building back better Management Committee
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
7% Local community, stakeholder, Adaptation Fund, ADP, BCCT, GCF,
vulnerable group GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants and
fellowships, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DDM
Supporting Implementing Entity
MoD, Private Sector

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Implementation of thunderstorm and lightning risk management
measures in highly susceptible areas
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2 14
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.3, S2.4, S2.1, S2.2
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Due to Bangladesh's shifting weather patterns and declining forest cover, lightning has become a dangerous threat
in recent years. Lightning typically occurs in Bangladesh from March to October or November (Mazumder et al.,
2021). From 1990 until the middle of 2016, Dewan et al. (2017) recorded 3,086 fatalities and 2,382 injuries, yielding
average yearly rates of 114 and 89 injuries across the entire time frame. 93% of deaths between 1990 and mid-2016
were attributed to rural areas, most of whom were men, and farming was the main economic activity (Dewan et al.,
2017, Holle et al., 2019). According to BBS (2022a), 368 people died each year due to lightning in the past six years.
The pre-monsoon season saw the highest number of fatalities. More people died in the country's steep north-eastern
and eastern regions and in a few tiny pockets in the northwest. There is a strong correlation between rising lightning
activity worldwide and climate change. Future rainfall and temperature increases in Bangladesh will also cause a
rise in lightning incidents.

Though thunderstorm and lightning-related hazards are recent topics, Govt. of Bangladesh has taken several
initiatives, including the plantation of one million palm trees across the country and the development of public
awareness on thunderstorms and lightning through print and electronic media, and other platforms. Sustainable
initiatives,i.e., to identify the linkage between climate change and lightning, increase palm tree plantation programs,
provide safe places for farmers, develop early warning system services, and disseminate information that could
reduce thunderstorm and lightning-induced aftermaths. Encourage people to plant palm and other tall trees, install
lightning rods in their houses, etc. (BMRCB, 2019).

Possible Actions
• Study on the understanding relationship between climate change and lightning trends in Bangladesh
• Plantation of palm trees and installation of lightning arresters at household level in haor and other open areas
to give protection from frequent lightning and thunderstorm
• Construction of farmers' sheds or pedestrian sheds in near to open areas for protection from frequent
thunderstorms and lightning
• Early warning system, ICT, and community-based dissemination system development for Lightning or
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Enhanced adaptive capacity • Reduce risk and vulnerabilities • Lightning vulnerable
and protection of life, of lightning for 2 million people population disaggregated by
livelihoods, and ecosystem • Reduce injuries, fatalities, or sex, age, and disability
against thunderstorms and deaths (current annual • Number of constructed or
lightning averages of fatalities, injuries, rehabilitated shelters for
• The increased adaptive and deaths are 114, 89, and 350 emergency evacuation and
capacity of human, natural, and persons, respectively) lightning risk management
economic systems to reduce • Reduce disability by lightning • Number of livestock deaths due
risk and vulnerabilities and (current rate on average 260 to lightning
ensure protection against

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Implementation of thunderstorm and lightning risk management

measures in highly susceptible areas
climate change-induced persons per year) and • Number of plant damages due
thunderstorms and lightning in thunderstorm to lightning
highly susceptible areas • Reduce deaths of livestock and • Number of constructed farmer
• Increased agricultural plants sheds or lightning sheds
productivity and resilience • Increase tree coverage and • Number of building lightning
• Enhanced climate resilience in carbon sequestration arresters installed
aquaculture, fisheries, and • Reduce treatment costs for • Amount of carbon
livestock sicknesses like hearing sequestration
problems or fatalities • Number of palm trees
• Increase access to lightning plantation
risk-related early warning • Annual losses and damages by
information for emergency sectors due to lightning
• Presence and access of EWS for
• Reduce loss of work hours due lightning
to staying at the shelter during
• Number of injuries, fatalities, or
the lightning period
deaths by lightning
• Disaster risk reduction and
• Number of sicknesses by
building back better
lightning and treatment cost
• Number of hours
farmers/people get struck to go
to work
• Number of functional Disaster
Management Committee
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
7% Local community, stakeholder, Adaptation Fund, ADP, BCCT, GCF,
vulnerable group GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants and
fellowships, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DDM
Supporting Implementing Entity
Private Sector

Protection and enhanced resilience of climate migrants with a
particular focus on gender and disability
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2 124
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S2.1, S2.2
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Protection and enhanced resilience of climate migrants with a

particular focus on gender and disability
Climate change and migration are two of our day's most pressing — and divisive — topics. They are also inextricably
linked, and addressing both requires more than just mitigating the harmful effects of climate change. Natural
calamities have regularly struck Bangladesh throughout its history, forcing its people to relocate. In recent years,
however, migration and displacement have become increasingly linked to changes in climate patterns. Bangladesh's
coastal belt is one of the country's most disaster-prone zones compared to other regions, with both slow and rapid
onset calamities. It is also a densely inhabited region, with an estimated population of 14 million people, or around
9% of Bangladesh's overall population (Population Monograph of Bangladesh, 2015; BBS, 2018). Due to their
socioeconomic condition, this vast population is also highly vulnerable. When faced with the rising frequency and
intensity of cyclones, storms, floods, and saline intrusion, the hazards to people and their livelihoods are
considerable and expanding disproportionately (SREX, 2012).

Khulna and Bagerhat are two of Bangladesh's most climate-vulnerable districts, prone to cyclones and storm surges
(Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme, 2014; Climate Change Cell in Bangladesh, 2008). Such cyclonic
events frequently swamp the coastal areas, the houses of local communities are ruined, and the water drains slowly
affect their income-generating activities. Because they had no other option, the poor and vulnerable group traveled
to the city searching for jobs, leading to migration. Women and children are more susceptible to climate change
among vulnerable communities. According to research conducted by International Institute for Environment and
Development, Kingston University, the International Centre for Climate Change and Development, and UN
Development Programme, women heading poor, rural households in Bangladesh are spending up to 30 percent of
their total expenditure on measures to protect themselves from the impacts of climate change including flooding
and storms.

On the other hand, it has been found that women independently migrating are mostly younger, unmarried women
because Household responsibilities, especially the obligation to take care of the children, make it difficult for married
women to leave their household behind., A woman Leaving her children behind would deem a ‘bad mother.’ To
address climate change-induced migration government is taking several initiatives, such as implementing the
“Ashrayan” project for the landless and homeless people. Under the scheme, 442,608 families have been given
houses in 22640 barracks. Additionally, 4,409 refugee families are rehabilitated in Khuruskul, Cox’s Bazar.
Moreover, 50,10-4 families have been rehabilitated under the “Gucchogram” project. Still, this is not adequate
compared to the number of climate migrants. Besides, BDP2100 has addressed that gender-friendly legal
procedures should be in place in rehabilitating displaced people (male and female) on newly acquired chars and
khas lands.

There is a need to prepare an inventory of existing and potential climate migrants to increase the country's resilience
against internal displacement. Through this inventory, the government can better understand what steps to take to
solve climate change-induced migration. Other measures can also effectively introduce alternative livelihood and
income generation activities in protecting climate refugees, like strengthening the response and recovery system. It
would provide capacity-building training to the community to increase their adaptive capacity, promote insurance
mechanisms for potential climate migrants, etc. A plan develop with climate hazard considerations will facilitate a
more manageable migration, particularly in relocating the settlement, including the women, children and the old.

Possible Actions
• Development of an inventory of existing and potential climate migrants, and strengthening response and
recovery mechanisms
• Alternative livelihoods, job creation and income-generation activities
• Planned internal climate migrant management in urban areas
• In-situ adaptation training for livelihoods to discourage mobility
• Ex-situ capacity development training for coping with new environments and livelihood opportunities
• Development of index-based insurance mechanisms (such as weather-based crop insurance) for potential
climate migrants and their livelihoods

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Protection and enhanced resilience of climate migrants with a

particular focus on gender and disability
• Improve the financial condition of climate migrants
• Planned relocation of settlements at high risk of potential cyclonic storm surges, floods and erosion
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Enhanced adaptive capacity • Reduce vulnerabilities of 15 • Number of climate migrants by
and protection of life, million climate migrants sex, age, and disability or
livelihoods, and ecosystem • Reduce losses and damages of internally migrated people due
against internal displacement internal migrants from climate- to climate change
• The increased adaptive induced disasters • Annual losses and damages by
capacity of human, natural, and • Develop capacity and skill for sectors due to climate-induced
economic systems to reduce reducing negative impacts of internal migration
risk and vulnerabilities and climate change through • Presence and access to early
ensure protection against alternative livelihoods and warning systems and climate
climate change-induced improved risk recovery information services by people
internal displacement mechanism • Number of injuries, fatalities, or
• Community, gender-inclusive, • Improved living conditions and deaths by climate-induced
and youth-led protection standard of living through an disasters
against internal displacement improved socio-economic • Number of sicknesses by
for climate change condition climate-induced disasters and
• Protection of livelihoods treatment cost
• Resilience against disaster • Number of work hours/days
among vulnerable communities disrupted by climate-induced
will be enhanced disasters
• Disproportionate impacts on • Income of people affected by
gender reduced climate-induced disasters
• Knowledge level of climate
hazards and adaptation
• Income from alternative
• Number of climate-resilient
houses or sheds
• Access to soft or micro-credit
loans or insurance or other risk
recovery mechanism
• Resettlement plan and planned
resettled population
• Number of functional Disaster
Management Committee
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Local community, stakeholder, Adaptation Fund, ADP, BCCT, GCF,
vulnerable group GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants and
fellowships, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DDM

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Protection and enhanced resilience of climate migrants with a

particular focus on gender and disability
Supporting Implementing Entity
RHD, CHTDB, PMO, MoF, PPPA, MoD, Private Sector, NGOs

Gender-, age- and disability-responsive, youth-led disaster preparedness and
emergency rescue and evacuation services
Impenetrability in SWM | SEE |CHT | FPE | HFF | CBL|
Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas: NNW| CHI | URB
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1 20
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.2, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
One of the most pressing global issues of our time is climate change. Recent events have revealed our increasing
vulnerability to climate change. Moreover, Climate change is not just an environmental, economic, or development
problem; it is also a gender, human rights, and social justice issue. Climate change has different effects on women
and men in other societies. Women are frequently responsible for gathering and manufacturing food, collecting
water, and obtaining heating and cooking fuel. These tasks are growing more challenging as a result of climate
change. Although women are disproportionately affected by climate change, they play an essential role in adaptation
and mitigation. Women possess the knowledge and understanding required to adapt to changing environmental
situations and develop practical solutions. They remain, however, a largely unexplored resource. Land rights
limitations, a lack of financial resources, expertise, and technology, and limited access to political decision-making
impede them from fully participating in the fight against climate change and other environmental issues.

In the coastal region, climate change is at the root of issues like lack of education, malnutrition, and soaring child
marriage rates. On the other hand, youth and children are at the front of the climate crisis. The most vulnerable are
forced into overcrowded city slums where they often take on hazardous work to survive and are at greater risk for
child marriage or sex work. Despite the vulnerabilities, youth play a crucial role in combating climate change. Youth
education represents one of the most effective tools to combat the destructive potential of climate change. Young
people are key in raising awareness, running educational programs, promoting sustainable lifestyles, conserving
nature, supporting renewable energy, adopting environmentally-friendly practices, and implementing adaptation
and mitigation projects [UNFCCC, 2019]. At the global level, children and youth have taken a central role as
stakeholders and actively participate in and contribute to bottom-up DRR policy development, as well as contribute
to integrating DRR into climate change intergovernmental and sustainable development processes (Cumiskey et al.,
2015; UNDRR, 2020). In this regard, the government has highlighted that youth should be encouraged to volunteer
to protect the environment, combat climate change and calamities, and build the nation. Boosting youth awareness
about the effects and severity of climate change and increasing their participation in mitigation and adaptation
activities to combat climate change; taking projects and programs to deal with impacts of climate change on women,
youth with special needs, and other backward sections of youth in the draft National Youth Policy 2017. National
Adaptation Plan (NAP) has preferred youth-led watershed and disaster management as an adaptation measure.

In most cases, it has been observed that the emergency response system of our country is not that effective due to
the absence of active resources. In this case, the youth of our communities can be involved in emergency services;
volunteering works to accelerate the evacuation during the disaster. Additionally, gender issue has always been an
important topic during the disaster as there prevails inadequate gender-friendly environment in the shelters.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Gender-, age- and disability-responsive, youth-led disaster preparedness and

emergency rescue and evacuation services
Thereby, along with including youth, gender-responsive disaster management should be in place to increase the
country's overall resilience. A youth-led and gender-sensitive volunteer group for emergency response during a
disaster can enhance disaster management activities by reducing disaster-associated risks. Introducing the boat as
a transportation mode during a disaster like floods or water logging can also prove effective in reducing losses due
to disaster. On the other hand, focusing on sanitation, hygiene facilities, and drinking water availability can result in
gender-responsive disaster management.

Possible Actions
• Development of youth-led volunteer groups for emergency response, rescue and evacuation during disasters
• Gender- and disability-responsive emergency response services through boat ambulances, boat schools,
potable drinking water, medication, maternity and lactation facilities, hygiene and floating or portable
sanitation facilities, etc.
• Regular drills for emergency response, rescue and evacuation
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Community, gender-inclusive, • Reduce losses and damages for • Several functional facilities for
and youth-led disaster climate-induced disasters emergency responses, such as
preparedness, emergency • Develop capacity and skill for boat ambulance, boat schools,
response, and evacuation gender, persons with potable drinking water facilities,
services disabilities, children, senior floating sanitation facilities, etc.
• Enhanced adaptive capacity citizens, and youth for • Presence and access of EWS or
and protection of life, emergency rescue and CIS for climate-induced disasters
livelihoods, and ecosystem evacuation • Number of youth engaged in
against disasters • Protection of life and disaster preparedness,
• The increased adaptive livelihoods emergency rescue, and
capacity of human, natural, and • Gender, persons with evacuation services
economic systems to reduce disabilities, and youth • Access to emergency response
risk and vulnerabilities and mainstreamed for climate services by sex, age, and
ensure protection against adaptation disability
climate change-induced
• Leadership development • Number of youth leadership
among youth and gender for development program
climate adaptation and • Several emergency responses,
disaster risk reduction rescue, and evacuation drills
achieved happened annually
• Enhanced disaster risk • Participation of women in
reduction and achievement of decision-making for climate
SDGs actions
• Engagement of youth, gender,
and disabled people in the NAP
implementation committees
• Knowledge level regarding
climate change by sex, age, and
• Number of functional Water
User Associations or Disaster
Management Committee

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Gender-, age- and disability-responsive, youth-led disaster preparedness and

emergency rescue and evacuation services
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
7% Local community, stakeholder, Adaptation Fund, ADP, BCCT, GCF,
youth group, disabled group GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants and
fellowships, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DDM
Supporting Implementing Entity
SPARRSO, CHTDB, PPPA, MoD, Private Sector, NGOs

Increase the resilience of vulnerable poor communities by introducing gender-,
CDM6 age- and disability-responsive diversified livelihoods, effective insurance
mechanisms and climate resilience funds
Impenetrability in
Nationwide CHI | URB Tentative Duration Medium to long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2 535
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
Since climate change impacts an entire nation or community inconsistently, climate justice mainly focuses on the
needs of the most marginalized groups. The socioeconomically disadvantaged portion of a population typically
significantly impacts the development of environmental policies, access to green employment, risk transfer
mechanisms, and other decision-making processes, despite being more vulnerable to the effects of climate change
than others. The gender structure, influenced by imposed behaviors and attitudes by society, usually makes women
weaker and more susceptible to climate change than males by establishing unequal power relationships between
them. Resource distributions are also uneven as a result of this imbalance of power. Children, senior citizens, and
individuals with disabilities are also at risk due to reduced physical and economic capacity and inherent
psychosocial susceptibilities or social vulnerabilities to climate-related impacts. Low income, education, and access
to information, financial and social insecurity, lack of property ownership, limited mobility, less freedom, non-
participation in the decision-making process, domestic abuse or physical assault, etc., are the reasons behind
limiting the potential capacity of these vulnerable groups.

Thus, climate-smart technologies should be introduced while considering the needs of vulnerable groups and
overall socioeconomic suitability to safeguard the uncertain future. Gender-smart public and private investments
and grants in climate risk finance and insurance hold significant potential to strengthen the resilience of a whole
community. Gender-lens investing involves incorporating gender analysis in directing investments and grants into
activities or organizations that support climate and disaster resilience building and risk protection. These monetary
incentives or loans can be particularly beneficial for women, the disabled, and any other disadvantaged group to
purchase productive goods, engage in businesses or property investment, smooth consumption, and handle shocks
while encouraging community empowerment. Gender-, age- and disability-responsive and inclusive index-based
insurance instruments would be facilitative to tackle climate change-induced disaster losses and damages.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Increase the resilience of vulnerable poor communities by introducing gender-,

CDM6 age- and disability-responsive diversified livelihoods, effective insurance
mechanisms and climate resilience funds
These incentives would diversify sources of income that essentially support a successful adaptation to climate
change risk. Diversification may consciously be considered part of survival strategy or naturally occur as a response
to crises during deteriorating livelihood well-being. It involves acquiring new abilities and building assets to profit
from those skills. Gender-, age- and disability-responsive and innovative non-farm alternatives must be a focus of
large-scale development projects aimed at alleviating poverty, as most of the poorest people typically depend their
livelihood plans exclusively on agricultural production. It should be a top priority now to help them avoid any risk
by promoting gender-, age-, and disability-responsive employment in the labor market through effective skills

Possible Actions
• Build alternative livelihoods and income-generation opportunities for vulnerable people inclusive of gender,
ethnic communities, persons with disabilities and other socially disadvantaged groups
• Climate insurance for small shrimp cultivators, forest resource users, slum dwellers, farmers and women
• Financial incentives and livelihood promotion for women, ethnic communities, persons with disabilities and
socially disadvantaged groups
• Financial subsidies to capture fishers to avoid local moneylending for purchasing fishing gear and equipment
• Training for livelihood diversification for jhum cultivators, dry fish industries, fishers, farmers, labourers,
shrimp cultivators, forest resource users (FRU), women
• Provide production inputs (seeds, fishing gear, etc.)
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators

• Innovation of climate- • Addressing gender-, age- and • Gender-, age- and disability-
resilient, gender-, age- and disability-inclusive climate responsive risk transfer tools
disability-sensitive change risks and availability
technologies and facilities vulnerabilities as • Gender-, age- and disability-
• Gender gaps have been compulsory prioritization responsive hands- on the
minimized in climate change criteria for ADP formulation training of skill development
adaptation focusing on the • Demonstration of clear for livelihood diversification
person with disability, senior awareness of climate-related • Number of genders- and
citizens, and children risks, needs, and responses disability-inclusive and co-
to incorporate adaptation management initiatives for
• Gender-, age-, disability-
• Improved quality of life and CCA
responsive and inclusive
budgeting. economic conditions of the • Gender and disability inclusion
socially advantaged group in developing climate-resilient
• Inclusion of the voice, shelters, houses, and
opinions, and participation of educational facilities
marginalized ones
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
7% Local community, stakeholder, Adaptation Fund, ADP, BCCT, GCF,
women's group, youth group, GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
disabled group partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants and
fellowships, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DDM, LGD

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Increase the resilience of vulnerable poor communities by introducing gender-,

CDM6 age- and disability-responsive diversified livelihoods, effective insurance
mechanisms and climate resilience funds
Supporting Implementing Entity DoF, DLS, RHD, BMD, SPARRSO, MoD, BIDA, CHTDB, ICT, PPPA,
private sector, NGOs

Behavioural change and development of awareness among vulnerable
CDM7 communities for emergency responses and livelihood protection from climate-
induced disasters
Impenetrability in
Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2 3
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP
S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
Communities in high-risk areas engage in high-risk activities and have fewer assets to deal with dangers. One of the
main reasons for this scenario is that most of those affected are unaware of how climate change affects their life and
have no idea what to do in the event of a disaster. There remains a significant gap in persistent and practical
understanding of climate change at various levels. The flow of climate change-related knowledge from the source
(system level) to the end-users (person or community) is not well established in practice, considering both public
and private sectors. Thereby, addressing climate change necessitates significant behavioral changes, not only among
consumers but also among members of communities and organizations, as well as citizens with the power to
influence policies.

People in our country know that temperatures are rising due to climate change. Still, they are unaware that other
connected impacts, such as the sea-level rise and saline intrusion, are also occurring due to this temperature rise.
This indicates their lack of understanding of the effects of climate change. Even worse, sometimes it is discovered
that they are unaware that cyclones and storm surges, which are causing havoc on their lives and livelihoods, are
caused by climate change. In a recent study conducted by CEGIS (2021), it has been found that people in the most
climate-vulnerable area of our country's southwest region have less understanding of climate change impact
compared to other regions. The study also revealed that CHT and the southeast coastal belt have comparatively poor
knowledge of alternative livelihoods than other regions of the country. This situation can be improved by increasing
awareness and knowledge levels among vulnerable communities. The government has addressed this issue in
several national plans and policies, such as NAPA (2005). It has discussed the lack of adequate tools, knowledge, and
methodologies to provide guidance and advice to the people. Making their decisions was addressed as a potential
barrier to implementing adaptation actions. It also identified the need to generate good knowledge, data,
methodologies, and tools in the short-term activity. The BDP2100 highlighted that knowledge building on hydro-
diplomacy would be helpful for the transboundary water negotiations and ascertain sustainable effort during the
8th Plan period. On the other hand, the 8th FYP also pursued reducing yield, knowledge, and productivity gaps by
productivity-enhancing technology, strengthening MIS and ICT-based knowledge management systems, and e-
agriculture for extension services. The 8th FYP emphasized disseminating knowledge, training, and technology in
rural areas by strengthening the BRDB, the BARD, the RDA, and the BAPRD.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Behavioural change and development of awareness among vulnerable

CDM7 communities for emergency responses and livelihood protection from climate-
induced disasters
In most cases, it is observed that during any disaster, some village people don’t want to leave their house because of
their emotional attachment to that house and social norms, resulting in their death. So, increasing the awareness
among people about going to cyclone shelters during any disaster is necessary to change their behavior. People will
know that cutting down trees increases their risk of flooding, cyclones, and storm surges. People, particularly
women, will be urged to migrate to cyclone and flood shelters. However, they must ensure that special facilities are
available there.

Knowledge dissemination through community-based participatory risk assessment will raise awareness, enhance
understanding, and reduce the community's risk and vulnerabilities regarding adverse climate change impacts. The
process includes raising awareness and changing behavior, easy access to the cyclone or any other disaster shelter
and facilities, emergency response, evacuation, disaster preparedness program, an indigenous knowledge-based
program to improve proactive adaption practice, creating gender-sensitive communication materials, providing
information through ICT-based digital facilities, electronic and print media on local climate impacts.
Possible Actions
• Knowledge dissemination and sensitize communities about localized impacts of climate change through
community-based and participatory risk assessment and mapping of social resources, infrastructure and
adaptation techniques
• Awareness-raising and behavioural change programmes for accessing cyclone or flood or other disaster
shelters and facilities
• Raise awareness and encourage social forestry and tree plantation for forest-dependent livelihood generation
and nature-based adaptation
• Awareness programme for emergency response, evacuation and disaster preparedness
• Behavioural change program for enhancing proactive adaptation practices based on indigenous knowledge
• Development of knowledge and communications hub, e-learning modules, posters, apps, flyers, animated
videos or documentaries, websites, ICT based digital facilities, electronic and print media, community
announcements, etc. for awareness-raising and behaviour change
• Preparation of gender-sensitive communications materials for awareness-building and knowledge
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Enhanced adaptive capacity • Protection of life and • Climate-induced disasters
and protection of life and livelihoods through harnessing vulnerable populations by sex,
livelihoods of vulnerable the required knowledge and age, and disability
communities against disasters skills • Income from alternative
• The increased adaptive • Enable system transformations livelihoods
capacity of natural and in the adaptation process • Number of youth engaged in
economic systems to reduce • Contribute to proactive disaster preparedness,
risk and vulnerabilities and adaptation and reduce losses emergency rescue, and
ensure protection against and damages for climate- evacuation services
climate change-induced induced disasters • Access to emergency response
• Improved socioeconomic services by sex, age, and
• Community, gender-inclusive, condition through DRR disability
and youth-led emergency
• Adaptive capacity development • Number of youth leadership
response and livelihood
of vulnerable communities, development program
gender, youth, senior citizen,
children, persons with

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Behavioural change and development of awareness among vulnerable

CDM7 communities for emergency responses and livelihood protection from climate-
induced disasters
• A paradigm shift of capacity disabilities, ethnic • Annual losses and damages by
development and behavioral communities, and other socially sectors due to climate-induced
change took place disadvantaged groups disasters
• Co-creation and sharing of • Participation of women in
adaptation knowledge and decision-making for climate
scaling up indigenous actions
adaptation practices • Engagement of youth, gender,
• Awareness raised at the and disabled people in the NAP
individual level to accelerate implementation committees
climate actions • Knowledge level regarding
• Sustainable and climate- climate change by sex, age, and
resilient development achieved disability
• Number of skill and adaptive
capacity development training
• Socio-economic status
• Practices of indigenous
techniques for climate
• Gender, disability, child, and
senior citizen-sensitive climate
adaptation initiatives
• Number of functional Water
User Associations or Disaster
Management Committee
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Local community, vulnerable Adaptation Fund, ADP, BCCT, GCF,
groups, stakeholders, disaster GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
management committee partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants and
fellowships, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DDM
Supporting Implementing Entity LGD, ICT, MoEFCC, DSS, DWA, DYD, CHTDB, MoD, PPPA, Private Sector, NGOs

Increase the coverage of social security/social safety net programmes for
building community-based resilience and adaptive capacity
Impenetrability in
Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2 625
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S2.1, S2.2

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Increase the coverage of social security/social safety net programmes for

building community-based resilience and adaptive capacity
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
Bangladesh faces serious threats from climate change. Higher temperatures, more erratic rainfall, more frequent
storms, and rising sea levels are all causing havoc on the rural poor's livelihoods. Most of them live in
environmentally fragile areas with high climate risks, and their capacity for climate-related risks is limited. To
mitigate the climate change impact, safety nets are essential to safeguard the vulnerable communities that are
inherently more vulnerable to disasters (Coirolo. et al., 2013). Social Safety Nets may help households to invest in
adapting and/or safeguarding their livelihood strategies by combining their efforts with other interventions such
as revenue production activities, distribution of salinity-resistant seed types (CCA), and disaster preparedness
training (DRM). As a result, they will be less vulnerable to climate change-related shocks and more resilient.
The Government of Bangladesh allocates significant resources to implement a wide spectrum of social programs. In
FY 2019, a budget of approximately BDT 642 billion, or equivalent to 2.5 percent of the Gross Domestic Product
(GDP), has been allocated for this purpose. Among these, about BDT 372 billion is being used to implement safety
net programs as per the globally recognized classification. They are in the form of cash allowances, public works,
and education and health incentives for poor and vulnerable households, which aim to contribute to the fight against
poverty and improve human capital (World Bank, 2019). Since 2010, the World Bank has been assisting
Bangladesh's government in maximizing the impact of these safety net programs, particularly on the poorest
households. Bangladesh's safety net programs have helped to reduce poverty and vulnerability by addressing a
variety of population segments with various sorts of assistance. These include ensuring income stability for the
elderly, widows, and people with disabilities, creating temporary jobs for working-age men and women, and
promoting the healthy development of young mothers and children. Bangladesh's current policy and planning
documents reveal that social safety nets, disaster risk management, and climate change adaptation have all grown
independently. The National Food Policy Plan of Action (2008-2015) mentions safety nets and the need to improve
households' capacity to deal with natural disasters brought on by climate change. Still, it falls short of identifying
measures to tie these action areas together. Despite being quite thorough, the Climate Change Strategy Plan and its
Action Plan (2009) only briefly reference the possible function of safety nets in strengthening household resilience.
Goal 1 of BDP2100 also urges strengthening social safety net programs for flood and climate change-related
disasters. According to a recent World Bank study, social safety-net programs in Bangladesh have been effective in
providing food security and a limited measure of emergency relief (Ahmed, 2007). Test Relief (TR), Vulnerable-
Group Development (VGD), and Food for Work (FFW) are the three main programs run by the Government of
Bangladesh to respond to the impacts of disasters. Still, only around 30% of households participating in Food for
Work programs and only 50% of the Test Relief program beneficiaries were eligible to receive this benefit. However,
none of the beneficiaries of the Vulnerable-Group Development program were eligible due to severe inadequacy of
the scale of the programs (Coirolo. C et al., 2013).

Despite the above mention initiatives, some more focused social safety programs need to be placed, i.e., establishing
climate change allowances and insurance. Considering the growth rate increased amount/the number of
beneficiaries, income security for the elderly, widows, and disabled, creating temporary jobs for men and women
of working age, as well as promoting the healthy development of young mothers and children and communities in
the Chars and Islands areas would protect and improve their livelihood. These initiatives would effectively provide
social security to their livelihood and increase their adaptive capacity.
Possible Actions
• Initiate climate change allowances and insurance under social security/social safety net programmes
• Increase the amount/number of beneficiaries considering the vulnerability growth rate
• Provision of income security for the elderly, widows and persons with disabilities

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Increase the coverage of social security/social safety net programmes for

building community-based resilience and adaptive capacity
• Generating temporary employment for working-age men and women and supporting the healthy
development of young mothers and children
• Livelihood protection and improvement for communities of the char and islands areas
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Enhanced adaptive capacity • Protection of life and • Climate-induced disasters
and protection of life and livelihoods of vulnerable vulnerable populations by sex, age,
livelihoods against disasters communities from climate- and disability
• The increased adaptive induced disasters through • Income from major and alternative
capacity of natural and expanding social safety net livelihoods
economic systems to reduce programs
• Number of people covered under
risk and vulnerabilities and • Enable system the social safety net
ensure protection against transformations in the
• Number of risk recovery
climate change-induced adaptation process
mechanisms and their access by
disasters • Contribute to proactive vulnerable community
• Community, gender- adaptation and reduce losses
• Number of livelihoods improvement
inclusive, and youth-led and damages for climate-
social security or social induced disasters
• Number of skill development
safety net programs • Adaptive capacity
training provided
development of vulnerable
• Number of youth engaged in
communities, gender, youth,
disaster preparedness, emergency
senior citizen, children,
rescue, and evacuation services
persons with disabilities,
ethnic communities, and • Access to emergency response
other socially disadvantaged services by sex, age, and disability
groups • Annual losses and damages by
• Accelerate community-based sectors due to climate-induced
adaptation for climate disasters
resilience • Participation of women in decision-
• Improved socioeconomic making for climate actions
condition through DRR • Knowledge level regarding climate
• Sustainable and climate- change by sex, age, and disability
resilient development • Socio-economic status
achieved • Practices of indigenous techniques
for climate adaptation
• Gender, disability, child, and senior
citizen-sensitive climate adaptation
• Number of community-based
adaptation initiatives
• Number of functional Water User
Associations or Disaster
Management Committee
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
Stakeholder, local community Adaptation Fund, ADP, BCCT, GCF, GEF,
Multilateral and bilateral partners,

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Increase the coverage of social security/social safety net programmes for

building community-based resilience and adaptive capacity
private sector, collaborative research
grants and fellowships, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DDM, DSS, DWA
Supporting Implementing Entity

Halt child abuse, early marriage and domestic violence triggered by
climate-induced disasters
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1 7
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.2, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Children in Bangladesh are not at fault for climate change, but they bear the brunt of the consequences. Extreme
weather, floods, river erosion, sea-level rise, and other environmental shocks caused by climate change affect one
out of every three children in Bangladesh, a total of roughly 20 million children (UNICEF, 2022). Bangladesh is
ranked 15th out of 163 countries in UNICEF's Children's Climate Risk Index, which measures how vulnerable
children are to climate and environmental shocks. Around 12 million of the most vulnerable children live in and
around Bangladesh's powerful river systems, which periodically overflow their banks. The Brahmaputra River's
most recent big flooding in 2017 flooded at least 480 community health clinics and damaged 50,000 tube wells,
which are critical for providing communities with safe water needs. Another 4.5 million children live in coastal
areas frequently hit by catastrophic cyclones, including nearly half a million Rohingya refugee children housed in
fragile bamboo and plastic shelters.

Further, 3 million children live inland, where farming communities suffer increasing periods of drought (UNICEF,
2019). In the case of a girl child, this vulnerability turns to their early marriage because whenever a family has
problems with money, the first thing they think about is stopping their daughter’s education and marrying her off.
The poor parents believe that marrying their daughter with a guy living in the less climate-vulnerable area would
ensure her safety and reduce their family size. On the other hand, following natural disasters, there has been a
growing tendency for women to be victimized by violence. Because of the financial crisis, family violence increases
with any natural disaster, particularly gender-based violence. In most cases, the scenario is such that after migrating
to a new area after any climate-induced hazards, men frequently struggle to find a job in new regions because most
of the places they settle are destitute. They are irritated and agitated due to such difficulty, which leads to domestic
violence toward women in their homes.

Ministry of Woman and Children Affairs has conducted a project, “Multi-Sectoral Programme on Violence," to reduce
the rate of domestic violence.” The project aims to the reduction in incidences of violence against women and
children and improve redressing through a collaboration between relevant ministries and government agencies by
establishing a One-Stop Crisis Center, DNA laboratories, National Trauma Counselling Center, VAW database, One-
Stop Crisis Cell, National Helpline Center for Violence against Woman and Children. Additionally, the Government
of Bangladesh has developed several plans, policies, and acts addressing the issues of child abuse, early marriage,
and domestic violence. Besides, the government has developed several plans, policies, acts, and rules addressing
these issues, such as National Woman Development Policy (2011) to revise and amend existing law and make
necessary legislation to ensure the human rights of women, extend legal support to woman victim of abuse, etc.;

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Halt child abuse, early marriage and domestic violence triggered by

climate-induced disasters
National Children Policy (2011) promoting initiatives to make necessary legislations and provisions to materialize
child rights; the Child Marriage Restrain Act (1929); the Dowry Prohibition Act (1980); the Suppression of Violence
against Woman and Children Act (2000); The Children Act (2013); the Domestic Violence (Prevention and
Protection) Rules (2013). Recently, the government has developed the National Action Plan to Prevent Violence
Against Women and Children (2013-2025) to take effective prevention and curative measures for the violence
against women and children through a multi-dimensional holistic approach and also defines some future activities.
These include legal arrangements and legal facilities, social awareness and mental transformation, socio-economic
advancement of women and children, proactive services for violence against women and children, and prevention
and rehabilitation. The 8th FYP also develops the strategy for improving women’s human capabilities, including
women's freedom from violence and coercion, and addressing that extensive programs and projects are also
required to protect children from violence and repression and the overall development of the children.

Despite these initiatives, child abuse, early marriage, and domestic violence are occurring every day somewhere in
our country. Lack of awareness among communities and children regarding the effects of climate change and its
consequences. For this, regular grooming of vulnerable families is required, along with the families subjected to
domestic violence under social safety net programs. Knowledge and awareness building among children through
updating child education and taking adequate steps against illegal domestic violence and child abuse.
Possible Actions
• Awareness-raising among communities and children regarding the effects of climate change on abuse, early
marriage or domestic violence
• Sensitize community representatives for regular grooming of vulnerable families
• Inclusion of domestic violence-prone vulnerable families or marginal families in social safety net programmes
• Update education curriculum for knowledge and awareness-building among children
• Stringent enforcement of laws against domestic violence and child abuse
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Social protection for • Capacity development of the • Number of awareness-raising
vulnerable women and child, youth, and gender to programs for climate change
children combat adversities of climate impacts on child abuse,
• Enhanced adaptive capacity change domestic violence, and early
and protection of life and • Reduction of child abuse, social marriage
livelihoods against disasters conflicts, early marriage, and • Number of cases related to
• The increased adaptive domestic violence child abuse, early marriage,
capacity of natural and • The improved education system and domestic violence
economic systems to reduce and literacy for gender • Literacy rate by sex, age, and
risk and vulnerabilities and • Reduce inequalities and disability
ensure protection against disproportionate impacts of • Gender and Inequality index
climate change-induced climate change on the children, • Socio-economic condition
disasters gender, and society
• Participation of women in
• Community, gender-inclusive, • Awareness raising and decision-making for climate
and youth-led social security or transformative capacity building adaptation
social safety net programs
• Improved socioeconomic • Inclusion of climate change
condition through DRR into elementary education
• Achievement of sustainable and
climate-resilient development
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Halt child abuse, early marriage and domestic violence triggered by

climate-induced disasters
7% Local community, child group, Adaptation Fund, ADP, BCCT, GCF,
woman's group, stakeholders, NGOs, GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
social workers partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants and
fellowships, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DDM, DSS, DWA
Supporting Implementing Entity LGD, DYD, ICT, CHTDB, MoD, MoLJPA, Private Sector

Accelerated livelihood improvements for women, people with disabilities and
CDM10 young entrepreneurs through vocational training on adaptation practices and
Impenetrability in Medium to Long
Nationwide Tentative Duration
Stress Areas: Term
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2 230
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
Depending on their geographic location, sector coverage, and physical design, climate change-induced hazards and
projected/predicted scenarios pose potential risks for Bangladesh's ongoing and future development initiatives.
Increased climate variability in the coming decades will increase the frequency and severity of floods and droughts,
radically disrupting markets, increasing production risks, reducing coping capacities, and elevating threats to food
access, especially for vulnerable and resource-poor communities (Bates et al., 2010; Thornton and Gerber, 2010;
FAO and EU, 2014). To minimize avoidable damages, lost investments, and future threats to life, today's
development decisions and actions must effectively reflect climate change (Gigli and Agrawala 2007). As a result,
screening for climate change and natural disaster risks early in the project planning process will be critical.
To reduce the risks, some risk transfer tools need to be adopted. Countries worldwide are seeking strategies to
control risks, particularly those associated with or exacerbated by climate change. Individuals and businesses
widely employ insurance in most industrialized countries as a risk management strategy. The use of insurance is
now also expanding in developing countries, particularly in emerging economies. Insurance can give tangible and
intangible risk-reduction benefits, which are especially important for developing countries like Bangladesh,
including building resilience and providing timely financial liquidity. Insurance does not directly prevent or reduce
the risk of damage or loss; however, insurance offers financial liquidity in the event of a disaster and can mitigate
some of the indirect effects of damage, such as human suffering, loss of livelihood, assets, and development
impediments. The Bangladesh government has become more committed in recent years to supporting the growth
of the national insurance sector and collaborating with international partners to implement climate risk
management solutions. Sadharan Bima Corporation (SBC) introduced crop insurance (CI) in 1977 by the order of
the Bangladesh government. It ensured the production of key cereal and cash crops such as Aus, Aman, and Boro
rice, wheat, jute, and sugarcane for a premium ranging from 3% to 5% of the market value of the insured crop. Due
to several problems, this crop insurance reached 15,420 farmers before being phased out in 1992. One of them was
the enormous losses incurred due to loss claims that constantly exceeded premiums. A “meso-level” index-based
flood insurance was introduced in Sirajganj in 2013 to protect the transfer risk of crop loss during a peak flood

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Accelerated livelihood improvements for women, people with disabilities and

CDM10 young entrepreneurs through vocational training on adaptation practices and
period each year. The payout was different depending on the flood level and the number of days. If the flood level
surpassed a locally determined threshold and remained for 11 days, each household received BDT 2,800 (US $ 36);
if the flood remained for 21 days, BDT 4,400 (US $ 56); and for 26 days, BDT 8,000 (US $ 103). Sadharan Bima
Corporation (SBC) launched another Weather Index-Based Crop Insurance project in three vulnerable areas of
Bangladesh from March 2014 to June 2018 with funding from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Drought-prone
Rajshahi, flood-prone Sirajgonj, and cyclone-prone Noakhali were the areas affected. The program benefited small
and marginal farmers with limited access to climate risk-adaptation techniques. The United Nations World Food
Program aided Oxfam Bangladesh in developing and launching an index-based flood insurance product in June 2020.
During the 2020 monsoon, Bangladesh had the greatest and longest flooding episode in 20 years, demonstrating the
effectiveness of the experimental project. This resulted in a dividend of US$ 32 to each enrolled household via their
mobile money network. The plan pays flood-affected families for lost wages and is based on a 19-year review of
satellite data and the most recent water level and rainfall data (The Daily Star, 2021).

In Bangladesh, the insurance mechanism mainly provides schemes for improving people’s lives and livelihood
opportunities. However, in Bangladesh, there are inadequate insurance mechanisms for the infrastructure sector
that provide services during hazards like cyclones, storm surges, etc., in Bangladesh. Infrastructure like cyclone and
flood shelters need regular maintenance because some of these shelters also seem to be damaged. So, there is a need
for an inventory consisting of information about critical and disaster protection structures. Based on discussions
with banks and financial institutions, the NBR, and the PPPA, developing a framework for the financial protection of
vital coastal facilities through risk transfer or insurance mechanisms can be done in this case. Encouraging private
sector investors to create disaster risk reduction or adaptation infrastructure using risk transfer mechanisms
through popularizing and implementing risk transfer or insurance facilities can be fruitful in building resilience
against climate change.

Possible Actions
• Expand CMSME programmes for women and youth
• Extension of easy access to microcredit support or start-up loans
• Entrepreneurial training for local resources use (in market promotion)
• Revetment from taxes and levies
• Promote community-based farming (CBF) (agriculture, fishery, livestock)
• Capacity development through vocational training on adaptation and ICT
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Enhanced adaptive capacity • Capacity development of youth • Number of awareness-raising
and protection of life, and gender programs and skill
livelihoods, critical and disaster • Awareness raising and development programs
protection infrastructures transformative capacity regarding climate change
against disasters building through vocational adaptation
• The increased adaptive training, ICT, alternative • Number of vocational training
capacity of natural and livelihoods generation, and provided
economic systems to reduce community-based farming • Engagement of youth, gender,
risk and vulnerabilities and • Easy access to micro-credit disability, and ethnic
ensure protection against loans and risk recovery community representative into
climate change-induced mechanism for adaptation NAP implementation
disasters committees
• Reduction of losses and
damages for climate-induced

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Accelerated livelihood improvements for women, people with disabilities and

CDM10 young entrepreneurs through vocational training on adaptation practices and
• Expand business opportunities • Knowledge level of people
• Women empowerment regarding climate change by
increased age, sex, and disability
• Youth leadership enhanced • Annual losses and damages by
sectors due to climate-induced
• Poverty reduction and
improved overall socio-
economic condition • Number of youth leadership
development program
• Sustainable development
achieved • Number of women and youth
entrepreneurship programs
• Literacy rate by sex, age, and
• Number of jobs, employment,
and business opportunities
• Access to soft loans or micro-
credits by sex
• Gender and Inequality index
• Socio-economic condition
• Participation of women in
decision-making for climate
• Number of smartphone and
internet users
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
7% Local community, child group, Adaptation Fund, ADP, BCCT, GCF,
woman's group, stakeholders, GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
NGOs, social workers partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants and
fellowships, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DWA, ICT, DYD, PPPA
Supporting Implementing Entity
Sector, NGOs

Introduction of risk transfer and insurance mechanisms for protection
CDM11 of critical and disaster protection infrastructure, vulnerable MSMEs
and farmers
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2 23
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Introduction of risk transfer and insurance mechanisms for protection

CDM11 of critical and disaster protection infrastructure, vulnerable MSMEs
and farmers
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Depending on their geographic location, sector coverage, and physical design, climate change-induced hazards and
projected/predicted scenarios pose potential risks for Bangladesh's ongoing and future development initiatives.
Increased climate variability in the coming decades will increase the frequency and severity of floods and droughts,
radically disrupting markets, increasing production risks, reducing coping capacities, and elevating threats to food
access, especially for vulnerable and resource-poor communities (Bates et al., 2010; Thornton and Gerber, 2010;
FAO and EU, 2014). To minimize avoidable damages, lost investments, and future threats to life, today's
development decisions and actions must effectively reflect climate change (Gigli and Agrawala 2007). As a result,
screening for climate change and natural disaster risks early in the project planning process will be critical.

To reduce the risks, some risk transfer tools need to be adopted. Countries worldwide are seeking strategies to
control risks, particularly those associated with or exacerbated by climate change. Individuals and businesses
widely employ insurance in most industrialized countries as a risk management strategy. The use of insurance is
now also expanding in developing countries, particularly in emerging economies. Insurance can give tangible and
intangible risk-reduction benefits, which are especially important for developing countries like Bangladesh,
including building resilience and providing timely financial liquidity. Insurance does not directly prevent or reduce
the risk of damage or loss; however, insurance provides financial liquidity in the event of a disaster can mitigate
some of the indirect effects of damage, such as human suffering, loss of livelihood, assets, and development
impediments. The Bangladesh government has become more committed in recent years to supporting the growth
of the national insurance sector and collaborating with international partners to implement climate risk
management solutions. Sadharan Bima Corporation (SBC) introduced crop insurance (CI) in 1977 by order of the
Bangladesh government. It ensured the production of key cereal and cash crops such as Aus, Aman, and Boro rice,
wheat, jute, and sugarcane for a premium ranging from 3% to 5% of the market value of the insured crop. Due to
several problems, this crop insurance reached 15,420 farmers before being phased out in 1992. One of them was
the enormous losses incurred due to loss claims that constantly exceeded premiums. A “meso-level” index-based
flood insurance was introduced in Sirajganj in 2013 to protect the transfer risk of crop loss during a peak flood
period each year. The payout was different depending on the flood level and the number of days. If the flood level
surpassed a locally determined threshold and remained for 11 days, each household received BDT 2,800 (US$ 36);
if the flood remained for 21 days, BDT 4,400 (US$ 56); and for 26 days, BDT 8,000 (US$ 103). Sadharan Bima
Corporation (SBC) launched another Weather Index-Based Crop Insurance project in three vulnerable areas of
Bangladesh from March 2014 to June 2018 with funding from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Drought-prone
Rajshahi, flood-prone Sirajgonj, and cyclone-prone Noakhali were the areas affected. The program benefited small
and marginal farmers with limited access to climate risk-adaptation techniques. The United Nations World Food
Program aided Oxfam Bangladesh in developing and launching an index-based flood insurance product in June 2020.
During the 2020 monsoon, Bangladesh had the greatest and longest flooding episode in 20 years, demonstrating the
effectiveness of the experimental project. This resulted in a dividend of US$ 32 to each enrolled household via their
mobile money network. The plan pays flood-affected families for lost wages and is based on a 19-year review of
satellite data and the most recent water level and rainfall data (The Daily Star, 2021).

In Bangladesh, the insurance mechanism mainly provides schemes for improving people’s lives and livelihood
opportunities. However, in Bangladesh, there are inadequate insurance mechanisms for the infrastructure sector
that provide services during hazards like cyclones, storm surges, etc., in Bangladesh. Infrastructure like cyclone and
flood shelters need regular maintenance because some of these shelters also seem to be damaged. So, there is a need
for an inventory consisting of information about critical and disaster protection structures. Based on discussions
with banks and financial institutions, the NBR, and the PPPA, developing a framework for the financial protection of
vital coastal facilities through risk transfer or insurance mechanisms can be done in this case. Encouraging private
sector investors to create disaster risk reduction or adaptation infrastructure using risk transfer mechanisms

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Introduction of risk transfer and insurance mechanisms for protection

CDM11 of critical and disaster protection infrastructure, vulnerable MSMEs
and farmers
through popularizing and implementing risk transfer or insurance facilities can be fruitful in building resilience
against climate change.

Possible Actions
• Inventory of critical and disaster protection structures
• Develop a framework for the financial protection of critical coastal infrastructure through risk transfer or
insurance mechanisms based on discussion with banks, financial institutions, NBR and PPPA
• Popularize and implement risk transfer or insurance facilities
• Encourage private sector investors to build adaptation or disaster risk reduction infrastructure using risk
transfer tools
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Enhanced adaptive • Increase access to climate-induced • Number of available climate
capacity and protection disaster risk recovery mechanisms, risk recovery mechanisms
of life, livelihoods, such as green bonds, weather-based • Access to risk recovery
critical and disaster insurance mechanisms etc., by mechanism by investors for
protection communities and private sectors reducing climate risk for critical
infrastructures against • Security of large investments for infrastructures
disasters critical infrastructures ensured • Investment security index
• The increased adaptive through accessing risk transfer tools
• Annual losses and damages
capacity of natural and • Reduction of losses and damages for from industries or economic
economic systems to climate-induced disasters through DRR zones and other business
reduce risk and
• Narrow down the debt trap window for sectors by climate-induced
vulnerabilities and
investors after damages caused by an disasters
ensure protection
extreme event • Different financial indices to
against climate change-
• Financial protection of life, livelihoods, measure debt status
induced disasters
and infrastructures • Engagement of the private
• Private sector engagement in climate sector in climate-resilient
change adaptation infrastructures, industries, or
• Sustainable development achieved economic zone development
• Sustainable development index

Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
10% The disaster management committee, local Adaptation Fund, ADP, BCCT, GCF,
community, vulnerable group GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants and
fellowships, CIF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DDM, MoF
Supporting Implementing Entity BMDA, DoF, DLS, RHD, BMD, SPARRSO, BIDA, CHTDB, MoD,
ICT, MoP, PPPA, Private Sector, Insurance Companies, NGOs

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Building climate-resilient houses, education & communication
infrastructure in areas with high climate risk
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 3 160
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Depending on their geographic location, sector coverage, and physical design, climate change-induced hazards and
projected/predicted scenarios pose potential risks for Bangladesh's ongoing and future development initiatives.
Increased climate variability in the coming decades will increase the frequency and severity of floods and droughts,
radically disrupting markets, increasing production risks, reducing coping capacities, and elevating threats to food
access, especially for vulnerable and resource-poor communities (Bates et al., 2010; Thornton and Gerber, 2010;
FAO and EU, 2014). To minimize avoidable damages, lost investments, and future threats to life, today's
development decisions and actions must effectively reflect climate change (Gigli and Agrawala 2007). As a result,
screening for climate change and natural disaster risks early in the project planning process will be critical.

