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Academy of Management

Measurement of Business Performance in Strategy Research: A Comparison of Approaches

Author(s): N. Venkatraman and Vasudevan Ramanujam
Source: The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 11, No. 4 (Oct., 1986), pp. 801-814
Published by: Academy of Management
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Accessed: 26-10-2015 07:36 UTC

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? Academy of Management Review, 1986, Vol. 11, No. 4, 801-814.

Measurement of Business Performance

in Strategy Research:
A Comparison of Approaches
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Case Western Reserve University
A two-dimensional classificatory scheme highlighting ten different
approaches to the measurement of business performance in strategy
research is developed. The first dimension concerns the use of finan-
cial versus broader operational criteria, while the second focuses on
two alternate data sources (primary versus secondary). The scheme
permits the classification of an exhaustive coverage of measurement
approaches and is useful for discussing their relative merits and
demerits. Implications for operationalizing business performance in
future strategy research are discussed.

Performance is a recurrent theme in most pears to be little hope of reaching any agree-
branches of management, including strategic ment on basic terminology and definitions. Some
management, and it is of interest to both aca- have expressed considerable frustration with this
demic scholars and practicing managers. While concept. Kanter and Brinkerhoff articulated this
prescriptions for improving and managing orga- pessimism as follows: "Some leading scholars
nizational performance are widely available have expressed impatience with the very con-
(e.g., Nash, 1983), the academic community has cept of 'organizational effectiveness,' urging re-
been preoccupied with discussions and debates searchers to turn their attention to more fruitful
about issues of terminology, levels of analysis fields" (1981, p. 321).
(i.e., individual, work-unit, or organization as a
whole), and conceptual bases for assessment of Importance of Business Performance
performance (Ford & Schellenberg, 1982). in Strategic Management
Although the importance of the performance
concept (and the broader area, organizational For the strategy researcher, the option to move
effectiveness) is widely recognized (e.g., Camp- away from defining (and measuring) perfor-
bell, 1977; Connolly, Conlon, & Deutsch, 1980; mance or effectiveness is not a viable one. This
Goodman & Pennings, 1977; Hannan, Freeman, is because performance improvement is at the
& Meyer, 1976; Kirchoff, 1977; Steers, 1975, 1977; heart of strategic management. More formally,
Yuchtman & Seashore, 1967), the treatment of the importance of business performance in stra-
performance in research settings is perhaps one tegic management can be argued along three
of the thorniest issues confronting the academic dimensions-namely, theoretical, empirical, and
researcher today. With the volume of literature managerial (Cameron & Whetten, 1983a). Theo-
on this topic continually increasing, there ap- retically, the concept of business performance is


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at the center of strategic management. Most stra- Adopting a Measurement Focus. Similarly, the
tegic management -theories either implicitly or focus here on measurement issues is a conscious
explicitly underscore performance implications, one and it is in line with Steers' (1975) work on
since performance is the time test of any strategy measurement of organizational effectiveness.
(Schendel & Hofer, 1979). Empirically, most strat- Steers argued that "a meaningful way to under-
egy research studies employ the construct of busi- stand the abstract idea of effectiveness is to con-
ness performance to examine a variety of strat- sider how researchers have operationalized and
egy content and process issues (see Ginsberg & measured the construct in their work" (p. 546).
Venkatraman, 1985, for an analytical review of Although any treatment of measurement issues
the extent to which the empirical studies reflect independent of conceptual and definitional issues
the performance dimension). The managerial is likely to be incomplete, some researchers
importance of business performance is all too believe that a critical evaluation of the measure-
evident in the many prescriptions offered for per- ment approaches leads to an improved under-
formance improvement (e.g., Nash, 1983). The standing of the underlying constructs (Cameron
increasing volume of research on corporate turn- & Whetten, 1983b; Steers, 1975). As Cameron
arounds (e.g., Hofer, 1980; Ramanujam, 1984) and Whetten noted, "Constructs such as intel-
and organizational transitions attests to the inter- ligence, motivation, or leadership-whose con-
est in organizational performance, adaptation, struct space, by definition, also is not bounded-
and survival. have been better understood as limited as-
pects of their total meaning having been mea-
Circumscribing the Concept sured .... In assessing organization effective-
of Business Performance ness, a similar attack seems appropriate, that is,
to concentrate on measuring limited domains of
The important role of business performance the construct" (1983b, p. 267).
in strategic management warrants close atten- Thus, this paper aims to classify the different
tion to conceptualization and measurement of approaches to the measurement of business per-
business performance. However, in view of the formance in strategy research and to highlight
breadth and complexity of the topic, we circum- the benefits and limitations of each approach. It
scribe the scope of the discussion by (a) adopt- is intended to complement recent discussions on
ing the perspective of the field of strategic man- the operationalization of key strategic manage-
agement and (b) focusing on measurement ment concepts such as organizational strategy
issues. (Ginsberg, 1984; Snow & Hambrick, 1980); busi-
Underlying Perspective of Strategic Manage- ness-level strategies (Hambrick, 1980); diversifi-
ment. The adoption of a disciplinary focus is cation patterns (Pitts & Hopkins, 1982);and orga-
deliberate since a multidisciplinary perspective nizational slack (Bourgeois, 1981).
is unlikely to move the discussion on measure-
ment beyond highlighting the fundamental dif- Measurement of Business Performance:
ferences in terminology and assumptions exist- A Classificatory Scheme
ing among the various disciplines. The present
authors concur with Hofer (1983) that " . . . it An important issue to be addressed is to delin-
seems clear that different fields of study will and eate the domain of the performance concept.
should use different measures of organization More specifically, the question is whether the
performance because of the differences in their treatment of business performance should be dif-
research questions" (p. 44). (For a comprehen- ferentiated from the overall discussion on organi-
sive discussion on the "determinants" of organi- zational effectiveness. In a recent comprehen-
zational performance from a multidisciplinary sive discussion on organizational effectiveness,
perspective, readers are directed to Lenz, 1981.) Cameron and Whetten noted that:

