HOA 4 Question Papers

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USN I41 ~I~ I 171 I, I I~ I~ I

t A O

Fourth Semester B.Arch. Degree Examinafion, Jan./Feb. 2021

History of Architecture - IV
Time: 3 hrs. ~ Max. Marks: I 00
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module.
" 7

Module-I ~'
1 Explain in detail the Greek classical orde~with sketches. (.;''>' (20 Marks)

~~ ,
2 · ·m deta,"I t he opttca
Exp Iam r (l)' OdR
· I coi;rect1ons · l~\,
a opte d ·m c Iass1car ai:ch1tecture.
(20 Marks)

('I) ' Module-2 ~
. 3 a. Explain in detail the ctarac?eristics of Roman architt~ture. (08 Marks)
b. Explain Pantheon Ro1 e~ \...,' (12 Marks)

4 Write short.flJJ::ff, ~ ,
~~ _/46e~ l of Caracalla , '\i.) (10 Marks)
. ~ -'<,\leducts. ~ § (10 Marks)

(j Module-3 ~-
5 · a. What is Forum? Explain with fretches. ~~ ~' (06 Marks)
b. Column of Trajan ~~ :\, (..,"')' (07 Marks)
c. Triumpha.1 arches. (j ~• , (07 Marks)

-~' Sk> ~
6 Discuss in detait'tlt/evolution of early-~ristian churches~ example. (20 Marks)
V ~ ,
~' "'-, Module-4 _~
. 7 Discu(}~ ient features of 'tyv ~ne architectur~ ~xample. (20 Marks)

8 Exp;.in the design or i¾sl~ hedral com~ , (20 Marks)

, <""'I ~ , .. ?'
--.. V ,
a. Discuss the salient features of Gothic architecture ..
b. Explain tf1e ~ hitectural ch_a raj~lstics of Notre Dame Paris
(OS Marks)
(IS Marks)

, 10 Explain:
a) Flying Buttress (07 Marks)
b) Pointed arcl,y (07 Marks)
c) Ribbed'Va~lt. (06 Marks)

~/. ~ I

apiination, Aug./Sept.2020
Fo urt h Semester B.Arch. Degree Ex
Hi st or y of Ar ch ite ct ur e - IV
Max. Marks: 100
Time: 3 hrs.
Answer any FIVE full questions, cftoos/ng ONEfull question from each modul
Module-1 tches.
EJaborate on optical correcfiruis with nea t ske
Explain the Gre ek column orders.
t L' I ✓ '-" (20 Marks)

• OR ;._
: ~~
2 Explain wit h sketches (Any Tw o) (J'\;
a. Parthenon \.) •
b. House of Colline l , , (20 Marks)
c. Acropolis "'" \,) ~ t\.
"- ~ Modol~ ,
of Rom an Architecture with illustrations.
3 Expl~in e<ar~ itectural characteristics fea'n ires (20 Marl<,)
, """ ~'

('. OR ~
Explain with sketches (Any Two~
"-. .t ~~
a. Pantheon
~" "' :',
b. The nna e of Caracalla 0,,.: (20 Mar ks)
c. Basilica of Tro jan ( )

~' Modo're-Y •
• • ...,/
5 Explain with sketc#fs,: (20 Marks)
of St ~j, er's Rome.
a. Arch of Titus ( ;'.'.b. Basilica
6 a.
. ,
Explail\,tn'~ omestic Archite~
, V
ExpJain the architectura
/ ~j
~ OR

f the Roman pen'a: with ske tches.

teris tics

features of the Byzantine period.

Sketch the
(20 Marks)

7 (20 Marks)
hia buil t during this period.
architectural featureS"o( Haggia Sop
., , , ,,,.-... J "
~ , OR
8 Explain with ske~cb es (Any Two) 1 (20 Marks)
c. Bapistery
Pica Cathedral .) b. Campanile
' o/ ..,,
Notre-dome' Paris
racteristics of the Gothic Architecture with i
9 Explain the architecturall cha (20 Marks)
sketches. ~"
.,.. as an exampl e with C

I 0
z OR 0
~ JO Explain with sket ca~T (Any Two) :
(20 Mar ks) ·=

Flying Buttress c. Pointed Arch.

