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Professional Practice

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● The future of the construction industry is highly integrated with technology
● It is undergoing significant transformation due to technological advancements, as seen in
the megaproject Thames Tideway Tunnel (The Tunnel)
● Embracing technology by exploring the key applications can help with increased safety,
efficiency and sustainability
The application of technology has been important for most industries including the construction
industry for making advancements in operations. This study identifies the technology
requirements in this industry by focusing on the UK megaproject of The Tunnel, to understand
what a technologically advanced future is worth for the entire construction industry.
Project overview
● The Tunnel is a combined sewage system flowing under the tidal section of the Thames
● This super sewer is intended to serve about 9 million people to clear their sewers along
with rainwater that overflows the old sewage system
● It is also intended to reduce pollution of the river (, 2024)
The Tunnel is a megaproject in the UK with a value of £4.5 billion, which started in 2015 with
the anticipated completion time of 2025. It is the major sewage system for catering to the needs
of London, for the increasing population and replacing the old system that was unable to meet
the current needs.
Building Information Modelling (BIM)
● It is a digital representation of the functional and physical features of a constructed
● Its application can improve the planning and visualisation of The Tunnel and reduce
errors (Ershadi et al. 2021)
● This technological representation can help in better demonstration of the megaproject
This technology is applied to manage different digital representations linked to the functional
and physical features of a building and its other physical assets. Different tools and technologies
are applied in this modelling for advancing the operations of The Tunnel through successful
visualisation of its overall functions.
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
● Both ML and AI are applied for predictive analysis, risk management and effective
project scheduling
● Improvement in the decision-making process of The Tunnel can be achieved through
effective data analysis (Datta et al. 2024)
● Optimised resource allocation and enhanced risk management can be achieved
These technologies are crucial for applying different intelligence processes in the operations of
The Tunnel by making anticipations regarding any risks, application of resources, and other
important aspects regarding the project. Better decision-making is possible with AI and ML
based on their predictions regarding the project’s future.
Automation and Robotics
● The application of robots and automated machines can smoothen continuous processes of
concrete pouring, bricklaying and others
● They are essential in The Tunnel for enhancing the quality, and precision of work,
improving productivity and work efficiency
● A significant reduction in labour costs can be seen with enhanced safety (Hoeft et al.
This technology supports the generation of advanced designs through better engineering and
management processes of any construction. They are effective for completing repetitive tasks
required in any project including The Tunnel, which can be completed with great precision while
reducing overall labour costs and reducing time application in any operational areas.
● These mechanical flying units are applied for conducting aerial surveys for tracking
progress and site inspections
● High-precision data collection of The Tunnel is possible with drones with reduced costs
and time (Sawant et al. 2021)
● Safety improvement is seen through the reduction of manual inspection
The application of drones can help in recognising any issues and errors through a bird’s eye view
and conducting successful inspections, which is not possible manually. It can save time and costs
of The Tunnel project and can help in better integration of technology within its overall
3D Printing
● This is applied for automated printing of different components of construction sites for
coming with effective engineered design
● A reduction of construction time, and material waste can be seen in The Tunnel
● Innovative architectural designs can be generated for The Tunnel while customising
according to the required solutions (Pan et al. 2021)
This technology is crucial for creating automated blueprint of any construction project so that the
best designs and configurations for the project can be prepared. In the Tunnel project, it is an
important area of focus to prepare an effective print for successful completion of the entire work.
Key Impacts
● Improved productivity of The Tunnel and efficiency in additional construction areas of
the project
● Enhanced safety through reduction of labour accidents or working errors
● Cost and time saving measures can be adopted by The Tunnel while working with great
● Better communication and collaboration can be achieved with key stakeholders
The impacts of different technological applications in the construction industry tend to be
successful for the future. Positive impacts are seen in the case of The Tunnel including
improvement of productivity, reduction of costs, time and error and preparation of the best
collaboration with the close stakeholders of the project.
● Different challenges may come across The Tunnel while becoming technological
● There will be initial high costs, due to high investments in training and development and
technology integration
● The Tunnel may come across the issues data privacy and security that needs
Despite the positive impacts from the project, there are also several challenges linked to the
application of such technologies, which include high investment costs, requirements of
specialised personnel, providing training to project staff, and coming across different
cybersecurity issues related to data security.
Future Considerations
● There are also future considerations for the application of technology in this industry
● Technology integration is important for the development of smart projects and applying
advanced materials
● Autonomous construction project can also be an important future application
Though there can be challenges related to the application of technology in the construction
industry, there are a significant number of future considerations that are identified to be positive
for the industry. These are identified as the future of the construction industry where technology
will be successfully applied in different areas.
● Technological advancements are bringing significant revolutions in the construction
● A successful future beholds for construction if adoption and integration of the identified
technologies are done relevantly
● With continuous investments and innovation, megaprojects including The Tunnel can be
major success
It can be concluded that technological advancements play an important role in the construction
industry in different ways despite facing some challenges. The success of this industry, including
the megaprojects developed at different times, depends on how effectively technology will be
integrated in the future operations.
Reference List
Datta, S.D., Islam, M., Sobuz, M.H.R., Ahmed, S. and Kar, M., 2024. Artificial intelligence and
machine learning applications in the project lifecycle of the construction industry: A
comprehensive review. Heliyon.
Ershadi, M., Jefferies, M., Davis, P. and Mojtahedi, M., 2021. Implementation of Building
Information Modelling in infrastructure construction projects: a study of dimensions and
strategies. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management, 9(4), pp.43-
Hoeft, M., Kronsell, S., Manzoor, S., Johansson, F., Gustafson, A., von Haslingen, T. and
Eriksson, K., 2022. Construction automation and robotics in infrastructure.
Pan, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, D. and Song, Y., 2021. 3D printing in construction: state of the art
and applications. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 115(5),
Sawant, R., Ravikar, A., Bagdiya, N. and Bellary, V., 2021. Drone technology in construction
industry: state of art. Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, pp.643-648., (2024). The Story Available at:
story/ [Accessed on 12 June 2024].

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