To reduce the risks, some risk transfer tools need to be adopted. Countries worldwide are seeking strategies to
control risks, particularly those associated with or exacerbated by climate change. Individuals and businesses
widely employ insurance in most industrialized countries as a risk management strategy. The use of insurance is
now also expanding in developing countries, particularly in emerging economies. Insurance can give tangible and
intangible risk-reduction benefits, which are especially important for developing countries like Bangladesh,
including building resilience and providing timely financial liquidity. Insurance does not directly prevent or reduce
the risk of damage or loss; however, insurance offers financial liquidity in the event of a disaster and can mitigate
some of the indirect effects of damage, such as human suffering, loss of livelihood, assets, and development
impediments. The Bangladesh government has become more committed in recent years to supporting the growth
of the national insurance sector and collaborating with international partners to implement climate risk
management solutions. Sadharan Bima Corporation (SBC) introduced crop insurance (CI) in 1977 by order of the
Bangladesh government. It ensured the production of key cereal and cash crops such as Aus, Aman, and Boro rice,
wheat, jute, and sugarcane for a premium ranging from 3% to 5% of the market value of the insured crop. Due to
several problems, this crop insurance reached 15,420 farmers before being phased out in 1992. One of them was
the enormous losses incurred due to loss claims that constantly exceeded premiums. A “meso-level” index-based
flood insurance was introduced in Sirajganj in 2013 to protect the transfer risk of crop loss during a peak flood
period each year. The payout was different depending on the flood level and the number of days. If the flood level
surpassed a locally determined threshold and remained for 11 days, each household received BDT 2,800 (US $ 36);
if the flood remained for 21 days, BDT 4,400 (US $ 56); and for 26 days, BDT 8,000 (US $ 103). Sadharan Bima
Corporation (SBC) launched another Weather Index-Based Crop Insurance project in three vulnerable areas of
Bangladesh from March 2014 to June 2018 with funding from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Drought-prone
Rajshahi, flood-prone Sirajgonj, and cyclone-prone Noakhali were the areas affected. The program benefited small
and marginal farmers with limited access to climate risk-adaptation techniques. The United Nations World Food
Program aided Oxfam Bangladesh in developing and launching an index-based flood insurance product in June 2020.
During the 2020 monsoon, Bangladesh had the greatest and longest flooding episode in 20 years, demonstrating the
effectiveness of the experimental project. This resulted in a dividend of US$ 32 to each enrolled household via their
mobile money network. The plan pays flood-affected families for lost wages and is based on a 19-year review of
satellite data and the most recent water level and rainfall data (The Daily Star, 2021).

In Bangladesh, the insurance mechanism mainly provides schemes for improving people’s lives and livelihood
opportunities. However, in Bangladesh, there are inadequate insurance mechanisms for the infrastructure sector

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Building climate-resilient houses, education & communication

infrastructure in areas with high climate risk
that provide services during hazards like cyclones, storm surges, etc., in Bangladesh. Infrastructure like cyclone and
flood shelters need regular maintenance because some of these shelters also seem to be damaged. So, there is a need
for an inventory consisting of information about critical and disaster protection structures. Based on discussions
with banks and financial institutions, the NBR, and the PPPA, developing a framework for the financial protection of
vital coastal facilities through risk transfer or insurance mechanisms can be done in this case. Encouraging private
sector investors to create disaster risk reduction or adaptation infrastructure using risk transfer mechanisms
through popularizing and implementing risk transfer or insurance facilities can be fruitful in building resilience
against climate change.

Possible Actions
• Establishment of low-cost and sustainable climate-resilient houses (such as elevated, portable, solar energy-
based cookstoves, rainwater harvesting, sanitation facilities, etc.) for marginal communities following the
guidelines of House Building Research Institute.
• Building research institutes and other piloted initiatives
• Establishment of climate-resilient education facilities (such as floating or dismantlable schools, boat schools,
elevated schools with digital multimedia facilities, home-based digital schools, etc.) for reducing risks to
education during disasters
• Development of climate resilient rural and urban communication infrastructures
• Gender and disability inclusion in developing climate-resilient shelters, houses and educational facilities
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Enhanced adaptive capacity • Savings of recurrent repair • Annual losses and damages
and protection of life, costs of houses and education from housing, education, and
livelihoods, critical and disaster infrastructures affected by infrastructures sector due to
protection infrastructures climate-induced disasters climate change impacts
against disasters • Protection of lives and • Recurrent O&M cost of housing
• The increased adaptive livelihoods from climate- and education infrastructures
capacity of natural and induced disasters in the post-disaster period
economic systems to reduce • Reduce losses of students and • Number of climate-resilient
risk and vulnerabilities and child education hours houses or buildings or shelters
ensure protection against or educational institutes
• Reduce teaching hours or work
climate change-induced
loss for teachers • Number of climate-resilient
• Capacity building of institutions emergency education facilities
and individuals • Number of houses using solar
• Reduce deaths, injuries, and power or smart cook stoves
fatalities • Work hour loss by teachers due
• Better disaster risk reduction to climate-induced disasters
and build-back better • Education hour loss by
• Sustainable development students due to climate-
achieved induced disasters

Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources

7% Local community, stakeholder Adaptation Fund, ADP, BCCT, GCF,
GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants and
fellowships, CIF, etc.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Building climate-resilient houses, education & communication

infrastructure in areas with high climate risk
Lead Implementing Entity DDM, LGED, EED, PWD
Supporting Implementing Entity
DBHWD, PPPA, Private Sector, NGOs

3.3 Agriculture

CSA01 Extension of climate-smart technologies for increasing irrigation water use efficiency
Impenetrability in SWM | SEE | CHT | FPE | HFF|DBA |CBL
Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas: | NNW | CHI | URB
Tentative Cost 313
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4
(Billion BDT)
Linked NAP
S2.1, S2.2, S2.4, S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
Water is a limiting renewable resource and vital agricultural input in Bangladesh. Apart from agriculture, there are
many other water usages, and thus water resource management is challenging as it involves balancing supply-
demand without any significant trade-off. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2 and 6 stressed increasing water-
use efficiency across all sectors and ensuring sustainable agriculture. Also, Bangladesh Delta Plan, 2100 (BDP2100)
Goals 2 and 6 stressed water usage efficiency and achieved optimal and integrated use of resources. As water
becomes a limiting factor, improved irrigation efficiency will become a critical adaptation tool, especially in the dry
season, because irrigation practices are water-intensive. Climate change is expected to result in decreased
freshwater availability (surface and groundwater) and reduced soil moisture during the dry season. The crop water
demand is expected to increase because of increased drought and evapotranspiration caused by climate change and
the continuous introduction of high-yielding varieties and intensive agriculture.
In the case of water distribution, different types of pipes and designed canals must be ensured for increased
irrigation water productivity. There are different irrigation water distribution systems for conveying water from
the source of supply to the crop field. They are surface channels (earthen channel, brick-lined channel, Ferro cement-
lined channel, etc.), underground (buried) pipelines, sprinklers, drip irrigation, etc. Conveyance loss of irrigation
water is much higher in the surface channel system. Besides this, transmitting water from the lower land to the
elevated one is impossible. A significant amount of land is also lost there. In addition, on-farm water use efficiency
can be increased through AWD, leaser leveling, volumetric water pricing, and agronomic management practices. For
non-rice crops, a drip irrigation system can be used to save water and fertilizer by slowly dripping water to the roots
of plants through different networks. As the water loss is reduced compared to the surface channel and conventional
on-farm water management practices, more land can be brought under irrigation using the same amount of water,
and thus command area is increased.
Possible Actions

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CSA01 Extension of climate-smart technologies for increasing irrigation water use efficiency
• Improve irrigation water conveyance efficiency through the buried pipe, hose pipe, canal lining, etc.
• Improve on-farm water use efficiency through bund management, leaser leveling, volumetric water pricing
(prepaid metering), etc.
• Extension of Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) in HYV boro rice cultivation system for improving on-farm
water use efficiency
• Introducing micro (sprinkler and drip) irrigation systems for increasing water use efficiency
• Practicing agronomic management (reduce tillage, direct wet seeded rice using drum seeder, mulching, etc.)
for minimizing water loss.
• Training and Demonstration of different Water Saving Technologies (WST)
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Crop production increased • About 10% of the irrigated area will • Amount of irrigated area
• Resilience is enhanced for be increased from the existing 5.6 • Amount of greenhouse gas
crop production due to million ha from the same amount of emission from agricultural
reducing drought irrigation water. fields
vulnerability. • Drought vulnerability and water • Number of climate-proofed
• Water productivity shortage will be reduced. irrigation and drought
increased for increasing • Irrigation price will be reduced due management infrastructures
conveyance as well as the to the reduction of conveyance and • Income of farmers in water
water application efficiency application loss. stress areas
• Decreased methane • Irrigation efficiency will increase • Loss of crops and livestock
emission from irrigated rice from the existing 38% to 50%. due to inefficient use of water
field • Rice production will be increased • Number of communities or
by about 3.0 million metric tons farmers using rainwater
annually to increase the additional harvesting systems for
irrigated area and reduce drought irrigation
• Amount of freshwater and
groundwater availability and
• Rate of irrigation price
• Loss of irrigation water during
conveyance and application
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
10% Communities, Trader, Farmers BCCT, World Bank, ADB, GCF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BADC and BMDA
Supporting Implementing Entity
Private sector

CSA02 Augmentation of surface water for irrigation and multipurpose use
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: HFF | DBA Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 Tentative Cost 846

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CSA02 Augmentation of surface water for irrigation and multipurpose use

(Billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.1, S2.2, S2.4, S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code DP1.1, DP1.2, DP1.4
Water is a limiting renewable resource and vital agricultural input in Bangladesh. Still, the availability of water in the
dry season and the high cost of irrigation are considered major challenges for agricultural production. Increased
irrigated areas helped Bangladesh attain near self-sufficiency in rice. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2 and 6
stressed increasing water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensuring sustainable agriculture. Also, Bangladesh
Delta Plan, 2100 (BDP2100) Goals 2 and 6 stressed enhancing water security, conserving and preserving wetlands,
and achieving optimal and integrated use of resources. Irrigation in Bangladesh is mostly dependent on groundwater.
About 5.6 million ha is being irrigated during the dry season by surface water and groundwater. About 77% area is
irrigated with the help of groundwater, and only 27% area is irrigated by surface water. Due to the over-abstraction
of groundwater, groundwater levels are declining in the North West and Central regions. As a result, deteriorating
water quality, increasing energy costs, and decreasing water bodies threaten groundwater irrigation's sustainability.
On the other hand, the sources of surface water from perennial rivers and natural water bodies for irrigation are also
decreasing. Existing surface water irrigation projects are not in good condition due to the siltation of khals and
internal water bodies. Therefore, it is necessary to take corrective measures before the problem becomes too costly
to remediate. Attention must be given to developing and managing surface water resources to ease pressure on
groundwater. To enhance surface water use, the strategy will stress the maximum utilization of existing facilities
through rehabilitating existing irrigation projects, new surface water irrigation projects, and rainwater harvesting
through re-excavating perennial water bodies and storing treated wastewater for watering rooftop gardening.
Possible Actions
• Rehabilitation of existing surface water irrigation projects, particularly Muhuri, Manu, Bhola, Barisal, Chandpur,
Meghna-Dhonogoda, Testa, and Ganges-Kobadak (GK) Irrigation Project.
• Implementation of Padma Barrage Project
• Implementation of the North Rajshahi Irrigation Project
• Rainwater harvesting through periodic re-excavation of perennial water bodies (ponds, beels, canals, rivers,
etc.) for the round year surface water availability
• Rainwater harvesting and storing treated wastewater for watering rooftop gardening
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Crop production increased • Drought vulnerability and water • Number of drought risk
• Resilience is enhanced for shortage will be reduced. management measures
crop production due to • The groundwater table will be • Income of farmers in water-scarce
reducing drought improved due to ensure the areas
vulnerability and water availability of surface water. • Loss of crops, fishes and livestock
shortage. • Surface water irrigated area will due to water scarcity
become 45% whereas presently use • Number of communities or
23%. farmers using rainwater
• Crop production will be increased by harvesting systems instead of
about 4.5 million metric tons annually groundwater for irrigation
for increasing the additional irrigated • Rate of withdrawal and
area and reducing drought availability of surface water and
vulnerability. groundwater
• Fish production will be increased by • Position of the groundwater table
about 0.23 million tons

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CSA02 Augmentation of surface water for irrigation and multipurpose use

• Job opportunities will be created • Amount of area irrigated by
during and after the rehabilitation and surface water
implementation of the project. • Amount of crop production and
• Farm income will be increased, fish production
resulting in a standard of living. • Amount of employment
• Navigation will be improved. opportunities
• Sundarban's forestry and ecosystem • Changes in the standard of living
will be improved. • Status of the navigation system
• Status of ecosystem health and
species diversity in the
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
3% Communities, Trader, Farmers BCCT, World Bank, ADB, GCF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB, BADC, and BMDA
Supporting Implementing Entity
DBHWD, PPPA, Private sector

CSA03 Extension of stress-tolerant, pest and diseases-resistant rice and non-rice crops
Impenetrability in SWM | SEE | CHT | FPE | HFF | DBA|
Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas: CBL | NNW | CHI | URB
Tentative Cost 20
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4
(Billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.1, S2.4, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
The frequency and intensity of floods all over the country and flash floods in the northeastern and eastern parts of
Bangladesh will increase due to climate change. On the other hand, low and erratic rainfall in north-western and
western Bangladesh caused drought, which might aggravate due by climate change. Salinity is likely to increase in
the southwestern and south parts of Bangladesh. Besides, both pest and disease infestation will increase under
climate change. Thus, crop production will hinder, and production loss will increase due to the climate signals and
hazards. Different research institutes have already developed several crop varieties in Bangladesh to reduce
drought, flood, salinity, and disease vulnerability. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 13 stressed taking urgent
action to combat climate change and its impacts. Also, Bangladesh Delta Plan, 2100 (BDP2100) Goals 1 stressed
ensuring safety from floods and climate change-related disasters.

Reducing crop loss due to climatic hazards will require farmers to modify their crop varieties. Extension of different
stress-tolerant varieties such as drought (BRRI dhan56, BRRI dhan57, BRRI dhan66, BRRI dhan71 Binadhan-20,
Binadhan-2, BINA Moog 11), Flood (BRRI dhan51, BRRI dhan52, BRRI dhan79 BINA dhan-11BINA dhan-12, BRRI
dhan91), Salinity (BR23, BRRI dhan41, BRRI dhan54, BRRI dhan67, BRRI dhan73, BRRI dhan78, BINA dhan-8, BINA
dhan-10, BARI Gom-25, BRRI dhan47, BRRI dhan97, BRRI dhan99, BU Soybean 2, BARI Soybean 4, BARI Mung 6,
BINA dhan-23, BARI Barly7, Binachinabadam-6) and disease (BINA dhan-25, BRRI dhan101,Binamoog-7,
Binamoog-8, Binamoog-9, Binamoog-10, Binamoog-11, BU Mung-4, BU Mung-6, BARI Gom30, BARI Gom33) is

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CSA03 Extension of stress-tolerant, pest and diseases-resistant rice and non-rice crops
needed through training and field-level demonstration. An easily accessed, extended seed supply mechanism for
different stress-tolerant crop varieties will be essential.

Possible Actions
• Extension of different stress (salinity, heat, cold, flood, lodging, etc.) tolerant varieties through training, field-
level demonstration, and input supply
• Extension of pest and diseases resistant varieties through training, field-level demonstration and input supply.
• Extension of bio-fortified (Zinc, Iron, Protein, etc.) crop varieties through training, field-level demonstration,
and input supply.
• Ensure the availability of seeds of different stress-tolerant rice and non-rice crops.
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Crop production increased • Yields per unit area will be • Amount crop production per
• Resilience is enhanced for crop increased. unit area of the cultivated lands
production due to reducing the • External inputs for crop • Degree of crop damage
drought, flood, salinity, and protection will be reduced. • Status of food nutrition
pest-diseases vulnerability. • Food nutrition and diversity availability and food diversity
will be increased due to the • Amount of loss of crops due to
extension of bio-fortified rice floods, water logging, droughts,
and non-rice crop varieties. salinity intrusion, pests, and
• Crop production will be disease infestation
increased by about 1.0 million
tons due reduction in crop
losses caused by flood, water
logging, drought, salinity, pest,
and disease infestation.
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
7% Communities, Trader, Farmers BCCT, World Bank, ADB, GCF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DAE
Supporting Implementing Entity
DoFood, Private sector

CSA04 Introduction and scaling up of innovative and indigenous agriculture
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost 15
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4
(Billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.1, S2.4, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CSA04 Introduction and scaling up of innovative and indigenous agriculture

Presently normal farming practices are not possible in different agro-climatic disadvantaged areas due to water
logging/drainage congestion (some locations in the southern part of the country), shortage of irrigation water
(Barind area), lack of good quality soil (sand bar), land topography (hill), salinity (southern part) and unavailability
of agriculture land (urban). The situation is likely to be deteriorated in the coming days due to climate change. Thus
some parts of Bangladesh will have become fallow due to climate change and climate-induced natural disasters.
Farmers developed or practiced different adaptive farming practices in these agro-climatic disadvantaged areas.
These are less water-loving crops, floating agriculture, sack garden, sorjan, bag garden, hydroponic, etc. These
innovative farming practices must be extended to reduce climatic vulnerability. Sustainable Development Goals
(SDG) 13 stressed taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Also, Bangladesh Delta Plan, 2100
(BDP2100) Goals 1 and 6 stressed ensuring safety from floods and climate change-related disasters and achieving
optimal and integrated use of land and water resources.
Possible Actions
• Alternate use of Saline and non-saline water in maize, sunflower, and wheat cultivation in the saline zone.
• Upscaling of floating agriculture for the southern, haor, and beel areas
• Upscaling of Coffee, cashew nut and mixed fruit, and other high-value crops cultivation for the hill and terrace
• Extension of the Sorjan method in the southern region
• Upscaling of bag-gardening in the char island and southern region
• Extension of Community seedbed for haor, beel and floodplain
• Promotion of Sandbar agriculture in Char areas
• Introduction of Hydroponic farming and up-scaling of rooftop gardening for urban areas
• Extension of high-value fruits and vegetable cultivation in barind and the north-western region
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Crop production increased • Vegetables and high-value crop • Amount of area in which
• Resilience is enhanced for crop production will be increased vegetables and high-value
production due to reducing throughout the year. crops are cultivated
climatic vulnerability. • Economic return from fallow • Rate of production of
• Utilized fallow land land will be increased. vegetables and high-value
• The risk of complete crop crops
failure will be reduced. • Income of farmers working on
• Additional cropping areas fallow lands
(sandbar, waterlogged, hills, • Loss of crops and livestock due
terrace) will be created to floods and other hazards
• The time gap will be minimized, • Amount of additional cropping
and flood risk will be reduced areas, including floating
for preparing seedbeds in agriculture
floating and homestead areas.
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
7% Communities, Trader, Farmers BCCT, World Bank, ADB, GCF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DAE
Supporting Implementing Entity
Private sector

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Crop diversification/intensification for natural resources optimization
and reduction of climate stress
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost 15
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4
(Billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.1, S2.4, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
As a developing country, Bangladesh emphasized increased cereals production, especially rice and wheat, rather
than non-rice crops. The production of major and minor crops has become unbalanced in recent years due to greater
emphasis on cereals, which needs to be improved for a balanced diet for the people. Production of non-rice crops,
such as pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, fruits, spices, etc., is currently inadequate to provide the required nutrition in
people's daily diets. The nutritional status of the Bangladeshi diet is on a declining trend due to the low intake of
vegetables, fruits, and spices despite having a high content of minerals and vitamins. The food habits of people will
growingly change. Besides, Bangladesh envisions becoming a developed country by 2041, which essentially requires
increased investment to execute the development agenda. Therefore, crop diversification activities would continue
to enhance based on dietary food habits. Spatial shifting of crops will be required considering water availability and
edaphic suitability.

Crop diversification is a contemporary issue in agriculture as it is an effective strategy for reducing the risk of yield
and price volatility of rice monoculture. 8th FY Plan (2021-2025) also targets accelerating crop diversification,
including expansion of non-rice crops during the Boro season to minimize ground water extraction and increase the
production of high-value crops like pulses, oilseeds, spices, and vegetables. This would facilitate ensuring food and
nutritional security with income generation through processing and marketing.

This program will allow for introducing that kind of crop diversification activities. Vertical farming and homestead
gardening of vegetables and spices crops will be possible. Farmers can cultivate non-rice or minor crops after
harvesting the major ones. Consequently, crop area will increase, and sources of protein and calories will balance
the soil's nutrients.

Possible Actions
• Extension of family nutrition garden in the homestead and uncultivated fallow land
• Introduction of BARI, BRRI, and other Agricultural Universities, private organizations developed a quadruple
cropping pattern
• Extension of relay and mixed cropping in all regions
• Strengthen vegetable cultivation in the peri-urban areas
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Crop production increased • Crop production in • Amount of crop production in
• Resilience enhanced crop homestead and fallow land homesteads and fallow lands
production in the homestead will be increased. • Status of crop intensity and crop
and uncultivated fallow land. • Cropping intensity will be diversity
• Enhanced nutritional security increased. • Amount of area where climate
• Nutritional security will be stress-resistant crops are cultivated
enhanced. • Status of food security and nutrition

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Crop diversification/intensification for natural resources optimization

and reduction of climate stress
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Communities, Trader, Farmers BCCT, World Bank, ADB, GCF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DAE
Supporting Implementing Entity
CHTDB, PPPA, DoFood, Private sector

CSA06 Farm modernization/ mechanization to reduce climate vulnerability
Impenetrability in SWM | SEE | CHT | FPE | HFF |
Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas: DBA| DBL | NNW | CHI
Tentative Cost 106
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2
(Billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.1, S2.3, S2.4, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
Mechanization is an essential input in the agriculture of any country. So for Bangladesh to increase crop production
and reduce field losses. Mechanization helps to reduce the time gap between two cropping seasons, flash flood and
storm surge risk for quick harvesting of the matured crops, and post-harvest losses. It also minimizes labor crisis
and cost of production and ensures product quality. In recent years, the degree of agricultural mechanization has
begun to move more quickly in Bangladesh. But its overall progress is still comparatively low compared to the fully
mechanized countries. Presently, more than 95% of irrigation water is lifted by a power-operated pump, and around
98% of the land is prepared using either a power tiller or a tractor. However, the mechanization of other agricultural
field operations is still very low in Bangladesh; thus, adopting other agricultural equipment such as seeders,
weeders, harvesters, winnowers, and grain dryers is very urgent. The farmers and rural entrepreneurs are trying to
mechanize further to reduce production costs and operation time. Highly coordinated research and extension
among government organizations (GOs), non-government organizations (NGOs), and private agricultural machinery
manufacturers are required to support this mechanization process.
Possible Actions
• Extension of Auto trans-planter/Seed drill use to minimize the time gap between two seasons and labor cost
• Expansion of mechanical weeder and thresher to reduce the labor crisis and cost minimization
• Expansion of combine harvester/reaper for quick harvesting during disaster period and reduce the time gap
between two season
• Introduction of mechanical grain dryer for Haor, Chalan Beel, and low-lying areas
• Promotion of Jute ribbon retting to minimize the quantity of water for rotting and environmental pollution
• Expansion of solar irrigation pump for reducing bio-fossil energy source
• Promotion of Small tool packages (foot pump and hand sprayer, budding knife, bush cutter, etc.) for hilly
• Crop insurance for climatic stress-prone areas
• Introduction of UAV technologies for precision use of agrochemicals
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CSA06 Farm modernization/ mechanization to reduce climate vulnerability

• Crop production increased • The time gap between the two • Loss and damage of crops due
• Resilience is enhanced for cropping seasons will be reduced. to flash floods and storm
crop production due to • Flash flood and storm surge risks surges
reducing climatic will be reduced for quick • Amount of harvest and post-
vulnerability. harvesting of the crop. harvest loss of crops
• Post-harvest loss reduced • Labour crisis and cost of • Amount of climate stress-
• Labour crisis minimized production will be minimized. tolerant crops
• Fiber damage will be reduced, • Damage of fiber and the
and the production of high- amount of production of high-
quality fiber will be increased. quality fiber
• Climatic risk will be reduced for • Number of farmers and cost of
crop insurance. crop production
• Harvest and post-harvest losses • Status of the time gap between
of about 1.8 million tons will be cropping seasons
reduced. • Accessibility to early warning
systems and climate
information services by
• Number of climate-resilient
houses or farmer's sheds
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
15% Communities, Trader, Farmers BCCT, World Bank, ADB, GCF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BADC, BMDA, DAE
Supporting Implementing Entity RDA, NARS Institutes, NGOs, CHTDB, BIDA, PPPA, Private sector

CSA07 Increased fertilizer use efficiency for enhancing production
Impenetrability in Stress SWM | SEE | CHT | FPE | HFF
Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Areas: | DBA| CBL | NNW | CHI
Tentative Cost 103
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4
(Billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.1, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2
Aligned BDP2100 Project
Urea is an important and widely used fertilizer, especially for rice in Bangladesh. But research shows that the crop
uses only 15 to 35 percent of the total nitrogen applied. Usually, applied urea results in the upward disappearance
of a large part as a greenhouse gas and downward disappearance as a pollutant in groundwater or washed away in
the run-off in standard practice. To improve the efficiency of fertilizer use, the farmers have adopted deep urea
placement (UDP), inserting granules at regular intervals 8-10cm down into the soil. The deep-placed urea becomes
a ‘food store’ for the plants, ready to be absorbed when needed and bringing an increase in yields of at least 25
percent above a conventionally fertilized crop. The technique also reduces fertilizer costs (Mujeri et al., 2012). Leaf
Color Chart (LCC) is also a recently developed technique to increase fertilizer use efficiency by matching the color

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CSA07 Increased fertilizer use efficiency for enhancing production

of random rice leaves. Farmers can easily understand and provide an adequate amount of fertilizer, reducing excess
nitrogen use. However, this technique is not so popular among farmers yet but should be popularized.

The emission of GHGs from agricultural land is a major concern. Wetlands, due to excess irrigation, also contribute
to GHGs emissions. Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (2009) emphasized lower emissions from
agricultural lands as an individual program to contribute to mitigation and low carbon development. 8th FY Plan
(2021-2025) pointed out a reduction of excess fertilizer use, which causes loss of soil fertility and food nutrients.
Therefore, this program aims to enhance the production of Guti Urea in the Urea Super Granule (USG) form and
popularize deep replacement. This program will also promote Leaf Color Chart and fertilizer use following the soil
test. Subsequently, fertilizer efficiency will increase, and emissions will reduce.

Possible Actions
• Establishment of mobile soil testing laboratories at the union level
• Increase fertilizer use efficiency by using Fertilizer Deep Placement (FDP) technology
• Subsidy for Urea Super Granule (USG) and NPK Guti briquette machines and FDP applicator
• Extension of use of Leaf Color Chart (LCC) for optimizing Urea fertilizer use and minimizing the cost of
• Fertilizer application based on prior soil testing for minimizing the use of chemical fertilizers
• Combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers considering Integrated Plant Nutrient System (IPNS)
• Application of biochar for crop production and soil health improvement
• Application of Nano fertilizer/pesticides for the effective use of fertilizers
• Awareness development for the application of an optimum dose of organic fertilizer for increasing soil water-
holding capacity
• Development of fertilizer storage facilities to maintain the quality and ingredients of the respective fertilizes
(e.g., quality can degrade due to high temperatures)
• Mouza/blockwise fertilizer dose recommendations should be prepared for optimum use of chemical
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Crop production increased • Soil health will be improved. • Amount of sustainable crop
• Fertilizer used efficiency • Fertilizer usage will be reduced production
increased • Crop production will be enhanced • Status of soil health and soil
• Decreased methane nutrient
• Foreign currency will be saved for
emission from irrigated rice reducing subsidies on fertilizers. • Amount of area of agricultural
field lands where fertilizer is applied
• Sustainable crop production will be
ensured. • Amount of foreign currency
that is saved
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
10% Communities, Trader, Farmers BCCT, World Bank, ADB, GCF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BADC, SRDI
Supporting Implementing Entity
Private sector

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Extension of good agricultural practices, modern agricultural technology and
sloping agricultural land technology
Impenetrability in Stress SWM | SEE | CHT | FPE | HFF |
Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Areas: DBA| CBL | NNW | CHI
Tentative Cost 25
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4
(Billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.1, S2.4, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S4.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project
The agriculture sector of Bangladesh is gradually changing from ‘Subsistence Agriculture’ to ‘Commercial
Agriculture’. Given producing more food and increasing crops for the growing population, high-yielding and hybrid
varieties of crops are used with excessive chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Sometimes organic fertilizers contain
heavy metals. Safe food is becoming increasingly important regarding human health and economic aspects. Safe food
production is urgent because of the competition in the global export market and protecting people from food-bound
illnesses. Indiscriminate use of pesticides and chemicals, heavy metals, infections of microorganisms, etc., from the
early stages of production to the various stages of the food chain, made food unsafe. Eighth Five Year Plan (2021-
2025) pointed out to ensure safe food production through the introduction and popularization of Good Agricultural
Practices (GAP). For these reasons, considering the availability of safe food, it is imperative to follow Good
Agricultural Practices (GAP) from the beginning of the production, harvest, and post-harvest processing, such as
collection from the field, packaging, transportation, etc., to ensure safe food. GAP provides safe and quality food and
plays a role in environmental and social development. Besides, Modern Agricultural Technology and Sloping
Agricultural Land Technology (SALT) need to be used in hilly areas to control soil erosion and increase crop yields.
Possible Actions
• Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for all regions
• Modern Agricultural Technology for Hills (MATH) and Sloping Agricultural Land Technology (SALT) for the
hilly regions
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Crop production increased • Food quality will be improved. • Amount of sustainable crop
• Safe food ensured • Loss of crops will be reduced. production
• Food quality improved • Sustainable crop production • Status of soil erosion in hilly
will be ensured. areas
• Safe food will be ensured. • Status of food quality and food
• Loss of crops and livestock due
to climate-induced hazards
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Communities, Trader, Farmers BCCT, World Bank, ADB, GCF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DAE, CHTDB
Supporting Implementing Entity RDA, NARS Institutes, BMDA, DoE, NGOs, PPPA, Private sector

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Strengthening and development of impact-based early warning
system and data management for agriculture
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost 15
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2
(Billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Hydro-meteorological analyses play a vital role in Bangladesh's agricultural and water resources planning,
development, and management. Agriculture has always been the most vulnerable sector of Bangladesh in the
context of climate change. With the advent of multi-dimensional climate change-induced problems such as variable
duration flooding, droughts, drainage congestion, decrease in river flow, and siltation in river beds, emphasis is
given to applying more sophisticated data analysis methods.
Following the delineated AEZs, incorporating both statistical and dynamic downscaling of meteorological GCM data
and disseminating analyzed data to develop a sound forecasting system for the zones will be ensured. To that end,
a structured design will be developed for data acquisition and analysis. A dedicated web portal will be developed to
track all relevant policies and act as a regulatory data bank for information on climate change. Set up data collections
for observing meteorological data and supporting data to monitor sea-level rise. Incorporate analyzed climate data
into crop modeling to generate micro-level information for soil, improve cropping patterns, and ultimately develop
customized optimization tools to promote stress-tolerant varieties and precision agriculture for adaptation
practices. Implementation of precision agriculture will ensure optimization of inputs use and maximization of
returns while preserving resources and reducing environmental risks, saving inputs, increasing yield and
profitability, and improving overall environmental management.
Possible Actions
• Location-specific Pest and Disease outbreak alert
• AEZ-based real-time Agro-met Services
• AEZ-specific crop modeling for CC stress management
• Benchmark survey and mapping on GHG emission, Climate-induced hazards (salinity, drought, flood, storm
surge, etc.
• Database generation of micro-level data for soil and crop for better management of CC impact
• Land zoning and land-use planning database development
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Crop production increased • Climate risk for crop • Amount of crop production
• Resilience is enhanced for crop production will be reduced. • Amount of greenhouse gas
production due to reducing emissions from agricultural lands
climatic vulnerability. • Loss of crops due to climate-
• Information easy access induced hazards
• Presence of early warning
systems and climate information
services by slow onset and
sudden extreme climate events
• Accessibility to early warning
systems and climate information

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Strengthening and development of impact-based early warning

system and data management for agriculture
services by farmers, fishers, and
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
7% Communities, Trader, Farmers BCCT, World Bank, ADB, GCF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DAE
Supporting Implementing Entity
PPPA, Private sector

Improvement of storage or post-harvest facilities, transport,
CSA10 communications, and e-commerce-based market facilities for agricultural
Impenetrability in Stress
Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost 145
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2
(Billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.3, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project

Bangladesh is predominantly an agrarian country. The agriculture sector contributes about 13.02 percent (p) FY
2019-20 to the country`s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employs around 40.60 percent of the total labor force
(Labor Force Survey 2016-17). Agricultural marketing covers the services involved in moving an agricultural
product from the farm to the consumer. These services involve the planning, organizing, directing, and handling of
agricultural produce in such a way as to satisfy farmers, intermediaries, and consumers. Numerous interconnected
activities are involved in doing this, such as planning production, growing and harvesting, grading, packing and
packaging, transport, storage, agro- and food processing, provision of market information, distribution, advertising,
and sale. The agricultural marketing system is traditional and not properly functional. A Group of intermediaries
controls the market and supply chain of agricultural products. A proper functional market is vital for food producers,
processors, traders, and consumers. Agricultural marketing suffers from inadequate space, the absence of basic
infrastructure, and a lack of satisfactory transportation facilities. The absence of facilities like sheds results in the
quality deterioration of products through exposure to sun and rain. Inadequate space limits market access by sellers
and buyers, while lack of transportation facilities leads to higher transportation costs and limits market competition.
Realizing excess market tolls and charges, deductions, and malpractices by traders due to weak enforcement of
market regulations and lack of market information at the growers’ level reduces prices received by farmers. Farmers
cannot hold back their stocks due to a lack of credit and storage facilities. A substantial amount of food losses occur
at different stages in the post-harvest period due to inappropriate handling, storage, processing, and marketing.
Therefore, improving storage or post-harvest facilities, transport, communication, and e-commerce-based market
facilities for agricultural products is very important to reduce post-harvest losses and maintain quality and the fair
price of agricultural commodities.

Possible Actions

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Improvement of storage or post-harvest facilities, transport,

CSA10 communications, and e-commerce-based market facilities for agricultural
• Establishment of regulated markets, provision for grading, standardization of produce, standardization of
weight and measures, daily broadcasting of market price of agricultural products
• Construction of community seed storage, cold storage, godown, and food silo in the different climatic stress
• Freezing vans, extra compartment attached with a passenger train for carrying vegetables and fruit
• Construction of farm-level roads, particularly in haor and low-lying areas
• Adaptation policy for market price support for producers and consumers
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Crop production increased • Post-harvest losses will be • Amount of crop production
• Resilience is enhanced for reduced. • Degree of post-harvest loss of
crop production due to • The quality of food will be crops
reducing post-harvest loss improved • Status of food quality
due to climatic variability. • The fair price of agricultural • Status of the price of agricultural
• Job Opportunity commodities will be ensured. commodities
• Job opportunities will be • Number of employment
created, and farm income will opportunities
be increased, resulting in a
• Income of farmers
standard of living.
• Status of the standard of living
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
10% Communities, Trader, Farmers BCCT, World Bank, ADB, GCF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BADC, DAM, DAE
Supporting Implementing Entity RHD, LGED, LGD, BRTA, BIWTA, MoS, ICT, CHTDB, BIDA, PPPA, Private sector

Development of agrofood processing industries based on climate-
sensitive crop zoning
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost 52
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2
(Billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.3, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Bangladesh is predominantly an agrarian country. The agriculture sector contributes about 13.02 percent (p) FY
2019-20 to the country`s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employs around 40.60 percent of the total labor force
(Labor Force Survey 2016-17). The agro-food processing industry remains closely integrated with the agriculture
stratum being a part of the manufacturing sector. The agro-food processing industry contributes about 8.0 percent
to manufacturing output in Bangladesh, which now accounts for about 1.7 percent of the country's gross domestic
product (GDP). This industry now employs about 2.2 percent of the total workforce in the country. Its share of total
exports now stands at around 1.5 percent and has a huge potential to achieve a higher growth rate relative to other
industries of the country (BAPA 2019). The agro-food processing sector is the highest priority sector of the

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Development of agrofood processing industries based on climate-

sensitive crop zoning
government. A strong and dynamic food processing sector can play a vital role in ensuring value addition to
agricultural produce, diversification & commercialization of agriculture, generation of employment, enhancing
farmers' income, and creating surplus for the export of agro & processed foods. In this regard, agro-processing
industries need to be developed in rural areas. Besides, location-specific agro-processing industries must be
developed based on the available raw materials.
Possible Actions
• Development/promotion of Agro-processing (fruit, vegetable, cereals, and pulses, etc.) industries in the rural
• Industrialization based on different crop zones and production (e.g., mango in Rajshahi, litchi in Dinajpur,
• Household-based mini-processing factories development (jam, jelly, etc.)
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Process food production • Agriculture products from • Amount of processed food
increased spoilage will be saved. production
• Agriculture production is saved • Fair prices will be ensured • Loss and damage to agricultural
from spoilage. at the farm level products
• Fair price ensured • Creates job opportunity • Status of the price of agricultural
• Job Opportunity • Increases income commodities at the farm level
• Amount of employment
• Income of farmers
• Amount of area of agricultural
lands where crop zoning is done
• Amount of climate stress-tolerant
crops that are cultivated
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
70% Communities, Trader, Farmers BCCT, World Bank, ADB, GCF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BADC, DAM, DAE
Supporting Implementing Entity BSCIC, NGOs, CHTDB, BIDA, MoI, PPPA, Private sector

Development of e-commerce and engagement of women, people with
CSA 12
disabilities and youth in e-commerce-based entrepreneurship
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 11
(Million BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.1, S2.3, S1.3, S4.2
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Development of e-commerce and engagement of women, people with

CSA 12
disabilities and youth in e-commerce-based entrepreneurship
E-commerce, also known as electronic commerce, refers to purchasing and selling goods or services via the internet
and transferring money and data to perform those transactions. Since the early 2000s, when Bangladesh lacked
widespread access to a secure online transaction system, the e-commerce sector has grown dramatically. E-
commerce in Bangladesh is still a young and emerging industry; it is growing fast. According to the E-Commerce
Association of Bangladesh (e-Cab) 2019 report, there are 700 e-commerce sites and 8000 Facebook e-commerce
groups. The rise of e-commerce became a strong platform for empowering women in our country. Women are now
accelerating development by engaging in this sector, helping overcome poverty and reducing inequalities.4 E-
commerce business principles can apply to all business models, i.e., B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Business to
Customer), C2C (Customer to Customer), and C2B (Customer to Business).

E-agriculture can give the platform for the green revolution by making agricultural areas self-sufficient. In recent
years, ICT has ended up being amazingly beneficial for farmers, including small landholders, minimized and helpless
farmers, and caused them in advertising, accuracy cultivation, and improved profits. It has given farmers more
introduction and permitted them to utilize science that looks at agribusiness from a coordinated viewpoint. Farmers
are enabled, through ICT, to trade with feelings, encounters, and thoughts. Additionally, e-Agriculture is one of the
activity lines identified in the assertion and strategy of the World Summit on the Information Society.

Bangladeshi women are traditionally active in diverse agricultural activities in addition to domestic chores. Women
constitute 65% of the farm labor force in Bangladesh [4]5 also, more than 70% of female workers are implicated in
the agro-sector, including forestry and fisheries [5].6 Women's efforts in the agricultural sector are crucial to
achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as zero poverty, zero hunger, and gender equality.7

Agricultural production, fighting against climate change, and youth employment are the leading issues in the 2030
Agenda for SDGs. In recent years we are observing that the interest of young people in agriculture is declining at an
alarming rate. In the last five years, we witnessed a huge shift in employment in the service sector from agriculture.
We all know that cultivable land in the country is limited, and it is more difficult for young people to manage land
for cultivation. The government should start innovative financing in agriculture, especially for youths. Public
spending in agriculture is increasing at a slow pace. Allocation for Agriculture and Allied Sectors in FY 2020-2021
budget has been raised by 5.7 percent compared to the revised budget in FY 2019-2020. Despite this, the share of
Agriculture and Allied Sectors in the total budget has experienced a declining trend over recent years. Organic
farming could be another big prospect for engaging our youths in agriculture. According to IFOAM total land area
under organic cultivation in Bangladesh is 0.177 million hectares representing only 2 percent of the country's total
cultivable land. For developing agribusiness, we need to focus more on non-core farming activities. This includes
proper supply chain management, controlling intermediaries, crop selection, packaging of products, and so on.
Youth engagement in agriculture will improve our food production, besides creating job opportunities. 8

Possible Actions
• Development of e-commerce facilities
• Engagement of women, people with disabilities and youth in online/offline agriculture marketing system

5 R. Ahmad, “Women twice as active as men in farm activities”, Dhaka Tribune, 2020.
6 H. U. Ahmed, “Women’s contribution to agriculture,” The Financial Express.
7K. Chakma and U. B. Ruba. Role of Bangladeshi Women in Diverse Agricultural Production: A Review Article. European Journal of
Agriculture and Food Sciences;
8 The Financial Express; Youth engagement in agriculture in Bangladesh. September 09, 2020. Ashraf Uddin.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Development of e-commerce and engagement of women, people with

CSA 12
disabilities and youth in e-commerce-based entrepreneurship
• Engagement of women, people with disabilities and youth in different value chain systems as value chain
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Modern agricultural • Increasing agricultural • Amount of agricultural production
farming system production • Loss of crops during harvesting and post-
• ICT-based farming system • Reducing agricultural harvesting periods
• An e-commerce-based products' post-harvest • Status of women empowerment
agricultural products processing loss
• Employment opportunities for women,
marketing system • Youth and Women's people with disabilities, and the youth
• The household-based Employment
• Climate-induced disasters vulnerable
agricultural products • Sustainability of populations disaggregated by sex, age, and
processing system agricultural production disability
• Youth and Women's • Status of the price of agricultural products
engagement in post-
• State of the people’s social status
harvest and marketing
• Number of agricultural product processing
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
10% Farmers, Communities, and BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund, Multilateral and
Businessmen engaged with bilateral partners, private sector, collaborative
Livestock and Poultry research grants and fellowships, Climate BRIDGE
Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DAM, DAE, ICT
Supporting Implementing Entity
PPPA, Private sector, NGOs

3.4 Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Livestock

Extension of resilient climate technology for combating climate-related
stresses in Aquaculture
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2 162
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.2, S2.4, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Extension of resilient climate technology for combating climate-related

stresses in Aquaculture
Bangladesh is one of the leading fish-producing countries in the world, with a total production of 4.5 million MT in
2019-20, where aquaculture contributes 57.38% to the total production. The fisheries sector contributes 3.52% to
the national GDP and more than one-fourth (26.37%) to the agricultural GDP. This sector will support achieving SGD
goal 2 by ensuring food security and meeting the nutritional demand of all people. However, climate change may
affect aquaculture production in different ways. Climatic factors like extremely hot days in summer and severe cold
in winter may affect the growth performance of the cultured fish in the aquaculture farms both in ponds and
shrimp/prawn farms. Moreover, the increasing temperature may occur the death of fry and juvenile fish in the
nursery ponds. To combat the climate stress in the aquaculture sector, it must adopt various climate-resilient
scientific aquaculture technology and its extension in vulnerable areas.
Possible Actions
• Identify and select simultaneous cultures of fish or shellfish along with other culture systems in light of
integrated fish farming (IFF)
• Identify and demonstrate suitable state-of-the-art aquaculture technology
• Facilitate mangrove ecosystem-friendly aquaculture (i.e., Silvofishery) in the existing coastal farm
• Maintain sufficient water in the pond
• Species diversification in the coastal aquaculture
• Select and develop stress-tolerant species of commercially important fish for extension
• Facilitate in development and extension of stress-tolerant functional aqua-feed
• Emphasize and facilitate mechanization and automation (e.g., 4th IR, sensor, IOT, etc.) technology to combat
climatic stresses in aquaculture
• Introduce IMTA (Integrated Multi-trophic Aquaculture) in suitable areas
• Utilize solar energy to avoid GHG
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Increased aquaculture fish • Increased export potentiality •
production • Species diversification • Income from aquaculture fish
• Improved livelihood increased farmers
• Farmer’s resilience increases • Enhance new applicable • Status of ecosystem-based
against the climatic signal technology in culture system solutions in aquaculture.
parameter and related events. for increasing fish • Number of climate-proofed new
• Fulfill the SDG goal of aquatic production in a short period. technology in aquaculture
resources. • The number of solar panels
• Poverty alleviation introduced
• Food security and nutrition • Availability of food during a
security will be ensured. disaster
• Sustainable development. • Number of stress-tolerant fish
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
7% Communities, society, and Private Sector, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF,
environment of southwest Adaptation Fund, Biodiversity Fund,
coastal areas and Sundarbans Nature+ Accelerator Fund, GEF,
dependent livelihoods Multilateral and bilateral partners,
private sector, collaborative research

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Extension of resilient climate technology for combating climate-related

stresses in Aquaculture
grants and fellowships, Climate
BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DOF
Supporting Implementing Entity BFRI, BFDC, Academic institutions, NGOs etc.

CFL2 Development of climate-ready open water fisheries management
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 88
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.2, S2.4, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Bangladesh has vast open water bodies covering an area of 3.87 million ha, 82.2% of the total inland waters. The
open water bodies comprising rivers and estuary, beels, floodplain, Sundarbans and Kaptai Lake are rich in fisheries
with almost 260 freshwater fish species. Annual fish production from the inland open waters accounts for 1.25
million MT, which is 32.58% of the total inland production (DoF, 2020).

Bangladesh having sovereign rights over 118,813 sq. km in the Bay of Bengal, possesses vast marine water resources
rich in biodiversity. Marine fisheries contribute about 14.9% of total fish production in Bangladesh (DoF, 2020). The
marine sector has huge potential for fisheries for more export earnings and contribution to the national GDP. This
sector will help to meet SGD goal 2 and SGD goal 14. However, this sector faces various climatic risks and
vulnerabilities. Extreme climate events such as cyclones and tidal surges, floods, salinity intrusion, temperature rise,
drought, etc., affect open water fisheries significantly by changing the aquatic ecosystem, fish behavior, fish breeding
process, species diversity, and production. To diminish the effect of climate change, need to adopt different
conservation initiatives, habitat restoration programs, strengthening fisheries extension services, dissemination of
early warning systems, restoration of connectivity between habitats, etc.

Possible Actions
• Develop and disseminate a stressor-based early warning system for fisheries
• Restore connectivity between the habitats and increase room for water
• Restore habitat for conservation of aquatic resources under conservation programs (e.g., Sanctuary, MPA,
EBFM) to enhance productivity
• Stock enhancement of threatened fish species
• Climate-responsive hilsa fishery management
• Openwater fisheries resource mapping.
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Protect fishers’ life and assets • Fishers’ life, boat, net, and • Number of fishermen receiving
from climate-induced hazard other equipment will be safe early warning
• Improve habitat suitability and • Degraded fish habitats will be • Status of aquatic biodiversity
enhance aquatic biodiversity restored and sustain • Number of restored habitat
indigenous fish

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CFL2 Development of climate-ready open water fisheries management

• Facilitate fish breeding/ • Natural fish recruitment will • Hilsa fish production Status
spawning migration be increased • Status of fishers’ income
• Protection of fish biodiversity • Fish species distribution will • Amount of fish production
and increase fish production be balanced and improve
• Balance fish biodiversity in the ecosystem health
ecosystem • Fish production will be
• Increase the contribution of hilsa increased, which will trigger
fishery more income
• Identify national fish biodiversity
pool area
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Communities, society, and Private Sector, ADP, CIF , BCCT, GCF,
environment of southwest coastal Adaptation Fund, Biodiversity Fund,
areas and Sundarbans dependent Nature+ Accelerator Fund, GEF,
livelihoods Multilateral and bilateral partners,
SWM, SEE, CHT, FPE, HFF, DBA, private sector, collaborative
CBL, NNW, CHI, and URB research grants, and fellowships,
livelihoods Climate BRIDGE Fund, etc

Lead Implementing Entity DoF

Supporting Implementing Entity BFRI, LGIs, NGOs etc.

Development and management of coastal and marine fisheries to
foster a blue economy
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: SWM | SEE | BoB Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 45
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.2, S2.4, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Bangladesh is rich in marine waters, covering an area of 165,887 km2. The total continental shelf area covers roughly
66,400 km2, and the EEZ spans 166,000 km2 towards the open sea. Its jurisdiction is up to 200 nautical miles and is
now under the economic jurisdiction of the country for exploration, exploitation, conservation, and management of
its resources (Hoq, M.E. et al., 2013). Bangladesh earns considerable foreign currency by exporting fish, shrimp, and
other fishery products, contributing 1.39% of the total national export earnings (DoF, 2020).
To achieve the target of SGD Goal 2, SGD Goal 14, and BDP2100 Goal 3, the Bangladesh government has prioritized
the sustainable management of marine fisheries resources and undertaken various measures. Strengthened
monitoring, controlling, and surveillance (MCS), declaration of St. Martin Island and Sundarbans mangrove forest as
a sanctuary, and declaration and surveillance of 698 sq. km marine reserve and marine protected area (MPA) of
1738 sq. km in the Bay of Bengal and to preserve and conserve the breeding grounds of marine flora and fauna are
few examples of the initiatives.

Bangladesh's coast is vulnerable to tropical cyclonic storms, tidal surges, flood and waterlogging, sea-level rise,
salinity intrusion, drought, temperature rise, riverbank, and coastal erosion. These extreme climatic conditions

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Development and management of coastal and marine fisheries to

foster a blue economy
cause loss or damage to coastal fisheries and dependent livelihood. To combat this situation, initiatives in managing
coastal and marine fisheries, mangrove fisheries, promotion of mariculture, seaweed farming, strengthening
extension services, dissemination of early warning system, etc., are necessary.

Possible Actions
• Identify and select mariculture species and their extension
• Develop a leapfrogging approach for coastal fisheries management
• Develop an integrated approach for mangrove fisheries management
• Seaweed farming as a sustainable blue food and the pathway to carbon neutrality.
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Increase fishery production • Meet local demand for • Amount of fish production
• Ensure nutritional security animal protein • Number of training provided to
• Increased adaptive capacity in • Increase export earnings fishers’
the coastal region of foreign currency • Number of indigenous fish species
• Identify potential fisheries • Create more employment • Number of fish breeding and nursing
areas in the coastal region opportunities ground
• Conserve fish breeding and • Increase the value-added • Coverage of fisheries area in the
nursing ground fishery product market coastal region
• Protect indigenous/threatened • Ensure sustainable • Number of jobs or employment
fish species fishery production
• Livelihood status of fishers’
• Improve the socio-economic • Increase livelihood status
condition and GDP contribution
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Communities, society, and Private Sector, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF,
environment of southwest Adaptation Fund, Biodiversity Fund,
coastal areas and Sundarbans Nature+ Accelerator Fund, GEF,
dependent livelihoods Multilateral and bilateral partners,
private sector, collaborative research
grants and fellowships, Climate BRIDGE
Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DoF
Supporting Implementing Entity BFRI, LGIs, NGOs

Validation and extension of indigenous knowledge-based adaptation
techniques to combat climatic effects on fisheries
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: DBA Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 14
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.2, S2.4, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Validation and extension of indigenous knowledge-based adaptation

techniques to combat climatic effects on fisheries
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Bangladesh is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change on fisheries because of its geographical position,
socio-economic condition, and dependency on fisheries. The country experienced floods, cyclones, droughts, river
bank erosions, salinity intrusions, and other natural calamities that have adversely affected the fishing. Coastal
communities constantly adopt survival strategies to cope with changing climatic conditions (McNamara et al., 2020;
Alam and Collins, 2010). The vulnerable community takes various adaptation techniques locally from historical
times to address the climate-induced risk and vulnerability to the fisheries sector. The prominent adaptation
strategies to mitigate the loss of fisheries are floating gardening in low-lying areas, cage aquaculture, bank side
vegetation with pond or gher, expand water retention capacity in aquaculture ponds to drought-prone areas, etc.
It is observed that local knowledge is essential for preserving biodiversity, which is a highly effective adaptation
technique. Local farmers practice substantial adaption strategies based on indigenous knowledge systems, reducing
their vulnerability to climatic fluctuation and change through time. However, this knowledge is rarely considered in
the development and execution of modern mitigation and adaptation programs. Indigenous knowledge should
include in climate change policies to establish effective adaptation strategies that are cost-effective, participatory
and sustainable, which will help to achieve SDG goal 13 and BDP goal 4.
Possible Actions
• Identify the selected indigenous technologies practiced currently
• Conducting stakeholder surveys and accumulating the information by the stress area
• Upscale the selected indigenous technologies for battling climatic stress
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Increase adaptive capacity • Improve sustainable • Number of jobs or employment
and protection against production • Number of training provided to fishers’
climate change extreme • Cost-effective and • Number of ecosystem-based approaches
events sustainable use of
• Number of indigenous technologies
• Ecosystem-based resources
• Status of the knowledge level of fishers’
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
2% Fishermen and Farm Owners Private Sector, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF,
Adaptation Fund, Biodiversity Fund, Nature+
Accelerator Fund, GEF, Multilateral and
bilateral partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants and
fellowships, Climate BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DoF
Supporting Implementing Entity BFRI, BFDC, Academic institutions, NGOs, etc.

