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Rubber Rocket Log - From Dragon Village to Grass Town

“So it seems that the imperfect beings have caught onto our little scheme involving
turning gym leaders one by one. As such, I; General Raichu; alongside Mawile and
Lucario are being forced to take the LONG way around to Azelea Town. I think it’s time
I showed that forest what was boss…”


Mawile asked me.

“I mean that we are going to turn every single one of the people in Blackthorn into
perfect Grass-type pokemon,” the General noted.

Lucario raised an eyebrow at that. “That might be a bit overkill, but then again, since
when do we do things by halves, General?” he noted. “A mass recruitment drive like that
is just what we need in order to show those plebians our real power.” General Raichu
couldn’t help but let out a hearty laugh.

“That’s the spirit Lucario.” He said. “Just for that, you're getting the leader of the gym,
Clair.” He said.

“Got it. And what about her Pokémon? Normal recruitment means, or do you have
anything planned?” Lucario then asked.

“Make them all grass types too, but make hers the most degrading for her you can think
of.” General Raichu stated, to which Lucario nodded in understanding.

“So… Tangela, Gloom, that kind of thing?” he then asked to double check things.

“Actually, I was thinking Bellossom would be more ironic. It’s something that’s her
complete opposite.” General Raichu said.

Commander Mawlie was about to say something, but Lucario facepalmed. “I meant for
her other Pokémon, General…” He muttered. “Although, I do agree that being that would
really work out - having her so cheery and happy and such…”

“I agree.” Commander Mawile said. “That’s my hubby for you: Always thinking of the
most twisted things possible~” She noted.

“As your doing that, Mawile and I will be taking care of the town’s precious dragon den
and everyone else.” General Raichu said.
“Um...problem…” Commander Mawile pointed to the Dragon Den. “I think Clair’s in
there.” She added. That was a LOT of Dragon Type Trainers out guarding the entrance.

“...I think we need some assistance here… Part of me wants to call Latias to bring her
here to stealthy hypnotise as many as she can, but I don’t know if that would be
allowed…” Lucario admitted.

“I had a different type of back-up in mind. Something President Manaphy came up with
DURING your punishment.” General Raichu said and took out a small whistle before
blowing in it. Suddenly Audino showed up and used Heal Pulse on all the dragon tamers
but...seems it did something other than heal them. “President Manaphy expected some
resistance, so in the rare case a bunch of trainers stopped us from reaching Clair, Audino
was given a corrupted version of Heal Pulse.” General Raichu noted. “We should be
seeing the results shortly.” He added.

Lucario nodded and watched as the group seemed to be less on guard, especially the
Pokémon, and… Well, the Pokémon were showing signs of being transformed, but to
make sure the transformation went right, Lucario unleashed a whole load of seeker
corrupted Aura Spheres to make sure that instead of them turning into rubber versions of
themselves, the Pokémon turned into various different Grass Types. As for the humans,
they needed bigger seeker Aura Spheres, but they were unable to resist the effects of

“Well, I think you have the Dragon Den covered from here. Expect Clair to use all of her
Pokemon against you. Do not corrupt any of them until after you defeat all of them. Best
way to make her realize that fighting is futile is to make her see how much stronger we
are to her.” General Raichu noted.

“Now be a good grunt and do as you're told.” Commander Mawile said.

“I know, General. Good thing I learned Dragon Pulse for this raid,” Lucario replied,
before darting off towards the Gym. But the gym doors were locked.

“Uh...Lucario.” General Raichu noted. “Clair is most likely in the Dragon’s Den” He

Once again, Lucario facepalmed, but this time at his own stupid decision. “I don’t know
why I even thought she was there…” he muttered before heading to the Dragon’s Den.

As Lucario travelled through Dragon’s Den, he couldn’t help but notice how aggressive
the wild Pokemon were towards him. Normally, Wild Pokemon wasn’t so aggressive but
these? These were very aggressive. As such, he had to take it slow, taking breaks to
recover after big encounters with them so that he could recover the energy he needed in
order to use a combination of Dragon Pulse and his corrupted Aura Spheres to take care
of them. Eventually, he made it to the centre of the Dragon’s Den, where the Dragon’s
Shrine is located, as was where Clair was.

“So, you’re one of those abominations that were sighted in Mahogony Town,” Clair
stated. “Well, I suppose some congratulations are in order; for what that’s worth to you
rubber freaks.” She scoffed.

Lucario crossed his arms and huffed. “There’s a few things wrong with that. First, we are
not abominations, nor freaks. You should be glad the General’s not around to hear that, as
otherwise he’d take you down where you stand right now. Second, I don’t need your
thanks or congratulations… At least, not right now. And third… I challenge you to a
battle.Six of your Dragon Types against me. And I’ll even make it fair, and only use my
normal uncorrupted moves, plus you can send all six of them out at once.”

