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2. Gaurav Sir's Sta c GK Course
3. Gaurav Sir’s Banking Awareness (Sta c) Course
4. Gaurav Sir’s Insurance Awareness Course
5. Gaurav Sir’s Computer Awareness Course

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Jone 2024
) prime Minister Narendra Mod?
Jhas naugusated
he ne campus of Nalanda University n
Ralgr Bthas
-’7he nely maugusated campus is construc ted at the
cost o Rs 49 crore
’ Nalanda wniversity as
n establshed aoond l6o0y ago
! is consioend to be among the st Residental cnNersres

he new eniversity canpos , it closely veplicates the

histori al Nalanda eniversity This eniversity oil have
6 schools ’ school of buellh ist study philasophy £
compasitive eigions , school of histoytcal stvches, schooloh
eco logy g envhonment and school of ss taable developvent
and nmanagehment. 24 lasge bildngs au hee There re
A counties with cohi ch India has collaboxa ted J2 coUntyies
they heve sned Mou to suppot this oniversity - This univessity
wltl also hove he woords lagest lbrany. oith ovea g lakh
’ he foundation stone of Nalanda oniversity is setup n 2016
There are 2 Academic blocks, 4o classrooms, total they
have a sitting capacity f roo studentk
2 is a Netzero

gheen campus CNo cmbon emiss

’ nivers ity IS Seen as a collaboration blo the Indian
goveyn ment and the east asia summit coontries
’ Sast asia summit ecently ha ppenecl n vfentiane,
which is the capital of laos
-> 4SEAN Summit oill also tates place Bn laos only this
’ Nalanda oniversity Loas founded by komas Giupta
The ting umas Gupta of the Gupta dynasty n bihas te
ealy sth cen tusy. and it flouhish for 6oo yeas ontil the
(pth centuy Duaing the yeas hashvandhah and the
pal kingdom monachs roOS to populaity -and then
destroyed n the i2 centuany in 19s A-D by the
Tunkish uler Qutubuddin Albak qeneral called Bathtiyas
khilji te destroyed Nalarda n 193.
’ t as declaed as a uNES CO oos ld Heritage site
n 2o16
’ There ae scientist from PRL (physical Reseonch
laboratory) which is located n Ahmeca bad, Gujarat.
have dis covered 3 craters on wass. They have named
They lal),Mussan
it lal csates Cnamed after prof. Devendha
crater and Hilsa crater
’Muasan is a place n up Up and Hilsa is a place 8 Biha.
so these ase named after them
’ n Bhas we have Nag? and akti bhrd sanctuaies
they have been declased as Ramsas sites so Tntia has
82 Ramsas sites now
’ The ighest no -of Ramsas sites aae B britan 195 .
’ Nagi Nabti they ase locatec m Jamui district of
2) Union Minis ter of Food psoceshq Indurtries 2
has launehed.

The sebsi te and mobile applcation

Jfor an
event bem organised to odvance Indias tood
pocesq sector
’ This website and appli cation is lanched for oosld
ood India 2024
’Minister tor this chirag pas uoan tom the lok
the NDA He launchod
Jan shakti paaty ohich is a past of the
the website E mobile app
’ This s the nation logest tooc event, it oill neeage
the collaboraton and pantnership among global ndian
food sector stake holder. h will tate place m Septembe,
from 1gth to mnd ot september n Neo Delhf .
’ The ast time mínistry %food processing Tnds tries
lavnch this oorld fod India was n 2019.
’’ hinag passoan constituency n Bhas. trom
Hajipo m
tohere his father also vsed to contest’ Ram vi las pasuan.
The Ministry of food pyocessmg Ihdustries ako oganized
another event called sUFALAM (eans stotup forum for
Asplrfnq lenders me tors ) also organizel Bn Neso
oas aso
3)Indian National Center o Ocean In tormation Serves
ÎN COES , tytesabad
has deve loped.
A Neo product to predict th emergen ce
Df EL Nno and La Nna conitiong
Is mon ths advance