Monitoring, evaluation, and enforcement for ensuring the conservation of
fish biodiversity and habitat
Impenetrability in Stress SWM | SEE | CHT| DBA
Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Areas: CBL | NNW | CHI | BoB | URB

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Monitoring, evaluation, and enforcement for ensuring the conservation of

fish biodiversity and habitat
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 246
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.2, S2.4, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2
Aligned BDP2100 Project
Bangladesh's coastal and marine zone is one of the world’s richest ecosystems, with high biodiversity, higher
productivity, and unique mangrove influences (Islam, 2003). Marine fishing provided about 14.90% of national
fisheries production of 6.71 lakh MT in 2019-20. It involves over 220 industrial trawlers and more than 67,000
artisanal vessels, contributing 17.14% and 82.86% of total marine production (DoF, 2020).

The mangrove forest of Bangladesh is one of the most critical coastal features of the country. The existence of the
mangrove has increased the value of other coastal and marine resources, such as the coastal and marine fisheries,
by increasing productivity and supporting a wide biological diversity. The mangrove forest and mudflats of the
forest provide vital breeding and nursery ground for wide varieties of finfish, crustaceans, and mollusks. The
artisanal fishery, which is highly influenced by mangroves, has been contributing 85-95% of the total coastal and
marine catch of Bangladesh. The mangrove also supports offshore and deep-sea fisheries by playing a significant
role as a nursery ground for many deep-sea fishes and shrimps, including the giant tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon),
the major commercial species of the bottom trawl fishery of Bangladesh.

The government has given much priority to the sustainable management of marine fisheries resources and
undertaken various measures. Strengthened monitoring, controlling, and surveillance (MCS), declaration of
Sundarbans mangrove forest as a sanctuary, declaration and surveillance of 698 sq. km marine reserve and 1738
sq. km protected area (MPA) to protect in the Bay of Bengal and conserve the breeding grounds of marine flora and
fauna are few of the initiatives, which will help to achieve the specific SDG target 14.5.1.

Possible Actions
• Develop a 4th IR and IoT-based monitoring tool for monitoring and surveillance on illegal and indiscriminate
fishing activities
• Identification of monitoring parameters/indicators by consulting the line agencies
• Determination of monitoring locations and frequency of monitoring
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Fish stock will be increased • Reduce IUU fishing resulting • Maximum Sustainable Yield;
• Conserve fish habitat and in increased national fish • Amount of national fish
balance fish biodiversity; production production
• The national goal will be • Sustain aquatic ecosystem; • Status on illegal and
achieved by controlling fishing • Fish biodiversity will be indiscriminate fishing activities
effort and capacity. increased • Condition of fish stock market
• Sustainable fisheries • Coverage of monitoring area
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
Communities, society, and Private Sector, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF,
environment of southwest coastal Adaptation Fund, Biodiversity Fund,
areas and Sundarbans dependent Nature+ Accelerator Fund, GEF,
livelihoods Multilateral and bilateral partners,

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Monitoring, evaluation, and enforcement for ensuring the conservation of

fish biodiversity and habitat
private sector, collaborative research
grants and fellowships, Climate
BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DoF
Supporting Implementing Entity BFRI, BFDC, Academic institutions, NGOs, etc.

CFL6 Development of shrimp culture planning and zoning
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: SWM | SEE | BoB Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 7
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.2, S2.4, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Coastal areas are economically and ecologically important and contain critical industries that provide people with
essential goods and ecosystem services. Mangrove cover extensively provides coastal and marine fisheries, shrimp,
crab, and salt production. Shrimp farming has been in practice on traditional or extensive farms in coastal areas,
accelerating in the 1980s due to huge demand in the global market. Shrimp has a significant contribution to the
national economy of Bangladesh. The economic significance of the shrimp sector is considerable (1.39%) in export
earnings. Total shrimp and prawn production, including capture, has increased from 1.60 lakh MT in 2002-03 to
2.41 lakh MT in 2019-20 (DOF,2019). But, recently, climate change has been a great concern for Bangladesh. The
coastal zone is vulnerable due to different climatic variables such as coastal flooding, cyclone, sea-level rise, salinity,
drought, rainfall, etc. Sea surface temperature has adversely affected shrimp culture and farming households' socio-
economic conditions. These climatic variables have detrimental effects on the ecosystem of shrimp farms and, thus,
severe effects on the survival, growth, and production of shrimp.
Generally, seasonal changes, heavy rains, floods, and cyclones impact inland shrimp farming areas, and high
temperature, floods, erratic rain fall, low temperatures, cyclones, and low tidal impact coastal shrimp farming.
Moreover, causing a deterioration in coastal natural resources and the environment. Considering the extreme
vulnerability of shrimp farming caused by climate change, the shrimp zone needs to establish community-based
adaptation strategies and integrated coastal zone management to cope with the challenges. For suitable site
selection, zoning is an essential and powerful tool for coastal planners and has a wide range of specific applications
and uses that will provide maximum shrimp production in that region.
Possible Actions
• Identify suitable areas for shrimp zoning in the reclaimed land of the coastal region with befitting planning
• Identification of criteria for delineating the shrimp zone with a multi-criteria analysis (MCA)
• Engagement of different relevant stakeholders, from farmers to the line and research agencies
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Increased industry • Create opportunities for • Livelihood status of shrimp
• Improved livelihood employment on farms and farmers
related service industries. • The number of ecosystem-
• Further, develop hatchery
production. based solutions adopted by

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CFL6 Development of shrimp culture planning and zoning

• Fulfill the SDG goal of aquatic • Increased capacity to respond • Losses and damages during
resources. promptly and effectively to extreme climate events
• Poverty alleviation extreme climatic events • Number of jobs or employment
• Food security and nutrition • Increased export potentiality • Status of food and nutrition
security will be ensured. • Increased land productivity. • Amount of productive land area
• Long-term continuity (or • Increased farm gate value. • Coverage of fish export
sustainability) of production; • Create diversification into other business
species • Number of industries and
shrimp farms
• Coverage of shrimp cultivable
• Number of suitable locations
for shrimp culture
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Communities, society, and Private Sector, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF,
environment of southwest coastal Adaptation Fund, Biodiversity Fund,
areas and Sundarbans dependent Nature+ Accelerator Fund, GEF,
livelihoods Multilateral and bilateral partners,
private sector, collaborative
research grants and fellowships,
Climate BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DOF
Supporting Implementing Entity BFRI, BFDC, Academic institutions, NGOs, etc.

Improvement of post-harvest facilities and e-commerce-based market
facilities for fisheries and aquaculture
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2 288
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.2, S2.3, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Fish are perishable and hence susceptible to high post-harvest losses. Post-harvest losses in fisheries include
material losses of fish due to spoilage, breakage, size, discarding by-catches, and operational losses. Post-harvest
losses of fish are often caused by biochemical and microbiological changes that occur in fish after death. Several
factors tend to influence the rate of spoilage of fresh fish, such as time between death and final use or consumption,
poor handling practices, increased microbial contamination; using dirty canoes, equipment, fish boxes, and baskets;
not washing fish, washing fish in dirty water, placing fish on dirty surfaces and physically damaging fish by throwing
or standing on it, poor processing techniques, inadequate packaging, and storage practices, etc. Post-harvest quality
loss in wet fish occurred from 7-19% based on different species and seasons, with an average loss of 12.5% (N. Alam,

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Improvement of post-harvest facilities and e-commerce-based market

facilities for fisheries and aquaculture
The reduction of post-harvest losses can significantly contribute to fish production and satisfy future demand.
Therefore, the initiatives to remove post-harvest loss can save a considerable amount of fish every year, which will
help to achieve SDG Goal 2 and SDG Goal 8. Loss-reduction interventions can be in many forms, such as capacity
building for the related people, good fish handling, hygiene, sanitation, processing, marketing, and business
management. It will improve access to markets and services, access to technology, access to credit, and
implementation of appropriate legislation and value addition.

Possible Actions
• Establish fish storage facilities
• Develop an e-commerce-based fish market facilities
• Create provision of fish transport with freezing facilities
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Ensure nutritional security • Meet local demand for • Number of freezes for fish
• Maintain the quality of fresh fish. animal protein transport
• Reduce poverty and food insecurity. • Increase export earnings • Number of jobs or employment
of foreign currency • Food and nutrition Status
• Increase market share and
competitiveness • Create more • Coverage of fish export business
• Improve the socio-economic • Status of socioeconomic condition
condition and GDP contribution. • Amount of fish production
• Increase the value-added
• Added value in fisheries products.
fishery product market
• Ensure quality fishery products.
• Ensure sustainable
• Provide extra food by reducing
fishery production
post-harvest loss.
• Increase livelihood status
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
10% Fishermen and Farm Owners Private Sector, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF,
Adaptation Fund, Biodiversity Fund,
Nature+ Accelerator Fund, GEF,
Multilateral and bilateral partners,
private sector, collaborative research
grants and fellowships, Climate
BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DOF
Supporting Implementing Entity BFRI, BFDC, Academic institutions, NGOs, etc.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CFL8 Development of fish industries based on climate-sensitive crop zone
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1,Goal 2 46
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.2, S2.3, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Bangladesh's fishery industry contributes 3.52% to GDP and 26.37% to agricultural GDP, and 1.39% to total country
export earnings (DoF, 2020). Bangladesh has 4.7 million hectares of inland water and 166,000 square kilometers of
marine area for the exclusive economic zone. The marine sector involves over 220 industrial trawlers and more
than 67,000 artisanal vessels. Usually, deep-sea fishing trawlers and mechanized fishing boats are equipped with
basic fish processing machines and cold storage facilities to manage the fish on the spot. But the small-scale (non-
mechanized) fishing boat has no fish processing equipment. Therefore, a significant post-harvest loss occurs yearly,
which has substantial economic value. To lessen the fishery loss, need to develop fish processing industries in the
climate-sensitive zone. If the mentioned problems are addressed, the sector will contribute significant revenue to
the country.
Possible Actions
• Make arrangements for value addition to the fisheries' products
• Identify the components of the value chain with their functions
• Identify the actors of the value chain with their roles and responsibilities
• Engage the relevant stakeholders and interact with them for stocktaking of pertinent information
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Reduce post-harvest loss • Enhance fish production; • Losses during the post-harvest
• Produce value-added fisheries • Create opportunities for period
product employment on farms and • Livelihood status of fishers’
• Improved livelihood related service industries. • Coverage of fish export business
• Food security and nutrition • Increase export potentiality • Amount of fish production
security • Meet nutritional demand • Number of jobs and employment
• Number of value-added fisheries
• Nutritional status
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
10% Communities, society, and Private Sector, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF,
environment of southwest Adaptation Fund, Biodiversity Fund,
coastal areas and Sundarbans Nature+ Accelerator Fund, GEF,
dependent livelihoods Multilateral and bilateral partners,
private sector, collaborative research
grants and fellowships, Climate
BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DOF
Supporting Implementing Entity BFRI, BFDC, Academic institutions, NGOs, etc.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Extension of climate-stress tolerant livestock and poultry breeds,
farmhouse feed, and fodder
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 41
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.2, S2.4, S1.3, S4.2
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
The transition of agriculture from the Neolithic Age to the intensive commercial systems of today helps ensure food
security and better living standards for the growing global population (Silbergeld, 2019)9. In many commercial
animal production systems worldwide, high-producing animals of similar genotypes are typically reared in confined
housing systems with mechanically processed feedstuff. Global demand for livestock products is expected to double
by 2050, mainly due to improvements in the worldwide standard of living. Meanwhile, climate change threatens
livestock production because of the impact on the quality of feed crops and forage, water availability, animal and
milk production, livestock diseases, animal reproduction, and biodiversity.10

Livestock production is likely to be adversely affected by climate change, competition for land and water, and food
security at a time when it is most needed (Thornton, 2010)11. Global climate change is primarily caused by
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that result in the warming of the atmosphere (IPCC, 2013)12. The livestock sector
contributes 14.5% of global GHG emissions (Gerber et al., 2013)13 and thus may increase land degradation, air, and
water pollution, and declines in biodiversity (Bellarby et al., 2013; Reynolds et al., 2010; Steinfeld et al., 2006;
Thornton and Gerber, 2010)14. At the same time, climate change will affect livestock production through competition
for natural resources, quantity and quality of feeds, livestock diseases, heat stress, and biodiversity loss (Garnett,
2009). Therefore, the challenge is maintaining a balance between productivity, household food security, and
environmental preservation (Wright et al., 2012).

Heat stress undoubtedly negatively affects animal health and welfare. Lacetera (2019)15 outlines how a hot
environment affects farm animal health and further describes heat stress's direct and indirect effects. The direct
effects are due primarily to increased temperatures and the frequency and intensity of heat waves. These
environmental conditions can affect livestock health by causing metabolic disruptions, oxidative stress, and immune
suppression, causing infections and death. The indirect effects are linked to alteration availability, the quality of
feedstuffs and drinking water, and survival and redistribution of pathogens and/or their vectors. Developing and

9Silbergeld, E. K. (2019). One health and the agricultural transition in food animal production. Glob. Transitions. 1, 83–92. doi:
10 M. Downing, Climate change and livestock: Impacts, adaptation and mitigation. Climate Risk Management, 16(2017) 145-163
11 Thornton, P.K. (2010). Livestock production: recent trends, future prospects. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. B. 365: 2853-2867.
12IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). (2013). Climate change 2013: The physical science basis. T.F. Stocker, D. Qin,
G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex, P.M. Midgley (Eds.), Contribution of Working Group I to the
Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United
Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. p. 1535.
13Gerber, P.J., Steinfeld, H., Henderson, B., A. Mottet, A., Opio, C., Dijkman, J., Falcucci, A., Tempio, G. (2013). Tackling Climate Change
Through Livestock: A Global Assessment of Emissions and Mitigation Opportunities. FAO, Rome.
14Bellarby, J., Tirado, R., Leip, A., Weiss, F., Lesschen, J.P. and Smith, P. (2013). Livestock greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation
potential in Europe. Glob. Change Biol. 19: 3-18
15 Lacetera, N. 2019. Impact of heat stress on animal health and welfare. Anim. Front. 9(1):26–31.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Extension of climate-stress tolerant livestock and poultry breeds,

farmhouse feed, and fodder
applying new methods, tools, and techniques to link climate data with disease surveillance systems should be
implemented to improve disease prevention and adaptation responses of animals to heat stress.

In context to this backdrop, it is essential to adapt to climate change for sustainable livestock and poultry production.
In that case, the extension of stress-tolerant livestock and poultry breeds and high-yielding fodder cultivation for
feeding the livestock breeds are crucial. Extension of hydroponic fodder cultivation is useful during flood times when
there is no land for fodder cultivation to meet up livestock feedstuffs. Community-based livestock and poultry farm
management can significantly minimize the climate change impact; this should be popularized by the Department
of Livestock Services (DLS).
Possible Actions
• Extension of stress-tolerant livestock and poultry breeds
• Extension of climate-smart farmhouse (heat/cold minimization with local and low-cost technology)
development in the rural areas
• Extension of stress-tolerant high-yielding fodder cultivation in the climatic-stress region
• Promotion and extension of hydroponic fodder cultivation for meeting fodder demand at the time of disaster
• Development and extension of dietary feed manipulation
• Extension of community-based livestock and poultry farm management system to minimize climate hazard
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Climate-resilient livestock and • Increased livestock and • Livestock and poultry production in
poultry farming. poultry production climate-stressed areas
• High-yielding/climate-resilient • Ensured sustainable • Number of livestock farmhouse
fodder cultivation. livestock and poultry • Amount of community-based
• Climate-resilient farmhouses production. livestock production.
were developed for livestock • Increased capacity to • Number of high-yielding fodder
and poultry to adapt to adverse respond promptly and
• Knowledge status of livestock and
situations. effectively to extreme
poultry farmers
• Locally available and low-cost climatic events
• Losses and damages of livestock and
farmhouses were developed to • Reduced livestock and
poultry during extreme climate
minimize the input cost of poultry production loss
livestock and poultry due to climate change
production impact
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
10% Farmers, Communities, and Private Sector, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF,
Businessmen engaged with Adaptation Fund, Multilateral and
Livestock and Poultry bilateral partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants and
fellowships, Climate BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity MoFL, BLRI
Supporting Implementing Entity DLS, BARC, Agricultural Universities, Private Organizations, etc.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CFL10 National Livestock and Poultry Database and Information System Development
Impenetrability in
Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2 11
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.2, S2.4, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
A database is a regular collection of structured information or data stored electronically in a computer system.
Businesses need this data and records to make accurate and healthy decisions. For this purpose, due to various
processes, businesses record all kinds of information, whether digital or not.

Databases play an important role in making accurate and healthy decisions. With the data stored for a long time in
livestock, enterprises will facilitate increasing the productivity in animal production, revealing animal breeding
values, ensuring the breeding needs of the desired characteristics, making efficient breeding organizations, and
determining the animals to be sorted and kept. Therefore, earning a high income will be easier as a result of them
(Çelikyürek & Aygün, 2014; Çelikyürek, 2015).16 One of the most important factors affecting success in animal
husbandry is the methods of animal breeding and genetic success obtained from these methods, the status of
producer enterprises, the determination of product prices according to quality, and strong animal husbandry

A comprehensive and extensive database is necessary to manage the climate change adaptation process effectively.
This will help farming system management, assess the requirement of livestock feed and fodder production, climate
vulnerability and resilience, etc. Location-specific pest and disease alert systems will be developed using the
previous pest and disease database and surveillance. Location-based livestock breed rearing, fodder zoning, etc.,
will be developed for sustainable livestock and poultry production and to meet the national protein demand.

Possible Actions
• Location-specific Pest and Disease outbreak alert
• Livestock and poultry census according to Upazila and update
• Livestock and poultry pest and diseases database development
• National Livestock and poultry demand analysis based on population growth
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• A livestock and poultry • National Livestock and • Amount of national-level livestock
database will be developed poultry production demand
• The weather and climate planning • Number of milk and meat processing
vulnerability index for livestock • Sustainable livestock industries
and poultry will be developed and poultry production • Export situation of livestock product/
• National protein demand and • Increased capacity to by product
availability can be analyzed respond promptly and • Foreign currency status from livestock
• Livestock and poultry zoning effectively to extreme products export
can be done based on whether climatic events
the vulnerability

16Çelikyürek, H. (2015). Küçükbaş ve Büyükbaş Hayvancılıkta Kayıt Tutma Sistemine Yönelik Bir Bilgisayar Paket Programının
Hazırlanması, Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Zootekni Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi,Van.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CFL10 National Livestock and Poultry Database and Information System Development
• Reduced loss and • Employment status of the livestock
damages sector
• Protein availability Status
• Number of data available in livestock
and poultry database
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Farmers, Communities, and Private Sector, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF,
Businessmen engaged with Adaptation Fund, Multilateral and bilateral
Livestock and Poultry partners, private sector, collaborative
research grants and fellowships, Climate
BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity MoFL, BLRI
Supporting Implementing Entity DLS, BARC, Agricultural Universities, Private Organizations, etc.

CFL11 Extension of Indigenous and advanced Livestock and Poultry Farming Practices
Impenetrability in
Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 4 120
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.2, S2.4, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
Most livestock farmers are poor, small, and marginal farm families, many of whom are day laborers. Primarily they
depend on seasonal subsistence agriculture and agriculture wage labor. Livestock-based climate-resilient
livelihoods of these populations are predominantly based on the mixed crop, animal, and agroforestry ecosystem of
an area susceptible to climate change and associated disasters. About 65% of Bangladesh's total 28.69 million rural
households keep livestock as an integral part of their mixed farming system. Most of the livestock in Bangladesh is
reared by small (84%) and medium (14%) farmers, which provides full-time employment for 20% of the total
population and part-time employment for another 50%. The indigenous livestock and poultry genetic resources are
critical to the rural communities’ welfare and livelihoods, food security and nutritional status, and other
socioeconomic and environmental benefits.

About 85% of cattle are indigenous in origin. Some types, like Red Chittagong, Pabna, North Bengal Grey, and
Munshiganj, are far better producers than others in the existing low-input management system. With the rapid
expansion of crossbreeding and urbanization, Bangladesh's indigenous cattle genetic resources are under threat of
extinction. Conservation of promising indigenous cattle genetic resources through utilization following a pure
breeding program and farmer-managed in situ approaches may be appropriate for cattle development and rural
livelihood enhancement in Bangladesh.17

The demand for milk, meat, egg, and their products has been expanding dramatically with income growth,
population growth, urbanization, and dietary changes. Maintaining the increasing trend of livestock production is
essential for the growing population demand. Conservation of the local livestock breed is crucial for developing

17 M.A. Hamid et. al., Cattle Genetic Resources and their Conservation in Bangladesh. Review article of Science Alert.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CFL11 Extension of Indigenous and advanced Livestock and Poultry Farming Practices
location-based, high-quality, climate-resilient livestock breeds. Both indigenous and developed livestock breed
extension, as well as advanced farming training, is the key to combating climate vulnerability.

Possible Actions
• Extension of country-hen rearing at the household level for meeting family demand as well as economic return
• Extension of local promising cattle breed in all suitable areas
• Extension of buffalo farming in different climatic stress areas
• Extension of advanced livestock farming for combating climatic stress conditions
• Engagement of youth and women in advanced livestock and poultry farm management
• Awareness building for livestock and poultry de-worming and vaccination in time
• Application of IoT-based farm management system
• Extension of climate-smart poultry hatchery management
• Resilience building through feed intake (Vitamin-C at the time of cold weather and saline in hot weather) for
combating the adverse situation
• Promotion and extension of green feed additives for climate resilience and sustainable livestock production
• Application of climate-smart biotechnological tools
• Extension of silage preparation technology to farmers
• Availability of intelligent AI techniques to the local AI workers for successful AI of Climate stress-tolerant
• Establishment of a silo pit under the Upazila livestock office in every Upazila to provide silage to the local
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Climate-resilient of livestock and • Livestock production will • Number of suitable locations for
poultry breeds will be increased be increased livestock production
• Location-based livestock breeds • Empowerment of Youth • Losses and damages
will be developed and Women will be • Pest and diseases status
• Awareness building of advanced ensured
• Livelihood status of the local people
farming practice • Pest and disease
• Number of livestock product
• Youth and Women's involvement management will be
processing industries
will increase easier due to adopting
• A number of modern technologies
modern farming
• Facilities of advanced introduced
technologies will be increased
• Number of modern farming
• IoT-based farm management will practices adopted by farmers
be developed
• Status of youth and women's
• Feed crises during monsoon will involvement in the livestock and
be minimized poultry sector
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Farmers, Communities, and Private Sector, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF,
Businessmen engaged with Adaptation Fund, Multilateral and
Livestock and Poultry bilateral partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants and
fellowships, Climate BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity MoFL, BLRI

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CFL11 Extension of Indigenous and advanced Livestock and Poultry Farming Practices
Supporting Implementing Entity DLS, BARC, Agricultural Universities, Private Organizations, etc.

Climate-Resilient Infrastructure Development for the Safety of
Livestock and Poultry during a Disaster
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 2, Goal 3 207
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S2.2, S2.3, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Natural hazards are common in Bangladesh and take place every year and damage crops, livestock, and settlements.
Data on livestock, flood, drought, cyclone, tide, thunderstorms, hailstorm, waterlogging, tornado, and economic
damages were collected from the existing literature for 2009–2014. About 10–32% of areas in Bangladesh are
moderate to very high natural hazard-prone. Moderate and high drought vulnerabilities were observed in about
14% of areas for livestock production. Low and very low flood hazards for livestock are found in 22–44% of areas.
Hotspots for cyclones covered about 17% of areas, high and very high storms/tides in about 22% of areas, and no
safe zone against the thunderstorm. Hailstorm damages more livestock in the country's north and northwest part,
covering about 23.8% of the areas. Moderate damages by the tornado are distributed in 84% of the areas.
Waterlogging hotspots in the southern part of Bangladesh cover about 7% of areas, and livestock in about 52% of
areas suffer from low to moderate waterlogging problems. The natural hazards mentioned above are responsible
for economic loss of < 1–35 million US$ and < 1–11.8 million US$ in livestock and poultry sectors, depending on
locations. Such loss in the livestock sector is like to be increased in the future because of climate change impacts,
indicating that proper shelter and early warning systems must be in place to minimize damages in the livestock
sector from natural hazards.18

Bangladesh's coast is vulnerable to tropical cyclonic storms and tidal surges, flood and waterlogging, sea-level rise,
salinity intrusion, drought, riverbank, and coastal erosion, groundwater declination, environmental degradation,
water quality issues, and ecosystem habitat loss due to its geographic location, flat and low-lying topography,
seasonal variability, high population density, high level of poverty and extreme climatic conditions. According to the
BBS Yearbook (2014), 21 cyclones and severe cyclonic storms hit the Bangladesh coast from 1960-to 2010 and
caused severe losses and damages in each event. The encircled earthen polders and cyclone shelters function as the
most prioritized disaster risk mitigation measures during the disaster period, which protect life, livelihoods, and
tons of staple crops.

Livestock feed/fodder storage capacity can play an emergency role during flood/flash flood, etc., when there is no
grazing land. In the context of the above discussion, sustainable interventions are suggested in the NAP documents,
mainly Killa construction, community-based livestock/poultry shelter construction, and development to protect
livestock and poultry. Mobile veterinary support service in a quick time is also suggested.
Possible Actions
• Construction of Killa for livestock shelter during natural disasters (cyclone, flood, etc.)
• Community-based shelter management for livestock
• Feed/fodder storage capacity building in disaster-prone areas to support at the time of disaster
• Infrastructure for mobile veterinary services within a very short time at the time of disaster

18 J. C. Biswas,, Natural hazards and Livestock Damage in Bangladesh. Springer Publication; November 2019.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Climate-Resilient Infrastructure Development for the Safety of

Livestock and Poultry during a Disaster
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Killa/ community-based • Loss of livestock and • Amount of livestock and poultry
livestock and poultry shelter poultry will be minimized production
will be constructed • Sustainable development • Amount of milk, meat, and egg
• A mobile veterinary clinic/ of livestock and poultry production during the disaster
vehicle will be supplied at sectoral business • Number of mobile veterinary
Upazila/Union level • Increased livestock and clinics/vehicle
• Feed/Fodder storage poultry (milk, meat, and • Condition of feed/fodder storage
capacity will be developed egg) production facility
• Meet up country’s protein • Coverage of livestock and poultry
demand business
• Status of the country's protein demand
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Farmers, Communities, and Private Sector, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF,
Businessmen engaged with Adaptation Fund, Multilateral and bilateral
Livestock and Poultry partners, private sector, collaborative
research grants and fellowships, Climate
BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity MoFL, BLRI
Supporting Implementing Entity DLS, BARC, Agricultural Universities, Private Organizations, etc.

CFL13 Development of Livestock Product Processing Industries and Transportation System
Impenetrability in
Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2 135
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP
S2.2, S2.3, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
Bangladesh's coast is vulnerable to tropical cyclonic storms and tidal surges, flood and waterlogging, sea-level rise,
salinity intrusion, drought, riverbank, and coastal erosion, groundwater declination, environmental degradation,
water quality issues, and ecosystem habitat loss due to its geographic location, flat and low-lying topography,
seasonal variability, high population density, high level of poverty and extreme climatic conditions. According to the
BBS Yearbook (2014), 21 cyclones and severe cyclonic storms hit the Bangladesh coast from 1960-to 2010 and
caused severe losses and damages in each event. The encircled earthen polders and cyclone shelters function as the
most prioritized disaster risk mitigation measures during the disaster period, which protect life, livelihoods, and
tons of staple crops.

Natural disasters and pandemics like Covid-19 have severely affected the livestock and poultry industry. Covid-19
effects have severely affected an estimated 0.3 million dairy farms and 65 -70 thousand commercial poultry farms
in Bangladesh. Many of them closed down or halted production due to the burden of continuous losses. Reports
showed that about 12 to 15 million liters of milk have remained unsold, which has caused a daily loss of 570 million

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CFL13 Development of Livestock Product Processing Industries and Transportation System

Bangladeshi Taka (6.7 million USD) in the dairy sector only. Furthermore, the poultry sector has also encountered a
loss of a minimum of 115 billion Bangladeshi Taka (1.35 billion USD) within just two weeks, from March 20 to April
4, 2020. The situation might accelerate the food crisis arising due to the livestock sector's collapse during the COVID-
19 pandemic and turn it into a humanitarian catastrophe.

It is necessary to build processing industries and communication facilities to minimize loss due to natural disasters
and pandemics. It will be helpful to meet the population demand as well as the nutrition deficiency. An E-commerce-
based marketing system will be developed for quick and easy marketing of livestock and poultry products. Women
and Youth can pioneer this household-based processing and marketing system.
Possible Actions
• Development of livestock products processing and storage industries to reduce loss at the time of climatic
hazard or any other hazard (e.g., covid-19)
• Development of livestock products transportation system (e,g. freezing van, road communication system, etc.)
• Development of an e-commerce-based livestock and poultry products marketing system
• Development of household-based mini milk and meat processing industries which will be led by Youth and
• Private sector investment in livestock and poultry product marketing systems and processing industries
• Development of milk processing (Cheese, UHT, chocolate, etc.) factories in the milk production zone
• Awareness building program to popularize processed milk products (e.g., cheese can be included in school
feeding program)
• Development of a community-based livestock products marketing system
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Milk/meat processing • Increase livestock and • Number of livestock product
industries will be established in poultry production processing and storage industries
the disaster-prone areas • Sustainable livestock • Number of milk/meat industries
• Upazila/ Union level production • Status of the transportation system
transportation road • Create employment of livestock product
construction opportunity • Status of involved youth and
• Freezing van for • Meet up the protein and women in household-based
milk/meat/egg transportation nutritional demand of the milk/meat processing industries
• Youth and Women total population • Number of the freezing van for
communities will be engaged in milk/meat/ egg transportation
household-based milk/meat
• Number of jobs and employment
processing industries.
• Amount of livestock and poultry
• Number of awareness campaigns
to popularize processed milk
• Protein and nutritional status of
the total population
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
10% Farmers, Communities, and Private Sector, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF,
Businessmen engaged with Adaptation Fund, Multilateral and
Livestock and Poultry bilateral partners, private sector,

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CFL13 Development of Livestock Product Processing Industries and Transportation System

collaborative research grants and
fellowships, Climate BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity MoFL, BLRI
Supporting Implementing Entity DLS, BARC, LGED, Agricultural Universities, Private Organizations, etc.

3.5 Ecosystem, Wetlands, and Biodiversity

Extension and expansion of the coastal greenbelt for protecting coastal
habitats, including the Sundarbans, mangroves, salt marshes, etc.
Impenetrability in Stress
SWM | SEE | CHI Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 4 32
(Million BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S1.1, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Bangladesh is one of the world's most vulnerable countries to climate change, being a low-lying, deltaic country with
a sub-tropical monsoon climate. Climate-related change in coastal zones embodies potential additional stress on
systems already under intense and growing pressure. Coastal environments, particularly at risk, include mangroves,
tidal deltas and low-lying coastal plains, sandy beaches, coastal wetlands, estuaries, and coral reefs. This area is
especially vulnerable to climate change due to its low elevation (1 to 2 m above mean sea level), flat topography,
and high population density. The coastal areas of Bangladesh are prone to severe damage from cyclones. In 1991, a
devastating cyclone with winds exceeding 200 kilometers (km) per hour and a tidal surge of 6 meters (m) struck
Bangladesh, which took about 140,000 lives and $240 million worth of public infrastructure. The coastal zone has
several habitats; these are (i) Shore, (ii) Low mangrove forest, (iii) High mangrove forest, (iv) Open land/grassland,
and (v) Estuarine/ riverine habitat. The coastal zone's critical natural resources are mangrove ecosystems, including
Sundarbans, Chokoria, and other planted mangrove forest patches. The brackish water of the mangrove ecosystem
is the ideal breeding ground for shrimps and a few different types of fish. Among all ecosystems, mangrove produces
the maximum amount of biomass. It represents about 50% of all major and minor mangroves in the old-world (Indo-
Pacific) and 41% worldwide. The importance of the Sundarbans among the mangroves in Bangladesh lies in the fact
that it earns 41% of the total revenue and produces 45% of the total timber and fuel wood in Bangladesh. The
Sundarbans, the most critical ecosystem of the country, will be lost with a one-meter rise in sea level. Bangladesh's
south and eastern coasts face tidal surges and erosion every year.

The hazards of natural disasters cannot prevent entirely, but the risks and vulnerability can reduce through the
extension and expansion of the coastal greenbelt. These forest resources act as barriers to natural disasters in the
coastal zone, protecting against cyclones, storm surges, strong winds, and erosion, and play a role in coastal
protection. Greenbelts, also known as shelterbelts and bio shields, have been recognized as an effective ‘soft’
measure of protection from hazards.

Possible Actions
• Mangrove plantation at possible foreshore mudflats areas along the tidal rivers
• Mangrove plantation at foreshores of stable char lands and mudflats of newly accreted char lands
• Conservation and restoration of the Sundarbans ecosystem and biodiversity

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Extension and expansion of the coastal greenbelt for protecting coastal

habitats, including the Sundarbans, mangroves, salt marshes, etc.
• Expand mangrove plantation along embankments of large aquaculture dike toes
• Assessment of annual accretion rate along the coastline for new mangrove plantation
• Enforcement of laws to protect artisanal areas of the coastline from fishing and thereby improve flora and
fauna (by the Navy, Coast Guard, fisheries officers, mobile courts)
• Identify biologically important char lands
• Restrict human interventions and perform biological health monitoring of identified important biodiversity-
enriched char lands
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Enhance green coverage • Nearly 500000 ha of coastal lands • Amount of embankment
• Prevent coastal erosion would stabilize by mangrove plantation
plantation by 2041 • Number of alternative
• Protect coastal communities
against coastal flooding, high • Mangrove plantations will cover up to income sources
winds and waves, and 10% of the total land area of • Loss of fish and crop
tsunamis Bangladesh by 2041. Mangrove production
forests absorb 97.57 tons of carbon
• Reduce salinity intrusion • Status of water security
per ha (UNDP, 2013). A total of
• Increase the number of flora • Amount of mangrove
3,972,075 m tons of Carbon to be
and fauna plantation on coastal lands
absorbed by greenbelt mangroves per
• Habitats for wildlife and year • Amount of absorption of
birds will restore Carbon
• Nipa palm will absorb around 279,733
• Protects biodiversity m tons of CO2 per year • Loss of lives and properties
• Improvement of livelihood • Non-Mangroves absorb about 32.52 • Amount of adaptive fish
• Increase carbon stock tons/ha/yr. Greenbelt non-mangroves culture
• Help to trap sediments will absorb 1,135,371 m tons of • Amount of vegetable
Carbon per year production
• Ecotourism will develop
• Secure lives, protect the human • Damage to crops due to
settlement, property cyclones
• Adaptive fish culture • Amount of timber
• Vegetable production production
• Crop damage reduction from cyclone • Status of the carbon
sequestration capacity of
• Timber output at 15 and 25-year
mangrove species
• Valuation of Carbon Sequestration
capacity (Intangible to tangible) of
mangrove species
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
Communities, society, and environment of
5% southeast coastal and southwest coastal
private sector, collaborative
areas are dependent on livelihoods
research grants, fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BFD
Supporting Implementing Entity
MoDMR, MoA, MoFL, MoI, MoS, PPPA, Private Sector, NGOs

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Community-based afforestation and reforestation for biodiversity conservation,
enhancement of ecosystem resilience and increased carbon sequestration
Impenetrability in
Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1 & Goal 4 32
(million BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S1.1, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
Bangladesh recurrently faces cyclones, floods, and storm surges due to the adverse impact of climate change. Global
warming is estimated to cause a 10-15% inundation of Bangladesh by 2050. That directly impacts the community
in different forms, including displacement of people, loss of livelihoods, and submergence of low-lying areas, as well
as the socio-economic costs of people in surrounding forest areas of the coastal belt. They are poor and landless;
they maintain their livelihood by collecting forest products like bamboo, fuel wood, and other forest products. Their
dependency on forests causes exploitation, forests lose their biodiversity daily, and forests and plantations are
under pressure. So the communities have been affected by climate change impacts (loss of lives, assets, livelihood,
outmigration from the area, etc.) caused by cyclones, storm surges, river erosion, and sea-level rise in the selected
coastal regions.

Community-based afforestation and reforestation will help to secure sustainability through adaptation and
mitigation measures. One of the main benefits of increasing tree cover, and outcomes that are also effective globally,
is carbon sequestration, wherein greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide are absorbed by flora, leading to climate
change mitigation. Increasing forest cover, especially by afforestation, helps reduce soil erosion and water runoff.
The soil fertility can, in time, be restored, bringing in new plants and trees, and increasing plant diversity. As
important host plants are established, birds, insects, and other dependent animals reside in the area, improving the
place's biodiversity.

Possible Actions
• Low-carbon farming through reducing tilling, planting longer-rooted crops and incorporating organic
materials into the soil
• Suitable mangrove plantations at possible spaces in homesteads and along pond banks in polder areas
• Ornamental and fruit plantations in all institutional yards
• Timber and fuel-yielding plantations on hill slopes and in valleys
• Swamp plantations in all institutional small village platform ridges
• Bamboo and areca plantations in fallow lands and along village roadsides
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Improve air quality • Timber output (Timber • Amount of carbon farming
• Provide food and habitat value 40 ha−1 yr−1) at 15 • Amount of mangrove plantation
for birds and mammals and 25-year interval
• Amount of plantation of ornamental
• Provide timber and fuel • Rural forests will cover up to plants and fruit trees
30% by 2041
• Reduce wave action and • Amount of swamp plantation
protect villages and assets • Valuation of Carbon
• Amount of alternative income sources
against waves sequestration
• Number of the vulnerable population
• Fuel wood output (USD 1
• Status of water security
ha−1 yr−1)

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Community-based afforestation and reforestation for biodiversity conservation,

enhancement of ecosystem resilience and increased carbon sequestration
• Bamboo plants produce • Fruit selling • Status of soil erosion
more oxygen and organic • Fish culture (USD 389 ha−1 • Amount of timber production
matter than trees yr−1 reported for fish) • Amount of rural afforestation
• Increase biodiversity • Outputs from bamboo shoots • Carbon sequestration capacity of
through new habitat and areca nut forests
• Air pollution removal • Production of fuel wood
• Increase the resilience of
• Groundwater infiltration • Income from selling fruits
local communities through
• Increase the aesthetic value • Amount of fish culture
diversification of livelihood
of the landscape
and species • Amount of production of bamboo
• Mitigate the risk of soil shoots and areca nuts
erosion • Amount of air pollution
• Degree of groundwater infiltration
• Status of biodiversity and ecosystem
• Status of the aesthetic value of the
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Local community GEF, WB, ADB, JICA, FAO, UNDP, USAID,
Multilateral and bilateral partners, private
sector, collaborative research grants, and
fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BFD
Supporting Implementing Entity DSS, DWA, DYD, BMDA, MoL, MoDMR, MoA, MoFL, MoI, MoS,
PPPA, Private Sector, NGOs

Expand ecosystem-based adaptation for the restoration of mangroves,
hill areas and wetlands to tackle the adverse impacts of climate change
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1 & Goal 4 53
(million BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S1.2, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Expand ecosystem-based adaptation for the restoration of mangroves,

hill areas and wetlands to tackle the adverse impacts of climate change
Climate-related risks largely trigger extreme events and impact Bangladesh's social and ecological systems.
Ecosystems of different forms and scales are under threat due to changing frequency and intensity of climate-
induced disasters that can severely affect ecosystems and their services. Sundarbans is at serious risk of losing their
origin from the world due to devastating tropical cyclone and storm surges, salinity intrusion or inundation increase,
and also anthropogenic stress. So, biodiversity is also decreasing due to the loss of valuable mangroves. Wetland
ecosystems are severely affected by sea-level rise - coral bleaching, hydrological effects, changes in water
temperature, and alterations in water availability and quality result in the degradation of biodiversity and
ecosystem services and a concomitant negative impact on human communities, especially those on the coast. In
ecologically crucial and sensitive hilly areas, the absence of any land use regulation has constrained soil and water
conservation programs.

Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) refers to the use of natural resources through conservation and enhancing the
resilience of the ecosystem to buffer the worst impacts of climate changes on species and the well-being of
community. EbA approach emphasizes on integration of sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services that
underpins a comprehensive adaptation strategy. Ecosystem-based Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation, or
Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) involves a wide range of ecosystem management activities to increase the
resilience and reduce the vulnerability of people and the environment to climate change.

Possible Actions
• Introduce a nominal payment for ecosystem services (PES) for all tourists and industries in and around the
Sundarbans, beach areas, hill areas and wetlands
• Expand agroforestry practices in all homesteads and aquaculture area and mangrove plantation in coastal
• Retain rainwater in deep parts of large wetlands through restoration and bank stabilization
• Retain rainwater through excavation of ponds and trenches alongside cultivable land and ponds
• Provision of rainwater harvesting in all buildings in urban areas and incentives offered (for example, a
reduced holding tax) by municipal authorities
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Support the local economy and • Reduce over-exploitation and • Degree of payment for
increase social well-being at sustainable use of resources ecosystem services
different levels through integration of all relevant • Amount of homestead
• Protect biodiversity through sectors, such as forestry, fisheries, agroforestry practices
increased management agriculture, and water resources,
• The extent of over-
capacity that account for uncertainty and
exploitation of resources
• Retaining rainwater in • Status of income, food, and
wetlands protects the water • Adopting floating hydroponic
livelihood security in
quality and keeps lakes, canals, agriculture will create new
waterlogged channels
beels, and groundwater healthy opportunities for income, food,
• Amount of floating
and livelihood security in
• Reduce the demand for hydroponic agriculture
waterlogged channels by
groundwater supply
replacing soil-based agriculture • Degree of application of the
• Provides a natural buffer Triple F (Forest, Fish, and
• Support and promotion of Multi-
against coastal erosion, Fruit) Model in coastal areas
Scale Adaptation through the
inundation, and cyclonic storms
Triple F Model (Forest, Fish, and • The annual income of coastal
• Improves livelihoods of people households
Fruit) in coastal areas can help to
dependent on the mangrove
earn BDT 1,00,000 to 5,00,00 for • Amount of rainwater
each household per year harvesting

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Expand ecosystem-based adaptation for the restoration of mangroves,

hill areas and wetlands to tackle the adverse impacts of climate change
• Provides coastal habitat and • Harvesting of rainwater can • Amount of groundwater
nesting grounds for many reduce groundwater supply by depletion
plants, animals, and aquatic 40-50% and save electricity bills • The extent of electricity bills
species • Mangrove plantation as an EbA • The extent of mangrove
• Re-establishes local native flora measure in different parts of the plantations in different parts
• Reduces river bank erosion coastal region can provide a line of the coastal region
of defense for coastal
• Increases the stability of • Degree of damage to coastal
communities, infrastructure, and
embankments communities, coastal
livelihood assets against cyclonic
• Increases stream flows infrastructures, and
storm surges, erosion, and salinity
livelihood assets due to
• Increases the aesthetic beauty intrusion, mainly where
cyclonic storm surges,
of beach, shoreline, or estuary embankments alone have been
coastal erosion, and salinity
• Increases productivity of food, inadequate
fiber, and fuel • Restoration measures include re-
• Degree of coastal erosion
• Controls disease and pest excavation and bank stabilization
• Amount of vegetation cover
infestation of wetlands by planting perennial
on the dykes of the canals
• Facilitates soil formation and plants and fruit trees can control
erosion by maintaining vegetation • Amount of wetlands that
nutrient cycling
cover on the dykes of the canals have been re-excavated
• Performs carbon sequestration
• Reduce the drainage congestion of • Amount of trenches that
for climate change mitigation
low-lying lands through the have been excavated
• Diversifies livelihoods
excavation of trenches alongside alongside cultivable lands
• Reduces production costs and cultivable land and ponds to hold and ponds
environmental pollution excess rainwater and also raising • Degree of drainage
• Enhances the natural the adjacent dykes to prevent congestion of low-lying lands
ecosystem resilience rainwater from entering from • Status of awareness of
• Increases food safety neighboring lands ecosystem-based adaptation
• • Build awareness of EbA through among stakeholders
the engagement of various •
stakeholders, including local
leaders and communities, elected
representatives, and civil society
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Mainly local livelihoods of coastal, GEF, WB, ADB, JICA, FAO, IDCOL,
hilly areas and floodplain, ecosystem UNDP, USAID, DFID, OXFAM,
and biodiversity, river system, UKAID, BCCT, GCF, Multilateral
entrepreneurs depend on natural and bilateral partners, private
resources, tourist and Sundarbans sector, collaborative research
dependent livelihoods grants, fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BFD
Supporting Implementing Entity
BMDA, BPC, MoL, MoDMR, MoA, MoFL, MoI, MoS, PPPA, Private Sector, NGOs

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Extension and expansion of the coastal greenbelt for protecting coastal
habitats, including the Sundarbans, mangroves, salt marshes, etc.
Impenetrability in
Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1 & Goal 4 57
(million BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
Bangladesh is one of the most biodiversity-rich countries in the world. Bangladesh's five broad ecosystems are
coastal and marine, inland freshwater ecosystems, terrestrial forest ecosystems, hilly ecosystems, and man-made
homestead ecosystems. Haor (depressed land) wetlands are Bangladesh's most important natural ecosystem, and
the Haor basin is known for its rich biodiversity. Many threats drive biodiversity loss, among which some are direct
and dynamic while others are indirect. Natural threats include changes in land use, habitat destruction, the
introduction of invasive alien species, etc.

On the other hand, examples of indirect threats are the economic system and policies of the State, unsustainable
exploitation of resources and weak management systems, gaps in spatial information, and lack of public awareness.
Other threats emanate from the effects of natural calamities. In addition, habitat loss is considered the single largest
threat to biodiversity. The Government’s conservation vision is to improve ecosystem quality through the
conservation of forests and biodiversity and to enhance ecosystem service benefits with active community
participation. Bangladesh has developed the Biodiversity Act 2017 but needs miles to go to protect the forest
biodiversity from complex drivers responsible for the loss of forest biodiversity in the country.

Biodiversity monitoring is crucial because it provides a basis for evaluating the integrity of ecosystems, their
responses to disturbances, and the success of actions taken to conserve or recover biodiversity. The intensity and
frequency of cyclonic storms and tidal surges will gradually increase. Adverse impacts of climate change on the flora
and fauna of the forest need close monitoring, following appropriate plans for adaptive steps. Comprehensive and
standardized biodiversity monitoring schemes are necessary to build scientifically useful decision-making tools for
biodiversity conservation.

Possible Actions
• Identify law enforcement challenges, responses and collaboration concerning environmental crimes
• Links to national and regional forestry, biodiversity and land-use policies
• Expand required manpower and equipment support to the DoE and BFD to enforce environmental
regulations and monitoring
• Establishment of permanent sample plots in different hotspots for periodically monitoring biodiversity
• Establishment of a biodiversity monitoring network and demonstration projects
• Development of strategies for the conservation and management of private forests through government
legislation and support
• Development of awareness-building programmes for stakeholders to reduce environmental crimes
• Develop a separate environmental policing system to stop smuggling or trafficking to overseas markets
• Establish environmental courts in every district and organize specialist knowledge and training for judicial
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Extension and expansion of the coastal greenbelt for protecting coastal

habitats, including the Sundarbans, mangroves, salt marshes, etc.
• Determines the status of • Creates an opportunity to work • Pressures or threats, such as
biological diversity at one or together such as Bangladesh trends in land and water use,
more ecological levels Police, Customs, the Forest habitat loss, or invasive
• Assesses changes over time and Department species
space • Contribute forest and forest-based • State of species and
• Ensure wildlife preservation activities to the economy, food ecosystems
and protection security, energy supply, • The extent of protection of
environmental stability, and social important flora and fauna
• Biodiversity will enhance, and
ecosystem health will restore • Degree of benefits to people,
• Contribute to the reduction of such as ecosystem services
• Robust monitoring will help to
environmental pollution that freshwater provides
conserve the rare and
endangered species and their • Helps to enforce ecological • The extent of patrol team
habitat regulations effort and effectiveness
• Protect the biodiversity from • The data will provide consistency • The extent of environmental
poaching and other illegal and transparency in selecting and pollution
activities prioritizing areas within the
• Availability of enough
hotspots that require
• Help combat climate change information to conserve,
management intervention.
• Ensure speedy and adequate protect and sustainably
• Will provide information manage forests
environmental protection
necessary to support policies and
• Pollution and waste disposal • The extent of the
decisions to conserve, protect and
control development of an
sustainably manage forests
ecosystem and biodiversity
• Will develop technologies for monitoring system
monitoring different ecosystems,
• The extent of criminal and
species, and genetic resources and
illegal activities in the areas
research on and create a system of
of hunting and poaching
biodiversity monitoring standards
• The extent of illegal
• Develops widespread
extraction of firewood
understanding of the importance
of ecosystem and biodiversity
• Reduces illegal and criminal
activities in the area of hunting
and poaching
• Prevents the illegal extraction of
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
2% Local communities GEF, WB, ADB, JICA, FAO, UNDP,
BCCT, GCF, Multilateral and
bilateral partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants,
fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DoE
Supporting Implementing Entity
Private Sector, NGOs

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Community-based afforestation and reforestation for biodiversity conservation,
enhancement of ecosystem resilience and increased carbon sequestration
Impenetrability in
Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1 & Goal 4 16
(million BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S1.2, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
Environmental flow in a river or stream describes the quantity, timing, and quality of water flows required to sustain
freshwater and estuarine ecosystems and the human livelihoods and well-being that depend on these ecosystems.
The health and integrity of river systems ultimately depend on environmental flow components, which may vary
seasonally. Most rivers in Bangladesh's southwestern region (SWR) depend on water flow from the Ganges River.
Gorai River is the right bank distributor of the Ganges River, which provides the interface between freshwater and
brackish water in the estuary connecting the Bay of Bengal and a major source of upland freshwater supply in the
SW region of Bangladesh. After the construction of the Farakka Barrage on the Ganges River in 1975 in India, which
is 17 km from the Bangladesh border, the Ganges water flow has reduced significantly downstream. The water
shortage and sedimentation process have been ridged in the Gorai basin. The width has been shrunk and spacious,
and depth has been reduced in a different section of the river. For the shortage of the Gorai basin, sea saline water
is penetrating the upstream and increasing in the upstream direction through capillary upward movement. This
shortage of fresh water in the Gorai basin is also the root cause of salinity intrusion and damage to mangrove
ecosystems and their services in the Sundarbans region.

