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1363, JOINT FAO/WHO EXPERT COMMITTEE ON FOOD ADDITIVES. Evaluation of certain food additives. Some food colours, thickening agents, smoke condensates, and certain other substances. Nineteenth report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. 1975. 23 p. (Wid Hith Org. techn. Rep. Ser. No. 576) [E, F, S} 1364, JOINT FAO/WHO EXPERT COMMITTEE ON FOOD ADDITIVES Evaluation of certain food additives. Twentieth report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. 41976. 32 p. (Wid Hith Org. techn. Rep. Ser. No. 599) IE, F, SI 1365. JOINT FAO/WHO EXPERT COMMITTEE ON FOOD ADDITIVES. Toxicological evaluation of some food additives including anticaking agents, antimicrobials, antioxidants, emulsifiers and thickening agents. 1974. 520 p. (WHO Food Additives Series, No. 5) [E, F] 1366, JOINT FAO/WHO EXPERT COMMITTEE ON FOOD ADDITIVES Toxicological evaluation of some food colours, enzymes, flavour enhancers, thickening agents, and certain food additives. 1975. 204 p. (WHO Food Additives Ser No. 6) E, F] 1367. JOINT FAO/WHO EXPERT COMMITTEE ON FOOD ADDITIVES Specifications for the identity and purity of some food ‘colours, flavour enhancers, thickening agents, and certain food additives. 1978. 216 p. (WHO Food Additives Series, No. 7) [E, Fl 1368. JOINT FAO/WHO EXPERT COMMITTEE ON FOOD ADDITIVES Toxicological evaluation of some food colours, thickening agents, and certain other substances, 1975. 89 p. (WHO Food Additives Series, No. 8) (€, F) 1369" KADA, T. Mutagenicity and carcinogenicity screening of food additives by the rec-assay and reversion procedures. In: JARC Scientific Publications, No. 12, Lyon, 1976, pp. 105-115 [€] 1370. Lu, F.C. Toxicological evaluation of food additives and pesticide residues : the role of WHO, in conjunction with FAO. WHO Chron. 1973, 27, 43-48 [E, F, R, S} 1371. MUCCIOLO, P., MEIRA, D. R. & GRANER, C. A. F. Polifostatos em conservas de came. Bol. Ofc. Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 83, 41-47 (P} Food Analysis see also Meat 1372. DIKUN, P. P. Group evaluation of volatile and non-volatile N-nitroso compounds in foodstuffs. In: ARC Scientific Publi- cations, No. 14, Lyon, 1976, pp. 57-62 [E] 1373. FINE, D. H. & RUFEH, F. Analysis of g/kg levels of non-volatile and volatile N-nitroso compounds in foodstufts. In: JARC Scientific Publications, No. 9, Lyon, 1975, pp. 53-56 (E] 1374. FONG, Y. Y. & CHAN, W. C. Reduction of nitrosodimethylamine content in Can- tonese salt fish. In : /ARC Scientific Publications, No. 14, Lyon, 1976, pp. 465-471 [E] 1375. GOLOVNYA, R. V. Analysis of volatile amines contained in foodstuffs as possible precursors of N-nitroso compounds. In: JARC Scientific Publications, No. 14, Lyon, 1976, pp. 237~ 245 [E) 1376. GouGH, T. A. & WOOLLAM, C. J. Techniques for the screening of foodstuffs for volatile nitrosamines. In: IARC Scientific Publications, No. 14, Lyon, 1976, pp. 85-96 [E} 1377. KANN, J., TAUTS, O., RAJA, K. & KALVE, R. Nitrosamines and their precursors in some Estonian foodstuffs, In: JARC Scientific Publications, No. 14, Lyon, 1976, pp. 385-304 [E] 1378, WALTERS, C. L., D. V. & WALKER, R. The precursors of N-nitroso compounds in foods. In: JARC Scientific Publications, No. 8, Lyon, 1975, pp. 223- 228 (E] NEWTON, B. E., PARKE, Food Colouring Agents see Food Additives Food Contamination see a/so Mercury Poisoning 1379. ARMSTRONG LOWE, D. & STILES, A. R. Pesticides. Nomenclature, specifications, analysis, use, and residues in foods. (Progress in Standardiz- ion, No. 1). Bull. Wid Hlth Org. 1973, 49, 169-204 (8102) [E] Corrigenda, 1973, 49, after page 324. Also reprinted : 1974. 40 p. [E] 7) Food Contamination (continued) 1380. BORSELLA, J. Problems of pesticides in international commerce of food of animal origin. In: Pan American Health Organ- ization, Scientific Publication, No. 256, Washington, D.C., 1973, pp. 74-85 [E, S) 1381* EXPERT COMMITTEE ASPECTS OF FOOD HYGIENE Microbiological aspects of food hygiene. Report ofa WHO expert committee with the participation of FAO. 1976. 103 p. (Wid Hith Org. techn. Rep. Ser. No. 598) [E, F, S] ON MICROBIOLOGICAL 1382, JOINT MEETING OF THE FAO WORKING PARTY OF EXPERTS ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES AND THE WHO EXPERT COMMITTEE ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES Pesticide residues in food. Report of the 1972 Joint Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues. 1973. 47 p. (Wid Hith Org. techn. Rep. Ser. No, 525) [E, F, R, S] 1383. JOINT MEETING OF THE FAO WORKING PARTY OF EXPERTS ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES AND THE WHO EXPERT COMMITTEE ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES 1972 Evaluations of some pesticide residues in food ; the monographs. 1973. 587 p. (WHO Pesticide Residues Series, No. 2) [E, F] 1384. JOINT MEETING OF THE FAO WORKING PARTY OF EXPERTS ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES AND THE WHO EXPERT COMMITTEE ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES Pesticide residues in food. Report of the 1973 Joint ‘Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pestictte Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues. 1974. 42 p. (Wid Hith Org. techn. Rep. Ser. No. 545) [E, F, R, S] 1385. JOINT MEETING OF THE FAO WORKING PARTY OF EXPERTS ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES AND THE WHO EXPERT COMMITTEE ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES. 1973 Evaluations of some pesticide residues in food ; the monographs. 1974. 491 p. (WHO Pesticide Residues Series, No. 3) [E] 1386, JOINT MEETING OF THE FAO WORKING PARTY OF EXPERTS ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES AND THE WHO EXPERT COMMITTEE ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES Pesticide residues in food. Report of the 1974 Joint Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues. 1975. 37 p. (Wid Hlth Org. techn. Rep. Ser. No. 874) [E, F, S] 16 1387. JOINT MEETING OF THE FAQ WORKING PARTY ‘OF EXPERTS ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES AND THE WHO EXPERT COMMITTEE ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES. 1974 Evaluations of some pesticide residues in food ; the monographs. 1975. 545 p. (WHO Pesticide Residues Series, No. 4) (E, F] 1388. JOINT MEETING OF THE FAO WORKING PARTY OF EXPERTS ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES AND THE WHO EXPERT COMMITTEE ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES. Pesticide residues in food. Report of the 1975 Joint ‘Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues. 1976. 45 p. (Wid Hith Org. techn. Rep. Ser. No. 592) [E, F, S] 1389. JOINT MEETING OF THE FAO WORKING PARTY OF EXPERTS ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES AND THE WHO EXPERT COMMITTEE ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES. 1975 Evaluations of some pesticide residues in food ; the monographs. 1976. 409 p. (WHO Pesticide Residues Series, No. 5) [E, F] 4390. JOINT MEETING OF THE FAO PANEL OF EXPERTS ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES AND THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE WHO EXPERT GROUP ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES Pesticide residues in food. Report of the 1976 Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues and the Environment and the WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues. 1977. 35 p. (Wid Hith Org. techn. Rep. Ser. No. 612) (E, F, S] 1391. JORDAN, H. E. Consideration of potential parasite food hazards. Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1974, 8, 143-149 [E] 1392° Lu, F.C. Toxicological evaluation of food additives and pesticide residues: the role of WHO, in conjunction with FAQ, WHO Chron. 1973, 27, 43-48 [E, F, R, S] 1393, MORRIS, G. K. & FEELEY, J. C. Yersinia enterocolitica: a review of its role in food hygiene. Bull, Wid Hith Org. 1976, 54, 79-85 (3489) [E] 1994" RAJAGOPALAN, S. Guide to simple sanitary measures for the control of enteric diseases. With a section on food sanitation by M.A. Shiffman. 1974. 108 p. [E, F, R] 1395* STUDY GROUP ON FOOD-BORNE DISEASE: METHODS OF SAMPLING AND EXAMINATION IN SUR- VEILLANCE PROGRAMMES. Food-borne disease : methods of sampling and examin- ation in surveillance programmes. Report of a WHO study group. 1974. 50 p. (Wid Hlth Org. techn. Rep. Ser. No, 543) [Ar, E, F, R, S} 1396 TORRES-ANJEL, M. J., RIEMANN, H. P. & TSAI, cc. Enterotoxigenic Clostridium perfringens type Ain selected humans: a prevalence study. Washington, D.C., Pan American Health Organization, 1977. 32 p. (Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 960) [E} 1397. VeTTORAzZI, G. & MILES-VETTORAZZI, P. Safety evaluation of chemicals in food : toxicological data profiles for pesticides. 1. Carbamate and organo- phosphorus insecticides used in agriculture and public health. 1975. 61 p. (Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1975, 52, Suppl. ; Progress in Standardization, No. 3) {E] Food Irradiation 1398. JOINT FAO/IAEA/WHO EXPERT COMMITTEE ON ‘THE WHOLESOMENESS OF IRRADIATED FOOD Wholesomeness of irradiated food. Report of a Joint FAOJIAEA]WHO expert committee. 1977. 44 p. (Wid Hith Org. techn. Rep. Ser. No. 604) [E, F, S} Foot-and-Mouth isease 1399. ACURA, H.R. Necesidad de un gran esfuerzo conjunto para el control de la fiebre aftosa. Bol. Ofic. Sanit, Panamer. 1976, 80, 529-532 [S] 1400. Animal health: programs and trends in the Americas, 1976. 1. Biologicals. Il. Wildlife and Zoonoses. Ul, Quarantine Systems. IV. Bovine Infertility. Pro- ceedings of the IX inter-American meeting, at the minis~ terial level, on foot-and-mouth disease and zoonoses controf. (Caracas, Venezuela, 5-8 April 1976.) Washing- ton, D.C., Pan American Health Organization, 1976. 