0 l •y .;
a. The Ribbed Vau lt b. 0.
.§ /:
***** 0


Fourth Semes ter B. Arch Degree Examin ation, June/J uly 2019
Histo ry of Archi tectu re - IV

Time: 3 hrs. •' Max. Marks: I 00

Qj Note: Answer FIVE full questions, choosin/ 'ONE full question from each module.
u ("'
:i: Module- I
1 Explain in detail the architectural characteristics of Parthenon at Acropolis . And also explain
the optical correction adopte"cri n Parthenon. (20 Marks)
.. ,v . ,
2 Discuss and cornpar Qi ~ etail the pr~!rtio ni@~ em adopted in the classical Greek
Architecture wit~ ~l fp of two orders wit: re~evant sketches. (20 Marks)

~~ Module-2
3 'The buildit}g tbat1best symboliz es the Roman enclosure of space and the powerful effect of
such defin~ ace is Pantheon'. Elabo~ e--With the help of relevant sketches. (20 Marks)

4 Exp~ architectural fi:atur~ t co~!eu m. And ~ £iscuss in detail the stratification

of different classes in Roman seciety using Colo~ ~ an exarnpl: ~ (20 Marks)

. . ~ Modul~ ~'-..Y
. ("~ "
with Itelp of relevant examples.
5 Discuss m detail the e~ ~nion of early C~
, ~ 1/ ' (20 Marks)

6 a. Elaborate on t\Jt,~ em of Roman p ~ g Technique adiii,~ in city planning. (OS Mnks)

b. Explain in de&il.Jthe concept of F~~ Roman Emp~e "i:i'sing Forum Romanun and other
imperial ·s
tm as ex~mples. ~ ~~ (15 Marks)

