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 Student Number: 3143116

 Module: JV601
 Date: 04/12/2022

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Face to face teaching is more effective than online teaching. Discuss,

with reference to two sources.

Due to the epidemic situation in recent years, the online teaching model has been

spawned. However, compared with face-to-face teaching, online teaching is less efficient.

Online education involves the use of multimedia, computer, and network technology while

adhering to a particular educational theory and ideology. It is mainly through the teacher,

students, media, or even other multi-way interaction to collect, transfer, share various

media teaching information. The aim of it is to achieve the teaching objectives of a

teaching mode. However, the traditional face-to-face teaching, the traditional classroom

teaching is mainly in the form of chalk demonstration on the blackboard. This teaching

model has a long history. It is characterized by teachers passing the teaching content to

students through the assistance of teaching, blackboard writing and teaching wall charts

and mold.

Widespread worry has been raised by the rise of network teaching. Due to its exceptional

transparency, openness, sharing, and availability of top-notch resources, it has caught

people's interest. Therefore, as long as a person has access to a computer or a mobile

phone, they can acquire the best higher education available anywhere, at any time.

Online teaching is undoubtedly fairer, more flexible and faster. To be specific, online

teaching has these incomparable advantages over face-to-face teaching. But why is the

efficiency of online teaching not as high as that of online teaching? Let’s take a closer


Although online teaching has the advantages of convenient and quick class, with the in-

depth development of online courses during the epidemic, more and more disadvantages

have begun to appear (Nobre 2018; Victoria, 2020). First, the teacher cannot grasp the

students’ listening status in real time. For some students with poor self-control ability,

after signing on the mobile phone, the teacher shows that the students have been

listening to the class online, while the actual situation is that the mobile phone is on, the

students are playing other games, or even going out to play with their friends. Second,

the day to night non-stop use of mobile phone lectures, virtually will greatly increase the
risk of visual impairment of children, the incidence of myopia will certainly increase,

whether it is mobile phones, tablets or computers, a day uninterrupted for a long time to

listening to these electronic products, is very bad for children’s health. Thirdly, without the

supervision of teachers in class, the quality of class and students’ learning effects will be

greatly reduced. Online teaching by teachers is limited by many objective conditions. For

the teacher, in the online class, whether with home broadband, or mobile phone traffic,

must have enough network speed support, must ensure that the picture in the class

process smooth, cannot appear the phenomenon of lag. Especially for old teachers,

online teaching is a new challenge, which requires them not only to have the

corresponding business knowledge, but more importantly, they are not skilled in the

operation of computers and mobile phones, which will bring some inconvenience to their

teaching. Secondly, for students, a mobile phone or a computer is essential hardware. Of

course, smooth Internet speed is a must, but every student's family status and family

conditions are different. We can’t guarantee that all students have the conditions for

online classes. Maybe some students do not have mobile phones and computers, or

even the right network. These are important factors that affect the lessons of children.

Compared with online teaching, the advantages of offline teaching mainly include the

following three aspects (Nobre 2018; Victoria, 2020). First, teacher-led teaching is more

conducive to student management and maintenance of classroom discipline through

face-to-face teaching. Second, teachers can divide up their class into smaller groups,

which makes it easier for them to plan and organise their lessons and manage their

classrooms efficiently. Thirdly, it fosters communication and emotional interchange

between teachers and students and fully utilises the function of emotional variables in

education, all of which have a good impact on the development of students' linguistic

expressive skills, ideological qualities, and modal aspirations. after carefully weighing the

benefits and drawbacks of both offline and online instruction. Finding evidence that in-

person instruction is more successful than online instruction is not difficult. Offline

instruction is better suited to enhancing students' learning effectiveness.


[1] Nobre, C., 2018. Teaching online vs teaching face-to-face. Cambridge Assessments (Links to an external site.)

[2] Victoria, E., 2020. Online learning vs. in-person classes – what’s better? EF Education


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