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CHAPTER > 06 Anatomy of Flowering Plants @ NEET Key noTeES Anatomy deals with the study ofthe internal structures of living organisms. Anatomically, a plantis made up of different kinds of issues, The Tissues + A tissue isa group of cells having a common origin and usually performing a common function. + Plant tissues are broadly classified into meristematic tissue and permanent tissue based on whether their cells are ‘ipable of dividing or not. Meristematic Tissue + Growth in plants is restricted to specialised regions of active cell division called meristems. On the basis of position, meristems are of three types = Apical meristem which occurs at tips of roots and shoots ‘Tis tissue is responsible forthe growth in length of plant * Intercalary meristem which les in betwe mature/permanent tissue. It adds tothe length of the plant or its organs. Commonly found in grasses * Lateral or secondary meristem which occurs in mature region of ro9ts and shoots and responsible for growth in sitth of a plant. Fascicular vascular cambium, interfascicular cambium and cork cambium are its examples. + Apical and intercalary meristems form the primary plant bbady and appear early in life of plant. Hence, these are known as peimary meristem. + During the formation of leaves and elongation of stem, some cells are left behind from shoot apical meristem, thereby forming the axillary bud. + Following divisions of cells in both primary and as well as secondary meristems, the newly formed cell becomes structurally and functionally specialised and loses the ability to divide. Such cells ate termed as permanent or mature and constitute the permanent tissues. Permanent Tissue * The tissues which are incapable of dividing and become structurally and funetionally specialised are known as permanent tissues. + These can be simple (made up of one type of cells) or ‘complex (made up of more than one type of cells). + Simple permanent tissue consists of parenchyma, collenchyma and selerenchyma, © Parenchyma forms major components within organs. These cells are isodiametric and thin-walled, having cellulosic cell walls with small orn intercellular spaces It performs functions like photosynthesis, storage and secretion, = Collenchyma occursin ayer below the epidermis in most dicot plants, These ave cells with thickened comers due to the deposition of cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin. These assimilate food (when contain chloroplast) and provide mechanical support to young stem andl leaf petiole + Selerenchyma have thick, long cells with lignified cel walls. These are dead cells and lack protoplast. These can be either fibres or sclereids. These are commonly found in the fruit walls of nuts, pulps of fruit ike guava, ec. Selerenchyma provides mechanical support to organs. + Complexpermanent tissues made up of more thanone type ‘of cell and work together as a unit. The complex permanent tissues in plants are mainly xylem and phloem, 1, Xylem is a complex tissue that conducts water and . minerals It also provides mechanical strength tothe plant, + Itis composed of four types of cells-tracheids, vessels (both for conducting water and dissolved salts), xylem parenchyma (stores food and conduets water radially) and xylem fibres (mechanical strength). + On the basis of time of origin with respect to the growth ofthe plant body. Xylem is classified into protoxylem. (formed frst) and metaxylem (Formed later). + Xylem is further classified depending upon the position of protoxylem with respect to metaxylem as follows Guard cells in dict are kidney (bean) shaped and ‘monocots contain daumb-bellshaped guard cells. The ‘guard cells are further surrounded by two oF more epidermal cell called subsidiary cells. ‘The stomatal aperture, guard cells and the surrounding subsidiary cells are together called the stomatal apparatus, 2. Ground Tissue System 2 tears of simple iasues ad includes ll eves excep epidermis and vascular bundles I forms the + Exarch Xylem in which protoxylem lying outside the rmetaxylem, eg. in roots, + Endarch Xylem in which protoxylem lying inside the rmetaxylem, eg. in stems. ‘main bulk of plant body thus, called the fundamental tissue system, Its of two types, Le. extrastelar (cortex) and intrastelar (includes pericylce, pith and medullary ays) In leaves, it consists of thin-walled chloroplast, containing cells and is called! mesophyll 3. Vascular Tissue 2. Phloem is also a complex tissue and transports food ‘materials usually from leaves to other parts ofthe plant, * Itcomprises of sieve tubes/cells (conducting channels formed of several enucleated cells; due tothe presence of sieve pits and end walls are commonly called sieve plates), companion cells (thin-walled living cells onthe sides of the sieve tubes), phloem parenchyma (stores resins latex and mucilage) and phloem fibres (bos fibres), It conducts food from the source (leaves) to al parts of plant ‘The first formed primary phloem consists of narrow sieve tubes and is referred to as protophloem and the phloem formed later has bigger sieve tubes and is referred to as metaphloem. Tissue System + Itisbased on the typeof cells present in a plant. On the bass oftheir stricture and location, there ae three types of tissue system, ie. epidermal tissue, ground tissue and vascular issue systems Epidermal Tissue System It consists of epidermis the outermost layer of the primary plant body) and epidermal appendages. Epidermis includes epidermal cells and stomata. Epidermal appendages include trichomes (present on stem and prevents ‘water lss), root hairs (present on root to enable absorption of ‘water and minerals from soil) ete. Epidermal cells are parenchymatous (living) witha small amouint of cytoplasm lining the cell wall and large vacuole ‘The outside ofthe epidermis soften covered with a waxy thick layer called euticle which prevents the loss of water ‘Cuticle is absent in roots. + Stomata are the minute apertures or openings on epidermis of _green aerial parts of plants These regulate transpiration and ‘gaseous exchange. The specialised green epidermal cells, ‘which are present around the stomata are called guard cells and the regulate stomatal opening, « Itconsists of complex tissues, ie. xylem and phloem which together form vascular bundles, embedded in the ground tissue, * Depenaling upon the relative position of xylem and phloem, vascular bundles ate classified as radial and conjoint. + When xylem and phloem within a vascular bundle are arranged in an alternate manner on different rad these are known as radial vascular bundles, gin 00s xylem Phloem Piao \camoium Xylom @ ro © Various types of vascular bundles (a)Raal, (6) Conjoint closed an (c} Conjoint open ‘= In conjoint type, vascular bundles are present on the same radius of vascular bundles, ein stem and leaf ‘A lateral meristem called eambium is present in between xylem and phloem of vascular bundle, known as vascular cambium and such vascular bundles are ‘known as open vascular bundles. These have the ability to form secondary xylem and phloem is present in icotyledons. ‘+ When cambiam is absent in between xylem and phloem, the condition is called closed vascular bundle, which is unable to form secondary xylem and phloem, eg, in monocots NEET Key NOTES Anatomy of Dicot and Monocot Plants ‘The primary anatomical structures of root, stem and leaves of dicot and monocot plants can be studied by examining the transverse sections ofthese structures, + A.comprehensive detail ofthese structures is given below Anatomy of Root ‘The outermost layer of root is called epiblema, having unicellular root hairs. The endodermal cells have a deposition of suberin (water-impermeable waxy material) in the form of Casparian strips, Stele constitutes of all the tissues on the inner side of endodermis such as pericycle, vascular bundles and pith. + The differences in anatomy of dicot and monocot roots are tabulated below Characters Dict root Monocot root Periyele {Gives set secondary oo, Gives st lateral or (ime tocar eambiom nd car” Ssoodary rot nl endoderm) ambi Vaselar bundles Disc to hexarch Polbareh (ore than 6a (eos inmuner) sumer) ambiam Develops atthe tne of Cambium formations absent secondary growth Pit Absent pod developed Abundant and fully eveaped Secondary Takes pice Does not ake place growth Cortexand—_Narow corer. Endodermis is Cortex wie, Casparin strips fdodermls less thickened and Cain are vise oly in young 0. (inne laye) sips are more prominent. [ron cadena elle ‘become igh thickened Comparson ofTS of aot eot and monocot root Anatomy of Stem «The diferences in the anatomy of dco and monoco! tems are tabulated below Characters Dicot tem Monocot stm Epldermis Cells are grand with Cats ar omparaively smaller tio hair ‘mule ihe, tnd witout tichomes. ypodermis —_Clleehymsions (goon). Selects (nn g008, Cortex Mae upofseverallsyersof Absent, but parenchymatous parenchymatous ste srund issu is preset fom Sypris th conte a em, Endodermis—Single-ayere starchy sheath Absent Perieyele Mae upofoneormore ayers Absent of parenchymatous and Scterectyiatons els ‘Medullary Fou inbetween aselar Absent nye tunes Pi (dala) Abundant made up oF ‘Absent acne el stated in {econo em, Found at Cenoms ‘seco he vascular bande, Guiee Vascular Vasculsrundlesinaring. Seated cic noting Monocot stom Dicot stm bounds” Angular inate conjont, conjoined. Comparison ofthe TS of cot stem and monocot stem Collateral nd open All of same Larger towards ene, Oval ‘See Wodge-shuped Bundle bundle sheath preset Phloem ‘heath sent Phe arene sbent Xen cacy present Xylem esc eer Vo shaped ‘Sehizayagcnes avy absent NEET Key NoTES Anatomy of Leaf The various characteristic features of monocot and dicot eaves are tabulated below Characters Dict leat Epldernais The upp epidermis as larger and thick-walled cells ss compared 10 those of lower epidermis Epidermal ell Those poses sinuous walls and sia deposition that doesnot occur on the outer wal of epidermal el, Number of More stomata cccur onthe lower surfice as stomata compared tothe upper surfce Guard eels These re bean-shape, Mesophyl ells The mesophyll is differentiated into palisade and spongy tissues, Veins These ar in reticle venation, Bundle sheath Is formed of colores oes nd the extensions of bundle sheaths are parenchymatous Protexylem Iino iferenitd Bundle sheath em Phloem. Aaa epdermis Comparison of the TS of dict leat Secondary Growth Ierefersto the increase in girth (diameter) and thickness ofa plant Is absent in monocots. The tisses involved in this ae the two lateral meristems, i. vascular cambium and cork ‘ambi. Secondary Growth in Dicot Stem It takes place inthe stelar (region by vascular cambium) and ‘extrastelar regions (by cork cambium) as follows. jon of