171 p. (Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 334) [€, S} 1401. Animal quarantine stations in the Americas: Report of the Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 334, Washington, D.C., 1976, pp. 97-104 [E, S] 1402. CALLIS, J. J., DARDIRI, A. H. & HERRICK, D. E. Disease transmission through bull semen and fertilized bovine ova. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 384, Washington, D.C., 1976, pp. 118-122 [E, S] 1403. GOLDZVEIG, S. Administrative aspects and conduct of the foot-and- mouth disease campaign in Chile. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 256, Washington, D.C., 1973, pp. 120-145 [E, S] 1404. HysLoP, N. ST. G. Transmission of the virus of foot and mouth disease between animals and man. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1973, 49, 577-585 (3155) [E] Corrigendum, 1974, 51, after page 211. 1405. HYSLOP, N. ST. G. La fiebre aftosa en los animales y en el hombre. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1976, 80, 375-387 [S] 1408. V (Fifth) Inter-American meeting on foot-and-mouth disease and zoonoses control. (Mexico City, Mexico, 10-13 April 1972.) Washington, D.C., Pan American Health Organization, 1973. 156 p. (Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 256) [E, S] 1407. VI (Sixth) Inter-American meeting on foot-and- mouth disease and zoonoses control. (Medellin, Colom= bia, 9-12 April 1973.) Washington, D.C., Pan American Health Organization, 1974. 136 p. (Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 281) (E, S] 1408. Vil (Seventh) Inter-American meeting on foot-and- mouth disease and zoonoses control. (Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 17-20 April 1974.) Washington, D.C., Pan American Health Organization, 1975. 167 p. (Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publi- cation, No. 295) [E, S] 1409. VIII (Eighth) Inter-American meeting on foot-and- mouth disease and zoonoses control. (Guatemala City, Guatemala, 16-19 April, 1975.) Washington, D.C., Pan American Health Organization, 1976. 175 p. (Pan ‘American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 816) [E, S] 1410. PALACIOS G., C. & LEONARDI G., N. Quarantine against foot-and-mouth disease-affected countries: the experience in Venezuela. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 334, Washington, D.C., 1976, pp. 109-117 [E, S] 1411, WELLS, K. F. Quarantine stations in foot-and-mouth disease-free countries. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 334, Washington, D.C., 1976, pp. 105-108 [E, S] n Fungi see also Mycoses 1412. MCNITT, R. E. & COUCH, J. N. Coelomomyces pathogens of Culicidae (mosquitos). Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1977, $5, Suppl. 1, 123-145 [E] 4413. PADHYE, A. A. Mating reactions for the identification of dermatophytes and other pathogenic fungi. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 304, Washing- ton, D.C., 1975, pp. 111-115 [E] 1414, RIPPON, J. W. Biochemical-genetic determinants of virulence among the dermatophytes. In: Pan American Health Organiz- ation, Scientific Publication, No. 304, Washington, D.C., 1975, pp. 88-93 [E] 4415. ROBERTS, D. W. Fungal pathogens, except Coefomomyces, of Culicidae (mosquitos). Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1977, 55, Suppl. 1, 147-172 (E] Fungicides see also Pesticides 1416. Conference on Intoxication due to Alkylmercury- treated Seed, Baghdad, Iraq, 9-13 September 1974. Conférence sur les intoxications dues au traitement des semences par les composés alkylmercuriels, Bagdad, Irak, 9-13 septembre 1974. 1976. 138 p. (Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1976, 53, Suppl.) [E] 1417, JOINT FAO/WHO MEETING ON THE USE OF MERCURY AND ALTERNATIVE COMPOUNDS AS SEED DRESSINGS The use of mercury and alternative compounds as seed dressings. Report of a joint FAO/WHO meeting. 1974. 29.p. (Wid Hith Org. techn, Rep. Ser. No. 555) [E, F, S] 1418. SKERFVING, S. B. & COPPLESTONE, J. F. Poisoning caused by the consumption of organo- mercury-dressed seed in Iraq. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1976, ‘54, 101-112 (8492) [E) Fungus Diseases see Mycoses Gallbladder Diseases 1419, MEDINA, E., KAEMPFFER, A. M., IRARRAZAVAL, M., CROIZET, V. A. DE & TOPOROWICZ, M. Aspectos epidemiolégicos de las enfermedades de la vesicula biliar, en Chile. Bol. Offc. Sanit. Panamer. 1976, ‘80, 220-228 [S] B Gallbladder Neoplasms see Neoplasms Gallstones see Chol ithiasis Gastrointestinal Diseases see a/so Diarrhoea and under the name of the disease 1420. Aipha-chain disease and related small-intestinal lymphoma: a memorandum. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1976, 54, 615-624 (3558) ; Maladie des chalnes alpha et Iym- phome de Iintestin gréle: Mémorandum. Bull. Org. ‘mond. Santé, 1977, 55, 587-597 (3643) [E, F) 1421. BAKER, S. J. Subclinical intestinal malabsorption in developing countries. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1976, 54, 485-494 (3544) [E] 1422. BARKER, W. H. Perspectivas de la epidemiologia y control de las enfermedades entéricas agudas. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1976, 80, 93-104 ; Perspectives on acute enteric disease epidemiology and control. Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1975, 9, 148-186 [E, 5] 1423. CHANOCK, R. M. Nonbacterial gastroenteritis. Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1976, 10, 202-204 [E] 1424. CUTTING, J. W. Encuesta sobre parasitismo intestinal en una localidad del este de Panama situada en las cercanias de la Carretera Panamericana. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panam 1975, 78, 30-38; A survey of intestinal parasitism in a community on the Pan American Highway route in eastern Panama, Bull, Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1975, 9, 13-48 [E, S} 1425. Davis, A. Drug treatment in intestinal helminthiases. 1973. 125 p. [E, F, R, S] 1426. Duponr, H. L. Estudios necesarios para enriquecer el conocimiento de las infecciones entéricas y reducir sus consecuencias en términos de morbilidad y mortalidad. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1975, 78, 346-349. Also reprinted in : Organiza- cién Panamericana de la Salud, Publicacién Cientifica, No. 302, Washington, D.C., 1975, pp. 59-61 [S] 1427. Estudios y estrategias necesarios para reducir Ia morbilidad y mortalided por infecciones entéricas. Discusiones técnicas. XIX Conferencia Sanitaria Paname- ricana de la Organizacién Panamericana de la Salud. (4 de octubre de 1974.) Washington, D.C., Organizacién Panamericana de la Salud, 1975. 64 p. (Organizacién Panamericana de a Salud, Publicacién Cientifica, No. 302) [S] Reprinted from Boletin de la Oficina Sanitaria Paname- ricana, 1975, 7B, No. 4. 1428, Estudios y estrategias necesarios para reducir la morbilidad y la mortalidad por infecciones entéricas. Informe de las discusiones técnicas. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1975, 78, 281-293; Report of the technical discussions on enteric infections. Bull. Pan Amer Hith Org. 1974, 8, 354-363 [E, S] Also reprinted in ‘Organizacién Panamericana de la Salud, Publicacién Cien- tfica, No. 302, Washington, D.C., 1975, pp. 1-11 [5] 1423, GANGAROSA, E. Estudios y estrategias para reducir la morbilidad y la mortalidad por infecciones entéricas. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1975, 78, 350-353. Also reprinted in : Organiza- cién Panamericana de la Salud, Publicacién Cientifica, No. 302, Washington, D.C., 1975, pp. 62-64 [S] 1430, GANGAROSA, E. J. Perspectivas del problema global de las enfermedades entéricas, 1975. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1976, 80, perspective on the global problem of enteric diseases. Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1977, 11, 3-7 [E, $] 1431, GRADOS B., 0. EI laboratorio en los programas de control de las, infecciones entéricas. Bol. Offe. Sanit. Panamer. 1975, 7B, 318-822. Also reprinted in : Organizacién Panameri- cana de la Salud, Publicacién Cientifica, No. 302, Washington, 0.C., 1975, pp. 83-37 [S] 1432, MENDOZA HERNANDEZ, P. Diagnéstico clinico y terapéutica. Rehidratacién oral ¢ intravenosa. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1975, 78, 307-317. Also reprinted in: Organizacién Panamericana de la Salud, Publicacién Cientifica, No. 302, Washington, D.C., 1975, pp. 24-32 [S] 1433. MORAES, N.L. DE A. ituacién actual de las infecciones entéricas. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1975, 78, 294-806. Also reprinted in: ‘Organizacién Panamericana de la Salud, Publicaci6n Cien- tifica, No. 302, Washington, D.C., 1975, pp. 12-23 [5] 1434" RAJAGOPALAN, S. Guide to simple sanitary measures for the control of enteric diseases. With a section on food sanitation by M.A. Shiffman. 1974. 103 p. [E, F, R] 1495. VALDEREZ BORGES, M. La atencién de enfermeria en los servicios de salud y en la comunidad para el control de las enfermedades entéricas, Bol. Offc. Sanit. Panamer. 1975, 78, 323-333. Also reprinted in: Organizacién Panamericana de la Salud, Publicacién Cientifica, No.302, Washington, D.C., 1975, pp. 38-47 [S] 1436" WOLMAN, A. Importancia de! saneamiento ambiental en las zonas urbanas y rurales para el control de las infecciones entéricas, Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1975, 78, 343-345 ; Environmental sanitation in urban and rural areas : its importance in the control of enteric infections. Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1975, 9, 157-159 [E, S]. Also re- printed in: Organizacién Panamericana de la Salud, Publicacién Cientifica, No. 302, Washington, D.C., 1975, pp. 56-58 [S] Gastrointestinal Neoplasms see Neoplasms General Practice see also Physicians 1437. Manual on radiation protection in hospitals and general practice. Jointly sponsored by ILO, |AEA, and WHO. [E, F] Volume 1. Basic protection requirements. Braestrup, K. J. Vikterléf. 