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Orginizational Theories: Some Criteria For Evaluation

Bacharach, Samuel B.
Academy of Management. The Academy of Management Review; Oct 1989; 14, 4; ABI/INFORM Global
pg. 496

Q Academy of Management Review, 1989, Vol. 14, No, 4, 496-515

Organizational Theories:
Some Criteria for Evaluation
Cornell University

A set of ground rules and vocabulary to facilitate focused discussion

about the structure of organization and management theories are
proposed. The many previous efforts at defining and evaluating the-
ory help establish criteria for theory construction and evaluation. In
the establishment of these criteria, description is distinguished from
theory, and a matrix of criteria for evaluating the variables, con-
structs, and relationships that together compose a theory is devel-
oped. The proposed matrix may be useful both for defining the nec-
essary components of good theory and for evaluating and/or com-
paring the quality of alternative theories. Finally, a discussion of the
way theories fit together to give a somewhat broader picture of em-
pirical reality reveals the lines of tension between the two main cri-
teria for evaluating theory.

In order to talk about the nature of the universe Students of theory construction have tried to
and to discuss questions of whether it has a be- develop a set of rules for the examination of the
ginning or an end, you have to be clear about constructs and variables which are the units of
what a scientific theory is. (Hawking, 1988, p. 9)
theoretical statements (d. Dubin, 1969; Chron-
A theory is a statement of relations among bach & MeehL 1955; Blalock, 1968; Schwab,
concepts within a set of boundary assumptions 1980). They also have attempted to develop a set
and constraints. It is no more than a linguistic of rules for the examination of the relationships
device used to organize a complex empirical among these units (d. Blalock, 1969; Cohen,
world. As Hall and Lindzey (1957, p. 9) pointed 1980; NageL 1961; HempeL 1965; Stinchcombe,
out, the function of a theory "is that of preventing 1968; Popper, 1959; Dubin, 1976; Gibbs, 1972).
the observer from being dazzled by the full- Nevertheless, the diversity of these perspectives
blown complexity of natural or concrete events." suggests the need for a more specific examina-
Therefore, the purpose of theoretical statements tion of their rules as applied to organizational
is twofold: to organize (parsimoniously) and to studies.
communicate (clearly).
Many current theories in organizational be-
What Theory Is Not:
havior fail to accomplish this purpose, primarily Data. Typologies. and Metaphors
because they ignore certain generally accepted Description, the "features or qualities of indi-
rules about theoretical statements. Just as a col- vidual things, acts, or events" (Werkmeister,
lection of words does not make a sentence, a 1959, p. 484) must be distinguished from theory.
collection of constructs and variables does not As Hempel (1965) pointed out, the vocabulary of
necessarily make a theory. science has two basic functions: (a) to ade-


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quately describe the objects and events being tuated points of view, into a unified analytical
investigated and (b) to establish theories by construct" (Shils & Finch, 1949, p. 90).
which events and objects can be explained and Yet even these abstractions should not be
predicted. While descriptions may be the source viewed as theory. The one-sided accentuation of
material of theories, they are not themselves which Weber spoke is found in most typologies.
theoretical statements. In the organization and For example, in creating a typology of organi-
management literature, the two are often con- zations, Blau and Scott (1962) emphasized the
fused. Specifically, three modes of description beneficiaries; Gouldner (1954), leadership style;
must be distinguished from theory: categoriza- and Etzioni (1975), compliance structure. While
tion of raw data, typologies, and metaphors. this one-sided accentuation achieves one of the
While some forms of descriptive analysis are goals of theory (i. e., eliminating some of the
often confused with theory, all researchers complexity of the real world), and while typolo-
agree that categorization of data-whether gies are more abstract than a categorical de-
qualitative or quantitative-is not theory. In this scription of raw data, such typologies are limited
context, much of the work in organizational and to addreSSing the primary question asked by de-
management science should not be thought of scriptive researchers-the question of what,
as theory. Categorization characterizes much of rather than the more theoretical how, why, and
the work in these fields, particularly in the when.
realms of business policy/strategy and human In recent years, metaphors have become pop-
resource strategy. One theme in the former ular in organizational studies. Broadly speak-
case, for example, has been the search for em- ing, a metaphor is a statement that maintains
pirical categorizations, or gestalts, of organiza- that two phenomena are isomorphic (i.e., they
tional environments and characteristics (e.g., have certain properties in common) (Brodbeck,
Miller, 1986; Miller & Friesen, 1977). One char- 1959). Unlike the case of categorical analysis of
acteristic in the latter case has been the search raw data (What are the phenomena?), or the
for a goodness of fit between empirically derived case of typology (What is the most important as-
categorizations of business strategy and human pect of the phenomenon?), the metaphor is used
resource strategy (e.g., Schuler & Jackson, 1987; to ask how the phenomenon is similar to another
Wils & Dyer, 1984). Some of these studies, both (often unrelated) phenomenon. Some of the
quantitative and qualitative, are often particu- most well-known metaphors include the notions
larly rich and thus useful as grounds (Glaser & of organizations as "loosely coupled systems"
Strauss, 1967) for theory building (e.g., Dyer & (Weick, 1976) and as "garbage cans" (Cohen,
Holder, 1989; Miller, 1987; Miller & Friesen, March, & Olsen, 1972).
1984). In and of themselves, however, they Metaphors are powerful literary tools. Robert
clearly fall in Hempel's (1965) realm of descrip- Burns' comparison of his love to a red rose evokes
tion, not theory. strong emotional imagery. It does not need to
Other descriptions-specifically, those based evoke a series of analytical questions about love;
upon typologies-have been more abstract in the description itself suffices. To be of use in the
organizing observations (e. g., Blau & Scott, development of theory in organizational behavior,
1962; Etzioni, 1975; Gouldner, 1954). Typologists a metaphor must go beyond description and be a
have implicitly emulated Weber's ideal con- useful heuristic device. That is, the imagery con-
struct, in that most typologies meet his classic tained in the metaphor must assist the theorist in
definition of an ideal type ... "a mental con- deriving speCific propositions and/or hypotheses
struct formed by the synthesis of many diffuse about the phenomenon being studied. In this
. . . individual phenomena which are ar- context, metaphors are not theories but may
ranged, according to certain one-sidedly accen- well serve as precursors to theories, and should


