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Update MCQ’S Quiz-4 File
For More Help Contact What’s app Me!!! Rizwan Manzoor
@vutopperrm Number’s = # 0322-4021365, 0316-4980094 Vu Topper RM


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A quantitative quality measuring technique that helps to uncover root
cause for an error and then work on to fix what was traced is called
A. Non-Statistical Software Quality Assurance
B. Formal Technical Review
C. Walkthroughs
D. Statistical Software Quality Assurance

Gathered data of, Ereq, Edesign, and Ecode in current project and
comparison with historical data will help in ____.
A. Bad resource allocation
B. Unwelcome resources allocation
C. Optimized resource allocation
D. Incorrect resource allocation

Question No:1 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

The implemented requirement has been ________ through the selected
approach, such as testing or inspection.
A. Deleted
B. Ignored
C. Verified Page 129
D. Approved

Question No:2 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Managers look at the system from the angle that does the system and
associated business process make an effective contribution to the
business goal?
B. Line
C. None
D. Senior Page 136

Question No:3 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

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_____ errors are most costly to fix.
A. Design
B. Coding
C. Maintenance
D. Requirement Page 127

Question No:4 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

A Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is traced if the ________
of its requirements is clear.
A. None
B. Origin Page 133
C. Quality
D. Standard

Question No:5 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Legacy system migration however is a _________ task and there are a
number of risks involved that need to be mitigated.
A. Easy Page 135
B. Simple
C. Crucial
D. Straight-forward

Question No:6 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Software configuration management tasks include Identification, Version
Control, Change Control, Configuration Auditing and ___________ .
A. Data
B. Sample
C. Confirm
D. Reporting Page 121

Question No:7 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

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A major issue in requirements engineering is the rate at which
requirements change once the requirements phase has “officially”
A. Ended Page 131
B. Started
C. Deleted
D. Approved

Question No:8 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

A _________ consists of a set of logically related tasks performed to
achieve a defined business outcome.
C. Software
D. Business Process Page 141

Question No:9 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

………. software development is itself risky as changes to one part of
the system inevitably involve further changes to other components
A. New Page 135
B. Old
C. Reverse
D. Forward

Question No:10 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

__________ are used by the development organisation as a staging
mechanism for functionality including regular builds.
A. Major releases
B. Feature releases
C. External releases
D. Internal releases Page 122

Question No:11 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

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A system is considered to be a legacy system if it has been in operation
for ……….. years. A legacy system has many components.
A. Many Page 134
B. Less than ten
C. More than two
D. Less than seven

Question No:12 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

________ engineering does not simply create a modern equivalent of an
older program, rather new user and technology requirements are
integrated into the re-engineering effort.
B. None
C. Reverse
D. Forward Page 140

Question No:13 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Program is restructured ________ the reverse engineering phase. In this
case we modify source code and data in order to make it amenable to
future changes.
A. After Page 139
B. None
C. Before
D. Along with

Question No:14 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

………………. analysis is the first step in the reengineering process.
A. Code
B. Database
C. Inventory Page 138
D. Document

Question No:15 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

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A/An __________ is used to fine tune the product by fixing minor
product defects.
A. Update
B. Upgrade
C. Deployment
D. Enhancement

Question No:16 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Configuration Auditing deals with:
A. All of the given
B. Ensuring that Resources have been allocated properly.
C. Ensuring that the changes have been implemented properly.
D. Ensuring that changes are implemented parallel with SDLC
framework activities.

Question No:17 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

According to a Standish Group report, lack of ____ is responsible for
13% of all project failures.
A. Output
B. Resources
C. User input
D. Development Plan

Question No:18 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

____________ enhances the product feature set by replacing a product
with a newer version of the same product.
A. Update
B. Upgrade
C. Deployment
D. Re-Engineering

Question No:19 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

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The Review participants SHOULD NOT be focused on ________.
A. Time lines
B. Work product
C. Review agenda
D. Weaknesses of the developer

Question No:20 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) can be calulated by _______.