’EL Nono leads to chought lite conditions n 2ndia g

la Nona leads to flood like conditions
-> in EL Nino the oater to the oest of south Amerfm
especially m
h the pacitic ocean, heab up ,lhe by reatng a
poessure and attractng the monsoon £ other trada
winds to Loaads there ohich should have to come Ihdia.
That is ohy Bn Ihdia thee is a dought like situation . Monscon
is weaken because of El NBIo.
’ This oill tell vs IS won ths Sn advance, so that
fprepase oua selves for the same
’ This system will be Fnouon as BCNN. And it oill aso
Arificial Intelligence (BCNN Bayesian convolotional
Neural Netoor) Tt has been made by INCOPs .
’ NcOIS works onder the ministry of easth sciences
’ There is TMD Îndian Me te oro logical Depatment)
chich has Tecenty ompleted Is0 fn 2024 H also
Loorts Und Minis try of Soa th sciences. And oe have
signed an MoU with Dominican Republie 2MD Oill ook
oith the Meteorological Depas tment of Dominican
Republe for weather fore castnq ete-y
’Moes they also lavnched a satelrte callec NSAT- 3DS
t was launched
launched by
by GsLV -FI4
Ministry of ba th sciences have set p the atmosphesc
Reeosch test bed n central rdia n sthore n M.p. Ihi
is ther st Atmospheie Reseasch tert bed. In shore also
6yATL CGas Authosf ty of Tria td) has set up Indiat
lcogest ethane plant called ethane cracter plant . witha
Capacity of s00 TA
4) Nvidia corp compans has The Most valvable
be come.
Company Bn he oostd

Hang ouwner of this co mpany t wanufactoe
chips, semi conduetor chips AP chips etey t is a Company
based m santa clasa, califonia.
’ $ mai ket valve seach ed alltime high ot 3-326
tillion on 1gth June.
’ Microsoft is clase 2e,Apple is grd
3rd CThase keeps on
changin based on -their shase prices almost eveiy clay)
’ Nvidia has made an AE platform Cchip platform) caled
Rubm cohich iss named after Florence Coopey Robn CtHe
oas a gheat scientist, he discoverecd dask matter the
Universe ) They have made another chip knoLon as &200/
Black sel|: PA is also an AT chip made by Nvidta.
5) Dnion abnet has Th Developient f Rs 7G, 200
opproved cY0se

vadhavan, Mahcahtaat All- eather qheentfeld deep

(isthajor port dhaft major part
’ vad havan port is located nSn paghas distict of
’ This pot uill be constrocted by a jont venture
Company Enoon as
Vadhavan port proje ct imited (tt is a
jont venture blo 2 Companies ’ Taucahalal Nehow port
Authority (ohich dai ly looks after the dauwahaalal Nelau
poft -Nhava sheva port m Navi Mumbai) and Mahara htya
Masitime Boasd-) o% shan holdsng is by TNPA and
26'/% shazholding is by Maharashtra Masi time Boahd
-t vill create employment opportuni ties for n ath
people they are saytig that it wll be Dne of the lo
biggest potts n the world. This poxt will have 9 contaner
terminas Svery container terminal will be loDO m long
The capacity is also huge ’ 298 MM TIAnum (Million
me tric tonne per annum. Ccomulative capacity of the
port). containex handing capacity oill be 23.2 TEU

(Tioen ty -foot eguivalent unit). TH ncse ase Brdias trade

to especially the middle east, uAE
’ Another port that as n neos is the Dar-
port Be cause ts contaner temnal no-2 has been
acqused by Adani goup This is th port located m
Tanzanla -CSast tfican country )
Teems from Maharashtra got the 6 Tag ’ frons sangl
one is Mixaj Tanpuna and one is Mraj sitas. Miray
place where these items ase manvfactued
is basfcally a place
since i850 t is (ocated in sangl n Mahaehtsa.
pension fnd Regu latory and Development tuthorñty
J has selected
NEC Corporation Ihdia pìvate Gmited company