Establishing proper environmental flows (e-flows) across river basins is one of the keystones to implementing
integrated management of water resources. This is even more critical in water-scarce river basins due to increasing
water use (i.e., irrigation) and climate change. Maintenance of the environmental flow of aquatic ecosystems, rivers,
and wetlands is essential as the environmental flow is not just about providing for human needs but also includes
the needs of nature. Functions and values of aquatic ecosystems (i.e., water quality, sediment dynamics, productivity,
biodiversity, ecosystem services, etc.) are influenced by river flow regime alterations.

Possible Actions
• Policy for water diplomacy and transboundary negotiation for the use of upstream water with equal rights
• Create inland water sources for major rivers through re-excavation of large beels, baors and canals
• Participatory watershed management through step farming and terrace plantations for increasing stream
water in hilly areas
• Develop ecological hydrographs for all large floodplains
• Intensive community consultation and involvement of local knowledge to enhance and maintain floodplain
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Aids in the conservation of a • Creates opportunities for year- • Status of water and sediment
healthy fishery long surface water irrigation quality
• Act as a carbon heat island • Reduces flood hazards • Biological indicators that
• Increase floral and faunal • Improves water quality measure the population, health,
diversity • Prevents soil erosion or land or habitat of aquatic species of
sliding plants and animals

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Community-based afforestation and reforestation for biodiversity conservation,

enhancement of ecosystem resilience and increased carbon sequestration
• It will cater to the needs of • Increases the upper stream • The extent of surface water
wood water flow through rainfall irrigation
• Consume CO2 and purify the air regulation • Damage due to flood hazards,
• Ensure the desired level of • Assists in the development of soil erosion, and landslides
ecosystem health master plans or policies • The extent of rainfall regulation
• Build awareness of the local • Helps to plan flood risk • Cost of flood risk management
community management at a low cost plans
• Improvement of local people's • Implementation of Nature- • Degree of implementation of
livelihood through ecosystem based Solution (NbS) in the Nature-based Solutions (NbS)
services floodplain
• Improves soil water retention • It serves the recreational
capacity purposes
• Will secure the production of
crops and fish
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
Farmers, fishermen, NGOs, and the GEF, WB, ADB, JICA, FAO, UNDP,
private sector USAID, DFID, OXFAM, UKAID, BCCT,
GCF, Multilateral and bilateral
partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants,
fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB, WARPO
Supporting Implementing Entity

Restore eco-hydraulics for wetlands, rivers and canal systems,
EWB6 including through the establishment of connectivity and protection of
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1 & Goal 4 42
(million BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S1.1, S1.2, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Bangladesh is the most vulnerable to climate change due to its geographic location, deltaic formation, and high
population density. It is located downstream of the mighty Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) river system and
drains about 90% of runoff from the basins outside of the country. The wetland of Bangladesh for its water mainly
depends on the GBM River. Bangladesh is a state of wetlands for its deltaic characteristics. The total wetlands area
is about seven or eight million hectares, constituting about 50 percent of the country's land surface. The floodplains
of Bangladesh are one of the world's most important wetlands, home to hundreds of fish, plants, and animals. The
wetlands in Bangladesh encompass a wide variety of dynamic ecosystems ranging from mangrove forests (about
577,100 ha), natural lakes, man-made reservoir (Kaptai lake), freshwater marshes (about 400 haors), oxbow lakes
(about 54488 ha, locally known as baors), freshwater (about 1,000 beels), fish ponds and tanks (about 147,000 ha),

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Restore eco-hydraulics for wetlands, rivers and canal systems,

EWB6 including through the establishment of connectivity and protection of
estuaries and seasonal inundated extensive floodplains. The major wetlands of the country are Chalan beel, Atrai
basin, lower Punarbhaba floodplain, Gopalganj-Khulna Beels, Arial Beel, Surma-Kushiyara floodplain, and Kaptai
lake. The wetland is the home of diverse plants and animals. Out of 1218 vertebrate species recorded in the country,
about 691 live in wetlands, while many utilize the ecosystem for breeding and nursery purposes. Exclusively, more
than 265 species of fish, 49 amphibians, 160 reptiles, 208 aquatic birds, and 9 mammals live in wetlands. Most
terrestrial species rely on wetlands as part of their life cycle. Wetlands also help to reduce the impacts of storm
damage and flooding. It helps maintain good water quality in rivers. It recharges groundwater, stores carbon, helps
stabilize climatic conditions, controls pests, and prevents flooding by holding water like a sponge. Fisheries,
recreation, natural heritage value, biomass production, keeping rivers level regular, and filtering and purifying the
surface water.

Restoring the eco-hydraulics for wetlands, rivers, and canal systems, including establishing connectivity and
protecting wetlands, is very important. Wetlands play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of
ecosystems. However, the wetlands habitat of Bangladesh is under constant threat due to flood control projects, an
increase in population, intensive agriculture, overfishing, siltation, pollution, ill-planned infrastructures, lack of
institutional coordination, lack of awareness, climate change, encroachment of wetlands, etc. That causes poor
biodiversity health, threatening different flora and fauna species, depletion of groundwater, and degeneration of the
wetlands-based ecosystem. It also causes deterioration of the people’s livelihoods, socioeconomic institutions, and
cultural values in urban and rural areas.
Possible Actions
• Delineation and mapping of small-scale catchment areas in major watersheds
• Trend analysis of the spatial and temporal connectivity of wetlands with other waterbodies for the last 30
• Policy upgradation and enforcement for ensuring upstream fresh water e-flow over the year
• Collection and monitoring of regular data on key parameters of a watershed such as: water availability and
discharge volume; annual precipitation surplus (precipitation minus evapotranspiration); annual runoff;
timing (seasonality) of water surplus during the year and precipitation intensity for future planning and
• Evaluation of the functionality and rehabilitation of old hydraulic structures within the polder area to raise
the freshwater table
• Removal of infilled debris (garbage and construction site infill) and illegal encroachments from wetlands by
restoration of lateral connectivity between the river and floodplain wetlands for increasing floodplain
productivity, nutrient exchange and dispersal of biota
• Implementation of EbA for restore water in feasible wetlands
• Wetlands and rivers should be promoted by recognized scientists and academia for protection and ‘eco-
• Regular monitoring of water quality and nutrition for protecting wetland ecosystems and biodiversity
• Development of pollution control and prevention tools and technologies from agriculture, industry and the
urban sector
• Promote scientific research to enhance wetland resource value, improve benefits to neighbouring
communities and strengthen the capacity of the wetland to play ecological, socioeconomic and hydrological
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Restores aquatic condition of • Supports sustainable streams, • Availability of freshwater for
rivers, wetlands, and canals rivers, lakes, and groundwater drinking
sources to enable healthy soil
for crops and livestock

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Restore eco-hydraulics for wetlands, rivers and canal systems,

EWB6 including through the establishment of connectivity and protection of
• It helps identify the potential • Helps take different modes of • Degree of functionality and
catchment area protection measures rehabilitation of old hydraulic
• Enhances the agriculture and • Ensures effective structures
fish production implementation of ecological • The extent of application of
• Ensures habitat of the wildlife flows ecosystem-based adaptation
and migratory birds • Assists in future planning and • The extent of water quality
• Food security and poverty management of a watershed monitoring
reduction • Ensures fresh drinking water • The extent of implementation
• Sustainable development of • Assures non-saline water for of ecological flows
wetlands and linked the canal irrigation and increases surface • Availability of non-saline water
with rivers water irrigation for irrigation
• Reduces risk of reduction and • Improves water quality • The extent of surface water
mitigates climate change • Creates employment irrigation
impact opportunities and eco-tourism • Status of water quality
• Improves human health • Restores fish and wildlife • Employment opportunities
condition habitat • Status of biodiversity and
• Ensures sustainable • Increases food and habitat for ecosystem
development of wetlands fish and wildlife • The extent of carbon
• Maintains ecosystem health • Reveals the health and sequestration
and the livelihood of the composition of wetland • Degree of environmental
population ecosystem and biodiversity pollution
• Strengthens economic growth • Reduces the waste and defects
through efficient production
• Enhances wetland service value
• Reduces the risk of ecosystem
• Improves carbon sequestration
health hazards
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
2% Farmers, fishermen, and local GEF, WB, ADB, JICA, FAO, UNDP,
GCF, Multilateral and bilateral
partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants,
fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB
Supporting Implementing Entity
BMDA, NRCC, MoA, MoFL, MoI, MoS, PPPA, Private Sector

Development of multifunctional hill and forest management and
conservation system
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: SEE | CHT | HFF | NNW Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1 & Goal 4 19
(million BDT)

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Development of multifunctional hill and forest management and

conservation system
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Bangladesh has 2.52 million ha of tropical forest, amounting to 10% of its total land. More than two-thirds of its
population lives in rural areas and are directly and indirectly dependent on forests – from using forest resources as
a direct food source to using forest resources for primary energy and health care. Despite the linkages between rural
livelihoods with forest and tree uses, deforestation has been a major threat to the protection of biodiversity and
associated ecosystem goods and services. An FAO (2010) study reported that approximately 2000 ha of forest cover
per year was lost between 2000 and 2005. During the 19th century, about 50% of the area of natural forests in
southeastern (hill forests) and central regions (sal forests) decreased. Exponentially increasing use and dependence
on forest goods and services by the fast-growing population and poor enforceability of forest regulations are the
main problems faced by the forest resources of Bangladesh. The crux of the problem, therefore, lies outside the
forestry sector. All other problems, including those within the forestry sector, like declining productivity and
sustainability of forest resources, are manifestations of the "main problem". Many of the problems within the
forestry sector are ubiquitous. The forest resource's inability to satisfy demands at local and national levels is
increasing all over Bangladesh. Forests are fragmenting, shrinking, and getting deforested. Most of the forest areas
are drifting towards lower limits of resiliency. As forest loss and degradation continue to rise in most parts of the
tropics, the international community faces the challenge of finding strategies convenient to rural livelihoods and
biodiversity conservation. Agroforestry is a multifunction-land-use approach that integrates agriculture and
forestry production in the same unit of land. In the tropics, agroforestry has widely been promoted to conserve
biodiversity and support rural livelihoods. The coffee, cacao, and jungle rubber agroforestry systems are a few
examples, although rapid intensification to increase crop yields and productivity makes their role questionable in
some regions. Conservation biologists are also devoting an increasing amount of energy to exploring whether these
multifunctional land-use systems favor biodiversity conservation at both local and global scales.

Developing a multifunctional Hill and Forest management and conservation system is critical as forests cover
roughly one-third of the world's land area and provide vital environmental services such as climate regulation, soil
protection, and water management. They also produce food and raw materials, which sustain hundreds of millions
of people and support economies.

Possible Actions
• Development of MIS including historical land use and land cover maps of forest area
• Development of a future land-use plan for hill and forest management planning
• Development of a management programme related to controlling soil erosion, overexploitation and the loss of
soil fertility, and improving soil & water quality
• Introduce multilayer agroforestry involving local communities, including women
• Introduce combined cultivation of swamp tree and cereal/vegetable crops and duck rearing at possible
kandas within the haor areas
• Restoration of degraded hills by the historical management system of village common forests (VCF)
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Strengthens resilience and • Reduce the monetary loss of • Degree of conservation of
adaptation to natural disasters around BDT 26 million per year biological diversity
related to climate change from the severe soil erosion in • Degree of forest ecosystem
• Provides ecological protection the hilly areas of Bangladesh health and vitality
caused by agronomic practices
• Ensures sustainable economic • Monetary loss due to severe
development • Reduces operational costs soil erosion in the hilly areas

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Development of multifunctional hill and forest management and

conservation system
• Prevents hills and forests from • Reveals the transformation of • The extent of operational
further degradation forests, agricultural lands, water costs
• Regulates climate change areas, and unused lands • Status of soil fertility
• Creates employment • Reduces the negative impact of • The extent of crop failure risks
opportunities to reduce soil erosion, over-exploitation,
• Status of water flow and water
poverty and loss of soil fertility
• Uplifts the livelihood of the • Reduces the risk of crop failure
• Degree of production of food,
local community • Improves flow of water and fuel, timber, etc.
• It helps stakeholder to make water quality
• Status of the habitat of wildlife
better decisions • Provides various products such and pollinators
as food, fuel, timber, etc.
• Status of soil quality
• Improves wildlife and
• The extent of water runoff
pollinators' habitat
• Stability of soil and
• Improves soil quality
• Prevents water runoff
• Stabilizes soil and microclimate
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
7% Hilly communities and forest- GEF, WB, ADB, JICA, FAO, UNDP,
dependent livelihoods USAID, DFID, OXFAM, UKAID,
BCCT, GCF, Multilateral and
bilateral partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants,
fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity CHTDB, BFD
Supporting Implementing Entity
MoL, MoA, MoI, PPPA, Private Sector, NGOs

Management of marine protected areas and development of a monitoring
system to protect the rights of fishing communities
Impenetrability in
BoB Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1 & Goal 4 16
(million BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Management of marine protected areas and development of a monitoring

system to protect the rights of fishing communities
Bangladesh is a resource-poor country with a small land area and a fast-growing population, which is not in
proportion to its land resources. This country's last remaining potential resource is in the Bay of Bengal.
Bangladesh’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) covers 118,813 km2 of the Bay of Bengal’s large marine ecosystem in
the country's southeast corner. Bangladesh possesses a unique coastal and marine habitat with a 710 km coastline
and three major coastal zones. This marine ecosystem is rich in biodiversity and encompasses many fish, mollusks,
mangroves, coral, plankton, seagrass, and seaweed species. However, Bangladesh's ecosystem and biodiversity are
threatened due to anthropogenic pressure, overexploitation, environmental change, and lack of awareness, which
contributed to urgency in conservation initiatives. Most initiatives for marine ecosystem conservation in Bangladesh
focus mainly on fisheries management, specifically temporary bans and gear and size restrictions. However, a
holistic approach is required to conserve the marine ecosystem's overall biodiversity. The declaration of a Marine
Protected Area (MPA) is one of the modern concepts to conserve natural biodiversity. MPAs are dedicated spaces in
the ocean for protecting and maintaining biological diversity and associated cultural resources. Taking this into
account, the government of Bangladesh has already declared two MPAs. In 2014, Swatch of No Ground was declared
the country’s first MPA, covering an area of 1,738 km2. In 2019, the government declared another 3,188 km2 around
the Nijuhm Dwip Island as the second MPA/marine reserve, which increased the country’s MPA coverage to 2.8
percent of its EEZ. Increased fish production for future demand and enriching biodiversity, the marine protected
area should increase the minimum 10% of the Exclusives Economic Zone.

Fishery resources play a crucial role in the economy of Bangladesh, not only as an essential source of animal protein,
income, and employment but also as an important source of foreign exchange earnings. The total yearly fish
production is at 3.261 million tons at present. The inland catch is 82.26 percent, mainly from substantial inland
water resources that provide freshwater fish from aquaculture and capture fisheries. While coastal and marine catch
is 17.74%. Out of the coastal and marine catch, the contribution of industrial catch based on trawl fishery is 12.7%,
and artisanal catch stands at 87.3%.

There are a variety of management strategies available, most of which are focused on fisheries, such as fishing ban
periods and mesh size restrictions. Because this area is a hotspot for a wide range of species, from primary
producers to top predators, maintaining biodiversity requires a holistic approach. To properly manage the MPA
tracking systems for all fishing boats, the introduction of modern technology is necessary. Prohibition of fishing
during the breeding season requires stringent monitoring. During the breeding season, fishing should be prohibited
and closely monitored. The concerned authority has to help fishermen in different ways while stopping fishing so
that there is no problem living everyday life and developing a monitoring system for the rights of fishermen

Possible Actions
• Expansion of marine protected area (MPAs) in the Bay of Bengal by at least 20 percent
• Control fishing and other extractive activities in MPAs considering the major fish species’ breeding seasons
• Introduce registration and tracking systems for all fishing boats using modern technology
• Promotion of sustainable marine ecosystem management through incorporation of decisions and
recommendation by different international conferences and conventions
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Conserve and maintain • Increase fish population and • Amount of marine protected area
biological diversity and productivity • The extent of fish population and
productivity of marine species • Restore the aquatic productivity
• Increased resilience and biodiversity • Status of aquatic biodiversity
maintenance of ecosystem • Protect the vulnerable • The extent of extractive fishing
services marine species and habitat
• Degree of uses of modern
• Protection of cultural values
technology in fishing

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Management of marine protected areas and development of a monitoring

system to protect the rights of fishing communities
• Environmental health • Allow governments to collect • Degree in marine resource
evaluation more data on fish stocks management
• Ensure food security • Better monitor, enforce and • Availability of data on fish stocks
• Contribute to the blue economy evaluate the environmental • The extent of monitoring the
impacts on fisheries environmental impacts on
• Contributes better nutrients
and food safety • Protects marine fauna fisheries
avoiding waste pollution • The extent of water pollution
• Maintain the ocean's health
• Generates employment • The extent of the generation of
• Enhances fisheries sector
opportunities employment opportunities
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
3% Fishermen community GEF, WB, ADB, JICA, FAO, UNDP,
GCF, Multilateral and bilateral
partners, private sector, collaborative
research grants, fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DoE, DoF
Supporting Implementing Entity
BCG, BMA, BORI, PPPA, Private Sector, NGOs
Adopt other effective area-based conservation measures to fulfil the
biodiversity framework target
Impenetrability in
SWM | CHT | HFF | CHI | URB Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1 & Goal 4 13
(million BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S1.1, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
Bangladesh is one of the world's most biodiversity-rich countries. The five broad ecosystems found in Bangladesh
are coastal and marine, inland freshwater ecosystems, terrestrial forest ecosystems, hilly ecosystems, and man-
made homestead ecosystems. Haor wetlands are Bangladesh's most important natural ecosystem, and the Haor
basin is known for its rich biodiversity. The largest Haor in Bangladesh is Hakaluki Haor which supports one of the
largest inland fisheries in the country. Hill ecosystems cover around 12% of the country's land. The Sundarbans is
considered one of the world's most complex and delicate ecosystems. The mangroves are home to 334 plant species,
49 mammalian species, 59 reptilian species, 210 white fish species, 24 shrimp species, 14 crab species, 43 mollusks
species, and around 260 bird species. These include endangered species such as the Royal Bengal tiger, the dolphin,
the Indian python, and the estuarine crocodile. All flora and fauna in the Sundarbans are threatened by global climate
change. Noise pollution and light pollution from cargo ships that pass through the Sundarbans rivers daily disrupt
animal routines and frighten them into hiding. Oil spills and bilge water disposal are contaminating the water that
marine life relies on for survival.

Plants and animals, both in the wild and cultivated/domesticated states, present various genetic variants.
Bangladesh's diversified agroecosystems are rich in plant and animal genetic resources. There are estimated to be

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Adopt other effective area-based conservation measures to fulfil the

biodiversity framework target
6,000 different types of rice in the country. With the growing residential and livelihood demands of the increased
population and rapid industrialization in urban areas like Dhaka and Chattogram city, most of the forests were
drastically affected and decreased, which is the main cause of urban biodiversity destruction.

Many threats contribute to biodiversity loss, some direct and dynamic, while others are indirect. Changes in land
usage, habitat degradation, and the introduction of invasive alien species are all examples of direct risks. On the
other hand, indirect risks include the state's economic structure and policies; unsustainable resource extraction and
insufficient management systems, gaps in spatial information; and a lack of public awareness. Other dangers come
from the aftermath of natural disasters. Furthermore, habitat loss is the single greatest danger to biodiversity. The
existing Biodiversity conservation program in Sundarbans and other coastal areas suggests its strengthening under
the biodiversity framework targets. The Sundarbans must increase artificial mangrove forests, flora, and fauna in
the protected area and conserve the biodiversity hotspots by deploying a professional workforce, tree plantation
in the hilly area, and a botanical garden in each district and develop a land-use plan.

Possible Actions
• Strengthen the existing biodiversity conservation programme for the Sundarbans and other coastal areas
• Assimilation of 20 percent of mangrove plantations (except in the Sundarbans) as reserve forest
• Create an artificial mangrove forest to expand the Sundarbans for high ecosystem services value, such as
water provision and carbon sequestration
• Special conservation program for conserving flora and fauna within declared protected areas and other
biodiversity hotspots
• Plantation in the hilly areas to protect topsoil erosion from the hills
• Declare char lands with high biodiversity significance as protected areas and deploy required human
resources to conserve them
• Establish at least one botanical garden in each district town
• Development of the National Land Use Plan and Land Use Plan Act
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Prevents erosion • Protects plant, animal, microbial and • Percentage of degraded or
• Ecosystem health will enrich genetic resources converted ecosystems
• Water conservation • Provides nursery habitats for fish and • The extent of protection to
shellfish plants, animals, microbial
• Protects habitat of flora and
• Enhances carbon sequestration and genetic resources
• Improves water quality • Status of the habitat of fish
• The mental health of people
and shellfish
will enhance • The number of flora and fauna will
increase • Status of carbon
• Sustainable use of natural
resources and biological • Protects topsoil of hilly areas
diversity • Status of water quality
• Sanctuary establishment
• It avoids further degradation • Number of flora and fauna
• Well-trained employment generation
and restores biodiversity • Degree of protection of
• Creates tourism destination
topsoil of hilly areas
• Indigenous and rare species will secure
• Degree of generation of
• Knowledge center for nature lovers and
employment opportunities
• Number of secured
• Efficient use of land and natural
indigenous and rare

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Adopt other effective area-based conservation measures to fulfil the

biodiversity framework target
• It helps to control the allocation of land
for specific uses
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
3% Community people of the impact zone of GEF, WB, ADB, JICA, FAO,
Sundarbans and except Sundarbans UNDP, USAID, DFID, OXFAM,
UKAID, BCCT, GCF, Multilateral
and bilateral partners, private
sector, collaborative research
grants, fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BFD
Supporting Implementing Entity DWA, DYD, BMDA, MoL, MoDMR, MoA, MoFL, MoI, MoS, PPPA,
Private Sector, NGOs

Combat desertification through planting regenerative indigenous
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: CHT | HFF | DBA Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1 & Goal 4 5
(million BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S1.2, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Bangladesh is the world's largest delta, formed by alluvial deposits from the world's three major rivers: The Ganges,
Brahmaputra, and Meghna. The country is threatened by desertification despite receiving high total rainfall.
Bangladesh's most significant environmental issue is desertification. A country should have at least 25% forest
coverage, whereas Bangladesh has come down to 7-8%, increasing the risk of desertification.
The western-northwestern part of Bangladesh has considered the drier region, as total precipitation in the region
is low. The islands of the Lalmai, Madhupur and Barind tracts are classified as the Pleistocene Terraces. It is a
desertification hotspot. As a result, 450 species of invertebrates, 60 species of freshwater fish, 40 species of
amphibians, 40 species of reptiles, 200 species of birds, and 100 species of mammals have been lost in these regions
in the last five years. Sylhet generally has a tropical semi-evergreen forest, but it has recently been decertified. Many
endangered species, such as bison, deer, leopards, imperial pigeons, green pigeons, and white-winged wood ducks,
are on the verge of extinction due to desertification. The only freshwater swamp forest of the Ratargul special
biodiversity protection area in Bangladesh is also very prone to degradation due to anthropogenic disturbance.

The desertification process in Bangladesh has been attributed to overpopulation, poorly planned infrastructure,
industrialization, and hill and river bank erosion. Other contributors are extensive chemicals-fertilizer use, mining,
plastic pollution, erratic rainfall, low and high humidity, summer temperature, high degree aridity, intense
evapotranspiration, restriction of freshwater flows, etc.

The diversion of Ganges water by the Farakka barrage in India has contributed to the reduction of surface water
availability and aggravated the desertification process in the western part of the country.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Combat desertification through planting regenerative indigenous

Conserving prominent swamp forests as a protected area, deploying required human resources, and planting
indigenous regenerative species, especially neem, babla, and bamboo plantation, along the fallow lands, terraces,
and hill toes in the affected regions will protect them from desertification. This project will help improve the quality
of life, livelihood, and ecosystem by reducing the temperature, raising the groundwater level, conserving swamp
forests, and preventing river erosion.
Possible Actions
• Demarcation and monitoring of degraded areas using remote sensing
• Bamboo plantation along allow lands and hill toes
• Declare Ratargul Forest and other prominent swamp forests as protected areas and deploy required human
resources to conserve them
• Plant neem, babla and bamboo along fallow lands and terraces
• Promotion of government, NGO and local people working together to achieve self-reliance in forest products
and maintenance of the ecological balance
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Restoration of floral and faunal • Provides timely, accurate, and • Amount of land restored
diversity through reforestation reliable information on degraded • Amount of non-timber
• Maintains ecological balance lands at definite time intervals in a forest products
• Provide other ecosystem services, cost-effective manner • Availability of cost-
like cleaning outdoor and indoor • Rapidly grown plants are well suited effective information on
air to our climate and soil conditions. degraded lands
• Reduce soil erosion effectively Once these plants are established, • Amount of production of
they require less watering and no drought-resistant plants
• Sustainable tourism development
chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or or plants that require
as they hold cultural values
herbicides to thrive. They also less watering
• Creates employment opportunities
require little maintenance, saving
• Amount of production of
money when used in the right plants that require less
conditions. maintenance and
• Sequestrate more carbon and chemicals
produce more oxygen than other
• The capacity of plants to
plants sequester carbon
• Native plants are adapted to local • Number of native and
environmental conditions; they indigenous plants
require far less water, saving time,
• Amount of vegetative
money, and perhaps the most
valuable natural resource, water.
• Indigenous plants help to enhance
wildlife habitats. They are the
ecological basis upon which life
depends, including birds and
people. Without them and the
insects that co-evolved with them,
local birds cannot survive.
• Due to higher vegetative coverage
restoring native plant habitats is
vital to preserving the biodiversity
that combats the environmental
odds in many ways.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Combat desertification through planting regenerative indigenous

• Provide protective shelter for many
mammals. The native nuts, seeds,
and fruits produced by these plants
offer essential foods for all forms of
• It provides huge medicinal values
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
3% Local community GEF, GCF, UNEP, UNCCD,
Lead Implementing Entity BFD
Supporting Implementing Entity
MoA, PPPA, Private Sector, NGOs

Conservation of agroecosystems through expanded agroforestry, good
agricultural practices and regenerative agriculture
Impenetrability in SWM | SEE | CHT | FPE | HFF
Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas: CBL | NNW | CHI
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2 & Goal 4 13
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S1.3, S2.1
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
Bangladesh includes a wide range of environmental conditions. Due to its complex physiographic conditions and
variations in soil characteristics, ecological diversity occurs not only at national and regional levels but also at the
village levels. The small-scale complexity of soil and hydrological conditions are essential characteristics of the
Bangladesh environment. Biodiversity is an important regulator of agroecosystem functions, not only in the strictly
biological sense of impact on production but also in satisfying a variety of needs of the farmer and society at large.
Considerable variability in moisture, temperature, and flood regimes creates agroecosystems within a very short
distance. Flood regimes determine the cropping intensity of an agroecosystem.

Agro-ecosystem managers, including farmers, can build upon, enhance and manage the essential ecosystem services
biodiversity provides to achieve sustainable agricultural production. Risk and uncertainty are ubiquitous in
agriculture and have numerous sources: the vagaries of weather, the unpredictable nature of biological processes,
the pronounced seasonality of production and market cycles, the geographical separation of producers and end-
users of agricultural products, and the unique and uncertain political economy of food and agriculture within and
among nations.

Bangladesh needs to gradually transition to regenerative agriculture to curb the impacts of environmental and
climate vulnerabilities to ensure food security for a growing population. One of the significant challenges that
Bangladesh faces is providing food security for an increasing population. The most viable and holistic solution to
this problem is regenerative agriculture. Although the term may not sound familiar to many, it has become a game-
changing initiative to sustain agriculture worldwide. Regenerative agriculture is a farming system that attempts to
conserve soil and contribute to multiple provisioning, regulating, and supporting ecosystem services. And it aims to

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Conservation of agroecosystems through expanded agroforestry, good

agricultural practices and regenerative agriculture
enhance food production's environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Some practices included in
regenerative agriculture are diverse crop rotation, no-till/ direct seeding, cover cropping, compost/ manure
application, livestock integration, and agroforestry. Regenerative agriculture can also be considered a Nature-based
Solution (NbS). The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) defines NbS as "actions to protect,
sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified ecosystems that address societal challenges effectively and
adaptively, simultaneously cares human well-being and biodiversity benefits." Agroecology, silvopasture,
agroforestry, aquaculture, pasture cropping, biochar, holistic grazing, etc., are ecosystem-based regenerative
agriculture approaches that represent the NbS. These practices help in ecosystem restoration, adaptation,
mitigation, disaster risk reduction, integrated water resource management, and area-based conservation.

Despite being a densely populated nation prone to climate vulnerability, Bangladesh has made various efforts to be
prosperous, sustainable, and more resilient to climate change. The country has already taken necessary measures
to ensure food security. People have been practicing NbS in Bangladesh for many decades. A rich body of knowledge
exists in Bangladesh on implementing NbS to adapt to climatic impacts. The country has implemented several
projects related to swamp forest restoration, coastal afforestation, floating agriculture, slope vegetation, and many
more to optimize the positive effects of NbS. Hence, a gradual transition with the context-based application of
regenerative agriculture that ensures food security and reduces environmental impacts and climate change

Possible Actions
• Expand agroforestry practices in all homesteads and aquaculture areas
• Introduce innovative agricultural practices to support agroecosystems
• Establishment of a monitoring and warning system for agricultural wild plant conservation sites
• Strengthening the social forestry system
• Introduce floating garden in wetlands for commercial cultivation
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Creates employment • Provides various products such • Advance agroforestry system
opportunities and reduces as food, fuel, timber, etc. • Innovative agriculture i.e.,
poverty • Increases wildlife and pollinators' floating agriculture, vertical
• Improvement of local habitat farming, etc.
community livelihoods • Improves microclimate such as • Social forestry
• Ensures nutrient security reducing soil temperature, • Status on food security
• Reduces food risk reducing evaporation of soil • Number of alternative income
• Mitigates the impact of moisture sources
climate change • Prevents water runoff • Number of the vulnerable
• Improve soil quality • Stabilize soil and microclimate population by age, sex, and
• Increases productivity with the disability
best use of natural resources • Loss of crop production
• Produces nutrient-dense food • Condition of soil and
• Protects the natural flora and microclimate
fauna within the conservation • Losses and damages due to
sites. Increase fruit and fuelwood extreme climate events
supply • Number of wildlife and
• Provides supplementary income pollinators’ habitat
for the marginalized community • Availability of diversified
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Conservation of agroecosystems through expanded agroforestry, good

agricultural practices and regenerative agriculture
5% Local communities, farmers, NGOs, The private sector, ADP, CIF, GEF, GCF,
private sector UNEP, UNCCD, WB, ADB, FAO, UNDP,
Lead Implementing Entity DAE
Supporting Implementing Entity
BMDA, MoFL, PPPA, Private Sector, NGOs

Development of a participatory wetlands management framework
for the sustainable management of wetlands
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 3, Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal 8
Goal 4 (billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S2.2, S3.1
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
In Bangladesh, wetlands serve as a key interface between land and water. Wetlands are very important to the
majority of Bangladeshis. Wetlands are important for sustaining ecological balance. However, Bangladesh's
wetlands habitat is constantly threatened by population growth, intensive agriculture, overfishing, siltation,
pollution, ill-planned infrastructures, and lack of institutional coordination and knowledge.

In Bangladesh, 80 percent of rural people rely on wetlands for fish and other aquatic resources, but fish consumption
has dropped by 11% in recent years, and over 40% of fish species are now threatened with extinction at the national
level. Water in even the deepest portions of wetlands becomes shallow as the dry season approaches, leaving fish
with few places to take shelter. To make matters worse for fish, the remaining water is often pumped away to catch
all of the remaining fish, harming other aquatic creatures and plants in the process. When this happens, the parent
fish stock is unable to reproduce in the next monsoon, causing fish numbers to fall. Similarly, habitat degradation is
reducing the numbers of various aquatic flora and wildlife. As a result, biodiversity is declining. The wetlands-based
ecosystem is degrading, and local people's living circumstances are deteriorating as their livelihoods, socio-
economic institutions, and cultural values are affected.

Bangladesh's water management activities do not address wetlands management separately. Bangladesh has
adopted a mostly community-based wetlands management approach to balance human needs with wetlands
protection, but this is inadequate to prevent wetlands deterioration. To prevent further wetland degradation,
Bangladesh now needs a comprehensive plan combining political, economic, social, and technical methods. As a
result, wetlands management should be integrated into a system of integrated land and water use, as well as the
country's socioeconomic structure. Policies, strategies, and management plans for the long-term use and protection
of Bangladesh's wetlands must be rooted in a thorough understanding of their biological and socioeconomic
functions and processes.

Community-based co-management of an entire wetland ecosystem (comprising beels, seasonal wetlands, rivers, and
streams), rather than just a single water body, recognizes that local communities should have direct control over
the management, utilization, and benefits of local resources in order to value and use them in a sustainable manner.
It is possible yet challenging to create successful community-based co-management arrangements that preserve
healthy wetlands and productive fisheries and meet the interests of resource users and other stakeholders.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Development of a participatory wetlands management framework

for the sustainable management of wetlands
Possible Actions
• Development of national guidelines for wetland management following the RAMSAR guidelines
• Conduct ecological and socioeconomic baseline surveys for developing systematic planning for sustainable
wetland resource off-take and effective monitoring systems
• Recognize the condition of wetlands prior to disturbance, importance to fish and aquatic functions, crucial to
degradation, pressures on the ecological services and related physical, chemical and biological characteristics.
• Assessment of wetland vulnerability, sensitivity and adaptive capacity to provide vital information for
determining wetland resource off-take and designing appropriate interventions
• Formulate water and wetland management committees consisting of different livelihood groups at the union
level across the country with the support of local administrations
• Development of a participatory wetlands management framework that will provide guidance to stakeholders
on how human activities within the wetland system will be regulated, threats to the conservation of the
wetland could minimized, and local people empowered to actively participate in the management, monitoring
and use of wetland resources
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Facilitate effective cooperation, • Identification of vulnerable wetlands • Number of vulnerable
communication, and with their present status (location, wetlands
participation of different area, condition, and importance) • The number of training
interest groups • limiting human activities and provided to local govt.
• Help identify and raise controlling the climate change officials
awareness of cross-sectoral factors that influence wetland • Livelihood status of local
issues of wetland management degradation poor people
• Strengthen and empower local • Strengthen and empower local • Number of leased water
institutional capacity, institutional capacity for bodies
indigenous knowledge management and monitoring • Number of awareness
networks, and adaptive • Employment generation and poverty raising regarding severe
capacity reduction at the local level local pollution
• Estimate the existing wetland • Awareness building of local • Coverage of vulnerable
resources from the updated stakeholders through participatory wetlands in different
baseline data for sustainable work to control locally severe hydrological regions
future use pollution that kills breeding fish • Number of degraded
• Listing and mapping vulnerable populations during the dry season wetlands
wetlands under different • Support income generation from • Amount of agriculture and
hydrological regions aquaculture by maintaining fishing fish production
• Determine the actual causes of rights through a scientific and
• Knowledge level of local
the degradation of wetlands sustainable leasing system of water people
• Increase the agricultural and bodies
• Income status of local
fish production • Monitoring of over-exploitation of people
• Protect ecosystem diversity resources and conservation of
• The coverage area of
• Regulating climate change resources for the next generation
monitoring activities
impact • Implementation of NbS, a flood
management system, will support
fish migration routes and protect
agricultural production

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Development of a participatory wetlands management framework

for the sustainable management of wetlands
• Provide support to improve the
livelihoods of poor people
dependent on haor and wetlands.
• Enhance the existing biodiversity of
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
3% Local communities, NGOs, private sector Private Sector, ADP, CIF, WB,
PKSF, ICIMOD, GCF, private
sector, collaborative research
grants, fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DBHWD
Supporting Implementing Entity RHD, DSS, DWA, DYD, BMDA, MoL, MoDMR, MoA, MoFL, MoI, MoS,
PPPA, Private Sector, NGOs

Conservation of village common forests through community-based spring,
EWB13 watershed and agricultural landscape management, and soil conservation in the
Chattogram Hill Tracts
Impenetrability in
CHT Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1 & Goal 4 38
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S1.2, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
The Chattogram Hill Tracts (CHT) area is different from other areas of Bangladesh due to its unique geographic and
social structures, hilly topography, and different indigenous communities. Because of less capacity, indigenous
communities in Chittagong Hill Tracts areas of Bangladesh are most vulnerable to climate change. Also, resource
exploitation impaired biodiversity and degraded the overall environment and ecosystems over the past several
decades. As a result, forest resource-oriented indigenous communities faced several crises for their subsistence

The government has initiated many development programs for forest-dependent indigenous communities in CHT in
such degraded conditions. Local tribal people applied indigenous knowledge as a community-based adaptation to
combat deforestation. They manage forests around their homesteads sustainably despite the exclusion of customary
rights on government-managed reserved forests. However, due to a lack of proper planning and poor institutional
and financial capacity, it was not practical to meet indigenous people's livelihood demands.

Bangladesh, one of the poor forest countries in the world, is continuously struggling to conserve its forest resources.
Community-managed Village Common Forest (VCF) represents an influential forest management model, serving
multi-functions to dependent indigenous communities. Firstly, VCF will meet the demand for bamboo, timber,
medicinal plants, fuel wood, and other minor forest product of many indigenous people. Moreover, it will provide an

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Conservation of village common forests through community-based spring,

EWB13 watershed and agricultural landscape management, and soil conservation in the
Chattogram Hill Tracts
economic surplus to the communities. Therefore, the protection and preservation of VCF become crucial for
indigenous communities' livelihood and environmental, medicinal, cultural, and religious needs. The plight of the
VCFs calls for sustainable conservation. Community-based spring, watershed, agricultural landscape management,
and soil conservation will play a significant role in fulfilling this objective.

Possible Actions
• Promote participatory forestry through cash for work systems or financial incentives
• Enhancement of forest-dependent jobs by reforesting vacant local lands and enhancing tree cover, inside and
outside village areas
• Organize training, provide modern technologies and IT infrastructure to young community members for
proper conservation, monitoring and evaluation of village common forests
• Assessment of local needs and indigenous knowledge-based resource conservation techniques for intensifying
planting to avoid depleting the natural resources of watersheds
• Promote VCF programmes in national or regional plans to increase the area without interfering with the
physical and environmental characteristics of reservoirs
• Development of a constant regional funding mechanism and capitalization of traditional local institutions to
increase the total number of VCF
• Develop a crop calendar for harvesting and new plantation/farming times by the executive committee every
year before starting extraction and commercial selling
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Increase conservation • Will increase the VCF area up to 300- • Number of awareness-raising
awareness leading to 500 hectares by 2041 campaigns for sustainable
sustainable conservation of • Will increase the total number of VCF conservation of forests
forests up to 1500 in CHT by 2041 • Income status of local people
• Create significant scope of • Soil conservation through plantation • Number of jobs and
local employment and income at hill slope/step or terrace employment
• Develop the capacity of the plantations also increases stream • Number of training provided on
young community for modern water flow in hilly areas modern technologies
technologies • Support wildlife habitats and • Number of training provided to
• Know in advance the timing of facilitate food for local species young community
cultural practices of farming • Bankside plantations can reduce the • Number of restored natural
and plantation high rates of siltation in rivers drainage
• Restoration of natural • 80% restoration of hill forest • Livelihood status of people
drainage pathways by the through the plantation of native and dependent on forest resources
community domesticated exotic plants by the
• Number of alternative income
• Provide support to improve end of 2041
generation opportunities
the livelihoods of poor people • Employment generation and
• Number of endangered species
dependent on forest alternative sources of income at the
resources • Coverage of surface water
household level by reducing pressure
• Increase the agricultural and on natural resources.
fish production through • Combination of indigenous
• Application of the traditional systems
watershed management in knowledge and modern
to increase the production of fuel
CHT technologies
wood, herbs, roots, bamboo shoots,
• Secure the Biodiversity and wild fruits, vines, or leaves for • Expansion of local business
habitat restoration cooking or medicinal use necessary

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Conservation of village common forests through community-based spring,

EWB13 watershed and agricultural landscape management, and soil conservation in the
Chattogram Hill Tracts
• Control the extinction of to sustain the lives of the indigenous • Length of tree plantation along
endangered species communities in the CHT the bankside
• • Need-based sustainable use and • Number of Village Common
extraction of production from VCF Forest (VCF)
for the benefit of the entire • Number of restored hill forest
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Village community, forest-dependent ADP, CIF, Private Sector, BFD, ADB,
livelihood, local young generation, UNDP, USAID, PKSF, ICIMOD, FAO,
regional business people, ecosystem, GCF, GEF, private sector,
biodiversity & habitat, and small-scale collaborative research grants,
watersheds of Chattogram Hill Tracts. fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity CHTDB
Supporting Implementing Entity
MoA, MoFL, PPPA, Private Sector, NGOs

EWB14 Halda River ecosystem restoration and conservation
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: SEE | CHT Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2 & Goal 4 52
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S1.1, S1.3, S2.2
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
The Halda River is known for its pure Indian Carp breeding. This river is Bangladesh's and possibly South Asia's only
pure Indian Carp breeding field. River water is used for irrigation by around 30% of river basin residents directly
involved in agriculture. However, the river is also essential for residential water supply, agriculture, industry,
navigation, and fish habitat. The Chittagong City Corporation receives roughly half of its treated water from the
Halda River.

Researchers say the environment and biodiversity of the river are now on the verge of collapse. Dealing industrial
effluents into the Halda River is causing the depletion of fish stocks. People's destructive cutting of the river bends
has also contributed adversely to the fisheries of the Halda. Salinity in the Halda has been increasing because of
temperature and sea-level rises due to climate change. The fish eggs are spoiled because of increased salinity and
high temperature.

The uncoordinated development projects of various government agencies, such as rubber dams, dumping sandbags
and blocks, and sluice gates, have brought this river to its death throes. Due to dam construction, at least six-
kilometer upstream of the Halda remains dry for four months every year. Besides, normal water flows disruption
caused by 18 sluice gates installed in 19 connecting canals holds about 35% of its river water.

The government has taken different initiatives to ensure the ecosystem restoration and conservation of the Halda
river. These include setting up regulations on the following matters:

• No fish or aquatic animals can be caught or hunted from the Halda River.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

EWB14 Halda River ecosystem restoration and conservation

• The oxbow bends of the river cannot be straightened under any circumstances.
• No new rubber and concrete dams can be built on the river and its connecting canals.

Water cannot be extracted by setting up new water treatment plants and irrigation projects without the permission
of the concerned authorities.
• Industries and other establishments cannot discharge any garbage into the river
• Fishes cannot be caught during the breeding season (February to July) in 17 canals connected.

The endeavor for ecosystem restoration and conservation will enable the Halda river to return to its normal state
to a great extent due to the rejuvenating power of nature provided a satisfactorily large amount of time is given.
Properly thought plans and implementation of appropriate methodologies are critical in this regard.

Possible Actions
• Assessment of the baseline status of the Halda River through identification, categorization and valuation of
ecosystem services (ESs) (provisioning, cultural, regulating and support services)
• Restore and protect the connectivity of four surrounding rivers (Sangu, Chandkhali, Sikalbaha and
Karnaphulli) with Halda River for facilitating the migration of carp fish to the Halda River for breeding
• Assess the water availability of the Halda River for future e-flow calculation
• inventories of pollution sources, loads and anthropogenic pressures
• Control of pollution using treatment plants and regular monitoring of water quality and fish and benthic
• Promote and provide financial support for annual fingerlings stocking programmes
• Inventories of commercial endangered species for awareness-building and undertaking stocking programmes
• Redesigning of the hydraulic structures following NbS
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Increase the population of • Increasing the water retention • Occurrence and composition of
indigenous fish species (both capacity and improvement of flora and fauna
finfish and shellfish) and the water quality of the Halda • Number of irrigational facilities
intensify the production of fish River can earn up to BDT 1000
• Number of threatened species
• Conserve the species of fish million in a year by selling
of fish
from threat to extinction water to Chattogram WASA and
• Number of alternative
other nearby industries
• Creates self-livelihood and livelihood opportunities
alternative livelihood • The contribution to the national
• Status on overfishing
opportunity economy from agricultural
production could increase up to • Status on pollution sources,
• Reduce illegal brood catching
BDT 2000 million by providing loads, and anthropogenic
irrigation facilities on pressures
additional agricultural land • Number of the treatment plant
• Control of pollution using • Number of the monitoring
treatment plants and regular program
monitoring programs will • Water quality status of Halda
ensure a pure water supply to River
meet daily household water
• Amount of fish fry production
demand by earning almost BDT
150 million. • Condition of ecotourism
• Halda is the only source of
natural freshwater fishing and • Number of dredging and sand
can earn up to BDT 150 million mining activities

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

EWB14 Halda River ecosystem restoration and conservation

in a year by supporting more
fish fry production and fishing
• Promoting ecotourism and
water transportation can earn
up to BDT 100 million in a year
• Introduce sustainable dredging
and sand mining without
disturbing the ecosystem can
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Egg and fry collectors, fishermen, ADP, CIF, Private Sector, WB, ADB,
boatmen, boat building and IFAD, UNDP, GEF, USAID, PKSF,
mending, and local communities ICIMOD, GCF, private sector,
collaborative research grants,
fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB
Supporting Implementing Entity
DWA, DYD, MoL, MoA, MoI, MoS, PPPA, Private Sector, NGOs

Watershed management of Kaptai Lake for ecosystem resilience and water
Impenetrability in CHT | SEE
Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2 & Goal 4 24
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S2.2
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
The biggest inland watershed in Bangladesh (about 700 km2) and one of Southeast Asia's largest artificial reservoirs,
Kaptai Lake (KL), has abundant natural resources. It gives plenty of environmental benefits to society. Nonetheless,
the KL is under threat from various natural and manmade factors that jeopardize the long-term viability of these
wetlands. Even though the legislative framework ensures the long-term conservation of ecological resources, the KL
wetland's implementation possibilities are insufficient.

The Kaptai Lake Watershed area has to suffer several ecological consequences due to the driving factors of regional
climate change. Firstly, the expansion of the built-up areas due to the growing population in the vicinity of the Kaptai
lake has already swallowed most of the best valley-bottom land. Consequently, there is an acute shortage of suitable
cultivable land. Secondly, competition for jhum land has become so severe that the fallow cycle has been disrupted,
and the natural soil conservation mechanism has become unsustainable. Thirdly, forest degradation has exposed
the ground surface to rainwater, and conventional slash-and-burn techniques have resulted in constant soil loss,
nutrient depletion, weed competition, and yield decrease. A decline in rural income, fuelwood scarcity, and the
silting up of the Kaptai reservoir are all symptoms of widespread land degradation. The changes have also
significantly increased the fire hazard, environmental pollution, wildlife depletion, and scarcity of safe drinking

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Watershed management of Kaptai Lake for ecosystem resilience and water

water. Therefore, the long-term ecological resilience and water retention capacity of the Kaptai lake watershed areas
are threatened, which calls for a sustainable watershed management practice.

Successful Watershed Management is a tool for efficiently and effectively managing scarce water resources available
to human beings that will carry out several activities with an integrated approach. It would address proper land use,
protecting land degradation, building and maintaining soil fertility, conserving water for farm use, adequate water
drainage, erosion control, flood protection, sediment reduction, and increasing productivity, etc. Thus an extensive
implementation of Watershed Management is indispensable and must be prioritized for the well-being of the
growing population to address growing water resource problems related to ecological and environmental
degradation exaggerated by climate change.

Possible Actions
• Assessment of the baseline status of Kaptai Lake including an inventory of resources and identification of
threats and challenges
• Multilayer plantation/reforestation with indigenous trees within the catchment area of major streams to
reduce soil erosion
• Establish vegetative barriers by building contour bunds along contours for erosion and planting horticultural
contour species on bunds
• Irrigation water management through drip and sprinkler methods
• Survey, mapping and cataloguing of aquatic biological resources
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Protection of biodiversity • The status of the existing resources and • Number of natural
and increase of ecosystem biological factors, e.g., identifying habitats (Aquatic flora
resiliency productive, beneficial, and destructive and fauna, terrestrial
• Increase and sustain biota flora and fauna)
agricultural productivity, • A spatial and temporal relationship of • Presence of a multilayer
particularly food crops, by biological factors will be known for plantation
promoting conservation sustainability evaluation • Number of water
farming • Minimization of soil erosion, landslides, resource management
• Enrichment of floral and siltation of river bed and lake, and structures
faunal diversity of aquatic control of frequent occurrences of flash • Number of low-cost
environment floods irrigation structure
• Reduction of soil erosion and • The watershed management will ensure • Number of available
stabilization of contour the Kaptai reservoir that covers an area ecosystem services
bunds of approximately 58,300 ha (68,800 ha (Provisioning, regulating,
• Healthy water bodies will at full supply level), which constitutes a cultural, and supporting)
provide an ambient significant component of inland water • Number of alternative
environment for fishing, resources accounting for 46.8% of the livelihood status
boating, swimming, and total pond area of Bangladesh
• Losses and damages
hiking, and overall, will • Huge potential for fish production during extreme climate
increase ecotourism through overall management events
• Develop new livelihood • Increases resilience in the face of climate • Occurrence of soil
approaches to natural change threats erosion, landslide. river
resource management that • Identifying different challenges, such as bed siltation
enable vulnerable irrigation, drainage, navigation, etc., and • Number of enriched flora
communities to generate addressed accordingly and faunal
income sustainably

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Watershed management of Kaptai Lake for ecosystem resilience and water

• Development of low-cost • Conservation of water by reducing
irrigation structure evaporation within the catchment area
• Ecosystem services will ensure proper
watershed management
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
Farmers, local communities, fishermen, ADP, CIF, WB, ADB, DFID,
boatmen, and tourists from home and IFAD, UNDP, GEF, USAID,
abroad PKSF, ICIMOD, GCF, private
sector, collaborative
research grants,
fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB
Supporting Implementing Entity

Monitoring of sea surface temperature and other physical and biological
parameters and the marine species composition in the Bay of Bengal
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: BoB Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2 & Goal 4 8
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, , S1.1, S1.3, S2.2
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
The Bay of Bengal's SST data shows an upward trend over the years. Pre-monsoon and monsoon temperatures in the
area of the Bay of Bengal close to the Bangladesh coast are rising by 0.01 and 0.058 degrees Celsius yearly. In contrast,
winter and post-monsoon temperatures are falling by 0.004 and 0.021 degrees Celsius per year (Sridevi et al., 2021).
During the seasons, the pH level trend declines from 0.0002 to 0.0025 yearly (Sridevi et al., 2021). Only the pH of the
monsoon rises at a rate of 0.0014 each year. Increased SST and acidity adversely affect jumbo squid metabolism, blue
mussel immunological responses, coral bleaching, and other factors. As a result, the marine ecology will impact fish
species and experience low oxygen levels. Ocean acidification will become more severe in the Bay of Bengal, and the
anticipated rise in sea surface temperature brought on by climate change.