Question No:21 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

In a review the ___________ should be pointed out gently and the tone
should be loose and constructive.
A. Errors Page 113
B. Inputs
C. Outputs
D. Conditions

Question No:22 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

'CCB' decides whether to allow or deny a change request, it stands for
A. Change Combine Board
B. Change Control Board Page 124
C. Challenge Control Board
D. Challenge Combine Board

Question No:23 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Poka Yoke is a Japanese term and it means:
A. Risk Navigation
B. Status Reporting

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C. Mistake Proofing Page 118
D. Resource Planning

Question No:24 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Which of the following is NOT one of the tasks included in Software
Configuration Management:
A. Version Control
B. Change Control
C. Test Case development Page 121
D. Configuration Auditing

Question No:25 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

The goal of software development is to develop _____ software on time
and on budget, that meets customers’ real needs.
A. Quality Page 127
B. Standard
C. Expensive
D. Functional

Question No:26 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

_________ are mechanisms that lead to prevention of potential quality
problem before it occurs or its rapid detection if introduced.
A. Mistake-Provoking
B. Mistake-Profiling
C. Mistake-Proofing Page 118
D. Mismanagement-Proofing

Question No:27 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

The information items defined by Engineering Change Order (ECO)
A. The project Task network.
B. Work breakdown structure.
C. The change control test case.

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D. Criteria for review and audit.

Question No:28 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

It is noted that a/an __________ review can be worse than no review at
A. Normal
B. Controlled
C. Uncontrolled Page 113
D. Intermediate

Question No:29 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

The purpose of Software Configuration Management is to establish and
maintain the __________ of software products through the project’s life
A. Integrity Google
B. Portability
C. Efficiency
D. Interoperability

Question No:30 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

The basis principle for a review is that the focus should be on the
___________ .
A. Profit to be gained
B. Presentation Slides
C. Producer and not the Product
D. Product and not the Producer

Question No:31 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

_________ is a quality assurance process used to reduce defects by
avoiding or correcting mistakes in early design and development phases.
A. Poka-Yoke
B. Defect Removal Page 69
C. Software Testing

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D. Software Change management

Question No:32 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

MTTF is the abbreviation of _________.
A. Mean time to failure Page 116
B. Mean time to forward
C. Median time to failure
D. Moderate time to failure

Question No:33 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

The second digit (i.e. "Y") of the realease version number format is
A. Defect Repair Number
B. Major Release Number
C. Factor Removal Number
D. Feature Release Number Page 122
Question No:34 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM
The basic idea behind Software configuration management is:
A. To provide portability
B. To efficiently allocate the resources
C. To properly manage status reporting
D. To manage and control the change

Question No:35 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

The equation to find out the Availability of software is:
A. Availability = (MTTF - MTBF) x 100
B. Availability = (MTTF x MTBF) / 100
C. Availability = (MTTF + MTBF) x 100
D. Availability = (MTTF / MTBF) x 100

Question No:36 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

__________ a statistical technique is used to develop an overall
indication of improvement in software quality.

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A. Error Index
B. Cost of Quality
C. Pareto Principle
D. Quality Assurance

Question No:37 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Instead of going through the entire design in a meeting we narrow down
the focus by conducting _________ for each component, or small group
of components.
A. Testing
B. Debugging
C. Reusability
D. Walkthroughs Page 122

Question No:38 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Poka Yoke is the name of a ________.
A. Idiom
B. Game
C. Japanese dish
D. Quality Assurance(QA) technique Page 118

Question No:39 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Which of the following is not one of the responsibilities of
Configuration Audit team?
A. To verify that all related SCI’s been properly updated.
B. To verify that SE standards have been properly applied.
C. To verify that a FTR has been conducted to assess technical
D. To verify that all the change requests are deleted after

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Question No:40 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM
If the version of a release changes from 1.0.0 to 2.0.0, what will you
conclude about new release (having version 2.0.0)
A. There was no change in functionality
B. There was partial change in functionality
C. There was major change in functionality
D. Bugs in previous functioanlity were removed

Question No:41 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

_________ is the probability that a program is operating according to
requirements at a given point in time.
A. Security
B. Usability
C. Reliability
D. Availability

Question No:42 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

_________ serve as the starting point for further development and by
helping us to control change without seriously impeding justifiable
A. Baseline Page 120
B. Full Version
C. Change Control
D. Mistake-Proofing