Sys tem Dh teghator (ST) for a penod of 6yea

NEC cor poration Doia prt ltd con pany based n Delh
3 1ey oill do TRACE as a pat of TARCH proje
chnplogy ct;tect)
TYace is Tracking Repor ting Analytes complane
e-platform .
’ DA TRACE’ &asically it act as a compre hensive
-tool to sobmit Regulatory and superisory complance
eports by the ntesmediathies to shase the seports 2 data
with PFRDA Thee ae lot of sn termecliosy companies
ohich osk oith PFRDA
-’ PFRDA TRACE s is esponsible br monitorn th tonctiam,
facilitatng the ook flos for PERDA Depastments to revies
£ track the subnision And Noo the znd phase is gomon
for PFRDA TARCH project
’ PFRDA oarts onder the ministry of ffnance - Thisis
vegulatory body for pension n hdi'a. Even the Atal
pension yojana is dUn by PFRDA ony
) Totosgs Company announced
The laonch os Astes

Aset o AT- Amplted

mastetng Sesvices, Solution)
and plattmms that de lves engagng
brand experien ces en haned
mas keting efficiency and
acce lercated effec tive ness fos
busness gaoath
Aster is AT product of Tmfosys and t oill grve
all of these serices to thefr clients.
’ Drfosys is one o7 the bigest r companies of Indta
aftes TCS
8) As per Yecentty eleased cele brty Brand valuation
Report 2023 : Brands, Business, Bolly wood
vIsa t kohli
has claimed
The top position n byand va lue
’ He sapassed Ran veer singh n brand aloe
’ The Brand value of vitat kohli is 229 US D

Ranveer singh is 203 US D. shah Ruth khan at zr

place , Akshas kuwan at qth place . Alia Bhatt at sth
’ Alia Bhatt has recenty oritten a book called
The Adventurea of Ed-a-Mamma: Ed f8nds a home
) scientist (Reseachers) have discovered a sae species
Bio lumine Scent ms hrooms "Flbbole tos manipulas
’4 discovered n kerela vecenty
’ Biolumines cent ’Pt Can glouo n the dast.
-’ n kerela n the forest of kasas god (Nth kevela)
Right at the bosdes oith kaanataka
Ia kexe la -’ There is Malabas oates Spots festval
that is also tabfng place
’ ATCM - 46 5This meeting ol take place m kochi
CAn tanctic treaty consultative mee tinq ) This ol be
organi2ed by National centre tor pol and oceanlc
Teseosch CNCPOR) Ministbry of esth sience
’NC POR is located n goa
) Iuternational rance Corpovation (TFO
has committed
USD l0s Million
Lto pat tnance
S50- Mega uoatt peak (MWp) Solas paoes project
Bikanes, Rajasthan
’ This sola plant oill be de veloped by BAM (Broo tfeld
Asset Management company) # is a global fnvertment
Company based nm canada (arT is a past of oorld Bank
i) s per Tecentty seleaged 2023 Antbacterial agents
climical and preclinfca deelopment : an ovesvieus and
S4% of an tibac terial Reseach and Development (RD
is Mainly concentrated in high n co me coontfes
’ wad ttealth Orqanization (wHo) has seleased this
Deport. Midlle
Middle Ihcome E looer Dn cone coumrtries aue alo
* mjiddle
come countries (loe
-these. Inaia comes bndes louoesn
12 % is uppes mniddle coUnties (china Russia )
’Ihdia contibuted only 1°% to ttre esearch. and
lower widdle ncome all tbe countries put togethes
Contributed %Camong 4% Dndia s contibuted r%)
Apuva chandha has become the
chairman of the commitee A:

’ doin Di koloti has president of 99th World Heah

become Cchairman)
Alssem bly
He is fom Botsoana
2) Recenty Archaeologis te'ave
’ The e mans of old
city of Tu 'am
-’ This city is associated oith
coith united Arab Emiixa tes