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As a construct,organizationaleffectiveness is sim- The narrowest conception of business perfor-
ilar to an unwrapped terrain, where the respon- mance centers on the use of simple outcome-
sibility lies with the investigator to chart it (1983a, based financial indicators that are assumed to
pp. 19-20; emphasis added).
reflect the fulfillment of the economic goals of the
The view taken in this paper is that "business firm. We refer to this concept as financial perfor-
performance," which reflects the perspective of mance, which has been the dominant model in
strategic management, is a subset of the overall empirical strategy research (Hofer, 1983). Typi-
concept of organizational effectiveness. Figure 1 cal of this approach would be to examine such
provides a schematic for circumscribing the indicators as sales growth, profitability (reflected
domain of business performance in terms of the by ratios such as return on investment, return on
scope of coverage in the concept's domain. sale, and return on equity), earnings per share,

Domain of

Domain of Financial
+ Operational Performance
(Business Performance)

Domain of Organizational

Financial Performance - The domain of performance

construct in most strategy
Financial + Operational Performance - The enlarged domain
reflected in recent strategy
Organizational Effectiveness The broader domain reflected
in most conceptual literature
in strategic management and
organization theory.

Figure 1. Circumscribing the domain of business performance.


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and so forth. In addition, reflecting the popular comed, it appears that most strategy studies have
and current view that "market"or "value-based" restricted their focus to the first two "circles" in
measurements are more appropriate than ac- Figure 1.
counting-based measures (Hax & Majluf, 1984), While business performance can be measured
some strategy studies have employed such mea- using the financial indicators, operational indi-
sures like market-to-book or stock-market returns cators, or both, a further issue in its operationali-
and its variants (e.g., Kudla, 1980; Montgomery, zation is the sources of data. The sources of per-
Thomas, & Kamath, 1984). Extending such a formance data either have been primary (e.g.,
tradition, one can possibly employ measures data collected directly from organizations) or sec-
such as Tobin's Q-the ratio of the market value ondary (e.g., data from publicly available
of a firm to the replacement cost of its assets records). Using the conceptualization of business
(Lindberg & Ross, 1981). Nevertheless, this ap- performance (financial versus operational indi-
proach remains very much financial in its orien- cators) and data sources (primary versus secon-
tation and assumes the dominance and legiti- dary) as two basic but different concerns in
macy of financial goals in a firm's system of the overall process of measuring business per-
goals. formance, a four-celled classificatory scheme
A broader conceptualization of business per- (shown in Figure 2) is developed.
formance would include emphasis on indicators Figure 2 presents four "within-cell" approaches
of operational performance (i.e., nonfinancial) (numbered 1 through 4) and six "across-cell" ap-
in addition to indicators of financial performance. proaches-covering two adjacent cells (labeled
Under this framework, it would be logical to treat A through F). Together these represent ten basic
such measures as market-share, new product alternate approaches available for measuring
introduction, product quality, marketing effec- business performance. Measurement approaches
tiveness, manufacturing value-added, and other encompassing more than two cells can be de-
measures of technological efficiency within the picted as combinations of these basic approaches
domain of business performance. Similarly, and are not treated separately.
market-share position, widely believed to be a
determinant of profitability (Buzzell, Gale, &
Within-Cell Approaches
Sultan, 1975) would be a meaningful indicator of
performance within this perspective. The inclu- As Figure 2 indicates, four of the ten ap-
sion of operational performance indicators takes proaches are restricted to operationalizations
us beyond the "black box" approach that seems within a particular cell. For example, in Cell 1,
to characterize the exclusive use of financial indi- the operationalizing scheme for business per-
cators and focuses on those key operational suc- formance uses financial performance data ob-
cess factors that might lead to financial perfor- tained from secondary sources (e.g., Beard &
mance. Dess, 1981; Rumelt, 1974), while Cell 2 focuses
If the multiple and conflicting nature of organi- on eliciting financial data directly from target
zational goals (Cameron & Whetten, 1983a, organizations (e.g., ROI in PIMS-based studies).
1983b) and the influence of multiple constituen- Cells 3 and 4 focus on operational indicators
cies or "stakeholders" are superimposed, one collected from secondary sources (e.g., market-
can move toward reflecting the writings on share data in Schendel & Patton, 1978) and pri-
organizational effectiveness. Perhaps due to the mary sources (e.g., data on market-share posi-
breadth of this discourse, this literature is plagued tions in PIMS-based studies), respectively. It is
with debates on appropriate models of measure- readily apparent that these four approaches have
ment (Cameron & Whetten, 1983a; Steers, 1975). a narrow perspective on business performance.
Although a broader conceptualization is wel- Consequently, it is encouraging to note that only


