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Syed 1

Jarri, Hassan

Wafa, Zaidi

English, Gr.6

23 Feb 2024

Paper Bags Or Plastic Bags

Every day, at least 2,000 garbage trucks full of plastic are dumped into the ocean, lake,

and river. Every year, 19-23 million tonnes of plastic waste is being leaked into the aquatic

ocean, these are just some harms of using plastic bags. I agree with using paper bags over plastic

bags since it is better for the environment. It is better for the environment since when we use

plastic bags and then after some time we finally don’t need them we will throw it into the


When plastic is thrown into the garbage and then picked up by the truck, in many

countries they throw the plastic waste into aquatic water bodies. Plastic bags affect the

environment because the resources used to make them are non-renewable. The key ingredients in

making plastic bags are petroleum and natural gas. The other raw materials used to make the

plastic bags are polyethylene-high density, low density, and linear low-density polyethylene. One

of the benefits of using paper bags is that it saves many animals' lives how you may ask, well let

me tell you one of the reasons. When plastic is being thrown into the ocean, sea, rivers, and

ponds that animals live in and have their habitats there with their family. By throwing plastic into

the ocean, we are taking life away from creatures and living animals.

The other reason why paper bags are better than plastic bags is that they are more

affordable than plastic ones since the materials used to make plastic bags are hard to get. For
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making paper bags you just need to chop down trees turn them into pulp and then go through

some more things before it is made as paper. The process of plastic being made is made with

non-renewable resources which are hard to get and expensive, but paper bags are easier and

cheaper to make which makes paper bags easier to afford. If paper bags are cheaper to afford

than plastic bags people will buy more paper bags than plastic bags which will affect the

environment a lot since the plastic used in plastic bags won't be thrown into the water bodies.

That will save tons of lives which can not just be good for the environment, but will also get you

sawab if you buy the paper bags with the intention of saving the lives of animals. That is why

buying paper bags is not only better for the environment but it is also better for you in the

hereafter since you will get sawab for your good intention of saving the lives of animals and not

destroying their habitats.

The last reason why paper bags are better than plastic bags is because paper bags can be

used creatively meaning they can’t only be used for shopping, but can also be used for arts and

crafts. Many people love doing arts and crafts, and even if they have plastic bags barely anything

good and creative can be made out of them. However, if they have paper bags and they want to

be creative with them, they can use them for many things like drawing on them, cutting the paper

and making things out of it, or even folding it and making origami out of it and then later playing

with it. Even if they do use plastic bags to make origami or other things, they will eventually get

bored of it and then throw it away, which will then be thrown to random places which will affect

the family of animals, the animal themselves, and their habitats. If they do use paper bags and

then get bored of the thing they have created and then decide to throw it away, at least it won’t be

destroying the environment by being thrown around and by destroying the innocent lives and

families of the poor animals that have done nothing to us but have helped us is many things. The
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first thing to be sent to space was an animal and millions of animals have died for the sake of our

lives just to be experimented on and give their lives away so we can live a healthy and safe life

and enjoy it with our family, unlike them because when those plastic bags are thrown into the

ocean, those animals can’t even move their legs or fins which eventually leads them to be either

eaten by predators of they die of hunger since they can’t move to get food.

In conclusion, paper bags are better than plastic bags and they should be used more since

they are not being used much which is becoming the cause of many animal habitats being

destroyed and the families of animals being killed. Paper bags need to be promoted worldwide to

save the lives of innocent animals so you can also have fun creating origami while the ocean

lives freely. They are better than plastic bags because of the three things mentioned above in the

following paragraphs. Save the lives of animals by using paper bags!

Syed 4

● UN Environment Programme. “Plastic Pollution.” UNEP - UN Environment Programme,


● Muthu, Subramanian Senthilkannan, et al. "An exploratory comparative study on

eco-impact of paper and plastic bags." Journal of fiber bioengineering and informatics

1.4 (2009): 307-320.

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