5 Dn UAE theye is an Bland knoon as siniyah land.

This city has been dis covered here.
’ This city is fanmous for the peasl tradk that lasted
for centuies .
’ t voas vesy biq city m the th centuay
’ h excavatibns there is a chistan MOnetary ako
that oas excavated. (To
Recenty e have exported he MD2 vasiety of pieapPks
to vAE These come from sindhudng district of
’ oith UAE e have also sfgned local chen Cy
setlement system ohich coe have
(LCss) cohich we have sBgmed oith Counties
I3) UNHCR CUnited Nations High
comicsioner tor
Re fugees )
hac named
Britis h actor Theo James
J as its
new Global Good will Ambassador 3
UNHCR H-a Geneva
’ His tul! name is Theo dore peter James Einnard
adeport given by UN HCR Decently ohich
Said that in 2023 - 12.3 Million disp hed
forci bly out of ohich 6e-3 Million people ty
ntenmally displaced. Tran took 3-& Millen Re fugee (hiyha
Taskey oas zndj33 Millon
2-3 Milllon, colombia toas 3od g.q
Millon, ermany
5th’2 Mi lion
Loas éh 2.6 million
Thece are the
pakistan esag
th coon tries bohich took
Maximom no of oefugees- They shouoed khalnes
-- Afghanis tan created max no-of Re fugees 64 lath
Syia -’ 64 lath, vene 2uela - 6l lath vkrane ’ 6o lath,
palestine -’ 6o lath’ These s ase the top Cotributos
ob ve togees n the oorld .
I4) Recenty Thybot -"and "Thybolt -2 satellites

' secuse ly deorbited after comple ting 15,ooo

orbits ahOUnd Sosth.
These Satellites are asso ciated oith Dhauva space

’ Duva space company based m Hyderabad.

These ale Radio coWmUnication cube These ae
launched from PSLV -Cs4 Bn Nov 2o22.
have cCome
They have de obited vohich means
back to the
15) Adani Gnoup Company
has signed an Mou with
D6 PC)
Bhutan's Druk Green pouoes corporation CDá
for a
50 Mega sat gseen
CMA) hybo elecbrie plant
Chukha province, Bhotan '
’ Gautam Adani ’is meeting the ang of Bhutan
Tígme thesas Namgyel He also met oith the P-M of
Ehuton Tsherning lobgay
’.This is a significant ep toioasd a surtainable Enegy
-’ Dn Shvtan recenty sustanable fhnance for Tiges
landscape conference happened oith paso statenant
being adopted by to coumtries oho pateipated abilliong2
coill be mobilized n io yas tor presesvatin of Gges
land scapes
has won stepan Avagyan Memoria!
u)`Aijun Sriga'si -
Cchess playes from 2024 CèoOn

Telangana) Jermuk,Amenla 3
’ He has become oold No-4 chess playes now

live Rating list

The event oas ovganized yerevan, copital of
’Divya DhesmuFh C om Nagpuo,) ’ she has become the
loorld under -20 (U-20 ) Jonior champion - în Men't
session kazybek from kazathstan on u-20 Joni or
-’ Armenia has left csTo gani za tion Cco llective
Secubity Treaty organizaton ) has alo be come te
qsrd country to sign Artemts Aecovds
)Ministry of New and Rene Loable Energy <MNRE)
y organised
Global wd Day
sth June 2024
Lcotth a
Central theme ot paoan- erja:pouoesng the
futoge oh Thdia
’ we have oind capacity ’ 464 Zw Cso fas
Dastallment capaaty
’ e ae the cusaently the 4th lasgest mstalled ond
’ Main wmd enesgy prodocnq states n hdia’
GUjosat -No asnata ka is No 2 and Tani/ Nadu Bs
No 3.
’Under this ninistry we have TREDA (hdan
Reneoable Energy Deve lopment Agency) eohich has
de cently become a navratna company
I8) Aper yecent ntomation, New 2ealand

Reverse a contro vesial buopng tax

faa meàs aiwec at recwcng me thane
Cmissions from live stock
’ Bupng tax which as put by Neo zealand on the
cattte Because catte emit lot of me thane
-trey have temoed
me thane is a
is a heen
a gas. but
house gas but now
Mafter thae as a lotof protest
oith Newzaaland for transfosmng
JE siqned Mou tenca -trod
sec tors. Nes zealand coill
thetr sheepf goats hangenent the goats Pshep
Sutanable fas
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To Buy Gaurav Sir's Courses, click on the below links (गौरव सर के कोसज को खरीदने के िलए नीचे िदए गए
िलं पर क कर) :-

1. Gaurav Sir’s Current Affairs Course

2. Gaurav Sir's Sta c GK Course
3. Gaurav Sir’s Banking Awareness (Sta c) Course
4. Gaurav Sir’s Insurance Awareness Course
5. Gaurav Sir’s Computer Awareness Course

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