Question No:43 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Normally the compound number, used for release version numbering, is
of the format:
A. X.Y.Z
B. X,Y,Z
C. X/Y/Z
D. X-Y-Z

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Question No:44 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM
Which of the following the NOT one of the attributes of requirments.
A. Created By
B. Received By
C. Creation Date
D. Requirement ID

Question No:45 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

___________ is an analysis technique which can be used to predict the
chain of events that can cause hazards.
A. Fault Free Analysis
B. Fault Tree Analysis Page 117
C. Failure Free Analysis
D. Fault Decision Analysis

Question No:46 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

The reliability of a software can be determined by "MTBF" which stands
for _________ .
A. Mean Time Beyond Failure
B. Mean Time Between Failure Page 116
C. Maximum Time Between Fault
D. Maximum Time Between Failure

Question No:47 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Which of the following is/are example(s) of Software Configuration
Item (SCI):
A. Business Plan
B. Test Case and Integration Plan
C. Requirements plan
D. Reusability

Question No:48 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

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If ___________ is not handled properly may create certain problems like
identification and tracking, version selection and software delivery
related problems.
A. Process Improvement
B. Change Chaos
C. Process Management
D. Change documentation

Question No:49 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

An Engineering Change Order (ECO) defines the change to be made, its
constraints and _________.
A. The project Task network.
B. Work breakdown structure.
C. The change control test case.
D. Criteria for review and audit.
Question No:50 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM
Version Control discusses about:
A. How many features will be included in a software.
B. How the test cases will be executed before deploying each release.
C. How the resources will be assigned to tasks in work breakdown
structure (WBS).
D. How does an organization control changes before and after
installation released to a customer.

Question No:51 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

___________ is defined as the probability of failure free operation of a
computer program in a specified environment for a specified time.
A. Software Integrity
B. Software Usability
C. Software Reliability Google
D. Software Efficiency

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Question No:52 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM
____________ states that 80% of the defects can be traced to 20% of its
A. Kraul Principle
B. Pareto Principle Google
C. D.Steeter Principle
D. Fred Brooks Principle

Question No:53 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

The two objectives of a _________ are to identify problem areas within
the work product and a checklist of action items.
A. Testing
B. Review Issue List
C. Formal Technical Reviews
D. Informal Technical Reviews

Question No:54 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Which of the following is NOT one of the possible values of "Status"
attribute of requirements.
A. Verified
B. Approved
C. Received
D. Proposed

Question No:55 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

According to Clemm, __________ allows the user to specify alternative
forms of the software system through the selection of appropriate
A. Cost Management
B. Quality Management
C. Process Management
D. Configuration Management Page 121

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Question No:56 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM
Following are effective guidelines for Review EXCEPT
A. Be sensitive to personal egos
B. Tone should be high and strict Page 113
C. Errors should be pointed out gently
D. We need to review the product not the producer

Question No:57 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Schedule Performance Index (SPI) is equal to
B. BCWP / BCWS Page 102

Question No:58 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Milestone represents:
A. A predictable risk that may hit the project
B. An unpredictable risk that may hit the project
C. The defined target which you need to achieve
D. The Loss that organization may suffer due to risk

Question No:59 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

A model where Some errors are passed through to the next step
undetected such errors are said to have been ___________ .
A. Reduced
B. Amplified
C. Multiplexed
D. Neutralised

Question No:60 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

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Once the higher management has devised the mitigate strategy, the
project must be monitored for this ----------------------.
A. Particular Requirement
B. Particular risk
C. Particular task
D. Particular schedule

Question No:61 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

CPM is a technique which helps us in preparing a schedule for the
project, it stands for:
A. Critical Project Measure
B. Critical Planning Model
C. Common Project Measure
D. Critical Path Method

Question No:62 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

_________ define a set of development criteria for engineering a high
quality software product.
A. Project Managers
B. Specified Standards Page 106
C. Functional Requirements
D. Non-Functional Requirements

Question No:63 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

_________ are sometimes also known as walkthroughs or Inspections.
A. Testing
B. Debugging
C. Formal Technical reviews
D. Informal Technical reviews