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be judged on that basis. For example, if one Values are the implicit assumptions by which
chooses to view organizations as "noncon- a theory is bounded. Theories cannot be com-
flictual zeppelins," it's his or her prerogative to pared on the basis of their underlying values,
do so. What must be evaluated is not whether because these tend to be the idiosyncratic prod-
organizations are in fact "nonconflictual uct of the theorist's creative imagination and
zeppelins," but rather the propositions and hy- ideological orientation or life experience. This
potheses derived from the imagery. 1£ one's im- may explain why perpetual debates such as
age of organizations as "nonconflictual zep- those between Marxists and Structural Function-
pelins" is to thrive, then it is because the quality alists have made so little progress over the
of propositions and hypotheses generated by years. As Weber pointed out, the value-laden
this image is better than the quality of those gen- nature of assumptions can never be eliminated.
erated by other alternative images such as "gar- Yet if a theory is to be properly used or tested,
bage can models" or "loosely coupled systems." the theorist's implicit assumptions which form
the boundaries of the theory must be under-
What Theory Is
stood. Unfortunately, theorists rarely state their
Building on the works of previous students of assumptions. Thus, while Mintzman's (1970) ex-
theory construction (e.g., Dubin, 1969; Nagel, tensive and fascinating discussion of the influ-
1961; Cohen, 1980), researchers can define a ence of Weber's personal reality on his theoret-
theory as a statement of relationships between ical product does not serve to expand or change
units observed or approximated in the empirical Weber's theory, it does assist in explicating the
world. Approximated units mean constructs, implicit values which bound his theory.
which by their very nature cannot be observed An example of how a theorist's values may be
directly (e.g., centralization, satisfaction, or cul- manifest in a theoretical debate may be found in
ture). Observed units mean variables, which a classic debate over the concept of power. Par-
are operationalized empirically by measure- sons maintained that power is essentially the
ment. The primary goal of a theory is to answer mobilization of resources and thus is not a zero-
the questions of how, when, and why, unlike the sum game. On the other hand, C. Wright Mills
goal of description, which is to answer the ques- (1956) maintained that power is the control of
tion of what. resources, and thus is a zero-sum game. An ar-
In more detailed terms, a theory may be gument may be made that this differential ori-
viewed as a system of constructs and variables entation toward power is based on these theo-
in which the constructs are related to each other rists' different values. Parsons, viewing society
by propositions and the variables are related to and organizations as functional and consensual
each other by hypotheses. The whole system is systems, ignored the possibility of finite re-
bounded by the theorist's assumptions, as indi- sources as a potential source of conflict. Rather,
cated by Figure 1. he saw resources as being capable of perpetual
expansion. Mills, on the other hand, seeing so-
Boundaries of Theories
ciety and organizations as stratified and conflict-
The notion of boundaries based on assump- ual entities, ignored the expansive nature of re-
tions is critical because it sets the limitations in sources and instead emphasized finite resources
applying the theory. As Dubin (1969) main- and a zero-sum notion of power. The interaction
tained, all theories are constrained by their spe- between these two theorists is thus implicitly a
cific critical bounding assumptions. These as- collision of values.
sumptions include the implicit values of the the- The current debate over the application of the
orist and the often explicit restrictions regarding concept of culture to the organizational context
space and time. also may be viewed as an example of the im-


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,• , ,•


Figure 1. Components of a theory.

plicit debate over values if not ideology. During pany that is often held up as a shining model of
the early resurrection (by organizational theo- the positive normative impact of culture, un-
rists) of the concept of culture (Schein, 1985; Deal veiled a story of oppression where others told a
& Kennedy, 1982), most theorists chose to view it tale of productivity. While these two orientations
as an integrative normative device. In doing so toward culture are not inherently inconsistent,
they implicitly drew on the values that underlie they do show the effects of different values
functionalist theorizing by scholars such as Rad- on the construction of theories about organiza-
cliffe-Brown (1949), Malinowski (1962), and tions.
Durkheim (1933). Therefore, their implicit func- While values often can only be revealed by
tional orientation (placing emphasis on sustain- psychoanalytic, historical, and ideological stud-
ing the organization as a whole) may make ies of the theorist (e.g., Gay's work on Freud,
them vulnerable to criticism that they serve the 1988; Mintzman's work on Weber, 1970), spatial
interests of management. In more recent work and temporal assumptions are often relatively
from the conflict theory perspective, culture is apparent. Spatial boundaries are conditions re-
viewed as an organizational mechanism for the stricting the use of the theory to specific units of
normative coercion of the individual worker. For analysis (e.g., specific types of organizations).
example, Kunda (in press), in studying a com- Temporal contingencies specify the historical


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applicability of a theoretical system. Taken to- propositions) specify the relations among vari-
gether, spatial and temporal boundaries restrict ables. In this context, theorists must be specific
the empirical generalizability of the theory. in how they use the notions of constructs and
While most theories are limited by spatial and variables. Theorists should not use these terms
temporal restrictions, some are more bounded synonymously. Constructs may be defined as
by one than the other. For example, some theo- "terms which, though not observational either
ries may be unbounded in time, but bounded in directly or indirectly, may be applied or even
space. That is, these theories are only applica- defined on the basis of the observables" (Kap-
ble to specific types of organizations, but can be lan, 1964, p. 55). A variable may be defined as
applied over different historical periods. Other an observable entity which is capable of assum-
theories are unbounded in space (that is, they ing two or more values (Schwab, 1980). Thus, a
may be applicable to many types of organiza- construct may be viewed as a broad mental con-
tions), but very much bounded in a specific tem- figuration of a given phenomenon, while a vari-
poral context. Finally, theories may be relatively able may be viewed as an operational configu-
unbounded in both space and time. Such theo- ration derived from a construct. Schwab listed a
ries have a higher level of generalizability than number of examples of such constructs and their
those bounded in either or both space and time, related variables (e.g., performance: sales or re-
ceteris paribus. Of course, this generalizability turn on investment; cohesion: rate of interper-
requires a higher level of abstraction, which sonal interaction or member voting patterns;
means that the theory sacrifices the level of de- leader consideration: member perceptions of
tail needed to fit a specific situation. This leads to specific supervisory behavior).
the paradox that some of the most detailed theo- Created within the context of specified bound-
ries and elaborate studies about organizations aries and built from abstract constructs or their
are not generalizable enough to build a cumu- more concrete manifestations (variables), theo-
lative body of research on (e.g., Goffman's the- retical systems take the form of propositions and
ory of total institutions). On the other hand, some proposition-derived hypotheses. While both
of the most abstract and broad perspectives on propositions and hypotheses are merely state-
organizations, while not necessarily rich in de- ments of relationships, propositions are the
tail, have provided a critical basis for cumula- more abstract and all-encompassing of the two,
tive research (e.g., Hannan and Freeman's, and therefore relate the more abstract constructs
1977, population ecology, and Kimberly and to each other. Hypotheses are the more concrete
Miles', 1980, life-cycle theory). and operational statements of these broad rela-
Implied in the notion of generalizability are tionships and are therefore built from specific
different levels on which one can theorize. This variables.
implicit continuum stretches from empirical gen-
eralizations (rich in detail but strictly bounded in
space and/or time) to grand theoretical state- Generation of Criteria
ments (abstract, lacking in observational detail, for the Evaluation of Theories
but relatively unbounded in space and/or time).
No evaluation of a theory is possible unless
Variables, Constructs, and Relationships researchers first establish those broad criteria
by which it is to be evaluated. Based on pre-
Within these boundaries lies the stuff of the- vious work (e.g., Popper, 1959; Nagel, 1961;
ory. On a more abstract leveL propositions state Hempel, 1965), the two primary criteria upon
the relations among constructs, and on the more which any theory may be evaluated are (a) fal-
concrete level, hypotheses (derived from the sifiability and (b) utility.


