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The chapter will describe the overall methodology to design, develop, and deploy the real-time air quality

monitoring and AQI forecasting system. Basically, the objective of the project is to provide a low-cost, feasible

system that can give information on a daily basis about air quality and the level of different pollutants, in order to

create awareness among citizens for taking preventive measures.


3.2.1 Hardware Selection and Configuration

The first step in the development of the air quality monitoring system is the selection of appropriate hardware.

The hardware should be cost-effective, reliable, and capable of measuring a wide range of pollutants. Equipment


* ESP32 Dev Module: That is a microcontroller board used for the collection and processing of any form of data.

* Dust Sensor GP2Y1010AU0F: The sensor measures particulate matter levels, PM2.5.

* MQ-131 Sensor: The sensor is used to measure the concentration of O3.

* MQ-7 Sensor: It is used in measuring the levels of CO.

* MQ-135 Sensor: The sensor measures multiple gases, including CO2, SO2, NO2, and NH3.

3.2.2 Signal Acquisition and Preprocessing

Raw data is acquired from the sensors by the system, measuring the concentrations for a host of pollutants. This

information is then preprocessed to remove noise and ensure it is correct. Preprocessing steps include:

* Filter: This is a step for removing the artifacts due to environmental factors and sensor anomalies. Moving

average filters or, on a higher level of complexity, techniques of digital filtering can be employed to smoothen the

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data in order to perform denoising.

* Normalization: It is the process of standardizing data to allow it to have a consistency and compatibility with the

prediction model. It rescales data to lie within a specific range, usually 0 to 1, making it better-suited for

performance when using machine learning algorithms.

3.2.3 Control Algorithm Design

It then becomes the work of the control algorithm to read and process the pre-processed data and predict the

future AQI values, specifically:

* Machine Learning Algorithm: For the prediction of time series, Long Short-Term Memory neural network has

been used. LSTMs would be more appropriate for this purpose since they are capable of learning temporal


* Model Training: The LSTM model learns the trend of historical air quality data and forms a pattern to predict

things accurately. Training involves feeding the model with past data and adjusting the parameters so that it

makes very few prediction errors.

3.2.4 System Integration

Subsequently, a hardware-software integrated system is developed for the prediction model. In this case, the

ESP32 microcontroller extracts data from sensors and uploads the information into the ThingSpeak IoT platform.

Later, the information is retrieved and fed into the LSTM model to achieve the predicted AQI values. At last, these

values were displayed on a web-based dashboard which anybody can access.

* Data Collection: The ESP32 continuously receives data from the many sensors that are connected to it.

* Data Transmission: The measured data will be sent to ThingSpeak, which is an IoT platform aimed at storing

data and providing API services.

* Prediction: The LSTM model extracts historic data from ThingSpeak, processes it, and predicts future AQI


* Visualization: The predicted AQI values have been presented through a web-based dashboard for easy access

and understanding by the general public.

3.2.5 User Access and Visualization

It finally ensures easy access to air quality data and forecasts, which includes:

* Webpage Dashboard: The AQI shall display values of real time and estimated. The user-friendly dashboard will

present the data through clear and concise visuals that become easy for users to comprehend.

* User Interface: This depends on the above to see details of pollutant levels and to subsequently act to minimize

exposure. The user interface warns and gives recommendations depending on the air quality forecast.


The block diagram of the proposed system illustrates the main components and data flow. Each block's

functionality is detailed below:

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Fig.3.1.Block diagram of hardware setup

3.3.1 Signal Acquisition (Sensors)

* Components: ESP32, Dust Sensor, MQ-131, MQ-7, MQ-135.

* Function: Collects data on various pollutants (PM2.5, O3, CO, CO2, SO2, NO2, NH3).

3.3.2 Data Processing and Transmission (ESP32)

* Function: Processes raw sensor data and uploads it to the ThingSpeak IoT platform.

* Process: Filters and normalizes data before transmission.

3.3.3 Data Storage (ThingSpeak)

* Function: Stores collected data for real-time monitoring and historical analysis.

* Process: Receives and stores data from ESP32, provides an API for data retrieval.

3.3.4 Prediction Model (LSTM)

* Function: Predicts future AQI values based on historical data.

* Process: Trained on historical data, processes new data to forecast pollutant levels.

3.3.5 Data Visualization (Webpage Dashboard)

* Function: Displays real-time and forecasted AQI values to the public.

* Process: Retrieves data from ThingSpeak, visualizes it on a user-friendly interface.


The process flow diagram details the step-by-step operation of the air quality monitoring and forecasting system:

Fig.3.2.Flowchart of the process flow

3.4.1 Initialize & Connect Sensors to ESP32

* Step: Initialize sensors and connect them to the ESP32 microcontroller.

* Process: Set up communication between sensors and ESP32, ensure accurate data collection.

3.4.2 Capture and Preprocess Data

* Step: Capture raw data from sensors.

* Process: Filter and normalize data to remove noise and ensure accuracy.

3.4.3 Upload Data to ThingSpeak

* Step: Upload preprocessed data to the ThingSpeak platform.

* Process: Use ThingSpeak API to send data from ESP32 to the cloud.

3.4.4 Retrieve and Predict AQI

* Step: Retrieve historical data from ThingSpeak.

* Process: Feed data into the LSTM model to predict future AQI values.

3.4.5 Display Data on Dashboard

* Step: Display real-time and forecasted AQI values on the web-based dashboard.

* Process: Update dashboard with latest data for public access.

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The methodology described in the chapter stipulates the overall approach that shall be used to develop a real-

time air quality monitoring and AQI forecasting system.


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