Knowledge of bio-physicochemical variables is essential to understand better the functioning of the tropical marine
ecosystem of the Bay of Bengal, which is rich in biodiversity and provides nutrition and livelihoods to a large number
of people. Monitoring these variables includes the analysis of the spatial and temporal variability of phytoplankton
and zooplankton with chlorophyll, primary productivity, temperature, salinity, oxygen, and nutrients. Sea surface
temperature plays a vital role in determining ocean-atmosphere interaction. Monitoring departures from normal in
the sea surface temperature is essential as the exchange of heat and mass between the ocean and the atmosphere
strongly depends on the sea surface temperature and influences the water and climate conditions of the continental

The Bay of Bengal has received relatively little attention from the oceanographic community and remained
substantially under-sampled compared with the major large water bodies of the world. The bio-geo-chemical,
ecological, and hydrological impacts of the Bay of Bengal are not yet fully understood. This project would be helpful
as sea surface temperature provides essential information on the global climate system. Sea surface temperature is a

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Monitoring of sea surface temperature and other physical and biological

parameters and the marine species composition in the Bay of Bengal
critical parameter for weather prediction and atmospheric model simulations and is also crucial for studying marine

Possible Actions
• Monitoring of physical and biological parameters at marine-protected areas, St. Martins Island and
surrounding areas on a half-yearly basis in collaboration with neighbouring countries where applicable
• Demonstration projects on typical coastal and offshore marine ecosystems conservation and restoration and
establishment of a system for monitoring
• Establishment of a national biodiversity information management system
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Improves scientific • Increase the amount of fish • Number of water resources
understanding of the major stock, algae, and seaweeds management structures
environmental issues • Reduce the loss of breeding • Status on pollution management
• Protection, flood regulation, grounds for marine fishes and • Biodiversity information
water, and air purification, pest mammals from coral bleaching management system
control • Restoration and sustainable use • Number of restored habitat
• Enhances the quality of of marine and coastal ecosystem
• Status on food security
existing food web services
• Number of alternative income
• Controls the effect of climate • Protects plant, animal, microbial
change and pollution on the sea and genetic resources
• Amount of fish stock, algae, and
ecosystem • Provision of raw materials and
• Develops a national monitoring physical products (e.g.,
• Number of protected plant, animal,
network of wetlands of medicine, minerals, food, water,
microbial and genetic resources
international importance fiber, energy)
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
3% Fishermen communities ADP, CIF, Private Sector, WB, ADB, GEF,
private sector, collaborative research
grants, fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DoE
Supporting Implementing Entity
SPARRSO, PPPA, Private Sector

Develop and update ocean ecosystem management policies, guidelines
and institutional capacities for management of the blue economy
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: BoB Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2 & Goal 4 9
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, , S1.1, S1.3, S2.2
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Develop and update ocean ecosystem management policies, guidelines

and institutional capacities for management of the blue economy
Bangladesh has a 710-kilometer coastline and a 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone within the Bay of Bengal.
Marine fisheries account for 19.40% of the country's overall fish production. Furthermore, 81.0 percent of
international tourists visit Cox's Bazaar in Bangladesh. Bangladesh's ocean contributes significantly to the country's
overall socio-economic progress by promoting economic activity, particularly in the southern coastal zone.

'Blue Economy' (BE) has evolved as a new paradigm for coastal management and marine resource development.
The concept emerged from the idea of a healthy ocean that supports productive and sustainable ecosystems and
combines ocean activities with social inclusion and environmental sustainability principles. The Blue Economy has
the potential to boost Bangladesh's economy significantly. The MoFA has identified twenty-six potential Blue
Economy sectors for development in Bangladesh, including fisheries, maritime trade, shipping, energy, tourism,
coastal protection, maritime safety, and surveillance. There are still plenty of opportunities and challenges to
explore a wide range of blue economy sectors. Ranging from protecting mangrove and ocean grass, addressing
environmental changes and managing carbon emissions, and introducing innovative technology for further
development to help achieve sustainable development goals.

Therefore, the development of ocean ecosystem management policies, guidelines, and institutional capacities is a
must need for the optimum use of the oceans, seas, and marine resources for ecosystem functioning, water quality
preservation, biodiversity maintenance, stock improvement, stabilizing the shoreline, pollution reduction, CO 2
reduction and so on.

Possible Actions
• Development of ocean ecosystem management policies, guidelines and institutional capacities
• At an initial stage, formulate a three to five year plan for a blue economy project involving the Ministry of
Fisheries and Livestock, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Shipping, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of
Planning and Ministry of ICT for technological support
• Formulate a panel of experts from diversified fields (marine biologists, ecologists, fisheries and aquaculture
specialists, marine trade experts, economists [nature and resources], macroeconomists) for monitoring and
evaluating the sustainable blue economy project. No policy/action should be taken without the approval of the
expert panel
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Improving the policy • Marine biodiversity will • Marine economy from
framework for exploiting flourish nonrenewable and renewable
nonrenewable energy • Fisheries resources will energy resources
resources such as oil, gas, and enhance • Status of coral extraction
mineral ores, among others
• Marine trade will expand • Coverage of marine trade
• Contributing to food and
• Reduce overfishing, • Number of eco-friendly tourism
nutrient security
destructive fishing and recreation facilities
• Mitigation of climate change
• Reduce coral extraction • Status on food security
• Eco-friendly tourism will • Number of alternative income
• Generation of sustainable and
develop sources
inclusive livelihoods
• Creates employment • Numbers of jobs and employment
• Eradication of poverty
opportunities • Livelihood status of local people
• Protection of biodiversity and
• Sustainable management of • Status on food and nutrient
ecosystem health
mineral resources such as security
• Harmonization of economic Uranium, Thorium, and clay
• Condition of biodiversity and
ecosystem health

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Develop and update ocean ecosystem management policies, guidelines

and institutional capacities for management of the blue economy
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
Planners, decision-makers, plan ADP, CIF, WB, ADB, GEF, DFID, UNDP,
implementers, specialists, USAID, ICIMOD, FAO, GCF, private
academics, researchers, the sector, collaborative research grants,
media, and the general public fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DoE, BORI
Supporting Implementing Entity
Maritime Universities

Development of species or gene inventories and recovery plans for
endangered species due to climate change
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1 & Goal 4 37
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Climate change puts mounting pressure on all species, especially endangered ones. Temperature rise, rainfall
variability, sea-level rise, frequent cyclones, river floods, flash floods, urban floods, heat stress, cold snap, lightning,
drought, storm surge, saline incursions, and other climate anomalies make Bangladesh extremely vulnerable. The
ecological integrity of broader land- and sea-scapes are threatened by rapidly increasing anthropogenic pressures,
and incompatible land uses outside protected areas. Realizing the need for immediate conservation efforts to reverse
the declining trend of several terrestrial and marine species, recovery plans for endangered species are an obligatory
program. The Sundarban is of universal importance for globally endangered species, including the Royal Bengal Tiger,
Ganges and Irawadi dolphins, estuarine crocodiles, and the critically endangered endemic river terrapin (Batagur
Baska). It is the only mangrove habitat in the world for Panthera tigris species.

Therefore, the Endangered Species Recovery Programs will take a multi-pronged approach. It would include
conservation research, technology-assisted management, implementing agency training and capacity building,
population and habitat monitoring, stakeholder sensitization and mobilization, and threat mitigation in priority

Possible Actions
• Develop a Sundarbans gene bank with the support of IUCN
• Allocate the required budget for BFRI to research gene pool development and gene conservation
• Captive breeding and reintroduction of endangered animal species
• Designate experimental populations of listed species to further the conservation and recovery of those species
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Conservation of plant • Store and conserve the plant genetic • Status of endangered species
genetic resources resources of major plants • Status on reproduction of species
• Establishment of plant • A large number of germplasm • Number of Gene Bank through in-
diversity samples or entire variability can situ & ex-situ conservation
conserve in a minimal space

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Development of species or gene inventories and recovery plans for

endangered species due to climate change
• Threatened and • Research facilities will develop • Condition of captive breeding
endangered species • Increase the amount of red book • Number of threatened and
identification listed species endangered species
• Conservation of • Ensures protection of genetic • A large number of researches
threatened species resources for future food supply conducted
• Development of Genetic • Prevents the extinction of a species • Number of red book-listed species
Resources Centre (GRC) that cannot survive in the wild • Number of stored plant genetic
resources of major plants
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
2% Planners, experts, researchers, and local ADP, CIF, Private Sector, WB, ADB, GEF,
private sector, collaborative research
grants, fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BFRI
Supporting Implementing Entity MoDMR, MoA, MoFL, MoI, MoS, BMD, SPARRSO, PPPA, Private Sector,
NGOs, Maritime Universities

Restoration of the coral reef ecosystem and associated fish and benthic
communities in the St. Martin Islands
Impenetrability in
CHI | BoB Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1 & Goal 4 21
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, , S1.3
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
Corals cover less than 1% of the world's ocean floor, but they provide homes for more than a quarter of all marine
species. Coral reefs are highly productive marine habitats known as the rainforests of the sea. They are essential
indicators of the quality of the marine environment and the livelihoods of coastal communities.

Saint Martin’s is a small Island (5.9 sq km) situated in the Northeastern part of the Bay of Bengal and is the only
place in Bangladesh where coal colonies are found. The island of St. Martin is rich in marine and terrestrial resources
with worldwide biological significance. The coral bed areas of the island contain many unique invertebrate and algal
communities found nowhere else in Bangladesh and support the distinctive biodiversity of the whole area. At least
68 scleractinian coral species were recorded on the island belonging to 22 genera. The sub-tidal rocky habitat also
supports a low diversity of coral reef-associated fauna and flora. A total of 234 species of fishes, 152 species of algae,
191 species of mollusk, 175 species of plants, 120 species of birds, 40 species of crabs, 28 species of reptiles, 20
species of mammals, 4 species of frogs, etc. have been recorded at Saint Martin’s Island (Thompson et al. 2010).

The biodiversity of St. Martin's coral reefs is threatened by global climate change. They are facing a risk of extinction
for different anthropogenic activities and other natural phenomena, more precisely, the negative impact of climate
change. High levels of sedimentation, cyclones, storm surges, and beach erosion are all severe hazards to coral reefs.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Restoration of the coral reef ecosystem and associated fish and benthic
communities in the St. Martin Islands
Besides, corals are extracted from the island illegally. Considering the long-term vision of Saint Martin’s Island
biodiversity conservation, a holistic approach to restoring the coral reef ecosystem and associated fish & benthic
communities is essential.

Possible Actions
• Biodiversity conservation programme for St. Martins Island
• Use proper management to protect coral reefs from abiotic stresses, such as low or high temperatures,
deficient or excessive water, high salinity, heavy metals and ultraviolet radiation
• Coral plantation at different suitable places of St. Martin Island
• Conservation of coral-dependent flora and fauna in the inshore habitats of the island.
• Monitoring of coral diversity and habitats and the abundance of coral-dependent flora and fauna and benthic
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Creates sustainable • Globally threatened turtle species • Number of abiotic stress on
tourism opportunities nesting ground will recover by 2041 the coral island
• Enrich marine • Become a hotspot for migratory birds • Amount Coral plantation and
biodiversity • Increase the amount of coral- conservation at St. Martins
• Improves ocean health associated flora and fauna Island
• Assist in carbon and • Speed up the natural coral growth rate • Number of inshore habitats
nitrogen-fixing by up to 50 times • Status on Pollution due to
• Help with nutrient • Protect coastlines from storms and non-biodegradable materials
recycling erosion, provide jobs for local • Length of coastline
• Protect the habitat of communities, and offer opportunities protection
marine and coastal for recreation • Status on marine
ecosystem • Increase fish production biodiversity
• Improve nature ecosystem • Serves as a barrier that reduces the • Amount of fish production
structure and function impact of large waves on the shore • The growth rate of natural
• Long-term monitoring and integrated coral
ecosystem observations of coral reefs • Status on recovering
can provide critical data that help threatened turtle species
coastal residents and coastal and
• Condition of ocean health
marine managing authorities
• Condition of nature's
understand the health of the reefs, their
ecosystem structure
dependence on their health and well-
being, and the economic and social • Number of coral-associated
consequences of reef decline flora and fauna

Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources

5% Coastal communities and coastal and ADP, CIF, Private Sector, WB,
marine-dependent livelihood ADB, GEF, DFID, UNDP, USAID,
ICIMOD, FAO, GCF, private sector,
collaborative research grants,
fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DoE, BFD
Supporting Implementing Entity
PPPA, Private Sector, NGOs

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Revitalization of natural springs and sustainable management of waterbodies
EWB20 for reducing water scarcity, and the restoration and conservation of ecosystems
and biodiversity
Impenetrability in
CHT |DBA Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1 & Goal 4 13
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, , S1.1, S1.2, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
The Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) region is located in Bangladesh's southeast and has a distinct cultural and
geological landscape. CHT's three districts occupy 13,343 square kilometers and have a significant ecosystem with
deep forest cover and high tropical biological richness. Despite having specific distinct natural and social
characteristics, this region is lagging behind the rest of Bangladesh in terms of development. Remarkably, the people
of this region depend heavily on natural water sources such as springs for their water supply. CHT's rivers and
tributaries are the confluence of the region's hundreds of springs. Unfortunately, these springs are gradually drying
down due to human and natural action.

The water crisis in CHT is the most severe problem during the dry season. But the worsened situation is mainly
contributed to deforestation across the region and the drying up of natural springs over the last five years. The
Village Common Forest (VCF) is a traditional practice to conserve community land for ecosystem services. The
government will recognize this, scale it up, and stop land degradation and deforestation by 2030 in line with Glasgow
Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use. In the wake of such a situation, revitalizing natural springs and
sustainable management of watershed projects would minimize water scarcity and improve the restoration and
conservation of the ecosystem and biodiversity.

The Water Act 2013 promotes rainwater as an essential source of safe potable water. Revitalizing water bodies,
including sustainable management of aquifer recharge for artificial water storage using rainwater harvesting to
improve the groundwater table, was a priority in the eighth five-year plan (2021-2025). Sustainable management
of water bodies will mitigate flooding, maintain water quality and quantity, recycle nutrients and provide habitat
for plants and animals. Thus they play a significant role in alleviating water scarcity, restoration, and conservation
of ecosystems and biodiversity.

Possible Actions
• Identification and mapping of natural springs and waterbodies and their status, characteristics and
connectivity, considering different hydrological regions
• Restoration of surface freshwater sources through identification of new interventions considering nature-
based solutions
• Establishment of water treatment and effluent treatment plants where required to maintain water quality
• Development of nature-based small- and medium-scale river basin/watershed management programmes
considering the challenges of climate change for the restoration and conservation of ecosystems and
• Integration of ecology with hydrology for improvement of predictive abilities for large-scale, long-term
processes as a background for sustainable management
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Revitalization of natural springs and sustainable management of waterbodies

EWB20 for reducing water scarcity, and the restoration and conservation of ecosystems
and biodiversity
• Identify the current status • Helps in national and regional • Coverage of surface water
of the springs in the level planning, management, irrigation
Chittagong Hill Tracts (i.e., and monitoring of natural water • Status on conservation of aquatic
locations, functionality, and sources resources
flow of water) • Identification of new fresh • Number of sicknesses for the
• Create a knowledge base on drinking water sources scarcity of drinking water
resource management • Sustainable use of fresh water • Number of fresh drinking water
approaches, methods, and from local to national level sources
tools to analyze the water supply and management
• Amount of agricultural and fish
geospatial and non-
• Integrated and creative production inside the watersheds
geospatial databases
conservation of freshwater
• Number of water treatment plants
• Sustainable use of surface resources
water irrigation • Number of effluent treatment
• Waterbodies are used as resting
• Know the existing practices and feeding places for migratory
related to Water Safety • Number of engineering approaches
water birds
Plan (WSP) among the adopted for ecosystem
• Protect and support the food
communities improvement
web in the aquatic ecosystem
• Sustainable use of aquatic • Number of waterbodies providing
• Control of catastrophic events
resources recreational facilities to people
• Restrictive conservation of
• Support the agricultural • Number of water bodies providing
aquatic ecosystem
and fish production inside resting and feeding facilities to
• Sustainable use of fresh water migratory water birds
the watershed
from local to national level
• Assess the status of existing • Livelihood status of local people
water supply and management
support • Number of springs
• Protect human health by
• Number of available knowledge
ensuring the availability of safe
water by removing harmful
bacteria and chemicals
• Create recreational
opportunities such as Visitors
are drawn to water activities
such as swimming, fishing,
boating, and picnicking.
• Over-engineered management
of the aquatic environment will
improve the ecosystem
• Securing local livelihoods
through the implementation of
the NbS project, where local
people will engage in
restoration, conservation, and
monitoring activities
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Hilly communities and farmers ADP, CIF, Private Sector, WB, ADB, GEF,

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Revitalization of natural springs and sustainable management of waterbodies

EWB20 for reducing water scarcity, and the restoration and conservation of ecosystems
and biodiversity
Lead Implementing Entity BMDA, CHTDB, LGD
Supporting Implementing Entity
PPPA, Private Sector, NGOs

Development of a national management system for wetlands, biodiversity, oceans and
coastal information for supporting monitoring and surveillance
Impenetrability in
Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 2 & Goal 4 7
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP
S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, , S1.3, S2.2
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
The development of a national management system is necessary for supporting, monitoring, and surveillance of the
wetlands, oceans, and coastal biodiversity to find new solutions to problems resulting from top-down approaches to
resource conservation and sustainability through community-based co-management. Although in the last few
decades, different policies and plans have been developed for wildlife and biodiversity conservation, such as National
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), 2016-2021, and Bangladesh Wildlife Conservation Master Plan, 2015-
2035. But those plans were not entirely successful because of (i) Lack of a holistic management framework, (ii) Lack
of integration among the national level, sub-national level, and local community, (iii) Unplanned land use, illegal
encroachment of wetlands and unreasonably land-centric view of the coastal zone, (iii) No integration between
different sectors, namely agriculture, fisheries, shipping, industries, environment, research, (iv) Lack of available
information on various aspects of wetlands and coastal ecosystems, processes, resources, natural hazards, present
threats & risks and their impacts on the environment, (v) failure to assemble a stable workforce and allocation of
proper budget, (vi) Failure to incorporate qualified professionals in wetland and coastal zone biodiversity
management, (vii) no clear guideline on how local development agencies should work with government bodies, etc.

In recent years, wetlands and coastal zone biodiversity management, development, and planning have received
serious attention from GoB. In 2015, Bangladesh oceanographic research institute was founded for coastal and
oceanic research. MoEF has taken initiatives to address our major environmental issues, not just for environmental
or ecological gain but also for providing a survival strategy for millions living at the mercy of nature. Several
Ecologically Critical Areas (ECA) have been enforced in various coastal ecosystems to maintain critical habitats,
biodiversity, marine turtle breeding and conservation, and mangrove restoration and growth. Mangrove afforestation
in newly accreted intertidal areas has been going on for decades (Ahmad H, 2019). Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 (BDP
2100) and 8th Five Year Plan (2020-2025) has also focused on integrating economic progress, environment, climate
change, and disaster management concerns into planning and budgeting to attain sustainable development in the
present and future. Therefore, developing a national biodiversity conservation and management system is necessary
by applying integrated management approaches, including various issues from economic development to ecosystem
protection and conservation.

Possible Actions

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Development of a national management system for wetlands, biodiversity, oceans and

coastal information for supporting monitoring and surveillance
• Development of a national database/management information system through collecting baseline information
about the biodiversity of wetlands, oceans and coastal areas
• Preparation of biodiversity and habitat maps under different ecosystems considering the detailed description
and status of species
• Identification and application of traditional and modern tools for monitoring the status of wetlands, oceans and
coastal biodiversity
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Contribute to national GDP • Helps to recover the ecological function • Livelihood status of local
through livelihood of watersheds people
improvement • Helps in macro-level (both national and • Number of data and
• Reduce the risk of the regional level) planning and information available
vulnerable group in future management of water resources regarding biodiversity
• Sharing of data and Livelihood improvement from local to conservation
information with other sectors national level • Number of research and
where necessary for co- • Availability of data and information for product conducted
benefits future biodiversity conservation • Number of biodiversity
• Assist in research work and planning hotspots
projects through primary data • Availability of data and information for • Number of threatened areas
collection conducting new research on
• Status on data and
• Planning for selecting and biodiversity
information sharing with
funding in priority threatened • Monitoring of species distributions and other sectors
areas abundances in different ecosystem
• Number of ecologically
• Observation of rapid changes in functional watersheds
wetlands, oceans, and coastal
• Number of tools adopted for
• Helps in the identification of
biodiversity hotspots for further
planning and management
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
3% Planners, decision-makers, plan ADP, CIF, Private Sector, WB,
implementers, specialists, academics, ADB, GEF, UNDP, USAID, DFID,
researchers, the media, and the general IFAD, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DoE
Supporting Implementing Entity BORI, LGD, BMDA, MoDMR, MoA, MoFL, MoI, MoS, CEGIS, PPPA, Private
Sector, NGOs, Maritime Universities

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

3.6 Urban Areas

Improvement of natural and artificial stormwater drainage networks for
reducing vulnerabilities of urban flood and drainage congestion
Impenetrability in Stress
URB Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 3, Goal 4 1914
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S3.1, S3.2, S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2
Aligned BDP2100 Project
UA 1.3, UA10.3, UA11.1,UA 3.1,UA 23.1,CC9.18

Urban floods in Bangladesh have recently become an environmental and economic concern. In the last two decades,
Bangladesh has experienced several significant urban floods (as elaborated in 2.1.2). In 2004, Dhaka saw record
high daily rainfall causing widespread flooding. The event affected more than 80 percent of the city and over 5
million people. Combined with underdeveloped drainage infrastructure and the reduction of water bodies, these
short-duration but high-intensity rains exert extreme stress on urban drainage management. With growing
urbanization, more cities are prone to urban floods as many are located in low lying floodplains, and rainfall
extremes are increasing. In recent years, the country has experienced several extreme rainfall events, e.g., 341 mm
of rainfall occurred in 24 hours in Dhaka in 2004, 408 mm in 24 hours in Chattogram in 2007, 333 mm in 12 hours
in Dhaka in 2009 and 433 mm of rainfall in 24 hours in Rangpur in 2020. The Rangpur rainfall was a record high in
the last 60 years. In addition, the difference in rainfall amount among regular and extreme events is increasing. Apart
from large cities, city corporations and municipalities are also facing urban flooding and waterlogging due to
changing pattern of rainfall, unplanned urban developments to meet demand of increased population but with
inadequate drainage capacity. Climate change projections indicate further increasing trend of short-term heavy
rainfall in urban catchments, which will intensify the risk of urban flooding and waterlogging.
Therefore, development of climate resilient storm water drainage network (both artificial and natural) will need to
be initiated immediately in urban areas to reducing risks of urban flooding. It will not only save the damages of the
urban drainage infrastructures itself, but also will reduce drainage congestion and diseases outbreak problem,
enhance environmental quality, reduce traffic congestion, save millions of works hours and income and secure
investment reducing recurrent O&M cost.

Possible Actions
• Construct and rehabilitate adequate coverage of artificial drainage networks in all major cities through water
modeling under extreme climate change scenarios
• Maintain enough room for the river flowing through the city to accommodating excess flood volume during an
extreme event
• Revitalization of rivers or wetlands flowing inside or surrounding any city through dredging or re-excavation
• Integrated solid waste and urban drainage management for sustainable drainage system development
following 3R principles
• Regular cleaning of Khals or canals inside the city to maintain adequate drainage capacity, navigability, and
connectivity with rivers (where appropriate)
• IT-based monitoring mechanism of urban drainage clogging, reporting, evaluation, and rehabilitation
• Improvement of stormwater drainage system using smart warning and pumping station
• Climate proofing of water management infrastructures supporting improved drainage

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Improvement of natural and artificial stormwater drainage networks for

reducing vulnerabilities of urban flood and drainage congestion
• Develop required infrastructures and purchase machinery for garbage cleaning regularly and during the
extreme rainfall event
• Awareness raising and citizen behavior change for illegal waste dumping into drains or khals
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Enhanced adaptive capacity • Reduce recurrent O&M cost of • Affected areas or exposure to urban
and protection of life, approximately 5000 km floods and drainage problems
livelihoods, and ecosystem urban drainage networks and • Vulnerable urban communities due
against slow onset and connected roads, to urban drainage problems
other extreme events of communication, water
• Recurrent O&M cost for
climate change management, and cross
rehabilitation of urban drainage
• Improved urban drainage infrastructures in 43
environment and resilient urban areas due to frequent
• Recurrent O&M cost of water
urban infrastructures urban flood and drainage
management, cross drainage, road,
• Increased use of nature- communication, and other associated
based solutions and • Reduce repair cost of 10
structures to accommodate urban
conservation of million households’ assets for
drainage problems
biodiversity ensured not being affected by urban
• Length of both natural and artificial
floods and drainage
• Critical and fragile urban drainage networks improved,
ecosystems restored and rehabilitated or climate proofed
conserved • Savings of income of around 4
• Annual losses and damages by
million low-income
• Expansion of forest sectors due to urban drainage
households for not losing
coverage, mangroves, and problems
working days due to urban
floods • Losses of work hours by city
dwellers, urban poor, and slump
• Transportation costs will be
people due to urban floods
reduced by about 5% due to
fewer traffic congestions • Losses of income by city dwellers,
caused by urban flood urban poor, and slump people due to
urban floods
• Treatment costs will reduce
by 15% to reduce the • Sickness, injuries, fatalities, or deaths
occurrence of vector and of city dwellers due to urban floods
water-borne diseases • Occurrence of water or vector-borne
• Municipal solid waste diseases and treatment cost after
collection will be increased by urban floods
30-40% than now by 2030 for • Traffic congestion rate and
integrated solid waste and transportation cost
urban drainage management; • Status of urban environment and
consequently, drainage biodiversity
congestion problems will also
• Length of Khals or canals re-
be reduced
• Improved urban environment
• Number of urban wetlands
for managing waste and
urban wetlands
• Amount of liquid and solid waste
• Increase revenue from selling
collection by the municipality
recycling products

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Improvement of natural and artificial stormwater drainage networks for

reducing vulnerabilities of urban flood and drainage congestion
• Revenue from the recycling of solid
• IT-based urban floods monitoring
and early warning systems or
advisory services installed
• Awareness raised and knowledge
level of climate change among city
• Climate proofed of required water
management and cross-drainage
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Local urban community, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
Stakeholders, CSOs GEF, Multilateral and bilateral partners,
private sector, collaborative research
grants and fellowships, Climate BRIDGE
Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity LGD
Supporting Implementing Entity
DoE, PPA, Private Sector

Expansion and conservation of green and blue infrastructures for improvement
of the urban environment and drainage system
Impenetrability in
URB Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 3, Goal 4 189
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S3.1, S3.2, S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S4.3
Aligned BDP2100
UA 9.1, UA 1.1
Project Code
In a warming world, urban environmental stresses are exacerbated by the population-increase-induced
development of grey infrastructure that usually leaves minimal scope for blue (and green) elements and processes,
potentially resulting in mismanagement of stormwater and flooding issues. Over-densification and unplanned
urbanization leave little room for interaction among blue, green, and grey elements. As a result, the natural elements
(e.g., water, green space) and natural characteristics (e.g., topography) are deprioritized in many cities.
Manifestation of this is that water—a vital structuring element—can become a challenge for the urban environment
during extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall. The compact urban fabric often does not possess porous
surfaces for water permeability, causing historically unprecedented flooding events (Ahmed et al. 2019).

Bangladesh's urban cities are experiencing rapid urbanization, producing environmental, economic, and social
issues. Many river systems have suffered detrimental consequences due to development, including changes in
hydrology and ecology. The rising frequency of catastrophic events, including hydro-meteorological disasters, has

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Expansion and conservation of green and blue infrastructures for improvement

of the urban environment and drainage system
threatened human life and infrastructure in recent decades (CRED, 2015). Urban flooding is one of Bangladesh's
most common water-related disasters affecting urban social life. As the number of impervious surfaces rapidly
increases, sources of water bodies capable of capturing a considerable volume of floodwater are slowly diminishing.
As a result, high pick flow and stormwater runoff incidents are becoming more common in urban areas, harming
social and economic life. Simultaneously, mixed stormwater and wastewater have polluted the remaining receiving
water basins, decreasing their water quality. The tendency of rural-urban migration has exacerbated the problem
in most Bangladeshi cities. Every day, new residents arrive in urban areas, looking for a place to live in the low-lying
lands—by filling up water retention basins, river beds, or even riverbeds (Burkart et al., 2008). Insufficient surface
water corridors transport water from the city's core to downstream locations. Because stormwater cannot be
naturally drained through the remaining water system, partly owing to the insufficient drainage system, significant
rainfall combined with a high water level in the river swiftly floods the city. As a result, flooding has become more
common in the recent decade. The city fights tooth and nail for the survival of its few remaining water courses, which
frequently succumb to development pressures, which either ignore or mostly replace the natural system with
asphalt surfaces (Ahmed et al. 2019).

In Bangladesh's densely populated urban regions, the Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI) network would be an
effective solution for water management. The BGI network can handle the city's morphological characteristics and
water dynamics, providing multi-scalar and multi-functional solutions. To recharge groundwater, circulate
rainwater runoffs, and connect the missing links of streams to the drainage system, the BGI network may
incorporate various types of green stormwater infrastructure projects at different scales—buildings, parcels, blocks,
or districts. For example, the improvement of water corridors includes existing water features, groundwater
recharge areas, and re-surfaced (and retrofitted) hidden streams. The corridors take different forms at different
scales and locations—upstream, midstream, or downstream—and offer different types of flood control and
Green ‘corridors’ following the water channels may ensure flexible and diverse ecosystem services, such as fluvial
parks, energy parks, meadows, and small-size neighborhood breathing spaces. These serve as ‘multifunctional’
spaces providing the much-needed room for green spaces in a dense urban context and recreational opportunities
for residents. At the same time, they become an integrated part of the water retention and channeling system during
extreme rainfall events..

Possible Actions
• Conservation of urban wetlands or khals, develop walkways and recreational facilities along the banks of
khals or wetlands
• Urban landscaping through green and blue infrastructures reduces the heat island effect, pollution, human
health discomfort, etc
• Expansion of green buildings and green roofs for urban heat island effect reduction or giving cooling effect,
carbon sequestration, and energy efficiency enhancement
• Support rooftop gardening or plantation, installation of solar energy, and biodiversity conservation through
tax instruments
• Design Smart Village and Smart City keeping provision of 10% protected area as
• Community Conservation Area or Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) and 25% area
as green space (rooftop garden, hanging garden, greening office compound and green academic compound,
greening Army/Navy/Air force compound, urban green parks or garden development, etc.) and water
sensitive plan
• Plant suitable species of trees or grass on roadside land or road islands
• Promote environment-friendly vehicles and mass transport to reduce emissions and pollution
• Expansion and commercialization of urban agriculture through rainfed rooftop and vertical farming for
boosting leafy vegetable production and food security

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Expansion and conservation of green and blue infrastructures for improvement

of the urban environment and drainage system
• Development of climate-smart solar energy-based utilities and installing lightning arresters in residential or
commercial building
• Strict monitoring and enforcement of land cover change as per DAP or structure plan to reduce encroachment
of permeable open land or Khash lands or green areas

Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators

• Enhanced adaptive capacity • Blue and Green • Affected areas or exposure to urban
and protection of life, Infrastructure(BGI) can floods and drainage problems
livelihoods, and ecosystem handle the city's • Vulnerable urban communities due
against slow onset and other morphological to urban drainage problems
extreme events of climate characteristics and water
• Recurrent O&M cost for
change dynamics, providing multi-
rehabilitation of urban drainage
• Improved urban environment scalar and multi-functional
and resilient urban solutions.
• Length of both natural and artificial
infrastructures • BGI can be used to recharge
urban drainage networks improved,
• Increased use of nature-based groundwater, circulate
rehabilitated or climate proofed
solutions and conservation of rainwater runoffs, and
• Annual losses and damages by
biodiversity ensured connect the missing links of
sectors due to urban drainage
streams to the drainage
• Critical and fragile ecosystems problems
restored and conserved
• Losses of work hours by city
• Peak runoff will be delayed
• Expansion of forest coverage, dwellers, urban poor, and slump
due to vegetation coverage,
mangroves, and biodiversity people due to urban floods
infiltration, and storage of
water in the canopy, which • Losses of income by city dwellers,
will reduce the urban urban poor, and slump people due
drainage problems to urban floods
• Green ‘corridors’ following • Sickness, injuries, fatalities, or
the water channels may deaths of city dwellers due to urban
ensure flexible and diverse floods
ecosystem services, such as • Occurrence of water or vector-
fluvial parks, energy parks, borne diseases and treatment cost
meadows, and small-size after urban floods
neighborhood breathing • Traffic congestion rate and
spaces. transportation cost
• Reduced urban heat island • Number of green infrastructures
effects through increased constructed
tree coverage as 16% of
• Number of heat strokes per year
tree coverage in the Urban
area can cool 1°C of urban • Status of urban environment and
temperature biodiversity

• Reduced treatment cost of • Length of Khals or canals re-

urban communities due to excavated
decreased health hazards • Number of urban wetlands
and diseases like heat conserved

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Expansion and conservation of green and blue infrastructures for improvement

of the urban environment and drainage system
• Carbon sequestration will • Amount of liquid and solid waste
be increased, and air collection by the municipality
pollution & emission will be • Revenue from the recycling of solid
reduced wastes
• Overall improvement of • IT-based urban floods monitoring
urban environmental and early warning systems or
health and biodiversity advisory services installed
• Increased land and • Awareness raised and knowledge
property value level of climate change among city
• Climate proofed of required water
management and cross-drainage
• Amount of carbon sequestration
• Income from city recreational
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
10% Local urban community, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
Stakeholders, CSOs GEF, Multilateral and bilateral partners,
private sector, collaborative research
grants and fellowships, Climate BRIDGE
Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity LGD
Supporting Implementing Entity
MoL, DYD, DWA, DSS, BA, BAF, BN, BCG, PPA, Private Sector

Stormwater management in cities through attenuating peak flow and allowing
infiltration considering the concept of Low Impact Development
Impenetrability in
URB Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 3, Goal 4 37
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S3.1, S3.2, S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S4.3
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
A major issue in Bangladesh's urban regions is the drainage infrastructure. The Dhaka Water and Sewerage
Authority's (DWASA) 2000 "Rehabilitation of Dholaikhal" project detailed how Dhaka's storm water was discharged
through various natural canals before 1947. But after that, the city grew independently without a drainage plan,
which led to the depletion of natural drains. The city began to have issues because of the outdated drainage system.
In the eastern section of Dhaka City, Bari and Hasan (2001) looked into how changes in land use brought on by
urbanization affected storm runoff characteristics. They discovered that when urbanization grows, the volume of

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Stormwater management in cities through attenuating peak flow and allowing

infiltration considering the concept of Low Impact Development
peak rate runoff also grows. The incidence and prevalence of many diseases are the effects of water logging brought
on by drainage blockages that are most detrimental in urban areas. The worst effects of drainage issues in Dhaka
City are malaria, dengue fever, respiratory issues, eye and skin diseases, and respiratory disorders. Drainage issues
hamper urban residents' daily lives. Rainfall that has accumulated causes major disruptions to everyday life and
immediately affects the less fortunate residents. Additionally, it has been shown that poor drainage systems
commonly result in traffic accidents when streets are underwater (Alom and Khan, 2014).
Like other urban areas in Bangladesh, "urban storm water-logging" (USWL) has recently become an inevitable
experience for city dwellers in Chittagong city during the rainy season. However, according to data from Chittagong
City Corporation (CCC), the city's entire surface area in December 2004 was 157 km2, with forest land making up
1.21 km2 (or 0.77 percent of the total area) in 2004 compared to 1.34 km2 (or 0.85 percent) in 1990. (Hashemi et
al., 2006). As a result, there was a 9% decline in forest cover between 1990 and 2004. Once again, there was an 8%
decrease in agricultural fields between 1990 (47.1 km2) and 2004 (34.54 km2) (Hashemi et al., 2006). Since bare
fields have a lower capacity for infiltration than land covered with flora and forests, current land use changes
complicate the hydrological cycle by lowering infiltration capacities (Akter et al. 2017). As a result, the more
impervious land cover will increase surface runoff, runoff concentration, and peak flow rate. Therefore, there is a
growing need to improve drainage capacity in Bangladesh's increasingly urbanizing areas to minimize flooding (Qin
et al. 2013).
Traditionally, increasing and modernizing the current storm drainage system has increased drainage capacity.
However, it has become more apparent that this is expensive and unfeasible, especially in heavily populated places.
Numerous novel stormwater management strategies have been created to address the issue of urban runoff,
including green roofs, permeable pavements, swales, and bio-retention systems. In the US, this group of methods is
known as Low Impact Development (LID) (or Sustainable Drainage Systems in UK or Water Sensitive Urban Design
in Australia). These methods often rely on distributed runoff management techniques that aim to reduce
imperviousness and hold, infiltrate, and reuse stormwater on the development site where it is generated to control
stormwater (Graham et al., 2004). LID has been suggested as a cutting-edge approach to stormwater management
(Andoh and Declerck, 1997; Montalto et al., 2007; Palhegyi, 2009). LIDs utilize natural features to reduce and
minimize runoff peaks, reducing flooding effects (Jackisch and Weiler, 2017). LIDs are typically highly affordable,
climate-resilient, and appropriate for urban developments with sustainable development goals (Barbosa et al.,
2012; Dietz, 2007; Eckart et al., 2018; Zhu and Chen, 2017). LIDs have demonstrated their ability to drastically lower
water runoff quantities and peaks (Ahmed et al., 2017; Son et al., 2017; Tredway and Havlick, 2017). Due to these
reasons, LIDs have become a viable alternative to conventional stormwater management techniques, offering viable
choices for the sustainable growth of cities and the creation of a society that is climate resilient (Brunetti et al. 2017;
Zhan and Chui 2016; Hu et al. 2017; Seo et al. 2017; Juan et al. 2017; Jackisch and Weiler 2017; Sohn et al. 2017).
Possible Actions
• Preparation of stormwater management guidelines based on low-impact development concept and
operationalize it
• Feasibility study and implement different LID measures such as permeable pavement, rooftop rainwater
harvesting and use for household disconnecting the direct runoff, green parks or playgrounds, bioswale or
bio-retention cells, reservoirs, green rooftops, etc
• Develop the capacity of city managers to understand LIDs and its operation
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Enhanced urban resilience • Peak runoff will be delayed • Affected areas or exposure to urban
and improved standard of during short-duration high- floods and drainage problems
living intensity rainfall, so urban • Vulnerable urban communities due
flooding problems will be to urban drainage problems

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Stormwater management in cities through attenuating peak flow and allowing

infiltration considering the concept of Low Impact Development
• Improved urban • 30 million people living in • Recurrent O&M cost for
environment and resilient the 43 urban areas will be rehabilitation of urban drainage
urban infrastructures benefited from efficient networks
• Increased use of nature- stormwater management • Length of both natural and artificial
based solutions and using LID. urban drainage networks improved,
conservation of biodiversity • Using permeable pavement, rehabilitated or climate proofed
ensured green parks, and bioswale • Annual losses and damages by
• Increase practices of will increase groundwater sectors due to urban drainage
ecosystem-based adaptation recharge and improve the problems
(EbA) for reducing climate drainage system.
• Losses of work hours by city
change risk • The urban heat island effect dwellers, urban poor, and slump
will be reduced people due to urban floods
• Reduced treatment cost of • Losses of income by city dwellers,
urban communities due to urban poor, and slump people due to
decreased health hazards urban floods
and diseases like heat stroke
• Sickness, injuries, fatalities, or deaths
• Carbon sequestration will be of city dwellers due to urban floods
increased, and air pollution
• Occurrence of water or vector-borne
& emission will be reduced
diseases and treatment cost after
• Overall improvement of urban floods
urban environmental health
• Traffic congestion rate and
and biodiversity
transportation cost
• Increased land and property
• Number of green infrastructures
• Improved urban
• Number of low-impact development
environment for managing
measures implemented
waste and urban wetlands
• Number of rainwater harvesting
• Rooftop rainwater
systems installed
harvesting saves energy and
• Number of rooftop gardens
its cost for water supply
from WASA • Number of heat strokes per year
• Status of urban environment and
• Length of Khals or canals re-
• Number of urban wetlands
• Amount of liquid and solid waste
collection by the municipality
• Revenue from the recycling of solid
• IT-based urban floods monitoring
and early warning systems or
advisory services installed

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Stormwater management in cities through attenuating peak flow and allowing

infiltration considering the concept of Low Impact Development
• Awareness raised and knowledge
level of climate change among city
• Climate proofed of required water
management and cross-drainage
• Amount of carbon sequestration
• Income from city recreational
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
10% Local urban community, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
Stakeholders, CSOs GEF, Multilateral and bilateral partners,
collaborative research grants and
fellowships, Climate BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity LGD
Supporting Implementing Entity
DoE, PPA, Private Sector

Development of City Climate Action Plan for major urban cities covering peri-
urban areas and resilience of urban-poor communities and climate migrants
Impenetrability in
URB Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 3 4
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S3.1, S3.2, S3.3, S1.2, S1.3, S4.2
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code

Climate change is exacerbating the progress of city development and urban economy posing recurrent and intensive
risks such as urban flooding, urban heat islands, decreasing wetlands in dry days, health hazards due to extreme
climate variability, drinking water crisis due to groundwater depletion and salinity, damages to coastal
infrastructures etc. On the other hand, rural communities are losing their livelihoods due to adverse impacts of
climate change and leaving their own rural cities to urban areas to survive from these catastrophes and generating
alternative livelihoods. World Bank projects that, the impact of climate change on livelihoods may propel
approximately 19.9 million internal climate migrants by the 2050s, half the projected climate migrants of the entire
South Asia region (Clement, Rigaud, de Sherbinin, et al., 2021). Unplanned urban development and increased
population growth are putting extra pressure on urban communities leading to migration. These problems are need
to be addressed in a planned manner so that urban resilience can be achieved through climate resilient urban
infrastructures development, increasing ample employment opportunities, improving urban governance,
developing smart waste management system and developing ambient urban environments for human wellbeing
and quality standard of living.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Development of City Climate Action Plan for major urban cities covering peri-
urban areas and resilience of urban-poor communities and climate migrants
In this regard, NAP recommends to develop city climate action plan for all major cities covering its peri-urban areas
for improving resilience of urban communities, marginal poor and climate migrants. The city climate action plan
will develop an proactive avenue for city managers to plan, design, implement and monitor adaptation interventions
to reduces urban risks and vulnerabilities. It will also widen the opportunities to explore and harness climate finance
from different sources for the smooth implementation of adaptation and ensuring betterment of the urban society
and stellar growth of urban economy.

Possible Actions
• Stocktake baseline information and city dwellers need for all 43 major cities for preparation of city climate
action plan
• Climate risk and vulnerability assessment and mapping for cities
• Infrastructures and other adaptations snapping from the cities
• Integrate water and climate-smart city development concept into DAP or other required urban development
• Adopt climate and disaster risk recovery mechanisms for urban slum people, urban poor, and climate
• Adopt low-impact development principles, 3R principles, urban green and blues conservation, and expansion
• Develop implementable actions for short, medium, and long term for climate resilient city development for
enhancing resilience for urban poor and climate migrants along with implementation mechanism and
financing modalities
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Locally led, gender and youth- • Facilitate reducing climate • Affected areas or exposure to urban
inclusive adaptation initiatives risk and vulnerabilities of floods and drainage problems
increased urban and peri-urban • Vulnerable urban communities due
• The increased adaptive areas and increase urban to urban drainage problems
capacity of women to reduce resilience
• Recurrent O&M cost for
risk and vulnerabilities and • Contribute to water and rehabilitation of urban drainage
ensure protection against climate-smart city networks
climate change-induced development
• Length of both natural and artificial
disasters • Supporting in adopting urban drainage networks improved,
• Enhanced urban resilience and climate and disaster risk rehabilitated or climate proofed
improved standard of living recovery mechanisms for
• Annual losses and damages by
• Improved health of women and urban slum people
sectors due to urban drainage
children, livability, and well- • Ease implementation of problems
being low-impact development
• Losses of work hours by city
principles, 3R principles,
dwellers, urban poor, and slump
and urban green and blues
people due to urban floods
conservation and
• Losses of income by city dwellers,
urban poor, and slump people due
• Improved standard of
to urban floods
living by city dwellers
• Sickness, injuries, fatalities, or
deaths of city dwellers due to urban

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Development of City Climate Action Plan for major urban cities covering peri-
urban areas and resilience of urban-poor communities and climate migrants
• Occurrence of water or vector-
borne diseases and treatment cost
after urban floods
• Traffic congestion rate and
transportation cost
• Number of green infrastructures
• Number of low-impact development
measures implemented
• Number of rainwater harvesting
systems installed
• Number of rooftop gardens
• Number of heat strokes per year
• Status of urban environment and
• Length of Khals or canals re-
• Number of urban wetlands
• Amount of liquid and solid waste
collection by the municipality
• Revenue from the recycling of solid
• IT-based urban floods monitoring
and early warning systems or
advisory services installed
• Awareness raised and knowledge
level of climate change among city
• Climate proofed of required water
management and cross-drainage
• Amount of carbon sequestration
• Income from city recreational
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
Local urban community, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
Stakeholders, CSOs GEF, Multilateral and bilateral partners,
collaborative research grants and
fellowships, Climate BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity LGD
Supporting Implementing Entity
PPA, Private Sector

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Expand innovative climate-resilient, gender-, age- and disability-sensitive
WASH technologies and facilities for urban communities
Impenetrability in
URB Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 3 65
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S3.2, S3.3, S1.2, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
Climate change and its adverse impacts are significantly affecting the water supply, sanitation and hygiene in both
rural and urban areas, which are affecting urban communities including gender, elderly and persons with disabilities
disproportionately. Drinking water crisis is increasing in urban slum areas and serious health hazards are increasing
due to lack of proper sanitation and hygiene. For instances, 1988 and 2004 flood disrupted the sewage, drainage,
and drinking water systems in Greater Dhaka, significantly impacting millions of residents. Due to the contaminated
water and food, diseases like diarrhea and hepatitis quickly spread across the underprivileged regions of the city
(Johannessen et al. 2014). In recent years, vector and water borne diseases such as dengue, malaria, diarrhea, skin
disease or viral diseases are increasing among urban communities evidently.

Due to disrupted sanitary system after disasters, women and adolescent girls often suffer urinary tract infections
from using the bathroom only throughout the day (Alam et al., 2008). Menstruation is the most challenging time for
women during floods, and teenage girls are the most affected. Menstruating women endure a terrible time during
floods since they wear the same material all day, even though it gets completely soaked. They do not feel comfortable
changing and washing it because their families' men stay home all day during floods. Many women wash their
clothing in floodwaters at night when they cannot be seen (Ahmed, 2019). These practices are exceedingly
unsanitary and could cause serious, life-threatening illnesses in women. Women also encounter numerous
challenges when collecting water during or after a disaster. These include standing in a long line for one to two hours
daily to collect water. Women with impairments face greater difficulties when fetching water over vast distances.

The adverse effects of disasters further include sanitation problems for adolescent girls and health issues for older
women. Similarly, nursing women encounter difficulties getting water from a far-off source while leaving their
infants home alone. It is far more challenging for pregnant women to collect water from PSFs and tube wells covering
long distances (Alam and Rahman, 2019). Adverse effects of disasters on pregnant women have difficulty walking
along muddy rural roads under stormy conditions and delivery in shelter houses without arrangements or medical
care (Alam and Rahman, 2014). In particular, reproductive complications (miscarriage, uterine prolapse), difficulty
lactating (due to dehydration and decreased nutritional intake), breast engorgement (when a breast-feeding infant
is lost), and rashes, infections, and menstrual-related problems as a result of unsanitary post-disaster conditions are
all risks for women who survive disasters. Unfortunately, these problems are worsened by a scarcity of female
doctors, a lack of privacy at relief shelters (where women lack privacy to bathe), and a shortage of feminine hygiene
supplies (Rashid and Michaud 2000). Apart from women, aged or adolescent girls, persons with disabilities usually
also face negative impacts specially on mental health, further deteriorating disability induced diseases and other
health hazards.

In light of these issues, it is high time that WASH technologies and facilities are established in urban communities,
specifically designed to cater to the needs of vulnerable women, elderly and persons with disabilities.

Possible Actions
• Expand the use of deeper groundwater reserves through solar-powered water networks, advanced water
storage through small-scale retention structures and rainwater harvesting, climate-resilient latrines, and

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Expand innovative climate-resilient, gender-, age- and disability-sensitive

WASH technologies and facilities for urban communities
gender-sensitive drinking water points for marginal urban communities to reduce the health risks of climate
• Establish sheds with improved gender- and disability-sensitive WASH facilities for reducing heat stress and
lightning risk and supporting physical well-being
• Introduce community-based low-cost desalination techniques and freshwater management for mass drinking
water supplies among coastal city communities
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Locally led, gender and youth- • Increased access to better and • Access to improved WASH
inclusive adaptation sage WASH services by more services in urban and peri-urban
initiatives increased than 25 million urban areas
• The increased adaptive populations in 43 urban areas • The outbreak of water-borne or
capacity of women to reduce who lack access to safe vector-borne diseases
risk and vulnerabilities and drinking water and sanitation.
• Sickness and treatment cost of
ensure protection against • Reduced water-borne diseases city dwellers
climate change-induced due to improved gender and
• Gender, age and disability-
disasters persons with disabilities
sensitive WASH facilities
• Enhanced urban resilience sensitive sheds, WASH
and improved standard of facilities, and climate-resilient
• Roadside resting sheds, including
living latrines in the roadside public
WASH facilities constructed
places and near the marginal
• Improved health of women
community • Freshwater availability and
and children, livability, and
well-being • Ensure fresh water supply to
13.5 million people in coastal • Number of heat strokes in a year
cities, reducing vulnerabilities • Implementation of rainwater
of salinity harvesting and low-cost
• Reduced treatment cost desalinization tools
• Low-cost desalinization • Awareness raised regarding
techniques will minimize climate change, WASH, and health
energy consumption for water hazards
supply and sanitation. • Available climate-resilient WASH
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
10% Local urban community, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
Stakeholders, vulnerable groups, GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
youth groups, persons with partners, private sector, collaborative
disability, woman's group research grants and fellowships,
Climate BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity LGD
Supporting Implementing Entity
UDD, PPA, Private Sector

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Increase access to water supply, sanitation, and hygiene services in cities
CRC6 to reduce exposure to flooding and water-borne diseases during or post
extreme weather events
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: URB Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 3 593
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S3.2, S3.3, S1.2, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Half of Bangladesh was inundated during the 1988 flood, which impacted 30 million people. The drinking water,
sewage, and drainage systems of Greater Dhaka were damaged by this flood, which had a significant impact on the
city's 11 million residents. As a result, illnesses like diarrhea and hepatitis that are brought on by tainted food and
water quickly spread across the capital's underprivileged districts (Johannessen et al. 2014). The most common
sickness was diarrheal, responsible for 35% of the 45,000 hospital admissions and 27% of the 154 reported deaths
(Cash et al. 2013).