combium ring Vascular cambium cells consist Is and ray initials, Fusiform initials give rise tosecondary xylemand secondary phloem, Ray inital give rise tomedullary rays. The cambium cells present in between ‘primary phloem ancl primary xylem is the intrafascieular ‘ambium, The cells of medullary rays adjoining these Intrafascicularcambium stat dividing to form. interfascicular cambium thereby, forming a complete ring. Monocot teat ‘The epider cells are similar on both the surices (upper and lower of the let. ‘These have strught wale and iia deposition common on the outer wal of epidermal cells, ‘An equal number of tomata occurs on both the surfaces ‘Tse ate dumb bell shape. “Tere is no such difeesstion, These arin pall venation. Bundle sheath cll willy poses chloroplasts andthe extensions of bundle sheath are selerenchy mats Tes forested ino larger vascular bundles Adil epidermis Xylem Mesopral Substomatal cavly Aexal epidermis Pricer —stoma ‘Comparison ofthe TS of monocot loat + Formation of secondary xylem and phloem occurs due to activity in the newly formed cambial ring. The cells of ‘ambiim divide periclinally to form secondary xylem towards the pith ancl secondary phloem towards the periphery. + Cambium at some places forms a narrow band of parenchyma cells, which passes through the secondary xylem and secondary phloem in radial directions, These ‘are called secondary medullary rays. + The activity of cambium is controlled by physiological and environmental factors. During spring season, ‘cambium is very active and produces plenty of xylem vessels, with wider cavities. The wood formed during this season is called spring wood or early wood. In winter, cambial atvity slows down and gives rise to narrower xylem elements. The wood thus formed is called autumn wood oF late wood, NEET Key NOTES + Asthe growth continues, two types of wood produced year after year and appear together as a concentric ring in a transverse section, This ring is known as annwal ring or ‘growth ring, + Inola trees, the region which consists of dead elements and does not conduct water but provides mechanical support is called heartwood (duramen). The heartwood is hard, durable and resistant tothe attacks of microorganisms and insets + The peripheral outer portion is sft and lighter in colour consisting of living cells. tis called sapwood (alburnur) land helps in conduction of water and minerals fom root to tip. Wood of gymnosperms is called non-porous of softwood (absence of vessels and fewer fibres) and that of dicots is called porous or hardwood (contains vessels and abundant fibres) + Cork cambium or Phellogen formation occurs asa new protective layer due to continuous increase girth of stem. I {develops in the cortex region. Further phellogen cells divide to give rise to cork or phellem on the outer side and ‘secondary cortex or phelloderm on the inner side. Phellogen, phellem and phelloderm are collectively called periderm. Bark includes all the tissues lying outside the ‘vascular cambiim. Bark that forms early in the season is called early of soft bark and which forms laters called late for hard bark, At certain regions, phellogen cuts off and ruptures the epidermis, forming lens-shaped openings called lenticels. These permit exchange of gases and occur in most woody Secondary Growth in Dicot Root Itdoes not lead fo wood formation In dicot root, the vascular ‘ambium is completely secondary in origin. Itoriginates from the tissue located below the phellogen bundles, a portion of pericycle tissue above the protoxylem forming a complete and continuouls wavy ring which later becomes circular. Further ‘events are similar to those occutring in dicot stem, Mastering NCERT MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (toric | ~ The Tissues 1 Choose the correct option. (a) Study ofinteral structure of plat i called anatomy. (b) Plants have cells as the basi unit whieh are organised (6) Tissues are organised into organs (4) Allofthe above 2 Specialised regions of plant having active cell division are called (@) tissues (©) organs (6) meristems (4) Allof the above Apical meristems are present at the (a) tips of roots (©) tips of shoots (6) lateral sides of roots and shoots (4) Both (a) and (b) 4 Identify 4, B and C indicated in the diagram of root apex given below. (a) A-Vaseular bundle, B-Epidermis, C-Root apical (©) A-Contex, B-Epidermis, C-Root apical meristem (6) A-Conex, B-Protoderm, C-Root apical meristem (@) A-Conex, B-Epidermis, C-Protoderm 5 Identify 4, B and C in the given diagram of shoot apical meristem. (a) A-Leafprimordium, B-Axillary bud, C-Vaseular bud (b) A-Leaf primordium, B-Axillary bud, C-Different vascular tissue {(€) A-Shootprimordium, B-Axillary bud, (C-Differentiating vascular issue (2) A-Shootprimordium, B-Apical bud, C-Differentating vascular tissue 6 The root apical meristem occupies the ...4... of roots, while shoot apical meristem occupies the distant most region of the ...B... apex. ‘Complete the above sentence by replacing A and B with correct option. (a) Actip; B-stem (6) A-taterally; B-root 7 A.branch or a flower develops in the axis ofthe leaves by the activity of (a) axillary bud {) apical meristem 8 Axillary bud originates from (a) meristem () shoot apical meristem {) root apical meristem —(@) secondary meristem 9 Intercalary meristem is found between the (a) mature tissue () apical root meristem {) shoot meristem (@) two nodes 10 Regeneration of damaged growing grass following ‘grazing is largely due to ‘NET (Odisha) 2019 (a) lateral meristem (b) apical meristem {) intewalary meristem (@) secondary meristem 11 Apical meristem and intercalary meristem are called primary meristem because {a) they appear early in plant and contribute to the formation of primary plant body (b) they make secondary tissue {) they make whole plant body (@) Allofthe above ‘12 Meristem, which is particularly present in the mature regions of root and shoot and produces woody axis ‘and appears later than the primary meristem is called (a) secondary meristem (b) intercalary meristem {) apical meristem (a) tertiary meristem (6) A-side; B-stem (4) A-tip; B-meristematie (©) apical bud @) tissue B % 16 ” 8 » Example of secondary meristem isiare (a) intrafascicularcambium () interfascicularearbium {) cork cambium (@) Allofthe above Permanent or mature cells are formed by {a) cell division in the primary meristem {(b) cal division in te secondary meristem {) Both (a) and (b) (@) specialisation of secondary meristem During the formation of primary plant body specific regions of apical meristem produce (a) dermal tissue () ground tissue () vascular tissue (4) Allof these Cells having no power of cell division are found in (a) primary meristem (b) secondary meristem {) permanent tissue (@) All ofthese [Identify the permanent tissues shown in the following figures. ‘AIMS 2078 - Primary wal Nucleus \ Th peimary wat ~Imeroohser space Thick secondary wal P Pointed ene wal p—Prenary wa c (a) A-Collenehyma, B-Parenchyma, C-Selerenchyma (b) A-Sclerenchyma, B-Collenchyma, C-Parenchyma (6) A-Collenchyma, B-Sclerenchyma, C-Parenchyma (@) A-Parenchyma, B-Collenehyma, C-Selerenchyma Simple permanent living tissue, which is made up of thin-walled isodiametric cells is called (a) parenchyma issue () collenchyma tissue () sclerenchyma tissue (Q) meristematic tissue ‘Simple tissue, which constitutes few layers below the epidermis in dicotyledonous plants are (a) simple parenchyma (b) complex parenchyma (6) collenchyma (4) simple tise Cells of collenchyma have thickened corners due to the deposition of (a) cellulose (6) peetin Sclerenchyma fibres are (@) narrow and thick-walled (©) elongated with numerous pits {) dead without protoplast (@) Allofthe above (6) hemicettulose (@) Allof these 22 Sclerenchyma mainly provides {@) storage tissue to the plants {() mochanical suppor tothe orgens of plants {6) secretory tissue to the plants {6) srenath to monocot plants, specaly tei abundance ia the layers below the epidermis 23 Which ofthe following is not a feature of selereids (stone eels)? {@) Variousy shaped (©) Highly dhckended with igifed cll wall and narrow lumen (©) Commonly found inthe fruits, wall of nuts, sead coats of Tegumes and leaves (@) They area type of parenchyma 24 Angiospermic xylem consists of (a) vessels and tracheids only (b) Tracheids and fibres only {) Vessels, trcheids, fibres and parenchyma {(@) Parenehyma and fibres only 25 Xylem translocates (a) water and mineral salts only (b) water, mineral salts and some organi nitrogen only {) water, mineral salts, some organi nitrogen and hormoens {@) water only 26 Inpteridophytes and gymnosperms, xylem consists of NEET (National) 2019 all except (a) vessel (©) tracheid (6) fibre (@) parenchyma 27 Tracheids, vessels and sclereids are similar in a way that, they all (a) lack secondary walls (b) conduct water and minerals {) function when dead (dl) have open ends 28 Tracheids differ from other tracheary elements in (CBSE-AIPMT 2014 (a) having Casparian strips (b) being imperforated (6) lacking nucleus (a) being ligntied 29. The balloon-shaped structures called tyloses NEET 2016 (a) originate inthe lamen of vessels (b) characterise the sapwood {are extensions of xylem parenchyma cells into vessels, {@) are inked tothe ascent of sap through xylem vessel 30 Choose the incorrect pair. () Main water tansporting ‘elements in lowering plants (©) Characteristic feature of angiosperms ~ Xylem fibre {) Fist formed xylem elements = Protoxylem (@) Later formed primary xylem elements ~ Metaxylem = Tracheids and vessels ‘31 Identify 4, B and C in the given diagram. (a) A-Tracheid, B-Tracheid, Cvessels (©) A-Vessels, B-Tracheid, (C-Companion cell (6) A-Companion cell, B-Vessels, CTracheid (@) A-Xylem fibre, BVessels, ala] Vessels 32 Choose the incorrect match. (a) Vessels ~ Cells are dead with thick chitinous cell walls (b) Tracheids ~ Elongated tubectke cells with-thick, lignified walls and tapering ends (©) Xylem fibres — Cells possess highly thickened walls ‘with obliterated central lumen. (@) Xylem parenetyma ~ Cells are living with thin cellulose ell walls 33 The first formed primary xylem is called Tater formed primary xylem is called . (a) metaxylem, protoxylem (©) protoxylem, xylem bres (©) metaxylem, xylem parenchyma (2) protoxylem, metaxylem 34 You are given a fairly old pieve of dicot stem and a dicot root. Which of the following anatomical structures will you use to distinguish between the wo? (CBSE-AIPMT 2014 (a) Secondary xylem {(b) Secondary phot {6) Protoxylem (@) Cortical cells '35-Food translocating tissue is phloem in angiosperms ‘comprises of all except {@) sieve ube elements (b) companion cells () parenchyma (@) selerenchyma 36 Phloem in gymnosperms lacks {@) sieve tubes only (©) companion cells only {) Both sieve tubes and companion cells (@) Both albuminous cells and sieve cells 37 Long, tube-like structures arranged longitudinally ‘with perforated end walls are () companion cells (b) sieve tube element and the NEET 2019 (6) vessels (4) bast fibres ‘38 _Sieve tubes are best suited for translocation of solutes because (a) they are much broader than long. (they possess no end wall {) they have higher number of pts (@) they possess interconnected lumen 39. Companion cells are closely associated with CBSE-AIPMT 2012 (a) sieve elements {(b) vessel elements (6) trichomes (@) guard cells 40 In angiosperm phloem, {) Both the sieve tube elements and companion cells have nuclei () sieve tube elements have nuclei but companion cells do not (6) the companion cells have nuclei but the sieve tube ‘elements do not {(@) Neither the companion calls nor sieve tube elements have nucle 41 Phloem parenchyma is made up of (a) clongated, tapering cylindrical ells () circular thick-walled cells {) clongated, non-tapering cylindrical ells (@) circular thin-walled cells 42 Which of the following is nota feature of phloem parenchyma? {a) Absent in most monocotyledons (b) Stores resins, latex and mucilage {€) Have plasmadesmatal connection between cells (2) Cell wall is with non-cellulosic material (TOPIC 2- Tissue system 4S _ ‘The tissue system in plants is divisible into three types on the basis of (a) theirstructure () their function {) their location in plant body (4) Both (a) and (e) 46 Choose the incorrect option for epidermis (a) Derived from protoderm {(b) Functions in protection {) Consists of slerenchyma and is multilayered {(@) Cells with large vacuole 47 Choose the incorrect pair. (a) Cuticle is absent - Roots (0) Primary funetion of epidermis ~ Protection {) Present on epidermis ~ Stomata (@) Bean-shaped stomatal cells~ Subsidiary cells 48 Stomata in grass leaf are Neer 2018 (a) rectngular () kidney-shaped {c)dumb-bellshaped (a) bartel-shaped 43 “9 VI. Foun Inthe given diagram of phloem tissue, identify 4, B and C. () A-Sieve pore, B-Xylem parenchyma, C-Companion cell (€) A-Sieve pore, B-Phloem parenchyma, C-Companion cell 1. Selerenchymatous cells, 1, Muchelongated, unbranched and tapering ends IIL, Needle-ike shape IV, Cell wall thick V. Dead ells secondary phloem Which of the following cells are defined by the above characters? (@) Sieve tube (©) Phloem parenchyma {) Phloem fibre! bast fibre (@) Companion or Albuminous cell Guard cells ate not (a) modified ground tissue () chlorophytious {) with thin outer wall and thick inner wall, (@) helpful in eanspiration and gaseous exchange Subsidiary cells ate the specialised cell in the (a) vicinity of guard ces (6) vieinity of stomatal cells () absence of somata cells (@) absence of guard cells ‘Choose the correct option for identification of A to D in the given diagram, (a) A-Epidermal cell, B-Guard cell, Subsidiary eel, D-Chloroplast I, C-Chloroplast, (©) A-Epidermal cell, B-Chloroplast, C-Subsiiary cell, D-Guard cell (@) A-Guard cell, B-Chloroplast, C-Subs D-Epidermal eet 52 Trichomes are epidermal hairs of (a) primary oot (b) primary stem (6) primary leaves (4) secondary oot ‘5. Choose the incorrect match. {@) Stomata—Transpiration {(b) Guard cetls— Possess chloroplast {) Root airs ~ Multicelllar {@) Trichomes ~ Shoot system ‘54 Ground tissue does not include 1. epidermis, Ul vasculaebundle II, sclerenchyma IV.collenchyma V. parenchyma Select the right combination from the above given xy cell, ‘options. (@) Land It () Mandi () TandV (@) Land 1v ‘55 In leaves, the ground tissues consist of thin-walled chloroplast containing ces called as (a) epidermal cells (b) trichomes (©) mesophyll cells (@) medullary rays ‘56 Radial vascular bundles characteristically oceur in {a) monocot and dicot stems {(b) monocot and dicot leaves {€) monocot and dicot roots (@) Allofthe above 57 Vascular bundles in monocotyledons are considered closed because ‘CBSE-AIPMT 2015 () a bundle sheath surrounds each bundle (©) cambium is absent {) there are no vessels with perforations {(@) xylem is surrounded al around by phloem '58 Choose the incorrrect pai (a) Vaseular bundle without cambium ~ Closed (b) Vascular bundle with eambium in between xylem and phloem — Open (6) Xylem and phloem are aranged in an alternate manner ~ Radial (@) Xylem and phloem are situated at different radius ~ Conjoint ‘59 Identify type of vascular bundle with respect to 4, B and C figure, Prioem: S re >} sven 299 8 Phicem ‘Cambium om c (a) A-Conjoint closed, B-Conjoint open, C-Radial (b) A-Radial, B-Conjoint open, C-Conjoint closed {€) A-Radial, B-Conjoint closed , C-Conjoint open (@) A-Conjint open, B-Conjoint closed, C-Radia (TOPIC 3~ Anatomy of Dicotyledonous and Monocotyledonous Plants 60 Choose the correct pair, {) Outer layer of dicot root — Epidermis (6) Cortex of dicot root -Parenchymatous tissue (6) Innermost cortical ayer of dieot root ~ Endodermis (2) Allof the above {61 Cortex is the region found between (a) epidermis and stele () pericycle and endodermis, {) endodermis and pith (@)endodermis and vascular bundle 662. Casparian strips occur in Neer 2018 (a) cortex (b) petieyele (c) epidermis (d) endodermis NEET 2016 63 Water impermeable, waxy material secreted by ‘endodermal cells in the form of Casparian strip is (@) lignin () suberin () conjunetive issue (@) pectin 64 Initiation of lateral roots and vascular cambium during secondary growth occurs in the (a) endodermis (6) pericycle (©) Casparian stip (@) peridem 65 Central part of root occupied by parenchymatous (thin ‘or thick-walled) cells is called (a) pith () endodermis (6) perieyele (4) meristem 67 Conjunctive tissue is made up of (a) parenchymatous cells, which lie between the xylem ‘and phloem (b) selerenchymatous cells, whieh le between the xylem and phloem {) collenchymatous cells, which lie between the xylem and phloem (@) meristematic cells, which ie between the xylem and phloem entity 4 10 in the given diagram of dicot root, (a) A-Endodermis, B-Perieycle, C-Protoxylem, D-Metaxylem, E-Pith (b) A-Endodermis, B-Pericycle, C-Protoxylem, D-Pith E-Metaxylem (6) A-Endodermis, B-Perieycle, C-Pith, D-Protoxylem, E-Metaxylem (@) A-Endodermis, B-Pith, C-Pericycle, D-Protoxylem, E-Metaxylem ‘Choose the correct option for monocotyledonous root. {@) Pith s large and well-developed {(b) No sccondary growth {) Polyareh coneition (@) All ofthe above ‘Transverse section ofa part of a typical monocot root has been shown in the given figure. Identify the different parts (from 4 to £) and select the correct option 70 (@) A-Epidermis, B-Cortex, C-Endodermis, D-Pericyele, E-Metaxylem (©) A-Endodermis, B-Cortex, C-Fpidermis, D-Periyele, E-Metaxylem (©) A-Epidermis, B-Pith, C-Endodermis, D-Perieycle, E-Protoxylem (@) A-Endodermis, B-Pith, C-Epidermis, D-Phloem, E-Protoxylem ‘Choose the incorrect pair for dicot stems. {) Hypodermis ~ Provides mechanical stength to young (b) Starch grains — Present in ces of enddermis {) Perieycle— Presents above phloem inthe form of semilunar patches of scleenehyma (@) None ofthe above Medullary rays are formed by the (a) radially placed parenchymatous cells between vascular bundles (6) longitudinally placed parenchymatous cells between, vaseular bundles () laterally placed parenchymatous cells between vascular buneles (@) obliquely placed parenchymatous ces between vascular bundles ‘Choose the correct option for identification of A to E inthe given diagram of a portion of TS of dicot stem, (a) A-Collenehyma, B-Selerenehyma, C-Cambium, D-Protoxylem, E- (&) A-Sclerenchyma, B-Collenchyma, C-Cambium, D-Protoxylem, E-Pith (©) A-Parenchyma, B-Collenchyma, C-Cambium, D-Protoxylem, E- (@) A-Collenchyma, B-Pareachyma, (C-Cambium, D-Protoxylem, E-Pith ‘Choose the correct option for identification of A to E in the given TS of dicot stem. th (a) A-Hypodermis, B-Chlorenchyma, C-Endodermis, D-Perieyele, E-Medullary rays (©) A-Hypodermis, B-Parenchyma, C-Endodermis, D-Perieyele, E-Medullary rays (©) A-Hypodermis, B-Sclerenchyma, C-Endodermis, D-Perieyele, E-Medullary rays (@) A-Hypodermis, B-Sclerenchyma, C-Endodermis, D-Perieyele, E-Parenchyma ‘6 Vascular bundle is enclosed within a well-developed sclerenchymatous sheath in {a) monocot stem () dicot stem {€) monocot root (@) dicot root ‘75. Water containing cavities in vascular bundles are found in (CBSE-AIPMT 2012 (a) sunflower (b) maize (© Pinus "76 Choose the correct option for identification of A to D in the given diagram of monocot stem, (©) Greas (a) A-Hypodermis, B-Xylem, (b) A-Hiypodermis, B-Phloem, {(¢) A-Endodermis, B-Phloem, C-Xylem, D-Ground tissue (@) A-Endodermis, B-Xylem, C-Phloem, E-Ground tissue 77 The vertical section of a dorsiventral leaf through the lamina shows three main parts namely, epidermis, 4... and vascular system, The epidermis, which ‘covers the upper surface is ...B... and lower surface is covered by ...C... ofthe leaf ‘Choose the correct option to replace 4, B and C. (a) A-mesophy/l, B-adaxil epidermis, C-abaxial ‘epidermis (8) A-endodermis, B-adaxial epidermis, C-abaxial ‘epidermis {€) Acendodermis, B-abaxial epidermis, C-adaxial ‘epidermis (@) A-mesophy/l, B-abaxil epidermis, C-adaxial epidermis 78 In a dorsiventral leaf, location of palisade tissue and phloem is respectively on the surfaces, {a) adaxial and abaxial (b) adaxial and adaxial {) abaxial and adaxial (@) abaxial and abaxial 79 Vascular system includes...4... bundles, which ean be seen in the veins and the...B..... The size of vascular bundles are dependent on the size of ...C. ‘The veins vary in thickness in the reticulate venation of the ...D...leaves, ‘Choose the correct option to replace A to D. {) A-pliloem, B-midrib, C-veins, D-dicot (b) A-xylem, B-midrb, C-veins, D-dicot {(€) A-vascular, B-midrib, C-veins, D-dicot (@) A-vascular, B-midrib, C-veins, D-monocot 80 Vascular bundles in the leaves of dicots are surrounded by (@) epidermis (6) perieyele ‘81 Choose the correct pair. (4) Isobilateral leat Stomata are present on both surfaces (©) Buliform cells~ Modified adaxial epidermal cells {) Sunflower stom ~ Selerenchymatous (@) Both (a) and (b) ‘82 Bundle sheath extensions in a dicot leaf and in a monocot leaf are ‘and . respectively. (a) parenchymatous, slerenehymatous () parenchymatous, collenchymatous {c) selerenchymatous, parenchymatous (@)collenchymatous,sclerenchymatous 83 Choose the correct option in the given diagram of TS of dicot leaf to identify 4 to E, () bundle sheath clls (4) Both (a) and (e) (a) A-Phloem, B-Xylem, C-Palisade mesophyll, D-Spongy mesophyll, E-Stomata (6) A-Phloem, B-Xylem, C-Palisade mesophyll, D-Spongy mesophyll, E-Hydathodes (6) A-Xylem, B-Phloom, C-Palisade mesopbyi, D-Spongy mesophyll, E-Stomata (@) A-Xylem, B-Phloom, C-Palisade mesopby!, D-Spongy mesophyll, E-Hydathodes 84 Choose the correct