rJ .
Desq ibe the
~ .~odule- 4~(.j-
architecture~cl&-actensttcs of \.:entrahzed Church plan
with the help of
Sophia, Istanbul as an h a.mp le. ~..,.. (20 Marks)
• f""

~~~ C~
8 __,.,W hat are the ch~ ~ er'istics features of,Ro manesque architecture? Explain this with the help
of examples. (20 Marks)
0 ~
the architectural
feat'ures of
Modul~ S
Gothe1c style and exp
. . .
lam it m
. .
detail with the help of
9 Describe
an example. " (20 Marks)
z (.,"
., OR
Explain the archi~ ural features of Chartres cathedral with the help of sketches. (20 Marks)
f"" ~ *****
.201 9/Ja n.20 20
Fou rth Sem este r B.A rch. Deg ree Exam iJ;ia tion, Dec
His tor y of Arc hite\ctu.. r'e - IV
Max. Mark s: I 00
Time : 3 hrs.
full question from each module.
Note: Answ er any FIVE full questions, cho<ni,:,g ONE
M ~ le-1 ( ~
of sketches. (07 Marks)
1 a. Explain the characteristic features o'fQoric Order with help (13 Marks)
., '1\-
Discuss the architectural featu~ f Parthenon, Athens.
. 5. '
'I·OR ~ (20 Marks )
of Greek Theaters.
Citin g the example o£theatfe Epidaraus, explain th-r--~ atures
A~~)' ;Jit.)
'l/ cteris
Mod ul~ 2
tics ~ 'antheon, Rome .
(20 Marks)
3 Expla in ~~ jtitectural chara

4 Wit~ p of sketches expla~

(t' ,
Mod '!le-3~
Discu ss the important etements of a Roma n
: ~~ba th

"'~ <J~
the help af an example.
(20 Marks)

(20 Marks)
, ~

~ ~··
~ 01R . ·1 ,. m. A nc1en . R
t ome. (20 Marks)
Discuss the importance of Forum as:,a.,re evant c1v1 s_P,ace



Mod ule-4

(20 Marks)
Expla in the chara cteris tic feirlures of St.Marlcs Cathedral, Venice.
' ; j

, oR
Architecture? Elaborate citing the
What are th€\ cWacteristic featur'?s of Romanesque (2 0 Marks)
exam ple of Angouleme Cathedral.

.. _ . ._ Mod ule-5
0 Give an account of elements of Gothi c Architecture with the help of an example. (20 Marks)
z 9
0. OR
,, 'y
of relevant
features of Notre Dame Cathedral, Pairs with the help (20 Marks)

to Discuss impo rtant

~ ~[lj]§
I 1- -,
l -- -r
-i -- 1r- l -r1- -1--r1-- -,I
1 --r
20 17
rc h. D eg re e E xa m in at io n, Ju ne /J ul y
F ou rt h S em es te r B it e c tu re - IV
H is to ry o f A rc h
M ax. M ar ks : I 00
Ti m e: 3 hrs.
rom each module.
li q11estio11s, choosi11g 011ef11/I q11esti011J
Note: Answer a11y FI
M od ul e- I of a Doric
adop ted by classi cal Greeks with the help
optical correction f20 Ma rk s)
Explain in detail the
Temple .
OR (20 Ma rk s)
orders with the help of relevant sketches.
y two classical
2 Compare in detail an
Module-2 relevant
cteris tics of Panth eon with the help of
architectural chara (20 Ma rk s)
3 Describe in detail the
OR stratification of
of Co losseum . Al so discuss in detail the (20 Ma rk s)
al features um as an example .
4 Explain the architectur c iety using Colo sse
Roman so
different classes in the
Module-3 (05 :\l ar ks )
and other
a. What is a Forum
in Roma n em pire using forum Rom anum
the concept of forum (15 .\'larks)
b. Explain in detail
imperial forums as ex
OR (20 Ma rk s)
lp of an example.
tail the ea rly Ch ristia n churches with the he
6 Disc uss in de
Module-4 ( IO Ma rk s)
d church plan?
tur al chara cte ristic features of a ce ntralize ( 10 Ma rk s)
a. What are the archit
ec Istan bul.
the ch aracte ris tic fea tures of Hagia Sophia.
b. Elaborate in detai

OR e with the help of an

ristic fea tures of Ro manesque architectur (20 Ma rk s)
8 Elaborate in detai l the
Module-5 with the help of
of Go thic sty le and explain it in detail
ristic features (20 Marks)
9 What are the characte
an example .
OR le. Elaborate.
the best examples of French high gothic sty (20 Marks)
