Bio 12 Annual

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Name of School – Kumala Jatani Ali Secondary School Total Annual Periods_________

Name of Teacher – Getachew Shuremu

Subject- Biology Grade- 12_ Academic year- 2017E.C

General Objectives

At the this lesson the students will be able

1. To develop understanding and acquire knowledge of:

 The structure, shape and group of bacteria and their role in every ecosystem
 biodiversity, its significance, status in Ethiopia, threats, and principles of conservation

 infectious diseases, the germ theory, how bacteria produce diseases and the role of reservoir hosts in disease transmission
 importance of recycling in nature, and the water, carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus cycles
 primary and secondary successions and the major terrestrial and aquatic biomes with their characteristics and major fauna and flora
 the stages of meiosis and its significance in bringing variation, why fruit flies are considered ideal for genetic experiments and sex determination, sex
linkage, sex limited and sex influenced traits
 the molecular structure of a chromosome, the four nucleotides of DNA and DNA replication, the processes and sites of transcription and translation,
mutation and its causes, types and impacts
 the theories of origin of life, and evolution and the evidences of evolution
 the mechanisms of speciation, adaptive radiation and convergent evolution and examples of types of natural selection
 the biological evolution of humans, and the importance of Lucy (A. afarensis) and the controversies regarding human races
 the importance of studying behaviour, the characteristics, types and examples of innate and learned behaviour
 the examples of courtship, territorial, and social patterns of behaviours in animals
2. To develop skills and abilities of:
 Growing trees in a given area
 interpreting a population growth rate curve
 working out gametes for mono- and di-hybrid crosses using Punnet square and determining genotypes and phenotypes
 constructing a DNA model

3. To develop the habit and attitude of:

 Demonstrate life skills that lead to responsible sexual behavior
 love and respect to fauna and flora and their biomes
 a concern towards and appreciating the importance of biodiversity and the need for its conservation

Contents General Objectives





UNIT ONE: APPLICATION OF At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to
BIOLOGY  Understand the key concepts that discuss the significance
of biotechnology in natural resource conservation

1.1. Application in Conservation  Identify new applications of biotechnology in

of natural resources agriculture, food production, medicine and energy

1.2. Food and Nutrition security production 10%
1.3. Creating conscious citizen an  Know the application of biology in biotechnology
ensuring sustainable development
1.4. Application in biotechnology

1st UNIT TWO : MICROORGANISMS  Understand the structure, shape, nutritional type and
2.1. Eubacteria reproduction of bacteria
2.2 Archaea  Know the beneficial aspects of archaea
2.3. Fungi  Describe the economic importance of fungi 20%
2.4. Protozoa  Give general description on ecology, classification and
2.5. Viruses reproduction of fungi
2.6. Normal microbionta  Describe the characteristics of true fungi


2.7. Modes of Disease Transmission and  Know common diseases caused by protozoa
ways of Prevention  Describe characteristics, symmetry and classification of
2.8. Uses of microorganisms viruses
2.9 Controlling microorganisms  Distinguish between the different microbionta
2.10. Bacterial Isolation Techniques  Understand the transmission routes of diseases
2.11. Renowned Microbiologists in  Describe the different the different bacterial isolation
Ethiopia techniques

UNIT THREE: ENERGY  Discuss the process of energy transformation in cells

TRANSFORMATION  Summarize the process of Photosynthesis using chemical
3.1. Photosynthesis equation
November &

3.2. Cellular Respiration  Justify how energy transformation in cells contribute for 20%

3.3. Contribution of the maintenance of O2 and CO2 balance in the atmosphere

photosynthesis for the continuity of
life, for O2 and CO2 balance and for
global warming
UNIT FOUR: EVOLUTION  Analyze the different views about the origin of life
4.1. Evolution  Describe the theories and evidences of evolution
4.2. Renowned anthropologists in  Know definition, type and examples of natural selection.
January & Ethiopia  Understand human evolution, genetic drift, gene flow and 20%

4.3. Renowned evolutionists in Ethiopia extinction of species
 Appreciate the works of renowned anthropologists in

 Appreciate the works of renowned evolutionists in
First Sem. Final Exam & Break
UNIT FIVE : HUMAN BODY  Describe neurons and their function
2nd SYSTEM  Understand nerve impulse and neurotransmitter
5.1. The Nervous System  Know types of nervous systems, reflex action and drug

5.2. Sense Organs abuse 20%
March & April

5.3. Homeostasis in the body  Draw and label the structure of human sense organs( the
eyes, the ears, nose, tongue and the skin)
 Give the general description on homeostasis and how the
human nervous and endocrine system helps to maintain
UNIT SIX: CLIMATE CHANGE  Understand the definition and causes of climate change

6.1. Causes and effects of climate  Describe effects of climate change on biodiversity, 10%
change agriculture and forest productivity.

6.2. Effects of climate change  Describe the United Nations Framework Convention and
6.3. International Conventions the Koyoto Protocol on Climate Change

Entrance Exam & end of academic year

Name Getachew Shuremu


Date 30/10/ 2016

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