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20th Jone 2024

) Army ttospital CResecrch & Refesoal ), Neo Delhi 2

has annoonced
The openì nq of astate-of- the
bank facility
of-its-kind to be established
a first
Loithin the armed forces Medical sevices
Thìs is the st time n Tndia that any Army
a skn bank.
hos pital they have
fre accident, electrical
’ Any imjies fom domestie
acident, key oS ene warmers (These are Used by
to keep themselves oaam at high altitude - so
there fs
any burn hjy then stin bank coitl be very usefol
skin veplacement therapy oill be available here.
’ Armed Forces medical service is common to Amy
Navy and Air force. oas toundec n 48 There are
things n AFMS . There is Army meical corps , Amy
dental corps and Militay Nursinq service. Al 3together
are catled APMS
’Recently the ministry of hea lth and fanmily oe lfare
they an MMou oith the ministry of defence to
facilitate collaboration blo the g ministies tor the
Tele-manas helpline ( t is a mental hea lth help line
cohich is operated by NIMHANS, BengaloulNational
Institute of Mental health and Neuroseiences)
Sven the Jawans of the amy, if they have any
mental health issues they oill be able to call Tele
-Manas helpline.
-’ NIMHANS ,Bengaluu Loas the oinner of Nelson
Mandela Awd It oas ghven by the l0orld Health
organization. -to NIMHANS n Benga lwru
’Army command Hos pital ohich is m pune operated by
the sothern command cas decbrec as the best
hospital of the entire country.
2) TN-SPACe C Tndian National space
Promotion and
Authori 2ation Centre ) 2

has launched
pre- Incubation Entrepreneusship cPIE) Development

To sepport ard nurture ealy stage space startops

’ lot of space statups from reia like 9gnìkul cosmos
Dhuva , skyAoot fAaospace
’ The space e conom oill become 1-Tillion $ by
2035 Accosdinq to the oorld conomic fosom Report
cosently space economy is On on ly aroun d 630 billion $
N- SPACe commercial arm os IsRO. they will sUppor t
the spae startups They ill cultivate £ empoer the
next generation Df space tech nnovator .
’ Thìs progiamme oill n fox 21 months . They oill
pro vide stucture support, They oill provide them all
the mentovchip all the technology They oill provide
them prants, fonding monetasy suppert whateve &
2N-SPACe is H&: Ahmedabad.
’N-SPAce poatnered ioith Reliance Drdastries Toplatto
Tecently PN-SPACe has given approval to Jio ard
SES Csatellite Communication SeTvice provi der )»from
lwxembourg )Now o and sEs both of them together they
have laurnched a omt venture oYbi t connect Dnda .
connect Tndia oill Drovidle sate llite Intenet.
This orbit
India The st one Loas
Tis is the znd company n
oeb Cohich is backed bu Bharthi Atel/
Eutelsat one
Oas bit connecl
Bhabathi Entreprises ) "erd anpany
ohich has ot the approval fom DNS PACe for
Satellite nternet
) A New species of snake eel| "ophichthus suryai
has been toend Sn
T4 is named after disha
Surya kumar Mohanty
He coas a senoOned fsheries scientst rom Inda
’ This is been cisco vered by the scientist from 2oologîcal
Savey of Tndia ohich is H-Q tolkata
area of oisha
’ voas discovered n the Gopalpwr
isha new cM’ Mohan charan Majh?
’odisha festival Raja pasba (ohich cele baates the
Ohival of Monsoon and the
somen hood (res pect for
coOmen) ) D oas cele brated secently
GopalpuS ’ There is a Company called CME ohich
is nto clean tec hnology They coill a t e 2 lakh MT
(metrie tonnes) of Ammonìa CNHs) every yean smg
energy CReneoable energy) and they oill provide
it to PPCo ACE s based m Gopalpr n oclisha.
’ There is o a port &n opalpu ohere the Aedan? group
has acgured significant stake.
4) Accovdng to ve centy seleased 2024 Snvsonment
per tormance Index CEP2)