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Falsifiabili ty searchers accept predictive statements as the-
ory (e.g., the proposition: the greater the orga-
Falsifiability determines whether a theory is
nizational size, the greater the horizontal differ-
constructed such that empirical refutation is pos-
entiation; or its derived hypothesis: the greater
sible. While the idealistic goal of science is the
the number of employees, the greater the num-
pursuit of universal truth, most philosophers of
ber of departments), they sound a bit like the
science would agree that theories can never be
ancient astronomers. Only when theory shows
proven, only disproven (e£. Nagel, 1961; Popper,
how and why larger organizations have more
1959). As Popper (1959, p. 41) maintains, "It must
departments will it be able to explain as well as
be possible for an empirical scientific system to
be refuted by experience."
Theories are thus like the accused in an Amer-
ican courtroom-innocent until proven guilty. The Falsifiability of Variables,
The problem with organizational studies is that Constructs, and Relationships
theories are often stated in such a vague way With an understanding of the components of
that the theorists can rebut any discrediting ev- theory at different levels of abstraction (vari-
idence. Just as no person can be above the law, ables, constructs, and the relationships that con-
no theory ought to be constructed in such a way nect them) and the two main types of criteria
that it is forever exempt from empirical refuta- (falsifiability and utility), researchers can begin
tion. If researchers are to avoid wading through to understand the way these criteria can be ap-
ever deeper piles of irrefutable statements dis- plied to theory. Because constructs and vari-
guised as theories, they must be able to discard ables are the building blocks of hypotheses and
such false theories. To be able to do this, they propositions, theorists must first evaluate them
must try to construct theories that are coherent before analyzing the relational properties of
enough to be refuted. theories. If they are working with inappropriate
constructs and variables, how these constructs
and variables are assembled into hypotheses
Utility refers to the usefulness of theoretical and propositions is irrelevant. All parts of a
systems. As Bierstedt (1959) pointed out, utility bridge may fit together perfectly, but if this
may be viewed as "the bridge that connects the- bridge is constructed of "silly-putty," it is not a
ory and research" (p. 125). At the core of this good idea to drive over it.
connection are explanation and prediction. That By beginning the analysis with variables and
is, a theory is useful if it can both explain and constructs, researchers are not excluding the
predict. An explanation establishes the substan- possibility that theory building or evaluation is a
tive meaning of constructs, variables, and their process which begins with the examination of
linkages, while a prediction tests that substan- the relationships in hypotheses and proposi-
tive meaning by comparing it to empirical evi- tions, or what Kaplan refers to as the paradox of
dence. conceptualization. As Kaplan (1964) noted, "The
One problem of incomplete theoretical sys- proper concepts are needed to formulate a good
tems is that they are often used to make predic- theory, but we need a good theory to arrive at
tions, yet they do not provide explanations. In the proper concepts" (p. 53).
this context, Kaplan (1964) spoke of the ancient
The Falsifiability of Variables:
astronomers, who were able to make superb
Measurement Issues
predictions but were incapable of providing ad-
equate explanations of observed phenomena. Although constructs contained in propositions
Thus, in organizational behavior, when re- may be defined in terms of other constructs, con-


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Falsifiability Utility variables which can be meaningfully and cor-
rectly measured, any variance that may exist in
Variables Measurement Issues Variable Scope the object of analysis is essentially unobserva-
ble, making the theory not subject to disconfir-
mation. This situation describes the test of non-
Constructs Construct Validity Construct Scope continuousness. Continuous antecedents and
consequences make it impossible to specify rel-
evant time and space parameters. Thus, hy-
Logical Adequacy Explanatory Potennal
potheses incorporating such variables are never
Empirical Adequacy Predictive Adequacy subject to empirical disconfirmation.
If the antecedent is a necessary condition for
Figure 2. A Framework for evaluating theo- the consequent condition, a continuous ante-
ries. cedent would render the proposition untestable.
However, if the antecedent is a sufficient condi-
struct-derived variables in hypotheses must be tion for the consequent, a continuous conse-
defined in an operationally specific manner. By quent would make testing impossible. For ex-
definition, the raison d'etre of a variable is to ample, Young's (1988) critique of population
provide an operational referent for a phenome- ecology theory is that it has "difficulty with the
non described on a more abstract level (e.g., a definition of organizational death" (p. 7). Specif-
construct). As such, in order for a variable to be ically, she argued that across studies, the defi-
operationally specific, that variable must be de- nition of the constructs included in the primary
fined in terms of its measurement. Kerlinger re- propositions (i. e., organization/species, birth,
ferred to the first type of definition (i.e., clarity and death) varies and is ambiguous. Thus, if the
and parsimony, which are sufficient for con- population theorist assumes that increased
structs) as a "constitutive" definition, while the structural inertia is a sufficient condition for sur-
second type (i. e., necessary for variables) is re- vivability (selection), the derived hypothesis
ferred to as an "operational" definition. In an would be untestable given a derived operation-
employment setting, the former is exemplified alization of death that is so ambiguous as to al-
by the construct power being defined in terms of low all organizations to have an equally high
dependence (Emerson, 1962), while the latter is selection rate. Likewise, if the theorist assumes
exemplified by defining the variable deduced that increased structural inertia is a necessary
from the construct power (i.e., alternatives) in condition for an increase in survivability, de-
terms of "the number of other job opportunities rived hypotheses cannot be tested if inertia,
an individual has available at a given time" (Ba- which is itself a problematic construct according
charach & Lawler, 1980). to Young (1988), is at the same level in all orga-
Furthermore, for a theory to be falsifiable, nizations and species.
these operationalized variables must be coher- Thus, this condition demands that the theorist
ent. That is, they must pass the tests of being a specify the time and space parameters of the
good measurement model: validity, noncontin- variables embedded in the hypothesis so that
uousness, and reliability. Since discussions of constructs may be meaningfully measured. That
variable validity (content and face validity) are is, the failure to specify the time and space pa-
beyond the current scope of this article, the dis- rameters embedded in construct measurement
cussion will be confined to the importance of us- makes it impossible to falsify constructs, and
ing variables with adequate variance for logical hence theory. Young (1988), in claming that pop-
analysis, and adequate reliability (stability). ulation theorists fail to specify the time and
Unless the theorist's hypotheses incorporate space parameters of death, implicitly argued