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A Use of Financial Indicators
With Data From Two Sources

Financial CO
Indicators U

(12~ ~ ~~0.

0n2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~-o
N -~U
N Operational
- dt f
Indicators an f
z Cl,

C Use of Operational Indicators

With Data From Two Sources

Secondary IPrimary


Figure 2. A scheme for classifying alternate approaches for measuring business performance.

Note: E - Use of financial data from secondary sources and operational data from primary sources. F - Use of operational
data from secondary sources and financial data from primary sources.

a few attempts at operationalizing business per- Broader Conceptualization of the Construct

formance in strategy research have been re- Space. In Figure 2, the approaches denoted by
stricted to "within-cell" approaches. (B) and (D) reflect theoretical considerations of
employing a broader construct space. An illus-
Across-Cell Approaches tration of the measurement approach (B) can be
The other six approaches, labeled (A) through seen in Schendel and Patton's (1978) develop-
(F), represent significant improvements in the ment of a simultaneous-equation model of corpo-
quality of operationalizations. They either (a) rate strategy. There, the authors focused on
reflect a broader conceptualization of the con- multiple-performance criteria such as return on
struct space of business performance or (b) equity (ROE), market share, and efficiency. Fi-
address methodological concerns of convergence nancial measures (i.e., ROE) and operational
of operationalizations across distinct methods. measures (i.e., market share and efficiency) were