1974. 81 p. Volume 2. Unsealed sources. D. Frost, H. Jammet. 1975. 113 p. Volume3. X-ray diagnosis. B. E. Keane, K.B. Tikhonov. 1975. 96 p. Volume 4. Radiation protection in dentistry. K. Koren, AH. Wuehtmann, 1977. 52 p. cB. 1438, Psychiatry and the general practitioner. WHO Chron. 1974, 28, 65-70 [E, F, R, S} Genetics see also Chromosome Aberrations 1439" MOURANT, A. E. Associations between hereditary blood factors and diseases, Bull, Wid Hith Org. 1973, 48, 83-101 (3091) (E] 1440* SCIENTIFIC GROUP ON PHARMACOGENETICS Pharmacogenetics. Report of a WHO scientific group. 1973, 40 p. (Wid Hith Org. techn. Rep. Ser. No. 524) fe, F, R, S] 4441" VILLALOBOS C., H. Nuevos desafios en la educacién para la salud — gené- tica médica, Educ. Méd. Salud, 1977, 11, 119-126 [S] Genital Diseases, Female see Vaginal Diseases Genitourinary Diseases see Urologic Diseases Genitourinary Neoplasms see Neoplasms 79 Geriatrics see Aged Glomerulonephritis see Kidney Diseases Glossina see Tsetse Flies Goitre see a/so lodine ; Nutrition Disorders ; Thyroid Gland 1442. ALMEIDA, F., TEMPORAL, A., CAVALCANTI, N., LINS NETO, S., ALBUQUERQUE, R. & SA, T. C. Pendred's syndrome in an area of endemic goiter in Brazil : genetic and metabolic studies. In : Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 167-171 [E] 1443, CLEMENTS, F. W. Endemic goitre. In: World Health Organization : Mono- graph Series, No. 62, 1976, pp. 83-93 [E] 1444. DE GROOT, L. J. Qualitative biochemical defects in thyroid hormone synthesis and their relation to endemic goiter. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No, 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 25-31 [E] 1445* DUNN, J. T. & MEDEIROS-NETO, G. A., ed. Endemic goiter and cretinism : continuing threats to world health. Report of the fourth meeting of the PAHO technical group on endemic goiter. (Guarujé, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 14-18 October 1973.) Washington, D.C., Pan American Health Organization, 1974. 304 p. (Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 292) [€] 4446, FieRRO-BeNiTEZ, R., E. & STANBURY, J. B. The role of iodine in intellectual development in an area of endemic goiter. In: Pan American Health Organiz- ation, Scientific Publication, No. 282, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 135-142 [E] RamiRez, |., ESTRELLA, 1447* GAITAN, E., ALTSCHULER, N., BAUTISTA, A. CEVALLOS, J. L., DE GROOT, L. J., MEDEIROS-NETO, G., NICOLAU, W., NIEPOMINISZCZE, H., ROSENTHAL, D. & ScRIBA, P. C. Further research on endemic goiter and cretinism. In Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 273-274 [E] 1448, GAITAN, E., MEYER, J. D. & MERINO, H. Environmental goitrogens in Colombia. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 107-116 [E] 80 1449* IBBERTSON, H. K., GLUCKMAN, P. D., CROXSON, M.S. & STRANG, L. J. W. iter and cretinism in the Himalayas : a reassessment. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publi= cation, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 129-134 [E] 1450. KOUTRAS, D. A. jence of goiter wi ns. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 95-401 [E] 4451. MATOVINOVIC, J., CHILD, M. A, NICHAMAN, M. Z. & TRowsRIDGE, F. L. lodine and endemic goiter. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No.282, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 67-94 [E] 1452, MEDEIROS-NETO, G. A., PENNA, M., MONTEIRO, K., PUPO, A. A., SHENKMAN, L. & HOLLANDER, C. S. Thyroid and pituitary reserve in endemic goiter. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 22, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 43-51 [E] 1453. NICOLAU, W., MEDEIROS-NETO, G. A., TAKEDA, A. & ULHOA CINTRA, A. B. Studies on the effects of iodized oll on the thyroid in endemic goiter. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 255-262 [E] 1454* PARDO SUBIETA, A. R. Training programs in endemic goiter for medical personnel. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C.., 1974, pp. 191=198 [E) 1455, PRETELL, E. A., PALACIOS, P., TELLO, L., WAN, M., UTIGER, R. D. & STANBURY, J. B. lodine deficiency and the maternal-fetal relationshi In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publi- cation, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 143-154 [E] 1456" QuERIDO, A., DELANGE, F., FIERRO-BENITEZ, R., D. A. & PERINETTI, H. Definitions of endemic goiter and cretinism, classifi- cation of goiter size and severity of endemias, and survey techniques. In: Pan American Health Organiz- ation, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 267-269 [E] Dunn, J. To, IBBERTSON, H. K., KOUTRAS, 4457. QUERIDO, A., DJOKOMOELJANTO, R. & VAN HARDEVELD, C. The consequences of iodine deficiency for health. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 8-13 [E] 1458. RICCABONA, G. Hyperthyroidism and thyroid cancer in an endemic goiter area. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 156-165 [E] 1459, STANBURY, J. B. ‘A prospectus for endemic goiter. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 291-295 [E] 1460" THILLY, C. H., DELANGE, F., CAMUS, M., BERQUIST, H. & ERMANS, A. M. Fetal hypothyroidism in endemic goiter: the probable pathogenic mechanism of endemic cretinism. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 121-127 [E] 1461. WATANABE, T., MORAN, D., EL TAMER, E., STANELONI, L., SALVANESCHI, J., ALTSCHULER, N., DEGROSSI, O. J. & NIEPOMINISZCZE, H. lodized oil in the prophylaxis of endemic goiter in Argentina. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 282, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 281-241 [E] Goitre — Prevention and Control 1462. CHoPRa, J. G. Designing salt iodization programs and problems in their implementation. In: Pan American Health Organ- ization, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 175-180 [E] 1463, HUNNIKIN, C. The spray method of iodating salt. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 184-189 [E] 1464, LEON, J. R. DE & RETANA, 0. G. Eradication of endemic goiter as a public health problem in Guatemala. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 227-230 [E] 1465. MORA, J. O., PARDO, F. & RUEDA-WILLIAMSON, R. ‘Surveillance of salt iodization in Colombia, In: Pan ‘American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 209-213 [E] 1466, PERINETTI, H., STANELONI, L. N., NACIF-NORA, J., SANCHEZ-TEJEDA, J. & PERINETTI, H. A. Results of salt iodization in Mendoza, Argentina, In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 217-226 [E] 1467. PRETELL, E., DEGROSSI, 0., RICCABONA, G., STANBURY, J. & THILLY, C. The use of iodized oll. In: Pan American Health Organ- ization, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 278-281 [E] 1468. ROBINSON, W. B. Technical and economic aspects of salt iodization. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 181-183 [E] 1469, ROBINSON, W., CHOPRA, J., LEON, R. DE, HUNNIKIN, C., MATOVINOVIC, J. & PARDO S., A. lodization of salt. In : Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, p. 276 [E] 1470, RUEDA-WILLIAMSON, R. Prevention of endemic goiter and the ten-year health plan for the Americas. In : Pan American Health Organ- ization, Scientific Publication, No.292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 3-7; La prevencién del bocio endémico y el plan decenal de salud para las Américas. Bol. Offc. Sanit. Panamer, 1974, T7, 486-494 [E, S] 1471. RUEDA-WILLIAMSON, R., BAETA, L., BERMUDES, L., MERINO, H., SALVERAGLIO, F, & TICAS, J. Overall planning of goiter prevention programs. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No, 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 284-287 [E] 1472, SALVANESCHI, J. P. & DEGROSSI, O. J. The program for surveillance of salt iodization in Argentina, In: Pan American Health Organization, Scien- tific Publication, No. 282, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 205-208 [E] 1473. SALVERAGLIO, F. J. Gaining public acceptance of prophylaxis: experience from the campaign against endemic goiter in Uruguay. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publi cation, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 198-203 [E] 4474. SCHAEFER, A. E. Status of salt iodization in PAHO member countries. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publi- cation, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 242-249 [E] 1475. SCHAEFER, A., SALVANESCHI, J., SIMMONS, J., TAVERA, J. & WILSON, D. Surveillance of iodine prophylaxis. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 292, Washington, D.C., 1974, p. 282 [E] at Goitre — Prevention and Control (continued) 1476. SOOCH, S. S., DEO, M. G., KARMARKAR, M. G., KOcHUPILLAI, N., RAMACHANDRAN, K. & RAMALIN- GASWAMI, V. Prevention of endemic goitre with iodized salt. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1973, 49, 307-312 (3117) [E] 1477 STANBURY, J. B., ERMANS, A. M., HETZEL, B. S., PRETELL, E. A. & QUERIDO, A. Endemic goitre and cretinism : public health significance and prevention. WHO Chron. 1974, 28, 220-298 [E, F, R, S] Gonadotropins 1478. CANFIELD, R. E, & ROSS, G. T. A new reference preparation of human chorionic gonadotrophin and its subunits. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1976, 54, 463-472 (3541) [E] 1479. SCIENTIFIC GROUP ON AGENTS STIMULATING GONADAL FUNCTION IN THE HUMAN Agents stimulating gonadal function in the human. Report of a WHO scientific group. 1973. 30 p. (Wid Hith Org. techn. Rep. Ser. No. 514) [E, F, S] Gonorrhoea 1480, ARVA, O. P., NSANZUMUHIRE, H. & TABER, S. R. Clinical, cultural, and demographic aspects of gonor- thoea in a rural community in Uganda. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1973, 49, 587-595 (3156) [E] 1481, ESESARTE G., E. & BERNAL DAVILA, A. Deteccién y control de la blenorragia en zonas de esca- $08 recursos médicos. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1975, 78, 197-202 [S] 1482. GONZALEZ GALVAN, A. Control sanitario de la blenorragia en México. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1975, 79, 216-221 [S] 1483. NELSON, M., PORTONI, E. J. & FICHTENBERG, D.S. Sitios de obtencién de material para cultivo en el diag- néstico de la blenorragia en la mujer. Bol. Ofic. Sanit Panamer. 1976, 81, 489-493 ; Culture sites in the diag nosis of gonorrhea in women. Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1976, 10, 317-320 [E, 5] 1484. SHADID CHAINA, M. Consideraciones sobre la blenorragia en mujeres con alto riesgo epidemiolégico. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1976, 81, 24-27 [S] 1485. Syphilis and its sequelae, and gonococcal infections, 1955, 1985-1973, Wid Hith Statist. Rep. 1975, 28, 114-126 [E/F] 82 Growth see also Fetus 1486" BROZEC, J., COURSIN, D. B. & READ, M.S. Estudios longitudinales sobre los efectos de la mal- nutricién, el suplemento nutricional y el estimulo del comportamiento. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 83, 399-412; Longitudinal studies on the effects of mal- nutrition, nutritional supplementation, and behavioral stimulation. Bull. Pan. Amer. Hith Org. 1977, 14, 237-249 (E, S} 1487* KALLEN, D. J., ed. Nuteicién, desarrollo y comportamiento social. [Edici6n original en inglés Nutrition, development and social behavior publicada por Secretaria de Salud, Educacién y Bienestar de los E.U.A., Servicio de Salud Publica, Institutos Nacionales de Salud.] Washington, D.C., Organizacin Panamericana de la Salud, 1973. 235 p. (Organizacién Panamericana de la Salud, Publicacién Cientifica, No. 268) [S] 1488" KLEIN, R. E., ARENALES, P., DELGADO, H., ENGLE, P. L., GUZMAN, G., IRWIN, M., LECHTIG, A., MaRTORELL, R., MEJIA PIVARAL, V., RUSSELL, P. & YARBROUGH, C. Efectos de la nutricién materna sobre el crecimiento fetal y el desarrollo del nifio. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 83, 24-40; Effects of maternal nutrition on fetal growth and infant development. Buil. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1976, 10, 301-316 [E, S] 1489" MARQUES, R. M., BERQUO, E., YUNES, J. & MARCONDES, E. Crecimiento de nifios brasilefios : peso y altura en relacién con la edad y el sexo y Ia influencia de factores socio~ econémicos. Washington, D.C., Organizacién Paname- ina de la Salud, 1975. 70 p. (Organizacién Panameri- cana de la Salud, Publicacién Cientifica, No. 309) [S} 1490. MARTORELL, R., LECHTIG, A., HABICHT, J., YARBROUGH, C. & KLEIN, R. E. Normas antropométricas de crecimiento fisico para palses en desarrollo : 4 Nacionales o internacionales ? Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1975, 79, 525-529 [S] 1491* RAMALINGASWAMI, V. Nutrition, cell biology, and human development. The Jacques Parisot Foundation lecture, 1975. WHO Chron. 1975, 29, 306-312 [E, F, R, S] Guinea Worm Infection see Dracunculosis Gynaecologic Neoplasms see Neoplasms Haematopoietic Tissues, Neoplasms see Neoplasms Haemodialysis 1492, BARSOUM, R. S., RIHAN, Z. E., & LEBSTEIN, A. Long-term intermittent haemodialysis in Egypt. Wid Hith Org. 1974, 51, 647-654 (3311) [E] IBRAHIM, A. S. Bull. Haemoglobinopathies 1493. ORSINI, A., VOVAN, L. & VILAIN, M. L. Dépistage des hémoglobinoses dans le sud-est de la France, Résultats d'une enquéte effectuée en milieu obstétrical. Bull. Org. mond. Santé, 1974, 51, 199-202 (3254) [F] Haemoglobins 1494. CHOPRA, J. G. Problemas inherentes a una encuesta para determinar 1a hemoglobina en América Latina. Bol. Ofic. Sanit Panamer. 1974, 71, 13-23 [S] 1495. ELWOOD, P. C., HUGHES, J., ABERNETHY, M., DAviEs, R., GOUGH, R., JOHNSON, A. P. & DUBOURG, AY. An international haematological survey. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1976, 54, 87-35 (3490) [E] Haemophilia 1496, Methods for detection of haemophilia carriers : a Memorandum. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1977, 55, 675-702 (3855) [E] Haemophilus influenzae see also Influenza Viruses 1497" MoxON, E. R., ANDERSON, P., SMITH, D. H., ADRIANZEN T., B., GRAHAM, G. G, & BAKER, R. S. Antibody responses to a combination vaccine against Haemophilus influenzae type b, diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1975, 52, 87-90 (3327) (e Haemorrhagi American see also Arenavirus Infections 1498" EDDY, G. A., WAGNER, F. S., SCOTT, S. K. & MAHLANDT, B. J. Protection of monkeys against Machupo virus by the passive administration of Bolivian haemorrhagic fever immunoglobulin (Human origin). Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1975, 52, 723-727 (3404) [E] 1499. MaIzTEGUI, J. L. Clinical and epidemiological patterns of Argentine haemorrhagic fever. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1975, 52, 567- 575 (3385) [E] 1500, MERCADO R., R. Rodent control programmes in areas affected by Bolivian haemorrhagic fever. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1975, 52, 691-696 (3400) [E] 1501. WEISSENBACHER, M. C., GUERRERO, L. B. DE & Boxaca, M. C. Experimental biology and pathogenesis of Junin virus infection in animals and man. Bull. Wid Hlth Org. 1975, ‘507-515 (3378) (E] Haemorrhagic Fever, Argentinian see Haemorrhagic Fever, American Haemorrhagic Fever, Bolivian see Haemorthagic Fever, American Haemorrhagic Fever, Dengue see Dengue Epidemic 1502, KHAI MING, C., THEIN, S., THAUNG, U., TIN U, KHIN SAW MYINT, THAN SWE, HALSTEAD, S. B. & Diwan, A. R. Clinical and laboratory studies on haemorrhagic fe in Burma, 1970-72. Bull, Wid Hlth Org. 1994, 1, 27-255 (8259) [E} Hallucinogens see Psychotropic Drugs Handicapped 1503. Disability prevention and rehabilitation. WHO Chron. 1976, 30, 324-328 [E, F, R, S] 1504" EDWARDS, G., GROSS, M. M., KELLER, M., Moser, J. & ROOM, R., ed. Alcohol-related disabilities, 1977. 184 p. (WHO Offset Publication, No. 32) {E, F] Health see Public Health Health and Welfare Planning see also Health Manpower; Health Services 1505, AMMUNDSEN, E. The problem of integrating health planning with socio- economic planning. In: Public Health Papers, No. 49, 1973, pp. 27-31 [E, F, R, S] 1506. ARAUWJO, J. D. DE La planificacién global de los servicios de salud en los Estados Unidos de América. Bol. Offc. Sanit. Panamer 1975, 78, 120-131 ; Comprehensive health planning in the United States. Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1974, 8, 249-257 [E, S] 1507. ASVALL, J. E. Evaluation of public health programmes. WHO Chron. 1973, 27, 3-8 [E, F, R, S] 1508. BAINBRIDGE, J. & SAPIRIE, S. Health project management. A manual of procedures for formulating and implementing health projects, 1974. 280 p. (WHO Offset Publication, No. 12) [E, F] 1509. BRAVO, A. L. Regional planning of health facilities. Part I: From the viewpoint of the health planner. In: WHO Offset Publi cation, No. 37, 1977, pp. 9-26 [E, F] 1510, EXPERT COMMITTEE ON THE APPLICATION OF SYSTEMS ANALYSIS TO HEALTH MANAGEMENT Application of systems analysis to health management. Report of a WHO expert committee, 1976. 69 p. (Wid Hith Org. techn. Rep. Ser. No. 596) [E, F, S] 1511. FELOSTEIN, M.S. PIOT, M. A. & SUNDARESAN, TK Resource allocation model for public health planning ; a case study of tuberculosis control. 1973. 110 p. (Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1973, 48, Suppl.) [E} 1512, First Pan American conference on health manpower planning (Ottawa, Canada, 10-14 September, 1973.) Washington, D.C., Pan American Health Organization, 1974. 128 p. (Pan American Health Organization, Scien tific Publication, No. 279) [E, F, S] 1513. GALLAGHER, J. Educational planning and health. WHO Chron. 1976, 30, 70-71 [E, F, R, S] 1514. GUTIERREZ, R. Participacién de la universidad en la planificacién de la salud, Educ. Méd. Salud, 1978, 7, 378-386 [S] 8 1515. Health planning in Latin America. Washington, D.C., Pan American Health Organization, 1973. 63 p. (Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 272) [€, S] 1516. IDRISS, A. A., LOLIK, P., KHAN, R. A. & BEN- YoussEF, A. Sudan : national health programme and primary health care, 1977/78-1989/84. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1976, 53, 461-471 (8459) (E] 1517. IDRISS, A. A., LOLIK, P., KHAN, R. A. & BEN- Yousser, A. The primary health care programme in Sudan. WHO Chron. 1976, 30, 370-374 [E, F, R, S] 1518. Interrelationships between health programmes and socio-economic development. 1973. 54 p. (Public Health Papers, No. 49) [E, F, Ry S] 1519 KJELDSEN, K. Evaluation of the impact of various diseases on mortality. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1975, 52, 369-975 (3361) [E] 1520, KLECZKOWSKI, B. M. Health care facilities in developing countries. WHO Chron. 1976, 30, 363-369 [E, F, R, S] 1521. KLEczKoWsK!, B. M. & PIBOULEAU, R., ed. Approaches to planning and design of health care facilities in developing areas. Volume 1. 1976. 145 p. (WHO Offset Publication, No. 29) [E, F] 1522, KLECZKOWSKI, B. M, & PIBOULEAU, R., ed. Approaches to planning and design of health care facilities in developing areas. Volume 2. 1977. 148 p. (WHO Offset Publication, No. 37) [E, F] 1523, MAHLER, H. New possibilities for WHO. WHO Chron. 1975, 29, 43-45 [E, F, R, S] 1524, MISKIEWICZ, M. W. The role of area-wide planning and functional pro- gramming in the planning process for medical car In: WHO Offset Publication, No. 29, 1976, pp. 43-52 [E, F] 1525, MONTOYA-AGUILAR , C. Health goals and the political will. Definitions and problems of national health policy. WHO Chron. 