Greater Dhaka's 11 million residents were severely impacted by the flood that struck Bangladesh in 1998, and the
city's sewage, drainage, and drinking water systems were severely damaged. As a result, diseases like diarrhea and
hepatitis brought on by contaminated water and food spread quickly throughout many underdeveloped regions of
the city (Neto 2001).

Twelve districts in southwestern Bangladesh were impacted by Cyclone Sidr, which hit Bangladesh on November
15, 2007. In the early aftermath, water and sanitation issues posed significant health risks. Most people drank water
from tube wells, many of which were contaminated with debris or salt water from the tidal surges. The major form
of sanitary facility, pit latrines, overflowed, raising the possibility of waterborne illnesses. Although there were no
significant disease outbreaks after the storm, an increase in the frequency of diarrhea, respiratory tract infections,
eye infections, skin diseases, and fever was observed (Cash et al., 2013).

Residents of the southwestern coastal region have a very tough time getting access to clean drinking water (Swapan
and Mamun 2006; Akber 2010). Following the 2009 Cyclone Aila, Satkhira District residents suffered the most from
a lack of drinking water compared to previous years (Dasgupta et al. 2011). In 12 unions of Shyamnagar Upazila in
Satkhira District, the water supply situation deteriorated due to damage to more than 2006 protected ponds, 158
pond sand filters, and 966 tube wells. Many people were compelled to consume tainted water because they had no
choice. Thus, they experienced various waterborne illnesses, including allergies, skin conditions, cholera, and
diarrhea (Abedin et al. 2019).

Because of their high population density and contaminated water sources brought on by overburdened
infrastructure, urban areas are far more susceptible to post-flood outbreaks of diarrheal illness (Cash et al., 2013).
Inadequate WASH in Bangladesh is the root cause of 80% of post-disaster diseases. Exposure to health risks can be
effectively prevented by having access to WASH, which entails hand washing, better sanitation, and safe water (Mara
et al. 2010). Improved facilities (such as toilets and latrines that allow people to dispose of their waste responsibly,
for example) can help break the exposure and infection cycle of many diseases. Access to WASH facilities is the first
fundamental building block in reducing the risk associated with the WASH system. WASH infrastructure is vital, but
so is hygiene, which is keeping oneself healthy and clean by regularly washing one's hands, face, and baths in clean
water (Johannessen et al. 2013). Hence, access to water supply, sanitation, and hygiene services in cities is very
important for reducing exposure to flooding and water-borne diseases during or post extreme weather events.

Possible Actions

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Increase access to water supply, sanitation, and hygiene services in cities

CRC6 to reduce exposure to flooding and water-borne diseases during or post
extreme weather events
• Operationalize new WASAs for climate-sensitive water supply services
• Development of climate-smart WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) technologies and infrastructure to
increase the resilience of urban citizens
• Expand coverage of piped water supplies and improved sanitation in all major cities
• Develop smart metering systems for water services through assessments of shadow water prices
• Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) and rainwater harvesting for artificial groundwater recharge in urban areas
• Ensure implementation/enforcement of the Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC) and MAR strategy
• Establishment of dense pedestrian sheds in urban areas with improved gender-sensitive WASH facilities for
reducing heat stress and lightning risk and supporting physical well-being
• Increase the efficiency of water use through sustainable management of water resources and locally led
adaptation practices
• Reduce leakage, repair and provide O&M regularly to halt outbreaks of waterborne diseases from WASH-
related service infrastructure
• Develop climate-resilient and portable public sanitation facilities for marginal people and slum communities
• Encourage the private sector to invest in expansion of the city water supply and sanitation services through
PPP modalities
• Gender- and disability-responsive WASH service expansion
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Enhanced urban resilience • Decrease leakage in the water • Access to improved WASH
and improved standard of supply piped network and services in urban and peri-urban
living improve the water use efficiency areas
• Improved human health, • Decrease energy consumption • An outbreak of water-borne or
livability, and well-being and save fuel cost vector-borne diseases
• Scientific knowledge and • Reduce recurrent O&M cost of • Sickness and treatment cost of
guidelines for climate- WASH services from climate- city dwellers
resilient health, WASH, and induced disasters • Gender and disability-sensitive
urban development • Increased access to better and WASH facilities constructed
• Locally led, gender and safe WASH services by more • Roadside resting sheds, including
youth-inclusive adaptation than 25 million urban WASH facilities constructed
initiatives increased populations in 43 urban areas
• Freshwater availability and
• Improved urban who lack access to safe drinking
environment and resilient water and sanitation.
• Number of heat strokes in a year
urban infrastructures • Reduced water borne diseases
• Implementation of rainwater
due to improved gender and
harvesting and low-cost
persons with disabilities
desalinization tools
sensitive sheds, WASH facilities,
and climate-resilient latrines in • Awareness raised regarding
the roadside public places and climate change, WASH, and health
near the marginal community hazards
• Groundwater recharge will be • Available climate-resilient WASH
increased, and freshwater technologies
supply will be increased • Length of water supply network
• Reduced treatment cost leak proofed and climate proofed
• Improved standard of living • Recurrent O&M cost of WASH
infrastructures and services

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Increase access to water supply, sanitation, and hygiene services in cities

CRC6 to reduce exposure to flooding and water-borne diseases during or post
extreme weather events
• Water use efficiency by the
domestic sector in urban areas
• Groundwater availability and
• Number of locations MAR
• Energy consumption cost for
better WASH services
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
10% Local urban community, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
Stakeholders, CSOs, NGOs, GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
vulnerable poor community partners, private sector, collaborative
research grants and fellowships,
Climate BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity LGD
Supporting Implementing Entity
UDD, PPA, Private Sector

CRC7 Adopt integrated water management for urban and peri-urban areas
Impenetrability in
URB Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 3, Goal 4 13
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S3.1, S3.2, S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S4.3
Aligned BDP2100
UA 9.3, UA 1.2
Project Code
Bangladesh is dealing with numerous difficulties, including managing flood hazards, climate change impacts, water
demand, providing safe drinking water, increasing water quality, reversing the decline of fisheries, and safeguarding
natural ecosystems, particularly coastal wetlands and marshes, etc. Bangladesh is the world's first-most vulnerable
country to tropical cyclones and the sixth-most vulnerable country to floods. Yet, it also experiences severe regional
water shortages during the dry season (Gain et al. 2017).

In Bangladesh's peri-urban areas, like Khulna, ineffective institutional frameworks can be observed. In Khulna,
urbanization is happening quickly and virtually unchecked. Peri-urban areas struggle with drinking water insecurity
despite being situated in the water-rich Ganges delta. In many places, getting access to clean water for drinking
might be challenging. Conflicts over groundwater access, a crucial drinking water supply, have also developed
between peri-urban and urban water consumers. For instance, peri-urban residents in the adjoining town of
Phultala (north of Khulna city) organized protests. They filed a lawsuit against a significant groundwater abstraction
project undertaken by Khulna city. In this area, there are additional reports of declining groundwater levels and

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CRC7 Adopt integrated water management for urban and peri-urban areas
contamination from iron, salt, arsenic, industrial waste, and wastewater. Current institutions cannot enable fair or
sustainable water management outcomes (Gomes et al., 2018).

Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is a megacity with a population of 19.6 million. Six peripheral rivers—Turag and
Buriganga to the west, Balu and Sitalakhya to the east, Tongi Khal to the north, and Dhaleshwari to the south—
mostly encircle the city. These rivers frequently overflow during the monsoon season, leaving the city susceptible
to recurring fluvial floods. This severely harms buildings and infrastructure in inner-city and peri-urban areas,
particularly in the eastern periphery, which has not yet fully developed and urbanized. But over the past ten years,
the population and physical expansion in this region around the capital have grown quickly, creating significant
densities and concentrations. Large areas of the River Balu floodplains have been invaded due to the need for
affordable housing due to population growth, which has decreased the effectiveness of the natural system to deal
with flooding. Flooding has been common on Dhaka's eastern outskirts, which is not surprising (Fatemi et al. 2020).

One of the primary policy concepts in water resources management is integrated water resources management
(IWRM). IWRM promotes the integrated development and management of water, land, and related resources while
considering the three pillars of sustainability, namely, economy, equity, and environment, according to the Global
Water Partnership. One of the primary objectives of Goal 6 of the SDGs to be attained by 2030 is the implementation
of IWRM, including through transboundary collaboration as necessary at all levels (Gain et al. 2017).

Taking the present water crisis in Bangladesh's peri-urban and urban areas, a proper management system is highly
needed. In this regard, it can be concluded that integrated water resources management (IWRM) is required to be
adopted for Bangladesh's urban and peri-urban areas.

Possible Actions
• Impact assessment of climate change and interventions on water and hydrological system in the upstream and
downstream of urban and peri-urban areas to avoid any aftermath at the downstream
• Maintain coordination and collaboration among development initiatives in urban and peri-urban areas
• Decentralize management adaptation by LGIs
• Management of water resources, urban drainage system, and waste in an integrated fashion
• Raising awareness among city dwellers and other relevant stakeholders regarding the importance of
integrated water and urban development plan
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Improved urban environment • Facilitate reducing climate risk • Household-level water security
and resilient urban and vulnerabilities of urban index
infrastructures and peri-urban areas and • Access to improved WASH
• Enhanced urban resilience and increase urban resilience services in urban and peri-urban
improved standard of living • Contribute to water and areas
• The new or updated policy, climate-smart city • The outbreak of water-borne or
plan, regulations, and development vector-borne diseases
institutions developed or • Supporting in adopting climate • Sickness and treatment cost of
reformed to support and disaster risk recovery city dwellers
mainstreaming of IWRM into mechanisms for urban slum
• Gender and disability-sensitive
Govt. the risk-informed people
WASH facilities constructed
planning and implementation • Facilitate in reducing
• Roadside resting sheds,
process recurrent O&M cost of water
including WASH facilities
• Scientific knowledge and management and cross
guidelines for climate-resilient drainage structures
• Freshwater availability and
health, WASH, and urban and • Developed a conducive policy
peri-urban development for integrated water

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CRC7 Adopt integrated water management for urban and peri-urban areas
management for urban and • Number of heat strokes in a year
peri-urban areas • Implementation of rainwater
• Raised awareness of city harvesting and low-cost
dwellers and accelerated desalinization tools
proactive climate actions for • Awareness raised regarding
adaptation climate change, WASH, and
• Improved standard of living by health hazards
city dwellers • Available climate-resilient
WASH technologies
• Length of water supply network
leak proofed and climate
• Recurrent O&M cost of WASH
infrastructures and services
• Water use efficiency by the
domestic sector in urban areas
• Groundwater availability and
• Number of locations MAR
• Energy consumption cost for
better WASH services

Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Local urban community, water ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation
stakeholders, CSOs Fund, GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants and
fellowships, Climate BRIDGE Fund,
Lead Implementing Entity LGD
Supporting Implementing Entity
DoE, Private Sector

Child and youth well-being improvement initiatives for reducing
effects of climate stress
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: URB Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 3, Goal 4 138
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S3.1, S3.2, S3.3, S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S4.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Child and youth well-being improvement initiatives for reducing

effects of climate stress
Different individuals and regions of the world are affected by climate change in different ways, but developing
nations like Bangladesh are the most afflicted. According to studies by Adebo and Sekumade, Adeniyi et al., and
Guha-Sapir et al., women and children are typically the most severely impacted. Devkota et al., Kendrovski and
Spasenovska, Davies et al., Bhuiyan and Khan, and other researchers have also demonstrated how these groups are
experiencing health issues due to climate change. Children and infants are unable to escape from danger during a
disaster. For instance, in a study of the 1991 Bangladesh cyclone, children and the elderly perished more
disproportionately than the general population (Kabir et al. 2016). Following disasters, the student dropout rate
also rises alarmingly, with more girls than boys leaving school. Children in schools have delays in finishing their
education because of disasters. Children who drop out of school are also influenced by the distance they have to
cover to reach their schools during the post-disaster period. Families that experience extreme hardships due to
disasters frequently involve their kids in domestic chores, making them work to provide for the family. This also
causes these kids to drop out of school eventually. Cyclones like Aila and Sidr particularly impact the elderly, young
children, and women. After the cyclones, they usually have a challenging time at the shelter centers. Lack of food
during the post-disaster period causes malnutrition in children, hindering their ability to grow physically and

Additionally, skin conditions, diarrhea, and dysentery affect a lot of children as well. Women, being in charge of their
families' children, often perish during the cyclones while attempting to save their children, since children cannot
escape quickly enough. Due to their physical formation, children and women are particularly vulnerable during
cyclones (Kabir et al. 2016). This is evident that children are more susceptible to the adverse impacts of the changing

As the social, cultural, and environmental repercussions of climate change start to affect children and young people's
daily lives and communities, they are growing up in a precarious and unpredictable period (Lee 2013; Selby and
Kagawa 2010). Children and indigenous people in most of the world's countries with relatively little ecological
footprints are anticipated to be the group most adversely impacted by climate change (Crate and Nuttall 2009).
Numerous children and teenagers experience everyday patterns of human consumption, population expansion,
waste production, habitat destruction, pollution, and contamination that go beyond the natural systems of the
Earth's carrying capacity (McNeill and Engelke 2014). In many parts of the world, moralizing and politicizing
discourses about climate change have also permeated children's and adolescents' daily lives (Rousell and Knowles,
2019). Through the internet, social media, and film-based media, children and young people are increasingly
exposed to apocalyptic visions of the devastating effects of climate change (Colebrook 2014). Children and young
people are experiencing existential anxiety due to the competing contortions and entanglements of climate facts,
values, and concerns. Significant Australian research found that 25% of children believed the world would end
within their lifetimes (Tucci, Mitchell, and Goddard, 2007). Children and young people currently have few
opportunities to cultivate, voice, and express their understandings, concerns, and imaginings about climate change
within their local environments and communities. However, they are being positioned as future leaders who the
public expects to overcome the legacies of environmental inaction (Lee 2013). (Hill, 2006). Since children and young
people everywhere will have to deal with the ambiguous effects of climate change brought on by previous
generations, it is widely acknowledged that innovative and effective forms of climate change education are required
(Dalelo 2011; Devine-Wright, Devine-Wright, and Fleming 2004; Ekpoh and Ekpoh 2011; Fortner 2001; Hayden,
Houwer, Frankfort, Rueter, Black, & Mortfield 2011; Kagawa and Selby 2012; Papadimitriou 2004; Pruneau et al.
2003; UNESCO 2009).

As a result, the children and the youth need to be well equipped with proper knowledge regarding climate change
impacts, and effective initiatives should also be undertaken to improve their well-being. Since they are the future of
a nation and are also more vulnerable to climate stresses, they need to be given more emphasis regarding protection
from climate change impacts.

Possible Actions

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Child and youth well-being improvement initiatives for reducing

effects of climate stress
• Assess the impacts of climate change on child and youth well being
• Expansion of green areas, biodiversity or green parks, provide walkways or bicycling facilities with separate
lanes, sports playground and recreational facilities for improvement of physical health of child and youth
• Update child education to understand climate change and adaptations for building proactive coping
• Initiatives for child and youth sports, cycling, swimming, and other physical exercises
• Expand the child and youth development program
• Expand youth entrepreneurship program and innovation lab
• Youth leadership development program
• Engage youth in the nursery development program
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Enhanced climate resilience • Improved child health and • Occurrence of diseases among
among children and youth youth well being child and youth
• Youth-led conservation of nature • Improved standard of living • No of youth leadership program
for improved well being • Development of youth • No of youth entrepreneurs
• Locally led, gender and youth- leadership for climate • Medical cost of families and
inclusive adaptation initiatives actions Childs
increased • Reduced diseases of
• Capacity development at the children and treatment cost
individual, institutional, and • Expansion of youth
process level entrepreneurship and
• Improved human health, increased income
livability, and well-being • Increase overall adaptive
• The new or updated policy, plan, capacity
regulations, and institutions are
developed or reformed to
effectively take initiatives for the
improvement of the well-being of
the children and youth groups
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Local urban community, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
Stakeholders, child group, youth GEF, Multilateral and bilateral
group partners, private sector, collaborative
research grants and fellowships,
Climate BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity LGD, DYD
Supporting Implementing Entity DWD, DSS, MoYS, DoE, BFD, UDD, PWD, PPPA, Private Sector

Improvement of surveillance, early warning system, and monitoring of
psychosocial impacts and mental health risks from extreme weather events
Impenetrability in
URB Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Improvement of surveillance, early warning system, and monitoring of

psychosocial impacts and mental health risks from extreme weather events
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 3, Goal 4 52
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S3.2, S3.3, S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S4.3
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
Nearly all-natural disasters harm mental and physical health (Brackbill et al., 2006; Roorda, Stiphout, & Huijsman-
Rubingh, 2004). Even though survivors can overcome and possibly recover from physical injuries quickly.They
frequently struggle with mental health issues like substance abuse and domestic violence as well as conditions like
post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, psychological distress, insomnia, anxiety, and stress-related and
adjustment disorders (Beaglehole et al., 2018; Krug et al., 1998; North & Pfefferbaum, 2013; Tang et al., 2014). These
ongoing mental health issues significantly lower living standards and disrupt the quality of life in the impacted areas.
According to a recent meta-analysis, the prevalence of post-disaster depression ranges from 5.8 percent to 54.0
percent (Tang et al., 2014). Post-traumatic stress disorder is one of the most prevalent mental health issues seen in
natural disasters (Beaudoin, 2007; North & Pfefferbaum, 2013). A 1996 study carried out in the Tangail district of
Bangladesh, four months after a cyclone had killed 600 people, served as an example of this problem. The study
examined the psychological impact of the cyclone on residents and their need for psychological support. 66 percent
of those affected by the tragedy were traumatized and needed psychological treatment. Two months after Cyclone
Sidr in 2007, a different study of 750 survivors indicated that 25% had posttraumatic stress disorder, 18% had
major depressive disorder, 16% had somatoform disorder, and 15% had mixed anxiety and depressive illness
(Nahar et al. 2014).

It is generally established that women who live in disaster-affected areas are more likely than males to experience
injuries during a disaster, are less likely to reach safety, and feel more insecure. These factors may contribute to
lingering mental health issues, such as depression (Arora-Jonsson, 2011; Cannon, 2002). Women are more likely to
experience mental health issues due to a variety of factors, such as limited access to essential services and facilities
during and after a disaster, reluctance on the part of women—particularly pregnant women and nursing mothers—
to share rooms with strangers in emergency shelters, sexual harassment, household responsibilities, widowhood,
etc. The rural poor in Bangladesh who reside in low-lying, flood-prone, or coastal areas are more susceptible to
natural disasters and predisposed to post-disaster mental disorders. In Bangladesh, women also comprise a
disproportionately large section of the poor population, contributing to their growing susceptibility to mental health
concerns. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize providing women and the underprivileged in Bangladesh with
specialized mental health and psychological support following natural disasters (Nahar et al. 2014).

An appropriate early warning system is needed to address these problems. These have the potential to help many
people who are suffering from physical and mental health issues. Despite advancements in warning systems, pre-
cyclone evacuation in Bangladesh is still difficult. Some people are illiterate, unaware, and have communication
issues. Thus, they do not comprehend or heed the warnings. Another issue with warning message dissemination is
that most people living in Bangladesh's coastal regions lack access to radio or television. To prepare for the effects
of a cyclone, some Bangladeshis rely on natural warning signals, such as aberrant animal behavior, weather patterns,
and ocean currents. However, these signs may be unreliable and inconsistent. Because wind direction affects sound
transmission in rural locations, using megaphones by volunteers (more than 20,000 during cyclone alerts) is not
always reliable, and batteries for megaphones and microphones may not be locally available (Haque et al. 2012).
The early warning system and surveillance need to be improved in this regard. In addition, the psychosocial impacts
and mental health risks caused by climate change-induced extreme hazards are also essential to be monitored.

Possible Actions

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Improvement of surveillance, early warning system, and monitoring of

psychosocial impacts and mental health risks from extreme weather events
• Understand and regularly assess the adverse impacts of extreme climate events on mental health inclusive of
gender and disability issues
• Development of advanced and web-based surveillance and early warning systems and monitoring of
psychosocial impacts and mental health risks under extreme climatic event
• Extension of telehealth services for accessing health services
• Mental health-boosting programme through the development of pollution-free cities and expanding green
and blue infrastructure
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Enhanced resilience and improved • Improvement of mental and • Occurrence of diseases
standard of living psychological health • No of health advisory
• Improved mental health, livability, combating climate stresses related users
and well-being • Saving treatment costs for • Medical cost of families
• Community and youth-led reducing diseases occurrence
• No of awareness raising
psychological support programs for • Improved access to
improved well being emergency health advisory
• Enhanced adaptive capacity and services by mass people,
protection of life and livelihoods gender, persons with
against slow onset and other disabilities, and senior citizen
extreme events of climate change • Awareness raised among
climate-stressed patients
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
10% Local urban community, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation
Stakeholders, vulnerable poor Fund, GEF, Multilateral and
community bilateral partners, private
sector, collaborative research
grants and fellowships, Climate
BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DGHS
Supporting Implementing Entity
CEGIS, LGD, DoE, BIDA, PPPA, ICT, Private Sector

Extension of resilient and eco-friendly materials engaging private sectors
CRC10 through incentives and tax rebates for climate-resilient infrastructures
development in urban areas
Impenetrability in
URB Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 3, Goal 4 58
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S3.1, S3.2, S3.3, S1.2, S1.3, S4.1, S4.2, S4.3
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Extension of resilient and eco-friendly materials engaging private sectors

CRC10 through incentives and tax rebates for climate-resilient infrastructures
development in urban areas
Nearly all of Bangladesh's urban areas are in grave danger of flooding and cyclones. In 1998, excessive rain in Dhaka
led to short-duration flooding that severely damaged the city's infrastructure, including its roads, water supply, and
homes (Huq and Alam, 2003; Hye, 1999). The Asian Development Bank reports that infrastructure in 19 coastal
district towns, including Khulna, Chittagong, and Barisal, is still deficient in many places because it has either been
harmed by natural catastrophes or is no longer functionally sound. Coastal cities stand at a high risk of rising
flooding, according to World Bank economist Stephane Hallegatte, and the current defenses would not be sufficient
when the water level increases (Rahman and Rahman, 2015). Frequently, it has been discovered that severe
sedimentation causes drainage infrastructure, such as sluice gates, to become clogged and unworkable (Rahman
and Rahman, 2015). The majority of coastal cities/towns lack sewerage systems. Because drainage systems are
inadequate and poorly maintained, more frequent and severe storm occurrences would render them even more
ineffective. In Bangladesh's coastal region, soil salinity is a significant issue. Due to salty water crystallizing in
brickwork, salts dissolved in saline water can harm homes, buildings, and other structures. Sea-level rise may
increase soil salinity, which could lead to structural deterioration in Bangladesh's coastal cities.

Additionally, it might lead to metal corrosion in subsurface structural concrete, pipelines, cables, and other
infrastructures. Additionally, it might cause foundations to shift or sink, which could cause structural damage like
cracks or collapse (Shahid et al. 2012b). Extreme rainfall events brought on by climate change will also impact
clogged sewers and physical damage to infrastructure (Shahid et al. 2015).

The sustainability of urban Bangladesh depends on climate-resilient infrastructure. Future investments in urban
infrastructure must be climate resilient in light of these situations to control long-term costs and ensure that such
investments have the desired effects (ADB, 2013; Health Bulletin, 2012). Measures to achieve resilience include
improving slums, relocating extremely vulnerable settlements and infrastructure, upgrading water and sanitation
systems and services, redesigning urban flood control infrastructure, improving stormwater drainage, managing
land and space more efficiently, and planning energy-efficient construction (Roy 2009). Long lead times and
significant private-sector investments are required to change the current urban infrastructure (Shahid et al. 2015).
This can be made sure by making provisions for incentives and tax rebates for the private sector. Extreme weather
events like the 2007 flood or previous storms need to be examined to model the effects of climate change on
infrastructure design. The return period of significant extreme occurrences is projected to shorten considerably, so
this should be taken into account while designing urban infrastructures. Infrastructure must be planned, and current
infrastructure must be updated as necessary (Rahman and Mallick 2008).

Sustainability is improved by eco-structuring. The environment, society, and people all gain from it. To use fewer
resources, a structure must be customized to the local environment, conditions, culture, and community (Karolides,
2002). Well-known urban ecosystem services management techniques include green infrastructures, ecosystem-
based adaptability, and eco-infrastructures (Betancourth, 2011; Cameron et al., 2012; Geneletti & Zardo, 2016). In
this regard, green and eco-friendly materials can contribute a great deal to establishing climate-resilient urban
infrastructures. Urban green areas can be integrated with other urban infrastructures to create efficient adaptive
responses to occurrences like heat stress (Hansen & Pauleit, 2014). Importantly, green adaptation strategies offer
affordable solutions, use ecosystems for various purposes, and engage various stakeholders in developing countries
(Goodess et al., 2013; Hulsman & Van Wesenbeeck., 2011).

Possible Actions

• Implementation feasibility assessment of eco-engineering and environment-friendly measures for

infrastructures and communication
• Guidelines preparation for implementing eco-engineering measures and updating in relevant building codes
like BNBC`
• Implement the eco-engineering measures as per developed guidelines

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Extension of resilient and eco-friendly materials engaging private sectors

CRC10 through incentives and tax rebates for climate-resilient infrastructures
development in urban areas
• Develop proper policy support for producing resilient and eco-friendly brick and other construction materials
• Preparation of guidelines for the use of eco-friendly materials
• Introduce incentives and tax rebate mechanisms to develop an investment ecosystem for the private sector
• Popularize and extension of eco-friendly materials engaging for climate resilient infrastructures development

Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators

• Sustainable development • Reduced emissions for construction • No of initiatives for eco-
and green growth materials and brick production friendly infrastructures
achieved • Improvement of the urban environment development
• Nature based solutions and ecosystem health • No of engaged private
promoted • Reduced stresses of urban heat island sector stakeholders
• Climate change mitigation • Enabling environment and conducive • GHG emission level
• Privatte sector policy for eco-engineering development, • Length of climate resilient
engagement for CCA and inclusive green growth infrastructures developed
ensured • Achieve sustainably and climate- • Market supply trend of eco-
resilient development friendly construction

Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources

15% Local urban community, Stakeholders, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF, Adaptation
vulnerable poor community, private sector Fund, GEF, Multilateral and
bilateral partners, private
sector, collaborative research
grants and fellowships, Climate
BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity LGD
Supporting Implementing Entity DoE, HBRI, City Development Authority, NBR, IRD

Establishment of climate-resilient health care facilities in urban
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: URB Medium to Long
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 3, Goal 4 Cost 214
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S3.2, S3.3, S1.2, S1.3, S4.2
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Establishment of climate-resilient health care facilities in urban

The higher sensitivity of urban areas of Bangladesh to climate change is attributed to the lower adaptive capacity of
city dwellers due to limited access to technology, health services, quality education, and training. Dhaka city
continues to receive refugees from rural areas due to climate change, which fuels population expansion and
exacerbates the city's already severe poverty (Displacement Solutions 2010; Rabbani 2010). The urban poor lives
in settlements in marginal areas without drainage and are severely impacted by floods and waterlogging. It is
anticipated that these effects will get worse in the future. A study on how climate change affects Dhaka's urban poor
found that it has major health repercussions, including fever and water service disruption (Khan 2010).
Additionally, growing urbanization and traffic will continue to exacerbate the "urban heat island effect" by
producing more heat and accelerating the warming caused by climate change. This will have various effects on the
urban poor, including decreased productivity and income, detrimental effects on health, and disrupted water and
energy supplies (Ahmed 2014).

From 2000 to 2010, the key factors that affected dengue transmission in Dhaka were maximum temperature and
relative humidity. Climate change is anticipated to boost dengue transmission and mosquito activity in Dhaka.
Dengue incidence in Dhaka might significantly rise if the IPCC's projection of a 3.3°C temperature increase by 2100
comes to pass. Public health agencies must therefore be adequately prepared for any increases in dengue
transmission in this area (Banu et al. 2014). Through its synergistic effect, sunshine can influence a disease host. A
time-series analysis of cholera cases in Chandpur's Matlab Upazila of Bangladesh revealed a strong correlation
between monthly cholera occurrences and elevated temperatures and prolonged sunshine (Islam et al., 2009). In
particular, a combination of high temperatures and moderate sunshine amounts is ideal for a cholera outbreak. If
there is prolonged sunshine, relatively low temperatures may maintain the cholera vector (Wu et al. 2016). Which
pathogens are related to flooding can be determined by comparing the relative prevalence rates of specific
pathogens during floods and non-flood seasons. Such analyses have been conducted in Bangladesh on several
occasions, with studies revealing varying outcomes: cholera and ETEC associated with floods; an initial peak in
rotavirus incidence occurring during flooding followed by a decline right after the flood receded; increases in the
proportion of rotavirus diarrhea, rotavirus in older children, percentage of mixed rotavirus infection cases, and an
abrupt change in epidemic strains occurring during the spread of floods (Levy et al. 2016).

The Bangladesh health system continues to suffer from many drawbacks. Some of the major disadvantages of the
health system include: i) limited public health care facilities due to over-population, ii) compromised access to
health care facilities for the poor and disadvantaged population, iii) lack of essential commodities at the health care
facilities, iv) unavailability of the health workforce, v) lack of decision making power, vi) misuse of resources, vii)
inadequate financial resources, viii) growing inequity within the health system, ix) weak health information system,
etc. (Islam et al. 2014). Moreover, due to the adverse impacts of climate change, such as destructive floods, cyclones,
storm surges, etc., the existing healthcare facilities have become even more dilapidated.

Hence, urban areas need healthcare facilities that can resist the impacts of climate change-induced hazards.
Establishing adequate climate-resilient healthcare facilities is essential in the present situation of urban Bangladesh.

Possible Actions
• Operational framework development for building climate-resilient health-care facilities (HCFs) as per WHO
guidelines and ensuring the inclusion of women, people with diverse gender identities, children, the elderly
and persons with disabilities
• Establish climate-resilient Health Care Facilities (HCFs), including infection prevention and control (ipc)
• Scenario-based stress test assessments for the health-care system, including in light of the COVID-19
pandemic or sudden shocks, to formulate adaptations
• Develop and plan a one health approach to address emerging and re-emerging diseases and infections
(COVID-19, SARS, zika, etc.) due to climate calamities
• Identify and initiate climate-smart approaches including WASH interventions to combat cholera and other
neglected diseases (filaria, kalazar, etc.) and to minimize risks from antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Establishment of climate-resilient health care facilities in urban

• Develop special arrangements for emergency neonatal and post-neonatal services
• Initiatives for dense community clinics with local health workers helping women, children, the physically
challenged and pregnant women during climatic hazards
• Expand renewable energy-based power supplies and green buildings for hospitals or clinics through the
private sector
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Enhanced adaptive capacity • A reduced outbreak of water-borne • Occurrence of water borne
and protection of life, and vector-borne diseases and vector borne diseases
livelihoods, etc., against • Reduced sickness due to climate- • No of sick people per year
extreme events of climate induced diseases and reduced • Medical cost of families
change treatment cost
• No of awareness raising
• Enhanced urban resilience and • Reducing recurrent O&M costs of
improved standard of living community clinics, hospitals, and
• Improved human health, other healthcare facilities due to • Recurrent O&M cost of
livability, and well-being climate-induced disasters health care facilities
• Community, youth-led, and • Improve water use efficiency in • Water supply facilities
gender-sensitive healthcare health centers installed in health care
facilities for improved well centers
• Improved gender, persons with
being disabilities, and senior citizen WASH • GHG emission level
• Scientific knowledge and services in health care facilities • Power consumtion cost of
guidelines for climate-resilient • Reduce emissions and pollution from health care facilities
health, WASH, and urban healthcare facilities • No of gender, age and
development • Expansion of renewable energy and persons with disabilities
reduce the cost of power sensitive health care
consumption facilities

Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources

15% Local urban community, Stakeholders, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF,
vulnerable poor community, health Adaptation Fund, GEF,
workers, NGOs Multilateral and bilateral
partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants
and fellowships, Climate
BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity HED
Supporting Implementing Entity
DoE, ICT, BFD, BIDA, PPPA, Private Sector, MoI

Development of heatwave and diseases outbreak advisory services for
city dwellers
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: URB Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 1, Goal 3 30
(billion BDT)

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Development of heatwave and diseases outbreak advisory services for

city dwellers
Linked NAP Strategies S3.2, S3.3, S1.2, S1.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
the seasonal patterns in Surface Urban Heat Island Intensity (SUHII) (C/year) in major Bangladeshi cities from 2003
to 2019 show significant increasing trends during pre-monsoon and winter days. The number of winter nights is
significantly growing in the western (Dhaka) and central (Ashgabat) cities, whereas it is significantly reducing in the
northeast (Sylhet) and southwest (Khulna) cities. Extreme climate change will have a similar effect on Bangladesh's
other urban areas in the future. The rise in land surface temperature in Dhaka over the last few years confirmed the
surface warming that has been going on for decades. Other significant urban areas in Bangladesh exhibit a
comparable state of affairs. People and animals are affected by extreme heat in different ways. Worker productivity
declines, diseases spread, and cases of heatstroke rise. The mortality rate of fish, poultry, and livestock rises due to
the intense heat. Extreme heat is especially dangerous for crop production. Rapid temperature changes interfere
with crucial processes like flowering and germination because plants regulate all physiological functions using
temperature thresholds.

These climate changes will undoubtedly have a wide range of effects, from energy consumption to urban water
systems and public health. Extreme temperatures in Bangladesh have been found to raise the risk of heat stress,
diarrheal illnesses, dehydration, and the escalation of cardiovascular and respiratory ailments (Shahid 2010c).
According to Rowland (1986), the seasonal peak of Escherichia coli diarrhea in Bangladesh occurs when food is
most likely contaminated because of increased bacterial growth brought on by hot weather. Huq et al. (2005)
discovered a strong relationship between Bangladeshi cholera toxin-producing bacteria (likely Vibrio cholerae) and
temperature. According to Hashizume et al. (2008), for every degree above 29 degrees Celsius in temperature,
rotavirus diarrhea increases by 40.2 percent in Dhaka.

Additionally, they discovered Dhaka's non-cholera diarrhea cases rise with temperature, especially in those with
lower socioeconomic and sanitary status (Hashizume et al. 2007). According to Banu et al. (2014), a 3.3-degree
Celsius temperature increase without adaptation measures and changes in socioeconomic status will increase
16,030 dengue cases in Dhaka. There is little doubt that urban Bangladesh would experience an increase in diseases
due to rising daily temperatures and temperature-related extreme occurrences (Shahid et al. 2015).

The city dwellers of Bangladesh need effective adaptation strategies to combat the impacts of the ever-increasing
heat waves. The over-population issues, unplanned urbanization, industrialization, etc., all contribute to the
formation of urban heat islands in the country's metropolitan cities. This leads to diseases that may also take the
shape of an epidemic. Under the above circumstances, the urgency to develop heatwave and disease outbreak
advisory services for the urban population of Bangladesh is quite acute.

Possible Actions
• Develop spatial vulnerability-specific emergency health care facilities and infrastructures
• Improve accessibility or communication facilities to get emergency services from healthcare facilities
• Establish a correlation between heatwave and disease outbreaks through extensive research
• Develop climate and health data sharing protocol and MoUs with relevant agencies, research, and knowledge
• Review existing health-related advisory services and develop a framework for heatwave and disease outbreak
advisory services with health improvement guidelines
• Establish ICT-based dynamic heatwave and disease outbreak advisory services with PPP modalities
• Popularize and extension of advisory services to the citizen
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Development of heatwave and diseases outbreak advisory services for

city dwellers
• Enhanced adaptive capacity • Improved access to early warning and • Occurrence of diseases
and protection of life, health advisory services • No of health advisory
livelihoods, and ecosystem • Improved health services for related users
against slow onset and other communities and reduced treatment • Medical cost of families
extreme events of climate cost
• No of awareness raising
• Better health protection and programs
• Enhanced urban resilience and preparedness
improved standard of living
• Awareness of citizens regarding the
• Improved human health, health impacts of climate change and
livability, and well-being undertaking preventive measures
• Improved standard of living and well
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
10% Local urban community, Stakeholders, ADP, CIF, BCCT, GCF,
vulnerable poor community, city dwellers Adaptation Fund, GEF,
Multilateral and bilateral
partners, private sector,
collaborative research
grants and fellowships,
Climate BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity DGHS
Supporting Implementing Entity
PPPA, ICT, Private Sector

3.7 Policies and Institutions

PIN1 Preparation of a roadmap for implementing the NAP
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 5 2.2
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S5.1, S5.2, S5.3, S5.4, S5.5
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
A project roadmap is a visual overview of a project. Typically represented on a timeline, a roadmap consists of; project
scope, deliverables, project schedule, project milestones, or events on the project timeline that indicate a change in
the project’s phase and project risks. The roadmap most notably contains the chronological order in which project
activities are to be done and milestones achieved. A roadmap for a project is essential to manage uncertainty and at
the same time, to help identify enough tasks to get the project started. It is also required to stay on top of project
goals. Project roadmaps keep stakeholders updated on the project objectives, progress, and roadblocks. That way,
stakeholders can make decisions at the right time to keep a project on track.
Preparing a roadmap is crucial to successfully implementing Bangladesh's National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Project.
The plan attempts to address adaptation requirements for short-, medium-, and long-term (2050) planning horizons
(the 2030s, and 2041, respectively). To achieve its vision and six goals, the NAP contains 23 adaption strategies and

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

PIN1 Preparation of a roadmap for implementing the NAP

113 interventions organized into 8 sectors to support implementation. The 113 interventions have a total investment
cost of BDT 20,037 billion for 27 years (2023-2050) until the 13th Five-Year Planning cycle, with 90 high-priority
and 23 moderate-priority interventions. At the current pricing, this necessary investment equals $230 billion.
Currently, the government invests about $1.2 billion annually in climate adaptation (MoF, 2021). The amount needed
for the NAP's successful implementation will be seven times higher or $8.5 billion annually. The cost of the investment
will rise as prices rise in the future. To become a developed country by 2041, the NAP suggests mobilizing and
successfully utilizing more than 70% of the total investment expenditure for climate change adaptation by 2040.
Bangladesh urgently needs to raise international development financing from bilateral sources, United Nations
organizations, the World Bank, the ADB, the International Monetary Fund, JICA, KOICA, and other suitable global
financing institutions for developing resilient infrastructure. This is because current domestic funding is insufficient
to build a climate-resilient Bangladesh. However, the available international financial resources pale in comparison
to the current needs. An immediate course of action is envisaged to mobilize adaptation finance from international
sources. This would require a roadmap to transition from strategies to an immediate action plan for at least the next
5 years, aiming to implement the NAP in Bangladesh smoothly.
The NAP is intended to be integrated into national strategies and policies. The BDP2100, the Perspective Plan, the
Five-Year Plan, the MCPP (draft), and the SDGs are all aligned with the NAP, and it has been envisioned to integrate
the NAP into the Annual Development Programme (ADP). The NAP will also face many uncertainties as climate
change invites many challenges. The NAP needs adaptive management to address a wide variety of climate change
uncertainties. The NAP would also require sector-specific adaptation pathways to provide stakeholders with
strategic and suggestive implementation guidance. Hence, an extensive roadmap is essential in terms of materializing
the NAP.
The development of transformative capacity, the transfer of technology, the management of data, and the
advancement of knowledge among and by stakeholders at many levels and across various sectors are essential
components of the NAP formulation and advancement process. Initiatives for technology transfer, knowledge
management, and creating capacities related explicitly to climate change adaptation face major obstacles, particularly
at the system, planning, and institutional levels. Furthermore, it won't be easy to transparently track and
communicate progress using the proposed NAP M&E framework. In this regard and to make data transmission easier,
appropriate sophisticated digital technologies, data exchange, updates, and access protocols are required.
Considering all these challenging factors, a comprehensive action plan is needed, which would be much smoother if
a roadmap is established for NAP.
Possible Actions
• Comprehensive assessment of dynamic adaptive pathway to identify tipping points and assess the
effectiveness of adaptation
• Development of sector-specific implementation guidelines for the approved NAP
• Development of the three-tier M&E framework as proposed in the NAP based on SMART indicators and a
development results framework based on a theory of change
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Adaptation investment gap • Effective climate change adaptation • Rate of the management and
declines is ensured mobilization of international
• Effective and robust M&E • Sector-specific implementation of funds
for climate change the NAP will be made easier • Rate of access to readiness
adaptation developed to • The monitoring and evaluation of the support
support the national NAP will be smoother • Regular M&E reports at the
monitoring, reporting, and national, planning, and project
verification system levels
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

PIN1 Preparation of a roadmap for implementing the NAP

Relevant sector Ministries, Departments GEF, WB, ADB, JICA, FAO, UNDP,
or Divisions and IMED, M&E data USAID, DFID, OXFAM, UKAID, BCCT,
generating Agencies or key implementers GCF, Multilateral and bilateral
of NAP, etc. partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants,
fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity MoEFCC, MoP, MoF
Supporting Implementing Entity Cabinet Division, PMO

Development of a regulatory and institutional framework for advancing
the NAP
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 5 9
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S5.1, S5.2, S5.3, S5.4
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Project prioritizes the integration of climate change adaptation into planning,
execution, resource mobilization and use, horizontal and vertical coordination, M&E, and the development of
transformative ability. To ensure proper integration of climate change into the development planning process and
uphold transparency & policy compliance, a structured policy framework is crucial. To ensure the smooth
implementation of the NAP, relevant ministries must amend their "rules of business" to include climate action-related
directives, delegate tasks, and promote strategic thinking at all ministry levels. Later, a climate change regime with
the necessary policy reforms should be established to support strong inter-ministerial cooperation for the
implementation of the NAP and realize the vision of the NAP by protecting vulnerable communities and ecosystems.
In order to ensure locally led, gender-, age-, and disability-responsive, and socially inclusive NAP implementation, the
mandates of the existing District Development Coordination Committees (DDCC) will need to be revised to include
representatives from the private sector, CBOs, CSOs, NGOs, women, the elderly, youth, persons with disabilities,
ethnic communities, and other marginalized groups. To carry out smooth strategic and technical decisions, ensure
policy coordination, mobilize and use finance, leverage the private sector, and maintain synergies with multilateral
environmental agreements, the NAP implementation will maintain effective multilateral coordination with
stakeholders at multiple levels. The three types of coordination mechanisms listed below will be established and
strengthened at various levels as part of the NAP implementation process: technical coordination for planning and
implementation, financial and performance coordination, and policy and strategy coordination.
The NAP's implementation will strongly emphasize developing technical knowledge generation and management
capabilities, knowledge sharing and cooperation, stakeholder involvement in project planning and execution,
resource mobilization, and efficient coordination between institutions, actors, and agencies. To achieve these goals,
transformative capacity-building for people, institutions, and systems will be created. A crucial prerequisite is a
nationwide pool of expertise. To enable them to effectively participate in NAP implementation processes, relevant
professionals, academics, private sector employees, and individuals will receive training in climate change knowledge
management, planning and integration of Climate Change Adaptation (CCA), climate financing, implementation of
CCA projects, and outcome monitoring.
Hence, under the above circumstances, developing a regulatory and institutional framework is essential for the
effective advancement of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) in Bangladesh.
Possible Actions

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Development of a regulatory and institutional framework for advancing

the NAP
• Development of the Climate Change Policy Regime and making it operational
• Formation of the proposed institutional arrangement for the NAP, appointing the respective chairperson,
member secretary, and members from sector ministries, departments and line agencies, the private sector,
youth, women, CBOs, NGOs, academia, universities, prominent experts, knowledge institutes, development
partners, media, CSOs, etc. as mandated by the proposed policy regime
• Update the ‘allocation of business of the MoEFCC for the smooth implementation of the NAP and NDC in a
coordinated way with IMED, MoP, GED, and other sector ministries and departments
• Ensure landownership rights and planned urbanization in CHT
• Update the National Environment Policy (2018) as an umbrella policy document for updating oversight of the
NAP implementation
• Update the Bangladesh Climate Change Trust Act (2010) to widen the scope for harnessing international
climate funds for the BCCTF
• Expand collaboration and networking with the MoEFCC, MoP, MoF, and other sector ministries and line
agencies, knowledge and research institutes from the public and private sectors, LGIs, CSOs, CBOs,
development partners, NGOs, women, youth, academia, universities, and media
• Ease collaborative climate change research and innovation project formulation and operation with national
and transnational partners
• Development of a youth-led climate negotiator pool for COP and international outreach, communication, and
• Increased collaboration with the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA), CVF, GWP, and other international global
adaptation forums
• Empower LGIs for local-level climate change adaptation implementation
• Devise strategies, dedicated funds, and a task force to ensure enhanced financing for the smooth
implementation of the NAP
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Private sector-led CCA • Financing will be enhanced for • Number of private sector-led
initiatives implemented implementing the NAP adaptation initiatives
• Locally led, gender-, • Collaboration and networking with • LGI-led CCA initiatives
disability- and youth- the MoEFCC, MoP, MoF, and other • Number of youth-led CCA
inclusive adaptation sector ministries and line agencies, initiatives
initiatives increased knowledge and research institutes
• Participation of women,
• Decentralized from the public and private sectors,
people with diverse gender
environmental and climate LGIs, CSOs, CBOs, development
identities, and people with
change management partners, NGOs, women, youth,
disabilities in CCA initiatives
ensured academia, universities, and media
• Awareness of private sector
will be expanded
• Landownership rights and planned
urbanization will be ensured in CHT
• Collaborative climate change
research and innovation will be
made easier and smoother
• Climate change adaptation
implementations at the local levels
will increase

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Development of a regulatory and institutional framework for advancing

the NAP
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
2% Relevant sector Ministries, Departments GEF, WB, ADB, JICA, FAO, UNDP,
or Divisions and IMED, M&E data USAID, DFID, OXFAM, UKAID, BCCT,
generating Agencies or key implementers GCF, Multilateral and bilateral
of NAP, etc. partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants,
fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity MoEFCC
Supporting Implementing Entity MoYS, MoDMR, Cabinet Division, PMO, and other relevant ministries,
private sector, NGOs, CBOs, CSOs

Update and reform policies and plans for mainstreaming climate change
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 5 6.85
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S5.1, S5.2, S5.3, S5.4, S5.5
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Integrating climate threats into development planning and decision-making is known as "mainstreaming" climate
change. The mainstreaming of climate adaptation into a nation's development planning procedure is one of the
important outcomes of the NAP process as specified by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC). Because climate change is a multifaceted issue with implications for future development, mainstreaming
proponents contend that to ensure climate planning's relevance and ongoing support, it should be adopted by all
branches of the government at all levels. There are 15 development sectors in Bangladesh. The NAP strategic action
plans should be incorporated into the sector action plans of these development sectors to be included in the annual
development program.
Additionally, proper integration of climate change adaptation into the development planning process at the national,
sectoral, and local levels is essential for the efficient implementation of NAP. Various pertinent policies, plans, and
existing initiatives for mainstreaming climate change adaptation in the development process have been analyzed to
gain an overview of the procedure, institutional setup, and established guidelines for mainstreaming climate change
adaptation in Bangladesh.
The NAP must adopt a climate-focused approach to formulating policies and plans, using a climate lens and devising
strategies for enabling proactive adaptation projects or programs for climate-resilient development. The Planning
Commission, Ministry of Finance, and other sectoral ministries would be consulted on a minor revision of the
operational development planning manual, guidelines, and frameworks to integrate climate change into operational
development planning. For instance, completing Climate Impact Assessments (CIA) should be mandatory as part of
feasibility studies for the Planning Commission's approval of DPP.
Climate change issues will need to be addressed more carefully to ensure a seamless CIA process, considering both
slow-onset and intense disasters within the current Disaster Impact Assessment (DIA) Framework. Through disaster
risk-informed planning, the present DIA framework was created following clause 24.3 of the guidelines for the
development and analysis of Development Projects Proforma (DPP). To create synergies between Climate Change
Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in planning and to enable climate- and disaster risk-informed

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Update and reform policies and plans for mainstreaming climate change
development planning, the NAP intends to rebrand the framework as the Climate and Disaster Impact Assessment
(CDIA) framework. So, in this regard, the national policies and plans need to be updated and reformed to mainstream
climate change adaptation.
Possible Actions
• Introduce a climate change impact and risk assessment framework (CCIRAF) into the existing disaster impact
assessment (DIA) framework to enable a comprehensive assessment of climate change impacts and risks
through pre-feasibility and feasibility studies as obligatory risk screening tools for project appraisal and
mainstreaming into DPP formulation
• Develop a method and mainstream climate change risk-adjusted economic and financial analysis (NPV, IRR,
and BCR) analysis and costing for DPP formulation
• Develop an integrated agriculture development plan for adaptive farming practices in areas potentially
affected by saltwater intrusion and/or climate stress
• Update the log frame in light of the theory of change
• Mainstream the Climate and Environmental Fiscal Framework into the budgeting system
• Mainstream and implement the updated Climate Change Gender Action Plan (ccGAP)
• Development of a gender-responsive budgeting system
• Develop and implement the Youth-Led Adaptation Plan (YLAP)
• Develop and implement the Chattogram Hill Tracts Climate Action Plan (CHT-CAP) to facilitate adaptation for
ethnic communities
• Climate Adaptation Plan for Persons with Disabilities
• Mainstream the City Climate Action Plan (City CAP)
• Develop separate sectoral NAPs for WASH and infrastructure
• Update BCCSAP as the sector action plan on climate change adaptation and mitigation to support ADP
• Inclusion of green growth strategies into sectoral development and action plans
• Development or updating of agriculture policy conducive to crop diversification and intensification in fallow
land in the dry season in climate-stressed areas (due to saline, drought, and irrigation)
• Integration of climate-smart agricultural practices into the development planning process
• Development of an updated Jal mahal policy or leasing system management policy and ensure its effective
implementation in restricting leaseholders from drying beels for overfishing
• Banning the use of illegal fishing nets or fishing with poison
• Ensure the coordination of the Department of Fisheries and the Department of Agriculture
• Extension of proper land management for fisheries and agriculture
• Promote rainwater harvesting systems at the building design level
• Mainstream climate change issues into city development plans or local city development practices
• Mainstream OECM policies to make green spaces a mandatory 25 percent of urban areas for smart city
• Transform/reform local disaster management coordination and decision-making mechanisms through
decentralization and co-management, enforcing the standing order on disasters (SOD), establishing a digital
disaster information center in each union, capacity-building for disaster management committees, enhancing
humanitarian coordination, etc.
• Update the Standing Order on Disasters (2019), integrating emerging threats from lightning
• Development of appropriate policies for the conservation of ocean ecosystems and fostering the blue
economy in the Bay of Bengal

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Update and reform policies and plans for mainstreaming climate change
• Improve policy, legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks to increase the resilience of essential
• Establish synergies with the health NAP and other aligned policies and plans
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• New or updated policies, • Comprehensive assessment of • Approved and operational
plans, regulations, and climate change impacts and risks is policy and institutional
institutions developed or enabled framework
reformed to support • Adaptive farming practices are • Mandatory climate impact
mainstreaming of the NAP established in areas potentially and risk assessment
into government risk- affected by saltwater intrusion framework (CIRAF)
informed planning and and/or climate stress developed and integrated into
implementation processes the DPP process for project
• A gender-responsive budgeting
• Effective and robust M&E system is developed appraisal
for climate change • Number of climate risk-
• Adaptation is facilitated for ethnic
adaptation developed to informed updated policies
support the national and planning initiatives
• Effective implementation of Jal
monitoring, reporting, and
Mohol policy or leasing system • Reformed and operational,
verification system
management policy in restricting institutional arrangements
leaseholders from drying beels for for the NAP
overfishing • Development and
• Increase in green growth, green implementation of LAPA
spaces, and climate-smart • Participation of women,
agricultural practices people with diverse gender
• Synergies with the health NAP and identities, and people with
other aligned policies and plans are disabilities in CCA initiatives
established • Number of co-management
• Standing order on disasters (SOD) initiatives for CCA
is enforced
• A digital disaster information
center is established in each union
• Capacity-building for disaster
management committees is
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
Relevant sector Ministries, Departments GEF, WB, ADB, JICA, FAO, UNDP,
or Divisions and IMED, M&E data USAID, DFID, OXFAM, UKAID, BCCT,
generating Agencies or key implementers GCF, Multilateral and bilateral
of NAP, etc. partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants,
fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity MoEFCC, MoP
Supporting Implementing Entity MoYS, MoDMR, Cabinet Division, PMO and other relevant ministries,
private sectors, NGOs, CBOs, CSOs

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Operationalize NAP Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning framework
based on ‘Theory of Change’
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 5 6.5
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S5.1, S5.3
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is essential to achieve the long-term success of climate adaptation initiatives.
Regarding climate change adaptation, M&E is critical for strategic and effective planning, as well as knowing essential
focus areas and learning from experience to maximize the impacts. It assists in tracking the performance of
adaptation plan activities (e.g., stakeholder engagement), identifying pre-identified risks, and determining if the
expected results and outputs have been met. Thereby, monitoring and evaluation become an integral component of
the project or program design to ensure accountability and learning of the ever-fitting Climate Change Adaptation
(CCA) measures.