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assembled from the COMPUSTAT ? data base, culties in obtaining secondary data on opera-
a widely used secondary data source for strat- tional indicators like market share that are largely
egy research (see Glueck & Willis, 1979). These free of aggregation biases and definitional prob-
were supplemented by other secondary data on lems.
the brewing industry. Other Approaches. The measurement ap-
The measurement approach denoted as (D), proach termed (E) calls for collecting data on
similar to (B), focuses on both financial and financial indicators from secondary sources
operational indicators, but the difference is that and on operational indicators from primary
data are obtained from primary sources. The sources. Such an approach is appropriate when
studies by Bourgeois (1980) and Gupta and a broader conceptualization of business perfor-
Govindarajan (1984), in which perceptual pri- mance is needed for addressing specific research
mary data on both financial and operational indi- questions, but data on financial performance
cators of performance were collected, exemplify may not be forthcoming from primary sources
this approach. Woo and Willard's (1983) use of due to reasons of confidentiality and sensitivity.
the PIMS data base to explicate the underlying On the other hand, measurement approach (F),
dimensions of performance is another good the converse of (E), calls for financial data from
illustration. primary sources and operational data from sec-
Convergence of Methods. The approaches ondary sources. Although this is conceptually a
denoted as (A) and (C) reflect the need to assess feasible approach, it is unlikely to be employed
method convergence across different data sources simply because if financial data are forthcoming
or methods. Such an assessment is in line with from primary sources, it is also likely that opera-
Campbell and Fiske's (1959) development of the tional data could be obtained from the same
multitrait, multimethod (MNTMM)framework. source. Indeed, obtaining data on operational
When the data obtained from primary and sec- indicators from other sources would raise issues
ondary sources generally are in agreement, such as compatability, and the possible con-
there is strong support for the operationalization founding of levels of analysis (such as firm-level
of constructs, especially since some researchers and strategic business unit (SBU)-level).
believe that managers may be biased when
reporting their performance levels. An illustra- Implications for Operationalizing
tion of the use of the approach (A) can be seen in Business Performance
a study by Venkatraman and Ramanujam (1985).
Data on three performance indicators-sales The development of both descriptive and nor-
growth, profit growth, and ROI-were collected mative theories of strategy (focused on both con-
from two different data sources, primary assess- tent and process issues) must continue to be firmly
ments by executives and published secondary rooted in explaining differences in performance
data. Analysis of the data indicated that the two results (Schendel & Hofer, 1979). Thus, business
approaches are significantly correlated, thus pro- performance is an important concept in strategic
viding support for the convergent validity of the management. In striving toward understand-
measures. ing the complex issues involved in operation-
The measurement approach labeled (C) is alizing this concept, this paper has developed a
analogous to (A) except it focuses on operational classificatory scheme that highlights major ap-
indicators rather than financial indicators. Again, proaches for measuring business performance.
the aim is to assess the degree of method-conver- Irrespective of whether business performance is
gence. However, the review presented here indi- conceptualized broadly or narrowly, at the cor-
cates that this approach has not yet been widely porate level or at the business level, in absolute
adopted. Presumably, this is because of the diffi- or relative terms, the available measurement


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approaches can be described using the two dis- unidimensional composite of a multidimensional
tinguishing characteristics, namely, (a) whether concept such as business performance tends to
the concept's domain includes indicators relat- mask the underlying relationships among the dif-
ing to financial, operational, or both aspects of ferent subdimensions. Strategy researchers' at-
performance and (b) whether the data are ob- tention has been drawn repeatedly to the con-
tained from primary, secondary, or both sources. flicting nature of performance dimensions such
A classificatory scheme such as the one pre- as long-term growth and short-term profitability,
sented in Figure 2 is useful, in two ways. One, it and the associated problems of combining them
serves as a basis to compare and contrast differ- into one composite dimension of performance.
ent measurement approaches. Toward this end, Schendel and Patton (1978) highlighted the need
the key benefits and limitations of the ten mea- to make differential resource allocations depend-
surement approaches developed in the previous ing upon the desired performance outcome,
section are summarized in Table 1. In addition, namely, ROE, market share, or efficiency, while
the table contains key methodological issues and Kirchoffand Kirchoff (1980) provided an empirical
illustrative studies adopting these approaches. illustration of the dilemma of pursuing differen-
Two, it aids the development of a set of recom- tial (and sometimes, conflicting) strategies to
mendations for strategy researchers to consider achieve long-term and short-term performance
in the process of operationalizing business per- results.
formance. Three major implications can be de- The dimensionality issue is addressed more
rived from the classificatory scheme depicted in formally in a study by Woo and Willard (1983).
Figure 2 and the benefits and limitations summa- They employed a factor-analytic framework
rized in Table 1. First, operationalizing business using performance data from the PIMS program.
performance using the within-cell approaches An analysis of 14 indicators, covering both finan-
should be avoided to the extent possible. How- cial and operational facets of business perfor-
ever, in cases where only the within-cell ap- mance, yielded four primary dimensions-(a)
proaches are feasible, serious attention to the profitability/cash flow; (b) relative market position;
methodological issues listed in Table 1 would (c) change in profitability and cash flow; and (d)
enhance the quality of operationalization. For revenue growth. While Woo and Willard's (1983)
example, if the study focuses on firm-level strate- study established the multidimensional nature
gies (as opposed to SBU-level), the use of second- of business performance when conceptualized
ary sources to operationalize financial perfor- using financial and operational indicators,
mance may be appropriate. Venkatraman and Ramanujam (1985) cautioned
The second implication relates to enlarging the that even within the domain of financial per-
construct space of business performance and the formance, indicators such as sales growth, net
third implication calls for attention to conver- income growth, and ROI should not be combined
gence across multiple methods of data collection. to form one composite dimension, because they
seem to reflect distinct dimensions.
Enlarging the Construct Space:
The implication of the above discussion is that
The Issue of Dimensionality
researchers should collect data on indicators of
The adoption of measurement approach (B) or business performance either using an a priori
(D) reflects a need to conceptualize the domain classification which recognizes the dimensional-
of business performance in terms broader than ity issue, or they should explicitly test the dimen-
economic performance. When such a measure- sionality of their conceptualization of business
ment approach is adopted, it is necessary to be performance. This is especially critical if the
particularly sensitive to the issue of dimensional- enlarged domain of business performance dis-
ity of business performance. This is because a cussed here is adopted and both financial and