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that these theoretical statements may not be the same construct must share variance (Le.,
subject to falsification. convergent validity) (Schwab, 1980), while the
Yet having noncontinuous variables is not identified objects of analysis must not share at-
enough. Many scholars in organizational and tributes and must be empirically distinguishable
management theory have taken the criterion of from one another (discriminant validity).
reliability far too lightly. For example, in a re- In determining convergent validity the theorist
cent evaluation of the technological innovation must confirm that "evidence from different
literature, Shenhav, Haberfeld, and Cohen (in sources gathered in different ways all indicate
press) showed that across numerous studies, the same or similar meaning of the construct"
measures of innovation and scientific productiv- (Kerlinger, 1973, p. 463). In determining discrim-
ity achieve an acceptable level of reliability (Le., inant validity, the theorist must confirm that "one
alpha = .70 or greater) only in specific contexts. can empirically differentiate the construct from
These researchers argued that such relatively other constructs that may be similar, and that
unstable measures have often been used inap- one can point out what is unrelated to the
propriately to test theories. Their instability is construct" (Kerlinger, 1973, p. 463). If two inde-
attributed to the fact that most innovation and pendent variables have high collinearity, it is
productivity measures are based on socially impossible to talk of their independent effects.
constructed notions which take on different The formulation of propositions incorporating
meanings in different contexts. valid constructs is a responsibility not always
taken seriously by scholars of organizational
The Falsifiability of Constructs:
and management theory. Examples regarding
Construct Validity
problems with both convergent and discrimi-
It may be useful to define constructs in terms of nant validity may be found. Pelz and Andrews
other established and well-understood con- (966) examined the convergence of their self-
structs. If the purpose of a proposition is to com- reported, nonjudgmental measures of the con-
municate the relationship between two or more struct scientific productivity. They found a rela-
constructs, then (unlike for variables) the only tively low magnitude of correlation among the
operational criteria which these constructs must various indicators (e. g., application outcomes,
meet is that they have good clarity and parsi- lab reports). In spite of the low magnitudes of
mony. However, constructs which are explicitly convergence, the validity, and hence, falsifi-
operationalized must have their variables un- ability, of the construct was confirmed by these
dergo the previously mentioned tests for vari- researchers on the grounds that low magnitude
able falsifiability as a first step in the test for correlations could be expected given that each
construct validity. measure was designed to tap a different aspect
When combined, the indicators of construct of scientific productivity. Rejecting this argu-
and variable falsifiability are no less than the ment, Shenhav and Haberfeld (in press) argued
criteria for construct validity itself. In this context, that Pelz and Andrews' findings should be taken
in order to provide evidence of falsifiability, in- as an indication of low construct validity, since
dividual constructs contained in propositions different measures of the same construct should
must meet minimum standards of construct va- be highly correlated. That is, Shenhav and Hab-
lidity, while individual variables, derived from erfeld suggested that Pelz and Andrews did not
constructs and contained in proposition-derived take the issue of construct validity seriously
hypotheses, must meet the measurement model enough.
criteria. Regarding discriminant validity, Young (1988)
To achieve construct validity, at the very least was critical of Freeman and Hannan (1983) who,
the responses from alternative measurements of in examining the relative impact of variability in


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sales and seasonality on the viability of resort phrase "at the very least. . . ." In determining
towns, measured seasonality on a quarterly ba- the falsifiability of constructs, convergent and
sis. For some resort towns (e.g., South Lake discriminant validity tests should not be used in
Tahoe), sales and seasonality measures (i.e., isolation. Thus, a well-grounded assessment of
variables) are nearly perfectly confounded, thus the falsifiability of a construct should most likely
raising the possibility of limited discriminant va- go beyond assessments of convergent and dis-
lidity. criminant validity. Other supplementary tests
Similarly, Locke, Saari, Shaw, and Latham include factor analysis and tests of concurrent
(1981, p. 145) are critical of researchers examin- and predictive validity. Van de Ven and Chu
ing the impact of goal difficulty on the goal-task (1987), for example, subjected their innovation
performance relationship. There is often no em- effectiveness construct to rigorous analysis, in-
pirical difference between an easy-goal condi- cluding multimethod convergent and discrimi-
tion and a moderate-goal condition, for "a com- nant validity tests at two points in time, factor
mon problem with easy-goal subjects is that analysis, and tests of concurrent and predictive
their goals are so easy that once they are re- validity. While construct validity (like a theory)
vealed, they set new higher goals to have some- can only be rejected, never confirmed, Van de
thing to do, which means that they are no longer Ven and Chu's tests provide stronger evidence
genuine easy-goal subjects" (Locke et a1., 1981, that their construct is indeed falsifiable.
p. 142). Furthermore, in attempting to explain The importance of this falsifiability criterion
the inconsistent findings regarding the impact of cannot be overstated. Unless evidence is pre-
individual differences on the goal setting-task sented of the falsifiability of constructs and vari-
performance relationship, Locke et a1. found in- ables, construct validity-critical to the building
adequate reliability and validity of personality of theory-can never be achieved. Schwab
measures to be a primary source of these incon- (1980) maintained that because organizational
sistent findings. This situation reminds research- and management theorists and researchers
ers that embedded in the construct validity cri- place such emphasis on the examination of re-
teria is the assumption that the variables were lations between independent and dependent
correctly measured. phenomena, without examining the character-
The key to meeting the falsifiability criterion istics of these phenomena, knowledge of the re-
for constructs thus lies in showing that variables lationships among phenomena "is not as great
which should be derived from the constructs are as is believed, and (more speculatively) not as
indeed correlated with the construct, regardless great as would be true if the idea of construct
of the procedure used to test correlation, and validity received greater attention" (p. 4).
those variables which should be unrelated to With this in mind, Anderson and Gerbing
the construct are indeed uncorrelated. In adopt- (1988) proposed that in undertaking LISREL-
ing such a definition of convergent validity, based theory testing, researchers should first as-
Schwab (1980) maintained that Campbell and sess validity for the building blocks of the theory
Fiske's (1959) multitrait-multimethod matrix (i.e., confirm the falsifiability of the constructs
methodology, while the most popular method and variables embedded in propositions and
for assessing construct validity, may provide hypotheses) by separate estimation and, where
only limited evidence, because correlation coef- necessary, respecification of the measurement
ficients are likely to be strongly influenced by modeL and only afterwards simultaneously es-
sample size, and convergence is likely to reflect timate the measurement and structural submod-
hard -to-avoid common-method variance. els. When a theory is evaluated, the boundary
For this reason the explication of construct va- between theory construction and theory testing
lidity as an evaluative indicator began with the often becomes blurred. As such, theorists have