3 one of
E IO Chartres Cathedral is
Fourth Semester B. Arch Degree Examination, June/July 2018
History of Architecture - IV
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: I 00
Note: 1. Answer FIVE full questions, choosing one full question from each module.
2. Draw labelled sketches wherever necessary.
l a. Name the Greek and Roman orders. Sketch for each the corresponding typical capital.
(10 Marks)
b. Discuss any two optical corrections associated with ancient Greek architecture. (JO Marks)
2 a. What are the types of ancient Greek domestic architecture? Describe the House of colline.
(IS Marks)
b. Draw a detailed labeled diagram (elevation) of the Parthenon, ancient Athens. (OS Marks)

3 a. Describe the Thermae of Caracalla. What does the layout signify about the ancient Roman
lifestyle? (15 Marks)
b. Give a brief account of the layout of the Basilica of Trajan. What is it better known as?
(05 Marks)

4 Write short notes on any four:
a. Acoustics at theatre at Epidaures b. The ceiling of Pantheon, Rome
c. Hypogeum of Colosseum, Rome d. Pont du Gard, Nimes e. Agora. (20 Marks)

S Give a detailed account of various types of ancient Roman DOMESTIC architecture with
examples and sketches. (20 Marks)

6 a. What are triumphal arches? Describe the Arch of Septimius Severus. (IO Marks)
b. Through an example, discuss typical features of an early Christian church. (Sketches
expected). (10 Marks)

7 a. Describe the interiors of the Hagia Sophia. (10 Marks)
b. With sketches, discuss the typical features of Byzantine architecture. (10 Marks)

8 a. Discuss context in which Romanesque architecture developed in medieval Europe.cos Marks)
b. Describe the Pisa group of monuments. (IS Marks)
9 a. How did Gothic architecture solve the limitations of medieval churches? (05 Marks)
b. Describe the front fa1rade of Notre Dame, Pairs. (IS Marks)

LO a. List the typical features of a Gothic Cathedral; Label the same in a schematic or actual
section. (IO Marks)
b. Briefly describe the Chartres Cathedral. (10 Marks)
I * * ** *
Fo urt h Se me ste r B.A rch . De \
gre e Ex am ina tio n, De c.2 018 /Ja
n.2 019
Hi st or y of Ar ch ite ct ur e
- IV
Tim e: 3 hrs .
Ma x. Ma rks: I 00
Note: Ans wer any FIVE full que
stions, choosing o,re full questiotr
from each module.

a. Mo dul e-I
Exp lain wit h illustrations the con
cep t and significance of op~ical corr
Gre ek temples. ections carried out in
b. Exp lain the con cep t of 'OR DE RS' \ "--= (10 Mar ks)
in Greek Architecture. ..
.: ✓ (10 Mar ks)
2 Explam. the &'.10 11owm
a. Gre ek The atre . ~ t
. g Wrt 1·11ustr . ORd usm
atlons an · g:@
' mple:
b. AC RO POL IS ,A\ Y ~' - (10 Mar ks)
'- ~ V Mocfu'i-e- 2
(10 Marks)
3 lllu stra~ plai n the architectural v,i&?e of the
PANTHEON. (20 Mar ks)

4 Exp~ ith illustrations the ~ ~ ~ignifioonN ~ e fullowing,

a. Bat hs of CA RA CA LLA . ,
b. PO NT DU GA RD. "- ,~ _~ (10 Mar ks)
-~ ~~ ~ • (10 Mar ks)
C~ , Mo dul e-3 . V 1
5 Exp lain the following with illustra
tions: \0 • ,
Rom an dwe llin g.:_~ '
Rom an Foc uma ,
:' j _~ (10 Mar ks)
~ ()R ~' (10 Marks)
6 Dis cus s tjle .architectural ev~ t
evo luti~ ,f religious practice~
of an Early ~~( stian Basilica with
respect to the

(20 Mar ks)
7 Expfuin the sali ent feami'?es ofB yza ~od ul~ ~4, .
.. ,, ntm e a!f._ij1~ecture usmg HA GlA SOP
, V c~ HIA as an exampl e.
. ', (y BR (20 Marks)
8 Briefly exp lain th"e-:-des ign features
oftt fe PIS A Cathedeal and surroun
, 'Y ~' ding structures.
~ ,.. 'rM od~ le-5 (20 Marks)
9 Wri te sho~ tes and illustrate ht-d ronowmg:
' (08 Marks)