option in the given diagram of TS ‘of monocot leaf to identify 4 to E. (a) A-Abaxial epidermis, B-Xylem, C-Mesophyll, D-Adaxial epidermis, E-Phloem (©) A-Abaxial epidermis, B-Phloem, C-Mesophyll, D-Adexial epidermis, E-Xylem (©) A-Adaxial epidermis, B-Phloem, C-Mesophyll, D-Abaxial epidermis, E-Xylem (@) A-Adaxial epidermis, B-Xylem, C-Mesophyll, D-Abaxial epidermis, E-Phloem 85 (oric 4~ Secondary Growth 387 90 1 Grass leaves curl inwards during very dry weather. Select the most appropriate reason from the following, (a) Flaccidity of bulliform cells {(b) Shrinkage of air spaces in spongy mesophyll {) Tyloses in vessels (@) Closure of stomata Secondary growth refers to. {@) inerease in gin (6) formation of secondary tissue (6) formation of ateral meristen (@) Allof the above ‘The meristematic tissue responsible for the cutting off vascular tissues (xylem and phloem) is called (@) cork eambium (6) vascular eambium in plant {) lateral meristen (4) endodermis Secondary xylem and phloem in dicot stem are produced by ‘NEET 2018, 17 {a) phellogen () vascular eambium (©) apical meristems (@) axillary meristems In young stem, the vascular cambium is (a) single layered (6) bilayered {6) trilayered (4) does not exist Interfascicular cambium develops from the cells of NET 2015, (@) medullary rays (©) xylem parenchyma {)endodermis| (4) periyele ‘Cambium activity is {a) more active towards periphery of stem (©) more active towards lateral sides of tem {c) more active towards innerside of stem (@) Same on both sides Given below the diagram of TS of dicot stem showing secondary growth, Identify 4 to D. (a) A-Cotex, B-Secondary xylem, C-Secondary phloem, D-Vaseular exmbium (b) A-Cortex, B-Primary phloem, C-Vascularcambium, D-Primary xylem (©) A-Cortex, B-Primary xylem, C-Vaseular cambium, D-Primary phloem (@) A-Contex, B-Primary xylem, C-Vascular eambium, D-Primary phloem 86 1, Monocotroot. IL. Dicotstem. IIL, Monocotstem and dicot root. IV, Dicotstemand dicot root. V. Dicotroot Which of the above have well-developed pith? (@) Land (6) Wand IV (@) LV and V_ (a) Hand UL 96 During secondary growth in dicot stem, the fusiform initials of vascular eambium give rise to which of the following given labelled part? c 6 @A mB we (6) Both (@) and (6) 95 Parenchymatous cells are usually presen in the 1. pericycle pith UL medullary rays IV. primary root V. secondary oot ———_-Vi-primary stem VIL. secondary tem Select the correct combinations from the given options. () Allexcept Land Ill (b) Allexcept V and VIL () Allexcept and IV (@) Allexcept VI and II 96 Choose the incorrect pai. {@) Barly wood~ Spring season (©) Spring wood — Large number of xylary elements {) Autumn wood — Fewer xylary elements {(@) Autumn wood ~ Lower density 97 When cut horizontally, both spring wood and autumn \wood appear in concentric rings known as, (@) heartwood (6) late wood {) sapwood (@) anna ring 98 Estimation of the age of the tree is done by (a) counting the epidermal rings (&) measuring the pith diameter {) counting the annual rings (2) counting the late woods only 99 In old tres, the greater part of secondary xylem is dark brown due to the (a) deposition of inonganie material (©) deposition of organic material (6) activity of cambium (2) activity of secondary xylem 100 In perennial tres, the secondary xylem which is hard, durable and resistant to the attack of microorganisms ‘and insects is (a) heartwood () sapwood {6) soft wood (4) hard wood 101 The peripheral region of the secondary xylem, which is light in colour and conducts water and minerals in old trees is {@) heartwood () sapwood {6) soft wood (4) hard wood 102 During secondary growth, new meristematic tissues arising in the cortical region of the stem are called (a) phellem (b)pielloderm {) secondary cortex (@) phellogen 103 During secondary growth of plants, stem phellogen| ‘cuts of cells on both sides. The outer cells get differentiated into A... and the inner cells get differentiated into ..B. Choose the correct option to replace A and B with reference to above statement. (a) A-cork, B-phellem {(b) A-secondary cortex, B-phelloderm {€) A-secondary cortex, B-primary cortex (@) A-corkiphellem, B-secondary cortex 104 The cork is impervious to water due t0 (a) lignin deposition in the cell wall (b) compactness of cell {) suberin deposition inthe cell wall (@) Allofthe above Which of the following is made up of dead cells? ‘NEET 2017 105 (a) Xylem parenchyma (b) Collenetyma {) Phellem (4) Phloem New protective layers formed after the crushing or breaking of cortical and epidermal layers due to increase in the girth of stem by vascular eambium. ‘These new layers are collectively called (a) phellogen| () cork cambium {) periderm (4) phelloderm Which of the following options correctly shows the sequence of different tissues of the periderm starting from periphery? (a) Phellogen > Phellem > Phelloderm {(b) Phellem—» Phelloderm > Phellogen {) Phellem-> Phellogen > Phelloderm (2) Phelloderm + Phellogen —> Phellem Bark is the non-technical term which refers to (a) few tissues exterior to the vascular camnbium {(b) a few tissues interior tothe vascular eambium {) all the tissues interior tothe vascular eambium (2) all the tissues exterior tothe vascular eamibium 107 108, 109 no nz ms 14 ‘Choose the odd one out with respect to components of bark. {@) Phellogen (©) Phetlem {) Secondary xylem {@) Secondary phloem Bark formed early in the season is called as bark and bark formed towards the end of the season is called as bark. (a) hard, soft (©) sof hard () scaly, ring (@) ring, sealy Aerating pores on cork cambium through which ‘gaseous exchange occurs in dicot stem are {@) hydathodes (0) lenticels {) stomata (4) pneumatophores ‘Choose the correct option to label 4, B and C in the given diagram of lenticel (a) A-Epidermis, B-Cork eambium, C-Secondary cortex (@) A-Stomata, B-Cork cambium, C-Secondary cortex (6) A-Stomata, B-Cork cambium, C-Endodermis (@) A-Bpidermis, B-Cork cambium, C-Endodermis In dicot root, the vascular cambium is (a) completely secondary in origin (b) completely primary in origin {) secondary as wel as primary in origin (2) does not exist Read the different components from I to IV in the list ‘given below and tell the correct order of the components ‘with reference to their arrangement from outer side to inner side in a woody dicot stem. CBSE-AIPMT 2015 1. Secondary cortex 1, Wood IL. Secondary phloem IV. Phellem ‘Choose the correct option, (LIV, @)L UL, I (©) IV, 1,10, 1 (@1V, 10, LL MIS In dicot root, the vascular cambium originates from NET (Odisha) 2019 (a) tissue located below the phloem bundles anda portion of perieyee tissue above protoxylem () cortical region {) parenchyma between endovermis and perieycle (@) irafascicular and inerfascicular tissue in a ring IG In dicot root, the cork cambium is Formed with the help of (a) comex () pevicycle (6) epidermis (4) endodermis 117 Plants having little or no secondary growth are (a) conifers (6) deciduous angiosperms (6) grasses (4) eycads 8. Choose the correct option for 4-D in the given diagram of secondary growth of dicot root (a) A-Contex, B-Primary phloem, C-Cambial ring, D-Protoxylem (©) A-Conex, B-Primary phloem, C-Cambial ring, D-Perieycle (©) A-Contex, B-Primary phloem, C-Primary xylem, D-Perieyele (@) A-Conex, B-Primary phloem, C-Primary xylem, D-Protoxylem NEET SPECIAL TYPES QUESTIONS 1. Assertion and Reason & Direction (Q. No. 119-128) In each of the following ‘questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is given Jollowed by corresponding statement of Reason (R). Of the statements, mark the correct answer as (a) Both A and Rare true and Ris the correct explanation of A (©) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A (© Ais true, but Ris false (@) Ais false, but Ris true M9 Assertion (A) Apical meristem, intercalary meristem and lateral meristem, all contribute tothe growth in maize plant. Reason (R) Apical and interealary meristems always increase the height of plant. 320 Assertion (A) The quiescent centre acts as a reservoir ‘of relatively resistant cells, which constitu a permanent source of active intial Reason (R) The eels ofthe inactive region of ‘quiescent centre become active when the previous active initials get damaged. W21 Assertion (A) All the endodermal cells ofr00t do not ‘contain Caspatian thickening on thei radial and transverse walls Reason (R) Passage cells are formed in the root cendodermis 122 Assertion (A) The meristem which occurs in the ‘mature regions of roots and shoots is called secondary meristem, Reason (A) Intrafascicular cambium, interfascicular ‘cambium and cork cambium are examples of secondary meristems. 125 Assertion (A) A simple permanent tissue have cells performing simple function, Reason (R) Various simple tissues in plants are parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma. 126 Assertion (A) Sclereids are found in fruit walls of nuts, pulp of fruits like guava, pear and sapota and seed coats of legumes. Reason (R) Sclereids are spherical, oval or cylindrical, highly thickened dead cells with narrow lumen, 125 Assertion (A) Xylem vessel isa fong cylindrical tube like structure made up of many cells each with lignified walls Reason (R) The presence of vessels isa characteristic feature of gymnosperms. 126 Assertion (A) Vascular bundles in monocots are ‘considered closed, Reason (R) A bundle sheath surrounds each vascular bundle in monocots. 127 Assertion (A) Root hairs are uinicellular and twichomes are usually multicellular Reason (R) Root hairs are found in root epidermis and trichomes are found in stem epidermis. 128 Assertion (A) Phloem fibres or bast fibres are made up of collenchymatous cells. Reason (R) Phloem fibres are generally found in secondary pholem, 129 Assertion (A) Annual rings are distinet in plants ‘growing in temperate regions Reason (R) In temperate regions, the climatic ‘conditions are not uniform throughout the year Il. Statement Based Questions 130 Choose the correct statement. {@) A group of cells having common origin generally performs common function () All the cll in plant body are capable of dividing {) Permanent tissues have all els same in funeton, but «ferent in structure (@) None ofthe above Select the correct statement from the following ‘the cells ofthe permanent issue do not I (&) Permanent tissues having all ells similar i structure and funetion are called simple tissues {c) Permanent tissues having different type of cells are called complex tissues (@) Allof the above 182 Identify the type of plant tissue being represented by the set of statements given below. 