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the responsibility to ensure that their hypotheses istence of role conflict automatically implied the
and propositions contain constructs and vari- existence of high work load or role overload, or
ables which can be researched (I.e., are capa- if role conflict was measured by an index includ-
ble of disconfirmation). ing work load or role overload (Newton &
Keenan, 1987).
The Falsifiability of Relationships: However, note that such contamination at the
Logical and Empirical Adequacy variable level (in this example, if role conflict
was measured by an index including work load
A number of criteria with which to evaluate
or role overload) does not mean that the hypoth-
constructs and variables have been empha-
esis itself is tautological. It may simply be nec-
sized. Now the adequacy of the relational ele-
essary to ope rationalize it with differently de-
ments of a theoretical system (I.e., the linkages
fined (I.e., noncontaminated) variables. Simi-
established among the component constructs
larly, the presence of a tautological hypothesis
and variables) must be evaluated. Going back
does not necessarily imply a tautological prop-
to the analogy of the bridge, now that indicators
osition. Clearly, this issue is related to the issue
can determine that the bridge is not made out of
of discriminant validity and the question of how
"silly-putty," it should be established that the
constructs are defined.
linkages among the component elements are
In a recent critique of the population ecology
model, Young (1988) maintained that she found
When evaluating the falsifiability of the rela-
a tautology in the logic underlying Hannan and
tional properties of theoretical systems, theorists
Freeman's (1984) theory of structural inertia
must examine both the logical adequacy of the
(with inertia, in this case, defined as a low rate
propositions and hypotheses (and their interre-
of change). She claimed the tautology emerged
lationships) as well as their empirical adequacy
when these theorists defined organizational re-
(the capacity of the relationships implied in
producibility in terms of "having nearly the
propositions and hypotheses to be operational-
same structure today as it had yesterday" (p.
154), and then posited that organizational repro-
Logical Adequacy ducibility generates "strong inertial pressures."
There are similar examples in micro-organ-
Logical adequacy may be defined as the im- izational behavior theory. Vecchio (1987), in ex-
plicit or explicit logic embedded in the hypothe- amining Hersey and Blanchard's Situational
ses and propositions which ensures that the hy- Leadership Theory (SLT), pointed out another
potheses and propositions are capable of being example of tautology in theory. SLT proposes
disconfirmed. In this context, individual propo- that, in order to account for leader effectiveness,
sitions and hypotheses must satisfy the following theorists must consider the appropriateness of
two criteria: (a) They must be nontautological, leader style, operationalized in terms of task ori-
and (b) The nature of the relationship between entation and relationship orientation, in a given
antecedent and consequent must be specified. situation, operationalized in terms of individual
Criterion A. For a proposition or hypothesis to or group level maturity. Tautological reasoning
be falsifiable, the antecedent and the conse- is used by these theorists when they define
quent may not be epiphenomenal. That is, the "effectiveness" (the dependent variable) in
sheer existence of the antecedent may not auto- terms of "appropriateness of leader style" (a key
matically imply the existence of the consequent. component of their independent variable).
A proposition such as "the greater the work load In these two examples, a tautological propo-
of an individual, the greater the level of felt role sition or hypothesis is self-verifying and, there-
conflict" would clearly be tautological if the ex- fore, not subject to disconfirmation.


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Criterion B. The theorist must incorporate in ner as to render the theory subject to disconfir-
propositions and hypotheses an explicit state- mation. If a theory is operationalized in such a
ment of whether the antecedent is a necessary, way as to preclude disconfirmation, then it is
sufficient, or necessary and sufficient condition clearly not falsifiable. Specifically, propositions
for the consequent. This specification deter- and hypotheses should satisfy the following cri-
mines the nature of the data required to ade- terion:
quately test the theory. For example, if theorists There either must be more than one object of
claim that job dissatisfaction is a necessary con- analysis or that object of analysis must exist at
dition for physical stress symptomology, they more than one point in time.
must search for physical stress symptoms not In order for a theory to be subject to disconfir-
preceded by job dissatisfaction in order to reject mation, some variation in the object of analysis
the hypothesis. On the other hand, if job dissat- must be observable. For example, a theory of
isfaction is considered sufficient for physical interorganizational relations in a specific indus-
stress symptoms (Kemery, Bedeian, Mossholder, try necessarily deals with just a single object of
& Touliatos, 1985; Kemery, Mossholder, & Be- analysis-a multinational interorganizational
deian, 1987), they must search for a case in network (Aldrich, 1980). Because the theory per-
which individuals experience job dissatisfaction tains to only one network (Le., it is spatially
without reporting physical stress symptoms in bound), the theory must be proposed in such a
order to reject the hypothesis. way as to permit longitudinal analysis. On the
By failing to explicitly specify the nature of other hand, a theory examining a number of
these logical links, organizational theorists individual organizations within that network
make it impossible for their theories to ever be may be tested at a single point in time, since it is
disproved. Each critique of a theory inevitably not spatially bound.
leads to a response that the criticism was based In addition, empirical adequacy at the rela-
on a misunderstanding of the author's original tional level cannot be achieved if the variable
logic. The responsibility for the specification of does not meet standards of a good measure-
these linkages must be taken seriously if theo- ment model. If the variables included in a hy-
rists are ever to move beyond the deluge of crit- pothesis under evaluation are inherently un-
icism and countercriticism. If "charismatic measurable or unstable, the satisfaction of the
leadership" is sufficient to bring about organiza- present criterion becomes impossible.
tional change, then that should be clearly
stated. On the other hand, if "charismatic Utility of Constructs. Variables.
leadership" is only necessary to bring about or- and Relationships
ganizational change, then that should be explic- Not only do theorists have the responsibility
itly stated. If theorists are so self-confident as to for evaluating the falsifiability of these vari-
posit that a particular antecedent is both neces- ables, constructs, and relationships, but they
sary and sufficient for a particular consequence, also have the responsibility for evaluating the
then by all means, let them run it up the flag- utility of these variables, constructs, and rela-
pole. tionships.
Empirical Adequacy The Utility of Variables and
Empirical adequacy is the second criterion for Constructs: Scope
evaluating the falsifiability of the relationships For adequate scope, the variables included in
embedded in a theory. An empirically adequate the theoretical system must sufficiently, al-
theory is one in which the propositions and hy- though parsimoniously, tap the domain of the
potheses may be operationalized in such a man- constructs in question, while the constructs


