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Mr. Krishnamurthy K Kannadiyar

S/o N.Karunanidhi
A- 301,Arjun Complex,
Kopar Goan, Dombivli(west)
Dist- Thane 421202
Contact no.-9028113607

Aiming to associate with a progressive company that will provide me a platform to upgrade my
knowledge , skills , personality and want to be part of a active team that works dynamically with cutting
edge technology towards the growth of a Company .
QuaIification ProfiIe
Branch : nformation Technology
Institute : Shri Guru Gobind Singhji nstitute Of Engineering & Technology , Nanded
O ProfessionaI QuaIification
Completed B.Tech in nformation Technology
Exam Passed InstItute PassIng
SGPA Remark
FInaI IT(II) SCCSIE&T Nandcd May 2011 7.39 Firsi Class
FInaI IT (I) SCCSIE&T Nandcd Nov 2010 6.39 Firsi Class
TY IT (II) SCCSIE&T Nandcd May 2010 6.00 Firsi Class
TY IT (I) SCCSIE&T Nandcd Nov 2009 6.30 Firsi Class
SY IT (II) SCCSIE&T Nandcd. May 2009 5.88 Sccond Class
SY IT (I) SCCSIE&T Nandcd. Nov 2008 6.40 Firsi Class
FY IT (II) SCCSIE&T Nandcd. May 2008 7.29 Firsi Class
FY % (I) SCCSIE&T Nandcd. Nov 2007 7.31 Firsi Class

--- ---- CGPA 6.6S Firsi Class

O GeneraI QuaIification

Exam Passed Board PassIng Year Percentage Remark
SC Mumlai Fcl 2007 73.50 Firsi Class
SSC Mumlai MarcI 2005 84.40 Disiinciion

TecbnIcaI SkIIIs

Sr no arameter I|e|d known
1 rogrammlng language C C++ Core !avaP1ML P
2 Assembly language 8083 8086
3 CperaLlng SysLem known MSuCS xp vlsLa Llnux ledora Core
4 uocumenLaLlon sklll MlcrosofL offlce word ower olnL Lxcel
Cpen Cfflce org
3 uaLabase Mysql MS access

Software :

1 E-Ration Mart

Front End Java
Back End Mysql
Database Mysql
This Software reduces corruption .And the administration has the entire control over the
transactions carried out at the ration mart.

2 OnIine Shopping
Front End HTML , PHP
Back End Mysql EasyPhp 3.0
Database Mysql
Online Shopping-This Software allows the customers to purchase goods online and pay through
credit card. And goods are delivered to the requested address.
1 lobal oslLlonlng SysLem resenLed Lhls semlnar ln college compeLaLlon Lxplalnlng Lhe worklng
of S lLs appllcaLlon

2 Worklng Cf a llrewall resenLed Lhls Semlnar as a parL of Lhe currlculum
As a parL of Academlc
Ach|evements Act|v|t|es
O Coordinator for district level science Exibition in School .
O Participated in C-brain Pragyaa-09.
O Played inter collegiate basketball 2009.
O Worked as volunteer in open software of Pragyaa-09.
O Worked for open software in pragyaa 2009 .
O Second Rank in S.S.C in my school.


PersonaI DetaiIs:

Sr no Parameter Basic information

1 Name Krishnamurthy K Kannadiyar
2 Date of birth 08
3 Gender Male
4 Martial Status Unmarried
5 Religion Hindu
7 Language Known English , Marathi , Hindi ,Kannada,Tamil
8 Hobbies Listening music , Playing basketball , watching

Mr 8a|a[| S Shetty Mr kav|ndra C 1hoo|
LecLurer of uepL lnformaLlon 1echnology Pead of uepL lnformaLlon Lechnology
SS lnsLlLuLe of Lngg Lechnology SS lnsLlLuLe of Lngg Lechnology
vlshnupurl nanded 431606 vlshnupurl nanded431606

hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date :23/11/2011
Place: Mumbai Krishnamurthy K kannadiyar

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