Question No:64 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

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_________ provides the management with the necessary data to be
informed about product quality through auditing and reporting functions.
A. Software Testing
B. Quality Assurance Page 106
C. Project Management
D. Requirements Specifications

Question No:65 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

E = Errors found before shipment
D = Errors found during operation
Then Defect Removal Efficiency (DRE) is equal to:
A. DRE = E / (E+D)
B. DRE = E * (E+D)
C. DRE = E - (E+D)
D. DRE = E + (E+D)

Question No:66 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Every project has a defined number of staff members. As time allocation
occurs, the project manager must ensure that no more than the allocated
number of ------------- have been scheduled at any given time.
A. Task
B. Days
C. People Page 94
D. Components

Question No:67 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

BCWS is a term used in Earned Value Analysis it stands for_______.
A. None of the given options
B. Beginning Cost of Whole System
C. Budgeted Cost of Whole System
D. Budgeted Cost of Work Schedule Page 102

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Question No:68 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM
Let the value of Task Set Selector (TSS) for a new project is computed
to be less than 1.2 (TSS < 1.2 ) then its degree of rigor will be
A. Strict
B. Casual
C. Structured
D. Quick Reaction

Question No:69 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

_____________ identifies the degree of uncertainty that the product will
meet its requirements and be fit for its intended use.
A. Cost risks
B. Support risks
C. Schedule risks
D. Performance risks Page 87

Question No:70 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

The ________ is the amount of surplus time allowed in scheduling tasks
so that the network critical path is maintained on schedule.
A. Total Float Page 100
B. Negative Float
C. Minimum Float
D. Maximum Float

Question No:71 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

If an error related to requirements is identified in testing phase, this error
will be considered as an error of ___________ phase.
A. Code
B. Design
C. Testing
D. Requirement

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Question No:72 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM
____ is one of the techniques used during severe deadline pressure.
C. Time Boxing Page 105
D. Macroscopic scheduling

Question No:73 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

FTR is a quality control activity performed by software engineers, it
stands for:
A. Formal Technical Review
B. Formatted Technical Review
C. Fetched Technical Requirement
D. Feasibility of Technical Requirement

Question No:74 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

In order to use the PERT and CPM, which one of the followings is NOT
A. Estimation of effort.
B. Interdependencies.
C. Teams communication mode details.
D. Decomposition of tasks – also known as the work breakdown
structure (WBS).

Question No:75 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Formula for the Risk Exposure (RE) is given by _________.
A. RE = Probability of the risk * Cost
B. RE = (Probability of the risk + Cost) / 2
C. RE = Probability of the risk / Cost
D. RE = Probability of the risk + Cost

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Question No:76 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM
Gathered data of, Ereq, Edesign, and Ecode in current project and
comparison with historical data will guide development team to
A. Destroy the current product
B. End the project without any reason
C. Plan past activities
D. Plan future activities

Question No:77 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

In context of degree of rigor, TSS stands for:
A. Tasks set in schedule
B. Task set selector
C. Time set in schedule
D. Time set selector

Question No:78 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

For a project, if value of TSS is 0.9, then the degree of rigor for this
project will be:
A. Structured
B. Strict
C. Strict or Structured
D. Casual

Question No:79 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

BCWP refers to:
A. Normalized value of budgeted cost
B. Budgeted cost of work performed so far Page 102
C. Overall expected cost of the project (anticipated cost)
D. Overall cost of the project (calculated after completion of project)

Question No:80 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

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Earned Value Analysis (EVA) is a ______ technique for assessing the
progress of a project.
A. Subjective
B. Qualitative
C. Descriptive
D. Quantitative Page 102

Question No:81 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

_____________, project risks, and technical risks are the three main
types of risks that are faced by almost every project.
A. Sales risks
B. Global risks
C. Semantic risks
D. Business risks

Question No:82 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Quality cost may be divided into costs associated with:
A. Bugs, errors and Reports
B. Builds, releases and products
C. Prevention, appraisal and failure
D. Customers, developers and maintenance

Question No:83 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Cost of quality increases as we go from _________ .
A. Detection to Prevention to Failure.
B. Failure to Prevention to Detection.
C. Prevention to Detection to Failure.
D. Detection to Failure to Prevention.