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must, in turn, sufficiently, although parsimoni- (a) explanatory potential and (b) predictive ad-
ously, tap the domain of the phenomenon in equacy.
question. This is because constructs and vari- The explanatory potential of theories can be
ables with broader scope allow hypotheses and compared on the basis of (a) the specificity of
propositions to have greater overall explanatory their assumptions regarding objects of analysis,
power. (b) the specificity of their assumptions regarding
A construct or variable which is content defi- determinative relations between antecedent
cient (Schwab, 1980) limits the generality of the and consequent, and (c) the scope and parsi-
theory encompassing the construct or variable. mony of their propositions.
For example, as Bamberger (in press) main- (a) The Specificity of the Assumptions About
tains, in the case of technological innovation, a the Objects of Analysis. As noted in the previous
useful measure should, at the very least, tap that discussion of boundaries, theories cannot be
construct's quantitative (i.e., the number of in- compared on the basis of the content of their
novations initiated or adopted) and qualitative assumptions. However, a theory in which these
elements (i.e., the innovation's utility, depth, assumptions are explicit is clearly preferable to
originalityiradicalness). Furthermore, to recog- one in which they are not. For example, a con-
nize that not all technological innovations tinuing underlying tension in macro-organ-
emerge out of an R&D subunit, measures of or- izational theory is the usually implicit assump-
ganizational innovative ness which are broad in tion of independence between units of an
scope, and thus higher in overall utility, should organization versus the assumption of an inter-
be able to tap all innovations, regardless of dependence between those units. Theorists sup-
where they originate within the organization. porting the environmental-determinism per-
However, as often is the case with organization spective, particularly those adopting selection
and management theory, the scholars con- as a key concept (i.e., population ecology the-
cerned with innovation theory have sacrificed ory), have consistently assumed that the units
broad scope for the sharper focus that they be- under study (i.e., members of a species) are free
lieve enhances accuracy and parsimony. actors, independent of, and not part of any other
Unfortunately, this process has led to theories higher level organization (Young, 1988).
which are no more than compilations of isolated On the other hand, theorists supporting the
variables and constructs, often trapping theo- strategic-choice perspective have implicitly
rists on the level of empirical generalization and stressed the interdependence of units within and
variable-driven analysis, and making impossi- across organizational species and, in particular,
ble a truly parsimonious theoretical system. The the political implications of such interdepen-
goal must therefore be the achievement of a bal- dence (Thompson, 1967; Lawrence & Lorsch,
ance between scope and parsimony. 1967; Child, 1972; Van de Ven, 1979; Bacharach
& Lawler, 1980; Perrow, 1986). It should be ob-
Utility of Relationships: vious that the elaboration or synthesis of orga-
Explanatory Potential and nizational theories cannot proceed without spec-
Predictive Adequacy ifying this sort of assumption. Some attempts at
such elaboration and synthesis have been pro-
When evaluating the utility of the relation- vided by Tolbert (985) and Hrebiniak and Joyce
ships embedded in theoretical systems, theorists (985).
must examine both the substantive as well as (b) The Specificity of the Substantive Nature of
probabilistic elements of propositions and hy- the Relationship Between the Antecedent and
potheses (and their interrelationships). In Figure Consequent. Although the specification of nec-
2, these two indicators of utility are referred to as essary or sufficient conditions is essential to the


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testability of the theory, the application of a the- is the proliferating misuse of path analysis (and
ory in explanation requires additional assump- most recently, LISREL analysis) to determine the
tions about the substance of the linkages (i. e. , causal ordering of a set of variables.
the sense in which the antecedent is necessary Although path and structural equation (e.g.,
or sufficient for the consequent). For example, LISREL) models provide a systematic format for
one of the primary critiques made by supporters expressing the assumed relationships among
of the environmental determinism perspective variables and estimating the strength of these
(e.g., Hannan & Freeman, 1977; Aldrich, 1979) relationships, the actual ordering of the vari-
against the strategic choice perspective is that ables and the nature of their relationship (e.g.,
supporters of the latter fail to recognize the en- causaL simultaneous) can only take place on
vironmental constraints acting upon the pro- the assumptive level. For example, by empiri-
posed linkage between managerial decision cally confirming the existence of a reciprocal
making and organizational adaptation and (rather than recursive) linkage between job sat-
change. In his critique of Child's (1972) defense isfaction and physical stress symptomology,
of the strategic choice perspective, Aldrich Kemery, Mossholder, & Bedeian (1987) provided
(1979, p. 160) made that argument most suc- a clear illustration of how the recursive causal
cinctly: "Environmental selection processes set logic implicit in path analysis can have a dam-
the limits within which rational selection among aging effect on stress-related theory develop-
alternatives takes place. Prior limits and con- ment.
straints on available options leave little room for Furthermore, while the explanatory power of
maneuvering by most organizations .... " Al- a theory is influenced by the specification of the
drich did not argue that strategic choice is irrel- substantive nature of the relationship among the
evant as a tool by which organizational change variables (e.g., is it causaL teleological), ex-
may be explained. Rather, he argued that the planatory power is also contingent upon the ex-
strategic choice theory is lacking in explanatory tent to which the actual empirical form of the
potential because (a) the potential for organiza- relationship (e.g., linear, J-curve) is stated. Even
tional decision makers to cause change within though this is an empirical question, it must be
the organization is severely limited by environ- answered if the hypotheses are to be useful in
mental pressures (Van de Ven, 1979) and (b) the explaining the phenomena in question. For ex-
theory does not clearly specify those conditions ample, while Hage and Aiken (1969) hypothe-
necessary for the hypothesized determinative sized and confirmed the existence of an inverse
relations existing between the variables to be linear relationship between routinization and
valid. job satisfaction, there may be instead a curvilin-
Another way in which the substantive nature ear relationship between these two variables.
of the relationship between antecedent and con- However, in neither case was a curvilinear re-
sequence can be blurred is if the nature of cau- lationship hypothesized. For the most part, rela-
sal linkages is dictated by methodological con- tionships between antecedents and conse-
venience. Both Bailey (1970), and Hage and quences in organizational behavior are often
Meeker (1987) have pointed out that theorists assumed to be linear. Such assumptions of lin-
have been prone to concern themselves almost earity may be viewed as expeditious in terms of
exclusively with recursive causal linkages to the limited theory-testing techniques, but naive in
point of nearly ignoring other possible types, the context of theorists' qualitative understand-
such as the teleological (i.e., the notion that a ing of people in organizations.
cause is the end state toward which an event is As Hage and Meeker (1987) pointed out, qual-
leading), dialecticaL or reciprocal (e.g., feed- itative field research, exemplified by such clas-
back mechanisms). The clearest example of this sic studies as Lipset, Trow, and Coleman's (1956)


