7.1 Facebook Group Conversion (1)

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Inbound Conversations

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This resource explains the daily SOP for how to reach out to your Facebook group’s new
members in order for them to book a call with you. It starts by breaking each activity down in
detail, then gives the overall workflow. This method got us an 16.8% ABR.

Accepting Group Members

Firstly, you’ll need to accept people to your group on Facebook.

>> https://www.facebook.com/

Go to your Facebook group -> Member requests -> Approve.

Initial Outreach Voicenote

We send a photo and a 20 second voicenote to prospects that we’ve approved for our
inbound Facebook group.

Here is the photo and script:

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If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
Hey firstname, yourname here, so Charlie he asked me to approve your request to join
the group and quick question for you firstname.

Are you open to new ways of getting (niche / service) clients?

Um, I’m asking because I have got an opportunity that could help you get more (niche /
service) clients

But I do NOT wanna pitch it without your permission, so, I won’t

But if you’re open to receiving some information

Just send me a thumbs up



Keys to Delivery:
- start as if you’re reaching out to a long lost friend you’re excited to reach out to
- sound genuinely happy to reach out to the person (you might just change their life)
- imagine if they book an appointment their life could totally change for the better
- smile a lot
- put your thumb up when asking them to send a thumbs up

NOTE: First, we send the photo, then we record the voicenote. You’ll also need to send the
initial outreach on the messenger app on your phone. All other activities should be
completed on your desktop / laptop.

ForeverGreen Video

Once someone expresses that they’re open to information, we send a video we call ‘The
ForeverGreen Video’.

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If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
Here’s the forevergreen video. You’ll need to download it and airdrop it to your phone.

ForEvergreen Video.mp4

IMPORTANT: How to easily find the ForEvergreen Video in your camera roll every time…

You’re going to be sending this video a lot and you don’t want to have to keep scrolling
through your camera roll to find it every time you want to send it (it’ll get buried in photos).

> Go into your phone settings

> Find Messenger
> Photos
> ‘Allow Photos Access’ - tap ‘selected photos’
> Edit Selected Photos
> Add the ForEvergreen video to your selected photos

This means when you go to send the ForEvergreen video to prospects, you don’t have to
aimlessly search through your recent photos to find and send it.

When prospects want more information, use this template:

Hey firstname, it’s a pleasure to hear back from you. So I’m sending you a quick 2
minute video that breaks down the results we’ve gotten for other agencies and it’ll
briefly explain how it works and our secret sauce for results. Have a watch, if you like
what you see just drop me another thumbs up or whatever and we can chat further.

(then send the ForEvergreen video)

NOTE: When sending the ForEvegreen video, MAKE SURE IT’S ACTUALLY SENT before
you exit the app. This is extremely important. Sometimes if you exit the app / conversation
before the video has finished sending, it won’t actually send.


Calendly Event Sending

If a prospect has watched the ForEvergreen video and wants more information or to book a
call, use this template to send the calendly link.

(insert your calendly link here)

Nice one - grab a time and we can break it down. BTW, it’s a low pressure demo, so you can
leave your card at home.

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If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
Managing Engaged Prospects

Managing the engaged prospects are done the exact same way taught in inbound
foundations. Same followups, same scripts, same time intervals, and same trackers.

© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All infringements will be prosecuted.
If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.

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