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operational aspects of business performance are one could base the decision on one's gut feeling
included using measurement approaches (B) or and intuition about the data quality, the more
(D). systematic approach is to examine the level of
measurement error in the different operationali-
zations. This can be analyzed using structural
Assessing Method Convergence:
equation models (see Joreskog & Sorbom, 1979,
Choosing an Efficient Method
for an overview of this approach and Bagozzi,
The adoption of measurement approach (A) or 1980, for illustrations comparing levels of mea-
(C) by using different data sources implies a fun- surement error in different operationalizations).
damental motivation to examine convergence An illustration which is more germane to the
between data from alternate sources. A key data- present discussion can be seen in Venkatraman
analytic issue, then, is: How does one evaluate and Ramanujam (1985)-where the structural
the degree of convergence of operationalization? equation approach was used to establish the
The most common approach is based on the relative superiority of data from one source over
magnitude and the level of statistical significance corresponding data from the other source. A sys-
of the correlation between the two sets of data. tematic evaluation of method efficiency was
Such an approach underlies Campbell and accomplished in that study for different dimen-
Fiske's (1959) criterion for convergent validity in sions of business economic performance.
the MTMMmatrix that the correlation (i.e., valid- Nonconvergence as a Source of Opportunity.
ity) coefficients should be "sufficiently large" and While the above discussion is relevant when data
statistically different from zero. However, an across multiple methods do converge at some
MTMM analysis does not address the relative acceptable level of association, what is the
efficiency of alternate methods. This is important researcher to infer if convergence between dif-
since researchers examining convergence be- ferent operationalizations is not observed. Does
tween measures to assess the quality of their that imply that the performance data at hand are
operationalizations may elect to use one or the "inferior," or are the differences attributable to
other, but not necessarily both, when subse- aspects such as the definition of performance or
quently examining theoretical relationships. the level of aggregation? As Jick noted, "When
The relative efficiency or interchangeability of different measures yield dissimilar results, they
alternate measures can be assessed in at least demand that the researcher reconcile the differ-
two ways. One calls for checking whether the ences somehow. In fact, divergence can often
two measures are not only correlated but also turn out to be an opportunity for enriching the
proportional to each other, since a positive corre- explanation" (1979, p. 607).
lation between the two measures is a necessary Researchers can pursue at least two different
but not a sufficient condition for the interchange- courses at this stage. One is the methodological
ability of measures (Smyth, Boyes, & Peseau, option of decomposing the variance in measure-
1975). The other method calls for employing the ment into trait, method, and random error com-
two measures as alternate operationalizations ponents (Joreskog & Sorbom, 1979), which is use-
with the same measurement model. By evaluat- ful for testing if systematic biases due to method
ing the measurement model with the restricted differences are contributing to the observed lack
condition of equivalence of measures and com- of convergence. The other option is a conceptual
paring it with an unrestricted model, the appro- one, which attempts to ascertain if definitional
priateness of the equivalence criterion can be differences or aggregation problems could have
ascertained (Bagozzi, 1980). contributed to the observed result. By pursuing
If the interchangeability condition is not satis- both options simultaneously, significant improve-
fied, the researcher is faced with the task of decid- ments can be made in subsequent efforts at
ing between alternate operationalizations. While operationalizing business performance.

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vated by the belief that systematic approaches
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tinue to underlie much of the discussion on superior operationalizations, this paper classified
organizational performance, its use as a key con- and highlighted the advantages and limitations
struct in strategy research studies has continued of different measurement approaches. In addi-
unabated. Strategic management researchers, tion, specific data-analytic issues and their impli-
in their quest for establishing performance impli- cations for operationalizing business perfor-
cations of strategic conduct of businesses, con- mance are highlighted.
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N. Venkatraman (Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh) is

Assistant Professor of Management in the Corporate
Strategy and Policy area at the Alfred P. Sloan School
of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Correspondence regarding this article may be sent to
him at: E52-553, Sloan School of Management, MIT,
Cambridge, MA 02139.
Vasudevan Ramanujam (Ph.D., University of Pitts-
burgh) is Assistant Professor of Management Policy at
the Weatherhead School of Management, Case West-
ern Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.

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