1. Theircellsare isodiametric (they may be spherical, oval, round, ec) I, Their cell walls are thin and made up of cellulose II They may either be closely packed or have small intereellularspaces, IV. They perform functions lke photosynthesis, storage, secretion, ete: {@) Selorenchyma () Parenchyma, (©) Collenchyma (@) Meristem ‘TSS Identify the type of plant tissue being represented by the set of statements given below. 1. These tissues are found as layers or patches. IL, Irconsistsof cells, which are thickened atthe comers, IIL Itoften contains chloroplast. IV, Intercellular spaces are absent. 'V. They provide mechanical supportto growing parts of plant. ‘The above characters are attributed t0 {@) vascular tissue {() collenchyma {) parenchyma (2) simple sclerenchyma ‘184 Which of the following statements is correct? (@) The protoxylem and metaxylem in stem le towards pith and periphery, respectively (endarch) (6) The protoxylem and metaxylem in rots lie towards periphery and pith, respectively (exarch) (6) Both (a) and (b) (@) None ofthe above 135 Consider the following statements, I. Sieve tube membershave sieve plates where they join ‘with other sieve tube members Sieve plates are necessary toallow conduction between sieve tube cells, (@) Tis tue, but Is false (6) Tis tm, but Lis fase (6) Both Land Mare tue (@) Both {and I ae false SE Mark the incorrect statement. 1. Companion cells are specialised parenchymatous cells. Il, Thesieve tube elementsand companion cells are ‘connected by pit fields present between their common logitudinal walls, IL, The functions of sieve tubes arecontrolledby cytoplasm of sieve tube cells IV, Companion cells lie adjacent to sieve tube cells 'V. Companion cellshelp in maintaining the pressure ‘gradient in sieve tube. (@) Land I ()L, Vand V (6) IV and V (@) Only I 137 Which of the statements given below is incorrect? (2) Epidermal tissue system forms the outermost covering of the whe plant body () Epidermal tissue gives rise to epidermal eels, rot hairs, trichomes and stomata (© Elders is parenchymatous an poses ge (8) Waxy thick layer over epidermis is suberin 138 Which of the following statements is incorrect? (2) Guard cells are dumble-shaped in grasses (@) Outer wal of guard cell is thin and inner wall i thick (©) Guard cells possess chloroplast (@) None of the above 189 Select the incorrect statements. I. Excessive loss of wateris prevented by epidermis Ul, Stomata develop from epidermal tissue, IL, Photosynthesisis one of the primary function of leat ‘round issue, TV, Ground issue constitutes bulk ofthe plant body. () Land tt (6) Mand It (©) Mand Vv (@) None of these 140 Select the correct statements. 1. Epidermal cells have small amountofeytoplasmanda large vacuole. TL, Waxy layer cuticle is absent in roots, II, Root hairs are unicellular, while stem hairs/trichomes are multicellular. IV. Trichomesare branched unbranched, sof¥tifTand seeretory or transpiration preventive. V. Guard cells are dumb-bell-shaped in dicots and bbean-shaped in monocots (a) All except and It () Allexcept IL {) AllexceptIandIV(@) Allexcept V ‘Vol The statements below refers to which ofthe following? 1. Unicellular air for absorption of water and minerals. I, Endodermis consists of single layerbassel-shaped calls without intercellular spaces. 11, Pithsmall and inconspicuous IV, Radial vascularbundle \. 2-4 xylemand phloem patches, ‘VI. Cambium ring develops between xylem and phloem. {a) Monocot root () Dict root {(€) Monocot tem (4) Dicot stem 162 Identify the figure and choose the incorrect option related to it (a) Hypodermis is made up of selerenchymatous cells (b) Vascular bundles are scattered, conjoint and closed {c) Epidermis has stomata and root hairs are absent {(@) Ground tissue is dtferentiated into cortex, endodermis, petieyefe and pith 145 _Study the following characteristics. 1. Epidermis with cuticle trichomes and few stomata, 1, Parenchymatous cells with large intercellular spaces form the pith in the cere IIL. Perieyele presents in the inner side ofendodermis and above phloem in semilunarpatches of sclerenchyma. IV, Vascularbundle conjoint, open, ina ing with endarch protoxylem, Above given features describe which of the following plant part? {a) Monocot stem {) Dicot stem (6) Monocot root (4) Dicot root V4. Peripheral vascular bundles are smallerthan thecentrally located vascular bundles I. Phloem parenchyma isabsent IL, Water containing eavities are present within the vascularbundles. Which of the above statements belong to the monocotyledonous stem? (a) Landi (6) Mand (¢) Mand (@) 1, and 1 4S Which of the following statements is correct for stem (dicovmonocot)? (a) Ring arangement of vascular bundle is found in dicot stem (©) Vascular bundles are conjoint and open in monocot (©) Hypodermis is parenchymatous in monocot stem (@) None of the above 146 Identify the correct statement for dicot leaf, (a) Abaxial surface of leaf bears more stomata than adaxial epidermis (b) MesophyIl is present between upper and lower epidermis {) Palisade and spongy parenchyma are found in mesophyll of leaves (@) Allo the above 167 Read the following statements for anatomy of leat ‘and choose the incorrect statement. 1. Indicot leaf, xylem is towards adaxial epidermis. 1, Stomataare distributed moreon the lower surface than ‘onthe upper surface on equifecialbifacial lea. IL, Stomata are equally disteibuted on both the surfaces in isobilateral lea, IV. Certain adaxial epidermal cellsare modified into bulliform cellsin grasses in monocot eat. \V. The vascular bundles re radial and phloemis adaxilly place in monocot leaf, (@) Land it (b) Hand IV {) Only V (@) Land V 148. Identify the correct statement for secondary growth, (@) Intrafascicularcambium is present in between primary xylem and primary phloem (b) Interfasceular eambium is formed by joining medullary rays fo intrafaseicularcambium (©) Continuous ring of eambium is formed by inter and intrafasciculareambium (@)Allof the above 149 Which of the following statements is incorrect? (a) Medullary ray is radial strip of parenchyma present between vascular bundles (©) Primary and secondary phloem gets crushed during secondary growth () During secondary growth, primary xylem remains more lor less intat in or around the centre (@) None of the above 150 Identify the incorrect statement in context of heartwood. ‘NET 2017 (a) Organic compounds are deposited init (b) Its highly durable {) Itconducts water and minerals efficiently {€) Itcomprises dead elements with highly lignified w Which of te statements given below is notre about Formation of anual ings nies? NET 2009 (6 ile aciviy of eb cuss ig nd bana suc aa Ite oo pete (0) hati ofcambium depends upon vara climate {© Anal ngs aro prominent noe of tempore (@ Atal sng combination of sping od and ttm od pede nye Study the following harasses and choose the comes option 1 Camis stv IL, Canbiumisesacive, I Largnuberof ay laments present IV, Fenersplary element preset *, Vaelshes were YL salvar cen, Vi Lightinclourwithiow des VIII. Dark incolour with high density. 153 Spring wood Autumn wood (@ LIMY.vIE ta, vIn © wv, vL. vu (© AV,VLVI—1.v, vi © WMLVEVIE LIV. 1. Youngest secondary phloemisjustoutsde the ccamium, while youngest secondary xylem ispresent inside the cambium, IL Oldest secondary phloem is towards periphery, while coldest secondary xylem s towards pith IL, Secondary medullary ay passes through both secondary xylem and secondary phloem. Select the incorrect statements from above, (a) Vand it (6) Mand 1 (©) Mand (4) None ofthese 154 1. Annual rings are formedasaresultof seasonal environmental conditions. I. Tracheids/vessel elements are larger during periods when waters abundant IIL, Tracheids/vessel elements have thicker wall during periods of water deprivation IV. Wood formedin the previous yearsislighterthan newer wood. Select the combination of correct statements from the ‘options given below. (a) Land It () Mand tv (6) I.Mand ttt (@) I Mand tv 1. Usually cortex of stem is Formed during the secondary growth of the stem. IL. Cortex iscouple of layerthick andis made up of thin-walled rectangular cells, ‘Choose the correct option, () Listue, but is false (b) Hs tue, bu is false () Both Land Hare true (@) Both I and I are false 156 Select the correct set of statements, 1. Vascular eambium form xylemon the inside and phloemon the outside due to differential action of phytohormones. IL, Theterms wood’ and “bast referto xylem and phloem, respectively IIL, Secondary growth does not oecurin stemsand roots of gymnosperms and monocots (@) Vand it (©) Wand I (6) Only I (@) Land tl Ill. Matching Type Questions 187 Match the following columas. Column 1 (ayers of ficovmonocot stem) A._Hypodermis 1 Colum tt (Features) Collenchymatous cells B. Coscal vers 2. Parenehymatos eels €_Endodermis 3. Rich instarch Codes ABC ABC @3 21 m3 1 2 12 3 @1 3 2 158 Match the following columns Column : tye tition — Stam ‘A. Exdodemis 1. Conpenion eile B.Stonata 2 Lents C_ Sevetibe 3. Palanecsle D. Pes 4, Pasags cols Meopinl 5. Accor cli Codes AB oc DE @’s 2013 @®s3 124 @4s 1 23 @25 3 41 159 Match the following columns. Column (Cals) A. Ballform cells B. Guard ccs 2 Colum (anctions) Regulate opening and closing of crating pores inthe bark of plane os RBC DAB cD mst? for23 8 Of3 12 @2 4 34 160. Match the following columns fiat donee A NGew ier ge © tends 3. Queso . Chves 4 sland pon os MBC DAB cD oi 1 2@24 13 O12 3 1 @s a2 161 Match he folowing columns stan) ays Sete) © Cokembam 3. Poem coaes RB oc A Bc @t2 3 @s2 4 O31 2 O23 4 162 Match the following columns Gunn Clune A. Basie adsl sts B.Dumb-bell-shped guard call “Teishome Exareh xylem 2, Monocot eat 3. Divot eat 4. Dicotand monocot roo Codes A 2 ) 3 © 4 @ 3 D 4 4 2 ' 163 Match the following columns. Column 1 (layers of ‘monocot rot) A. Stele 1 B. Endodermis 2 C. Casprian strips 3 Colum (Features) Innes layer of cone Soberin ‘Secondary growth in extrastler region D. Bark 44 Allthe tssves inert endoermis Codes ABC D AB CD @41 2 3 m3 2 1 4 12 3 4 M4 2 13 166 Match the following columns, Column 1 ‘Column tt (iypeser woods) (Namesifentrs) A. Hardwood 1. Duramen B._ Softwood 2 Albumum © Heartwood 3._ Nom porous wood D._Sapwood 4 Porous woot Codes ABC DAB CD @4 3 2 1 @4 3 1 2 @3 4 1 2 @3 4 21 65 Match the following columns Colum 1 Colum 1 (Plant products) (Gourees) A._Bhojpatra 1. Bark of Cnchona B. Quinine 2. Cork of Quercus suber © nsulators 3. ark of Benda {sound proofing) ._ Dalia 4 Bark of Cirnamomum Codes 3 4 AB Cc D 1 A Bc D m4 1 23 @3 1 4 2 NCERT & NCERT Exemplar MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS NCERT 166 Cut a transverse section of young stem of a plant from yous school garden and observe it under the ‘mieroscope. How would you ascertain whether itis a ‘monocot stem or a dicot stem? (@) By observing colour of stem (©) By observing arangement of vascular bundles (6) By observing apical meristems (4) Allof the above 167 ‘The transverse section of a plant material shows the following anatomical features. 