Rndia has been ranted at 96 th position out

of I80 contries
’*Estonia CBaltic court ry) has topped the Ihdex
Baltic coUntries ’ Estonia, latvia g ithuania
’ Sstonia is No2 loxemboUTq S No2 and
Germany is No-No-3 ’ These are the 3 best countries
mnthe environ mental per fomance
-’ This is a bennial Index . 4 is de leased the yale
oniversity CThey have a centre for environmen tatl ao)
So it is veleased by the yale centre fo envomental
lao and centre oac nternational th science
Snformation Netoort ecoth institute, olumbia oniversity
This Tndex as st pub lished n
2oo2 . They metnly
focus on 3 catogeries ’ Scosystem vitabty Snvitonnmental
hea th and cimate cange. avd 2 Neuo catogeries
Stoated h this yea mdex Biodiversity mhabitat and glecn
hoose emiss?ons
) As per ecently veleased Mercers 2024 cost of ivnq,
-’ Mumba? city is Ihdia's most expensive cty for
’ expatriates means those people of foreign countries
coho ae Loorting Sn rda.
-’ foy ex patriates for the people oho ae
conmq from
foreign countries Hong tonq is the most ex pensire
cty the LOor ld
fn suortzerland n No3 sihgapsi,.
is No-2, zur7ch cit
suoitestand is No 4
Basel Bn soitzesand is NoS Bern Ccapital of sioitzerland)
s No6.
’ Hong kong city is the capial of Hong kongi sng4pere
eity ohich is the capital of sigapore
’Mumbai Tant was I36h Most erpensive city Glo bally.
for the expa triater. Delhi was (65h
Recenty e celebrated sth Jone > The sosd Entrooment
Day PM Modi staated campaign called tk ped Maa

ke Naam (plant a tree B

n yous mothers name). Theme
of this day: and Restora tion, Desertification and
Drought Resi liance
UNcCD CUhited Nations Conve) tion to combat De sertihatia,
Thekr coP I6 oill take place n Riyadh 2024. and cop
oill take place in Mangolia n 2026.
6) India loill Frst ever mulEinatonal ar
host itt
exercîse Tarang shakt? - 2024
- his s the gst time that we ase organtsng
mu lticountry exercíse
-> coe have been organ?zing Multi co ontry
in so fan as the Navy % concemed. MI lan exercise
cohich is conducted by the eastern Naval command n
vishatha patnam almast every year.
aang shakti ’ st time that ce are
organîzing a
mult covntry afr force exerclse 24 oill tates place Sn
2 phase Dnitial phase ull
otll bebe Sn uqust n south Thdia &
the 2nd phase oill be fn the late Aog to mid septem bes.
thot will be Bn the sestern sector of Pnda (caest India)
Recenty 2rndia participatedl a Multco ontry 4tr
force exercise called Red fag 24 ohich Das hosted
Alacka by usA
Tarang shaki erercise is Bnsp'red by
Fed flag exercise cohich is hos ted by UsA
’ Biophasmacevtical Alliance ’ es Alliance that has
been fomed 5 stakeholders ’ n i a , usA 20CEropean
Union) Japan and south torea .
RPM PA C Exercise ohere Indian ship ’ TNS shivalk
patici pated- ohich happened Sn Hawaii, It is a muti
cOLtry Naval exerCise ohich was hasted by Amerfca.
-TNS shivalik also pootici pated n JIMEX exercse ohteh
happened at the yokosua centre n Japan . is a
blateral exercise blo Tndi a and Japan. is a moitme
)stockholm nternational peace Reseasch Instito te
has launched its
Annual assess ment os the state oh cÔ Maments
disaâmament avd nternational secoity
-’ Russia has bigges t n ventory ot nuc leas asenak
CRossia has the highest nono .- oß
o6 nucleas oarheads a the
entire woold)
’ In Mi Gtony stoc kpile and n Tota l mventory
either case it is Russia No}
în the entre oorld, cussentty thee are i2 12|
Nucleas bombs . 9585 ae avai lable tor mi itory
’ America is No 2 china is at 3r positon
’Tndia has more nuclec bombs than pa kìstan
Thìs has happened or the gst thme. (pakistan aloays
had more nuclea ocn heads but Now it s Tndia)
Tndia has suopassed pakistan Tndia has 192 Nuclec,
bombs where as pakistan has I70 Nucleas ooheads.
’ These was a seport by RI Recently caled