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Union Democracy, and Whyte's (1955) Street An example of this may be found in Kemery et
Corner Society, may go much further in enhanc- al.'s (1987) LISREL-based comparative analysis
ing the explanatory adequacy of a theory than of stress theory. In this study, the most parsimo-
quantitative research. Such techniques are nious theories, such as those of Beehr and New-
ideal when the theory constructionist is seeking man (1978) and Locke (1976), were found to be
to find and explain causal relations, while quan- less plausible than the least parsimonious
titative methods are better when the researcher model, that of Schuler (1982), across a number of
wishes to test these relations on the basis of con- model "fit" indices.
firmed or disconfirmed predictions. The second basis for evaluating the utility of
(c) Scope and Parsimony. Scope is defined as the relationships embedded in a theory is the
the range of phenomena encompassed by the predictive adequacy of that theory. Does one
theory, and parsimony as the ratio of hypothe- have to have a predictive theory in order for a
ses to propositions. A theory which can accom- theory to be acceptable? According to Kaplan
modate a wide range of objects of analysis (from (1964), and Hempel and Oppenheim (1948), the
small groups of individuals to entire organiza- answer is yes. A theoretical system can meet all
tional types or more general processes) is clearly the criteria discussed previously but will be un-
preferable to one only applicable to a single ob- acceptable if it is incapable of predicting or is
ject. For example, all-encompassing theories of inferior in its predictive adequacy. From hypoth-
motivation (e.g., drive, instinct, and condition- eses and propositions some order in the other-
ing) are preferable to more limited theories wise complex empirical world must be deduced.
which do not presume to explain all motiva- The degree to which hypotheses and proposi-
tional phenomena (e.g., goal setting) (Locke et tions approximate this reality is predictive ade-
al., 1981). quacy-the final determinant of a good theory.
Given the range of phenomena encompassed However, in discussing predictive adequacy,
by the theory, one with a higher ratio of hypoth- it is important to differentiate between two types
eses to propositions is preferable to one with a of prediction: probabilistic and theory-based.
lower ratio. That is, a theory where each prop- Probabilistic predictions are based on universal
osition covers five hypotheses is preferable to laws of probability. If one tosses a coin in the air
one where each proposition only covers two hy- often enough, he can predict that the coin will
potheses. Although some theorists may view land heads up fifty percent of the time. Theory-
this as merely an aesthetic criterion, the role of based predictions are grounded in propositions
theory in science is the integration and simplifi- and deduced hypotheses. Unlike probabilistic
cation of experience. A theory which can best predictions, they must be made within a delin-
approximate this ideal (Le., a parsimonious the- eated period of time or number of cases. On the
ory) is preferable to one that does less to reduce other hand, probabilistic predictions are not
the complexity of the empirical world. For exam- based on the explanatory power of propositions
ple, in her critique of Hannan and Freeman's and derived hypotheses, but rather on the as-
(1984) theory of structural inertia and organiza- sumption that given enough time or enough
tional change, Young (1988) argued that these cases, all outcomes may be probabilistically
theorists used more theoretical statements than predicted. Theory-based predictions are contin-
were absolutely necessary and that this lack of gent upon hypotheses and propositions (Kap-
parsimony, as a result, leaves the theory "un- lan, 1964). That is, a theory-based prediction is
necessarily vulnerable" (presumably to critique based on the specification of a relationship be-
and empirical disconfirmation). tween particular antecedents and conse-
Of course, the primary risk in theoretical par- quences.
simony is the underspecification of the model. In social science, the distinction between


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probabilistic and theory-based prediction However, a note of caution must be raised. As
emerges as a sampling issue. Given a large Hawking maintained, although a theory is al-
enough sample, and/or a long enough period of ways provisional (I.e., it can never be proven),
observation, theorists can predict on the basis of the predictive adequacy of two alternative theo-
some of the worst explanations or no explana- ries may be comparatively assessed on the ba-
tions at all. In other words, given a large enough sis of the degree of confidence researchers have
sample and/or a long enough period of obser- in the theory (I.e., statistical significance). That
vation, one is able to predict for all the wrong is, assuming that Hawking was correct in stating
reasons. For example, one might predict that that "no matter how many times the results of an
managerial practices based upon the idea of in- experiment agree with some theory, you can
dentured servitude will result in higher levels of never be sure that the next time the result will
job satisfaction than managerial practices not contradict the theory," the key to predictive
based upon the idea of participative decision adequacy is minimizing the probability of dis-
making. confirmation (Hawking, 1988, p. 10).
Thus, the predictive adequacy of a theoretical As shown in Figure 3, all these criteria present
system must be judged in terms of its ability to a multidimensional approach to the critical
make predictions within delineated spaces and analysis and evaluation of theory. A theory can-
time. This goes back to the earlier discussion of not be deemed acceptable by meeting only one
theory, specifically to the assumptions which a or two ideal criteria. Rather, in the context of
theorist must make about space and time. From such a framework, a theory may be found ac-
these assumptions the final and most widely ac- ceptable in one respect yet unacceptable in an-
cepted evaluative indicator may be stated: The other. Only that rare theory which meets all of
theory should provide a mechanism for predict- the evaluative indicators may be considered (at
ing beyond chance. a given point in time) to be acceptable and gen-

Falsifiability Utility

Operationally Defined? Variable Scope

Measurement Issues
Variables face & content validity

Clarity & Parsimony Construct Scope

Construct Validity

Logical Adequacy Explanatory Potential

non tautological specificity of assumptions
specified nature of regarding objects
relationship specificity of assumptions
regarding relations
Relationships scope and parsimony of
Empirical Adequacy Predictive Adequacy
more than one object probabilistic versus
or time frame theory-based

Figure 3. Criteria for evaluating theories.