1. Thevascularbundles ae conjoint, scattered and surrounded by aselerenchymatous bundle sheath 1, Phloem parenchymaisabsent What will you identify it as? (@) Dieot stem (6) Monoeot root (©) Dieot oot (@) Monocot stem 168 Why are xylem and phloem called complex permanent tissues? {a) Due tothe presence of a tissue namely complex tissue (6) Due tothe presence of different elements performing similar functions Ju tothe presence of different elements which coordinate to perform specific function (4) None ofthe above 169. How is study of plant anatomy useful t0 us? (@) To understand plant funetions (6) To understand the adaptations to diverse conltions (6) To predict the stength of wood and use its potential (4) Allof the above NCERT Exemplar 170 What is the fate of primary xylem in a dicot root showing extensive secondary growth? (a) isretained in the contre mostly (byte gers crushed (€) Mayor ny wo ge rushed (a) gets surrounded by primary phloem 171 A conjoint and open vascular bundle will be observed inthe transverse section of {@) moncect rot {b) monovot stem (© dicot root (@) dicot stem © 172 Interfascicular cambium and cork cambium are formed due to {@) coll division (oll differentiation (cell dedifferentiation (@) rediferentiation 175 Phellogen and phellem, respectively denote {) cork and cork cambium {() cork cambium and cork {) secondary cortex and cork {@) cork and Secondary cortex 17%4 In conifers, fibres are likely to be absent in {@) secondary phloem —(b) secondary xylem ()primary phloem —_(d)Ieaves TS A vessel-less piece of stem possessing prominent sieve tubes would belong 10 () Pinus (6) Eucatypus fc) Grass (@) Trochodendron 176 How many shoot apical meristems are likely to be present in a twig ofa plant possessing 4 branches and 26 leaves? @% wl @)S (30 177 In which of the following pairs of parts ofa flowering plant is epidermis absent? {a) Root tip and shoot tip (©) Shoot bud and floral bud (©) Ovule and seed {@) Petiole and pedicel 178 A plant tissue, when stained, showed the presence of hemicellulose and pectin in cell walls. The tissue represents (a) collenchyma (0) selerenehyma (©)aylem (4) meristem 179 Match the following columns Column Colum tt ‘A. Merstem 1. Photosynthesis, sage BL Parenchyma 2. Mechanical support Colleehyma 3. Atively dividing oss D. Selernehyma 4. Stomata Epidermal sue 5. Solorids Codes ABC DE @i3 5 24 m3 12 5 4 24 3 13 @5 4 3 21 180 A transverse section of stem is stained first with safranin and then with fast green following the usual schedule of double staining for the preparation of a permanent slide. What would be the colour of the stained xylem and phloem? {) Red and green (©) Green and red {€) Orange and yellow (@) Purple and orange ls of this tissue are living and show angular wall thickening. They also provide mechanical support ‘The tissue is (a)xylem () selerenehyma {) collenchyma (@) epidermis A piece of wood having no vessels (trachea) must belong to {a)teak ——(&)mango_(@)pine —_—_() palm Which of the following constitutes a tissue system? (@) Parenchyma 181 183 184 Match the following columns Column 1 Colum A. Cuticle 1. Guard celts Bulirmcells 2, Single ayer © Stomata 3. Waxy layer Di Bpidermis 4, Empty colourless ell Codes ABC D AB CD @3 4 1 2 m1 2 3 4 @3 2 4 1 @3 2 1 4 185 When we peel the skin of a potato tuber, we remove (a) periderm (6) root cap {) protoderm (4) phellogen 186 Which one of the following cell types always divides by anticlinal cell division? () Fusiform intial cells (b) Root cap (6) Protoderm (4) Phellogen (x9Iem 187 Epiblema of rots is equivalent 0 (© Epidermis (a) perigee (b)endoderis (6) Phloem (epidermis (sete (Answers > Mastering NCERT with MCQs 10 20 3@ 40 50 6a) 7H 86) 9@ WO a Bw B® He 15a 166) 174) 18@) 196 20M) 2G) 2) 294d) 241) 250) 26K) 270) 280) 290) 300) 31a) 3210) 33) WO) 35M) 366) 370) 38) 39) WO Me) Ba BM HO 454) 46() ATU) 486) 4910) 30 (0) 310) 520) 391) 34H) 5500) 56%) S70) 58(A) 5900) 60a) 61 (a) 621d) 630) 6406) 65(4) 66(a) 6714) GR) 69(0) TO) Tha) 72M) 730) 74) 75) 76la) 7710) 78(a) 79() 800) 81 (4) S2(a) 9G) BAH) 8514) $60) 87) 880) 890) 90%) 91.) 920) 9900) 9418) 954) 96 Ud) 9714) 9810) 99(%) 100(«) 101) 1024) 10314) 1046) 1056) 106 (0) 1076) 1084) 108(0) 10) 111 @) 112(@) 113%) 114) 113%) 16) 176) 1180) > NEET Special Types Questions 119.) 120(@) 121 () 122 (6) 124(d) 124) 125(0) 126(0) 127(h) 1284) 129%) 190(a) 131) 1920) 132) 134(0) 1256) 196) 197(@) 198 (0) 1294) HOM) 141.0) 142) HAO) 148d) HAS) 46H) 14700) 148.) 149,) 150() 151 (0) 152 (b) 153d) 154(@) 155(U) 156(a) 1576) 1580) 159 (a) 160() 161 (4) 1620) 163(«) 164 (0) 165,) > NCERT& NCERT Exemplar Questions 166 (0) 167 a) 168(6) 169(4) 170(a) 171 (4) 172 (0) 1780) 174) 175) 1766) 1770) 178(a) 1790) 1800) 181 (6) 1820) 1896) 184(«) 185 (a) 18614) 1876) 8 8 8 8 3] a a $ i 2 & Answers & Explanations 2 (c) Msistem isthe specialised region of ative cx tivision in plants. Growth in plans i largely restricted 1 this region £8 (2) Axillary bud originates om shoot apical Daring the formation of leaves and elongation of stom, some eels reef bshind” from shoot apical tmerstem, These constitute the ailay bus. These thus are present in the axl of leaves and are capable of forming branch or lower. 10 (c) Regeneration of damaged growing grass folowing savings largely duet the activity of ieralary ‘erst, isthe meristem which ours between mature tissues leis found in grasses and regenerates parts damaged by the wrazing herbivores, 25 () Inwafuscicular canbium, intertascicularcambiamn fand cork cambium all are examples of ssondary ot Jnteral meristems and are responsible fr prucing secondary tissue 24 (©) Division of ell in bh primary and secondary ‘meristem results inthe formation of new cells called permanent or mature ells. Which become strutrally {nd functionally specialised and loose the ability to aivide 15 (a) Daring the formation of primary plant body, specific regions of apical meristem produce dermal {sue for Hardening, vascular issue fr transport and round tissue for photosymesis storage Fegencration, support and protection. 1 (a) Parenehyma tissue comprises of cells which are thin-walled and isodiamse, These may be spherical, oval, ound, polygonal or elongated in shape 19 (c) Collenchy2a occurs in ayers below the epidermis Jn dicotyledonous plants. It is found either a & homogenous layer orn patches 22 (b) Sclerenchyma provides mechanical support tthe organs of plants and consist of thick, lige cll ‘wall with few or mimerous pits, Selerenchymatous Cell ae commonly found i rut wall of nats pulp of Fruits ke guava, pear and spot cod eat of legumes and leaves of ta 25 (d) Option (@) is not a feature of steeds. can be comesied as Selereds are sclerenchymstous cll. Rest other options are features of slerid 25 (c) Xylem in plants funetions asa conducting tissu and helps inthe wansloction of water, mineral sls, Some organic nitrogen and hormones from th si to the ail pats ofthe plant 26 (a) Vessels arent present in the xylem of Plevidophytes and gymnosperms. Vestels are a Sharacterstc feature ofthe xylem of anlosperms. 27 (c) Tracheids, vessels and selereids are similar as they function when dead, These are the lignfied, dead cells without protoplasm. 28 (b) Tracheids and vessels both are called tacheary clements because their main function is conduction of sap. They differ fom each other in being imperforate. Tracheids are the specific eells which have pits to support upwards and lateral conduction of water sap 29 (c) The tyloses are the strutures found inthe woody tissues of dicot stems, These ae the extensions of xylem parenchyma cells nt the vessel elements, Structure of yises in woody tissue (a) In longitudinal section (bin cross-section 30 (}) Option (b) is incoreet par. I can be eorected as Presence of vessels in xylem isa characteristic feature of angiosperms. Vessel isa long cylindrical tuhe-like structure made up of many cells called vessel members. Rest all options are correct pais 32 (a) Option (ais the incorrect match and ean be corrected Vessels ae cells with lignified cell wall, Mature vessels are dead and without nucleus, These long eylindrcaltube-like structures made up of rmany cells called vessel members and a large central avy. The vessl cell are also devoid of protoplasm. Vessel members ae interconnected through perforations in their common walls Rest options contain corey matched pats. 33 (d) Primary xylems are of two types, ie. protoxylem metaxylem, The frst formed primary xylem elements are called protoxylem and the primary xylem elements formed later is called metaxylem, 34 (c) We will observe the protoxylem of the dot stem and dicot root o distinguish between them. In dicot stem, the protoxylem is present towards centre (pith) and rmetaxylem is present towards the periphery ofthe organ. This type of xylem is known as endarch In dicot roo, protoxylem is present towards periphery and metaxylem present towards centre, forming the of type of arrangement called exarch [35 (a) Sclerenchyma is nota part of phloem tissue in angiosperm. Phloem is a complex tissue, which transports food materials usualy from leaves to other parts ofthe plants PPhioem in angiosperms is composed of sieve ube clements, companion cells, phloem parenchyma and phloem fires. [36 (c) Phloem in gymnosperms lacks both sieve tube and ‘ompanion cells. In gymnosperms, the phloem has tbuminous cells and sieve eels only. On the other hand, te phloem of angiosperms is omposed of four elements namely, sieve tube, companion cells, phloem parenchyma and phloem fibres 37 (b) Sieve tube elements are long, tube-like structures arranged longitudinally and with perforated end walls in 8 siove-like manner to form sive plates ‘38 (d) Sieve tubes are best suited for translocation of food (solutes) because they possess interconnected lumen and perforated eross walls, Sieve tubes are elongated tubular conducting channels of phloem. The end walls possess many’ small pores and have a thin cellulosic wall, 39 (a) Companion cells are characteristic elements of Dhloem tssue associated withthe sieve tubes (sieve elements) inthe angiosperms. The sieve tubes and ‘companion cells are elated ontogenieally as they ‘develop from the same mother cell. The companion collsand sieve tubes maintain close cytoplasmic connections through plasmodesmata. 