Question No:84 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

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_________ is one of the techniques to prepare project schedule once we
have defined "task network"
A. System resource negotiation method (SRNM)
B. Critical Communication path method (CCPM)
C. Program evaluation and review techniques (PERT) Page 100
D. Strategic Schedule Development technique (SSDT)

Question No:85 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

SQA is an umbrella activity in which following activities are performed
A. Review
B. Testing
C. Inspection Page 177
D. Project Planning

Question No:86 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

_____________ can be uncovered after careful evaluation and analysis
whereas ____________ cannot be identified.
A. Predictable risks, Unpredictable risks Page 86
B. Unpredictable risks, Business risks
C. Unpredictable risks, Predictable risks

Question No:87 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Only ----------------------- of the software components scheduled for
reuse will, in fact, be ------------- into the application. The remaining
functionality will have to be custom developed.
A. 90%, integrated
B. 80%, excluded
C. 70%, integrated Page 89
D. 100%, integrated

Question No:88 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

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A process model defines a task set which comprises of SE work tasks,
milestones and __________.
A. Design
B. Coding
C. Deliverables Page 95
D. Work Breakdown Structure

Question No:89 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

__________ reviews the process description for compliance with the
organisational policies, standards and other parts of the software project
A. Cost of Quality
B. Quality planning
C. Quality Control
D. Software Quality Assurance (SQA) group Page 108

Question No:90 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

_________ help the development team in improving the defect removal
efficiency and hence results in a high-quality software product.
A. Design
B. Planning
C. Reviews Page 110
D. Architecture

Question No:91 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

The progress on a project at any given point in time can be calculated
A. Dividing all the BCWS till that point for all tasks
B. Adding all the BCWS till that point for all tasks Page
C. Adding BCWS and EVA for all tasks till that point
D. Multiplying all the BCWS till that point for all tasks

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Question No:92 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM
___________ involves rework, repair, and failure mode analysis of the
A. Prevention Cost
B. Appraisal Cost
C. Internal Failure Cost Page 107
D. External Failure Cost

Question No:93 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

BAC stands for:
A. Budget And Cost
B. Budget at compilation
C. Budget at Completion Page 102
D. Budgeted Analysis Cost

Question No:94 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Error-free designed software requirements but wrongly gathered by
requirement engineers will return _________.
A. Desired product
B. Unwelcome product
C. Accurate product
D. Absolutely correct product

Question No:95 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Software quality assurance is achieved at the later stages like integration
and acceptance with the help of ____________ .
A. Testing
B. Formal Technical Reviews
C. Debugging
D. Informal Technical Reviews

Question No:96 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

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Formulae for total number of Channels of communication involving N
people is given by:
A. C = N(N+1)* 2
B. C = N(N+1)
C. C = N(N-1)
D. C = N(N-1)/2

Question No:97 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Defining a “Task Network” helps in defining:
A. Cost of the project
B. Third party tools required for project
C. The resources required for project
D. Sequence in which activities will be performed

Question No:98 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

___________ is concerned about dealing with the resultant software and
ensuring that it will be easy to correct, enhance, and adapt.
A. Support risks
B. Cost risks
C. Performance risks
D. Schedule risks

Question No:99 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Certain reusable software components were to be developed by a/an -----
--- having no knowledge of its internal design standards.
A. Quality Assurance Team
B. 3rd party
C. 2nd party
D. In-house

Question No:100 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

A requirement related defect detected in any phase (design, source code
testing) will be called __________.