1977, 31, 441-448 [E, F, R, S] 1526. Moss, R. The planning team and planning organization machin- ery. In: WHO Offset Publication, No. 37, 1977, pp. 63-80 (E, Fl 1527* National health planning: its value and methods of preparation. The place of public health in the economy of the African countries. The principles and methods of evaluation of national health. Background papers for the technical discussions of the 18h, 19th and the 20th sessions of the Regional Committee for Africa. Brazza- ville, World Health Organization, Regional Office for Africa (AFRO), 1974. 150 p. (AFRO Technical Papers, No. 7) [E, F] 1528, RIOS MAZURE, J. DE LOS Regional planning of health facilities. Part Il: From the viewpoint of the architect. In: WHO Offset Publication, No. 37, 1977, pp. 27-62 [E, F] 1529. RUDOE, W. Health planning in national development. WHO Chron. 1973, 27, 6-7 [E, F, R, S} 1530, SCHAEFER, M. ‘A management method for planning and implementing health projects. WHO Chron. 1975, 28, 18-23 [E, F, R, S] 1531. SCRIMSHAW, N. S. Mitos y realidades en la planificacién internacional para la salud. Bol. Offc. Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 82, 408-418 ; Myths and realities in international health planning. Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1975, 9, 247-254 [E, S] 1532. Use of health care : an international study. WHO Chron. 1976, 30, 403-406 [E, F, R, S] 1533. WHITE, K. L., ANDERSON, D. 0., KALIMO, E., KLeczKowskI, B. M., PUROLA, T. & VUKMANOVIC, C. Health services: concepts and information for national planning and management. Experiences based on the WHOJInternational Collaborative Study of Medical Care Utiization. 1977. 117 p. (Public Health Papers, No. 67) {E, F, S) Health Care Personnel see Health Manpower Health Care, Primary see Health Services Health Centres see Health Services Health, Dental see Oral Health Health Economics see Economics Health Education 1534. BOsLeY, B. Nutrition education. In: World Health Organization : Monograph Series, No. 62, 1976, pp. 277-296 [E] 1535. CELESTIN, H. N. La educacién para la salud: funcién que desempefia en un programa de lucha contra la esquistosomiasis. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 82, 520-530 [S] 1536. Development of health education services. WHO Chron. 1976, 30, 35-37 [€, F, R, S) 1537. ESCOBAR M., F. Cambios de actitud de la comunidad a través de las campafias de informacién. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 82, 112-119 [S] 41838. Health education : a programme review. A report by the Director-General to the fifly-third session of the Executive Board. 1974, 78 p. (WHO Offset Publication, No. 7) [E, F] 1539. LockeTz, L. La educacién para|a salud en el medio rural de Surina ‘empleo de cinta de video en una campafa nacional contra la equistosomiasis. Bol. Offc. Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 82, 312-321 ; Health education in rural Surinam: use of videotape in a national campaign against schistosomiasis. Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1976, 10, 219-226 [E, S] 1540, PIMONT, R. P. Aeducacaoem saide : conceitos definigdes e objetivos. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 82, 14-22 [P] 41541* PISHAROTI, K. A. Guide to the integration of health education in environ- mental health programmes. 1975. 81 p. (WHO Offset Publication, No. 20) [E, F] Health, Environmental see Environmental Health Health Examinations see Mass Screening Health Facilities see Health Services Health Information Systems see Information Retrieval Systems Health Legislation see Legislation 85 Health Manpower see also Education ; Laboratories ; Midwifery ; Nursing | Health ; Pharmaci ins; Sanitary Engineering; Veterinary Public Health 1542. ABADI, A. Recursos humanos [en relacién con el retraso mental] problemas de su formacién y utllizaci6n. In: Organiz cién Panamericana de la Salud, Publicacién Cientifica, No. 298, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 89-45 [S] ‘Schools; 1543. ACURA, H.R. El ayudante médico. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 82, 473-477 ; The physician's assistant and extension of health services. Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1977, 11, 189-194 [E, S] 1543a. ALLRED, H. The training and use of dental auxiliary personnel. Report on a study. Copenhagen, World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, 1977. 70 p. (Public Health in Europe, 7) (E, F, R] 1544, ANDRADE, J. Health manpower planning in Latin America : problems and prospects. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 279, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 44-81 [E, F, S] 1545* ARANGO DE BEDOYA, Y. & ESCALLON ESTU- PIRAN, C. Programa de investigacién en modelos de prestacién de servicios de salud. Nueva metodologia para adiestra- miento de comadronas, promotoras de salud y auxiliares, de enfermeria. Educ, Méd. Salud, 1975, 9, 365-381 [S] 1546, BATHKE, J. The community health medic in Indian America. In} Public Health Papers, No. 60, 1974, pp. 69-74 [E, F, R, S: 1547, BELTRAN, O. Auxiliary personnel to expand health services in rural areas. in: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 278, Washington, D.C., 1978, pp. 54-56 (E) 1548, BERGGREN, W. L. Control of neonatal tetanus in rural Haiti through the ation of medical auxiliaries. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 278, Washington, D.C., 1973, pp. 40-44 ; Control del tétanos neonatal en el medio rural de Haiti mediante la utiliza- cién de auxiliares de medicina. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1974, 77, 6-12 [E, S] 86 1549. BRYANT, J. H. The place of prevention in meeting the health needs of society. In: Gellhorn, A., Falép, T. & Bankowski, Z., ed. Health needs of society: a challenge for medical ‘education (10th CIOMS Round Table Conference), 1977, pp. 69-79 [E] 1550, BUI-DANG-HA DOAN World trends in medical manpower Hith Statist. Rep. 1974, 27, 84-108 [€/F] 1551, BUI-DANG-HA DOAN ‘Specialization of physicians : levels and trends in some industrialized countries. Wid Hith Statist. Rep. 1917, 30, 207-226 [E/F] 1552* BURTON, J. The WHO fellowships and training programme. WHO Chron. 1975, 28, 350-853 [E, F, R, S} 1950-1970. Wid 1553* CHORNY, A., NOVARO, S., STULHMAN, L. & BERNACHI, M. Método para el andlisis y la estimacién de recursos humanos para los programas de atencién materno- infantil. Educ. M&d. Salud, 1976, 10, 254-279 [S] 1554, CisoTT, R. Manpower planning instruments —an_economist’s view. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publicacién, No. 279, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 67-72 (E, FS] 1555. The clinical psychologist in the mental health services. WHO Chron. 1974, 28, 113-115 [E, F, R, S] 1556. CONANT, L. The nurse’s view [on the medical assistant]. In : Public Health Papers, No. 60, 1974, pp. 83-87 [E, F, R, S} 1557. CONFREY, E. A. Aspectos politicos de la planificacién de recursos humanos para la salud. Educ. Méd. Salud, 1973, 7, 285-304 [S] 1558. CONFREY, E. A. Developing health manpower planning: action pri- orities. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 279, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 73-80 LE, F, S] 1559, Delivery of primary care by medical auxiliaries : techniques of use and analysis of benefits achieved in some rural villages in Guatemala. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 278, Washington, D.C., 1973, pp. 24-37 (E] 1560" Development of educational programmes for the health professions. 1973. 103 p. (Public Health Papers, No. §2) [E, F, S] 1861. DJUKANOVIC, V. & MACH, E. P., ed. Alternative approaches to meeting basic health needs in developing countries. A joint UNICEF/WHO study. 1975. 116 p. [E, F, S] 1862" EIBENSCHUTZ, C. ‘Técnicos en salud comunit 410, 293-301 [S} ia, Educ. Méd. Salud, 1976, 1563* EQUIPE DU PROJET KASONGO Utilisation du personnel auxiliaire dans les services de santé ruraux : une expérience au Zaire. Bull. Org. mond. Santé, 1976, 54, 625-682 (8559) [F] 1564, ESTES, E. H.. ir Physician's assistant — physician's associate. In: Public Health Papers, No. 60, 1974, pp. 45-54 [E, F, R, S] 41565. EVANS, J. R. Health manpower: issues and goals in Canada. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 279, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 35-43 [E, F, S] 1566. FENDALL, N. R. E. Auxiliaries in the health team. In : Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 278, Washing- ton, D.C., 1973, pp. 5-10 [E] 1567. FENDERSON, D. Definition of terms [the medical assistant]. In: Public Health Papers, No. 60, 1974, pp. 96-39 [E, F, R, S] 1568. FENNINGER, L, D. Health services in the USA: trends in the education and training of health personnel. In: Public Health Papers, No. 60, 1974, pp. 26-35 [E, F, R, S] 1569, FENNINGER, L. D. The principal obstacles and problems [the medical assistant]. In: Public Health Papers, No. 60, 1974, pp. 158-162 [E, F, R, S] 1570, FERREIRA, J. R. El «trabajador médico » en China, Educ, Méd. Salud, 1975, 8, 1-4 [S] 41571* First Pan American conference on health manpower planning (Ottawa, Canada, 10-14 September, 1973.) Washington, 0.C., Pan American Health Organization, 1974. 128 p. (Pan American Health Organization, Scien- tific Publication, No. 279) [E, F, S] 1872. FLAHAULT, D. Review of current use of medical auxiliaries in health delivery systems. In : Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 278, Washington, D.C., 1973, pp. 11-20 [E] 1573 FLAHAULT, D. The training of front line health personnel —a crucial factor in development. WHO Chron. 1973, 27, 236-261 [E,F,R, S} 1574. FLAHAULT, D. Purposes of the conference [the medical assistant]. In: Public Health Papers, No. 60, 1974, pp. 20-25 [E, F, RS] 1575, FLAHAULT, D. The future prospect [the medical assistant]. In: Public Health Papers, No. 60, 1974, pp. 163-166 [E, F, R, S] 1576. FLAHAULT, D. An integrated and functional team for primary health care. WHO Chron. 