oosld mi itoy ex penditore report . No coontry

No2 is choa
thh miity expendi tore USA
No-3 is Russfa and Tndia is at 4th position . CPndia ?e
the qth logest Mibtoy spenda n the enttre oorld)
OUr expendditore ?n 2o23 On militeony 836billion
gave One mose eport ohich Oas about ’
In the last s yecs ( 2018 - 2023) Tndia No. ’ coomtry
Dmpoxted Maximom noof ams£Amuni tion n the ente
Coorld. Se cond cas saud Arabla.
8)'Sahitya Akadem?
has declcaed
recipients of its Bal sahitya
A list of 24
puras ka and 23 Loinners of itsyuva poaska
of its

for the yeas 2024

’ Thu ohnness os both Aoards They oill yece ve the
Lof l|
Aucsd nn the form o6
ob copper pla gue and they ot
also get a chegve of so, ooo Rs each.
Bal Sahitya puras ka, it coas stosted n 201o
given to very outstandnq book by ndian Auther
ohich is 1st publshed n any of the languages
Jecogni sed by the acadeny oithn the last syears.
Thìng is that the book should be coritten for children
Cchildhen Gterature -)
-’ sahitya Akadem? are aloays gfven n 24 languages
(2222 languages are there n the gth scheoole of the
constitution of Ihdia and 2 more CSnglish anc
The book has to target between the age ct 9 to l6
Cchildsen )
one yea later n 201| P
> yuva puraskas started
basi cally 3ecogni2es thase oritesrs oho e be loothe
age o 35 ys. n 24 languages This ye an it oas

gven to 23 languages They have not announ ced t for

Sans krit (24 coill be announced later)
sahitya Akadem? is head guartered n Delhi £t2

the Dndia's Nation al Akadem? of
sahitya Akademi comes under Ministry o coltore
qovt of Tndia R coas set op n 1954
’ Recenty sahitya Akademi they gave a tellooship to
Rosk?n bond
)western Sydney University Aus tra lia
has topped the recently re leagecd
Times Higher Education CTHE) oniversity
Tmpact Rankngs 20244
’ 95 Universities of Tndia, they oere n the ltst
from Dndia oas Amrita vishoa vidya pee tam n
ted sst n the Dorld
coimbatore ’ oveTall it coas Tanited
2e n the oor ld’oniver s ity ot Manchester,
united kinqdom
University ot Tasmania Austra lia
’This is the 6th editi on o impact santing by TYmes
higher Sclucation
’ Dmpact Rankings are basically about those univers?tieg
ohich ae progsessng Dn the Sus tanable Deve lopment
goals .C There ae 19 SDGs )
I6) Tuoo day India - ToR A cruise 7ouris m conference
has been held
New Delh?

Pt oas orqanise d be tween the members of Indian
Ocean sim Assocation CTORA)
’PORA countries like Bangoadesh , kenya,madagascas
maldives, South Afica, seychelles , Tanzanla , Mozambigue
organized by the ministry of enternal Hars
FlCC1 and îoRA Secre tariat .

’ PoRA Oas coeatecd n 199? There ae 23 membey

u Dialogve pastness ot ToRA H-Q: Sbene, Mauitiuy
-’ cuhently , si lanta is the chaiman ot T0RA drom
2023 - 2025. TORA Meetinq also ecently ha ppenecd n

I) pavan kapoor secretary Cwest) n Ministry ot

Enternal Affars
has zepresented
India at summ it on peace n ukrane
J titled
path to peace summit 3
This Summit oas hosted b Soit2eland e
3sUMmit on peace h utrane is an e fort to basfcally
a Copromise done bls kraine andl Russ fa. Bot
this sum mit failed
5IH was held at aa place called Bungen stoc k tom isthto
(6th of June
’ Drdia didnot signed on the peace agiee ment Because
jt oaS heavily fn favous t utrane Dnlia didnot oant
to effect the relations ok Tnoia with Russ?a .
’ lot of countries ike Dndiamexico , savdi Arabia ,Bratl
South ffca, Thai land, Dndonesla,UAE they did attend
the summit but they oionot signed the docume
12) vinod Ganatra - has The tirst Pndian to be
become Con ferredl
J oith
Nelson Mandela lifetame
Achievement Auoand
South Afica
for hs
Contri bution to fils e
vinod Ganatra is globally acelaimed film maker.
5There is a Ne lson Mandela chilabens frlm festval
ohich is gomg on cussently He oas gfven the and
-’ vinod Ganatra -’ He has Oon lot of terna tfonal
focods. te is very popu la on Doordars han Also
He has mace oujarati ftlms also, not just eng hsh
oi ld tife f?lm makey ’subbiah Nallamuthu ’ He
as giren v shantaam lifetime Achfevement Acmd
Tecently at the ieth Mombat Joternationa| Alm
I3) TNS komemi yut landing craft
has been
de livered
Tt is aSSociated ith Tsael
landing craft means ar craft casAfes
’ It has been made by usA T4 has been del?vered
to DsYael
This is the 2na Arcraft carier of Dsrael The st one
6oas called TNS Nahshon T ccas also delivered to
Tsvael by Ameica Bn 2023 Both of the are boi lt at
the Bollinger shipy and located sn louls fana esA.
Lsrael is an allay of Amertca
14) As per ecent nformation, w xld Bank
lend support to Great chennai corporation C6cc)
L to achieve
Sustainable waste managemnent n the cfty
’ They oill support this project Over next 20 years
184 they will do stody of the cusrent status ot waste
management n chennai then they oil See ohat s the