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A. Design related defect
B. Zero level defect
C. Requirement defect
D. Source code defect

Question No:101 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Software quality assurance is achieved at the initial stages like
requirements, architecture and design stages with the help of
____________ .
A. Testing
B. Informal Technical Reviews
C. Formal Technical Reviews
D. Debugging

Question No:102 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Defining a “Task Network” helps in defining:
A. Cost of the project
B. Third party tools required for project
C. Sequence in which activities will be performed
D. The resources required for project
Question No:103 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM
For a project, if value of TSS is > 2.4, then the degree of rigor for this
project will be:
A. Semi-Structured
B. Structured
C. Strict
D. Casual

Question No:104 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

If software testing team’s defect removal efficiency is 80% then
A. Zero bugs exist in application
B. 80% bugs still exist in application

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C. 20% bugs still exist in application
D. 50% bugs removed from application

Question No:105 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

The degree of rigor in determining the set of tasks can be categorised as
Casual, Quick Reaction, Strict and ________.
A. Uniform
B. Structured
C. Unstructured
D. Decomposed

Question No:106 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Many defect identified in few components at design level
testing/reviews, a software development team should _______________.
A. Good achievement by designing team
B. No need to allocate further resources at coding level to review these
C. Mission accomplished once good number of errors/flaws identified
at design level
D. Allocate good and extra resources at coding level to review
these components thoroughly

Question No:107 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

A Critical Path is used to define:
A. The list of the resources that may be needed for future activities.
B. The list of the deficient resources, project is suffering from.
C. A chain of tasks that determine the duration of the project.
D. A single task that determines the duration of the project.

Question No:108 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Risk mitigation involves______________.
A. Redesigning the contingency plan
B. Reducing the impact of risk

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C. Reducing the risk management plan
D. Performing the risk analysis again

Question No:109 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

In Earned Value Analysis, BCWS for a task i will be equal to:
A. Resource deficiency for task i
B. Risks appeared in task i
C. Effort (person-days etc) for task i
D. Faults appeared in task i

Question No:110 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

___________ tries to ask and answer questions related to Product size,
Business impact, Process definition, Staff size, experience, etc. for each
software project.
A. Risk Prevention
B. Risk item checklist
C. Informal reviews
D. Formal reviews

Question No:111 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

C# language is very similar to:
A. Java
B. Prolog
C. Delphi
D. C-Language

Question No:112 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

In C#, Managed code is executed under the control of:
A. Debugger
B. Assembler
C. Disassembler
D. Comon Language Runtime (CLR)

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Question No:113 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM
The concept of ‘delegates’ in C# is used for:
A. Inheritance
B. Event handling Page 111
C. Multi-threading
D. Operator overloading

Question No:114 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

The _____ operator in C# is used to test if the operator/expression is of a
certain type.
A. In
B. As
C. Is
D. Out

Question No:115 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Restricted use of pointers is permitted in C# within the code marked as:
A. Safe
B. Void
C. Static
D. Unsafe Page

Question No:116 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Weak documentation is a trademark of many _______ applications.
Legacy Page 139

Question No:117 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

_______ engineering requires application of SE principles, methods, and
concepts to re-create an existing application.
Forward Page 140

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Question No:118 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM
The code that ________ the requirement has been designed, written, and
unit tested.
Implements Page 129

Question No:119 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

……………… restructuring requires redesign with same function with
higher quality than original program and data restructuring involves
restructuring the database or the database schema.
Code Page 139

Question No:120 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

In practice, ________ cannot show the absence of bugs, only their

Question No:121 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

________ engineering for software is a process for analysing a program
in an effort to create a representation of the program at a higher level of
abstraction than the source code.
Reverse Page 139

Question No:122 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

In C#, the order of operator evaluation is:
From left to right

Question No:123 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

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The "IS" operator in C# is used for runtime _________
Type Checking

Question No:124 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

A variable in _____cannot be used unless and until it is not initialized.

Question No:125 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

The loop control expression in any loop of C# must be of ________

Question No:126 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

The concept of C# jagged array is similar in function to _________
Java Array of Arrays

Question No:127 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

For event driven mechanism in C#, we use _______ just like ____ in
Delegates , Function pointer

Question No:128 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Object-oriented programming in C# is supported through:

Question No:129 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

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In C#, which of the following is used to give information to .Net
compiler that a class is compliant with Common Language
Specifications (CLS)?
Class attribute

Question No:130 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

Enumeration type in C# may take any type of _______ in contrast to
C++ where it take only _________
Numeric value, integer value

Question No:131 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

The program written in C# compiles to:
an intermediate language (IL)

Question No:132 (Marks:1) Vu-Topper RM

In the context of C#, which of the following is not true about delegates?
Delegates are value type

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