1976, 30, 442-446 [E, F, R, S] 1577. FOLOP, T. New approaches to a permanent problem. The inte- grated development of health services and health man- power. WHO Chron. 1976, 30, 433-441 [E, F, R, S] 1578* GELLHORN, A., FULOP, T. & BANKOWSKi, Z., ed. Health needs of society a challenge for medical education. 10th CIOMS Round Table Conference, Ulm, Federal Republic of Germany, 6-10 July 1976, and, Scientific Session of the 10th General Assembly of CIOMS, Geneva, 10 November 1976. Geneva, published by the World Health Organization on behaif of the Council for Inter- national Organizations of Medical Sciences, 1977. 221 p. 2) 1579. GILLESPIE, G. M. Training and use of dental auxiliaries in Jamaica. I Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 278, Washington, D.C., 1973, pp. 46-51 [E] 1580. GILLIAND, P. & GALLAND, R. Outline on international comparison of public health, based on deta collected by the World Health Organiz- ation, Wid Hith Statist. Rep. 1977, 30, 227-242 [E/F} 1581. Guide for the organization of health services in rural areas and the utilization of auxiliary personnel. Washington, D.C., Pan American Health Organization, 1975. 65 p. (Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 290) [E, S} 1582 GUILBERT, J. J. Educational handbook for health personnel. 1977. 621 p. (WHO Offset Publication, No. 35) [E, F] 1583. HACON, W. S. The health manpower situation in Canada. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 279, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 28-84 [E, F, S] a7 Health Manpower (continued) 1584, HALL, T. L. Estimating requirements and supply: where do we stand ? In : Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 279, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 58-66 TE, FS] 1585, Health manpower development. WHO Chron. 1976, 30, 32-34 [E, F, R, S] 1586, Health services in Europe. 2. Medical care and health personnel. WHO Chron. 1976, 30, 497-500 [E,F,R, S] 1587° HERNANDEZ ELIAS, R. & MARQUEZ, M. Docencia médica media en Cuba. Educ. Méd. Salud, 1976, 10, 1-41 [S] 1588. HORNBY, P., MEJIA, A., RAY, D. & SIMEONOV, TAs Trends in planning for health manpower 1976, 30, 447-454 [E, F, R, S] WHO Chron. 1589. HORWITZ, A. ‘Opening statement [at an international conference on the medical assistant]. In : Public Health Papers, No. 60, 1974, pp. 16-19 [E, F, R, S} 1590* KooNTz, A. M. Determining the need for health care providers maternal and child health. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 291, Washing- ton, D.C., 1974, pp. 42-47 [E, S] 1591. Leavitt, M.D. Introduction [to an international conference on the medical assistant]. In: Public Health Papers, No. 60, 1974, p. 9 [E, F, R, S] 1892. LEON, M., Domincuez, C. Utilizacién de los servicios de los egresados de la Escuela de Salud Publica del Perd. Educ. Méd. Salud, 1974, 8, 305-316 [S} CASTILLO, J. PATRON, A. & 1593. LUNA BAZ6, A. Los trabajadores auxiliares en nutricién de salud piblica, In: Organizacién Panamericana de la Salud, Publicacién Cientifica, No. $40, Washington, D.C., 1977, pp. 38-42 (S] 1594. LYBRAND, W. A. Problems and objectives of health manpower planning in the United States of America. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 279, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 62-57 [E, F, S] 88 1595" MACE, D. R., BANNERMAN, R. H. 0. & BURTON, Jn, ed. The teaching of human sexuality in schools for health professionals. 1974. 47 p. (Public Health Papers, No. 57) IE, F, S] 1596. MAHLER, H. Address [at an international conference on the medical assistant]. In: Public Health Papers, No. 60, 1974, pp. 11-15 [E, F, R, S] 1597. MASCARENO SAUCEDA, F. & MARTINEZ URBINA, R. Necesidad, utilizacién y capacitacién de personal auxiliar voluntario en programas rurales de salud. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 82, 7-13 [S] 41898. Medical auxiliaries. Proceedings of a symposium held during the twelfth meeting of the PAHO Advisory Committee on Medical Research (Washington, D.C., June 2, 1973.) Washington, D.C., Pan American Health Organization, 1973. 62 p. (Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 278) [E] 1599* MEETING ON EDUCATION AND TREATMENT IN HUMAN SEXUALITY Education and treatment in human sexuality : the training of health professionals. Report of a WHO meeting. 1975. 33 p. (Wid Hith Org. techn. Rep. Ser. No. 872) (E, F,R, S] 1600. MEulA, A. & PIZURKI, H. World migration of health manpower. WHO Chron. 1976, 30, 455-460 [E, F, R, S] 1601* MILLER, G. E. & FOLUP, T., ed. Educational strategies for the health professions. 1974. 106 p. (Public Health Papers, No. 61) [E, F, R, S] 1602. MOLINA, G., TURIZO C., A. & CARDONA O., J. El responsable de salud y la participacién de la comu- nidad. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 83, 93-105 [S] 1603. MORAN, J. A. ‘Sistemas de informacién sobre recursos humanos para la salud, Educ. Méd. Salud, 1973, 7, 408-412 [S] 1604* NeRI, A.C. La formacién del recurso humano y las necesidades de 1s de salud. Educ. Méd. Salud, 1975, 9, 272- 1605, NEWELL, K. W., ed. Health by the people. 1975. 206 p. [E, F, R, S] 1606* NicHOLAS, D. D., AMPOFO, D. A., OFOSU- AMAAH, S., ASANTE, R. 0. & NEUMANN, A. K. Attitudes and practices of traditional birth attendants in rural Ghana : implications for training in Africa. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1976, 54, 343-348 (3525) [E] 1607. OSLAK, 0. & CAPUTO, D. La emigracién de personal médico desde América ina a los Estados Unidos de América — hacia una interpretacién alternativa. Educ. Méd. Salud, 1973, 7, 316-342 (S] 1608, PILLET, J. V. La extensién de la cobertura de los servicios de salud y los recursos humanos. Educ. Méd. Salud, 1973, 7, 351-37 [S] 1609" PiTcaIRN, D. M. & FLAHAULT, D.. The medical assistant. An intermediate level of health care personnel. Proceedings of an international conference sponsored by the John E. Fogarty International Center for ‘Advanced Study in the Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md, USA and the World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md, USA, June 5-7, 1973. 1974. 171 p. (Public Health Papers, No. 60) [E, F, R, S] 1610 The primary health worker. Working guide, guidelines for training, guidelines for adaptation. Exper- imental ed. 1977. 338 p. [E, F] 1611. RAHNEMA, H. E, M. The role of frontline health workers. WHO Chron. 1975, 29, 6-9 [E, F, R, S] 1612" Recursos humanos para la salud en los paises de habla inglesa del Caribe —educacién y adiestra- miento de personal auxiliar. Educ. Méd. Salud, 1975, 9, 311-318 [S] 1613" REERINK, E. The health care team. In; Gellhorn, A., Filép, T. & Bankowski, Z., ed. Health needs of society : a challenge for medical education (10th CIOMS Round Table Confe ence), 1977, pp. 143-147 [E] 1614* Reference material for health auxiliaries and their teachers, Matériel de référence destiné aux auxiliaires sanitaires et & leurs enselgnants. 1976. 97 p. (WHO Offset Publication, No. 28) [E/F] 1615, REINKE, W. A. Requerimientos de personal de salud en base a las caracteristicas del trabajo. Educ. Méd. Salud, 1973, 7, 387-402 [S] 1616. RExED, B. Implications of health and disease for the responsi- bilities of the medical profession. In: Gellhorn, A., Fal6p, T. & Bankowski Z., ed. Health needs of society : a challenge for medical education (10th CIOMS Round Table Conference), 1977, pp. 61-67 [E] 1617. REYES ESPINOZA, P. & SILVA ARMAS, A. Recursos humanos {en relacién con el retraso mental] problemas de su desarrollo y utilizacién. In : Organiza: cién Panamericana de la Salud, Publicacién Cientifica, No, 293, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 14-18 [S] 1618, ROEMER, M. |. Cuban health services and resources. Washington, D.C., Pan American Health Organization, 1976. 84 p. [E] 1619. Role of the social worker in psychiatric services. WHO Chron. 1973, 27, 199-200 [E, F, R, S] 1620. ROSINSKI, E. F. The principal accomplishments of programmes [the medical assistant). In: Public Health Papers, No. 60, 1974, pp. 185-157 [E, F, R, S] 1621. SADLER, B. Legal aspects [the medical assistant]. In : Public Health Papers, No. 60, 1974, pp. 137-141 [E, F, R, S] 1622. SELDEN, W. K. Accreditation [the medical assistant]. In : Public Health Papers, No. 60, 1974, pp. 131-136 [E, F, R, S] 1623. Seminario sobre utilizacién de auxiliares y lideres comunitarios en programas de salud en el area rural. Informe final. (Maracay, Venezuela, 18-27 de noviembre de 1974). Washington, D.C., Organizacién Panameri- cana de la Salud, 1974. 23 p. (Organizacién Panameri- cana de la Salud, Publicacién Cientifica, No. 296) [S] 1624* SHEAN, M. T. Utilization of available providers of maternity and infant care. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 291, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 48-52 [E, S] 1625. SILVER, H. K. Nurse practitioner, child health associate, and primary- care medical practitioner, In: Public Health Papers, No. 60, 1974, pp. 55~61 [E, F, R, S] 1626. SMITH, R. A. MEDEX : a new approach to the global health manpower program. Bull, Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1973, 7, No. 3, 15-25 [E] 1627. SMITH, R. A. MEDEX, In : Public Health Papers, No. 60, 1974, pp. 68 (E, F, R, S] 1628. SoNis, A. Bases para la formulacién de una politica de recursos humanos a nivel nacional. Educ. Méd. Salud, 1973, 7, 265-284 [S] 89 Health Manpower (continued) 1629. SONIS, A. Priority actions for health manpower planning in Latin ‘America. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scien- tifle Publication, No. 279, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 81-91 [E, F, S] 1630* Sonis, A. Educacién en ciencias de la salud y atencién médica andlisis de su interrelacién. Educ. Méd. Salud, 1976, 10, 283-253 [S) 1631° STANDARD, K. L. & ENNEVER, O. Training of health auxiliaries in the West Indi ‘Méd, Salud, 1975, 9, 285-295 [E] Educ. 1632" STUDY GROUP ON CRITERIA FOR THE EVALUA- TION OF LEARNING OBJECTIVES IN THE EDUCATION OF HEALTH PERSONNEL Criteria for the evaluation of learning objectives in the ‘education of health personnel. Report of a WHO study group. 1977. 47 p. (Wid Hith Org. techn. Rep. Ser. No, 606) [E, F, S] 1633" STUDY GROUP ON THE TRAINING AND PREPARA- TION OF TEACHERS FOR SCHOOLS OF MEDICINE AND ‘OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Training and preparation of teachers for schools of medicine and of allied health sciences. Report of aWHO study group. 1973. 82 p. (Wid Hith Org. techn. Rep. Ser. No. 821) [E, F, S] 1634. ToD, M. The physician's view [on the medical assistant}. In: Public Health Papers, No. 60, 1974, pp. 77-82 [E, F, R, S] 1635* USSR, MINISTRY OF HEALTH The training and utilization of feldshers in the USSR. A review prepared by the Ministry of Health of the USSR for the World Health Organization. 1974. 52 p. (Public Health Papers, No. 56) [E, F, S] 1636. VARGAS MARTINEZ, H., GUTIERREZ SAENZ, R. & RODRIGUEZ A., C. Distribucién de médicos en Costa Rica. Educ. Méd. Salud, 1976, 10, 280-292 [S] 1637* VELEZ A., L., ZULUAGA T., H. & YEPES L., F. J. El proceso de seleccién y la formacién de personal en salud publica, Educ. Méd. Salud, 1974, 8, 279-288 [S] 1638* VERDERESE, M. L. & TURNBULL, L. M. The traditional birth attendant in maternal and child health and family planning. A guide to her training and utiliz- ation. 1975. 111 p. (WHO Offset Publication, No. 18) (6, F 90 1630 VILLARREAL, R. Formacién de personal de salud piblica. Educ. Méd. Salud, 1974, 8, 239-243 [S] 1640. VILLARREAL, R. Human resources for health In the Americas. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 279, Washington, D.C., 1974, pp. 21-27 [E, F, S] 1641. VILLAS BOAS, A. Training of professional and auxiliary personnel for a national tuberculosis control program. In: Pan Amer- ‘can Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 265, Washington, D.C., 1973, pp. 102-110 [E, S} 1642. VYSOHLID, J. ration of health personnel of the African Region. In: AFRO Technical Papers, No. 9, Brazzaville, 1975, pp. 95-126 [E, F] 1643, WATSON, E. J. Meeting community health needs: the role of the medical assistant. WHO Chron. 1976, 30, 91-96 [E, F, R, S] 1644. This number not used. 1645. World health statistics annual, 1969. Volume Ii. Health personne! and hospital establishments. 1973. 251 p. [E/F, R] 1646. World health statistics annual, 1970. Volume Il. Health personne! and hospital establishments. 1974. 258 p. [E/F, R] Volume Hl. 1975. 1647. World health statistics annual, 1971. Health personnel and hospital establishments. 202 p. [E/F, R} 1648. World health statistics annual, 1972. Volume IN. Health personnel and hospital establishments. 1976. 244 p. [E/F, R] 1649. World health statistics annual, 1973-1976. Vol- ume lt. Health personnel and hospital establishments. 1976, 340 p. [E/F, R] 1650. World health statistics annual, 1977. Volume Ill. Health personnel and hospital establishments. 1977. 223 p. {E/F] 1651. YEPES, F. Distribucién geogréfica de los médicos : factores que la afectan. Educ. Méd. Salud, 1973, 7, 305-315 [S] Health, Mental see Mental Health Health, Occupational see Occupational Health Health Occupations see Health Manpower Health, Oral see Oral Health Health Personnel see Health Manpower Health Planning see H Planning Health Professions see Health Manpower H Ith Projects see Health and Welfare Planning ; Health Services Health, Public see Public Health Health Regulations, International see Sanitary Conventions and Regulations Health Services see also Health and Welfare Planning; Public Health 1652. ACMR [Advisory Committee on Medical Re- search] calls for more health services research. WHO Chron. 1977, 31, 321-326 [E, F, R, S); Corrigenda, 1977, 31, 460. 1653. AcUNA, H.R. Nuevo enfoque en los sistemas de salud de las Améri- cas. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1976, 80, 258-261 ; A new approach for the health systems of the Americas. Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1976, 10, 58-61 [E, S} 1654, ACURA, H.R. Participacién de la comunidad en el desarrollo de los servicios primarios de salud. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 82, 93-97 ; Community participation in the develop- ment of primary health services. Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1977, 11, 95-99 [E, S] 1655. ACURA, H.R. Enfoques inniovadores en la prestacién de servicios de salud en las Américas. Bol. Offc, Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 83, 281-298 [S] 1656. ACURA, H. R. En ol 75° aniversario de !a OPS: « partic comunidad en la salud ». Educ. Méd. Salud, 1977 1-2; Community health issue paramount as PAHO turns 75. Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1977, 11, 1-2 [E, S] 1657. ADENIYI-JONES, O. Community involvement: new approaches. Chron. 1976, 30, 8-10 [E, F, Ry S] WHO 1658. AKERELE, O., TABIBZADEH, I. & MCGILVRAY, J. A new role for medical missionaries in Africa. WHO Chron, 1976, 30, 175-180 [E, F, R, S] 1659, AMMUNDSEN, E. & NEWELL, K. W. Health service development in the Third World. WHO Chron. 1975, 29, 10-11 [E, F, R, S] 1660, ARAYA Borce, C. El concepto de administracién. In: Organizacién Panamericana de la Salud, Publicacién Cientifica, No. 271, Washington, D.C., 1973, pp. 13-86 [S] 1661. AROLE, M. & AROLE, R. A comprehensive rural health project in Jamkhed (india). In : Health by the people, 1975, pp. 70-90 [E, F, R,S] 1662. ASCOLI, W. Private health surveillance on Guatemalan farms. Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1977, 11, 111-116 [E] 1663" Aspectos tedricos de la medicina comunitaria. Educ. Méd. Salud, 1975, 9, 5-10 [S] 1664, ASSAR, M. & JAKSIC, 2. A health services development project in tran. In: Health by the people, 1975, pp. 112-127 [E, F, R, S} student health ing Areas. WHO 1685" Away from the ivory tower workers live and learn in Field Trai Chron. 1977, 31, 175-181 [E, F, R, S] 1666. BACKETT, E. M. The health policy issue : major changes in our under- standing of health problems. Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1977, 11, 65-72 [E] 1667" BAINBRIDGE, J. & SAPIRIE, S. Health project management. A manual of procedures for formulating and implementing health projects. 1974. 280 p. (WHO Offset Publication, No. 12) [E, F] 1668" BARBIERI, M. C., SANTORO, J. R., SOARES, F.C, BARROS FILHO, A. A., DANELUZZI, J.C. &RICCO, RG. Atengdo @ infancia em servico comunitirio ligado & universidade. Educ. Méd. Salud, 1977, 11, 50-59 [P] Health Services (continued) 1669* BARBOSA, F. S., CARVALHO, A. G. DE, LAVOR, A.C. H. & SANTANA, J. FN. P. Atengao & satide e educagao médica : uma experiéncia e uma proposicao. Educ. Méd. Salud, 1977, 11, 26-40 [P] 1670, BEATON, G. H. & BENGOA, J. M. Practical population indicators of health and nutrition. In: World Health Organization: Monograph Series, No. 62, 1976, pp. 500-519 [E] 1671. BEHRHORST, C, The Chimaitenango development project in Guatemala, In: Health by the people, 1975, pp. 30-52 [E, F, R, S] 1672. BELCHIOR, M. The impact of ill health and disease on society with special reference to Brazil. In: Gellhorn, A., Fildp, T. ‘&Bankowski, Z., ed. Health needs of society : a challenge for medical education (10th CIOMS Round Table Confer- fence), 1977, pp. 56-60 [E] 1673. BENYOUSSEF, A., WESSEN, A. F., PHAN TAN, T. & Souissi, H. Services de santé: couverture, facteurs et indices d'utilisation. Bull. Org. mond. Santé, 1974, 51, 111-132 (9246) [F] 1674, BOBENRIETH, M. A. La coordinacién como medio para mejorar la efectividad de la organizacién. In: Organizacién Panamericana de Ja Salud, Publicacién Cientifica, No. 271, Washington, D.C., 1973, pp. 37-47 [S] 1675. BRAVO, A. L. EI médico de familia. Su importancia en los servicios institucionales de salud integral. Bol. Offic. Sanit. Panamer. 1974, 16, 469-478 [S) 1676. BRAVO, A. L. Regionalizacién : Organizacién y funcionamiento coor- dinado de los servicios de salud en zonas rurales y urbanas, Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer, 1974, 77, 231-246 [S] 1671, BRIDGMAN, R. F. The importance of legislation and administration for medical care facilities, with special reference to the developing countries. In: WHO Offset Publication, No. 29, 1976, pp. 9-42 [E, F] 1678* BRYANT, J. H. The place of prevention in meeting the health needs of society. In : Gellhorn, A., Filép, T. & Bankowski,Z., ed. Health needs of society : a challenge for medical education (10th CIOMS Round Table Conference), 1977, pp. 69-79 [I 1679. CARRILLO CASTRO, A. El proceso de reforma administrativa en el sector salud. In: Organizacién Panamericana de la Salud, Publicacién Cientifica, No. 271, Washington, D.C., 1973, pp. 101- 120 [5] 1680. CASSORIA LEVY, E., ROMERO PIZARRO, P., VALERO SAAVEDRA, X., ARANCIBIA HERRERA, A., MARTINEZ LEIVA, R. & TAPIA ARACENA, J. Experiencia de una unidad de atencién domiciliaria en Chile. Bol. Offe, Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 82, 132-136 [S] 1681. CASTELLANO ROBAYO, J. Situaciones de cobertura, niveles de atencién y atencién primaria, Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 82, 478-492 ; Improved health coverage : coordination of health care levels and primary health care, Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1977, 11, 195-206 [E, S] 1682, CASTRO V., F. & SEGOVIA, M, EI desarrollo institucional de los servicios de salud. In: Organizacién Panamericana de la Salud, Publicacién Cientifica, No. 271, Washington, D.C., 1973, pp. 68-94. Also Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1975, 79, 469-484 [S] 1683. CERKOVNYS, G. ‘Some characteristics of the health of the population of the USSR. In: Gellhorn, A., Falop, T. & Bankowski, Z., ed. Health needs of society: a challenge for medical education (10th CIOMS Round Table Conference), 1977, pp. 29-88 [E] 1684, CHAGULA, W. K. & TARIMO, E. Meeting basic health needs in Tanzania. In : Health by the people, 1975, pp. 145-168 [E, F, R, S] 1685. IX Conferencia de escuelas de salud publica de ‘América Latina. Informe Final. Educ. Méd. Salud, 1977, 11, 60-71 [5] 1686* Containing the rising cost of medical care under social security. WHO Chron. 