b. POI NT ED ARCH. ,r~..,..
0" (06 Marks)
z c. RIB BED VA UL T '-'' (06 Mnrks)
lO Sketch and e;,q~ ,
,lam the sa1·tent features of Gothic architecture using the Not
Cat hde al, Parif aJ an example. re Dame
(20 Mur ks)

** ** *
~~ ~

Fourth Semester B.Arch. Degree Exa~tilon, Dec.2023/Jan.2 024

History of Archlt re - IV

Time : 3 hrs. ~'lj • ~ ax. Marks: I 00
Nott: Answtr any FWE/u/1 questions, i:tl,,g ONE full question~ tach module.
ule-1 ~
Compare the architectural char~i 1cs of three classical orders with neat sketches.
{""\~ (20 Marks)

~V OR '
2 a. "The Parthenon is th- O~ example in ancient ~
temple architecture" . Justify the
statement. ~ ""' (;"'V" (10 Marks)
b. How were good a~cs and sight lines achieve(i.in Theatre at Epidaurus? Explain.
~ ~ (10 Marks)

, Mod~ ·
3 Write sh son [any two] : ,
i) !.o~ c rd', Nimes _~
ii) ~ i o n and section of Pantl}e~ ' .~
iii) Thermae of Caracalla \..) ~..,- (20 Marks)

4 Explain the design feat~ ~ :he cons~~t~ ~ues adopted

'-) ,
d:nan Colosseum.
(20 Marks)

s What are the ~ ~ :i,tic feature~~~ domestic ~ ture? Explain with three
housing typolo~ adopted by Ro~ , (20 Marks)

6 a. Explaiot ~ : rpose oftriumflhl~h. l~u~trate w~ hes. (10 MaO<sJ

b. E;_i'l~il°The spatial and ~ ;r,;.I
charac~ "" of a St. Peters Basilica. (tu M,0<,1

7 a./"_ftscuss the signif~ fpendenti:~:~~o nstruction in Byzantine architecture.

~• ' (10 Marks)
b. Sketch plan ap~ t1on of Hagia S . Highlight the aesthetic and s.tructural aspects.
("\'!,J (j (10 Marks)

. V , OR
8 Illustrate with sketches a♦fly discuss the medieval architecture taking Pisa complex as
example. (j, 1
(20 Marks)

, Module-5
9 Notre Dame, Pali~ !l'a notable example of Gothic Architecture. Explain its characteristic
architectural fe(_fu~ . (20 Marks)

' OR
10 Elaborate ~ 1the typical characteristics of Gothic period with Chartres Cathedral example.
(20 Marks)
USN ,~ ,~ , ~, ~, II
l~I~,~,~ ~,$' 21ARC43

Fourth Semester B.Arch. Degree Exa~ on, June/July 2023

History of Architect\7re - IV
Time: 3 hrs. ~• Max. Marks: I 00

Note : I. Answer any FIVE full questions, .c~ : g ONE full questio~ each module.
2. Sketches are Compulsory. ~ ._.
~ '"'Module-1 .__~ "
I Draw and describe each of the uni~ titures of classical Grc..,~ iters. (20 Ma rks)

~ OR ,
2 a. Show the plan ofan Ac~ s and label all its struc,!~- (08 Marks)
b. Dr~w the_ layout and ~ ~ection of the theater ~ ~fdaurus and briefly state the functions
of its various part~ ;~ (12 Marks)

~ Modltl~
3 Illust~ate the ~~ion of the Roman Pant~ Y and explain its structural aspects and desig n
techmqu~ " - , ) ~ ,OR J:!t,. (20 M,00)

4 ;:.~~;,_•he design and function~(.,;;siderations ~'bT'fj,~ae at Camcalla with •~~0~~..:'t

C~ Modul<-n ~
Elaborate on the significana!"°6fRoman Triu ~ l 'J\J rch, with the het, oftwo examples.
~ - ~~J ~ (20M,<ks)

6 a. Brie_fly explajn'die development ~ i st'an 'Church using sketches of plan and

Early Chr~
sect10~ . t,.._ (10 Marks)
b. Expla· ~evolution of Rtl'lli.ot1s
practices an(6 ·
hitecture that lead to development o f
Early ;bristian Churches~ V ; (10 Marks)

-~' ~ Mo~
7 ~~; the structural s-.~ , in the process ~ uilding Hagia Sophia. (20 Marks)


~ 0R
8 Draw and des~ ~ e features in l "e vation o f
a. Campanil~ isa b. ,
P Baptistery. (20 Marks)

~ Module-5
9 Br iefly describe the charad~j~ic features observed in Gothic style with suitable examples.
, ~0Ma~~

~' OR
10 Draw neat sketch~df a Plan . Elevation and Section of Notre Dame • Paris describing all its
Aesthet ic elemenlS. (20 Marks)
(,~ *****

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