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erally superior to the alternative theories economic development of the communities
against which it has been compared. along the two shores connected. As Kaplan
(1964) said, "A new theory requires its own
Evaluating the Conceptual Coherence terms and generates its own laws: the old con-
of a Theory: cepts are not merely reorganized, but reconsti-
tuted, the old laws not just connected, but given
The Fit a new meaning" (p. 297).
Previously, the need for organizational theo- How does this happen? Theories are collec-
rists to be in a position to discard some previous tions of constructs which are related to each
theories if the field is to avoid sinking under its other by propositions. Thus, the boundary span-
own weight was mentioned. The other side of ners between theories are the constructs embed-
that coin is the need for a cumulative body of ded in and shared by them. Yet this notion of
more-or-less universally accepted theories of or- boundary spanners is still problematic, because
ganizations as a basis for further theory con- constructs are still theoretical terms which are
struction. If theorists are to begin that monumen- not directly observable. In the empirical world,
tal task, how will they decide which theories to these constructs are operationalized as vari-
include? ables and related to each other by hypotheses.
To answer this question, theorists need a clear Kaplan pointed out that a hypothesis may be as
understanding of how a given theory fits in with much confirmed by fitting it into other theories as
the other preexisting and apparently related by fitting it to the facts, because the theory then
theories. Two qualitative dimensions to this fit enjoys the conceptual coherence and support
can be described: connective and transforma- provided by evidence for all other related theo-
tional. Connectivity refers to the ability of a new ries. Just as the superstructure of a bridge relies
theory to bridge the gap between two or more upon each supporting piece of metal and each
different theories, thus explaining something be- individual rivet and weld connecting them, the
tween the domains of previous theories. In this constructs and propositions of a theory rely upon
way, new knowledge is created, and a more the many hypotheses and variables generated
nearly continuous mapping of the empirical uni- from them.
verse is achieved. As an example, institutional This systemic quality is what makes the con-
theories of bargaining (Chamberlain & Kuhn, struct validation process so problematic; estab-
1965) were connected to economic theories of lishing the content of a construct in a variable
bargaining (Pen, 1952) by the more recent so- (inevitably reducing scope) ends up interfering
cial-psychological work by Axelrod (1980) and with the necessity of that construct being used to
Bacharach and Lawler (1980). The social- connect the new theory with other theories
psychological approach does not subsume the (which requires broad scope). This is further re-
two, but instead incorporates selected elements vealed when theorists try to find a list of qualities
from each. Tactics and coalitions are adopted which make a conceptually coherent theory.
from the institutionalists, while the motivational Systemic openness, dynamic openness, flexibil-
elements (e.g., ends maximization) are adopted ity, and vagueness are cited as being good for
from the economists. creativity. Thus, they give theories utility in that
The theory is said to be transformational if it they have the scope to be put to work in the
causes preexisting theories to be reevaluated broader intellectual world of the social sciences.
in a new light. Some theories even have the On the other hand, qualities such as closure,
potential to change the older, established theo- precision, accuracy, and the exactness of mean-
ries that they were built upon, just as the place- ing of terms are cited as being necessary if a
ment of a bridge has a profound effect upon the theory is to be capable of disconfirmation. In


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other words, the latter list of qualities is essential mon symptom throughout the social sciences.
for a theory's falsifiability. Maybe it is more apparent because this disci-
A quick look at Figure 2 reveals that this ten- pline is so diverse and the methodologies are so
sion breaks along the line between the criteria of divergent. It also may be that the spate of pub-
falsifiability and utility. Interestingly enough, it licity surrounding such popular books as In
seems to break in all three boxes (variables, con- Search of Excellence, although on the one hand
structs, and relationships). No matter how de- strengthening the field, has resulted in a rash of
tailed the analysis, the same issue comes back. broad descriptions and sometimes irrefutable
However, an increasing sensitivity to the prob- theories.
lem should cause theorists to be more rigorous If theorists don't take the rules of theory seri-
in attempting to think through all the issues ously, individually they will continue to cling to
when finding the balance between the compet- theories in almost cultist fashion. Getting be-
ing forces of focus. yond this clinging behavior, which tends to
drive theorists from fad to foible, demands a pre-
Conclusion cise discourse, one which allows theorists to fo-
cus on the specific strengths and weaknesses of
It would be foolish to assume that on the basis particular theories. If nothing else, the list of cri-
of any set of criteria, one could determine that teria presented here may enhance the accuracy
the insights of Marx are more or less profound of discourse.
than those of Weber. However, as the reading of Finally, the use of criteria for the evaluation of
any organizational journal will testify, most of us theory also may assist in demystifying certain
do not theorize on the level of Marx or Weber. To false dichotomies. Although these criteria could
a large degree today's students of organiza- be dismissed as just another rhetorical call for
tional behavior are craftspersons working in the more organized empiricism, nothing about the
context of the middle range (Merton, 1957). As appropriateness of various modes of data collec-
such, the goal is to ensure that theoretical sys- tion is implied. Too often, a false distinction is
tems and statements can be empirically tested, drawn between those who manipulate large
and provide some source of explanation and data sets and those who rely on more interpre-
prediction. tive methodologies such as ethnographic or
The use of the criteria should improve theory case studies. To the degree that both are dealing
building and evaluation by with the empirical world, the principles herein
1. Ensuring the delineation of theoretical
are equally applicable to quantitative data and
boundaries, while at the same time ensur- ethnographic or case studies. No matter how the
ing the explication of assumptions (values, data are collected, researchers have the obliga-
scope, and time) which bound the theory. tion to present them in a way that allows other
2. Ensuring a common language of constructs scholars a fair chance at using and or disprov-
and variables across levels. ing the data.
3. Specifying the distinctions between propo-
The second false dichotomy is between theory
sitions and hypotheses, and the relation- construction and theory testing. The message to
ships implied in them. the theorist should be clear. If it is not testable,
4. Improving the parsimony of our theories.
no matter how profound or aesthetically pleas-
ing it may be, it is not a theory.
Organization and management studies are The third false dichotomy is between those
not the only delinquents in regard to strict eval- who view themselves as theoreticians and re-
uation of theory. Indeed, this has been a com- searchers and those who view themselves as


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consultants and practitioners. The role of con- Nevertheless, this article should end on a cau-
sultants is to assist their clients in both diminish- tionary note. To dangle criteria above the head of
ing the complexity of their empirical world and a theorist like the Sword of Damocles may stifle
explaining and predicting events. The goal of creativity. In most of our work, flaws in theoretical
theory is to diminish the complexity of the em- logic can be found. However, during the early
pirical world on the basis of explanations and stages of theory building, there may be a fine line
predictions. Thus, both practitioners and theore- between satisfying the criteria of the internal
ticians need a clearer understanding of the rules logic of theory and achieving a creative contri-
of theory construction. bution. A good theorist walks this line carefully.

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I thank Peter Bamberger and Bryan Mundell, whose

patience, research, and insights made this paper pos-
sible; Andy Van de Ven, who proved to be an excep-
tional colleague by making many insightful com-
ments throughout this paper; Joe Francis, William
Sonnenstuhi, and Lawrence Williams, whose sugges-
tions have been incorporated throughout this paper;
and Lee Meiser, who is truly a team player. Finally, I
thank Anna Mundell.


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