197,31, 408-412[E, F, R, S] 1687, CRANCH, G. S. Standards, or norms, of care. In: Pan American Health Organization, Scientific Publication, No. 291, Washing- ton, D.C., 1974, pp. 53-84 [E, S] 1688, Discusiones técnicas de la XXII Reunién del Consejo Directivo de la OPS. Servicios comunitarios de salud y participacién de 1a poblacién. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1974, 76, 1-36. Also reprinted : Washing- ton, D.C., 1974. 34 p. (Organizacién Panamericana de la Salud, Publicacién Cientifica, No. 289) [S] 1689. Discusiones técnicas de la XXIV reunién del Consejo Directive de la OPS: Desarrollo de la infra estructura de los servicios de salud frente a la necesi- dad de la extensién de la cobertura. Informe final de las discusiones técnicas, Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 83, 375-383 [S] 1690. Discusiones técnicas de la XXIV reunién del Consejo Directive de la OPS: Desarrollo de la infra- estructura de los servicios de salud frente a la necesi- dad de la extensién de la cobertura. Procesos de exten- sién de la cobertura de servicios de salud. Bol. Ofic. ‘Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 83, 385-398 [S} 1631" DUUKANOVIC, V. & MACH, E. P., ed. Alternative approaches to meeting basic health needs in developing countries. A joint UNICEF/WHO study. 1975. 116 p. [E, F, S] 1692. DROBNY, A. Impresiones de una visita a varios servicios de salud de la Repablica Popular China. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1974, 76, 161~166 ; Impressions on a visit to some health services in the Chinese People's Republic. Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1973, 7, No. 4, 57-60 [E, S] 1693. ETZIONI, A. & SALASIN, S. The impact of health and disease on society. In: Gellhorn, A., Fuldp, T. & Bankowski, Z., ed. Health needs of society : a challenge for medical education (10th CIOMS Round Table Conference), 1977, pp. 39-48 [E] 1694° Experiencia on Colombia sobre of papel de las universidades en ol fomento y la orientacién de la comunidad en el desarrollo de los servicios de salud. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1974, 76, 25-30 [S] 1695* Experiencia en el Area del Caribe sobre la funcién de las universidades para promover y orientar la parti- cipacién de la comunidad en el desarrollo de servicios de salud. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1974, 76, 16-25 [S] 1696. Extensién de cobertura de los servicios de salud con las estrategias de atencién primaria y participacién de la comunidad. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 83, 477-503; Extension of health service coverage using primary care and community participation strategies. Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1977, 11, 345-369 [E, S] 1697 FLAHAULT, D. An integrated and functional team for primary health care. 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(Undécimo) Seminario internacional sobre administracién de servicios de salud. (Mérida, Yucatén, México. 28 de noviembre-11 de diciembre de 1972.) Washington D.C,. Organizacién Panamericana de la Salud, 1973. 124 p. (Organizacién Panamericana de la Salud, Publicacién Cientifica, No. 271) [S] 1763* Use of health care: an international study. WHO Chron. 1976, 30, 403-406 [E, F, R, S] 1764. VARGAS TENTORI, F. Extonsién de la cobertura, atencién primaria de salud y participacién de la comunidad: definiciones y con- ‘ceptos operativos. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 82, 386-396 [S] 96 1765" VIDAL, C. Medicina comunitaria : nuevo enfoque de la medicina. Educ. Méd, Salud, 1975, 9, 11-46 [S] 1766. VIDAL, C. A. Aproximaciones a tecnologia y salud. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 83, 197-210 [S] 1767. VILLEGAS, H. Extensin de la cobertura de salud en Costa Rica. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1977, 83, 538-544 ; Extension of health service coverage in Costa Rica. Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1977, 14, 308-810 [E, S] 1768* WHITE, K. L., ANDERSON, D. O., KALIMO, E., KLECZKOWSKI, B. M., PUROLA, T. & VUKMANOVIC, C. Health services: concepts and information for national planning and management. Experiences based on the WHO}international Collaborative Study of Medical Care Utilization. 1971. 117 p. (Public Health Papers, No. 67) {E, F, S} Health Services, Maternal see Maternal Health Services Health Statistics see Vital and Health Statistics Health Surveys 1769. BENYOUSSEF, A., CUTLER, J. L., BAYLET, Ri, CoLLOMB, H., Diop, S., LACOMBE, B., VAUGELADE, J. & LEVINE, A. ‘Santé, migration et urbanisation. Une étude collective au Sénégal. Bull. Org. mond, Santé, 1973, 49, 817-537 (3148) [F] 1TI0* CHOPRA, J. G. Problemas inherentes a una encuesta para determinar la hemoglobina en América Latina. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1914, T1, 13-23 [8] 1711* CopPLesTONE, J. F. Planning an epidemiological field survey. WHO Chron. 1975, 29, 219-223 [E, F, R, S] 1712" ELWooD, P. C., HUGHES, J., ABERNETHY, M., DAVIES, R., GOUGH, R., JOHNSON, A. P. & DUBOURG, AY. An international haematological survey. Bull. Wid Hith (Org. 1976, 54, 87-95 (3490) [E] 1713* The national food and nutrition survey of Guya Washington, D.C., Pan American Health Organization, 1976. 107 p. (Pan American Health Organization, Scien- tific Publication, No. 823) [E] 1714. Oral health surveys. Basic methods. 2d ed. World Health Organization, 1977, 68 p. [E, FI Heart Diseases see Cardiovascular Diseases Heart Neoplasms see Neoplasms Heavy Chain Disease 1775* Alpha-chain disease and related small-intestinal lymphoma: a memorandum. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1976, 54, 615-624 (3558) ; Maladie des chaines alpha et lym- phome de I'intestin gréle: Mémorandum. Bull. Org. mond. Santé, 1977, $5, 587-597 (3643) [E, F) Helminthiasis see a/so Parasitic Di 1TI6* Davis, A. Drug treatment in intestinal helminthiases. 1973. 125 p. [E.F,R, S] 1T77* GROSSMAN, R. A., ASSAWASENA, V., CHAL- PATI, S. & TAEWTONG, D. Effects of the injectable contraceptive depot medroxy- progesterone acetate in Thai women with liver fluke infestation : results after six months. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1977, $5, 67-78 (3581) [E] Hepatitis 1778. AKHMETELI, M. A., VASIL'EVA, V. 1., DORDZ- GOTOV, N., NAMDAVA, N., CERNOV, K. S. & SIPACEVA, N.B. Immunological studies on liver disease in the Mongolian People's Republic, Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1974, 50, 407-411 (3205) [E} 1719. EXPERT COMMITTEE ON VIRAL HEPATITIS ‘Advances in viral hepatitis. Report of the WHO Expert Committee on Viral Hepatitis. 1977. 62 p. (Wid Hith Org. techn. Rep. Ser. No. 602) [E, F, S} 1780. FIGUEROA S., M. & RIVAS, J. A. Antigeno australiano en pacientes con hepatitis en Honduras. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1974, 76, 155-160 [S] 1781, HILLEMAN, M. R., PROVOST, P. J., VILLAREJOS, V. M., BUYNAK, E. B., MILLER, W. J., ITTENSOHN, . L., WOLANSKI, B. S. & MCALEER, W. J. Infectious hepatitis (hepatitis A) research in nonhuman primates. In : Pan American Health Organization, Scien- tiffe Publication, No. 317, Washington, D.C., 1976, pp. 110-126 [E, S} 1782. Infectious hepatitis. Number of cases and deaths, 1959-1972. Wid Hlth Statist. Rep. 1973, 26, 686-691 [E/F] 1783. JOHN, T. J., CARMAN, R. H. & HILL, P. G. Hepatitis B antigen and viral hepatitis type B in India. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1974, 51, 617-620 (3307) (E] 1784, KELKAR, S. S., NIPHADKAR, K. B., KHARE, P.M. & JUNNARKAR, R. V. Hepatitis B antigen in a leprosy hospital. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1973, 48, 555-558 (3048) [E] 1785. LOCARNINI, S. A., GUST, I. D., FERRIS, A. A.. STOTT, A. C. & WONG, M. L. A prospective study of acute viral hepatitis with par- ticular reference to hepatitis A. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1976, 54, 199-206 (3509) [E] 1786. MADALENGOITIA, J., ISHIDA, N., UMENAY. T., MIvAMOTO, T., MEJIA, J., FLORES, W., SANCHEZ, S. & MENDEZ, R. Prevalencia del antigeno de la hepatitis B en residentes y casos de hepatitis en el Perd. Bol. Ofic. Sanit. Panamer. 1975, 78, 445-451 ; The prevalence of hepa- titis B antigen among hepatitis patients and residents of Peru. Bull. Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1975, 9, 142-147 [E, S} 1787. MEETING ON VIRAL HEPATITIS Viral hepatitis. Report of a WHO meeting, 1975. 51 p. (Wid Hith Org. techn. Rep. Ser. No. 870) [E, F, R, S} 4788, MELNICK, J. L. Hepatitis viruses. Bull, Pan Amer. Hith Org. 1976, 10, 341-945 [E] 1789. NISHIOKA, K., LEVIN, A. G. & SIMONS, M. J. Hepatitis antigen, antigen subtypes, and hepatitis B antibody in normal subjects and patients with liver disease. Results of a collaborative study. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1975, 52, 298-800 (3352) (E] 1790. PAL, S.R., CHITKARA, N. L., CHOUDHURY, S., DurTa, D. V., DEODHAR, S. D. & CHHUTTANI, P.N. Hepatitis B virus infection in northern India. Prevalence, subtypes, and seasonal variation. Bull. Wid Hith Org. 1974, 51, 13-17 (8231) [E} a”

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