money seguived and accordingly they ofll tell the amount

I5)" Htndustan Aeronauties L?mited e
has been given a

Contract oo th about Rs so,000 crore

to buy
light conmbat Helicoptess CLCH) also bnoon as
’Tt is the contract gven by the Mn istry of Defence
oor th S0,000 CTore This is biggest sngle crder far
heicopters that has been qiven to an Indian Company
’ (56 prachand Helico pters coill be made by HAL
oill be gfven to the Tndian Army and ss will be
given to the TAP CIdian Ar Force )
’ prachandLCH ’ They ae Pgrade Over
(hey ae manvfactured by HAL n collabora tion ot-th
a french Company called satan (safran mates enghe
for the areraft)
’ Tejas is atycYaft , pra chand is helicopter. They
both ae sed fo ight combat prachand hove advan ced
capabi lities
’ Infact they ase the oorldi anly attack Helicopter
tnat can land and take off at a height of more than
Ehey are vsefol Bn aeas ke slachen glacfan
and even easten laca kh.
-5 They Can achieve a speed of ro 0nd 2ge Emph. hege
helicopters ase also equ'ped oith Helnoa nmiasile
CAnti tank missiles )
5 Ar version of He(na is called Du

I6) Delhi Tnternational Atsport /Jndtra Gandh? Irternati

has launched Arport
Tndias frrst self- service nechantsm 3
passengers to guick check -n oith lu9gage
>T oas stasted from 19th June. DH has been stoted
at ternminal - and teTmnal-3
> we ae the only gnd Atrpot n the uoorld
Toronto Arport -of Canada to start this mechanism
’ Toronto organised the FT DE Cancdates champlons hip
that oas Uoon by D Gokesh Bn chess.
19) Dnol'an Rai loays has
has conducted
cond trial ron On
Loosld[ highest steel corch ail bridge , the chena b Bidge
- This bridge Ss associated with Jammu and fashy
’ Basically Loe Loant to connect kashm valley to the
entire Idia tlaough the sai loays have udhamp
STinagas Basa mulla Railoay stretch . A is highes ctale)
than the Efel toes Height is 359 m
Csfile tower is 35 mshoster than this ) Tt has a
life span o i20 (pass The length of the bridge ?s I-315 km
t is located blo 22 villages n Reas? distict ob Js k
Ohe fs called Bakkal and one is called kawra
’ The entire USB (udhampun- srinagas - Easra nulla) Railaay
lne ohich is nound 292 km oill stcort very SOon
from Reas? to katra last 1 kms remam ng
the Bordes Road Organization (BRO) ’ They
have made a tUnnel of 2.79 km H is called Sungal
tonnel. and it connects AkhnooY and poonch On the
National Highuoay I44 A
18) Recently Sstnivas Heqde fornier Thdfan space
Resecach organisation CTSRO) Scien tist
passed aucay
He oas associated oith chandhay aan- This
miss ?on oas launched 5n 2008 and he o as the miss?on
ditector of chandaayaan-1
’ Tnalia launched chancbayaan- usng PSLV-XL
2008 coe launched chandray aan -2 in 2019 ohich
failed and we launched chandsayaan-3 -Tt landed on
moon On 237d of Aug 2o2? 2rd Au coe ae cele bratrg
now as a national space day
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3. Gaurav Sir’s Banking Awareness (Sta c) Course
4. Gaurav Sir’s Insurance Awareness Course
5. Gaurav Sir’s Computer Awareness Course

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