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Rubber Rocket Log - Nipping Problems

"This is General Raichu making his first Rubber Rocket Log on behalf of Rubber Rocket.
I am close to finding the target and shall make preparations to capture them at once.
Success is guaranteed."


Known online only as Auro, a young man was currently taking out the trash when
suddenly he spotted a lone simi-anthro male Raichu wearing a white shirt with a red "R"
printed on it.

"What the heck...who are you?" Auro asks the Raichu.

"Greetings, Auro. I've been looking for you." The Raichu says,

"Wait, what the...Rob!?" Auro ask,

"That was me yes...but now I've become something far more greater than that," the
Raichu reply,

"You join the Rubber Rocket? I don't understand-" Auro says before he is pegged in the
head by a red and black ball, the ball opens its shell and releases a shiny green goo onto

"And don't even try to resist the goo my dear old friend, because either way you're
joining us!" General Raichu exclaim,

Auro was unable to resist as his entire body was being transformed by the mysterious
goop into a green skinned lucario, Auro is struggling to rip the goo apart, but he is unable
to stop the spread of the goop and prevent his transformation,

It didn't help that the transformation come with some...mental changes too, soon, Auro
has become a male semi-anthro green skinned Lucario, a perfect grunt for the new team

"Lucario reporting for Duty, General Raichu." Lucario says, saluting his superior with a
grin on his face,

"At ease grunts! Now I must take you back to our president." Raichu says,

"Yes sir!" Lucario reply,


Once back and after Lucario was presented to President Manaphy, the latter began to pat
the head of the former in a dominant way.

"You did very well General Raichu. So well in fact, I've decided to give you a special
mission early." President Manaphy said as she continued to pat Lucario's head,

"What sort of special mission?" General Raichu ask,

President Manaphy whispered into General Raichu's ear, "...That's a huge honor miss...are
you sure?" General Raichu ask,

"Considering your've earned it." President Manaphy says while

continuing to pat Lucario's head.

General Raichu salutes president Manaphy, "Then I shall undertake this mission! Glory to
Rubber Rocket!" General Raichu says,

Just what is General Raichu's Special mission, and can no one stop Rubber Rocket?

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