A nationwide Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system is included in the NAP for tracking adaptation progress
toward goals, determining the efficacy of implemented measures in reducing the desired level of risk, and
determining adaptation priorities along with providing stakeholders and policymakers with information on reaching
perceived aims and outcomes, as well as depicting the present status of target accomplishments. NAP adopts the
"Theory of Change” concept in structuring the M&E and its development based on and aligned with the existing
national M&E initiatives. “Theory of Change” provides the basis for identifying context-specific integrated resilience
indicators, the desired long-term outputs, and outcomes of a project or intervention as part of a result chain and
related resilience metrics.. However, there it requires strong collaboration with IMED and sector ministries for
developing and operationalizing the proposed M&E framework of NAP at the national level (Tier 1), planning level
(Tier 2), and program or project level (Tier 3). Otherwise, the NAP implementation tracking would be difficult. For
an effective M&E mechanism, the selection of appropriate indicators is crucial. Thereby, extensive research needs to
be done on indicator selection and developing a dynamic tool for M&E indicators data collection, processing,
uploading, updating, and report generation. In NAP, the planning level M&E (tier 2) maintains a link between policy
and project level frameworks so, careful consideration has to be given in both fixing indicators and establishing a
mode of measuring values which necessitates the collection, update, and report of data and information of selected
SMART indicators to facilitate the M&E process in a particular frequency. The NAP also proposed to develop an
online-offline android-based Open Data Kit (ODK) for quick and effective real-time data collection, processing,
upload, and verification. Finally, it would develop a NAP M&E portal to support the M&E operational process. The
NAP M&E Framework also addresses the capacity-building regiment that will train up necessary professionals,
including officials of MoEFCC and other relevant sector Ministries, Departments or Divisions, and IMED. They will be
involved in NAP implementation and exclusively with M&E, regularly through organized iteration to understand the
‘Theory of Change’ and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework of NAP. The NAP also encourages external and
internal evaluation, facilitating M&E verification, increased transparency, and an auditable process of NAP progress
and outcomes. This would also open up a wide window of climate investment through international climate funds,
bi-lateral or multi-lateral development partners and facilitate verification of M&E that necessitates the creation of a
mechanism for proper operation. Apart from the things mentioned above, there is also a need to distribute roles and
responsibilities regarding data sharing, updates, access protocol, and coordination mechanisms among all data-
generating agencies or key implementers of NAP is also paramount for the successful implementation of NAP M&E.

As Bangladesh has progressed from raising awareness of the necessity of adaptation to establishing and
implementing adaptation plans and programs, the M&E mechanism for transformation at the national level has

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Operationalize NAP Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning framework

based on ‘Theory of Change’
emerged with urgency. It would also open the possibility of obtaining climate money to minimize vulnerability.
Considering all these issues, NAP has developed a detailed M&E framework and awaiting its successful application.
Possible Actions
• Develop and operationalize the proposed M&E framework of NAP at the national level (Tier 1), planning level
(Tier 2), and program or project level (Tier 3) in collaboration with IMED and sector ministries
• Action research and development of dynamic M&E indicators data collection, processing, uploading, updating,
and report generation (based on a weighted aggregation of indicators data) tool as per prescribed process and
outcome-based reporting framework
• Collect, update and report sex, age and disability disaggregated data and information of selected SMART
indicators to facilitate the M&E process in a particular frequency
• Development of NAP M&E dynamic web-based portal and android-based apps to support M&E operational
• Building capacity among officials of MoEFCC and other relevant sector Ministries, Departments, or Divisions
and IMED to understand the ‘Theory of Change’ and monitoring, and evaluation (M&E) framework of NAP
• Develop an internal and external auditory mechanism for M&E verification, climate investment allocation, and
utilization maintaining transparency
• Ascertain roles and responsibilities of M&E among key stakeholders and develop data sharing, update, access
protocol, and coordination mechanisms among all data generating agencies or key implementers of NAP
• Capacity building for responsible agencies, ministries, and officials for involvement in operational NAP M&E
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• The new or updated policy, • The monitoring and evaluation • The extent of research and
plan, regulations, and framework of NAP has been development of dynamic M&E
institutions developed or operationalized indicators
reformed to support • Facilitation the M&E process • Amount of data and
mainstreaming of NAP into focusing mainly on people based on information of selected SMART
Govt. the risk-informed their sex, age, and disabilities indicators that are collected,
planning and implementation updated, and reported
• Capacity development of MoEFCC
officials and other relevant sector • The functionality of the M&E
• Private sector-led CCA Ministries, Departments, or Divisions web portals and mobile apps
initiatives implemented and IMED • The functionality of the
• Effective and robust • Capacity development of responsible auditory mechanism of the NAP
monitoring and evaluation for agencies, ministries, and officials M&E framework
CCA developed to support the
• The M&E framework is transparent • The amount of M&E-related
national MRV system
• Stakeholder participation is ensured data that is accessed, updated,
in the M&E related activities and shared among data-
generating agencies
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
2% Relevant sector Ministries, Departments GEF, WB, ADB, JICA, FAO, UNDP,
or Divisions and IMED, M&E data USAID, DFID, OXFAM, UKAID, BCCT,
generating Agencies or key implementers GCF, Multilateral and bilateral
of NAP, etc. partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants,
fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity MoEFCC, IMED

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Operationalize NAP Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning framework

based on ‘Theory of Change’
MoP, Cabinet Division, PMO, All relevant ministries and line agencies,
Supporting Implementing Entity
PPPA, Private Sector

Reform local government institutes for inclusion of community-based
organizations, women, and youth for implementation of locally-led adaptation
Impenetrability in
Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 5 34.3
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S5.1, S5.4
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
Smooth implementation, monitoring, and updating of the NAP require a well-organized and active institutional
setup. Policy regimes and plan documents emphasize the LGI's participative, accountable, inclusive, gender-
sensitive, and responsive functioning for the common and disadvantaged groups in particular (Aminuzzaman et al.,
2015). Regarding legal obligations and responsibilities, Article 59 Section 2(c) of the Bangladesh Constitution
mandates that local government authorities prepare and implement all public services and economic developments
(Minlaw, 1972). City corporations in the metropolitan area, Pourashava (municipality council), Zila Parishad
(district council), Upazila Parishad (subdistrict council), and Union Parishad are five administrative tiers
responsible for the implementation of local development plans and programs. City corporations and Pourashavas
are responsible for urban areas, while the others are for rural areas.

Community-based organizations are key partners of the national government in encouraging people's engagement
and sustainable development and involving citizens and other organizations in local governance decision-making.
However, analyzing LGI laws, project documents, and legally framed gender underrepresentation in local
government councils; unequal resource allocation in the decision-making process; lack of guidance on effective
resource mobilization; and understaffing are the major challenges in effectively implementing council decisions
(Kisinger, C., Matsui, K.;2021). As a result, there is a pressing need to reform local government institutions, involving
community-based organizations in their activities.

The Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP)-2009 prioritized strengthening community-
based adaptation (CBA) and increasing the resilience of vulnerable groups through involvement (MOEF, 2009, pp.
27–29). The Government of Bangladesh recognizes the need for improved governance in the local government
entities through decentralization and intends for other appropriate initiatives under the 8FYP.

Climate change affects women and children more than the other groups. Several community-based organizations
come forward in the aftermath of the disaster to help women, children, teenagers, and other vulnerable people. They
are also familiar with a range of indigenous ways of dealing with the effects of climate change as members of a
vulnerable community. However, it has been found that women, youth, and community-based organizations are
deprived when making decisions for the community's welfare. Change in this practice strongly suggested that a
holistic strategy including all stakeholders’ engagement is essential in designing and implementing any adaptation
program to attain climate resilience. Such as developing WASAs, City Corporations/Municipal Water Supply
Authority in all divisional cities, development of Water Supply, Sanitation and Regulatory Authority, etc.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Reform local government institutes for inclusion of community-based

organizations, women, and youth for implementation of locally-led adaptation
Along with various measures to reform local government institutions, there is also a need to develop a funding
mechanism for mobilizing and utilizing resources for implementing locally-led adaptation through LGIs, CBOs,
NGOs, and private sectors; involving the Local Level Youth Leadership Program; ensuring participation of local-level
stakeholders vulnerable/voiceless people in policy dialogue for enhancing the climate resilience of the local

Possible Actions

• Engagement of women, youth, people with diverse gender identities, persons with disabilities and CBOs in
identifying, planning and designing adaptation activities and their implementation
• Development of WASAs in all divisional cities and City Corporations/Municipal Water Supply Authorities as
subordinate bodies of divisional WASAs
• Development of Water Supply, Sanitation, and Regulatory Authority to develop and implement volumetric
pricing and sanitation policy
• Encourage decentralized environment and climate change management system through developing capacity
among local government officials, community representatives, NGOs, and private sectors
• Establish a gender-responsive community resilience fund (GrCRF) for mobilization and utilization of
resources for implementing locally led adaptation through LGIs, CBOs, NGOs and private actors
• Support co-management and participatory resources (agriculture, fisheries, livestock, ecosystem, water, and
disaster) management committees/associations or groups for effective climate risk management
• Assess locally-led adaptation needs, develop and implement a Local Adaptation Plan of Action (LAPA)
• Local Level Youth Leadership Program engaging LGIs, CBOs, and NGOs
• Encourage & Ensure participation of local-level stakeholders, vulnerable/voiceless people, including women,
persons with disabilities, and youth in policy dialogue and need assessment consultation process
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Community and youth-led • Participation of local-level • Number of local-level stakeholders,
conservation of nature for stakeholders, vulnerable/voiceless people
improved well being vulnerable/voiceless people, including women, persons with
• Decentralized including women, persons disabilities, and youth participating
environmental and climate with disabilities, and youth in in policy dialogue and need
change management policy dialogue and need assessment consultation process
ensured assessment consultation • Number of LGIs, CBOs, and NGOs
process engaging in Local Level Youth
• Locally led, gender and
youth-inclusive adaptation • Implementation of volumetric Leadership Program
initiatives increased pricing and sanitation policy • Amount of resources that are
• Capacity development of local mobilized through the Gender-
government officials, responsive Community Resilience
community representatives, Fund (GrCRF)
NGOs, and private sectors • The number of city corporations
• Implementation of locally-led where WASA has been developed as
adaptation through LGIs, subordinate bodies of divisional
CBOs, NGOs, and private WASAs
sectors • Number of women, youth, gender,
• Effective climate risk persons with disabilities, and CBOs
management ensured participating in designing of
adaptation and its implementation

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Reform local government institutes for inclusion of community-based

organizations, women, and youth for implementation of locally-led adaptation
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
2% Local-level stakeholders, GEF, WB, ADB, JICA, FAO, UNDP, USAID,
vulnerable/voiceless people, DFID, OXFAM, UKAID, BCCT, GCF,
including women, persons with Multilateral and bilateral partners,
disabilities and youth, local private sector, collaborative research
government officials, community grants, fellowships, etc.
representatives, LGIs, CBOs, NGOs,
and private sectors, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity LGD, MoP
MoEFCC, Cabinet Division, PMO, All relevant ministries and line agencies,
Supporting Implementing Entity
PPPA, Private Sector

Innovative, appropriate and enhanced financial instruments for
supporting climate change adaptation
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 5 72.4
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S5.1, S5.3, S5.5
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Despite significant ongoing pressure on Bangladesh's economy and progress toward sustainable development
brought on by the country's unique geographical location and changing climate regime, Bangladesh's economic
growth has been supported by decades of systematic investments in disaster preparedness and climate resilience.
According to an international development organization, The World Bank, by 2050, one-third of agricultural GDP
might be lost due to climatic unpredictability and extreme events. This is a terrible estimate given that the agriculture
sector accounts for over half of employment in the nation. Dealing with such an extreme and uncertain future would
put the nation through inconceivable misery and pose a severe threat to its development goals. Redemption can only
be guaranteed by effective climate adaptation measures, backed by increased climate finance from promised
development support & cooperation. Climate financing can be mobilized through blending climate finance, private
sector investment, creative financing methods like green or blue bonds, equities, guarantees, risk-transfer
mechanisms, or insurance, green transformation, and an increase in utilizing global climate finance, such as through
the GCF and bilateral and multilateral funds. Otherwise, Bangladesh might face economic losses and damages caused
by the frequent and devastating climatic disasters that visit Bangladesh each year.
Possible Actions
• Introduce index-based insurance mechanisms (such as crop insurance) for recovery of losses and damages
due to a sudden extreme shock or disaster
• Develop policy and incentive tools to popularize urban nature-based solutions and green infrastructure at the
community level
• Introduce and enforce seasonal and annual ban periods for fishery locations or habitat-specific conservation
and provide incentives/subsidies to fishers following payment for ecosystem services (PES) or beneficiary
pay principles
• Provide subsidies to fishers for promoting the use of aerators to maintain oxygen levels in depleted ponds or

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Innovative, appropriate and enhanced financial instruments for

supporting climate change adaptation
• Provide incentives to farmers for the adoption of new stress-tolerant varieties or breeds
• Gender-responsive and inclusive index-based insurance mechanisms
• Develop VAT and other tax instruments, green or climate bonds and/or suitable risk transfer tools through
collaboration with NBR, MoF, Bangladesh Bank, and the private sectors for CCA implementation
• Provide a ‘climate resilience allowance’ for vulnerable communities for emergency response and recovery,
and adoption of adaptation technologies
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• The most vulnerable • Introducing index-based insurance • Available risk transfer tools
population are supported to mechanisms (such as crop
• Green bonds or resilience
insurance) will recover losses and
build long-term resilience. bonds
damages due to climate shocks and
• Improved ability to reduce climate change-induced disaster • Contributions from domestic
threats to food security • VAT and other tax instruments, sources
• Reduced economic push green or climate bonds and/or • Private sector investment in
factors of migration suitable risk transfer tools can adaptation
safeguard a community form any
• Creation of capacities for the • Contributions of development
unforeseen future risks.
development of production partners and international
• Providing subsidies will encourage funds
models resistant to climate the relevant stakeholders to
change. practice climate smart adaptation • Rate of access to readiness
• Development of innovative practices. support
technologies and adaptation • Investment opportunities for nature-
practices to support risk- based solutions as well as smart
informed planning and cities, and energy access will aid to
damage mitigation achieve green economic recovery

Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources

7% Relevant sector Ministries, Departments GEF, WB, ADB, JICA, FAO, UNDP,
or Divisions and IMED, M&E data USAID, DFID, OXFAM, UKAID, BCCT,
generating Agencies or key implementers GCF, Multilateral and bilateral
of NAP etc. partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants,
fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity MoF
Supporting Implementing Entity NBR, BB, MoEFCC, Cabinet Division, PMO, PPPA, private sector

PIN7 Private sector financing in leading CCA implementation
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 5 8.5
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S5.3, S5.5
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

PIN7 Private sector financing in leading CCA implementation

Bangladesh's economy is heavily reliant on a flourishing private sector. However, climate variability and extreme
events such as prolonged floods and waterlogging, heat stress, devastating cyclones, tidal surges, and salinity in
coastal regions, cities, and growth centers disproportionately affect the booming private sector, which includes
trade and business, industries, financial institutions, cottage, medium, small and micro-enterprises (CMSMEs),
tourism industries, and the growing service sectors. Compared to large industries and companies in Bangladesh,
cottage, medium, small, and micro-enterprises (CMSMEs) are lagging in taking climate actions to protect their
enterprises because of being unaware of their role, responsibilities, and opportunities. Limited resources and poor
capacity to tackle the severe impacts of extreme climatic events are other limitations.

The private sector can be effectively engaged in agriculture and food systems, agroforestry, agro-met forecasting,
and EWS, irrigation & water management, WASH and health risk management, big data-driven decision tools, and
resilient infrastructures, etc. as described in NAP. Therefore, developing an effective business model for private
sector engagement in CCA is essential. In the 8th Five-Year Plan, the Government has ensured that MoEFCC will
develop partnerships with the private sector, the NGOs, and the research community in monitoring compliance and
knowledge management, including gathering data and policy research. Besides, the 8th FYP has also ensured private
sector engagement in solid waste management, urban development, pricing policies for water, and sanitation. BDP
2100 also recognizes appropriate designing modes of financing for Public-Private Partnership (PPP) related
projects for their effective implementation.

Incentivizing the private sector through Tax & VAT exemption; Tax holidays; index-based insurance, enhancing
Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibilities; and promoting Public-Private Partnership (PPP) are some
identified ways to engage the private sector in achieving the targets and goals of NAP. The PPP projects are designed
to provide services to citizens, enabling the government to provide services while providing the requisite financial
returns to the private sector. PPP projects minimize the risks through their sharing nature between the public and
private parties. In PPP projects, the government provides support through systems and frameworks. For capacity
building of CCA-focused PPP projects, the government of Bangladesh has formulated Public-Private Partnership
guidelines and retained a provision for Public-Private Partnership Technical Assistance Financing along with taking
several incentives for the benefit of investors in PPP projects, including the Validity Gap Fund (VGF), Fiscal
Incentives, Special Incentive, Unsolicited Proposals, etc. For effective Private Sector Engagement (PSE) along with
updating the PPP guidelines, these incentive mechanisms require wide publicity and an awareness-building
program that could effectively engage private sector-led adaptation measures in agriculture, fisheries, and the
aquaculture sector. The fishing and aquaculture sector playing an essential role in the national economy faces
various climate-induced risks and vulnerabilities. However, the private sector can effectively reduce the risks by
engaging modern fishing nets, technologies, quality fish seed, and fish feed to marginal fishers through innovative
mechanisms. Similarly, to reduce the risks to the agriculture sector, the private sector can be encouraged to play a
lead role in R&D for tolerant varieties and farming system improvement. However, improved & tolerant seed
business, mechanization of agriculture, improving cold storage facilities, promoting climate-smart agriculture like
Conservation Agriculture, AWD, agroforestry, irrigation, and water management, etc., through introducing
innovative tax and financing instruments and supplying no-cost agricultural input, i.e., quality seed, fertilizers,
insecticides to the marginal farmers would encourage the sector facilitating the NAP. On the other note, the private
sector has huge potential to provide financial support to GoB in building resilience and achieving sustainable
development goals. In this case, GoB needs to promote the private sector by developing adequate policy to engage
the private sector and financial institutions in supporting the mobilization of climate finance for adaptation and
mitigation as well as in accessing climate finance from GCF and development partners. Besides, the private sector
needs to be encouraged to participate in the voluntary carbon market to support the PES mechanism for
communities conserving forests, mangroves, etc. to increase the country's resilience. To attract the private sector to
climate change adaptation management, resilience bond/debt swap bonds, green bonds, etc. could be introduced.

Possible Actions

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

PIN7 Private sector financing in leading CCA implementation

• Popularize incentives and modalities of Private Sector Engagement (PSE) for climate change adaptation
through PPPA, development cooperation, and innovative tax or VAT instruments
• Engage private sectors for the supply of modern fishing nets, technologies, quality fish seed, and fish feed to
marginal fishers through innovative mechanisms like development cooperation as per Kampala principle
• Introduce innovative Tax or financing instruments for encouraging Private Sector Engagement (PSE) to
expand climate-smart agriculture practices, agriculture mechanization, agro-food products generation,
marketing, and distribution.
• Introduce no-cost agriculture input (quality seed, fertilizers, insecticides) supply to marginal farmers, e-
commerce-based entrepreneurship popularization, floating agriculture promotion, etc.
• Awareness-raising of PSE for climate change adaptation through PPPs modalities
• Promote the private sector to contribute to climate financing banking on development cooperation or
sustainable development goal achievement
• Update and advertise PPP guidelines among private sector stakeholders to make them aware and
subsequently select potential investor
• Explore and collaborate with countries like Turkey or Japan having a high level of experience in PPPs project
implementation for knowledge exchange on PPPs for adaptation initiatives
• Encourage the private sector to participate in a voluntary carbon market to support the PES mechanism for
communities conserving forests, mangroves, etc.
• Introduce resilience bond/debt swap bond, green bond, etc., for private sector involvement
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Private sector-led CCA • Increase in Private Sector Engagement • Number of resilience
initiatives implemented (PSE) for climate change adaptation bond/debt swap bonds,
green bonds, etc., that are
• The adaptation • Engagement of private sectors in
introduced for private
investment gap will be supplying modern fishing nets,
sector involvement
reduced technologies, quality fish seed, fish feed,
etc., to marginal fishermen • Number of incentives,
• The increased adaptive
innovative tax or VAT
capacity of human, • Ensuring Private Sector Engagement
instruments to increase
natural, and economic (PSE) for expanding climate-smart
private sector engagement
systems to reduce risk and agriculture practices, agriculture
• Amount of collaboration
vulnerabilities mechanization, agro-food products
with other countries, such
generation, marketing, and distribution.
as Turkey, Japan, etc.,
• Private sector contribution is ensured in where high-level PPP
climate financing projects are implemented
• Private sector participation is confirmed
in a voluntary carbon market
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
10% Farmers, fishermen, other people vulnerable BFD, ADB, UNDP, USAID, PKSF,
to climate change induced hazards, private ICIMOD, IDCOL, FAO, GCF, GEF,
sector stakeholders, etc. private sector, collaborative
research grants, fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity MoF
Supporting Implementing Entity NBR, BB, MoEFCC, Cabinet Division, PMO, PPPA, Private Sector

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

3.8 Capacity Development, Research, and Innovations

Transformative capacity development and knowledge management for
CDR1 integrating climate change adaptation into planning processes and
climate financing
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 6 12.5
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S6.1, S6.2, S6.3, S6.4, S6.5
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Transformative capacity replaces the conventional capacity-building process by facilitating capacity development
generated and sustained over time from within while strengthening the climate mainstreaming process.
Transformative adaptation promises ‘transformation of broader aspects of development through adaptation activity’
(Few et al., 2017, p. 6). This means that there exists, alongside the goal of reducing climate risk, a goal of
simultaneously addressing issues of social justice and the root causes of risk (Pelling et al., 2015; Ramos-Mejía,
Franco-Garcia, & Jauregui-Becker, 2017Ramos-Mejía, M., Franco-Garcia, M. L., & Jauregui-Becker, J. M. (2017). As
part of any comprehensive adaptation support, this transformative capacity development at all levels is critical to
supporting the sustainable livelihoods of individuals, improving governance, and making institutions more
accountable and participatory. In other words, transformative capacity development and knowledge management
will ensure the climate mainstreaming process. As the whole NAP process emphasizes mainstreaming Climate
Change Adaptation into the development process, it recognizes the need for transformative capacity development at
all levels.
Different knowledge management and capacity building initiatives have already been taken place such as; training
for the local community on agriculture (rice cultivation) and fisheries, integrated farming, training on alternative
livelihood generation, capacity development of farmer on safe crop production using Eco-friendly techniques project,
forecasting climate information to the farmers through Agro Meteorological Information Systems etc. Different
knowledge hubs and portals have been developed under different government ministries and organizations.
Educational events, and workshops which focus on complexity and co-production of information, are all used to
create capacity for climate adaptation.
Nevertheless, these training or capacity-building initiatives lack transformative characteristics. These capacity-
building initiatives are mostly ad-hoc and short-term rather than targeting institutional or individual behavioral
change (Khan et al., 2020). Workshops on climate adaptation are frequently used to educate individuals, but they are
unlikely to mobilize capability on the scale of the adaptation issue. Instead, when combined with the correct mix of
policies and research and implemented over time, effective social mobilization can accelerate development toward
more equitable and resilient paths. Moreover, the knowledge portals lack relevant climate change topics and
research outcomes from different institutes, which puts urgency on developing one specific integrated knowledge
center. Drawing from the weaknesses of the existing initiatives on capacity building and knowledge management,
transformative capacity building and knowledge management is an obvious way forward.

Possible Actions
• Integrate CCA into the development planning process, the M&E of different sectoral projects, meeting
agendas, annual reporting, etc.
• Develop the institutional adaptive capacity of sector departments, agencies, and research institutes for
implementing CCA and its M&E
• Develop a system-level transformative capacity development regime through mainstreaming CCA learning
and effective practices into day-to-day activities & enhanced climate financing

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Transformative capacity development and knowledge management for

CDR1 integrating climate change adaptation into planning processes and
climate financing
• Establish transformative ‘learning and practice spheres’ and ‘self-assessment and evaluation mechanisms’ to
enable proactive learning of CCA knowledge, assess individual skills, utilize skills efficiently for climate
actions, and integrate them into office responsibilities
• Include climate change-related courses in education or training curriculum from the elementary level and in
recruitment exams and foundational training for public administrative services
• Monitor and evaluate skills, knowledge, and behavioral changes among concerned officials from the public
and private sectors as an integral part of system-level planning and capacity building
• Develop e-learning modules for CCA and integrate them into the training courses of different government,
vocational and private training institutes
• Deploy a dedicated multidisciplinary and multilevel expert pool, engaging experts from different thematic
sectors, to support the MoEFCC in NAP implementation, which may undergo reform at regular intervals
• Develop a regular capacity-building program for national and local CCA project focal of NAP in regular
• Capacity development of local government institutions (union Parishad, paurashava, and city corporation) on
designing, operating, and managing locally led adaptation
• Strengthen the institutional capacity of financial institutes and potential private sector financial services
institutes for enhanced climate financing and access to, mobilization, and utilization of national and
international funds for supporting the smooth implementation of the NAP
• Capacity development program for enhanced financing
• Encourage gender-responsive and youth-led adaptation and emergency disaster response mechanisms
• Support proactive adaptation practices by developing strategies to promote behavior change among citizens
• Arrange and disburse enhanced financing provisions for research and innovation for up-to-date CCA-related
data, knowledge, innovative adaptation techniques, and information generation
• Develop adequate staffing at the planning and field levels for CCA implementation, extension, and
• Develop special programs at schools, colleges, and universities for conducting research and awareness-raising
on CCA and subsequent knowledge management
• Increase coordination and collaboration among sector ministries, departments or line agencies, research and
knowledge institutes, private sector firms, NGOs, development partners, etc., regarding CCA-related research,
planning, design, implementation, and monitoring
• Capacity development of MoEFCC officials, especially for implementing monitoring of the NAP and climate
• Support the development of a youth-led negotiator pool for communicating and leadership in CCA-related
negotiation processes
• Support national- and local-level gender inclusion and a youth leadership program
• Generate advanced and innovative knowledge, and collect data on indigenous adaptation practices (such as
local varieties); store, process, and disseminate or otherwise extend knowledge widely
• Develop different climate products and information services (EWS for climate hazards) using AI, ICT, space
technology and/or big data so that climate risks inform decision-making, field-level adaptation, and
emergency responses
• Institutional capacity-building for extensive research on the Bay of Bengal and its ocean ecosystem and
dynamics in a collaborative and coordinated manner with other relevant knowledge institutes
• Implement a transformative capacity-building action plan and knowledge management plan at the MoEFCC

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Transformative capacity development and knowledge management for

CDR1 integrating climate change adaptation into planning processes and
climate financing
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Integration of feedback from • Understanding the importance of • Climate change screening
local government including indigenous knowledge on tool/check tool
institutions CCA • Evaluation/promotion exams,
• A better understanding of • Synchronization between public service exams,
the characteristics of development planning processes entrance exams
transformative capacity such as; Knowledge Management • Climate change adaptation
building Plan, Capacity Development Plan, measures in different
• A better understanding of and National Adaptation Plan initiatives undertaken by the
the Climate Change Process specific
Adaptation issues • Training centers focusing on CC organization/institution
• Produce a common ground issues • Field-level demonstration of
for shared knowledge • Synchronization and collaboration local government institutions
• Smooth implementation of among various institutions
on CCA
climate change-related regarding climate change
development projects and • Ensure climate sensitization at the
programs individual level
• Ease of accessibility to • Improved diversified livelihoods at
knowledge/research on CCA the community level
• Integrated and collaborative
knowledge management
• Creation of one specific knowledge
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
3% Relevant sector Ministries, Departments GEF, WB, ADB, JICA, FAO, UNDP,
or Divisions and IMED, M&E data USAID, DFID, OXFAM, UKAID, BCCT,
generating Agencies or key implementers GCF, Multilateral and bilateral
of NAP etc. partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants,
fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity MoEFCC, MoP, MoF
Cabinet Division, PMO, government and non-governmental knowledge
Supporting Implementing Entity and training institutes like CreLIC, CECCR, NILG, BPATC, CEGIS, etc.,
MoPA, private sector, universities, academia

Awareness raising, training for skill development for enhanced adaptive
capacity and improved diversified livelihoods at the community level
Impenetrability in Stress
Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 6 7.2
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S6.1, S6.2, S6.3, S6.4, S6.5
Aligned BDP2100 Project

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Awareness raising, training for skill development for enhanced adaptive

capacity and improved diversified livelihoods at the community level
Building and enhancing technical and institutional capacities for climate change adaptation at the local, regional,
and national levels is essential for emerging countries to adjust to the changing climate. The United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) emphasizes the significance of climate change learning and
capacity building. NAPA (2008) and BCCSAP (2009) are capacity-building initiatives developed by Bangladesh to
increase national and sub-national levels in climate change effect assessment and knowledge management. Later
the Paris agreement extended opportunities to include capacity-building activities in different levels and focus areas
of the country. The extent to which Bangladesh could reap benefits from the opportunities created by PA largely
depended on how quickly GoB institutions and systems built their institutional, technical and systemic capacity.
NAP also incorporates a capacity development regime in its M&E framework of the relevant professionals involved
in both implementation and M&E through giving training. Updated BCCSAP also recognize the need to organize
specific training programmers for Government officials from various sectors as well as the outside government for
climate change negotiations and provide budgetary support for their actual participation in such negotiations as
well as exposure visits to climate change hot spots across the country and training in tracking global negotiations.

The most common beginning point for capacity-building efforts is to raise awareness and improve understanding
of the projected implications of a changing climate and the need to adapt. Observations, predictions, and projections
about current and expected weather- or climate-related (extreme) events or slow-onset events (e.g., rising
temperatures, desertification, loss of biodiversity, land and forest degradation, ocean acidification, sea level rise,
salinization, and so on), damage statistics, and information on possible adaptation actions for building adaptation
capacity. It has been observed that the community level experiences direct impacts of climate change. Thereby, it is
necessary to take initiatives to improve their capacity to combat climate change's adverse effects. The importance
of extension services in helping smallholder farmers to address the many challenges due to climate change is
unavoidable. Strengthening the extension services is required to overcome these challenges, including an
illustration of new adaption strategies at the field level, including the use of ICT or mechanization, and enable easy
access to field-level officers for emergency advising services. On the other hand, research reveals that more attention
should be paid to Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA), such as homestead gardening, increasing social forestry, or
community-based afforestation as a significant climate-change response as it involves the use of biodiversity and
ecosystem services to help people adapt to the adverse effects of climate change (Alam, S.S, et. al. 2016). All that
needs is to increase awareness among community people about EbA techniques through training.

Along with these, financing for climate change adaptation is a big issue when taking any adaptation initiative. In
most cases, the common scenario is that officials from the private and public sectors have an inadequate
understanding of climate finance and negotiation. In this case, developing the capacity of officials from the public
and private sectors for climate finance access, mobilization, and utilization can be beneficial. Along with this, local-
level people should also know about climate finance, and training and program should also be arranged for them.
Irregular capacity building of officials from the public and private sectors hinders the development of adaptive
capacity against climate change which needs to be addressed through capacity development programs. On the other
hand, promoting advanced agriculture, livestock, and aquaculture technology; practicing stress-tolerant varieties or
breeds; practicing climate-smart agriculture; promoting mechanized agriculture, crop diversification or mixed
farming, organic farming or hydroponic agriculture, floating agriculture or vegetable cultivation, homestead
vegetable farming, livestock rearing, and feeding, homestead or HYV fodder cultivation, fish feeding and dry fish
processing, net, trap making, and fish processing techniques, pearl harvesting and marine culture will provide an
opportunity to the local community to enhance their livelihood in a diversified way.

In a nutshell, there is no other way to strengthen local communities' adaptation capacity to climate change than to
raise awareness and implement capacity-building activities. As a result, the strategies as mentioned earlier and
community-based alternative livelihood training for flood, erosion, and drought-affected people, especially young
and ethnic community gender, are critical to achieving long-term livelihood sustainability during catastrophes.
Informing them about alternative livelihood and income-generating activities such as handicrafts, SMEs, shop-

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Awareness raising, training for skill development for enhanced adaptive

capacity and improved diversified livelihoods at the community level
keeping, flower gardening, garlands preparation, sewing, rickshaw pulling, crop harvesting, and so on will help them
increase their resilience against climate change through these training programs.

Possible Actions
• Capacity development of officials from the public and private sectors to access, mobilize and use climate
• Strengthen extension services for the field-level demonstration of innovative adaptation practices, use of ICT
or mechanization, and ensure easy access to field-level officers for emergency advisory services
• Field-level demonstrations or hands-on training on agriculture, fisheries, livestock, water management-
related advanced and climate-smart technology, and use of mechanization
• Training and awareness-raising on EbA, homestead gardening, social forestry and/or community-based
afforestation and ecosystem conservation
• Training on alternative income generation activities for forest-dependent communities
• Arrange training/capacity-building on understanding climate financing for local people/communities,
persons with disabilities, women and people with diverse gender identities
• Arrange regular capacity-building training on climate change and adaptation for officials in the public and
private sectors
• Arrange regular CCA events/seminars/awareness-raising programmes at the local/community level for
raising awareness on CCA;
• Capacity-building or skills development training engaging LGIs, CBOs and NGOs, farmers, fishers, women,
people with diverse gender identities, youth and ethnic communities on:
• Advanced agriculture, livestock and aquaculture technology
• Using stress-tolerant varieties or breeds
• Climate-smart agricultural practices
• Mechanized agriculture
• Crop diversification or mixed farming
• Organic farming or hydroponic agriculture
• Floating agriculture or vegetable cultivation
• Homestead vegetable farming
• Livestock rearing and feeding
• Homestead or HYV fodder cultivation
• Fish feeding and dry fish processing
• Net, trap-making and fish-processing techniques
• Pearl harvesting and mariculture
• Alternative income generation activities like handicrafts, CMSMEs, shopkeeping, flower gardening, garland
preparation, sewing, rickshaw pulling, crop harvesting, etc.
• Arrange community-based alternative livelihoods training for people affected by floods, erosion and droughts
• Gender mainstreaming and skills development programme
• Participation of youth and ethnic communities in awareness programmes with special attention to local
knowledge and culture
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Developed innovative • The capacity development of officials • Status of accessibility,
technologies and from public and private sectors is mobilization and utilization
adaptation practices to ensured for accessing climate finance of climate finance
support risk-informed • Extension services are strengthened • The extent of innovative
planning and damage to demonstrate innovative adaptation adaptation practices, use of
mitigation practices at the field-level

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Awareness raising, training for skill development for enhanced adaptive

capacity and improved diversified livelihoods at the community level
• Developed tools and • The capacity development of the local ICT or mechanization, etc., on
methodologies as well as stakeholders in agriculture, fisheries, the field
increased capacities of livestock, and water management • Number of training on
actors to improve research related to advanced and climate-smart alternative income
and extension services technology has been ensured generation activities for
related to agriculture, • Awareness has been raised on forest-dependent
fisheries, and livestock ecosystem-based adaptation, communities and
• A paradigm shift of capacity homestead gardening, social forestry, communities affected by
development and and ecosystem conservation flood, erosion, and droughts
behavioral change • Skill development of LGIs, CBOs, and • Number of training/capacity
happened, which has been NGOs for farmers, fishermen, women, building programs for
persistent over a long time youth, and ethnic communities has understanding the climate
• Capacity development at been done financing for local
the individual, institutional, • Alternate livelihood and income, such people/communities,
and process level as handicrafts, SMEs, shopkeeping, persons with disabilities, and
flower gardening, garlands gender
preparation, sewing, rickshaw pulling, • Frequency of arranging CCA
crop harvesting, etc., have been events/seminars/awareness
generated for flood, erosion, and -raising programs at the
drought-affected people local/community level for
raising awareness on CCA
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% officials from public and private sectors, ADP, CIF, Private Sector, WB,
farmers, fishermen, women, ethnic ADB, GEF, UNDP, USAID, DFID,
communities, and vulnerable people IFAD, etc.
affected by climate-induced hazards, such
as floods, erosions, droughts, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity LGD, DSS, DWA, DYD
Supporting Implementing Entity
PPPA, Private Sector

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Coordinated research, field level demonstration, knowledge
management, and communication of adaptation at the local level
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 6 44.5
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S6.1, S6.2, S6.3, S6.4, S6.5
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code CC1.3
Knowledge Management is capturing, distributing, and effectively using knowledge. Knowledge management is one
of the precondition criteria before initiating any climate change adaptation measures. A proper knowledge
management plan for climate change is critical in this regard. Knowledge management can assist the GoB in
identifying and correcting inadequacies at the individual, community, and institutional levels by giving information
on the specific activities that must be taken to correct the flaws. Furthermore, knowledge management, which
involves data gathering, collection, and use of information to develop knowledge, as well as internal and external
dissemination, would make the execution of various adaptation measures and activities simple.

NAPA included a knowledge base on climate change scenario in Bangladesh. The lack of adequate tools, knowledge
and methodologies to guide the people making their decisions was addressed as a potential barrier in implementing
adaptation actions and also identified the need to generate good knowledge, data, methodologies, and tools in the
short-term activity. The updated BCCSAP (Draft) has also recognized the need to establish a center for knowledge
management and training on climate change. 8th FYP targets capacity building at all segments of agriculture:
farmers, extension providers, dealers, distributors, entrepreneurs, agribusiness people, trainers, and researchers
through knowledge and skill development.

At the global level, CC-related knowledge is widely available, but there are shortages at the national and local levels.
As a result, the GoB needs to realize that unless these knowledge and capacity gaps were addressed, the
government's planned adaptation and people's coping measures would be ineffective and insufficient, as knowledge
is required to properly manage climate risks in important sectors (agriculture, water, rural and urban infrastructure,
transport, energy, etc.). Thereby, a regular survey is necessary to reduce this gap nationwide climate change-related
knowledge demand assessment at the system, institutional, and individual/community levels. A study (CEGIS, 2022)
reveals that there prevail substantial challenges in gathering disaggregated knowledge due to the cross-cutting
nature of the climate change issues and the involvement of multi-level stakeholders. Therefore, an umbrella
network, hub, or portal needs to be developed to collect all the latest climate change-related data and information,
such as A Central Knowledge Hub of Climate Change (CKHCC) or Climate Change Information and Knowledge
Management (CCIKM) Portal ensuring easy accessibility at both national and local level. As climate change has a
cross-cutting nature and affects all sectors directly or indirectly, comprehensive research is thus needed to be
conducted at the national level to generate the knowledge base on how climate change affects every development
sector and all levels of people. But inadequate research facilities, inadequate funding mechanisms, lack of
encouragement in conducting research, and limited resources for research conduction always pull behind doing
comprehensive research. Initiatives promoting collaborative and individual research and innovative studies,
publications on climate-smart technologies, priority research areas for different sectors and increasing
opportunities for scholarships, grants, or fellowships can solve this problem. The unavailability of data and data
inconsistency is also major barrier to conducting research which can be addressed by developing a central database
on damage and loss due to climate-induced disasters. Establishing a Climate Change Research and Innovation Fund
(CCRIF) to focus on climate change-related research efforts could also be beneficial.

Furthermore, it has been noticed that local people use a variety of indigenous knowledge to cope with the effects of
climate change that are not adequately addressed at the policy level. On the other hand, numerous technologies are
being produced, but local people are unaware of them. This problem can be solved by taking the initiative to
encourage interaction, transfer innovative technology and knowledge, learn indigenous know-how, and develop

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Coordinated research, field level demonstration, knowledge

management, and communication of adaptation at the local level
skills and awareness. So, there is a need to take the initiative. The establishment of the Operational Bangladesh
Climate Change Knowledge and Technology Network (B-CCKTN) with increased partnerships with the UNFCCC
Climate Technology Center and Network and other global hubs or networks can enhance the transfer mechanism of
knowledge in this country to the next level. It also needs to keep in mind that, all the interventions will go into vent
if there prevails a lack of coordination among local government institutes (LGIs), local government administration,
MoEFCC, and other key stakeholders. Increase coordination and strengthen local government institutes (LGIs), local
government administration, MoEFCC, and other key stakeholders for maintaining climate change adaptation-
specific knowledge communication and sustainable knowledge management.

Possible Actions
• Undertake nationwide climate change-related knowledge demand assessment at the system level,
institutional level, and individual/community level through regular survey
• A Central Knowledge Hub of Climate Change (CKHCC) or Climate Change Information and Knowledge
Management (CCIKM) Portal with easy accessibility mechanism at both national and local level
• Initiatives for preparing central database damage and loss due to climate-induced disasters
• Encourage interaction, transfer of innovative technology and knowledge, learn indigenous know-how, develop
skill and awareness
• Promote collaborative and individual research and innovative studies, publications on climate-smart
technologies, and priority research areas for different sectors, making provision for increased opportunities
for scholarships, grants, or fellowship
• Capacity building and technology transfer through establishing Bangladesh Climate Change Knowledge and
Technology Network (B-CCKTN) collaborating with UNFCCC’s Climate Change Knowledge and Technology
Network (CCKTN)
• Establishment of Climate Change Research and Innovation Fund (CCRIF) to emphasize climate change-related
research initiatives
• Increase coordination and strengthen local government institutes (LGIs), local government administration,
MoEFCC, and other key stakeholders for maintaining climate change adaptation-specific knowledge
communication and sustainable knowledge management
• Develop a communication strategy and action plan for adaptation to support effective adaptation
communication at local, regional, national, and international platforms.
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Sustainable CCA knowledge • The nationwide climate change- • Frequency of surveys
management ensured related knowledge demand is conducted to assess the
• Knowledge generated on documented nationwide climate
ecosystem sensitivity to climate • Easy accessibility to climate change- change-related knowledge
change and its impact related information at both national demand
• Scientific knowledge and and local levels is ensured • The capacity of the CKHCC
guidelines for climate-resilient • The damage and loss caused by or CCIKM to provide
health, WASH, and urban climate-induced disasters are climate information for all
development documented • Amount of research,
• Developed tools and • Opportunities for scholarships, studies, publications, etc.,
methodologies as well as grants, or fellowships and on climate-smart
increased capacities of actors to publications on climate-smart technologies and climate
improve research and technologies have increased change adaptation
extension services related to

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Coordinated research, field level demonstration, knowledge

management, and communication of adaptation at the local level
agriculture, fisheries, and • Capacity building and knowledge
livestock transfer have been ensured
• Developed innovative • Effective adaptation communication
technologies and adaptation at local, regional, national, and
practices to support risk- international platforms is ensured
informed planning and damage
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Stakeholders at the system level, ADP, CIF, Private Sector, WB,
institutional level, ADB, GEF, UNDP, USAID,
individual/community level, local and ICIMOD, DFID, IFAD, etc.
national level, local government
institutes (LGIs), local government
administration, MoEFCC, and other key
Lead Implementing Entity Government and Non-government Research and Knowledge Institutes
All Relevant ministries, its line agencies dedicated to service extension,
Supporting Implementing Entity
private sector, academia, universities

Capacity development for the implementation of Nature-based Solutions and
Locally led Adaptation
Impenetrability in
Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Stress Areas:
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 6 4.5
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S6.1, S6.2, S6.3, S6.4, S6.5
Aligned BDP2100
Project Code
The European Commission (EC) defines Nature-based Solutions (NbS) as solutions inspired and supported by
nature, which are cost-effective, simultaneously provide environmental, social, and economic benefits, and help
build resilience. Such solutions bring more diverse nature and natural features and processes into cities, landscapes,
and seascapes, through locally adapted, resource-efficient, and systemic interventions. In 2020, the EC definition
was updated to emphasize further that nature-based solutions must benefit biodiversity and support a range of
ecosystem services. Meanwhile, the Nature-based Solutions Initiative defines Nature-based Solutions (NbS) as
actions that work with and enhance nature to help people adapt to change and disasters. IUCN defines Nature-based
Solutions (NbS) as actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified ecosystems that address
societal challenges effectively and adaptively, simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits.

To tackle the climate change-induced hazards, whatever plan is chosen should begin with and be led by the local
community whenever possible because local villagers are frequently the true experts on climate change. Rather than
introducing highly technological, expensive, and outsider-led initiatives that have yet to be tested in the field, the
focus should be given to using and altering traditional coping mechanisms developed in Bangladeshi and global

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Capacity development for the implementation of Nature-based Solutions and

Locally led Adaptation
communities. For example, floating gardens in Bangladesh's coastal locations have been practiced by the local
villagers who may endure storms by rising with the storm surge.

Bangladesh's Department of Environment is leading the formulation and advancement of the National Adaptation
Plan (NAP) Process, funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF). This would enable Bangladesh to determine country-
specific adaptation needs, design and implement adaptation plans, and make decisions about safeguarding
vulnerable groups. In this regard, the nature-based solutions and locally led adaptations would forward Bangladesh
a long way in adapting to the adverse effects of climate change. So, in this case, the local people's capacity
development is required to properly implement the nature-based solutions and locally led adaptations that would
effectively combat the adverse effects of climate change.

Possible Actions

• Raising awareness among city dwellers about the climate change impacts, low-impact development,
expansion of green coverage, and household-level waste management
• Capacity development of local government institutions for supporting the implementation of LLA and NbS
• Training on understanding the sensitizing NbS and LLA
• Mobilize resources for the implementation of NbS and LLA

Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators

• Capacity development at the • Awareness has been raised • Number of training conducted
individual, institutional, and among city dwellers about on NbS and LLA
process level climate change impacts • Number of resources for
• Increased use of nature-based • The capacity development of implementing NbS and LLA
solutions and conservation of local government institutions • The extent of the awareness of
biodiversity ensured has been ensured the city dwellers on low-impact
• Locally led, gender and youth- • Ensuring the sensitization and development, expansion of
inclusive adaptation initiatives implementation of Nature- green coverage, household-level
increased based Solutions (NbS) and waste management, etc.
• Knowledge generated on Locally-led Adaptation (LLA)
ecosystem sensitivity to climate
change and its impact
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
3% City dwellers and local ADP, CIF, Private Sector, WB, ADB,
government institutions etc. GEF, DFID, UNDP, USAID, ICIMOD,
FAO, GCF, private sector,
collaborative research grants,
fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity MoEFCC
All Relevant ministries, its line agencies dedicated to service extension,
Supporting Implementing Entity private sector, academia, universities, Government and Non-
government Research and Knowledge Institutes

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Generation of national, regional, and local level evidence and scenario-
CDR5 based climate information through climate downscaling and
publication of national climate outlook, risk, and vulnerability Atlas
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 6 5
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S6.1, S6.2, S6.3, S6.4, S6.5
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Climate data is the cornerstone for climate services; hence the first issue is to improve the quality and availability
of climate data. There are gaps in the use of climate data in decision-making at several levels, including national,
regional, and local levels in Bangladesh. The process is complicated by limited access, interpretation, and application
even if the data is available. There is also a gap in integrating climate change into policy and practice. Hence, climate
change and its effects and other socio-economic aspects are fraught with uncertainties, and adaptation can be
defined as decision-making under uncertainty. So, for effective adaptation strategies to be adopted, sufficient and
authentic climate data must be ensured.

The function and services of a system, the outcome and effectiveness of an activity and policy choice, or the lifetime
of infrastructure would all be harmed by climate change and its variabilities. The common climate variables for
climate impact and risk assessment include temperature, rainfall, solar radiation, evaporation, sea level, wind,
pressure, humidity, and sea surface temperature. These climate factors have a variety of effects on agriculture, water
resources, human health, infrastructure, forests and biodiversity, disasters, and various other industries. Thus, the
accessibility to enough climate information is essential to safeguard multiple sectors affected by the changing

Long-term capacity building and planning are required to adapt to climate change, but knowledge of shorter
timelines is equally critical for decision-making under uncertainty. Climate services are necessary to identify limits,
hazards, uncertainty tolerance, and temporal components of climate information and decision-making processes, as
decision-makers in climate-sensitive sectors demand better information to act swiftly.

In this regard, generating national, regional, and local evidence and scenario-based climate information is very
important. To generate such data, climate downscaling is required to be done. The publication of the national climate
outlook, risk and vulnerability Atlas also helps to gather necessary climate information for current and future use.