“You're going to regret that choice.” Clair said.


Turns out Clair was the one regretting that; even though all of her dragon types were
strong, none were standing their ground for very long against Lucario.

“Dammit…” Clair cursed, now down to her Kingdra. “This is not going well.” She said.

“I told you I’d make it as fair as possible… And you should had sent them out at once,”
Lucario smirked.

“Unlike Team Rocket which made you rubber freaks, I don’t need to stop to your level.”
Clair scoffed.

“I never said to stoop to my level, just to send them all out at once. Heck, you could had
sent two out at once and things would had been more fairer on you then they are now.
Speaking of…” And then Lucario’s fist started to spark with electricity.

“Kingdra, Mud Bomb.” Clair suddenly commanded. Whoa, that came out of nowhere!

Lucario saw the attack, and he rushed towards it, before dodging at the last moment. He
let the attack glance at his left side, but the right side, which had the Thunder Punch all
charged up, was unaffected, meaning he could land the blow even though he intentionally
took some of the Mud Bomb attack. With that one attack, the Kingdra was KO’d,
however, Lucario’s victory was short-lived as now every wild Pokemon in the Dragon’s
Den was starting to rush him.

“I suppose more congratulations are in order, but just because you’ve won the battle
doesn’t mean you’ve won the war,” Clair said as she started to flee; the Wild Pokemon
prevented Lucario from giving chase.

“...Seriously? Do I have to sic Latias on you?” Lucario then quickly exclaimed. It was a
bluff, as Latias wasn’t around, but Clair didn’t need to know that.

Thankfully, Lucario didn’t need to do that, as when Clair exited the Dragon Den, she was
faced with a whole hoard of recently turned folk in Blackthron City.

“...Dammit…” Clair stated, now surrounded.

“Wow, that took just long enough.” General Raichu said. “Figured you’d try to make a
run for it Clair. Fact is, you're not going anywhere. Also, using the wild Pokemon of
Dragon Den to cover your escape? Really? You don’t think I didn’t plan around that?” He
then pointed out, as Lucario walked out of the Den with the wild Pokemon which had
tried to attack him restrained and being converted by the Grass-Type Pokemon which he
had converted earlier while progressing through the cave.

“Yeah. next time, make sure you check for imposters or the like… Oh, wait! There won’t
be a next time for you, because you’re going to join us all. And what better way to do so
than with the help of one of your old Pokemon you abandoned once I defeated them,
because remember… I didn’t let you return your knocked out Pokemon to their balls.”

“And with no Pokemon to fly you out of here, you’ve run out of places to run.”
Commander Mawile said as Clair was attacked by the former Kingdra turned Vileplume;
given a corrupted version of Vine Whip.

“So give up, and make it easy for us… Or don’t, and make it more fun for us. Your call,”
Lucario then finished as the Vileplume then used Wrap around her torso to make sure that
she wouldn’t be escaping.

The grip was so tight, Clair could not even move. “...I think that one came out super
strong or something.” Commander Mawile stated.

“I agree. Very rare, but very appreciated.” General Raichu said.

Lucario shrugged as he charged up a corrupted Aura Sphere. “Indeed. Even if it’s a never
miss, a target which can’t move is easy prey for this,” he noted as he walked up to her…
And then, instead of tossing it at her, he nodded at the Vileplume, who squeezed a bit,
causing Clair to cry out… And the moment her mouth was open, he shoved the corrupted
Sphere into it before she could stop him. “Hope you like the taste of corruption taking
over your body, future Belossom Grunt!”

Due to the method of how it was done, not only was the transformation very quick into a
Bellossom but...seems there was another side effect. “Huh...Seems her being forced to
ingest it made her become a Bellossom with an actual body and boobs.” General Raichu
noted, writing something down.

“What’s that for?” Commander Mawile asked.

“Oh, just something to tell President Manaphy later dear.” General Raichu stated.

“Yeah… Never thought I would make an anthro… Well, maybe semi-anthro, but then
again, what some people call full anthro, I’d call humanised,” Lucario noted. “Wonder
how Latias would react to that…” he then muttered to himself.

“Still, it seems we’ve made a discovery here today. With her finishing up, let us get a
head start down Route 46 to New Bark Town.” General Raichu said.

“I agree on that.” Commander Mawile stated.



“...There’s no other way…” The female voice stated. “Fair enough...I suppose if the
future world can have a guardian of the forest in some form, then this is the only real
option.” The Female voice added. Suddenly a shiny Celebi was seen flying towards
Mahogony Town.

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