Companions Timeline (Kurbani nisab - Mishkat 1)

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Companions Timeline

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

570 CE (Before 53 BH): Birth of Prophet Muhammad in Mecca.

610 CE (Before 13 BH): Revelation of the first verses of the Quran to

Prophet Muhammad.

622 CE (1 AH): Hijrah (Migration) from Mecca to Medina.

632 CE (10 AH): Farewell Pilgrimage.

632 CE (11 AH): Death of Prophet Muhammad in Medina.

Age at Death: 62 years old.

Companions Timeline
Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib (566-653 CE)
Before 53 BH (570 CE): Birth of Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib.

1 AH (622 CE): Hijrah to Medina.

2 AH (623 CE): Participated in the Battle of Badr (initially as part of the

Quraysh but later converted to Islam).

32 AH (653 CE): Death of Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib.

Age at Death: Approximately 83 years old.

Ubadah ibn al-Samit (Approx. 576-654 CE)

Approx. 46 BH (Approx. 576 CE): Birth of Ubadah ibn al-Samit.

1 AH (622 CE): Pledge of allegiance at Aqabah.

2 AH (623 CE): Participated in the Battle of Badr.

34 AH (654 CE): Death of Ubadah ibn al-Samit.

Age at Death: Approximately 78 years old.

Umar ibn al-Khattab (584-644 CE)

Companions Timeline 1
40 BH (584 CE): Birth of Umar ibn al-Khattab.

1 AH (622 CE): Hijrah to Medina.

13-23 AH (634-644 CE): Caliphate of Umar ibn al-Khattab.

23 AH (644 CE): Assassination and death of Umar ibn al-Khattab.

Age at Death: 60 years old.

Talha ibn Ubaydullah (594-656 CE)

28 BH (594 CE): Birth of Talha ibn Ubaydullah.

1 AH (622 CE): Hijrah to Medina.

36 AH (656 CE): Death during the Battle of the Camel.

Age at Death: 62 years old.

Abu Musa al-Ash'ari (602-672 CE)

20 BH (602 CE): Birth of Abu Musa al-Ash'ari.

1 AH (622 CE): Conversion to Islam and migration to Medina.

52 AH (672 CE): Death of Abu Musa al-Ash'ari.

Age at Death: 70 years old.

Abu Huraira (603-681 CE)

19 BH (603 CE): Birth of Abu Huraira.

7 AH (628 CE): Conversion to Islam.

60 AH (680 CE): Death of Abu Huraira.

Age at Death: 78 years old.

Abdullah ibn Umar (610-693 CE)

12 BH (610 CE): Birth of Abdullah ibn Umar.

1 AH (622 CE): Hijrah to Medina.

73 AH (693 CE): Death of Abdullah ibn Umar.

Age at Death: 83 years old.

Anas ibn Malik (612-712 CE)

Companions Timeline 2
10 BH (612 CE): Birth of Anas ibn Malik.

1 AH (622 CE): Became the servant of the Prophet Muhammad.

93 AH (712 CE): Death of Anas ibn Malik.

Age at Death: 100 years old.

Abdullah ibn Abbas (619-687 CE)

3 BH (619 CE): Birth of Abdullah ibn Abbas.

1 AH (622 CE): Hijrah to Medina.

68 AH (687 CE): Death of Abdullah ibn Abbas.

Age at Death: 68 years old.

Sufyan bin Abdullah al-Thaqafi

Unknown birth date.

1 AH (622 CE): Participated in the early Islamic events.

No specific death date was recorded.

Age at Death: Not available.

Companions Timeline 3

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