Possible Actions
• Establish and strengthen the Climate simulation lab for data storage, processing, modeling, downscaling, and
• Publish national climate outlook report every year, including mapping of spatial and temporally (diurnal
variations, month, season, annual, extremities) variable historical climate and climate change trends, evidence,
variability, and future projections
• Nationwide sector-specific local-level climate change risk and vulnerability mapping for multi-hazards and
regular updating of it
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Sustainable CCA knowledge • Climate data storage, processing, • Status of the climate simulation
management ensured modeling, downscaling, and lab
• Developed innovative analysis have been made easier • The extent of the availability of
technologies and adaptation historical climate change trends,

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Generation of national, regional, and local level evidence and scenario-

CDR5 based climate information through climate downscaling and
publication of national climate outlook, risk, and vulnerability Atlas
practices to support risk- • An annual publication of a variability, and future
informed planning and national climate outlook report is projections
damage mitigation ensured • Frequency of nationwide sector-
• Updated versions of climate specific local level climate
change risk and vulnerability change risk and vulnerability
maps are made available mapping
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
Livelihoods are dependent on climate ADP, CIF, Private Sector, WB, ADB,
data and forecasts, vulnerable people GEF, DFID, UNDP, USAID, ICIMOD,
affected by climate change-induced FAO, GCF, private sector,
hazards, etc. collaborative research grants,
fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity MoEFCC
BMD, SPARRSO, ICT, CEGIS, Knowledge institutes, academia,
Supporting Implementing Entity universities, BFD, MoA, MoFL, MoLGRDC, MoI, MoS, CHTDB, BMDA,

CDR6 Research on the impact of climate change on land and water resources
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 6 3.5
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S6.1, S6.2, S6.4, S6.5
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
According to Bangladesh's Forest Department, agriculture covers the majority of the country, while forests, water
bodies, and urban settlements cover the rest. Between 1973 and 2011, there was a significant loss of agricultural
land due to changes in land use. In the last 38 years, 1.47 million acres of agricultural land have been transformed
into non-agricultural uses, primarily human settlements. According to the SAARC Agriculture Centre (2011), around
63 percent of Bangladesh's land is vulnerable to degradation. As a result, land degradation is one of Bangladesh's
most critical problems. In Bangladesh, land degradation is primarily caused by two sources: (i) natural or climate
change-induced factors such as floods, erosion, and landslides, and (ii) anthropogenic factors, or human actions
aimed at managing land to exploit its productive capacity. In some circumstances, land degradation can occur due
to man's and nature's combined activity.

The water resources of Bangladesh are under a lot of risks due to climate change impacts. Increased intensity in
flood flows occurs in the country due to higher peak flows, aggravated by increased drainage congestions. Drainage
congestion occurs here due to higher water levels in the drainage systems, sea level rise, and sedimentation in the
flood plains. Increased pressure on freshwater availability persists due to increased droughts (less precipitation and
more evaporation), lower river discharge, and increased demand. Increased saline intrusion occurs due to sea level
rise and reduced upstream flow in the dry season. Increased river erosion occurs due to higher peak flows, not fully
compensated by accretion of equal quality land elsewhere. Increased intensity and frequency of cyclones and storms
also take place in Bangladesh.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CDR6 Research on the impact of climate change on land and water resources
Therefore, there should be extensive research on the impacts of climate change on Bangladesh's land and water
resources as they are under serious threat.

Possible Actions
• Development of a Regional Climate Model (RCM) for understanding the interaction of land, water, ocean, and
atmosphere with higher confidence and generating future climate anomalies for different scenarios
• Research on composite materials for the construction of water management structures
• Research on Effective and community-based rainwater-harvesting technology
• Research on Low-cost desalinization tools for supplying drinking water facilities at coastal households
• Understanding Ocean dynamics (ocean circulation, marine meteorology, chemical and physical oceanography,
marine observations) in the Bay of Bengal to explore opportunities for a Blue Economy through
comprehensive research and investigation
• Research for promoting the cultivation of oyster reefs to combat erosion in coastal areas as the first line of
• Study on hydro-meteorology, sedimentology, geology, and geomorphology to assess current and predict
future absolute and relative sea-level rise
• Research for eco-engineering or bio-engineering measures for facilitating flood and erosion protection
• Field-based research on Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) and potential contaminants filtration technology
• Study on sediment dynamics, delta formation, and progradation for Bengal Delta
• Study on climate change impact assessment on land on land water for supporting sectoral climate change risk
• Develop a business model to utilize abundant water during monsoon, engaging the private sector
• Development of Earth observatory, Bangabandhu Satellite, artificial intelligence (AI), crowdsourcing, and big
data-based climate monitoring tool
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Improved extension services • Regional Climate Model • The extent of generation of future
related to agriculture, (RCM) has been developed climate anomalies for different
fisheries, and livestock • Knowledge development on scenarios
• Developed tools and water management • Number of structurally stable water
methodologies as well as structures, rainwater management structures constructed
increased capacities of actors harvesting technologies, • Number of people or communities that
to improve research and low-cost desalinization tools, use rainwater harvesting technology
extension services related to blue economy, oyster reefs,
• Number of coastal households that
agriculture, fisheries, and eco-engineering, MAR,
receive fresh drinking water facilities
livestock sediment dynamics etc.
• Amount of coastal areas that have been
• Scientific knowledge and • Prediction of future absolute
protected from erosion
guidelines for climate- and relative sea level rise is
• The extent of the prediction of future
resilient health, WASH, and ensured
sea level rise
urban development • Abundant water can be used
• Number of nationwide flood and
during monsoon
erosion protection measures
• Advanced climate
• Frequency of research done on
monitoring has been
managed aquifer recharge, sediment
dynamics, delta formation, etc.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CDR6 Research on the impact of climate change on land and water resources
• Degree of sectoral climate change risk
• Amount of water used during monsoon
• The extent of climate monitoring done
all over the country
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
Coastal households that are ADP, CIF, WB, ADB, GEF, DFID, UNDP,
vulnerable to coastal erosion, USAID, ICIMOD, FAO, GCF, private sector,
salinity intrusion, sea level rise, collaborative research grants, fellowships,
etc., Local stakeholders of etc.
drought-prone and flood-prone
areas, Livelihoods dependent on
land and water resources, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB
MoEFCC, BMD, SPARRSO, ICT, CEGIS, Knowledge institutes, academia,
Supporting Implementing Entity universities, BFD, MoL, MoA, MoFL, MoLGRDC, MoI, MoS, CHTDB,

CDR7 Action research and field demonstrations on climate-smart agriculture
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost 60
Linked NAP Goal Goal 6
(million BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S6.1, S6.2, S6.3, S6.4, S6.5
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
The agriculture sector is the most vulnerable sector of Bangladesh in the context of climate change. Projected
increases in temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns, changes in extreme weather events, and reductions in
water availability may all result in reduced agricultural productivity and a deficit in food nutrients. Adverse impacts
of climate change-induced stresses can disrupt food availability, reduce access to food, and affect food quality.
Sustainable Development Agenda of UN, Target 2.4 under SDG2 aims to ensure sustainable food production systems
and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain
ecosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding, and
other disasters and that progressively improve land and soil quality, by 2030. As a successor of the Millennium
Development Goals (MDG) Bangladesh should pay attention to this fact. Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and
Action Plan (2009) also kept a program on research towards climate resilient cultivars and their dissemination. The
eighth Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) and National Agriculture Policy (2018) did the same as well.

In this regard, different stress-tolerant crop varieties will be developed after doing the necessary research. Research
on bio-fortification will also be scaled up in the context of the nutritional value of food. Water conservation practices,
precession agriculture, and lowering of GHGs emissions should be the key considerations for developing climate-
smart technologies. Emphasis should be given to increasing yield for non-rice crops as their production is lower
than the demand.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CDR7 Action research and field demonstrations on climate-smart agriculture

Possible Actions
• Research on Managed Aquifer Recharge for Artificial Storage (MARAS) of Water to Improve Groundwater
• Research for developing stress-tolerant (salinity, water stagnant, heat, cold, lodging) crop (rice and non-rice)
• Research on agronomic practices to reduce the stress (salinity, submergence, drought, water stagnant, heat,
cold, lodging) impact on crop phenology and production
• Research on pest/disease-resistant varieties to cope with the coming adverse situation
• Crop zoning research for the stressed climatic region to increase cropping intensity
• Research on developing short-duration HYV rice and non-rice crops considering climatic variability
• Research on sowing/transplanting time to escape climatic stress
• Strengthen research facilities to reduce the gap between research outcomes and field-level yield
• Research on farm mechanization by using renewable energy (e.g., solar, wind, etc.)
• Research on Pull-Push Pest Infestation Management System
• Research on Fall Army Worm (FAW) management for sustainable Maize production
• Research on soil nutrient management for sustainable crop production
• Research on existing cropping patterns to introduce new or incorporate short-duration leafy vegetables for
increasing system productivity
• Research on sustainable soil health management and crop production
• Research on management approaches for reducing climate stress effects on crops
• Adoption of 4Rs approaches for fertilizer application (right time, right place, right rates, and right source) to
reduce climate risk
• Research on soil–crop–water management to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
• Research on land use and agroforestry for sustainable production
• Strengthening research on precision agriculture using GIS and RS, UAV technology to face the 4IR challenges
• Research on indigenous technologies to improve and expand in other areas
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Crop production increased • Climatic risk for crop • Crop production
• Resilience is enhanced for crop production will be reduced. • Emission from agriculture
production due to reducing climatic • Crop production will be etc.
vulnerability. enhanced.
• Water productivity increased, and • Climate-related future
fertilizer use efficiency increased. challenges will be minimized.
• Decreased GHG emission from
irrigated rice field
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Communities, Trader, Farmers BCCT, World Bank, ADB, GCF, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BARC
RDA, NARS institutes, Academia, universities, knowledge institutes,
Supporting Implementing Entity

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Research and innovation related to climate-resilient fisheries and
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 6 15
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S6.1, S6.2, S6.3, S6.4, S6.5
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Every industry in Bangladesh is experiencing the adverse effects of climate change; fisheries and aquaculture is no
exception. Fisheries and aquaculture make up a significant portion of the national economy, accounting for 3.52
percent of GDP, 1.39 percent of total export revenues, and 60 percent of animal protein consumed daily (DoF, 2021).
Additionally, this sector assists the Bangladeshi population in sustaining their livelihoods in various ways by
providing employment opportunities.
Extreme temperatures and erratic rainfall directly impact fish physiology, growth, mortality, reproductive systems,
feeding behavior, production, and migration in inland and marine waters. Excessive rain, floods, cyclone, and storm
surges cause a breach in farm dikes, overtopping of fish from farms and ponds, washout of ponds and escape of fishes,
decreased catchability of fish, degradation of habitat quality and disrupt fish harvesting, storage, and processing.
Extreme heat and cold lower water quality and decrease productivity. Drought causes a decline in the water area and
loss of production, whereas sea level rise causes the prevalence of marine fisheries in place of freshwater fishing.
Along with these direct impacts, climate change also influences livelihoods and communities dependent on fisheries.
Promoting climate-resilient fisheries and aquaculture is vital to mitigate the harmful effects of climate change.
Research and innovation are undoubtedly of the utmost importance to developing the fisheries and aquaculture
sector to be climate resilient. Research and innovation can catalyze the development process. Prioritizing financial
resources to support in-depth research, innovation, and capacity building is mandatory. Addressing capacity gaps
and needs in applying innovation in climate change-related research and knowledge generation by building the
necessary capability and human resources to carry out research, data, and knowledge management is essential.
Possible Actions
• Assess climate change impacts on food nutrients, biological processes, habitat and fish migration, and crop
and fish production
• Research on developing stress-tolerant fish varieties with high-yielding genotypes
• Develop biological corridors for fish movement
• Research on population dynamics and the migratory routes of climate-sensitive fish species
• Research on climate-sensitive feed management practices
• Develop early warning and dissemination systems and climate information services
• Research on the natural kuchia breeding sites
• Research on socioeconomic suitability and acceptability of climate-smart technologies
• Research on identifying inter-saline convergent zones
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• The paradigm shift in • Enhanced climate resilience in • Fish production.
capacity development and fisheries and aquaculture. • Nutrition intake from fish.
behavioral change. • An abundance of quality inputs for • Contribution of fisheries and
• Capacity development at the fisheries and livestock. aquaculture to the national
individual, institutional, and • Improved extension services related economy.
process levels. to fisheries and aquaculture.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Research and innovation related to climate-resilient fisheries and

• Development of innovative • Action research for innovation in • Pest and disease outbreak
technologies and adaptation climate resilience. occurrence.
practices to support risk- • Develop and disseminate a stressor- • Use of modern technologies
informed planning and based early warning system for and mechanization.
damage mitigation. fisheries. • The number of field-level
• Development of tools and • Habitat restoration for the research studies and action
methodologies and conservation of aquatic resources. research programs.
increased capacities of
• The number of vaccination or
actors to improve research
deworming programs.
and extension services.
• The number of fry release
• Strengthen extension
services for fisheries and
• The number of crossbreeds.
• Shrimp and marine production.
• Contribution of fisheries and
aquaculture to the blue
• Functional early warning
system (EWS) and climate
information services (CIS).
• Income of fishers.
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Farmers, Fishermen Communities, and GEF, WB, ADB, JICA, FAO, UNDP,
Businessmen engaged with Livestock and USAID, DFID, OXFAM, UKAID, BCCT,
Fisheries etc. GCF, Multilateral and bilateral
partners, private sector,
collaborative research grants,
fellowships, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BFRI
DoF, BFDC, BWDB, WARPO, DBHWD, BoRI, maritime institutes, BIWTA,
Supporting Implementing Entity MoI, MoA, MoEFCC, SPARRSO, BMD, PPPA, private sector, academia,
universities, knowledge institute

CDR9 Research and Innovations for Climate-Smart Livestock and Poultry
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 6 54
(million BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S6.1, S6.2, S6.3, S6.4, S6.5
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CDR9 Research and Innovations for Climate-Smart Livestock and Poultry

Population growth, rapid urbanization, and dietary changes have resulted in growing global demand for livestock
products, negatively impacting climate change. Increasing temperatures, increased climate variability, and more
frequent and severe extreme weather events threaten livestock production systems. The effects of climate change
will vary by region, country, and location. Increasing temperatures, increased climate variability, and more frequent
and severe extreme weather events threaten food production and smallholder farmers' livelihoods.19

Global demand for livestock products is expected to double by 2050, mainly due to improvements in the worldwide
standard of living. Meanwhile, climate change threatens livestock production because of the impact on the quality
of feed crops and forage, water availability, animal and milk production, livestock diseases, animal reproduction,
and biodiversity (MM Rojas-Downing, 2017).

The sustainable economic growth of the country highly depends on the sustainable growth of the sector. Livestock
is an important agricultural sub-sector of Bangladesh. This sector contributes 13.1% to the total agriculture GDP
and 1.44% to the national GDP (2021; DLS website). 20 Technological improvements have steadily increased the
livestock population over the last decade. The GDP growth rate of livestock (constant prices) is 3.80%. Being a
growing economy, demand for livestock products in Bangladesh is expected to increase by 100% by mid of the 21st
century. The consumption of animal products (meat, milk, eggs, and fish) is increasing from 1990 to 2031. Absolute
demand for animal products increased from 52.5 kcal/person/day in 1990 to 83.5 kcal/person/day in 2010 and
will further increase to 92.8 kcal/person/day in 2031 and to 112.7 kcal/person/day in 2050.21

Therefore, the challenge in the livestock sector is to maintain a balance between the market demand on the one hand
and productivity, livelihood, and environmental conservation on the other hand. The sustainability of such growth
has become uncertain due to uncertainty in the climate system of the country in recent years.22

To overcome this situation, climate change research based on upcoming climatic variability, and vulnerability
should have been performed. Climate-smart breed and high-yielding fodder will be developed for different stress
areas. Climate Resilience can be increased by cross-breeding local breeds with imported ones. A farm management
system will be developed under vulnerable weather/climatic conditions to sustain livestock and poultry production.
Overall efficiency and resilience of livestock production systems in the face of climate change can be enhanced
through short and long-term research, which can fulfill the demand of the growing population of 2050.

Possible Actions
• Research on the development of climate-stress tolerant livestock and poultry breed
• Research on the development of climate-smart livestock and poultry fodder and feed
• Research on community-based cooperative livestock and poultry farming practices to reduce climate risk
• Research on converting manure into renewable energy and bio fertilizer and its impact on animal-derived
• Research on CC induced/ emerging and re-emerging livestock and poultry pest and diseases (including
zoonotic disease) and climate-smart management of these pests and diseases
• Research on CC impact on livestock and poultry production and reproductive system (reproduction) of
livestock and poultry

19FAO. 2021. Climate-smart livestock production. A practical guide for Asia and the Pacific region. Bangkok.

21 Perspective Plan of Bangladesh (2021-2041); GED, Ministry of Planning.
22 PKSF Concept Note for GCF. Climate Resilient Livestock Production for the Climate-Vulnerable Regions of Bangladesh

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CDR9 Research and Innovations for Climate-Smart Livestock and Poultry

• Research on subsistence livestock and poultry farming system to meet up family level nutritional uptake
Research on the immunological status and vaccine scheduling of livestock and poultry
• Research on the immunological status and vaccine scheduling of livestock and poultry
• Research on natural feed additives derived from bioactive components (secondary metabolites) combating CC
• Research on feed intake to adopt the CC effect
• Study on livestock and poultry disease surveillance
• Study on roof sprinklers for heat mitigation of livestock and poultry farmhouse
• Research on climate change's impact on nutritional aspects of feed and fodder
• Research on genotypes for livestock and poultry to adopt an adverse climatic condition
• Develop a heat/cold tolerant housing system for livestock and poultry
• Research on indigenous/local adaptation technology to develop and extend in other areas
• Research on livestock rearing time (brooding in case of poultry, etc.) to reduce livestock and poultry
production loss due to excess heat or cold
• Research on local livestock breeds (meerkadim cow, sheep, goat, etc.) to increase milk and meat production
• Study on herd health management for disease-free livestock and poultry (milk, meat, and egg) production
• Study on climate-induced pests and diseases and their management system to reduce climate risk
• Capacity building in disease outbreaks of livestock and poultry
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Climate-smart livestock and • Increased livestock and • Livestock production status
poultry breeds developed poultry production • Livestock and poultry product
• The increased adaptive capacity of • Sustainability of livestock processing industries
livestock and poultry against and poultry production • Alternative income sources
climatic stress • Increased climate resilience • Pest and diseases outbreak due
• Climate-smart and high-yielding of livestock and poultry to climatic stress
fodder variety will be developed • Minimizes losses of livestock • Loss and damages
for climatic stress area production due to climatic • Location-wise livestock
• Disease-resistant livestock and hazard production
poultry breed development • Fulfill national demand for • Livestock and poultry disease
• Climate-smart housing system/ egg, milk, and meat management system
infrastructure will be developed • Improvement of local
• Climate-resilient breed indigenous livestock and
development through cross- poultry breed
breeding between local indigenous
breeds and foreign livestock breed
• Disease management for emerging
and re-emerging livestock and
poultry diseases
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
5% Farmers, Communities, and BCCT, GCF, Adaptation Fund,
Businessmen engaged with Multilateral and bilateral partners,
Livestock and Poultry private sector, collaborative
research grants and fellowships,
Climate BRIDGE Fund, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity BLRI

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CDR9 Research and Innovations for Climate-Smart Livestock and Poultry

DLS, NARS Institutes, other livestock and poultry research institutes,
Supporting Implementing Entity MoA, MoWR, LGD, CHTDB, BMDA, MoEFCC, BMD, SPARRSO, PPPA,
Private Sector, academia, universities, knowledge institutes

CDR10 Action research for locally led and indigenous climate change adaptation
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 6 4.5
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S6.1, S6.2, S6.3, S6.4, S6.5
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Indigenous people and local communities are typically disproportionately affected by climate change because of their
closeness to climate-sensitive ecosystems, overreliance on natural resources, and low socioeconomic status, even
though they contribute the least to climate change and live "low carbon" lifestyles. Again, they are the first responder
and the most involved ones in developing adaptation solutions against any challenges induced by climate change.
These locally driven and indigenous adaptation measures have the power to unleash, support, and maximize a
community's tremendous potential to be empowered on the front lines of current threats and vulnerabilities.
A ‘whole-of-society’ approach is always necessary for effective adaptation solutions since the threats posed by
climate change to economies, societies, and ecosystems differ in scope, scale, and duration. This means that a complex
network of local communities, community-based organizations, community members, local governments, and local
businesses—each with its unique interests, skills, vulnerabilities, and contributions—collaborate to develop effective
adaptation responses. It is referred to as locally-led adaptation when all of these stakeholders at the lowest
administrative level are engaged and included as decision-makers in the climate adaptation measures (LLA). Local
communities choose what to adopt, how to implement it, and who will implement it as part of the LLA process. But
unfortunately, they frequently lack the support and resources necessary to put them into practice.
The paradigm for linking adaptation research to practice can be found in action research. Action research is typically
described as a process in which researchers engage in real-world problems to learn and improve them. Research on
indigenous and locally-led adaptation should be driven by radical collaboration and offer long-lasting, real-world
solutions that are technically possible and socially acceptable to guarantee that the scientific outputs meet the
requirements of the most vulnerable ones. In these terms, action research is necessary to provide scientifically sound
and application-oriented knowledge to create a future resilient to climate change. Lack of mutual understanding of
objectives and expectations frequently causes complex collaborations between researchers and communities. In a
transdisciplinary setting, action research aims to overcome these obstacles by encouraging collaborative and
equitable relationships between numerous stakeholders from various backgrounds.
Possible Actions
• Intensive research on the sensitivity of different construction materials to different climate stresses and to
identify climate-stress-resistant options
• Research on ecosystem-based shoreline protection (oyster reefs, vetiver grass, or other native plants)
• Research on nutritional benefits of seaweed
• Research on locally available indigenous plant species to assess water- and soil-holding capacity for seed
storage and reforestation
• Study to create an inventory of locally led and indigenous adaptation practices in CHT, coastal areas, haors,
and the barind area
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CDR10 Action research for locally led and indigenous climate change adaptation
• Demand-driven and • Engagement with regional partners • Number of stress-tolerant
solution-oriented research for knowledge collaboration crop varieties, breeds and fish
• Inclusion of the voice, • Creation of ownership and species
opinions, and participation leadership among local-level • Degree of adoption of stress-
of local communities, stakeholders tolerant crop varieties, breeds
especially marginalized • Wider adoption of the research and fish species
ones findings at the local level by • Number of climate-resilient
• Knowledge collaborations disseminating research findings to poultry or livestock sheds
across various actors to a larger audience in local languages • Functional early warning
boost the adoption of co- • Knowledge of the theoretical systems (EWS) and climate
benefits, development of frameworks from information services (CIS) for
• Effective innovation in the feedback loops from agriculture, fisheries, and
reducing climate change and stakeholders and practitioners livestock
disaster risks induced losses • Awareness of farmers, fishers,
and damages women, people with diverse
gender identities, people with
disabilities, and communities
regarding modern and
advanced technologies
• Number of research and
capacity-building initiatives
• Number of field-level
research studies
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
Officials from public and private sectors, ADP, CIF, Private Sector, WB, ADB,
farmers, fishermen, women, ethnic GEF, UNDP, USAID, DFID, IFAD, etc.
communities, and vulnerable people
affected by climate-induced hazards,
such as floods, erosions, droughts etc.
Lead Implementing Entity MoFEFCC
Research centers, all relevant ministries, and line agencies, knowledge
Supporting Implementing Entity
institutes like CEGIS, academia, universities

Action research for development and exploring the potential use of
EbA and NbS
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 6 8
(million BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S6.1, S6.2, S6.3, S6.4, S6.5
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Action research for development and exploring the potential use of

EbA and NbS
Climate change has become increasingly prominent in scientific, economic, and political discussions around the
world in recent decades. Multiple impacts of climate change have already occurred and will continue to occur,
including changes in wind, temperature, and rainfall patterns; the frequency of extreme weather events; seasonal
patterns; and increased climate variability (IPCC, 2014). These changes will profoundly influence ecosystems and
human activities, such as increased freshwater scarcity and expected crop yield, livestock and forest productivity
reductions in many parts of the world, and Bangladesh is no exception.

Environmental and climatic changes are usually assumed to have the greatest impact on communities that rely
heavily on natural ecosystems for their survival. As a result, climate change adaptation plans must be included as an
integral part of country development planning. Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) is a promising approach to
addressing climate-related challenges. EbA is part of an overall adaptation strategy that relies on biodiversity and
ecosystem services (e.g. food, water, building material, and storm protection provided by forests, wetlands, or other
ecosystems) to help people and communities adapt to the harmful effects of climate change. Bangladesh has a long
record of implementing Nature-based Solutions (NbS). Still, it has encountered difficulties due to a lack of rigorous
design, long-term financing, monitoring and evaluation, institutional structure, and proof of efficacy. Ecological
stewardship can aid Bangladesh's development while allowing NbS to be widely implemented across the country.
For NbS to effectively promote development goals and economic progress, improved evidence, governance, and
collaboration are required.

While the role of the environment in adaptation strategies is increasingly being acknowledged, there are still
questions regarding the conceptual framework shaping EbA and NbS components (e.g. social, ecological, economic,
governance) and processes (e.g. planning, implementing, monitoring). To encourage EbA and NbS application, it is
essential to make a case for the benefits and cost-effectiveness of the approach compared to other adaptation
measures. It is essential to advance the scientific evidence for EbA and NbS to gain political commitment across
different levels, secure funding and private sector engagement, better inform decision-making on EbA and NbS, and
ultimately facilitate its implementation.

Possible Actions
• Identify the gaps, possibilities, and challenges in the potential application of EbA and NbS.
• Development of a national framework for effective implementation of EbA and NbS in different sectors of
• Assess and valuation of the ecosystem service of the ecologically important areas to identify EbA and NbS.
• Assess and identify new interventions considering the nature-based solution.
• Development and implementation of an integrated plan following the green growth strategies.
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Will reduce greenhouse gas • Effective conservation and • Number of species planted
emissions, secure safe water management of wetlands properly and surviving
resources, make the air safer to biodiversity requires data on • New areas were
breathe or provide increased species status and threats to inform reforested, and sustainable
food security decision-making agricultural practices
• Ecosystem conservation • It can help people adapt to the applied
• Help to decision making for effects of change and disasters while • Better economic
improving biodiversity and slowing warming and protecting opportunities for local or
ecosystem biodiversity, with many more marginalized communities
positive consequences
• It will keep cities cooler during • Retention or increase in
the summer, support birds and forest areas
other pollinators, and promote

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Action research for development and exploring the potential use of

EbA and NbS
people’s mental and physical • Strengthening the provisioning,
health regulating, cultural, and supporting
• Will improve the livelihoods services
and well-being by protecting • Provide a framework of the existing
the environment and fostering ecological scenarios
economic growth • Reduce flood risks
Safeguarding freshwater ecosystems
• Will ensure sustainable use of
natural resources
• Improve energy efficiency
• Increase recycling of waste
• Waste prevention/decoupling waste
and growth
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
3% Planners, decision makers, plan WB, ADB, GEF, UNDP, USAID,
implementers, specialists, academics, DFID, IFAD etc.
researchers, the media, and the general
Lead Implementing Entity MoEFCC
Research centers, all relevant ministries and its line agencies,
Supporting Implementing Entity
knowledge institutes like CEGIS, academia, universities, private sector

Research on climate change's impact on land, water, and ocean
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 6 15
(million BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S6.1, S6.2, S6.3, S6.4, S6.5
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Climate change affects every aspect of our lives, from food production and human health to ecosystems and
infrastructure. The impacts of climate change on different sectors of society are interrelated. Climate change has the
potential to modify where species live, how they interact, and when biological processes occur, thereby
transforming ecosystems and food webs. Bangladesh is much more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change,
which might result in a 6.8% annual GDP loss by 2030 if not addressed.

The terrestrial ecosystem is greatly affected by the impact of climate change. Drought, landslides, lightning, etc. are
prominent climatic events that alter the composition of the land ecosystem and biodiversity. Aquatic and wetland
ecosystems are very vulnerable to climate change. The organisms' metabolic rates and the ecosystems' overall
productivity are directly regulated by temperature. Projected increases in temperature are expected to disrupt
present patterns of plant and animal distribution in aquatic ecosystems. Climate change is likely to alter wind and
water circulation patterns in the ocean. Such changes may influence the vertical movement of ocean waters (i.e.,

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Research on climate change's impact on land, water, and ocean

upwelling and down welling), increasing or decreasing the availability of essential nutrients and oxygen to marine
organisms. Besides sea level rise, ocean acidification and storm surge are major climate change phenomena affecting
the marine ecosystem. To understand the extent of the potential impact on land, water, and ocean ecosystem, it is
critical to conduct in-depth research on these topics so that we can use our resources sustainably. The study will
provide innovative ways to help communities and resource managers adapt to the impacts of climate change on
ecosystems across the nation.

Possible Actions
• Determinant of the distribution of biodiversity in the past and future aspect
• Assessment of the adverse impacts from climatic change on coral reef ecosystem and reef fish- biodiversity
due to increasing temperature, and acidity of ocean
• Identify the vulnerability of the freshwater ecosystems against climate change to promote long-term increases
in fish production through EbA and NbS
• Analysis of the economic crisis of the fish farmers due to climate change
• Integration of climate-proof agriculture and aquaculture with other sectors to support ecosystem and
• Proper and accurate risk assessments considering the local level ecosystem
• Exploration of the carbon sequestration process by terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
• Analysis of climate change impact on phenological behavior of indigenous plant species
• Advances in Biotechnological Tools for improving abiotic stress tolerance of ecosystems
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Helps fight disease • Provides food and nutrient security • Affected areas or
• Enhance reef-fish biodiversity • Easy to take necessary steps for coral exposure to sea-level
reef protection rise and storm surge
• Food and nutrient security
increase • Long-term increases in fish production • Measurements
regarding infrastructure
• Improvement of fish farmer's • Helps to initiate proper measures for
socioeconomic status the fish farmers
• Alternative income
• Increases productivity, • Enhances the income of the farmers
improves resilience, and • Helps to identify the actual risk to the
mitigates climate change • Vulnerable population
local ecosystem
• Predict the likelihood of future • Land degradation
• Helps to take proper initiatives to
effects on land, water, and conserve the existing ecosystem • Frequency of floods and
ocean ecosystem cyclones
• Reduce the rising concentration of
• Regulate climate change carbon dioxide in the atmosphere • Aquatic habitat
• Act as bio indicator of climate • Helps to understand the behavioral
change changes of indigenous plants and how
it responds
• Increases the survival of the plant
• Improves quality of yield
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
Planners, decision-makers, plan WB, ADB, GEF, UNDP, USAID,
implementers, specialists, academics, DFID, IFAD, etc.

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Research on climate change's impact on land, water, and ocean

researchers, the media, and the general
Lead Implementing Entity BWDB, BORI, BFRI
Supporting Implementing Entity maritime institutes, MoA, BFD, DoF, CHTDB, BMDA, other knowledge
institutes, academia, universities

CDR13 Research and popularize climate stress-tolerant plant species
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Medium to Long
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 6 21
(million BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S6.1, S6.2, S6.3, S6.4, S6.5
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
Bangladesh is one of the world's most climate-vulnerable countries. The country is prone to natural calamities due
to its location between the Himalayas and the Bay of Bengal. Climate change has increased the intensity and
frequency of salinity, storms, droughts, irregular rainfall, high temperatures, flash floods, and other global warming-
related events. Climate change is predicted to negatively impact the plant, weakening plant resilience and disrupting
forest structure and ecosystem services. Rising temperatures lead to more frequent droughts, wildfires, and invasive
pest outbreaks, leading to the loss of plant species. That has numerous detrimental effects, including lowered
productivity, spreading invasive plants, vulnerability to pests, etc. Longer droughts and an increased number of heat
waves will stress plants, causing them to be less productive.

Advanced strategies will be developed to enable communities and resource management to adapt to the effects of
climate change on ecosystems to achieve sustainable development. Different stress-tolerant plant species, such as
drought, freshwater submergence, and mangrove plants, should be identified for protection and conservation to
mitigate the detrimental effects of climate change. Aside from being recognized as the best species, they must be
propagated around the stress region to gain popularity.

Possible Actions
• Identify the major constraints/limitation and need assessment for doing scientific research on climate stress
tolerant plant species
• Analysis of current scenarios, progress, and prospects of developing technologies for combating climate stress
for the ecosystem in Bangladesh
• Construction of plant stress research center/laboratories considering the service area of major ecosystem
• Analysis of the ecophysiology of abiotic and biotic Stress on the Pollination and
• Fertilization of major plant species through scientific research
• Popularization of newly developed climate stress tolerant plant species through proper training for
environmental and social acceptance
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

CDR13 Research and popularize climate stress-tolerant plant species

• Ensures food security • Improves plant growth and reproduction • Affected areas or exposure
• Helps to mitigate the • Increases the yield of crops to drought, salinity, and
effects of global climate storm surge
• Provides a rational and structured way to
change and extreme analyze the future ecosystem condition • Alternative income
climatic events sources
• Enables the scientists to concentrate their
• Improves plant growth expertise • Vulnerable population
and production • Loss of crop production
• A clear understanding of different
• Increases supply of phenological stages of flowering, fruiting, • Water security
goods and services and pod growth influenced by biotic and • Losses and damages
abiotic stress
• Enhance plant responses to new
environmental conditions
• Enable sustainable production of crops
resilient to climatic alterations
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
7% Planners, decision makers, plan implementers, WB, ADB, GEF, UNDP, USAID,
specialists, academics, researchers, the media, DFID, IFAD etc.
and the general public
Lead Implementing Entity BFRI
Supporting Implementing Entity
DDM, DoE, Knowledge institutes, academia, universities, private sector

Research and piloting for climate-resilient infrastructures, improved
public health, and WASH technologies
Impenetrability in Stress Areas: Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 6 6
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S6.1, S6.2, S6.4, S6.5
Aligned BDP2100 Project Code
The negative effects of climate change can harm infrastructure. Extreme rainfall increases the likelihood that outside
walls will be penetrated by water, compromising the structural integrity of the building's surfaces. A wood-boring
bug infestation and other aggressive insects that eat wood and wood products may become more likely in higher
temperatures. Increasing humidity and moisture levels could result from a combination of rising temperatures and
shifting rainfall patterns, which could also result in fungal stains, hazardous growth, peeling paint, erosion of mortar
joints, poor plaster, etc. (Shahid et al. 2012b). These effects may dramatically raise urban property's capital and
maintenance expenses when considered as a whole. In Bangladesh's coastal region, soil salinity is a significant issue.
Saline water crystallizing in brickwork can cause damage to homes, buildings, and other structures because salts
dissolved in the water can flow with the water and into building materials by capillary action. Sea-level rise may
increase soil salinity, which could lead to structural deterioration in Bangladesh's coastal cities.
Additionally, it might lead to metal corrosion in subsurface structural concrete, pipelines, cables, and other
infrastructures. Additionally, it might cause foundations to shift or sink, which could cause structural damage like
cracks or collapse (Shahid et al. 2012b). The housing industry has historically been responsible for a sizable share

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Research and piloting for climate-resilient infrastructures, improved

public health, and WASH technologies
of cyclone damage. For instance, in 2007, it was responsible for half of the economic damage by Cyclone Sidr (GOB,
2008). In the coastal region, the main cause of polder damage, storm-surge overtopping of polder embankments,
results in rapid and deep scours forming on the countryside slope of the dam; the process quickly weakens the
structure and causes it to collapse. In 2007, Cyclone Sidr damaged Bangladesh's coastal polders and associated
water regulators for a total worth of $70.3 million (Dasgupta et al. 2014).
The sustainability of urban Bangladesh depends on climate-resilient infrastructure; measures to achieve resilience
include improving slums, relocating extremely vulnerable settlements and infrastructure, upgrading water and
sanitation systems and services, redesigning urban flood control infrastructure, improving stormwater drainage,
managing land and space more efficiently, and planning for energy-efficient construction (Roy 2009). The
Government of Bangladesh has identified strong cyclones as a serious hazard and made ensuring adequate flood
protection infrastructure a "pillar" of the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan due to the pervasive impacts of
climate-related hazards regarding cyclones over time (GOB, 2009).
The lack of clean drinking water and damaged sanitation facilities, which endangers the survivors, are two
important challenges in the post-disaster environment. Inadequate WASH in Bangladesh is the root cause of 80% of
post-disaster illnesses. These hardships tend to worsen after a disaster, leading to more post-traumatic stress
disorder, depression, death, and sickness (Bromet and Dew 1995; Krug et al. 1998). The 1998 unprecedented floods
severely impacted Dhaka's infrastructure. Health concerns grew throughout the city due to roads, sewage systems,
and clogged drainage, especially for those living in low-lying areas and slums (Cash et al., 2013). Tube wells were
damaged, broken, or submerged during Cyclone Aila, which caused a lack of clean water and forced people to
consume tainted water because ponds and other water bodies were contaminated (IFRC 2009). They consequently
experienced skin conditions, allergies, cholera, dysentery, and other water-borne illnesses (Haque et al. 2010). After
cyclone Aila, the Water and Sanitation Cluster Group of the United Nations projected that more than 500,000–
750,000 people required immediate safe water supply and sanitation support (MoDMR 2009).
Raising awareness and enhancing the healthcare system, which is already necessary to handle the existing human
health condition, are two more significant adaptations for human health. The government's Department of Public
Health and Engineering (DPHE), as well as development organizations, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and
numerous other local organizations, participated in post-disaster rehabilitation activities to aid the Aila affected
population, especially to address their safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) needs (WaterAid, 2009).
According to Johannessen et al. (2014), appropriate placement of WASH infrastructures and services in both
emergencies and long-term development can prevent or diminish the impact of waterborne illness outbreaks, which
can lessen humanitarian catastrophes (Alam and Rahman, 2019).
Regarding these issues, research and piloting for climate-resilient infrastructures, improved public health, and
WASH technologies are essential to be undertaken.
Possible Actions
• Action research for innovating climate-resilient and eco-friendly construction materials for climate-resilient
• Research and piloting of eco-engineering measures (such as plantation of vetiver grass or native species, use
of biodegradable geotextiles, oyster reef cultivation, golapata plantation, eco-friendly brick or construction
materials, etc.) for making climate-resilient infrastructures
• Research on identifying driving design parameters for making different infrastructures climate resilient and
updating the design guidelines for them
• Study the impact of climate change on malnutrition, premature child death or heat stress or increased heat
stroke, mental health, or trauma, and it’s an adaptation
• Investigate human health comfort during the extreme change in climate (e.g., sudden significant variations in
diurnal temperature or sudden cold or heatwave, etc.), and it’s an adaptation
• Research on the sensitivity of change of climatic parameters and its effect on pathogens or contaminants of
drinking water

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Research and piloting for climate-resilient infrastructures, improved

public health, and WASH technologies
• Research on climate adaptive, resilient potable safe drinking water technologies, safely managed sanitation
technologies, and hygiene technologies initiated for locally-led adaptation practices
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Sustainable CCA knowledge • Construction of climate-resilient • Number of constructed
management ensured infrastructures climate-resilient
• Scientific knowledge and • Increase in adaptive capacity infrastructures
guidelines for climate-resilient against climate change-induced • The extent of research works
health, WASH, and urban hazards on eco-engineering measures
development • Protection of life and livelihoods • The death rate due to
• Enhanced adaptive capacity and • Resilience against health impacts diseases caused by climate
protection of life, livelihoods, of climate change change-induced hazards
and ecosystem against slow • Decrease in rate of mortality due • Number of households that
onset and other extreme events to diseases caused by climate receive safe drinking water
of climate change change-related hazards • Number of local communities
• Improved urban environment • Increase in the supply of safe aware of sanitation and
and resilient urban drinking water hygiene technologies
infrastructures • Knowledge development on
• Improved human health, sanitation and hygiene
livability, and well-being technologies
Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources
7% Local stakeholders living in regions ADP, CIF, WB, ADB, DFID, IFAD,
where safe drinking water is scarce, UNDP, GEF, USAID, PKSF,
Communities vulnerable to health ICIMOD, GCF, private sector,
and hygiene risks of climate change collaborative research grants,
impacts, People with structurally fellowships, etc.
vulnerable houses to climate change-
induced hazards, etc.
Lead Implementing Entity LGD
Supporting Implementing Entity
Knowledge institutes, academia, universities, private sector

Action research on low-impact development techniques, green
CDR15 infrastructures, and integrated drainage management for smart city
Impenetrability in Stress
Nationwide Tentative Duration Short to Medium
Tentative Cost
Linked NAP Goal Goal 6 4
(billion BDT)
Linked NAP Strategies S6.1, S6.2, S6.4, S6.5
Aligned BDP2100 Project

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Action research on low-impact development techniques, green

CDR15 infrastructures, and integrated drainage management for smart city
Due to growing urbanization, large-scale land use change is occurring in Dhaka (Dewan & Yamaguchi, 2009). Most
often, agricultural lands are turned into built-up areas, brick fields are developed in the periphery, forests are
cleared for fuel, and illegal encroachment by developers on public resources, including wetlands, lakes, and rivers,
is pervasive and harming ecosystem services (Rana, 2011). Due to urbanization, there is a significant shortage of
previous land, which prevents precipitation from penetrating the land and replenishing it. There are not enough
surface water corridors to direct water from the city's interior to locations downstream. When there is a lot of rain
and a high river level, the city swiftly floods because storm water cannot naturally drain via the remaining water
system, partly because of the inadequate drainage infrastructure (Ahmed et al. 2019). Some areas may have water
depths of up to 50–70 cm, which causes severe infrastructural issues for the city and a significant economic loss in
production (Mark and Chusit, 2002). As in other urban regions of Bangladesh, "urban storm water-logging" (USWL)
has recently become an inevitable experience for city dwellers during the rainy season in Chattogram. Due to its
high death toll and traffic gridlock, the USWL impairs social life and harms the country's economy. Living in a city
like Chittagong may be difficult, and the current outbreak in 2014, with five days of nonstop heavy rain, was the
worst experience ever (Akter et al. 2017).

To address the issue of urban runoff, many novel stormwater management strategies have been created, including
green roofs, permeable pavements, swales, and bio-retention systems. These methods often rely on distributed
runoff management techniques that aim to reduce imperviousness and hold, infiltrate, and reuse stormwater on the
development site where it is generated to control stormwater (Graham et al., 2004). Low Impact Development (LID)
in the US, Sustainable Drainage Systems in the UK, and Water Sensitive Urban Design in Australia are the collective
names for these practices (Qin et al. 2013). LIDs are typically highly affordable, climate-resilient, and appropriate
for urban developments with sustainable development goals (Pour et al., 2020). Due to these reasons, LIDs have
become a viable alternative to conventional stormwater management techniques, offering viable choices for the
sustainable growth of cities and the creation of a society that is climate resilient (Brunetti et al. 2017; Zhan and Chui
2016; Hu et al. 2017; Seo et al. 2017; Juan et al. 2017; Jackisch and Weiler 2017; Sohn et al. 2017).

As a result, to successfully implement low-impact development (LID) techniques in order to manage the drainage
system of the cities of Bangladesh, more research and investigation are required in this regard. Extensive research
also needs to be done on integrated drainage management for building climate-resilient cities.

Possible Actions
• Research on:
• Sustainable Drainage System (SUDS) for rural and urban cities
• Smart residential and commercial building
• Sustainable climate-resilient house for coastal, floodplain, and hilly areas
• Climate and environment-friendly vehicles
• Development of stormwater drainage and management model for all major cities considering future climate
scenarios and formulate mitigation measures for urban drainage problems
• Low-impact development techniques (green roofs, rainwater harvesting, bioswale, permeable pavement or
footpath, etc.) and its efficacy in reducing urban drainage problems in different cities
• Impact on green and blue infrastructures for the urban environment and biodiversity improvement
• Integrated waste and drainage management
Outcome Impact/Benefit Indicators
• Improved urban environment and • Knowledge enhancement • Number of climate-resilient
resilient urban infrastructures on the drainage system, houses in the coastal,
climate-resilient houses, floodplain, and hilly areas

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Action research on low-impact development techniques, green

CDR15 infrastructures, and integrated drainage management for smart city
• Enhanced urban resilience and climate-resilient vehicles, • Number of environment-
improved standard of living low-impact development friendly vehicles in urban areas
• Scientific knowledge and guidelines techniques etc. • Number of green and blue
for a climate-resilient city, drainage • Improved stormwater infrastructures in urban cities
system, WASH, and urban drainage system and waste • Number of research works and
development management system in publications on low-impact
• Sustainable CCA knowledge urban areas development techniques
management ensured • Increase in resilient climate • Status of the stormwater
• Developed innovative technologies buildings, environment- drainage system and waste
and adaptation practices to support friendly vehicles, and blue management system of all
risk-informed planning and damage and green infrastructures major cities
mitigation in urban cities

Private Sector Engagement Beneficiaries Potential Funding Sources

5% City dwellers, livelihoods GEF, GCF, UNEP, UNCCD, WB, ADB,
dependent on urban drainage FAO, UNDP, ICIMOD, IUCN, etc.
systems, local stakeholders of
coastal, floodplain, and hilly
regions who are at risk of
climate-induced hazards etc.
Lead Implementing Entity LGD
Supporting Implementing Entity
Knowledge institutes, academia, universities, private sector

Annex I: Climate Stress Areas

Eleven areas of climate stress have been identified for the NAP interventions. The following are the climate
stress areas and the list of hazards prominent in those areas:

Table A.1 : Climate stress area coverage and related hazards

Climate Area population,
Districts Prominence of climate hazards
stress area (sq. km) 2020
South-western Satkhira, Khulna, Bagherhat, Rainfall variability, river floods,
coastal area Pirojpur, Barguna, Barisal, sea-level rise, salinity, tropical
and Patuakhali, Jhalokhathi, Bhola, 30,646 13.57 cyclone, storm surges, drought,
Sundarbans Shariatpur, Gopalganj, Jashore, extreme heat waves, extreme cold,
(SWM) Sundarbans riverbank erosion and lightning
Rainfall variability, river floods,
South-east sea-level rise, salinity, tropical
Noakhali, Feni, Lakshmipur,
and eastern cyclone, storm surges, drought,
Chattogram, Cox’s Bazar, 13,891 10.93
coastal area extreme heat waves, extreme cold,
(SEE) riverbank erosion, lightning and
Rainfall variability, flash floods,
Chattogram tropical cyclone, storm surges,
Rangamati, Khagrachari,
Hill Tracts 13,294 1.33 drought, extreme heat waves,
(CHT) extreme cold, lightning and
Nilphamari, Kurigram,
Lalmonirhat, Gaibandha,
Rangpur, Bogura, Sirajganj,
Pabna, Rajshahi, Jamalpur,
Rivers, Tangail, Manikganj, Dhaka,
Rainfall variability, river floods,
floodplains, Munshiganj, Mymensingh,
tropical cyclones, tornado,
and erosion- Sunamganj, Netrokona, 58,010 12.72
extreme heat waves, extreme cold,
prone areas Habiganj, Kishorganj, Sylhet,
riverbank erosion and lightning
(FPE) Brahmanbaria, Narsingdi,
Narayanganj, Rajbari, Faridpur,
Madaripur, Gopalganj, Narail,
Sariatpur, Barisal, Patuakhali,
Bhola, Jhalokathi, Khulna,

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Climate Area population,
Districts Prominence of climate hazards
stress area (sq. km) 2020
Chandpur, Cumilla, Noakhali,
Lakshmipur, Cox’s Bazar
Rainfall variability, flash floods,
Haor and flash Sunamganj, Netrokona,
tropical cyclone, tornado, extreme
floods areas Habiganj, Kishorganj, Sylhet, 19,662 4.02
heat waves, intense cold, riverbank
(HFF) Maulvibazar, Brahmanbaria
erosion, lightning and landslides
Naogaon, Chapai Nawabganj,
Drought- Rainfall variability, tropical
Rajshahi, Bogura, Joypurhat,
prone and cyclone, tornado drought, extreme
Rangpur, Dinajpur, Meherpur, 21,512 3.85
barind areas heat waves, extreme cold and
Chudanga, Kushtia, Jashore,
(DBA) lightning
Magura, Jhenaidah
Rainfall variability, river floods,
Northern, Panchagarh, Thakurgaon, flash floods, tropical cyclone,
north-western Nilphamari, Lalmonirhat, 9,917 6.32 tornado, drought, extreme heat
region (NNW) Rangpur, Kurigram, Dinajpur waves, extreme cold, riverbank
erosion, lightning and landslides
Chalan beel
Rainfall variability, river floods, ,
and low-lying
Pabna, Natore, Sirajganj, tropical cyclone, tornado,, extreme
area of the 5,027 5.70
Rajshahi, Naogaon heat waves, extreme cold,
riverbank erosion and lightning
region (CBL)
Nilphamari, Lalmonirhat,
Rainfall variability, river floods,
Kurigram, Gaibandha, Sirajganj,
sea-level rise, salinity, , tropical
Jamalpur, Mymensingh,
cyclone, tornado, storm surges,
Char and Manikganj, Munshiganj,
3,976 8.51 extreme heat waves, extreme cold,
islands (CHI) Shariatpur, Chandpur, Bhola,
river bank erosion, lightning,
Patuakhali, Feni, Noakhali,
higher sea surface temperature
Lakshmipur, Chattogram, Cox’s
and ocean acidification
Rainfall variability, sea-level rise,
tropical cyclone, tornado, storm
Bay of Bengal
Bay of Bengal (maritime surges, extreme heat waves,
and ocean 118,813 1.26
boundary) lightning, higher sea surface
temperature, hypoxy and ocean
Rainfall variability, urban floods,
sea-level rise, salinity, tropical
Urban areas
43 cities 10,600 32.41 cyclone, storm surges, drought,
extreme urban heat waves,
extreme cold and lightning

* The area and population are tentative estimates based on hazard information, climate stress areas and BBS data (BBS,

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

The map and table show the distribution of hazards throughout climate stress areas and the population
who may be particularly vulnerable there. Five or more disasters are common in climate-stressed places.
Climate stress areas are more at danger going forward as all disasters are getting worse or happening more
frequently as a result of climate change.
Table A.2: Alignment of climate stress areas, BDP2100 and hydrologic regions

Linked BDP2100 hotspot Linked hydrological

Climate stress areas
areas regions
South-western coastal area and Sundarbans South-west & South-
Coastal Zone
(SWM) central Region
Southeast and eastern coastal area (SEE) Coastal Zone South-east Region
Chattogram Hill Tracts (CHT) Chattogram Hill Tracts Eastern Hills
river and estuary & north-
River, floodplain, and erosion-prone area (FPE) River systems and estuaries
central region
Haor and flash floods area (HFF) Haor and flash floods areas north-east region
Drought Prone and Barind Area (DBA) Barind and drought prone areas north-west region
Northern, north-western region (NNW) north-west region
Chalan Beel and low-lying area of the north-
Barind and drought prone areas north-west region
western region (CBL)
Char and Islands (CHI) River systems and estuaries river and Estuary
Bay of Bengal and Ocean (BoB)
Urban Areas (URB) Urban areas

Volume-III Investment Portfolio

Volume-III Investment Portfolio


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