442 (d) The statement in option (dis not a feature of phloem parenchyma. ¢ can be corrected as PPhioem parenchyma cells have cell wall which ‘composed of cellulose and have pits through which plasmodesmata connection exists between the cells, Rest options are the correct features of phloem parenchyma, 44 (c) The characters mentioned above are that of phloem fibres or bast fibres. These are made up of sclerenchymatous cells and are generally absent in primary phloem but are present in secondary phloem, ‘These are much elongated, unbranched with pointed needle-like apices thick cell wall. At maturity, however, these fibres lose their protoplasm and die. ‘45 (d) The tissue system in plants i divisible int three types on the basis of ther structure and location, These ae the epidermal tissue system, the ground or fundamental tissue system and the vascular or conducting tissue system, 46 (c) Option (cis incorrect. It can be corected as Epidermis consists of parenchyma and is sngle-ayered Rest other options are cornet for epidermis, 47 (d) Option (A) i incoreet. It can be corrected as [Bean-shaped cells are present in dicots known as guard calls, Rest other pairs ate correct. 49 (a) Guard cells ate modified epidermal cells. These cells have ehlorophyl and perform photosynthesis. The outer walls of guard eels away from the stomatal pore) are thin and innee wall (owards the stomatal pore) are highly thickened. ‘50 (a) Sometimes, afew epidermal ells in the vicinity of the guard ells become specialised in thee shape and size they are known as subsidiary cll ‘52 (b) The cells of epidermis beara numberof hairs. On the primary stem, these epidermal hairs are called trichomes These may be branched or unbranched and soft or sit and even serstry.Trchomes help in preventing water Foss due o transpiration, ‘53 () Option) isthe incorrect match and can be corrected as Root hairs are unicellular elongation ofthe epidermal cells and help i absorption of water nd mineral fom the sol Rest oer options contain corset matches. ‘54 (a) Alltissues except epidermis and vascular bundles ‘constitute ground sue, It consists of simple issues suchas parenchyma, collenchyma and slerenchyma ‘55 (c) Ground tise system of eaves consists of thin-walled elorplast conning cll called mesophyll ells. Mesophyil els are made up of two types of ells, palisde and spongy ‘57 (The vasulr bundles of monocots do no contin a layer of meristematic issue, i. cambium. Duet the atcenee of meristematic tissue or eambium neat the ‘vascular bundles, monocot plants reconsidered 0 possess closed vascular bundles. Consequently, Secondary grow snot seen in them. '58 (4) Option (8) contains the income pair Itean be corrected as In conjoint typeof vascular bundles, the xylem and phloem are situated atthe same radius ofthe vascular bundle, Such vascular bundles are common in stems and leaves. The conjoint vascular bundles usually have the phloem leatet only on the outer side a xylem Rest oer pairs ae correct. 61 (a) Cortex tsse is Found in between the epidermis and stele. is mutlayered and made up of parenchymatous cols with big inercelslae spaces. {62 (d)Casparanstps are found inthe endoderis of roots lisa band o thickening which us along the ‘adil nd tangential walls of endodermal call tis made up of subern and lignin. Casparan stip prevent plasmolysis of endodermal ell {66 (5 Isiiaton of lateral root and vascular cambiar ‘uring secondary growth aes place inthe eels of perieycl. These ate present next to endoderm asa few layered thnthick-walled parenchymatous calls {65 (2) The centre ofa monocot or dot root is occupied by pith I consists of parenchymatous (chin-walled or thickowalled) ells, which may be ound or angular Intercliulr spaces are preset. The pth ells sore food Pith is small o inconspicuous in dicots and large ‘oreonspicuous in monocots > Answers & Explanations 8 8 8 3 q a $ i 2 & ‘71 (a) In dicot stem, between the vascular bundles, there are few layers of radially placed parenchymatous cells, ‘These constitute the medullary rays, 175 (b) In maize (monocot stem, water containing Jysigenous cavities are presen in the vascular bundle ‘These are formed by the dissolution ofthe inner protoxylem vessel andthe parenchyma. £80 (4) The vascular bundles are surrounded by @ lay ‘thick-walled bundle sheath cells, These cells cont chloroplasts and are the site of photosynthesis. {81 (d) Option (2) is corect as both the pars in options (and (b) are correct. ‘The incorrect pair in option (c) can be corrected as ypodermis is collenchymatous in sunflower stem (ict) and itis selerenchymatous in maize stem (monocot) £85 (a) Flacidity of bulliform cells isthe most appropriate reason for the curling of grass eaves during dry weather Bulliform cells are present between the epidermal cells ofthe leaf and they help to minimise the water loss due to the transpiration during water stress period. When the bllform cells have absorbed water and are wurgid, the leaf surface is exposed. When these are flaccid duc to tr stress, they make the leaves curl inwards to ‘minimise water loss £87 (d) Secondary growth refers to inerease in gi of plant «duet the formation of secondary tissues by the two lateral meristems, ie vascular cambium and cork cambium, £89 (b) Socondary vascular tissues, ic. secondary xylem and. phloem are formed by the vascular cambium, Vascular cambium produced by two types of meristems, fascicular or intrafascicular and interfascicular cambium, ‘When is cells cutoff towards pith, it matures into secondary xylem. When is cells cut of towards the periphery it matures to secondary phloem, 90 (a) In young stem, vascular eambiu is present in patches a a single layer between the xylem and phloem. Later, it forms a complete ring. 91 (a) The cells of medullary rays, adjoining intrafasieular cammbium become meristematic and frm the inerfascicular cambium. 92 (c) Cambium is generally more active on the in netside fof stem than the outer. As aresull, the amount of secondary xylem produced is more than the secondary phloem and soon forms a compact mass (96 (d) Inthe given diagram, the fusiform initials of vascular eambium will give rise to, both A (secondary xylem) and B (secondary phloem) The part labelled C is medullary rays, which ae not formed from fusiform initials, 95 (6) Parenchymatous cells are usually present inthe cortex, pericyel, pith and medullary rays, inthe primary stems and rots. In leaves, the ground tissue consists of thin-walled etlloroplast containing cells called mesophI cells Secondary rot and secondary stem are formed of dead cells whieh are nt parenchymatous. 96 (d) Option (d) isthe incorrect par and can be corrected ‘The spring wood is lighter in colour and bas a lower density whereas the autumnwood is darker and has & higher density Rest other pairs are correct. 197 (a) The wo kinds of woods (ie. spring wood and autumn wood) that appear as alternate concentric rings, constitute an annual ring. Annual rings seen ina eut stem give an estimate ofthe age ofthe tee {99 (b) In old trees, the greater part of secondary xylem is ‘ark brown due to the deposition of organie compounds Tike tannins, resins, ols, eums, aromatic substances and ‘essential oils the central or innermost layer of the stem. 100 (a) Heartvood is the dark coloured seeondary xylem in Perennial tres which is hard, durable and resistant to the atack of microorganisms and insects. This repion consists of elements with highly lignfied cell wall 102 (a) Phellogen or cork cambium isthe meristematic tissue, which arises inthe cortical region during secondary growth in dicot stems. Phellogen formed ‘when portion of cortex undergoes differentiation is 3 meristematic tissue which is couple of thick ayer. eis ‘made up of narrow, thin-walled and neaely rectangular cells, 1046 (c) The thin walls of cork cells ae saturated with a fatty waxy substance called suberin which makes the cell all ofthe cork thick and almost impervious to water. 108 (c) Phellem or cork isa tssue formed on the outer side cork cambium. I is composed of dead cells and develops a thick and impermeable cell wall due to suberisation, 106 (c) As the stem continues to increas in girth duc tothe sctvity of vascular cambium, the outer corteal and epidermal layer get broken and need tobe replaced to provide new protective cell ayers. Hence, sooner or fate, another meristematic tissue called cork cambium orphellogen develops, usually in the cortex region, ‘which forms new layers, outer phellem and inner Dhelloderm which are collectively called as periderm, 108 (a) Bark isthe non-technical term that refers to all dead tissues exterior to the vascular cambium, 109 (c) Secondary xylem isnot the part of bark, Bark isa ‘non-technical term that refers 0 all he sss exterior to the vascular eambium. Consisting of periderm (i.e. phellem, phellogen and phelloderm) and secondary phloem. 11 (P) Lenticels permit the exchange of gases between the ‘outer atmosphere and the internal tissue of the stem. ‘These occur in stems of most Woody trees At eetain regions, the phellogen cuts off closely arranged parenchymatous cells onthe outer side instead of cork cells. These parenchymatous cells son rupture te epidermis, forming a lens-shaped openings called lentils 13 (a) Inthe dicot roo, the vascular cambium is completely secondary in origin. I originates from the tissue located just below the phloem bundles, i. Portion of perieyee tissue. 14 (c) The correct order of arrangement ofthe given components from outer side to inner side in a woody dicot stom is as follows Phellem —> Secondary cortex» Secondary phloem —> Wood TIS (a) Inthe dicot roo, the vaseular eambium originates from tissues located below the phloem bundles and 3 Portion of perieycle tissue above the protoxylem, ‘Vascular cambium isthe meristematic layer that is responsible for cuting off vascular tissues (xylem and poem). In young stem, itis present in patches asa Single layer between the xylem and phloem, M19 (d) Assertion is false, but Reason is tue. Assertion can be corrected as Apical and interealary meristems inerease the height of ‘maize plant, But lateral meristems which is responsible for promoting secondary growth (increases in girth) does not contribute to growth in maize plant as secondary trovth does not accu in monacols, eg. maize 120 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion (Quiescent centre is present between root eap and active meristematic region of rot. The cells ofthis region remain aresed in Gy-phase of eel eyele and are not dividing. Its thus, the inactive region, which constitutes a permanent sauce of active initials. During damage to active plant cells, the cells of quiescent centre become active. 121 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion. The characteristic feature of endodermal cells of roots is. the presence of Casparian thickenings on thei radial and transverse walls. But al cells of endodermis donot hhave Casparian thickenings instead, they have simple permeable cell wall. Those cells are called passage tells, whieh face opposite to the protoxylem cell 122 (}) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is rot the correct explanation of Assertion, “The meristem that oceus in the mature regions of roots and shoots of many plants, particulary those that produce woody axis sealed secondary meristem. tis. ‘named, so because it appears later than primary ‘meristem and forms the secondary plant body. Inirafaseicularcambium,interfacicula cambium and cork cambium are examples of secondary of lateral 123 (1) Assertion i false, but Reason is tue, Assertion can be corrected as A simple permanent tissue i that tissue, which is made up of similar permanent cells that carry out the same funetion (not simple function) or have same structure, ‘Simple permanent tissues are of three types, Le parenchyma, collenchyma and selerenchyma 126 (b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct, but Reason i notte correct explanation of Assertion. Sclereds are highly thickened dead selerenchymatous cells with Very natrow cavities as these are lignite, These ae found in hard parts ofthe plant Sclereds are broader and are isodiametric polyedeal, spherical, oval, short or eylindrcal. These may also be branched, Selereids ar found in grit of guava, sapots, apple, pear epidermal covering of some legumes, seeds, 125 (c) Assertion is true, but Reason is false, Reason can be ‘corocted as Vessels are absent in gymnosperms and pteridophytes with the exceptions of afew (eg. Seaginella species, Gnetum). The presence of vessels isa characteristic feature of angiosperms. Xylem isa complex tissue, which consists of four types of cals, namely tracheids, vessels xylem fibres and xylem parenchyma. Vessels are much elongated tubes (G-6 metres in Eucalyptus), which are closed at either tends and are formed by the union of several short, wide and thickened cells called vessel elements or members 126 (c) Assertion is tre, but Reason is false. Reason ca be corrected as ‘Bundle sheath surrounds only vascular bundles of ‘monocot leaf not in root and stem, The vascular bundles ‘containing eambium ae std to be open, but if na eammbium develops, they are referred to as closed. In ‘monocots, closed vascular bundles are found because of the absence of eambium. 127 (6) Both Assertion and Reason are correct, but Reason is no the correct explanation of Assertion, Root haits are elongations of epidermal cells of bos ‘These are unicellular and help fo absorb water and minerals from the soil. Trichomes are usually ‘multicellular extensions present on the stem which prevent water loss from transpiration, 128 () Assertion is false, but Reason is true. Assertion can be corrected as Phloem fibres or bast fibres are made up of selerenehymatous eels These are generally absent in primary phloem, but ae {quite common in secondary phloem. Phloem fibres Provide mechanical strength, The textile fibres of flax (Linum wsitatissimum), hemp (Cannabis) and jute (Corchorus species) are phloem fbres, which are used for making ropes and coarse textiles. 129 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion, In temperate regions, cambium is very ative inthe spring season and produces a large number of xylary elements having vessels with wider cavities, The wood formed during this season is called spring wood or early ‘Wood, In winter, the eambium isles active and forms > Answers & Explanations 8 8 8 3 q a $ i 2 & {ewer xylary elements that have narrow vessel, and this Wood is called autumn wood of late wood. The spring ‘wood is lighter in colour and has a lower density, ‘whereas the autumn wood is darker and has a higher density Two kinds of woods that appear as altemate concentric ings, constitute an annual ring 130 (a) The statement in option (a) is correct Rest ofthe statements are incorrect and can be corrected + Only meristematic eas ofa plant are capable of dividing + Permanent tissues have all ells with sila structure and funtion, 136 (1) Only statement His incorrect and ean be corrected Functions of sieve tubes are controlled by the nucleus of | companion cells Rest othe statements are correct, 157 (4) The statement in option (dis incorrect and can be corrected as The outside ofthe epidermis is often covered with waxy thick layer called cuticle, which prevents the loss of water. Rest ofthe statements are correct 140 (4) Statements II, I and IV are correct Statement V is incorrect and can be corrected 3s Guard cells are dum-bel-shaped in monocots and ‘bean-shaped in dicots 142 (a) The given diagram is of monocot stem and the statement in option () is incorrect in regard toi, Htean be corrected as Ground tissue is « mass of similar cells which does not show distinction into cortex, endodermis, perieycle, pith, ete. Entre ground tssue is a mass of Darcnchymatous cell Rest ofthe statements are correct, 145 (a) The statement in option (a) is correct. Rest ofthe Statements are incoreet and can be corected as + The vascular bundles of monocot stem ae conjoint and closed, +The monocot stem has sclerenehymatous hypodernis, large numberof scattered vascular bundles, cach surrounded by a slerenehymatous bundle sheath and larg, conspicuous parenchymatous ground tissue 167 (c) Statement Vis incorrect and can be corrected 3s Inn isobilateral lea, vascular bundles are conjoint and collateral. Xylem lies towards the adaxial (upper) side and phloem lies towards abaxial (lower) side of leat Rest ofthe statements are cortect 150 () The statement in option (cs incorrect and can be corrected as| Heartwood does not conduct water and minerals because of the presence of dead elements. The conduction of water and minerals is easied out by sapwood, beeause it contains iving eels Rest ofthe statements are corect 151 (c) The statement in option (c) is incorrect. Correct {information about its statement sas follows ‘Annual rings are formed due tothe seasonal activity of cambium, Inthe plants of temperate region, cambium is highly active in spring and less ative in autumn season ence, prominent rings are formed in these plants having light and dark bands of tissue Rest othe statements are corect, 152 (b) Inthe spring season, cambium is very ative and produces a large numberof xylary elements having. vessels with wider cavities. The Wood formed is called spring wood or early wood. Its lighter in colour and has a lower density. In winter, the cambium is less active and forms fewer xylary elements that have narrow vessels, and this wood {is called autumn wood of late wood. Is dark in colour swith higher density Thus, option (b) is correct 154 (c) Statements I and II ae correct. Statement IV is, Jncorret and can be corrected as Inthe formation of heartwood and sapwood, iis not necessary thatthe wood formed in previous years is Tighter than newer wood. 155 (a) Both statements | and Il are false and can be corrected as ‘+ Cortex isnot formed during secondary growth, ‘+ Cork cambium or phellogen (not conex) is a couple of layers thick and made up of narow, thin-walled and nearly rectangular cells 156 (a) Statements I and IL are core, Statement I is Jncorret and can be corrected as Secondary growth does not occur monocots but occurs in stems and roots of gymnosperms. 166 () On observing a transverse section under the microscope we ean ascertain, whether itis a young ‘monocot stem or dicot stem by observing arrangement of vascular bundles, In dict stem, vascular bundles are arranged ina ring, while in monocot stem, vascular bundles are scattered. 168 (c) Parmanent tissues ae specialised to perform specific funetions. These can be simple or complex. Xylem and phloem are made up of more than one type of cells and ‘work ina coordinated manner, asa unit, to perform specific funetions. Thus, xylem and phloom are called complex permanent tssies, 170 (a) Primary xylem i present inthe centre ofthe oot. ‘As secondary growth aceurs in the rot, the primary phloem is pushed outside whereas, primary xylem Femains towards the inside of the root. 1772 (c) Imerfescicularcambium and cork cambium are Tormed due to cell differentiation, When, the fully differentiated parenchymatous cells gain their ‘capacity for eal division under certain conditions, formation of interfascicular cambium and cork cambium takes place. 196 (a) Fibres are absent in leaves. The leaves of plans are ‘main photosynthetic organs. These cells ae specialised parenchymatous cells having chlorophyll Fbres are Sclerenchymatous cells thus absent in leaves ofall, plans 195 (1) The species of genus-Trochodendron have unique feature ofthe angiosperms, ic. presence of prominent sieve tube cells, 176 (c) Apical meristem s always present atthe growing apices, Plans having 4 branches and 26 leaves wil have 5 growing shoot apices (4 growing apex ofthe branches * one growing apex ofthe main plant axis). 177 (a) Root and shoot tips (apical meristem) of plant lack epidermis. Epidermis is outermost layer of Aiferentiated cells. Apical meristem have actively dividing cells thus epidermis snot present 178 (a) Collenchyma cells show the presence of hemicellulose and pectin in thei cell walls. These area group of specialised cells meant for providing ‘mechanical support. In these cells, thickening atthe comers are seen, which is mainly due tothe deposition of pectin and hemicellulose 180 (2) Xylem would be coloured red with saffanin and phloem woud be green with fast green, This is because Satranin is used to stain nucleus and fast green stains cellulose pat, eytoplasm, collagen, et. ina cell and these are present in phloem not in xylem. 162 (c) Pine isa gymmosperm and vessels are absent in gymnosperms, Whereas tak, mango and palm are angiospermic tees Angiospermic xylem contains vessels, tracheids, parenchyma and fibres. 183 () Epidermis isthe outermost layer of the primary plant body and constitutes a tissue system. Is usually a single-layered structure made up of elongated, ‘compactly arranged cels. The remaining options like xylem, phloem and parenchyma are types of cells found in plan. 185 (a) Posato isan underground stem. The outer epidermal layer ofthe stem is known as periderm. So, when we remove the skin of poato, we are atually emoving its peridem, 186 (ci) Phellogen isthe secondary meristematic tissue, ‘whieh develops from the cells of cortical region of dicot Its responsible for secondary growth in dicot stem. Ins eells divide on both sides, ie. anticlnal division ‘On the outer side of stem, it gives rise to cork or phellem and on inner side, it produces phelloderm or secondary cortex. 187 (c) Epidermis is usually a single-layered structure, present all over the body surface of the plant, Incase of | Toots, itis called epiblema instead of epidermis. Thus, epiblema of roots i equivalent tothe epidermis. + Wheres stele i collective term for vascular tissues in «ase of vascular plans (ptridophytes, aymnospemns and angiosperms). + Endodermis and pericyle are the part of ret or stem ‘encircling vascular stands

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